Writers Solution

Many are questioning the need for Daylight Saving Time in a modern economy that’s no longer based on agriculture.

Write a 1000-1200 word persuasive essay on one of the topics below

  1. Many are questioning the need for Daylight Saving Time in a modern economy that’s no longer based on agriculture. After examining the economic impact of changing the clocks twice per year, should Canada scrap Daylight Savings Time? If so, why? If not, why not?
  2. It’s no secret that companies like Apple and Google monitor our online behaviour and share our online habits (personal data) with third parties. In fact, we often allow them access to our data when we click “Agree” when signing up with a new service, device, or app. Should big tech companies be legally permitted to collect and share our personal data? If so, why? If not, why not?
  3. Are social media sites like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter destroying democracy? If so why? If not, why not?
  4. The Covid-19 pandemic has changed the way many people (especially knowledge workers) physically do their work. Should employees be permitted to work remotely if they want to, or should a company be able to mandate that all employees work out of an office (when it’s safe to do so). If so, why? If not, why not?
  5. The Covid-19 pandemic has caused many people to re-examine their work-life balance. Some countries like Japan, Iceland, and Spain have been experimenting with four-day work weeks. Should Canada implement a four-day work week? If so, why? If not, why not?
  6. According to the Canadian Government, Canada is one of the largest producers of fossil fuels, ranking as the sixth-biggest energy producer in the world. How can Canada fight climate change and at the same time protect the strength of their longterm economy?
  7. Are you passionate about an issue? Create your own argumentative topic! Perhaps there’s a discussion question/topic from this semester that struck a chord with you, or maybe you’ve been thinking a lot about something lately (mental health, leadership, marketing strategies, politics, technology, etc.). Send me an email by Monday, November 15 by midnight at to get my approval on the proposed topic. Essays written on topics that have not been approved by me will receive a final grade of 0.
    Ensure that your final essay includes:
    • Well-integrated quotations/paraphrases from at least six pieces of secondary research (including at least one newspaper/magazine and one academic journal. Four of your sources should come from the GBC library database).
    • APA formatting.
    • A rebuttal paragraph (review the classic persuasive essay structure from the week 11 lecture).
    • See the attached rubric below for full grading details.
    Essay Grading Scheme/Rubric: Persuasive Essay
    Superior/ Advanced
    • Thesis Statement/Main Message is a clear, focused, specific, and creative arguable claim.
    • Assignment is logically organized and unified; the logical connection between content and Thesis Statement/Main message is clear.
    • Clear and well- organized rebuttal/ counterargument is included.
    Superior/ Advanced
    • Language is clear, accurate, concise, and creative.
    • Language and tone are audience- and purposeappropriate.
    • Quotations and paraphrases from sources are effectively and seamlessly integrated.
    • Sentences are varied and engaging.
    Focus and Organization: % Very Good Fair Below Expectations INC (61-84%) (41-60%) (20-40%) • Thesis • Thesis • Thesis Statement/Main Statement/Main Statement/Main Message is a clear, Message is Message is not clear, focused, and somewhat clear, focused, specific, or specific arguable focused, and arguable. claim. specific; Thesis • Assignment is not • Assignment is Statement/Main logically organized mostly logically Message is not an or unified; the organized and arguable claim or logical connection unified; the logical lacks clear between content and connection between direction. Thesis content and Thesis • Assignment is Statement/Main Statement/Main somewhat logically Message is unclear. Message is mostly organized and • No rebuttal/ clear. unified; the logical counterargument is • A mostly clear and connection between included or it is organized rebuttal/ content and Thesis unclear, poorly counterargument is Statement/Main structured or included. Message is confusing. somewhat clear. • A somewhat clear and organized rebuttal/ counterargument is included. 6.1-8.4 4.1-6 2-4 ProfSee Style: %
    Very Good Fair Below Expectations
    (61-84%) (41-60%) (20-40%)
    • Language is mostly • Language is • Language is mostly clear, accurate, and somewhat clear, unclear, inaccurate, concise. accurate, and and not concise.
    • Language and tone concise. • Language and tone are mostly • Language and tone are not audience- audience- and are somewhat and purposepurpose- audience- and appropriate. appropriate. purpose- • Few effectively
    • Quotations and appropriate. integrated quotations paraphrases are • Some effective and paraphrases.
    • mostly effectively integration of Sentences are not
    varied or engaging.
    integrated. quotations and
    • Sentences are paraphrases. mostly varied and • Sentences are
    engaging. somewhat varied and engaging.
    8.5-10 6.1-8.4 4.1-6 2-4 See Prof
    Grammar and Mechanics: % Superior/ Advanced (85-100%) Very Good (61-84%) Fair (41-60%) Below Expectations (20-40%) INC • Free of grammar and spelling errors. • Free of mechanical errors. • Very few grammar and spelling errors. • Very few mechanical errors (fragments, comma splices, run-ons, misuse of punctuation). • Some grammar and spelling errors. • Some mechanical errors (fragments, comma splices, runons, misuse of punctuation). • Many grammar and spelling errors. • Many mechanical errors (fragments, comma splices, runons, misuse of punctuation). 8.5-10 6.1-8.4 4.1-6 2-4 See Prof APA Referencing: %
    Superior/ Advanced (85-100%) Very Good (61-84%) Fair
    (41-60%) Below Expectations (20-40%) INC
    • In-text citations for quotations and paraphrases are consistently correct.
    • APA references are completely correct.
    • Format requirements are consistently correct. • In-text citations for quotations and paraphrases are mostly correct.
    • APA references are mostly correct.
    • Format requirements are mostly correct. • In-text citations for quotations and paraphrases are somewhat correct.
    • APA references are somewhat correct.
    • Format requirements are somewhat correct. • In-text citations for quotations are mostly incorrect.
    • APA references are mostly incorrect.
    • Format requirements are mostly incorrect.
    8.5-10 6.1-8.4 4.1-6 2-4 See Prof


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  • Many are questioning the need for Daylight Saving Time in a modern economy that’s no longer based on agriculture.
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