Locate an article in the CSU Online Library that focuses on managing conflict in an organization through communication. The article must be clearly related to the course content and have the potential to contribute significant analysis and substantial engagement with the course topic.
For this assignment, you will need to accurately identify the article’s premise, significant points in support of the premise, and the significance of those points to the course and/or the field. You need to present an insightful and thorough analysis of the article with strong arguments and evidence. Your interpretation will need to be both reasonable and compelling. You will need to apply course concepts in your analysis.
As you write the review, be certain to analyze the type of conflict discussed in the article. Use the classifications discussed in the Unit III Lesson (Rahim’s functional outcomes and Rahim’s dysfunctional outcomes) inyour analysis. Be certain to suggest communication techniques to managefunctional conflict or, alternately, communication techniques to resolvedysfunctional conflict.
Along with the article being reviewed, you will need to reference at least two peer-reviewed sources. Use the standard five-paragraph format (introduction/body/conclusion). APA format should be used. The criticalreview should be a minimum of two pages in length. Content, organization, and grammar/mechanics will be evaluated
Also read more about Managing conflict in an organization through communication
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Article Review
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Communication is essential in solving conflicts in the workplace and it is the responsibility of the management to develop effective communication channels that aids in conflict resolutions. This paper located an article about communication as a means of solving conflicts in the organizations. The premise of this article was the importance of communication as the channel of solving conflicts within the organization(Bomba, et al., 2011). The article analyzed both the positive and the negative impacts of conflicts within the organization based on the severity and the nature of argument. To enhance benefits from the conflict, the positive impacts must be optimized and this is achievable only where the effective communication is in place. According to this article, lack of effective communication during conflicts is a recipe of endless problems and tension among the employees within the organization.
Conflict arises when two parties trade claims over each other and it escalates when the company lacks proper conflict resolution methods which include effective communication strategies. It is important to understand that conflicts are inevitable within the organization and it is the responsibility of the human resource management to develop effective communication aimed at addressing arising conflicts. The conflict……………………………………
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