Writers Solution

Drew Hayden Taylor

Memo to the BBC’s diversity head: Identity is more than what you eat and who you socialize with

Drew Hayden Taylor

Special to The Globe and Mail

Published April 21, 2021 Updated April 21, 2021

Last week, Miranda Wayland, head of creative diversity at the BBC, offered some thoughts on the character the charismatic Idris Elba plays in the popular British television series Luther. When the show first came out, she said, “everybody loved the fact that Idris Elba was in there – a really strong, Black character lead. We all fell in love with him. Who didn’t, right?” But eventually, she reasoned, “you got kind of like, ‘okay, he doesn’t have any Black friends, he doesn’t eat any Caribbean food, this doesn’t feel authentic.’”

You learn something new every day. We in the Indigenous community have been wrestling with the concept of identity for a while now, and we never guessed it could be figured out so simply.

Now if that’s the accepted way of measuring something like this, I believe that quite probably would make me Black. Yes, I will say it, some of my best friends are Black. And to seal the deal, I eat Caribbean food.

Same principle could be said with Chinese (probably more Cantonese than Mandarin). Definitely Indian (the subcontinent kind, not the feathered kind). And Greek and Italian and so on. My point being I find such criteria – who is in your social bubble and what your Skip The Dishes dinner order contains – a limited way to evaluate a person’s connection to their ethnic heritage or race.

I am by no means an expert on African-Canadian, African-American or simply African cultures in general. If I am to read the subtext of the diversity person’s statement, there is only one kind of Black person on the planet. And they all hang out eating rotis and jerk chicken. If this is so, I have greatly overestimated the variety of Black cultures in the world.

I say this respectfully because, as a First Nations member, I am no stranger to this peculiar thread of logic, and it irks me greatly. Many people make the same assumptions with Indigenous cultures. We are all one mass of Indigeneity – dripping in leather, dreamcatchers and feathers and smelling of salmon rolled in baloney.

Once, back in the 1980s, a white producer I was working with on a documentary told me to my face that he didn’t consider me very “Indian” (as we were known at the time) because I knew too many statistics about Indigenous people., i.e. how many reserves there were in Canada, ratio of Native to non-Natives in the general population. Evidently he felt real Indigenous people didn’t care about such things. We only wanted to skin something.

A thousand years ago I was working on a documentary in Northern Ontario. The crew was following the life of an Indigenous woman trapper and her little girl, who had moved into the wilderness. The little girl, not really believing I was Native due to my eyes and complexion, asked me if I wanted some tea. Busy at the moment, I declined. She immediately cried in victory, “See! You’re not Indian. All Indians drink tea!” Had I been outed, I pondered. I wonder if Luther drinks tea.

When it comes to the varied and amazing world of Indigenous cuisines, there is probably more Indigenously specific food I have not eaten than I have eaten. To explain, I have had my share of bannock in most of the 10 provinces and a few of the American states. But I have not had any elk. I quiver deliciously at the thought of tasty corn soup, but I have not consumed East Coast eels. You cannot swing a dead cat on practically any Indigenous community without consuming moose stew/chili/burgers etc. (and no, we do not eat dead cats), but I have never tried caribou. Manoomin (wild rice) is a standard in my community, but I have never had the opportunity to devour oolichan oil (fish oil). And the list goes on.

Evidently, by this standard, I am not a very convincing Indigenous person. I do, however, have many Indigenous friends, which seems to be an important criteria, but I would hate to have my Indigeneity measured by who I may borrow money from or ask to feed my cat. So I relate very much to Idris Elba and his character’s dilemma.

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Full disclosure, I have never watched the series Luther, and as a result, I don’t know how relevant his skin colour is to what he does and who he is. But for the head of diversity to comment on it, it must be pretty damn important.

I believe Luther is a cop of some sort. I am a playwright/filmmaker of some sort. Frequently I work in a predominantly non-Native environment. It’s the nature of both jobs. I am also aware that Luther is a fictional character and, in theory, I am a real person. But in this post-Joseph Boyden/Michelle Latimer era, it unnerves me to hear people passing judgment on who may or may not be what they may or may not be, be they real or not real. Make sense?

Identity is so complex.

Now I must inform my family that I just may be Black.

Drew Hayden Taylor is an Anishnawbe playwright and humorist.

Absurdism is a kind of humour that employs the use of bad reasoning as its source of new reasoning. How does Taylor use absurdism to springboard his discussion on race?

What are, to you, his most effective examples or points?

Beneath any humorous social commentary is a rather trenchant message. What, behind the jokes, is he really commenting on?

Who, in your opinion, would either not understand this, or dismiss it outright as silliness (meaning it is irrelevant)?

What is the danger of the above attitude?


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Mind perception is the essence of morality


Position 1: Mind perception is the essence of morality. 

The best evidence in favor of Gray et al (2012) claims is the dyadic template provided. “A dyadic template suggests that people understand morality as a combination of agent and patient, intention and suffering” (Gray et al, 2012). This diagram broke down the moral dyadic into two different categories. From there, it was split into two more subcategories. This evidence helps support the claim, as it explains mind perception of agent and patient suffering. It then shows how injustice and harmless wrongs correlate with these two categories. 

At worst, Gray et al (2012) presented evidence on moral typecasting. Figure seven provides graphical breakdown of a human being either a moral agent or moral patient. This evidence is weaker, as it does not provide much information or explanation to support the claims. “Although the two-dimensional structure of mind perception suggests that perceptions of agency and experience are independent, within a moral context, perceptions of moral agency and moral patiency may oppose each other” (Gray et al, 2012). This makes the evidence weaker, as it seems to contradict each other.  

Position 2: Mind perception is not the essence of morality.

At best, Graham and Iyer (2012) presented evidence explaining “Is the claim that mind perception is a necessary precursor to all moral judgments? This is a potentially useful and testable claim, but the authors provide no specific evidence for it” (Graham and Iyer, 2012). This data makes readers question the initial claim, as well. Since there was no specific evidence supporting Gray et al (2012) claims, it helps support Graham and Iyer (2012) claims. 

At worst, Graham and Iyer (2012) question what is the pragmatic validity of the theory? Yet, they just provide more questions instead of answering or providing evidence to their claim. They do provide a definition of pragmatism, but does not explain how this corresponds to their question. 


Position 1: My position is that mind perception is the essence of morality. Everyone’s perception is linked to our behavior and the decisions we make, good or bad.

At best, the evidence to support this conclusion is for one, the law being linked to mind perception and reality. “The mind survey revealed that people perceive minds along with experience and agency.” (Gray, K., Young, L., Waytz, A., p. 103) Several different surveys were conducted between a functioning adult, a psychotic adult, and an autistic adult. In comparison, the individuals’ perception, mental processes, and outcome showed that the moral rights and responsibilities vary. For example, Joe has a history of mental illness and suffers from schizophrenia, multiple personality disorders, and severe depression. He is required to report to MHMR every two weeks and is on medications. Due to Joe’s mental capacity of being clinically insane, the responsibility and consequences to his actions may be lesser. If he commits a crime, it is likely that he will have to serve his time in a mental institution where he can continue treatment and medications rather than a prison setting where he would not receive proper treatment, and risk being a victim in a prison setting.

At worst, the weakest evidence is an example that revealed that “Pain underlies the general acquisition of morality.” (Gray, K., p. 116). How each person perceives an act or information given to them will determine if it causes pain or not.

Position 2: My position is that mind perception is not the essence of morality. Not everyone’s perception is linked to our behavior and the decisions we make, good or bad.

At best, the evidence to support this conclusion is that “norms are important in structuring the moral world, as is negative effect, but these factors are not sufficient enough to account for moral judgement.” (Gray, K., p 116).  Mental causation is not involved until the child reacts to the situation. Others may be involved in her reaction depending on her exposure to other children while in her pajamas. Where one child may cry out of embarrassment after exposure to other people while in pajamas, another child in the same situation may start acting silly like a class clown, in hopes to change the reaction, or just go home and change.

At worst, the weakest evidence to support this is an example they give is a “child who wears her pajamas to school when nobody else does.” (Gray, K., p 116). This alone could make a child feel a bit out of place and feel like they do not blend in with the rest, because of our norms of not wearing pajamas in public. Though the child’s perception of this can change the overall outcome as well, this has nothing to do with morality. However, the actions and how other students treat her regarding the situation would have to do with responding to the situation in a positive way or negative way.



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review the political speech regarding the construction of the proposed factory.


Your assignment for this unit involves two parts. In the first part, you will be identifying rhetorical devices used to persuade an audience. In the second part, you will identify premises used to build a logical argument devoid of rhetoric.

Using the  Unit VII Assignment Template , review the political speech regarding the construction of the proposed factory. Identify the rhetorical devices, ethos, and pathos in the template. Next, review the additional relevant information that was omitted from the speech. Using this information, identify premises for a logical argument based on relevant information in the template.

View the  Unit VII Sample Assignment for an example of how your completed assignment should look. APA Style is not required for this assignment, and no outside resources are required.

Unit VII Assignment Template is here:


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Describe the legal environment of Brazil, making specific references to – the rule of law

In this assignment, you need to 1. Describe the legal environment of Brazil, making specific references to – the rule of law (to what extent is Brazil governed by law as opposed to arbitrary decisions of individual government officials) and – laws that govern foreign direct investment (for example, are there provisions to attract foreign direct investment, such as tax incentives, most-favored-nation treatment, dispute resolution fora; or provisions that restrict foreign direct investors such as high local content requirements or currency exchange restrictions). 2. Discuss challenges and opportunities for American investors posed by the legal environment. 3. Based on the challenges and opportunities you have identified through your research, formulate two recommendations, with your supporting arguments, to an American investor to successfully navigate your country’s legal environment.


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Legal Environment Analysis

This is a written assignment that will be worth 100 points. It needs to be 3 pages long, double- spaced, Times New Roman 12, 1.25 margins.

The assignment is due on Saturday, March 26, at 11:59pm.

To submit it, use the “Legal Environment Analysis” Turnitin link that you will find by accessing the Assignments link in Blackboard.

Note: When referring to items that are not your own ideas (for example, referring to specific laws listed or talked about in your analysis), you must cite the laws using MLA or Chicago format. Here is a good website for tips on how to cite sources. ( uide/mla_formatting_and_style_guide.html)

Each individual has to turn in one written assignment.

In this assignment, you need to:

1. Describe the legal environment of your chosen country, making specific references to

– the rule of law (to what extent is the country governed by law as opposed to arbitrary decisions of individual government officials)


– laws that govern foreign direct investment (for example, are there provisions to attract foreign direct investment, such as tax incentives, most-favored-nation treatment, dispute resolution fora; or provisions that restrict foreign direct investors such as high local content requirements or currency exchange restrictions).

2. Discuss challenges and opportunities for American investors posed by the legal environment.

3. Based on the challenges and opportunities you have identified through your research, formulate two recommendations, with your supporting arguments, to an American investor to successfully navigate your country’s legal environment.

Writers Solution

What are the major differences between majoritarian and proportional electoral systems?

Respond to 2 Peer responses 

Peer #1 

Question #1: What are the major differences between majoritarian and proportional electoral systems?

A majoritarian electoral system is one in which candidates need to receive a majority of votes to be elected, whether it be in a runoff election or in a final round of voting. A proportional electoral system is one in which divisions in the electorate are reflected proportionally in the elected body. Most countries use a form of the PR electoral system. The proportional electoral system stresses the concept of proportionality which deals with numerical accuracy regarding the votes cast for parties and their translations into seats ultimately won in parliament. In the PR system, “if a party receives 25% of the votes, it can expect to win 25% of the seats” (Gallagher, Mair, and Laver, 2011, pg. 372). Majoritarian systems do not actively set out to disregard proportionality, but do prioritize other aspects that they accept a certain degree of disproportionality as inevitable.

Majoritarian electoral systems are seen in places like the United States, Canada, Egypt, etc. It is a system that emphasizes the “winner-takes-all” ideology and where the country is subdivided into distinct districts and politicians compete for the district seats. The higher vote wins the seat. Proportional electoral systems are more so seen in places like Denmark, Finland, Bulgaria, etc. This system uses a collective approach being as the votes are being given towards a distinct party, not individual. Both of these systems work in their own ways, providing the governments in these countries with a variety of advantages and benefits. Although this is all true, criticisms and issues arise as well that affect the governance of the countries. 

Under the plurality system, some of the advantages include simplicity, stability, and constituency. It’s a system that makes it easy for a voter to understand, it creates strong and stable governments, and strong territorial constituency by an individual legislature. Each representative has the support of most if not all its constituents. Some of the issues that arise with this system though are those pertaining to geographical concentration where even if parties don’t manipulate district boundaries for political gain, this system can lead to over-representation of a specific party at the expense of others. Another criticism is that there tends to be less political parties in places with this system. There are usually only two. Various other criticisms arise such as redistricting and others.

Under the proportional system, the advantages include a greater degree of representation for smaller/minority parties. More constituents are represented so there are less “wasted” votes and encourages voter turn-out. Some disadvantages are the systems capability of providing extremists with lee-way into politics in which they force their ideas onto the public. It can also produce weak coalition governments rather than strong untied majority governments which leads to negative outcomes like compromisation. Just like the majoritarian system, there are advantages and disadvantages, but the major differences are the representation and unity they produce. 

Peer #2

Question #3: What are mixed electoral systems? What countries use a mixed system? Why do you think this particular type of system was adopted by the countries that use it?

Some countries instead of having proportional representation of plurality government have a mixture of both. These countries figure that this will create a balance between the two systems and will enable them to have the best of both worlds, and while it is true that each system has its own flaws that are addressed by the other, it is not necessarily true that combining the hem will retain the best of both worlds. Some have even said that the product is the worst of both worlds. 

Proportional representation systems have the benefits of providing a more accurate level of representation for the public as it is easier for small parties to find representation in the legislature. Proportional representation systems have been shown to more closely represent the interests of the average voter than majoritarian systems. But PR systems also have their drawbacks. For one, they can be volatile and unstable. Examples of this could be found in Denmark and eastern Europe. The PR system without proper institutionalization of parties like in eastern Europe can result in quickly fluctuating party dominances and parties that pop in and out of existence from one election to the next. In the case of Denmark party affiliation has become so polarized that some parties are not willing to even work with each other, threatening the success of coalition government. PR systems have also been associated with the development of welfare states, higher budget deficits and greater government spending, which has been seen as a negative characteristic of PR. The countries that have mixed systems have thought that the less flexible nature of majoritarian systems could help prevent this type of volatility and that a mixed system would have less public spending than PR systems.

Majoritarian governments have been said to have the advantage that they provide a greater ability for a party to affect exactly the types of changes it wants to implement. This is bourn out of the fact that majoritarian systems effectively have two party government and that the government in power is made up of one of those parties. This enables them to act without having to compromise with other groups, which allows them to put more of their platform into effect and would theoretically please more voters. But the downsides of Majoritarian government would also stem from this. The dominance of the two main parties would preclude smaller groups from having much of an affect on policy at all. The inclusion of PR in a mixed system would supposedly balance this out. Another strength of the majoritarian system is that geographic communities have representation from one specific representative. The mixed system is intended to provide this type of local representation as well as representation for national issues. 

Despite the theoretical benefits one study has noted that mixed systems have “lower levels of accountability, government effectiveness, control of corruption, representation of women in parliament and voter turnout” (Gallagher)


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Dr. Cuadra’s video lecture that social vulnerabilities are easily distinguishable (Cuadra,2022)

vulnerabilities are very similar when it comes to Nepal or any other similar developing countries. We already know a lot about different types of vulnerabilities from this course. I will try not to repeat myself. We can see from Dr. Cuadra’s video lecture that social vulnerabilities are easily distinguishable (Cuadra,2022). First of all, the population of Nepal is very poor. As mentioned in the lecture, it is an ethnic-based society. There are a lot of different ethnicities, sects, religions, casts. And people are treated differently depending on where they are belonging. I know, it is 2022 and sounds crazy but what you can do. Some people think that they are superior to others just because they belong to some sect. There should not be any room for discrimination, marginalization, and inequality in a society that wants to prosper. Economic factors are clear as the sky. A poor country that mainly depends on the agricultural sector and some tourism. Relying heavily on one industry with poor regulation makes people a lot more vulnerable to disasters. Physical vulnerabilities are probably the most distinguishable. The large rural sector with pour construction regulation and almost no roads. Economically struggling authorities set building standards for country regions and do not provide finances to implement the standards on the level required for disaster-prone countries (Grunewald,6). As you know, building standards in highly seismic areas are the most strict and not easy to implement. Not only from a financial standpoint but from a construction standpoint. Where are you going to finds experienced trades with equipment and knowledge required to build a multi-level house per the highest seismic region standards per 7.8 magnitudes (Bhagat,1861)? Especially in Nepal. So, authorities have to be cognitive of that and not just assume that what is in the books is going to be in reality unless it is supervised vigilantly.

Physical factors had a big impact after the earthquake. Many buildings were damaged causing casualties, and help could not get to rural areas on time because of a lack of transportation infrastructure. The economical sector got hurt badly because tourism was a big part of it and many tourist locations were damaged. Also, it took a lot longer for rescue teams to get to rural sectors.     

Cuadra, J. (2022). Week 14 Hazards and Development: Nepal Gorkha Earthquake 2015 Video Lecture.

Grunewald, F. (2016).  Nepal Earthquake: a rapid review of the response and a few lessons learned. (p.6 ).

Chapter 3 and 4. Groupe, U.R.D.

Bhagat, S. (2018).  Damage to Cultural Heritage Structure and Buildings Due to the 2015 Nepal Gorkha. (p.1861). Journal of Earthquake Engineering 2018, Vol 22, No.10,1861-1880


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Writers Solution

 Black Eyed Peas w/ Justin Timberlake Where is the Love? 

 In at least 600 words, analyze the song’s lyrics and images to help the reader make the connection between the song and the need for civic engagement. Use the assigned course reading materials to support your argument. Use the music video below.


 Black Eyed Peas w/ Justin Timberlake Where is the Love? 

Please see attached for proper formatting Rules

Students write an essay or “primary assignment” each week on a different topic. Keep in mind:

· The 3+1 Rule is mandatory and so be sure to familiarize yourself with it.

· Organization should follow this format:

1. Introduction that summarizes what will be discussed and provides a thesis statement.

2. The body of the essay. It should be multi-paragraph. Each paragraph should discuss one aspect that supports the thesis statement.

3. Conclusion that summarizes what was discussed.

4. References in APA.

5. In-text citations are also required


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Writers Solution

Ms. Jones, a 28-year-old African American female , is present into the hospital beacuse of an infected wound on her foot.

Identifying Data & Reliability

Ms. Jones, a 28-year-old African American female , is present into the hospital beacuse of an infected wound on her foot. Her speech is clear and concise and well- structured. Throughout the interview, she maintain eye contact while freely sharing information.


General Survey

Ms. Jones is stting upright on the exam table, alert and oriented x3, friendly and well nourished. She is calm and appropriately dressed for the weather.


Chief Complaint

“I got this scrape on my foot a while ago, and I thought it would heal up on its own, but now it’s looking pretty nasty. And the pain is killing me!”


History Of Present Illness

One week ago, Ms. Tina was going down her steps with no shoes and stumbled scratching her right foot on the edge of the step and was taken to the emergency room by her mother where an x-ray was performed and the site showed no abnormality. They cleaned her injuries and Tremadol was reccomended for pain and she was told to remain off of her foot and to keep it very clean and dry at all times as she was realeased home. her foot became swollen 2 days aglo as the pain exacerbated and she saw grayish whte pus draining from the wound and that is when she started taking Tramadol. She rated her agony of pain as a 7 out of 10 on her wounded foot nevertheless; she says it emanates to her whole foot and that there was drainage initially when the episode previoulsy began. Ms. Tina has been cleaning the injury with cleanser and soap and applying Neosporin to the wound two times each day and occasionaly applied peroxide. The pain was depicted as throbbing and very still and sometimes sharp shooting pain or torment when she puts weight on her foot. She can not accomadate her tennis shoes on her right foot so she had been wearing flip tumbles or slippers everyday. The pai pills have eased the excruciating pain for few hours and she reported having fever. She has lost 10 pounds in barley a month accidentally and has work for two days as she reported. She denied any ongoing sickness and feels hungrier than expected. Review of System: HEENT: Occasional migraines or headache when studying and she takes Tylenil 500mg by mouth twice a


day. Ms. Tina reports more awful vision in the course of recent months ands no contact or restorative lenses. She denies any congestions, hearing problem or soar throat however, she admits infrequent running nose. Neurological: Occasional migrain revealed, no dizziness, syncope, loss of motivation, ataxia, loss of tingling in her extremities or furthest point. Respiratory: No brevity or shortness of breath, hac k or cough or sputum. Cardiovascular: No chest discomfort or pain and absence of palpitation but mild edema on the right foot. Gastrointestinal: No anorexia, nsasuea sickness, regurgitating or vmitting, loss bowels or diarrhea


Metformin 850mg PO BID for diabetes (She has not taken the medication for a while). Albuterol Proventil inhaler 90mcg MDI 1-3 puffs Q4hr PRN for Asthma (last use 3 days ago). Tramadol 50mg PO TID for pain (Last use this morning). Advil 600mg PO TID for menstrual cramps (Last use 3weeks ago). Tylenol 500mg-1000mg PO PRN for headaches.



Penicillin: Rash/hives Ms. Jones is allergic to cats and dust. She states that whenever she is exposed to cats and dust, she develops runny nose, swollen and itcy eyes. She denies food and latex allergies.


Medical History

Ms. Jones was diagnosed with asthma at the age of 2 1/2years. she had tons of astham attack when she was a child, however, denied any ongoing attack. Her last asthma attack was in high school and she was hospitalized. Her last asthma exacerbation was 3days ago and was relief with the use of the inhaler. She reports using the inhaler no more than 2-3times a week Her asthmas is trigger by cat, dust and by running up stairs. She uses Albuterol Provntil inhaler when she experience exacerbations. At the age of 24 years old she was diagnosed with diabetes type2. she had stop takin her diabetes medication, Metformin for a while and does not monitor her blood sugar at home in light of the fact that she is tired of manging it. she reports that the diabetes medication makes her felt sick constantly, and she was uncomfartable. She says she controls her diabetes by watching what she eats and seetle on more advantageous nourishment decision, however, does not appear to be stressed over her regimen. She states that she had a blood surgar checked in the ER a week ago and was told that her blood surgar was high but has forgotten the number. Her first sexaul encounter was at the age of 18 with men. She has used oral contraceptives in the past and stopped using it a while ago. She last visited her OB/GYN four years ago for STI testing which was negative. She reports uncertainty about past partners and STI testing. Her last menstrual period was 2weeks ago.


Health Maintenance

Ms. Jones last eye exam was when she was a kid, and have not have an eye exam since then. Her last dental exam was a few years ago when she was a kid. Her immunization is up to date and report receiving all necessary chilhood immunizations. She received her last tetanus vaccine in the past year. She denies receiving the Human papillomavirus vaccine and the flu vaccine. She has not have the mammogram but had an exam where the doctor felt her breasts around for lumps. She has not had pap smear for the past years.


Family History

Ms. Jones father died in an auto collision at the age of 58. He had hypertension, Type 2 Diabetes (DM2), high cholesterol. she has two siblings, a 24 year old brother who is obese and a 14 years old sister who was diagnosed with asthma and hayfever. her uncle on father’s side was alcohol dependent and her 82 year old paternal grandmother had hypertension and high cholesterol. Her paternal grandfather died at age 65 from colon cancer and had hypertension, Diabetes Type 2, high cholesterol. Her maternal grandfather died at age 78 from stroke and had hypertension and high cholesterol; maternal grandmother died of stroke at age 73 and had hypertention and high cholesterol. Her paternal grandmother is still living and is diagnose with hypertension. She denies any


diagnoses of depression or mental health, thyroid issues, cancer.

Social History

It has been three weeks ago since Ms. Tina had alvohol and drinks socially around twice every week, 4 or fewer beverages when around friends. She denied smoking cigarettes however, she used to smoke pot each of the week and halted or stopped, and has not smoked pot since 20 years of age as it troubled her asthma. She is exposed to second hand smoke when out with companions. She spends sometimes watching television and going out to bars and clubs and also enjoys drinking diet coke. She works as a supervisor at a Mid-American Copy and Ship while in high school and would be completing her bachelor’s degree in accounting. She has never been pregnant, no children and has never been married but hopes to have a family in the future. At the moment she is dwelling with her mother and her sister follwing the passing of her father. Ms. Tina drives her sister to her appointments, for grocery shopping and looks after her mother. She reports being increasingly worried following the passing of her father for a couple of months and did not complete school and reports not having any desire to get up certain days. She has since taking gradually and has gotten back up with school work and acknowledges confidnce is a major piece of her life and being associated with Baptist Church since she was was a child. She appeared to be extemely worried about missing work.


School and stressed over her foot being infected.

Review of Systems

HEENT: Occasional migraines or headache when studying and she takes tylenol 500mg by mouth twice a day. Ms. Tina reports more awful vision in the course of recent months and no contact or restorative lenses. She denies any congestions, hearing problem or soar throat however, she admits infrequent running nose. Neurological: Occasional migrain revealed, no dizziness, syncope, loss of motion, ataxia, lost of tingling in her extremities or in furthest point. Respiratory: No brevity or shotness of breath, hack or cough or sputu. Cardiovascular: No chest discomfort or pain and absence of palpatation but mild edema on the right foot. Gasrintestinal: No anorexia, nasuea sicknesss, regurgitating or vomiting, loss bowels or diarrhea. She has seen increment in hunger thirst. Genotourinary: No igniting with burning urination, no present or past pregnancy. At 11 year old started menstruating and her periods were unpredictable and kept going for 9-10 days and her last menstrual period was three weeks ago. No adjustment or change in bladder or bowel control. Musculoskeltal: No mucsle, joint, back pain or stifness, and previous history of broken bones or wounds. Mental or psychiateic: Denies depression. Endochronology: Denied night sweats however, report of polyuria, polydipsia which began about a month ago. Awakens more than once pernight to urinate and sometimes every hour or two during the

(No Model Documentation Provided)

days. Hematologic: No frailty or anemia and no bleeding. Skin: Dark skinaround the neck and saw some facial hair development as of late. No past surgeries. Denies sexual activites. Last sexual activity was two years back and did not use condom as she was on conception prevention. Denied any sexually transmitted disease.


Ms. Tina weighs 90 kilograms, and she is 170 centimeters tall with a Body Max Index of 31. Her vital signs incorperates Blood pressure 142/82, Pulse 86, Resporatory rate 19, Temperature 101.1 Farenheit, Pulse Oximetery 99% on RA. Her Random Blood Glucose level is 238. Wound estimate or measure is 2cm x 1.5cm deep situated on the ball of her right foot mild erythema around wound site and little serousanguinous drainge. The roght foot wound is swab and sent to the laboratory or processing center for culture and sensitivity. Wound is cleaned with normal saline and applied dry sterile dressing that is intact or flawless


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Writers Solution

What inspired Starbucks to venture in to India?

In Chapters 8 and 9, we reviewed several types of global expansion strategies a company can undertake when entering new markets. For this assignment, you will read a case study about Starbucks’ expansion into the Indian market (p. 413 in the textbook) and then respond to, and make decisions, based on the following questions:

  1. What inspired Starbucks to venture in to India?
  2. What were some of the company’s early      concerns and other obstacles? 
  3. How would you describe Starbucks’      approach to entering India?
  4. how Starbucks was influenced by cultural      differences to adapt its offerings for the Indian market?
  5. Why did Starbucks want to enter India      through a joint venture? Specifically, 
  6. what benefits did Starbucks and the Tara      Group both gain by partnering with one another? 
  7. What synergies were present?
  8. What conflicts occurred and how were they      resolved?
  9. Now, assume the role of the Director of      Starbucks’ Indian strategic planning team. 
  10. You have been tasked to explore the      benefits and challenges of expansion into foreign countries through joint-venture      partnerships.
  11. Describe the opportunities, benefits, and      concerns that Starbucks might face by doing so. 
  12. Summarize the cultural environment,      choose an entry strategy from the text, and describe how you would      implement this entry strategy. Make sure you are very detailed in your      explanation. 

should meet the following requirements:

  • Be 6 pages in length, which does      not include the title page, abstract, or required reference page, which is      never a part of the content minimum requirements.
  • Use APA (7th ed) style guidelines.
  • Support your submission with course      material concepts, principles, and theories from the textbook and at least 10 scholarly,      peer-reviewed journal articles
  • Please      include in the answer Appendix (      Graph or table …)

Writing rules 

· Use a standard format for responses to all questions (i.e., an introduction, middle paragraphs, headline (and conclusion). 

· Make sure to include all the key points within conclusion section, which is discussed in the assignment. Your way of conclusion should be logical, flows from the body of the paper, and reviews the major points.

· I would like to see more depth for the question

· Responses must be submitted as a MS Word Document only, typed double-spaced, using a standard font (i.e. Times New Roman) and 12 point type size. 

· Plagiarism All work must be free of any form of plagiarism. 

· Written answers into your own words. Do not simply cut and paste your answers from the Internet and do not copy your answers from the textbook


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    Writers Solution

    Charlie Chaplin in The Gold Rush


    Discussion 1

    Hello All,

    Compare the content and style with modern comedy.

    What I found most interesting about silent comedy films versus modern comedy films was how they delivered humor to the audience. The Gold Rush was presented in such a way that it drew the audience in by creating a setting and offering amusing sequences that offered the spectator a visual sense of humor. Upon watching Charlie Chaplin in The Gold Rush, I was simply astounded at how uninformed I was about silent comedy and how it truly has a distinctive influence on modern comedy. Modern comedy uses humor to influence and inform the audience through dialogue or jokes that give the audience a feeling. Silent comedy, in my opinion, should make a significant comeback because society as a whole is constantly evolving and providing new generations with opportunities and a whole new perspective on how far we have come. Although, bringing back humor like The Gold Rush may only appeal to a limited audience because some people are uninterested, I believe this is a wonderful method to reflect on how history has progressed.

    Are there physical comedians today that can compare to Chaplin?

    Despite the fact that physical comedians exist today, none can truly compare to Charlie Chaplin. No one has made as much of an impact as Charlie Chaplin, whose popularity is unmatched. Nevertheless, in today’s society, I did find someone who is expected to bring 2022 humor through physical comedy. According to Amore, “Sebastian Maniscalco is climbing the ranks to become one of America’s favorite comedians” (2022). Upon further research, I discovered that I had never heard of the comedian, and from what I can tell, he is truly inspiring the world through his “expressive and physical humor” (Amore, 2022).  

    Do modern comedies have the same blend of comedy and romance?

    I think that modern comedies have shifted over time, producing films that shed light on other genres. Romance comedies are anticipated to make a big turnaround this year, with famous celebrities attracting the audience’s attention. According to Polk, “since we’ve been dealing with a deadly pandemic for the past two years, rom-coms are exactly the positive force we need to help up get through hard times” (2022). Often, romantic comedies are over-romanticized, which can derail the viewer because they believe it is deceiving. Personally, I prefer comedy and romance, especially when the actors are contemporary and give the film a more realistic feel.

    Do you feel the humor of the silent comedies holds up and why or why not?

    Although I have a strong interest in silent comedies, I believe that persuading someone to feel the same way in Hollywood would result in a different perspective. I believe Chaplin was a true genius during his time but making that type of film in today’s society may have a different effect. Since technology has advanced so quickly and has taken control of the mind and body, many people would expect much more than what was available back then, especially since we have altered our minds to feel a different way when viewing entertainment. The expectations that society has today do not appear to correspond with silent comedies and what we desire today.


    Discussion 2

    The absence of sound is the most noticeable difference between silent cinema comedy and modern films. Despite the fact that silent films are exactly that, silent, today’s films are jam-packed with sound. The Gold Rush, a 1925 picture, was certainly not what I am used to seeing in current movies. The picture was definitely well-made, and the performers delivered outstanding performances. Charlie Chaplin was good at crafting jokes that did not immediately jump to the punchline, but instead built up the tension of the joke, which made it more hilarious to me. The primary illustration of this can be when the small tramp moves on an edge and it is all blanketed and dangerous, so at any point he can drop and he steps, slides and slides without any clear sense of course. Certainly, Chaplin was not paying exceptionally near consideration to what is around him, so a huge bear develops out from behind him and starts looking for after him up and down the mountain. That alone gave the scene a sensational pressure that a bear might harm Chaplin or something critical was about to happen, but nothing did conclusion up taking put. The bear ultimately made its own way to the cave. Chaplin had no idea a bear was involved in the surgery, which is humorous in anticipation of what may have happened. In my opinion, modern comedies have the same mixture of comedy and romance. For example, Deadpool is a great comedy with a lot of dry humor that works remarkably well. The author devises a clever method to include a romance with both Wade Wilson and Vanessa. Silent comedies’ comedy, in my opinion, holds up since there is no spoken in a silent picture, thus the viewer must rely on his imagination. To understand the film, you must stimulate your mind to take into account what the characters are trying to say, what they are accomplishing, and what their points of view are. The plot of silent films is considerably easier than that of talking films. The storylines are basic since viewers may become confused if there is no discussion. Actors in silent films must express themselves significantly more than actors in talking pictures. They must exaggerate what they’ve done since they must transmit a tale via sight rather than words. While viewing the silent picture, I saw that the performers needed to be dramatic by using theatrical facial expressions and hand motions


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