Writers Solution

Organizational structure and culture of your organization and your position/role in the organization

Discuss the organizational structure and culture of your organization and your position/role in the organization.


2.Analyze your leadership and followership characteristics, including your leadership style, your delegation skills, and your conflict management strategies.


3.Discover more about yourself: Are you creative? Do you use reflection in your critical thinking? Do you have a mentor? Do you network? Do you use emotional intelligence when interacting with others? How do you respond to change? Do you use evidence-based interventions in your nursing practice?


4.What are your leadership strong points? What are your areas for personal improvement?


5.APA format: References (uses 3-4 different references from the literature), citations, grammar, spelling, punctuation, spacing, margins, title page, page numbering, headings, etc






Nursing: Self-Discovery Paper

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Leadership Self-Discovery Paper

Organization Structure, Culture and Position

Organization Structure

            Organizations can have smooth operations and effective workload arrangements if they have good structure in place. The arrangement of workload in any organization can be done based on functions, clients, geography or event the services being rendered. According to (Dalton, Hoyle & Watts, 2010) organization structures originally develop around the chains of command. Moreover, the authors point that the organizational authority can be decentralized or centralized. Depending on the size of the organization, the organization structure enables the employees to understand the chains of command.

            In a hospital setting, where I work, there are different levels of management that determined the type of organization structure currently in place. Our hospital entity is big and we have a complex organization structure that consists of the hospital board of directors, head of billing, the hospital administrators, departmental heads and nurse leaders. The roles of all the employees within the organization have been grouped to create a horizontal organizational structure.  The groupings have created five major categories; administrative, informational, diagnostic, therapeutic and support services.

The administrative services include the hospital chief executive officer, the vice presidents, executive officers and head of departments. Their roles include the creation of procedures and policies and public relations duties. The informational services include the admissions and billing, health information records and health education. The therapeutic services are concerned with the patient care, while the diagnostic services deals in the causes of illness with services in categories such as imaging, emergency medicine and laboratory services. Lastly, the support services provide the entire hospital with support, with roles including housekeeping and maintenance, processing of supplies and design, building and repair of medical equipment.

The Organization Culture

            Organization culture has been defined by (Ashkanasy, Wilderom & Peterson, 2011) as the combination of assumptions, beliefs and values, which determines the actions and rationales that organization leaders use in justification of their actions. They are subject of the influence of the values of the society and those of organization members. In the era where healthcare accountability and population management is critical, a culture of accountability and engagement is important in the healthcare systems. The organization that I work has a strong culture, which is full of accountability and employee engagement. The hospital top management has been at the center of the creation of the strong culture of engagement and accountability.

            The healthy organizational culture in the hospital has clearly defined the expectations of individual caregivers on important outcomes such as patient safety, efficiency, quality of care and experience of the patients in course of treatment. The strong culture is also defined by the presence of two-way conversations between the hospital employees and their leaders. The hospital management has realized that having such strong engagement is critical towards achieving success. This is mainly because an engaged workforce possess high commitment, which offers the highest possibility of delivery of quality, compassionate and efficient care. The two-way communication helps in realization of high levels of engagement and its sustainment. The organization culture has encouraged a cross-sectional communication between the staff, departmental heads and the organization management, which has been critical in the delivery of healthcare outcomes and meeting of the organization goals and objectives.

Position in the Organization            

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