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one of the functions of privilege is to structure the world so that mechanisms of privileges are invisible – in the sense that they are unexamined – to those who benefit from them

Discussion Post

“Most privilege is not recognised as such by those who have it. In fact, ‘one of the functions of privilege is to structure the world so that mechanisms of privileges are invisible – in the sense that they are unexamined – to those who benefit from them’” (Bailey cited in Pease, 2010, p. 9).

Discuss the above statement in a 100 word post to the forum. The following questions may assist in composing your post.

  1. How would you define social ‘privilege’?
  2. How is the invisibility of privilege reflected in structural, cultural and personal oppression?
  3. What are the impacts of the internalisation of dominance?
  4. Give an example of ‘whiteness’ you have witnessed

Week 4 Discussion Post

“We support a model of evidence-informed practice. On this view, practitioners are encouraged to be knowledgeable about findings coming from all types of studies and to use them in their work in an integrative manner, taking into consideration clinical experience and judgement, clients’ preferences and values, and context of intervention” (Nevo, 2011, p. 1193).

 Discuss the above statement in a 100 word post to the forum. The following questions may assist in composing your post

  1. What are the differences between ‘evidence-based’ and ‘evidence-informed’ practice?
  2. To what areas of human services practice is each model applicable?
  3. How do each influence human services practice?

Week 5 Discussion Post

“There is little a government can do for people who choose to be homeless”, Tony Abbott (cited in Perusco, 2010). “Because people who are homeless tend to be the victims of negative public opinion, they internalise those values and how they are treated, so that they start acting and living in ways that confirm other people’s perceptions of them” (Perusco, 2010).

Discuss the above statement in a 100 word post to the forum. The following questions may assist in composing your post.

  1. What are the factors leading to the internalisation of oppression?
  2. How is social stratification maintained?

How could a strengths-based’ approach influence practice with homeless people?

Week 6 Discussion Post

‘Lesbians live in a world that is dominated by oppression and heterosexism that can lead to a deep sense of shame regarding their sexuality’ Hines, 2012, p. 23)

Discuss the above statement in a 100 word post to the forum. The following questions may assist in composing your post.

  1. Is sexuality genetic or a social construct?
  2. To what extent does our society privilege heterosexuality?

Week 7 Discussion Post

“Despite the amazing resilience of refugees and the many contributions they make to Australian society, they will often need specialised assistance to overcome the effects of their experiences. With some help, torture and trauma survivors are more likely to live fruitful and fulfilling lives’ STARTTS website.

Discuss the above statement in a 100 word post to the forum. The following questions may assist in composing your post.

  1. How important is an understanding of the worldview of a person from a CALD background ?
  2. What are the effects of generational trauma?
  3. What do you consider the key practice principles when working with a survivor of trauma or abuse? 

Week 8 Discussion Post

“Person-centred care places the person at the center of health care decisions, focusing on strengths and abilities rather than weaknesses and disabilities” (Hebblethwaite, 2013, p. 13).

Discuss the above statement in a 100 word post to the forum. The following questions may assist in composing your post.

  1. How does Bourdieu’s concept of ‘physical capital’ contribute to an understanding of social inequality?
  2. What is the impact of the social model of disability?
  3. How could a person-centred approach influence practice with people with disability?

Week 9 Discussion Post

“Human beings are happier, more cooperative and productive, and more likely to make positive changes in their behaviour when those in positions of authority do things with them, rather than to them or for them” (IIRP)

Discuss the above statement in a 100 word post to the forum. The following questions may assist in composing your post.

  1. In what ways do you think a restorative approach could be useful as both a proactive and a reactive approach when working with youth?

2. How emotionally healthy is an environment in which human beings have free expression of affect? (Moodle page 5.4)

Week 10 Discussion Post

“Indigenous Australians still suffer from the consequences of colonisation and, as a group, continue to experience widespread socioeconomic disadvantage and health inequality” (AIHW).

Discuss the above statement in a 100 word post to the forum. The following questions may assist in composing your post.

  1. How could we, as a community, take action to address just one continuing factor of disadvantage?
  2. How has Social Darwinism been evident in Australian social policy?
  3. How accurate is Said’s argument that even though colonialism is allegedly over, the systems of thinking, talking and representing which form the basis of colonial power relations still persist?




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