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Multi-Tenancy Cloud with a Secured Logical Isolation Storage

Task: Multi-Tenancy Cloud with a Secured Logical Isolation Storage

1.Proposed topic:

In 100 words identify a proposed topic in your discipline?

Users of a public or private cloud can pool their computing resources in a multi-tenant cloud. Each renter’s personal information is confidential and not accessible to other residents. In a multi-tenant cloud infrastructure, users can store their projects and data. Multi-tenant cloud architecture has several permission levels to ensure users have exclusive access to their data and prevent other cloud tenants from accessing it. If the cloud provider permits you, you may access a tenant’s data (M.V., 2018). Numerous companies can share a single server in a private cloud, but multiple organizations can securely share a single server in a public cloud. In a multi-tenant cloud, more than one user can access the same virtual machine at once. This means that businesses may run fewer servers for less money, making it easier to keep them up and running.

2.Theoretical Background:

What theories covered in the program are associated with your topic?

Theories associated with multi-tenancy cloud storage and logical isolation include information security, access control, and data management. These theories are essential for understanding how to securely store data in a shared environment and ensure that only authorized users can access it. Storage cloud solutions realize economies of scale by serving many customers from a single pool of disks and servers. A single device will be used to hold the information of many different renters (Agade et al., 2012). All tenants’ report is available to a single app, which can then verify a user’s identification and authorization before completing the requested action. A single cloud flaw could compromise all renters’ data. The cloud is considerably less safe than dedicated physical resources because security is only supplied at the application level. For multi-tenancy environments, we offer Secure Logical Separation for Multi-tenancy to achieve security comparable to physical separation while allowing complete sharing of resource usage (SLIM).

3.Population and sampling

What is the population you would like to address? Where will you select your sample from?

The companies thinking about adopting a multi-tenant cloud with protected logical isolation storage are the audience I would like to reach with the information I am trying to spread. To get a sample that is indicative of the whole, I would look for businesses already utilizing cloud services but are interested in increasing the level of safety they offer their customers. Young people in the United States who are just starting in information technology would benefit tremendously from my study’s findings. We would use a range of methods, such as questionnaires, focus groups, and individual interviews, to obtain the data we need (Rowley, 2014).


Agade, A., Arohi Kumari, A., Kadlag, A., & Hadule, S. (2012). Towards Secured and Trusted Multi-Cloud Storage with Backup Links. International Journal Of Scientific Research3(4), 183-184.

M.V., B. (2018). Multi-Cloud Based Secure Storage System. HELIX8(5), 4019-4023.

Rowley, J. (2014). Designing and using research questionnaires. Management research review


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