Writers Solution

Describe the ethical or moral dilemma the person faced and the other actors involved.

Make Case study presentation (Connect those bible leader and my paper leader)

  1. Select a person from the Bible. The person selected may be one who lived in either Old Testament times or New Testament times.
  • The person may be someone who was a formal leader or someone who was not a leader in the formal sense, but exercised leadership attributes/principles and actions. Describe who this person is and two to three leadership traits exhibited by the leader.
  • Zero in on one situation in which the person was faced with an ethical or moral dilemma. Describe the situation and the other actors involved.
  • Critically describe how the person responded to the situation. In your description, explain how the person exhibited leadership attributes and principles.  Explain how the person exhibited authority, responsibility, and accountability.

 2. Your second leader will be the leader you chose for your critical analysis research paper. ( Here is my paper link

  • Describe who this person is.
  • Describe the ethical or moral dilemma the person faced and the other actors involved.
  • Critically describe how the person responded to the situation. In your description, explain how the person exhibited leadership attributes and principles.  Explain how the person exhibited authority, responsibility, and accountability.
  • Compare and contrast each person’s response and actions.
  • Analyze how each person responded to the situation in terms of authority, responsibility and accountability.
  • Analyze how each person responded to their situation in terms of ethics and morals.
  • Analyze how each person exercised leadership traits in the situation.
  • Provide relevant lessons for your audience. What lessons can be applied to your leadership development?


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  • Describe the ethical or moral dilemma the person faced and the other actors involved.
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    Necessity to Fatigue Management Systems for Aviation Maintenance Mechanics

    Write Research Paper

    Assignment Instructions:

    1. APA version 7 formatting must be used.
    2. Your first draft paper will consist of all sections except the abstract section.
    3. Please use the APA briefing as a checklist to ensure that you have no APA formatting
    4. Please proof read your paper.

    For Literature Review papers, be sure to include the following sections: 

    • Title Page
    • Placeholder for Abstract (for later)
    • Introduction
    • Background (Literature Review)
    • Conclusions
    • References (at least 10 references)
    • You must have at least 10 pages

    My research paper title: Necessity to Fatigue Management Systems for Aviation Maintenance Mechanics


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    Necessity to Fatigue Management Systems for Aviation Maintenance Mechanics

    Write paper

     Title: Necessity to Fatigue Management Systems for Aviation Maintenance Mechanics

    Assignment Instructions:

    1. APA version 7 formatting must be used.
    2. Your first draft paper will consist of all sections except the abstract section.
    3. Please use the APA briefing as a checklist to ensure that you have no APA formatting
    4. Please proof read your paper.

    For Literature Review papers, be sure to include the following sections: 

    • Title Page
    • Placeholder for Abstract (for later)
    • Introduction
    • Background (Literature Review)
    • Conclusions
    • References (at least 10 references)
    • You must have at least 10 pages


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    significance in managerial decision making pertaining to risk management

    Assessment 2-: Critical Review & Analysis
    Due date: Week 7
    Group/individual: Individual
    Word count/Time provided: 2500 words
    Weighting: 25%
    Unit Learning Outcomes: ULO2, ULO3, ULO4
    Assessment 2 Detail
    This assessment requires students to work individually to critically review quality and risk concept to discuss its application in a project environment and its impact on project life cycle. Student is also required to discuss about two contemporary (what is in practice) models of quality management and two contemporary models of risk management used in business organization/industry of their choice. The industry of choice should fall within the domain of project management.
    Assessments 2 Marking Criteria and Rubric
    The assessment will be marked out of 100 and will be weighted 25% of the total unit mark. The marking criteria and rubric are shown on the following page.
    Assessment 2 Marking Criteria and Rubric
    Marking Criteria Not Satisfactory (0-49% of the criterion mark) Satisfactory
    (50-64% of the criterion mark) Good
    (65-74% of the criterion mark) Very Good
    (75-84% of the criterion mark) Excellent
    (85-100% of the criterion mark)
    Critical evaluation of Quality
    concept (20 marks)
    • No demonstration of
    critical evaluation through analysis of contemporary ideas/concept in Quality management • Evidence of limited interpretation and demonstration of critical evaluation through the
    analysis of contemporary ideas/concept in quality management. • Evidence of good
    demonstration of critical evaluation through the
    analysis of contemporary ideas/concept in quality management
    • Good analysis of the impact of quality on
    project life cycle
    • Evidence of very good understanding and demonstration of critical evaluation through the analysis of contemporary ideas/concept in quality management
    • Very good analysis of the impact of project life cycle
    • Detail explanation demonstrating very
    good critical thinking skills
    • Evidence of an excellent understanding of and demonstration of critical evaluation through the analysis of contemporary ideas/concept in quality management
    • Very good analysis of the impact of quality on project life cycle and in managerial decision with detail explanation
    • Referencing of
    supporting literature in the interpretation, explanation and analysis is presented
    • Analysis presented is rigours and enlightening indicating independent strongly argued coherent writing
    Critical evaluation of Risk
    concept (20 marks)
    • No demonstration of
    critical evaluation through analysis of contemporary
    ideas/concept in Risk management • Evidence of limited interpretation and demonstration of critical evaluation through the
    analysis of contemporary ideas/concept in risk management. • Evidence of good
    demonstration of critical evaluation through the
    analysis of contemporary ideas/concept in risk management • Evidence of very good understanding and demonstration of critical evaluation
    through the analysis of contemporary ideas/concept in risk management • Evidence of an excellent understanding of and demonstration of critical evaluation
    through the analysis of contemporary ideas/concept in risk management

    Good analysis of the impact of risk on project
    life cycle

    Very good analysis of the impact of risk on project life cycle Detail explanation demonstrating very good critical thinking skills •
    • Very good analysis of the impact of risk on project life cycle and in managerial decision with detail explanation Referencing of supporting literature in the interpretation, explanation and analysis is presented
    • Analysis presented is rigours and enlightening indicating independent strongly argued coherent writing
    Review of two best practice quality models in industry
    (15 marks)

    • Lack of evidence of enough use of literature and limited interpretation of the models.
    No evidence of critical review of best practice quality models • Use of some supporting literature with limited interpretation of models and their significance in managerial decisionmaking pertaining to quality management. • Evidence of good reference to supporting literature in reviewing best practice models with good interpretation of model significance in managerial decisionmaking pertaining to quality management. •
    • Evidence of strong reference to supporting literature in reviewing best practice models with significant
    synthesis of arguments Evidence of independent research to validate the significance of best practice model in managerial decisionmaking pertaining to quality management. •
    • Evidence of excellent reference to supporting literature in reviewing best practice models with significant synthesis of arguments. Review presented is rigours in validating the significance of best practice model in managerial decisionmaking pertaining to quality management.
    Review of two best practice risk models in industry
    (15 marks)

    • Lack of evidence of enough use of literature and limited interpretation of the models.
    No evidence of critical review of best practice risk models. • Use of some supporting literature with limited interpretation of models and their significance in managerial decisionmaking pertaining to risk management. • Evidence of good reference to supporting literature in reviewing best practice models with good interpretation of model significance in managerial decision- • Evidence of strong reference to supporting literature in reviewing best practice models with significant synthesis of arguments and evidence of independent research •
    • Evidence of excellent reference to supporting literature in reviewing best practice models with significant synthesis of arguments. Review presented is rigours in validating the
    making pertaining to risk management. to validate the significance of best practice model in managerial decisionmaking pertaining to risk management. significance of best practice model in managerial decisionmaking pertaining risk management.
    Clarity of Expression
    (20 marks)

    The writing is poor with no logical flow and has grammatical errors. Information is limited, unclear and the depth is not adequately developed.
    The idea is a simple restatement of the topic.
    Demonstration of a limited sense of purpose or theme Insufficient understanding of the topic. •

    • The writing is
    satisfactory and exhibits majority of grammatically correct sentences that are appropriately punctuated with some spelling or typing errors The writing does not go far enough in expanding key issues/ concepts. The writing requires further information to clarify main arguments. The writing is fluent and coherent with good structure exhibiting grammatically correct sentences that are appropriately punctuated with minor spelling or typing error. •
    • The writing is fluent and coherent with very good structure exhibiting grammatically correct sentences that are appropriately punctuated with few spelling or typing error. The writing is used to support the main ideas and convince the reader of the argument who is left in no doubt of the purpose. • The writing is fluent and coherent with excellent structure and presentation exhibiting grammatically correct sentences that are appropriately punctuated with no minor spelling or typing error.
    • The writing perceives a sense of the wider
    context of the ides
    Presentation and referencing
    (10 marks)

    • The writing shows insufficient application of the recommended style of referencing (APIC Harvard style) The writing shows no in-text citation
    In-text citation does to match with citation under Reference list Report is not formatted and presented as per the APIC Assessment •

    The writing shows inconsistent application of the recommended style of referencing (APIC Harvard style) In-text citation match with the citation under
    Reference list
    Report is formatted and presented as per the APIC Assessment presentation guidelines to some extent. • The writing shows good application of the recommended style of referencing (APIC
    Harvard style) with some errors in referencing
    • Report is formatted and presented as per the APIC Assessment presentation guidelines to large extent.

    The writing shows very good application of the recommended style of referencing (APIC Harvard style) with few errors in referencing Report is well formatted but not presented exactly as
    per the APIC Assessment
    presentation guidelines • The writing shows excellent application of the recommended style of referencing (APIC Harvard style) with no error in referencing
    • Report is formatted and presented exactly as per the APIC Assessment presentation guidelines.
    presentation guidelines


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    Technical tasks associated with a Data Analyst at Comscore

    Data Analyst Candidate Exercise
    The following exercises are designed to represent some of the technical tasks associated with a Data Analyst at Comscore. These are meant both to orient a candidate to our dataset and to understand a candidate’s reasoning and analysis, keeping in mind that the rational steps that lead to a solution are often as important as the solution itself. This test may take between 1 to 2 hours to complete.
    Section I – Introduction & Graph Interpretation

    1. Put these search terms into the two most logical groups:
      a) Bank of America
      b) Savings accounts
      c) Wireless phones
      d) Verizon wireless phones
      e) Travelocity
      f) Cruise lines
      g) Chase checking accounts
    2. The following graphs show the volume of unique people (Y-axis) visiting a given website during a given timeframe (X-Axis). For each graph, select the description that best fits the data, and give a brief explanation.
      a) A graph displaying seasonality within the retail industry
      b) A graph displaying seasonality within the travel industry
      c) Neither
      Graph 1: _ Please explain your reasoning: Graph 2 :
      Please explain your reasoning:
      Graph 3 : ___

      Please explain your reasoning:
    3. The following graph represents two websites owned by the same company. In the space below, give a reasonable explanation for the activity shift seen after October 2010.
    4. The following chart shows the average time per session (in minutes) of a visit to the following three websites:, and Do these results make sense? Please explain why or why not?
      Section II – Technical Example
      Regular expressions, or regex, are used in computing to match strings of text in a powerful and efficient manner. At Compete, an analyst uses regex to match on URL strings and search keywords to help recognize a consumer’s behavior. For example, if wanted to match on the brand “Hoover” we would want to write a regular expression that would also match on “Hoover vacuums” and “Hoover vacuum cleaner”, but probably not “Hoover Dam”.
      While alphanumeric characters retain their literal meaning within regex, many other characters take on a functional meaning. For a more in-depth look at regex, feel free to consult the web – including the regular expression Wikipedia page (
      Some examples of regular expressions which we will be using in this quiz are as follows:
      A. The expression {.*} is used to represent any number of any characters (both alphanumeric or whitespace). It’s actually the combination of two characters that have a special meaning:
      . which represents any single character
    • which represents a given character repeated N times, where N is 0 or higher
      When combined they represent any possible permutation of N characters. For example
      a.*c will match “abc”, “abbc”, “ac”, “a man wrote the letter c”
      B. The expression {.} is used to represent the period character. Since the character {.} has a special meaning in regex, if we want to represent the literal text character we use the expression {.} will match “”
      C. The expression {^} represents the beginning of a string, while the {$} represents the end. For example
      ^rain will match “rained”, but not “train” since expression requires a matching string to begin with “rain”
      rain$ will match “train”, but not “rained” for similar reasons
      ^rain$ will only match the exact string “rain”
      D. The expression {(…)}, and {|}
      In regex, there is the ability to group characters together. There are several uses for this, however for our purposes here we will only focus on grouping when paired with the Boolean OR {|} operator. For example, an expression such as a(b|c)d looks for the following sequence in a string: the letter a, then the letter b or c, then the letter d – which would match either “abd” or “acd”
      I drive a (Prius|Hummer) would match both “I drive a Prius” and “I drive a Hummer”
      but would NOT match the string “I drive a (Prius|Hummer)”
      Using the explanation above, or an outside resource on regular expressions, answer the questions below.
    1. Which of the below text strings match the following regular expression [MARK ALL THAT MATCH]:
      A. “wal-mart”
      B. “walmart”
      C. “walmart coupons”
      D. “shop at wal-mart”
    2. Which of the below text strings match the following regular expression [MARK ALL THAT MATCH]:
      A. “”
      B. “|syc/index”
      C. “”
      D. “”
    3. In the space below, compose a regular expression that will meet ALL of the below requirements:
      WILL MATCH the following strings:
      Regular Expression:
      Section III – Datamining Example
      tags tag_groups
      tag_no integer YES tag_group_no integer YES
      tag_id varchar(255) NO name varchar(255) NO
      description text NO description text NO
      date_created timestamp NO date_created timestamp NO
      created_by_user_no integer NO created_by_user_no integer NO
      short_name varchar(10) NO tag_group_owner_no integer NO
      name varchar(50) NO tag_mega_group_no integer NO
      tag_group_no integer NO denominator_tag_no integer NO
      display_case varchar(32) NO tag_group_sort_order integer NO
      formula text NO group_type varchar(16) NO
      tag_sort_order integer NO notes text NO
      from_date date NO tag_group_id varchar(48) NO
      to_date date NO
      should_renormalize boolean NO
      locked_weight_date date NO
      should_weight boolean NO
      notes text NO
      tag_group_owner_no integer YES
      tag_group_owner_id varchar(32) NO
      name varchar(128) NO
      date_created timestamp NO
      created_by varchar(64) NO
    10. Create a script that will return the “name” field of each table below when the “tag_no” of interest are: 46391,46392,46393,46397,46398,46399,46400,46401,46402,46403,46404,46405,46406,46407,46408,46409,46410,46411,46412,46413,46414,46415,46416,46417,46418.
    11. Write a SQL query to check if there are duplicated rows in the “tags” table in Q1?
      Section IV – Open Ended Question
      The purpose of this final section is to give you the opportunity to demonstrate your approach toward answering a logic question, and assess your ability to reach a reasonable, justified conclusion. The focus is not on whether your answer is “correct”, but rather to identify the steps you took to reach your conclusions. You may choose any way you see fit to answer the question; however, strong answers are clear and logically reasonable, developed around two or more relevant ideas, and use simple arithmetic to arrive at the result. Please note your answers should contain a good argument with a clear line of reasoning, rather than a simple formula.
    12. How many printed books are purchased on each month by customers in the U.S. and what are the total sales that are generated?
      a. Key assumptions made to frame the question
      b. The process to arrive at a result
      c. Result


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    Apply research, academic and communication skills appropriate to the level of study and observe academic referencing requirements

    Subject Code and Title MGT502 Business Communication
    Assessment Forming an Argument
    Individual/Group Individual
    Length Up to a page
    Learning Outcomes The Subject Learning Outcomes demonstrated by successful completion of the task below include:
    a) Apply research, academic and communication skills appropriate to the level of study and observe academic referencing requirements.
    b) Critically analyse texts and/or multimedia material in both a business and academic context.
    c) Identify and apply effective communication methods within a business and academic environment.
    Submission 12 Week Delivery: Due by 11:55 pm AEST/AEDT Sunday of Module 4.1 (Week 7)
    Intensive class: Due by 11:55 pm AEST/AEDT Sunday of Module 4.1 (Week 4)
    Weighting 20%
    Total Marks 100 marks
    Assessment Task
    Write a critical argument on the topic selected in Assessment 1 Part A Annotated Bibliography.
    Provide supporting evidence for the argument from the resources used in Assessment 1 Part A.
    Please refer to the Task Instructions for details on how to complete this task.
    This assessment has been prescribed to appraise your’ ability to think critically and form an argument supported by evidence. It allows you to demonstrate your ability to understand the material you are using and to apply it in ways that go beyond what has been read.
    This assessment has been designed to:
    • Appraise your ability to critically evaluate academic and other research to form an argument on an organisational topic that is supported by evidence.
    • Enhance your writing skills so they are able to form persuasive and convincing arguments and communicate them effectively.
    The resources used in Assessment 1 Part A Annotated Bibliography are expected to be utilised in this assessment to support the argument.

    1. Write a critical argument up to a page on the topic selected in Assessment 1 Part A.
    2. Use the annotated bibliography resources from Assessment 1 Part A for sourcing evidence and ideas for your argument. Review the resources critically and select at least 5 to be used as references for this assessment.
    3. Please consider the following factors, when forming the argument:
      • A good argument is convincing whereby the premises are acceptable, the supporting evidence is relevant to the claim and provides sufficient grounds for acceptance of the claim.
      • You will be expected to form an academic and financial argument in favour, or against, utilizing the communications solution in the modern workplace.
      • Make a clear point and justify it.
    4. Please structure your argument as follows:
      • Title page
      • Introduction: provide a short introduction with a claim.
      • Main body: with a logical structure including supporting evidence from academic sources.
      • Conclusion: a concise conclusion which restates your claim and summarises your argument.
      • References: please provide the reference list on a separate page.
    5. Please use at least 5 in-text citations. Indicate logical connections and use connecting words
    6. You are strongly advised to read the rubric, which is an evaluation guide with criteria for grading your assignment—this will give you a clear picture of what a successful forming an argument looks like.
      It is essential that you use appropriate APA style for citing and referencing research. Please see more information on referencing in the Academic Skills webpage.
      Submission Instructions:
      Submit the Forming an Argument document via the Assessment link in the main navigation menu in MGT502: Business Communication.
      The Learning Facilitator will provide feedback via the Grade Centre in the LMS portal. Feedback can be viewed in My Grades.
      Academic Integrity
      All students are responsible for ensuring that all work submitted is their own and is appropriately referenced and academically written according to the Academic Writing Guide. Students also need to have read and be aware of Torrens University Australia Academic Integrity Policy and Procedure and subsequent penalties for academic misconduct. These are viewable online.
      Students also must keep a copy of all submitted material and any assessment drafts.
      Assessment Rubric
      Assessment Attributes Fail
      (Yet to achieve minimum standard) 0-49% Pass
      50-64% Credit
      (Proficient) 65-74% Distinction
      75-84% High Distinction
      Evaluation of information selected to
      support the argument
      Percentage for this
      criterion = 50%
      Limited understanding of key concepts required to support the argument.
      Confuses logic and emotion. Information taken from reliable sources but without a coherent analysis or synthesis.
      Resembles a recall or summary of key ideas.
      Personal opinion without
      reflection, expert judgment or rigor, unsubstantiated by evidence from the research/course materials.
      Supports personal opinion and information substantiated by evidence from the research/course materials.
      Demonstrates a capacity to apply and justify the use of relevant concepts.
      Discriminates between assertion of personal opinion and information substantiated by robust evidence from the research/course materials and extended reading.
      Well demonstrated capacity apply and justify relevant concepts.
      Analysis and evaluation reflect growing judgement, intellectual independence, rigor and
      Systematically and critically discriminates between assertion of personal opinion and information substantiated by robust evidence from the research/course materials and extended reading.
      Information is taken from sources with a high level of interpretation/evaluation to develop a comprehensive critical analysis or synthesis.
      Exhibits intellectual independence, rigor, good judgement and adaptability.
      MGT502_Assessment_1_Part B_Brief_Forming an Argument_Module Due 4.1 Page 5 of 5
      Percentage for this
      criterion = 15%
      Difficult to understand for audience, no logical/clear structure, poor flow of ideas, argument lacks supporting evidence.
      Audience cannot follow the line of reasoning.
      Information, arguments and evidence are presented in a way that is not always clear and logical.
      Line of reasoning is often difficult to follow.
      Information, arguments and evidence are well presented, mostly clear flow of ideas and arguments.
      Line of reasoning is easy to follow.
      Information, arguments and evidence are very well presented; the presentation is logical, clear and well supported by evidence.
      Argument is convincing and persuasive.
      Expertly presented; the presentation is logical, persuasive, and well supported by evidence, demonstrating a clear flow of ideas.
      Engages and sustains audience’s interest in the topic and demonstrates a persuasive and convincing argumentation.
      Correct citation of key
      resources and evidence
      Percentage for this
      criterion = 35%
      Demonstrates inconsistent use of good quality, credible and relevant resources to support and develop ideas
      Demonstrates use of credible and relevant resources to support and develop ideas, but these are not always explicit or well developed.
      Demonstrates use of credible resources to support and develop ideas.
      Demonstrates use of good quality, credible and relevant resources to support and develop arguments and statements.
      Show evidence of wide scope within the organisation for sourcing evidence.
      Demonstrates use of high- quality, credible and relevant resources to support and develop arguments and position statements.
      Show evidence of wide scope within and without the organisation for sourcing evidence.
      MGT502_Assessment_1_Part B_Brief_Forming an Argument_Module Due 4.1 Page 5 of 5


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    Many are questioning the need for Daylight Saving Time in a modern economy that’s no longer based on agriculture.

    Write a 1000-1200 word persuasive essay on one of the topics below

    1. Many are questioning the need for Daylight Saving Time in a modern economy that’s no longer based on agriculture. After examining the economic impact of changing the clocks twice per year, should Canada scrap Daylight Savings Time? If so, why? If not, why not?
    2. It’s no secret that companies like Apple and Google monitor our online behaviour and share our online habits (personal data) with third parties. In fact, we often allow them access to our data when we click “Agree” when signing up with a new service, device, or app. Should big tech companies be legally permitted to collect and share our personal data? If so, why? If not, why not?
    3. Are social media sites like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter destroying democracy? If so why? If not, why not?
    4. The Covid-19 pandemic has changed the way many people (especially knowledge workers) physically do their work. Should employees be permitted to work remotely if they want to, or should a company be able to mandate that all employees work out of an office (when it’s safe to do so). If so, why? If not, why not?
    5. The Covid-19 pandemic has caused many people to re-examine their work-life balance. Some countries like Japan, Iceland, and Spain have been experimenting with four-day work weeks. Should Canada implement a four-day work week? If so, why? If not, why not?
    6. According to the Canadian Government, Canada is one of the largest producers of fossil fuels, ranking as the sixth-biggest energy producer in the world. How can Canada fight climate change and at the same time protect the strength of their longterm economy?
    7. Are you passionate about an issue? Create your own argumentative topic! Perhaps there’s a discussion question/topic from this semester that struck a chord with you, or maybe you’ve been thinking a lot about something lately (mental health, leadership, marketing strategies, politics, technology, etc.). Send me an email by Monday, November 15 by midnight at to get my approval on the proposed topic. Essays written on topics that have not been approved by me will receive a final grade of 0.
      Ensure that your final essay includes:
      • Well-integrated quotations/paraphrases from at least six pieces of secondary research (including at least one newspaper/magazine and one academic journal. Four of your sources should come from the GBC library database).
      • APA formatting.
      • A rebuttal paragraph (review the classic persuasive essay structure from the week 11 lecture).
      • See the attached rubric below for full grading details.
      Essay Grading Scheme/Rubric: Persuasive Essay
      Superior/ Advanced
      • Thesis Statement/Main Message is a clear, focused, specific, and creative arguable claim.
      • Assignment is logically organized and unified; the logical connection between content and Thesis Statement/Main message is clear.
      • Clear and well- organized rebuttal/ counterargument is included.
      Superior/ Advanced
      • Language is clear, accurate, concise, and creative.
      • Language and tone are audience- and purposeappropriate.
      • Quotations and paraphrases from sources are effectively and seamlessly integrated.
      • Sentences are varied and engaging.
      Focus and Organization: % Very Good Fair Below Expectations INC (61-84%) (41-60%) (20-40%) • Thesis • Thesis • Thesis Statement/Main Statement/Main Statement/Main Message is a clear, Message is Message is not clear, focused, and somewhat clear, focused, specific, or specific arguable focused, and arguable. claim. specific; Thesis • Assignment is not • Assignment is Statement/Main logically organized mostly logically Message is not an or unified; the organized and arguable claim or logical connection unified; the logical lacks clear between content and connection between direction. Thesis content and Thesis • Assignment is Statement/Main Statement/Main somewhat logically Message is unclear. Message is mostly organized and • No rebuttal/ clear. unified; the logical counterargument is • A mostly clear and connection between included or it is organized rebuttal/ content and Thesis unclear, poorly counterargument is Statement/Main structured or included. Message is confusing. somewhat clear. • A somewhat clear and organized rebuttal/ counterargument is included. 6.1-8.4 4.1-6 2-4 ProfSee Style: %
      Very Good Fair Below Expectations
      (61-84%) (41-60%) (20-40%)
      • Language is mostly • Language is • Language is mostly clear, accurate, and somewhat clear, unclear, inaccurate, concise. accurate, and and not concise.
      • Language and tone concise. • Language and tone are mostly • Language and tone are not audience- audience- and are somewhat and purposepurpose- audience- and appropriate. appropriate. purpose- • Few effectively
      • Quotations and appropriate. integrated quotations paraphrases are • Some effective and paraphrases.
      • mostly effectively integration of Sentences are not
      varied or engaging.
      integrated. quotations and
      • Sentences are paraphrases. mostly varied and • Sentences are
      engaging. somewhat varied and engaging.
      8.5-10 6.1-8.4 4.1-6 2-4 See Prof
      Grammar and Mechanics: % Superior/ Advanced (85-100%) Very Good (61-84%) Fair (41-60%) Below Expectations (20-40%) INC • Free of grammar and spelling errors. • Free of mechanical errors. • Very few grammar and spelling errors. • Very few mechanical errors (fragments, comma splices, run-ons, misuse of punctuation). • Some grammar and spelling errors. • Some mechanical errors (fragments, comma splices, runons, misuse of punctuation). • Many grammar and spelling errors. • Many mechanical errors (fragments, comma splices, runons, misuse of punctuation). 8.5-10 6.1-8.4 4.1-6 2-4 See Prof APA Referencing: %
      Superior/ Advanced (85-100%) Very Good (61-84%) Fair
      (41-60%) Below Expectations (20-40%) INC
      • In-text citations for quotations and paraphrases are consistently correct.
      • APA references are completely correct.
      • Format requirements are consistently correct. • In-text citations for quotations and paraphrases are mostly correct.
      • APA references are mostly correct.
      • Format requirements are mostly correct. • In-text citations for quotations and paraphrases are somewhat correct.
      • APA references are somewhat correct.
      • Format requirements are somewhat correct. • In-text citations for quotations are mostly incorrect.
      • APA references are mostly incorrect.
      • Format requirements are mostly incorrect.
      8.5-10 6.1-8.4 4.1-6 2-4 See Prof


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  • Many are questioning the need for Daylight Saving Time in a modern economy that’s no longer based on agriculture.
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    The recent Fed Reserve interest rate hike witnessed growth stocks pull back in the significantly in the stock market compared to value stocks

    Also attached is the assignment template. Your assignment must be in the assignment template..

    Note: The recommended cumulative word limit is 4000 words, however, ensure you cover every question and every part of it in reasonable detail. Make liberal use of examples, graphs, charts, tables as required to substantiate your answers. Reflective statements and original analysis are highly encouraged.
    Wherever required, you can make suitable assumptions but ensure you justify every recommendation with appropriate reasoning. References to academic journals and industry publications provide credibility and add value to your answers. Please ensure relevant citations are made within the body of the answer/footnotes and full reference provided at the end of the assignment. References will not be included in the word count.
    Providing a structured answer broadly starting with an introduction, detailed analysis, and evaluation, followed with a reasonable conclusion would be encouraged.
    Question 1
    The recent Fed Reserve interest rate hike witnessed growth stocks pull back in the significantly in the stock market compared to value stocks. Is there a correlation between bond yield curves and stock prices? Discuss.
    Question 2
    Review the Financial Statements of Singapore Airlines and EasyJet (See appendix). Calculate and compare relevant profitability, liquidity, operational efficiency, and leverage ratios. Provide your analysis on which of these airlines is better suited to weather a six-month pandemic grounding of all flights.
    Question 3
    Discuss agency theory in the context of the industry you work within. Further, make suggestions on how alignment of interests could be achieved between the relevant stakeholders in your company.
    Question 4
    Answer both of the following questions.
    (a) Dave bought a townhouse in downtown Dubai. He estimates that the flooring will have to be renewed at a cost of $25,000 after 20 years. To cover these costs, he intends to save an equal amount of money at the end of each year, earning 6% annual interest rate. How much would he have to put aside each year towards the above expense?
    (b) Ayman has just participated in the Emirates Draw and won $20,000. He wants to finance the future study of his newly born son and invests this money in a fund with a maturity of 18 years offering a promising yearly return of 6%. What is the amount available on the 18th birthday of his son?
    Question 5
    Discuss what is capital structure of a firm. Illustrate with examples how increased leverage could work both in favour and against the firm.


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    CLICK HERE TO MAKE YOUR ORDER on The recent Fed Reserve interest rate hike witnessed growth stocks pull back in the significantly in the stock market compared to value stocks

    Are You looking for Assignment and Homework Writing help? We Provide High-Quality Academic Papers at Affordable Rates. No Plagiarism.


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    • What were the ethical issues which needed to be considered in conducting this study?

    Template for Critique of Quantitative Research Article
    Journal and Authors
    Was the paper published in a peer reviewed journal?
    What is the background of the authors?
    Did they have the appropriate expertise to conduct such a study?
    Could this have predisposed to a bias of any kind? If so was this recognised?
    Appropriateness, clarity and representativeness.
    Research Question
    Did the author make the research question clear?
    Did the abstract summarise the background, methods, results and conclusion of the study?
    Literature review. Has the literature review been comprehensive? You may need to conduct a quick literature search to evaluate this.
    Did the author justify the need for the research i.e. did the paper add to the existing knowledge by filling an identified gap?
    Have they fulfilled the purpose of a literature review?
    Methods. Were the methods appropriate to answer the research question? In particular the:
    • study setting,
    • recruitment, selection sample size and randomisation;
    • inclusion/exclusion criteria;
    • data collection techniques,
    data collection tool development;

    • issues relating to bias e.g. reliability and validity?
    • any assumptions stated
    Ethical considerations
    • What were the ethical issues which needed to be considered in conducting this study?
    • How were the ethical issues addressed?

    • Were the appropriate statistics used to analyse results?
    • Were the results presented appropriately and in logical sequence using text, tables, figures etc.?
    Did the author’s conclusions align with the results?
    Were the study limitations acknowledged?
    Were the implications for practice identified?
    Were suggestions given for future research?
    What are the implications of this article for your practice and / or practice setting?


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    CLICK HERE TO MAKE YOUR ORDER on • What were the ethical issues which needed to be considered in conducting this study?

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    Writers Solution

    Describe a community to which you belong – give a rich description of the community

    Essay – describing a community you belong to and identifying an issue for change.
    Length = 1,000
    Curriculum = Essay
    The details of the assignment are as follows:

    1. Describe a community to which you belong – give a rich description of the community. You should refer to definitions of community discussed in class and in your reading – for example in Ife (2016) chapter 5, pp100-108, and/or Kenny (2011) chapter 2, pp44-53. How does your community reflect the characteristics described in the readings? (About 400 words)
      Approachin Change.pptx
      Values and CD.pptx
    2. Identify an issue in your community that could be improved and make the community better. Think about this issue in terms of social justice (i.e fairness, equity, participation – see for example Kenny (2011) p24.). In other words, is there some way in which the community might be a little unfair/unequal for some of the members? (About 400words)
    3. How could your community be better? What needs to change? How could this issue be changed? (What structures, relationships, processes etc could be addressed?) (About 200 words)
      The overriding focus of this assignment is based on you knowing your community well – its strengths and issues, being able to identify an issue for change and being able to describe that change in terms of increased fairness and equity.
      Preferred Community = Riverwood Community


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    CLICK HERE TO MAKE YOUR ORDER on Describe a community to which you belong – give a rich description of the community

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