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Discuss why people start smoking and the challenges people face in attempting to quit smoking

  1. Medical Terminology
  • It is widely known that smoking is bad for your health. If everyone knows it is so harmful, why do so many people do it? Discuss why people start smoking and the challenges people face in attempting to quit smoking.
  • Is circumcision medically necessary? What are the factors that contribute to a parent’s decision whether or not to circumcise?
  1. Math
  • Throughout this course, you have completed homework and assessments in MyMathLab, and you also have completed one assignment in Blackboard. Each of these tasks required you to use different methods for entering in the answers and submitting the assignment. For example, homework assignments require you to use the MyMathLab symbol toolbox, assessments require that you show your work in the show work window, and Blackboard assignments require you to upload a document into Blackboard. For this discussion board question, describe a challenge that you encountered while using these different platforms to submit your assignments. How did you overcome this challenge? Additionally, what tools do you use to help you submit these different types of assignments in an efficient manner?
  • Throughout this course, you have had access to unit study guides, reference sheets, note-taking guides, instructional videos, and learning aids. As we get closer to Unit VIII and the end of the course, how can you utilize these resources to start preparing for the comprehensive final exam? Next, describe your method for studying for exams.
  1. Managerial Accounting
  • Discuss which you prefer most: job costing or process costing. Include examples as you explain the reasons for your preference.
  • In your opinion, which is more difficult to work with: absorption or variable costing? Offer examples as you explain your opinion.
  1. Financial Management
  • How important is corporate governance when it comes to investing in a firm? Does a firm’s social presence need to be considered before an individual decides to invest? Why, or why not?
  • You overhear your coworker say that only the balance sheet and income statement are needed to evaluate a firm’s financial health. Do you agree with this assessment? Why, or why not? Explain.
  1. Principles of Management
  • What managers’ decisions have you seen as a course of action or program in health or safety that upheld the value of “human capital,” or people in the organization? Do you recommend a different course of action in hindsight?
  • Continuous advancements in technology are deeply affecting the way businesses are managed. Do you think technology (the Internet, for example) should radically alter the fundamental strategies and organizational structures of companies? Or do you think companies can simply graft new strategies and structures onto existing ones? How have innovations in technology affected your life and the way you do business?
  1. Business Ethics
  • Is creating energy and electricity through nuclear power plants, a sustainable energy source, in order to augment reliance on fossil fuels an ethical idea when compared to other technologies, such as solar, wind, and natural gas? If so, on what basis? If not, why, and is there anything that could bolster its ethical production?
  • Do you agree that when one enters into a disadvantageous bargaining position because of one’s own voluntary acts (such as ignoring a warning) that an otherwise exploiting act becomes morally permissible because the person assumed the risk, or is the act always impermissible because the person is especially disadvantaged? Why, or why not?


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Why and how did it affect your thoughts on education and teaching secondary reading/writing?

Reflect upon and respond to the following:

Examine the topic and/or reading that affected you most during this course. Why and how did it affect your thoughts on education and teaching secondary reading/writing? Analyze how it will impact your teaching in the future.

please make it a personal reflection and write at least five hundred words. 


1. Anderson, L.W. (2003). Classroom assessment: Enhancing the quality of teacher decision making. Retrieved from eBook Central (accessed through LIRN). If you are having trouble accessing eBook Central resources, please review the instructions: Finding a chapter in eBook Central Academic.

  • Read chapters 1-4 (pages 1-94) which provide a solid introduction to assessment usage and application.

2. Berry, R., & Kennedy, K.J. (2008). Assessment for learning. Retrieved from eBook Central (accessed through LIRN). If you are having trouble accessing eBook Central resources, please review the instructions: Finding a chapter in eBook Central Academic.

  • Read chapter 6 (pages 105-122) which focuses on creating assessments that speak to diverse students.

3. USFHealth (n.d.). Creating a rubric: Tutorial. College of Public Health.

  • This site gives a thorough overview of how to create a rubric for use in alternative assessments. Be sure to look through all 6 modules.


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Discuss the sources of internal marketing data and the pros and cons of using this data

Module 2 Discussion Board

1. Discuss the sources of internal marketing data and the pros and cons of using this data.

2. Discuss the sources of external marketing data and the pros and cons of using this data.

3. Finally, describe which source of marketing data you believe is most reliable and why.

Discussion Requirements:

·       Please ensure that the discussion question response is substantive in nature, which includes a minimum of 350 words.

·       Please avoid writing the minimum. Make sure that the response is topic-specific, relevant to the course material, and supported by outside academic sources through the use of in-text citations with the inclusion of a reference section


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Impacts the chosen company and their effect on communities and the world

Social Responsibility and Ethics

This week we focused on Social Responsibility & Ethics. Research a well-known company (examples Starbucks, Ben & Jerry’s, TOMs, GE, etc.) and explain their commitment to social responsibility and ethics. Be sure to address their policies, actions and how each impacts the chosen company and their effect on communities and the world. Be sure to use references and citations from research (facts, stats, numbers) to prove your paper.

The requirements below must be met for your paper to be accepted and graded: 

·         Write between 500 – 750 words (approximately 2 – 3 pages) using Microsoft Word.

·         Attempt APA style.

·         Use font size 12 and 1” margins.

·         Include cover page and reference page.

·         At least 60% of your paper must be original content/writing.

·         No more than 40% of your content/information may come from references.

·         Use at least two references from outside the course material, preferably from EBSCOhost.  Text book, lectures, and other materials in the course may be used, but are not counted toward the two reference requirement.

·         Reference material (data, dates, graphs, quotes, paraphrased words, values, etc.) must be identified in the paper and listed on a reference page.

Reference material (data, dates, graphs, quotes, paraphrased words, values, etc.) must come from sources such as, scholarly journals found in EBSCOhost, online newspapers such as The Wall Street Journal, government websites, etc.  Sources such as Wikis, Yahoo Answers, eHow, etc. are not acceptable


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The past and present impact of colonisation is the reason for the ongoing high rates of family violence throughout Indigenous communities across Australia

A3 Instructions:

TOPIC  First Nations

Statement: The past and present impact of colonisation is the reason for the ongoing high rates of family violence throughout Indigenous communities across Australia.

You have been asked by a community based organisation advocating for victims of family violence to critically review the state, territory or federal government’s response to family violence and make recommendations for change.

Building on the research you have done for your A2 (FIRST NATIONS)  you are now going to go one step further: to build and demonstrate a deeper understanding of the topic you are focusing on; presenting the key issues (in terms of its impacts) and making subsequent recomendations for how NSW could be working towards addressing this issue better (via policies, updates to services, challenging norms, etc.). To do this you are going to have to narrow your focus and choose a specific area/ issue within the topic you are workin in. This will require RESEARCH

You are to prepare a 1200-word report in which you develop one to three recommendation/s for reducing family violence. In order to make these recommendations, you must first critically evaluate relevant policies and/or practices.

The purpose of this evaluation is to identify issue/s or gap/s in the state, territory or federal government response to family violence to which your recommendation/s will respond. Recommendations may include making suggestions for development of current policies or practices or for new and innovative, policies, programs, tools or services.

Steps to take in completing your report:

1. Review the relevant domestic violence literature and decide what aspect of the state, territory or federal government response to family violence you will examine in your report. It is important that your focus is narrow to the specific issue identified and that you examine either the state, territory or national response as you only have 1200 words to write your report.

2. Once you have narrowed your focus, read more widely on the area of policy or practice you have decided to examine for your report. Be sure to review the most recent literature so that you can assess the current situation in relation to the topic.

3. Next, critically evaluate relevant policies and/or practices about which you have read, with the view of identifying gap/s or issue/s in the government response. Evaluate these policies or practices within a critical context for understanding family violence and consider, in consultation with the unit readings, such elements as gender, the nature of family violence and the social structures and cultural attitudes that underpin it. Use the literature to demonstrate that the gap/s or issue/s exist.

4. Come up with one to three recommendation/s for change or improvement at the state, territory or national level. Your recommendation/s must respond to findings from the critical evaluation and may include making suggestions for development of current policies or practices or for new and innovative laws, policies, programs, tools or services to prvent family violence.

5. Develop a set of arguments for why your recommendation/s is/are the best way forward for addressing the gap/s or issue/s highlighted in your report.

A3 FV Report TemplateUse headings and sub-headings that reflect the contents of each section.

Title Page: Report title, student name and name of organisation (optional).

Executive Summary: The executive summary is a snapshot of the contents of the report.

It should be no longer than one paragraph. In the opening sentences, introduce your

topic. Next, briefly discuss the findings from your critical evaluation of relevant laws,

policies or practices (that is the gap/s or issue/s you identified during your critical


Recommendation/s: List recommendation/s. A minimum of one recommendation is

required. You may make up to three recommendations. Recommendations should be

numbered, and you should write no more than two sentences per recommendation.


– Introduce your topic, ie. prevalence of the issue, who is impacted and how, etc.

– Briefly outline the report’s structure.


– Critically review relevant laws, policies or practices. Remember to keep your focus

narrow and to examine either the state, territory or national response as you only have

1,200 words to write your report. Use the research to demonstrate the gap/s or issue/s

that exist in relation to these laws, policies or practices, who is impacted, and why this

area of law, policy or practice requires change.

– List your recommendations.

– Provide evidence to show how your recommendation/s will help to address the

identified gap/s or issue/s and why they are the best way forward.

Conclusion: Outline the major inferences that can be drawn from the discussion.

References: List of references cited in your A3 report. Must be WSU Harvard.


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How does this issue/event interact with the history lens and impact social issues?

Analyze globalization and industrialization and how different industries have impacted the global economy through the history and humanities lenses, and address the following: 

· How does this issue/event interact with the history lens and impact social issues? 

· In what ways does the history lens help articulate a deeper understanding of the global issue(s) that inform your issue/event? Next, analyze your issue/event through the lens of the humanities by exploring the following questions: 

· How is this issue/event portrayed creatively in a global society? What is the message or commentary of this representation? 

· How does this representation interact with you in your personal and professional lives? 


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Traditional Budgeting vs. Beyond Budgeting 

Prior to beginning work on this discussion, please read the articles Who Needs Budgets? (Links to an external site.)Traditional Budgeting vs. Beyond Budgeting (Links to an external site.) in the Financial Planning page of the CFO Edge website, and Traditional Budgeting Versus Beyond Budgeting: A Literature Review (Links to an external site.).

In the words of GE’s legendary ex-CEO Jack Welch, Jack Welch, “The budgeting process at most companies has to be the most ineffective practice in management. It sucks the energy, time, fun, and big dreams out of an organization (…) [and] brings out the most unproductive behaviors (…)” (Welch & Welch, 2005, p. 189).

Some argue that the purposes of budgeting can be achieved without the conventional budgeting process. These companies espouse an idea called beyond budgeting that proposes to replace annual budgets with rolling forecasts of key performance indicators (Hope & Fraser, 2003). Others disagree, pointing out that the work of continuous planning is costlier than budgeting and that doing something continuously tends to make the process superficial.

So, the jury is still out. But so far, GE still prepares budgets! Discuss in an initial post of 200 words whether the controversial concept of beyond budgeting is a better approach for financial planning and analysis (FP&A) than traditional budgeting.

Guided Response: Review several of your peers’ posts. In a post of at least 100 words, respond to at least two of your peers’ posts in a substantive manner. Provide information that they may have missed or may not have considered about whether traditional or alternative budgeting methods are better and have a positive impact on businesses, or which has more practical usefulness. Do you agree with your peers findings? Why or why not?

Discussion 2

Prior to beginning work on this discussion, please read the Budget of the United States Government (Links to an external site.).

Congress is responsible for creating the federal government’s annual budget. For agencies and their programs to be funded, Congressional authorization committees must pass, and the President must sign, all 12 authorization bills by September 30—the last day of the current fiscal year—so the country can have a new budget in time for the start of the next fiscal year (, n.d.).

Access the Government Publishing Office (Links to an external site.) to obtain Historical Budgetary Tables following the steps below:

  • Click on the link to access the Budget of the United States Government (Links to an external site.)
  • Click on the “Fiscal Year 2018” link
  • Scroll down and select “Historical Tables”
  • Obtain the .xls (Excel) file format of Table 1.1 and Table 1.2 to complete the two requirements below:
    • Table 1.2 shows the budget of Surpluses or Deficits (–) as Percentages of gross domestic product (GDP). Determine how many times since 1950 the budget has shown a surplus and how many times it has shown a deficit using the data in the Total column, “Surplus or Deficit.” Also, identify the 3 years with the highest deficits, and the year with the highest surplus as a as a percentage of GDP. What were the surplus and deficit percentages for these years?
    • Table 1.1 shows the budget Summary of Receipts, Outlays, and Surpluses or Deficits (–) from 1789–2022. Identify whether the highest deficits incurred in the identified years from Table 1.2 were paid with tax revenues (receipts) or borrowed funds (outlays). Discuss how the government gets money and where the government spends money on.
  • Click on the “Fiscal Year 2018” link, scroll down and obtain the PDF file for “Major Savings and Reforms” to complete the last requirement. The Major Savings and Reforms volume describes major savings and reform proposals included in the 2018 President’s Budget.
    • Discuss major discretionary budget eliminations. Why is it important that government budgets accurately estimate future revenues during economic downturns?

Your initial post must be a minimum of 200 words

Guided Response: Review several of your peer’s posts. In each response post of at least 100 words, respond to at least two of your peers’ posts in a substantive manner. Provide information that they may have missed or may not have considered about the 2018 President’s Budget. Do you agree with your peers’ findings? Why or why not?


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scripture: Matthew 27:24-25

This is my passage of scripture: Matthew 27:24-25

Research Assignment 1: Historical Research

The purpose of the two research assignments is to allow you to apply principles of interpretation to a passage of your choice. Both research assignments are applied to the selected passage. For these two assignments, choose a passage of Scripture that interests you, such as the one you have found to be encouraging, difficult, or even controversial. For prose, the passage should be one paragraph in length (approximately 3–5 sentences). For poetry, the passage should be one stanza (approximately 6–8 lines). Papers should be double spaced, 12-pt. standard font with 1-inch margins, and 2–3 pages in length. Include in-text documentation and bibliography.

Part 1: Historical Research

This paper examines two areas of historical research: the general historical context of the book and the specific cultural issues in the passage. Use the outline provided below to guide your research. The paper itself, however, should be written in paragraph form. Also, use at least three different types of sources from the suggestions listed below. You may find sources at most libraries, including your church libraries. You may also use textbooks from previous classes. The final paper should include a reference page and in-text documentation to acknowledge sources.

General Historical Context of the Book

1. The Author.  Who was the author? Is there any debate about the author of this text? What is known about the author? When did the author write this text? What is known about the author’s location? For what purpose did the author write?

2. The Reader. Who was the original reader? What is known about the original reader(s)? What is the reader’s relationship with the author? What is known about the reader’s location?

Specific Cultural Issues in the Passage

1. Do any cultural practices or social customs need explaining?

2. Examples: social institutions, familial relationships, geography, government, economy, social 
class, legal codes, employment, weights and measures, beliefs, practices, housing, clothing, food, etc.

Sources for Historical Research


· Study Bibles

· Bible Handbooks and Atlases

· Bible Dictionaries and Encyclopedias

· Old Testament Introductions and Surveys

· New Testament Introductions and Surveys 


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Developed a clear picture of the environmental issues that will affect the initial release of the new product

Deliverable Length:   10-15 PowerPoint slides (each slide should include 200-250 words each in the notes section)

Based on your discussions with Michelle, you have developed a clear picture of the environmental issues that will affect the initial release of the new product. As you compile your notes, the phone rings. 

“Hi. This is Michelle. I want to touch base with you about your presentation to the board next week. Do you have any questions about the upcoming meeting?”
“Thanks for calling,” you say. “You have good timing. I was just reviewing my notes and working on my PowerPoint presentation. I think I’ve covered the areas we discussed at our last meeting. Do you have something else that you want me to include?”
“Oh, good,” says Michelle. “Yes, I’d like you to share 3 or 4 goals for the marketing project, too. Make sure these goals are specific as possible. You might want to lead with the goals, but I’ll leave that up to you. Naturally you’ll need to do some research to determine the types of goals that are relevant for a new product project like this. Be as specific as you can when outlining realistic expectations.
“Okay,” you say as you jot down more notes. “Anything else?”
“Just be sure to include your thoughts about whether we should develop a product that can be marketed world-wide. You know that is one of their main concerns. You’ll have about 30 minutes for your presentation. ”
“Will do. Thanks for the information. I think about 10–15 slides should be about right for a 30-minute presentation.” 

The students should list and explain 3–4 goals that a company in this situation should set for itself. The explanations should be 2–3 sentences each, and they should include citations from the text and other sources. Each goal should be as specific as possible; for example, the goals might include—among other things—the following items: 

  • Sales in dollars or units 
  • Market share 
  • Customer awareness 
  • Profit 
  • Return on investment 
  • Customer satisfaction 


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Compare & Contrast mobile applications vs websites.

From a development team of one to two people to an enterprise-level team with multiple divisions, the topic of mobile development will eventually come up. Write a seven to Eight (7 – 8) page paper in which you:

  • Compare & Contrast mobile applications vs websites.
  • Research and discuss the importance of developing a mobile strategy.
  • Discuss different system mobile functionalities.
  • Explain the social aspect of mobile interfaces.
  • Discuss two – three mobile application development myths.
  • Argue the need for adaptive vs dedicated mobile websites.

Pages: 7 pages in length7 additional Scholarly source
Strict APA 7 format 


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