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Anxiety disorders provide a good opportunity to take a close look at the nature/nurture debate as well as the gene/environment interactions that influence the nervous system and neurochemistry. A significant part of most of Sigmund Freud’s theories, the concept of anxiety has been debated and discussed over many years in the psychiatric literature. While Freud’s theories focused on the “mind” and the unconscious, another way to look at anxiety is with Hans Selye’s concept of “fight or flight” in which the sympathetic nervous system activates a response to stress. As you explore anxiety disorders, you will notice that no two cases of anxiety are the same.

Obsessive-compulsive disorder is characterized by the presence of obsessive thoughts, which manifest as persistent thoughts, images, or even “urges.” The only way that the individual can disperse the anxiety of these persistent thoughts/images and urges is to perform a behavior (the compulsion). The compulsion could be checking things, counting, reciting a silent prayer, or repeating a number of phrases. The disorder becomes so pervasive that the person can spend a significant amount of time each day attending to the compulsion in order to relieve the anxiety caused by the obsession.

Although trauma and stressor-related disorders stem from exposure to a traumatic or stressful event, not all exposures to trauma or stress will result in a disorder. However, following these types of events, patients may report symptoms that interfere with their ability to function well in one or more areas of their life, such as flashbacks, nightmares, or intense psychological or physiological distress.


In assessing patients with anxiety, obsessive-compulsive, and trauma and stressor-related disorders, you will continue the practice of looking to understand chief symptomology in order to develop a diagnosis. With a differential diagnosis in mind, you can then move to a treatment and follow-up plan that may involve both psychopharmacologic and psychotherapeutic approaches. 

In this Assignment, use then case study attached to develop a focused SOAP note based on evidence-based approaches. 





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ER Trauma Level; Stroke Center Designation

Organizational leaders are often involved in a process that requires involves demonstrating compliance with regulatory guidelines or demonstrating evidence that the organization meets a particular set of standards. Some examples of this might include Magnet Journey, specialty area certification (i.e., upgrading of ER Trauma Level; Stroke Center Designation), Joint Commission Survey, State Department of Health. The organization is often provided with a form that specifies the information required and which must be completed and returned to the requesting agency for review. The information you provide to the requesting agency is then distributed to the team of evaluators responsible for determining if your organization has met the requirements of the agency. The quality of information you provide and the consistency of the format requested play a critical role in the minds of the evaluators. If there are gaps in the information, it will lead to questions from the evaluators during the visit. If you produce a thorough, high-quality, and professional document, consistent with the format requested, it significantly increases the likelihood of a favorable review process. The portfolio assignment provides the student with practice in finding and assembling information into a requested format for review. In a very small and simple way, this simulates a process such as what is described in the previous paragraph. The portfolio assignment also serves to chronicle and archive the project process. While you may start the project as the project manager, sometimes projects are handed off to another person or another team. Having a current set of documents and information allows a current PM to seamlessly hand off the project to another PM. Think of yourself as the PM taking over your project. What information would you want to help ensure a seamless transition? Assemble the portfolio so that it would be such that you would want to receive it in taking the handoff. This assignment allows you to assemble your CGE portfolio with the project management components and activities completed to this point. You will build on this assignment at the conclusion of the CGE II course to create an updated portfolio. 1. Assemble the initial portfolio. Elements of Portfolio The student is responsible for the development of a CGE portfolio that includes the following elements in the following order. Project PICOT question Five individual PICOT elements as approved in the Week 2 discussion Narrative PICOT statement or question consistent with the PICOT element statements Summary of CGE Executive Organizational Change Project Proposal Literature review (may be copied and pasted from the Week 4 assignment with any revisions requested by the instructor; summary table not required) Reflection on Course Outcome (CO) achievement List each CO as a heading in proper APA format. For each CO, provide a reflective summary of how you feel you have progressed in meeting this outcome through the resources and activities of NR631. The following documents each included as a separate appendix in the following order PICOT Worksheet (Week 2) Project Charter (Week 3) Project Scope (Week 3) Communication Plan (Week 5) Deliverables and CSF (Week 6)

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Work as a director of leadership and learning for an organization that makes prosthetics

For this assignment, you will be taking a more thorough look into your leadership self-assessment results that you reflected on in Module One. This assignment will help in the creation of your personal development plan, which will be submitted in Module Six.


You work as a director of leadership and learning for an organization that makes prosthetics. The organization has been in business since 1999 and employs over 350 people in its Tampa, Florida, headquarters and three plant locations across the Southwest. While the business is currently based in the United States, the organization is exploring ways to move into Canadian markets within the next three years. This year’s employee engagement survey results for the organization show that some leadership practices were rated lower, while some practices were rated higher. The new chief human resources officer (CHRO) met with the team to discuss the general results. Everyone agrees that the company’s focus should be on both specific leadership development areas perceived as strengths and on those rated as areas for improvement, primarily regarding social intelligence, emotional intelligence, and the interpersonal skills of effective leaders.

To help this initiative, your manager, the vice president of leadership and learning, asked you to create an adaptive leadership toolkit that can be used throughout the organization. To begin this work, you conducted a personal leadership self-assessment, and now you will be taking a closer look at these results to produce a self-assessment report. You plan on exploring how this self-assessment would make a beneficial contribution to a personal development plan and adaptive leadership toolkit, which will help to resolve the leadership challenges the organization is currently facing.


For this assignment, refer to your results from your self-assessment and use the LPI Self Percentile Ranking to determine where each of your five leadership behaviors rank. Overview

For this assignment, you will be taking a more thorough look into your leadership self-assessment results that you reflected on in Module One. This assignment will help in the creation of your personal development plan, which will be submitted in Module Six.


You work as a director of leadership and learning for an organization that makes prosthetics. The organization has been in business since 1999 and employs over 350 people in its Tampa, Florida, headquarters and three plant locations across the Southwest. While the business is currently based in the United States, the organization is exploring ways to move into Canadian markets within the next three years. This year’s employee engagement survey results for the organization show that some leadership practices were rated lower, while some practices were rated higher. The new chief human resources officer (CHRO) met with the team to discuss the general results. Everyone agrees that the company’s focus should be on both specific leadership development areas perceived as strengths and on those rated as areas for improvement, primarily regarding social intelligence, emotional intelligence, and the interpersonal skills of effective leaders.

To help this initiative, your manager, the vice president of leadership and learning, asked you to create an adaptive leadership toolkit that can be used throughout the organization. To begin this work, you conducted a personal leadership self-assessment, and now you will be taking a closer look at these results to produce a self-assessment report. You plan on exploring how this self-assessment would make a beneficial contribution to a personal development plan and adaptive leadership toolkit, which will help to resolve the leadership challenges the organization is currently facing.


For this assignment, refer to your results from your self-assessment and use the LPI Self Percentile Ranking to determine where each of your five leadership behaviors rank.

Leadership Behaviors

  • Model the Way
  • Inspire a Shared Vision
  • Challenge the Process
  • Enable Others to Act
  • Encourage the Heart

For further information on each leadership behavior, please refer to The Ten Commitments of Exemplary Leadership.

Self-assessment: In this part of your report, you will use the results from your self-assessment to identify leadership behaviors where you ranked highest and where you ranked lowest, and begin thinking about how this information impacts your ability to lead. This work will help to inform your personal development plan, which you will create in Module Six.

  1. Identify the leadership behavior in which you ranked lowest and define what this behavior means to you.
  2. For the leadership behavior in which you ranked lowest, describe the importance of developing this area to improve skills related to leading others.
  3. Identify the leadership behavior in which you ranked highest and define what this behavior means to you.
  4. For the leadership behavior in which you ranked highest, describe how this area helps support skills related to being an effective leader.

Adaptive leadership toolkit: In this part of your report, you will use your findings from the Employee Satisfaction Survey and the leadership behaviors you reviewed in the self-assessment to identify areas of leadership the organization should focus on developing. This work will help to inform the adaptive leadership toolkit that you will develop in Module Seven.

  1. Based on your review of the Employee Satisfaction Survey, identify the leadership behaviors the organization’s leadership should focus on improving and explain how developing these areas will address the business problems the organization currently faces.
  2. Based on your review of the Employee Satisfaction Survey, identify the leadership behaviors the organization’s leadership is currently successful in and explain how maintaining these areas can help in managing relationships between the leaders and their direct reports.

What to Submit

Submit your report as a 3- to 4-page Word document using 12-point Times New Roman font, double spacing, and one-inch margins. Sources should be cited according to APA style. 

Leadership Behaviors

  • Model the Way
  • Inspire a Shared Vision
  • Challenge the Process
  • Enable Others to Act
  • Encourage the Heart

For further information on each leadership behavior, please refer to The Ten Commitments of Exemplary Leadership.

Self-assessment: In this part of your report, you will use the results from your self-assessment to identify leadership behaviors where you ranked highest and where you ranked lowest, and begin thinking about how this information impacts your ability to lead. This work will help to inform your personal development plan, which you will create in Module Six.

  1. Identify the leadership behavior in which you ranked lowest and define what this behavior means to you.
  2. For the leadership behavior in which you ranked lowest, describe the importance of developing this area to improve skills related to leading others.
  3. Identify the leadership behavior in which you ranked highest and define what this behavior means to you.
  4. For the leadership behavior in which you ranked highest, describe how this area helps support skills related to being an effective leader.

Adaptive leadership toolkit: In this part of your report, you will use your findings from the Employee Satisfaction Survey and the leadership behaviors you reviewed in the self-assessment to identify areas of leadership the organization should focus on developing. This work will help to inform the adaptive leadership toolkit that you will develop in Module Seven.

  1. Based on your review of the Employee Satisfaction Survey, identify the leadership behaviors the organization’s leadership should focus on improving and explain how developing these areas will address the business problems the organization currently faces.
  2. Based on your review of the Employee Satisfaction Survey, identify the leadership behaviors the organization’s leadership is currently successful in and explain how maintaining these areas can help in managing relationships between the leaders and their direct reports.

What to Submit

Submit your report as a 3- to 4-page Word document using 12-point Times New Roman font, double spacing, and one-inch margins. Sources should be cited according to APA style

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Segment of the fast food industry


This reflection activity is comprised of three sections collectively totaling a minimum of 500 words. Complete your reflection by responding to all prompts.

Market Data

Consider a segment of the fast food industry such as pizza (Domino’s, Papa John’s) or burgers (Mcdonald’s, Wendy’s), fried chicken, and so on. To ground your thinking, list the names of 5 companies from the segment you choose. Respond to the following:

  • What type of market data can these companies collect?
  • How might this data be used in marketing planning?

Brand Equity

Consider a product you are familiar with. Analyze its brand equity in the following areas:

  • Brand awareness
  • Brand loyalty
  • Perceived quality
  • Brand associations
  • Brand assets

Ethical and Legal Considerations in Social Media Marketing

Find a current news article in which ethical or legal concerns have been raised regarding social media marketing. 

Describe and analyze the issue and the impact it may have on current and future marketing strategies. Consider the following questions:

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A Look Back at the Stonewall Riots

In the history of the United States, equality for diverse populations comes at the cost of civil disobedience. The following are the instructions for this assignment:

  • Choose 2 of the following cases and draw parallels behind their history of civil disobedience and recent or current societal gains or changes:
    • A Look Back at the Stonewall Riots
    • Obergefell v. Hodges (2015)
    • Loving v. Virginia (1967)
  • Remember, video resources and articles are a launchpad for your own research using scholarly resources.

Create a PowerPoint presentation of 25 slides or more. (Be sure to include a title page and reference page of your sources in APA format. The title page and reference page do not count toward the total number of slides.)

Address the following:

  • Discuss the sentences for those who were civilly disobedient.
    • Define the terms miscegenation and civil disobedience.
    • Use graphics (3 slides maximum).
    • Optional: Provide a video clip (not exceeding 45 seconds) that must be relevant to topic and that adds value to the overall presentation, such as an interview with a party to the case or an expert, or legal analysis.
    • Critically analyze and research on how the 2 cases are similar and how one event or case helped another case or event.
    • Discuss the states that resisted the changes and their rationale
  • Discuss the oppression the defendants sought to have ousted (such as not being able to have a legal marriage and encountering resrictions in medical care). Be specific and explain in detail.
  • Choose a case and discuss the intersection of criminal justice and diversity, equity, and inclusion. How did being diverse translate into criminal activity? What concepts have you learned earlier in this course that explain why law enforcement, corrections, and the courts had to change their behavior, expectations, and execution of their professional obligations?
  • Explain how the cases you chose relate to another unit or topic from this course.

Remember to support your statements with 8 scholarly and academic resources and relevant examples

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Variables that influence an employee’s decision to leave or stay at an organization

Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words: 
What are the variables that influence an employee’s decision to leave or stay at an organization (Hint: It’s not just money.)
Please include sources/references to support your perspective.

Part 2

Assess your Leadership Skills
Review the questions in Appendix 3: Glossary. (2007). Guide to Organisation Design, 302–315, page 5, under the heading ‘Gallup Q12’. Ask yourself these 12 questions to measure employment engagement and contemplate why these questions are practical. 
Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words:
Do you consider yourself an engaged employee? 
Did these questions make you think of anything that can be done at your organization to increase employee engagement and performance? 
Would you add any questions to the list? 
How can managers in the healthcare industry utilize these questions?

Part 3

Exam Content
As a human resources manager in a healthcare organization, you will be asked to develop varying types of strategies and management techniques that improve the performance of your workforce. You need to know how to keep abreast of such strategies through research, as well as analyze how such strategies and techniques can be applied in your organization. In this assessment, you will apply these skills.
Select a healthcare organization and specific division within it with which you work or are familiar.
Assume you are the human resources director for your selected organization.
In a recent meeting, executive management determined it would like to improve healthcare workforce performance levels within a specific division of your organization.
Management has asked you to research and identify 3 diverse strategies that use innovative management techniques, operational practices, or technology that could be applied to improve workforce performance within the selected division at your healthcare organization.
Create a 1,050- to 1,400-word summary of 3 diverse strategies to improve workforce performance that includes the following:
Identification of 3 key strategies to improve workforce performance for your organization and division
An analysis of how each strategy could be deployed within your division and organization to improve workforce performance
A recommendation for the application of the best key strategy
An analysis of how your recommended strategy affects workforce needs for service delivery for your organization
SMART goal(s), objective(s), and tasks to implement your recommended strategy
A description of how goal achievement will be measured
Expenses for recommendation implementation
Cite 3 reputable references to support your assignment (e.g., trade or industry publications, government or agency websites, scholarly works, or other sources of similar quality).
Instructors Note:  Please carefully read and closely follow the assignment instructions and the content of the grading rubric. It is strongly suggested that you use subheadings for each assignment component. This will ensure that you are addressing each section of the assignment.

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Critical success factors (CSFs)

It is important for a project manager to know and track every deliverable as well as the critical success factors (CSFs). Always remember to plan, plan, and plan again. Making sure that you have identified and listed every deliverable as well as defining the CSFs is time well spent. The time you spend thinking and discussing can be classified as scientific or technological exploration or investigation. Each deliverable must be known and is discussed in the scope document. These are critical to identify to move forward with the project plan and ensure a successful project. If a deliverable is overlooked and left out, the project will be considered a failure. The deliverables are related to the work of the project. It is through the project activities that the deliverables are completed or developed. A deliverable could be something that was completed (if it was a service performed) or developed (if it was a new software package). No matter what the deliverable is, there is work associated with the development. For you to proceed with your work-breakdown structures and completion milestones, you must know what needs to be done. Review and re-review to glean every deliverable. This is why it is so important to reflect on all of the deliverables at this point in the management of your project. The CSFs are those characteristics or attributes that are essential for your project to succeed. According to Sipes, “There are the few key areas where things ‘must go right’ for the business to flourish” (p. 112). Examples of how to complete the forms can be found in the course textbook, Project Management for the Advanced Practice Nurse, on p. 112 (Tables 4.7 and 4.8). Review your project documents and analyze your data to determine your CSFs. Be sure to include metrics. If metrics are not included, you will not be able to measure or evaluate your project in Phase 5. What is the scope of your project, and how will you collect the required data? Work with your mentor to complete the deliverables and CSF documents. It is always better to have more input rather than less. Discuss and seek consensus with your mentor on the deliverables and CSFs for your project. To assist you, there is a document you will use to develop this part of the project planning process. Complete the deliverables and CSF document. Grammar, spelling, punctuation, references, and citations must be consistent with formal academic writing and APA format as expressed in the current edition of the APA manual. Assignment Instructions All project deliverables must be identified and listed on the Deliverables and CSF document. All CSFs must be identified and listed on the Deliverables and CSF document. Metrics must be included. Ideas and information from professional sources must be cited correctly using the current edition of the APA manual. Grammar, spelling, punctuation, references, and citations must be consistent with formal academic writing.


GET SOLUTION FOR THIS ASSIGNMENT, Get Impressive Scores in Your Class on Critical success factors (CSFs)


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Effective Management of Organizational Resources

As a project manager, part of your responsibility will be identifying resources that you have available and those resources that you may need in addition to what is currently available. Once you know what physical and human resources you have at your disposal, you then use the PM tools introduced in the lesson to allocate and schedule them. In thinking about your project, what resources might you anticipate being the most concerning to secure and/or manage? What can you do to plan ahead to mitigate potential delays due to resource or delivery issues?


GET SOLUTION FOR THIS ASSIGNMENT, Get Impressive Scores in Your Class on Effective Management of Organizational Resources


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The convergence of transportation congestion and transportation security at a U.S. seaport.

Instructions (TLMT498)

Instructions: This week (week 1) you will choose your topic and submit your proposed Problem Statement for your research paper as well as an outline. 

The Outline will consist of 4-5 pages. The Title Page and Reference Page are not included in the page count. The paper/outline describes your final research project. Each major section within your final project should be covered in this paper. The Project Outline must be in narrative form, and be descriptive enough that explains each element of your project. The use of graphics and charts is highly encouraged.

The Final Research Project will be 20-25 pages and due in week 8. The project must include a title page, table of contents, abstract, and a reference page. The project will demonstrate the knowledge acquired through course work completed to date. The project is an application of this knowledge and requires the student to analyze and interpret the topic of interest. The use of graphics and charts is highly encouraged.

This report must be original work. This report cannot include papers submitted in previous courses.

Organization should be as follows:

APA cover page

Abstract (1/2- 1 page)

2. Introduction to the topic, problem or thesis statement

3. Literature Review Background Research on the topic

4. Discussion of your ideas on the topic and problem

5. Discussion of new solution(s) to the problem

6. Conclusion

Looking Ahead

The final paper must have the following key sections, clearly identified, though they can be titled creatively to reflect your question and interests:

I. An introduction that states the problem and why your topic is important.

The research question, clearly and concisely stated as a question. What do you hope to answer with this research? This section should also include definition of terms.

II. Literature Review – background research on this topic

III. The results/ discussions, describes what you have learned that helps answer the research question. What are you ideas about this topic?

IV. The discussion of potential new solutions.

V. The conclusion, which summarizes the key points of the paper and suggests further research needed on this topic.

VI. A list of references in APA format.

Topics for the course project include but are not limited to:

1) The convergence of transportation congestion and transportation security at a U.S. seaport.

2) A review of past Transportation legislation while developing a new proposal to address past weaknesses and omissions.

3) The transitioning of the Defense Transportation System toward complementing best practices in supply chain management efficiently and securely.

4) A review of the U.S. economy and its impact on transportation and logistics management.

5) Identify new challenges within transportation and logistics management and develop viable solutions to these challenges.

6) Identify an emerging concept such as reverse logistics, green logistics, etc. and analyze its impact on the future of transportation and logistics management.

7) Other topics will be considered.

Submission Instructions: Submit your outline to Assignments.

  • TLMT 498 Rubric (Rubric is attached)


GET SOLUTION FOR THIS ASSIGNMENT, Get Impressive Scores in Your Class on The convergence of transportation congestion and transportation security at a U.S. seaport.


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Information about Canada and its colonial legacy

Course Name: Indigenous Business Management. Assignment: Individual Reflection Assignment to reflect everything learned throughout the course. Write a one page reflection about what you learned, not only about Indigenous peoples In Canada but also how it relates to your experiences from your home country, which is India, and also as an international student studying in Canada. How are you changing with this information about Canada and its colonial legacy? 

How have the experiences changed you? What insights and experiences led to your change overtime? What lessons have you learned that add different dimensions to your story. 

Describe the evolution of your learning journey and reflect on the changes you would like to influence in business. 

Consider the following questions to guide your story:

  • What do I know now that I didn’t know before beginning this class?
  • How does this shift or change your perspective?
  • What does this learning mean to you?
  • How does your story relate to the future of reconciliation and Call to Action #92?

Submission requirements

  • Reflective examination using 2-3 linkages between course materials and themes that demonstrate your learning journey in understanding Indigenous peoples and Canadian business.
  • One page typed and single spaced.
  • When talking about course themes use third person (he, she, they) and personal comments in first person (I).



GET SOLUTION FOR THIS ASSIGNMENT, Get Impressive Scores in Your Class on Information about Canada and its colonial legacy