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Modify the hierarchy of the company to have cross functional teams

Assessment Guidelines/BSBINN601
Assessment task 1- Project
Change Requirement report
(In this section, Discuss about overview of the company)
Background to the company
A. Analyse the internal and external environments for change and prepare a change requirement report that includes:
1. Identification of strategic change need
• Modify the hierarchy of the company to have cross functional teams
• Invest in good communication software
2. Review of existing policies and practices
• Continuous improvement policy
• Recommendation for continuous improvement
• Expansion through mergers
• Offering new products
3. A PEST analysis to identify external events or trends
Political Factor

Monitoring political and legal changes, such as a change in government policy.
• Australian Consumer Law (Tasmania) Act 2010
• Fair Trading (Code of Practice for Retail Tenancies) Regulations 1998
• Building Regulations 2016
• WHS policy
Economic factor
Monitoring economic changes, such as a change in currency value or a potential recession
Social Factor
Monitoring sociocultural changes, such as an increase of certain cultural groups in an area
Technological factor
Monitoring technological changes, such as increased or decreased social media interaction with stakeholder’s
4. A SWOT analysis to Identify major operational change requirements.
a. Undertaking a SWOT analysis to identify strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats to the organisation, and determining change requirements
b. Reviewing the organisation and its individual areas, processes, people, technology and structure, and identifying where any gaps exist
c. Assessing the organisational structure to determine whether current levels of management, divisions, departments and teams enable the organisation to achieve its objectives
B. Develop a change management project plan that outlines the change management strategy that includes:
1. A cost–benefit analysis for high-priority change requirements and opportunities you have identified
Detail of strategy change needs Cost Benefits Risk Associated

2. A risk management plan with risk analysis to identify barriers to change
2.1. Identify the Risk
2.2. Analyse risk
• Risk Matrix
2.3. Treat Risk
2.4. Monitor and Review
3. Determine resource requirements – human, physical and financial resources
? Human resource
• External consultant
• Production manger
? Physical resource
• Workstation
• Computer/technological needs
? Financial resource
• Budget required for change
4. A Gantt chart to present time lines and schedules
C. Develop a communication or education plan in consultation with managers and other relevant stakeholders:
1. Consultation with relevant individuals to determine how you will promote the benefits of change and minimise loss to the organisation.
? Board of directors
? Middle managers
? External change management consultant
? Staff/employees
? Cross functional team
2. Organise and manage the activities required to deliver the plan, including time lines for implementation.
• Using the information in the communication or education plan to determine the best communication method
• Arranging suitable times for meetings and communication sessions by liaising with line managers and staff
• Determining who needs to know what information and when
• Managing the frequency of reports and communications
• Reflecting on different groups, including their prior knowledge and level of involvement
• Determining activities for each stakeholder group (i.e. those who need to be managed, satisfied, informed and monitored)
• Undertaking appropriate activities for each group, such as emailing progress reports to those who need to be kept informed
D. Identify and respond to barriers to change as outlined in the risk management plan. This may include developing strategies that will mitigate risks and effectively respond to barriers.
• Identifying barriers, such as lack of employee involvement, ineffective communication, poor planning, or unknown current or future state of the organisation
• Managing barriers identified in the risk assessment, stakeholder analysis and change management plan
• Arranging for counselling and HR involvement where necessary, such as in relation to a redundancy or redeployment
• Providing recognition and rewards to promote a sense of achievement
• Dealing with conflict and negotiating for a win–win situation
• Undertaking appropriate mitigation strategies, such as having a meeting with stakeholders or implementing a recognition and reward system
E. Begin the change management process:
1. Implement the interventions and activities as set out in the project plan.
a. Team-building exercises
b. intergroup development
c. process consultation
d. surveys
e. job redesign
f. training and development
g. sensitivity training
h. career planning
2. Carry out the strategies for embedding the change.
• Implementing new policies and procedures
• Putting controls in place to reinforce new behaviours, attitudes and practices
F. Prepare for the evaluation and review of the plan to achieve objectives and modify the plan where appropriate. This may include conducting a gap analysis and distributing an evaluation form to stakeholders.
• Undertaking a gap analysis
Assessment Task-2. Role Play/PPT
Assessment Task-3. Written Test
1. Explain the three major stages in the change management process.
• Identifying opportunities and requirements of the change, which includes discussing internal and external needs for the change, requirements the organisation has for the change, and prioritising the change needs.
• Developing a change management strategy and plan, which involves:
? analysing costs, risks and potential barriers
? developing the plan document
? assigning resources so implementation can begin.
• Implementing and evaluating the change, including communicating why the change was needed to lessen resistance to it, ensuring change becomes embedded and monitoring the plan.
2. Identify and explain five of the steps used in a communication strategy when communicating and embedding change.
Please explain any 5 points given below:
• Articulate the strategy, with the aim to educate stakeholders regarding why the change needs to occur, benefits, and potential barriers to the change.
• Identify stakeholder audiences by consulting impact, readiness, risk, activity and assignment analyses. Stakeholders should also be analysed to identify what needs to be done to manage resistance.
• Conduct stakeholder analysis to analyse the power, interest and impact of different stakeholders.
• Analyse and group stakeholders into ‘those to manage’, ‘those to satisfy’, ‘those to inform’ and ‘those to monitor’.
• Determine audience needs by considering what the audience already knows, what the audience needs to know, what training is available, who needs written progress reports, effective methods of communication, the accessibility of information, and whether there are any particular needs or disabilities to be aware of.
• Determine communication and consultation methods by taking note of which group the stakeholders are in and communicating accordingly; for example, regular, personal contact with those in the ‘manage closely’ group
• Ensure managers become change agents by training them to develop change action plans specific to their areas, implementing organisational strategies to manage barriers, or setting up coaching and mentoring initiatives.
• Document actions by assigning responsibilities for carrying out and reporting communications activities.
3. Explain how organisational behaviour impacts change strategies
4. Explain five ways the external environmental can impact change strategies.
5. Describe two components of a change management project plan.
6. List four examples of barriers to change and four strategies that can be used to address them.
• Providing personal counselling
• Providing recognition and rewards
• Dealing with conflict
• Negotiating for a win–win outcome

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