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Lead and manage organisational  change

Adv Dip Community Sector Mgt 3A

  BSBINN601 Lead and manage organisational  change

  BSBMGT608 Manage innovation and continuous improvement

  CHCMGT002 Manage partnership agreements  with service providers

Participant Assessment

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Perhaps, you need help answering a particular question or sourcing the information from the resources. Perhaps, you need some informal feedback on your assessment before you submit it. You can upload your

assessment here and ask your instructor for a constructive and supportive review.

Perhaps, you can even help another participant and answer their questions.

Sharing information is the key to success and remember the only silly question is the one that remains unasked!!!


Assignment Activities

There are 2 parts to this assignment.

Use a word processor to create one document with your responses to all parts.

Part 1 is a Scenario. Read through the scenario carefully.  Answer each section.

Part 2 is the Major Project.  Read and follow the instructions provided.


You have taken a role in a traditional family business. Nothing much has changed in many years and revenue and profit is declining because the company is starting to fall behind the times. The owners are looking to you for some fresh thinking,  particularly about how to bring more sustainable practices into the business. Their power and waste removal costs are way above industry average.

You are encouraged to try an ideation workshop with the staff to see if you can come up with one or two innovations that you can take to the owners for approval.

   Consider the following methodologies  you have discovered from reading on the subject and the eLearning courses. Describe them and explain how they are best used.

o Brainstorming

o Osborne Checklist

o Six Thinking Hats


o Multiplication Technique

o Task Unification Technique

o Attribute Dependency Technique

   Decide which methodologies or tools to use in your workshop. Explain why you have

chosen these tools.

   Develop an introductory PowerPoint presentation for your workshop to brief the staff on performance improvement, sustainability and innovation as an essential element of competition.

    Describe the process you would use to evaluate the ideas.


You will use your newly gained knowledge to propose a Change Management Strategy for a new service you have proposed in order to facilitate a successful outcome for an external client.

It is important that you have access to the details of a service you can use to base your assessment on. Contact your trainer if you do not.

Some time has passed since you designed and implemented the previous project and you believe you can further enhance their profitability by offering a new service or product.  You should review the business model again to see if you think they can benefit from a new offering.  Perhaps when you did the project you had ideas that could have improved it that were not accepted at the time.

You will need access to the following information…

    Business Plan

    Company Profile

    Existing State

    Stakeholder interviews

You need to produce a plan to Change to the new service or product.  The following is a list of the project


Short Proposal outlining an executive summary of the selected service including:

    Reasons behind your proposal, based on an organisational review

    Plan for consultation meetings to negotiate deliverables

    Agenda templates

    Meeting outcomes matrix (RACI)

    Develop a Change Management Strategy including:

o  Change Procedure

o  Change Management Plan

o  Change Management Project Plan

o  Change Management Approval process

o  Training Program

    Implementation Strategy including:

o  Communication  Plans

o  Priority Plan

o  Delivery Plan

o  Risk Management Plan

o  Timetable

o  Evaluation Meetings Plan (stages)

    Review Plan including:

o  Method of gathering feedback with examples

o  Action plan to respond to feedback provided

o  Reporting on performance of the new service against needs

o  Method of reporting outcomes to stakeholders

o  Sign off

o  Service Maintenance plan (SLA)/ Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)

There are many components that go into developing a successful Change Management Strategy. Ensure you use appropriate documentation for each component.

Use network maps or diagrams, lists, block diagrams, component maps, etc.

Ensure all of the work that you submit is your own and that appropriate referencing is used.

Upload your completed documents on the MyUpskilled Portal.




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