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Module 1 – Case SUPPLY CHAIN INTEGRATION Case Assignment

For this case study please read the article below concerning the government setting supply chain standards to enable better integration within the supply chain. This article and your background articles should provide you with a good start on writing a 5-6 page paper discussing the following issue. Please supplement the paper with other references of your choice.

How will setting supply chain standards improve supply chain management?

Thibodeau, P., (2002). Supply chain standards up for federal funding. Computerworld, 36(42). Retrieved on December 9, 2014, from ProQuest. (EBSCO Accession Number 7587647)

Abstract: Congress is considering legislation authorizing $47 million to help develop supply chain integration standards The legislation, the Enterprise Integration Act of 2002, has been approved by the US. House and is pending in the Senate. It has no apparent opposition and is backed by industry groups.

Assignment Expectations

Research the topic with information from the background readings as well as any other resources you find on your own. The paper should be 5-6 pages in length and have a cover sheet and a reference page. Clarity of presentation is important, as well as your ability to cover the topic in a succinct, organized manner with research to back up your points. Use at least 3 different sources of information and annotate your sources of information appropriately on your references page and within the text as necessary. You will be assessed on how well you develop this case and demonstrate your understanding of the overall concept of supply chain integration and its many benefits. Submit your assignment for grading by the end of this module


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Promoting a Service Message — Music Video


Part A:  Promoting a Service Message — Music Video

READ SCENARIO BELOW.  Rewrite a response that

  •  Seeks attention by giving sincere compliment that reveals message subject
  •  Continues central appeal while providing needed details
  •  Presents reasoning that leads to request for re-shooting video and subtle reminder of central appeal
  •  Connects specific request with firm’s commitment to develop creative productions


You have negotiated with Thunderbolt to create a music video. The draft you received from Thunderbolt is unacceptable and must be redone. Evaluate the following response. So, you prepared the draft message below and realized it is week and it needs to be strengthened using the four bullets above.  Prepare a stronger message using those bullets expressing why you dislike the video and a need for a reshoot.


We’ve just reviewed the first draft of the Thunderbolt music video and find it totally unacceptable. It must be redone to our specifications.  We made it clear that our target is the YouTube audience, which demands over-the-top entertainment, and indicated the sample clips from the Indigos were similar to what we wanted. Instead, you send us a simplistic video of nothing more than live-concert footage of the band.

Call us immediately to schedule re-shooting of the entire video. 

Part B –Persuasive Claim for Replacement Product: No One Wants Another Bum Cell Phone, worth 50 points.

Read the scenario below, then develop a script conversation for T-Mobile explaining the problem with the current phone and asking for a replacement phone.  



Many families purchase a “family plan” from cell phone service providers. This plan is particularly convenient and cost effective for parents with college students. Long-distance phone charges are eliminated. Family members can easily stay in touch with each other. You are a college student, and your family recently purchased the family cell phone plan from T-Mobile before you left for college. The contract is for a two-year period and includes an upgrade on phones within 18 months. A penalty of $150 is charged for cancellation of the contract.


The college student recently took the phone to a T-Mobile retail store for repair because the volume could not be adjusted high enough to hear conversations. Radio Shack shipped the phone to the service center, and the service center said that it cannot be repaired. The model is discontinued and not available for new contracts because “there were problems with the model.” However, the corporate policy states that the defective phone cannot be replaced with a new model free of charge; the replacement phone must be the old model. The customer is infuriated, saying “It’s unacceptable that the company would expect me to put up with another ‘bum’ phone.


1. What sorts of transformations can you see in figure 11-48? Consider, first of all, the content of Wall’s piece.

2. What does it mean that businessmen inhabit the scene rather than Japanese in traditional dress?

  • Explain how, Fig. 11-2, this process was created.  How beneficial was it?
  • Explain the meaning of the word Photography and its origin?
  • Fig 11-10 describes the scene and its importance to the American people; being able to have pictures such as this?
  • Fig 11-16 The print Moonrise, what is the significance of this print? Do you view photos as deeply as the artist does?
  1. When was color photography created and what entity first used it?
  • Fig 11-23 depicts a woman in a green dress. Explain the difference between this photo had it been in black in white and what color adds or takes away from a photograph.
  1. Compare Film to Video. Which is more advantageous or are they equal? Explain

Write a response to this discussion below –

I am presenting a painting that I found to be very interesting by Ernie Barnes called “My Miss America”. This painting was creating in (1970) and shows an African American woman walking carrying two bags through what it looks to be the sun setting with her eyes closed and her head held high. As the lady is walking wearing a dress the artist created detail to her arms and legs showing them to be in a muscular build. I found this painting to be very interesting and beautiful at the same time. I believe while the artist was magnifying the strength of this woman, he also sums up how life is for African American women living in America facing forms of discrimination even still to this day. 

I believe “My Miss America” shows how strong African American women have to be on a daily basis living in a world that we are not really accepted in. While trying to be feminine this woman is going through this world with her eyes closed not knowing what she will be faced with. While dealing with racism and sexism, African American women are forced to be physically, mentally, and emotionally strong and this this painting the details of the woman muscular arms and legs shows as though. The woman walks carrying her own bags showing her independence while still trying to look like a lady. The role of the artist is him showing universal truths about African American women. 


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Aircraft accident maintenance error article

Assignment Instructions:

  1. Perform a search for scholarly peered reviewed articles or other publications from reputable sources (as discussed in class)
  2. For each publication you must use the Word template provided.  You can type in your responses into the template for submission
  3. Please be brief, concise, but thorough with your responses
  4. Ensure that when you include the citation for source at the end of template, that it is in the proper APA format
  5. If there is question in the template that does not apply to your publication, please put N/A and the rationale as to why
  6. The information from this template is what you will present to the class for the Summary Article Presentations
  7. Your final grade for this Summary Article will be based on turning in the Summary Article and performing the accompanying presentation.  Your grade will be given after your in-class presentation.  Your grade will be based on the content of your Summary Article and quality of your presentation.  Please see rubric below.

Topic: Find aircraft accident maintenance error article


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Find aircraft accident with is related with maintenance dirty dozen

Assignment Instructions:

  1. Perform a search for scholarly peered reviewed articles or other publications from reputable sources (as discussed in class)
  2. For each publication you must use the Word template provided.  You can type in your responses into the template for submission
  3. Please be brief, concise, but thorough with your responses
  4. Ensure that when you include the citation for source at the end of template, that it is in the proper APA format
  5. If there is question in the template that does not apply to your publication, please put N/A and the rationale as to why
  6. The information from this template is what you will present to the class for the Summary Article Presentations
  7. Your final grade for this Summary Article will be based on turning in the Summary Article and performing the accompanying presentation.  Your grade will be given after your in-class presentation.  Your grade will be based on the content of your Summary Article and quality of your presentation.  Please see rubric below.

Article Topic: Find aircraft accident with is related with maintenance dirty dozen


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Application of Statistical Process Control Control and Quality Inspection to Improve a Medical Device Manufacturing

Topic: Application of Statistical Process Control Control and Quality Inspection to Improve a Medical Device Manufacturing.

I am conducting a research study in a medical device manufacturing company where I identified stent catheters with exposed outside wires. I collected data on their outer diameters of sample size 50 each categorized in 10. I would like a tutor to help me in creating control charts for Statistical Process Control. That is calculate:

Upper specification limit

Lower Specification limit

Cp, and Cpk, mean 


Test for Normality of the data and interpret.

OR  work on Taguchi Methods

And any other values under Statistical Process Control. I will provide more information as sonn as Study Daddy contacts me


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CLICK HERE TO MAKE YOUR ORDER on Application of Statistical Process Control Control and Quality Inspection to Improve a Medical Device Manufacturing


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operations and appropriate federal regulation/part under which it operates; major management leadership with responsibility descriptions

You will develop a 7-page (minimum) management structure for an aviation maintenance organization.

INSTRUCTIONS You must use current APA format and include the following: the type of organization with an overview of the type of maintenance operations and appropriate federal regulation/part under which it operates; major management leadership with responsibility descriptions (to include at least three levels); an organizational chart; and an overview of five policies and procedures to oversee five topics covered in the class.

(Note: While it is impractical to write detailed procedures for every policy which must be in place for such an organization, the policies need to be sufficient enough to demonstrate understanding of the major issues to be addressed within the organization.)

If you do not understand read text book

here is text book link


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CLICK HERE TO MAKE YOUR ORDER on operations and appropriate federal regulation/part under which it operates; major management leadership with responsibility descriptions

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an algebraic statement of the revenue function and the cost function


Case studies are used to enable you to apply new concepts, use the tools you have mastered, and improve your technical skills you have attained. Through the individual case studies you will discover for yourself the usefulness of quantitative problem solving methods, how to apply them in practice, and their benefit to organizational decision-makers.

In this case study, you will act as a consultant for a company that crushes sunflower seeds to produce high quality refined sunflower oil for sale in the wholesale market. The company is looking for you to make a recommendation on the optimal blend of raw materials required for its next production cycle. You will use a number of decision analysis tools including time series forecasting, linear programming, and cost-profit-volume analysis to make the recommendation and provide analysis on the profitability of the company.

You will be required to submit a written report to management, and to include the spreadsheet models you used to generate price forecasts, optimize the raw material, and a perform the break-even analysis. All analysis should be done using Excel and the various models should be implemented on separate worksheets or in separate workbooks.


TourneSol Canada, Ltd. is a producer of high quality sunflower oil. The company buys raw sunflower seeds directly from large agricultural companies, and refines the seeds into sunflower oil that it sells in the wholesale market. As a by-product, the company also produces sunflower mash (a paste made from the remains of crushed sunflower seeds) that it sells into the market as base product for animal feed.

The company has a maximum input capacity of 150 short tons of raw sunflower seeds every day (or 54,750 short tons per year). Of course the company cannot run at full capacity every day as it is required to shut down or reduce capacity for maintenance periods every year, and it experiences the occasional mechanical problem. The facility is expected to run at 90% capacity over the year (or on average 150 x 90% = 135 short tons per day).

TourneSol is planning to purchase its supply of raw sunflower seeds from three primary growers, Supplier A, Supplier B, and Supplier C. Purchase prices will not set until the orders are actually placed so TourneSol will have to forecast purchase prices for the raw material and sales prices for the refined sunflower oil and mash. The contract is written such that TourneSol is only required to commit to 70% of total capacity up front. Any amounts over that can be purchased only as required for the same price. Historical prices for the last 15 years are in the table below (note that year 15 is the most current year).

Historical Price DataMarketing YearSeed

Average Price Index

$/short ton


Average Price Index

$/short ton


Average Price Index

$/short ton


Sunflower oil contains a number of fatty acids, some which are desirable in food products and others that are not. One desirable fatty acid is oleic acid. TourneSol produces high oleic oil for the wholesale market, and requires that the oleic acid content be a minimum of 77%. Sunflower oil also contains trace amounts of iodine. The market requires that that iodine content be a minimum of 0.78% and maximum of 0.88%

The oleic acid and iodine content for the sunflower seeds from the three suppliers is given in the table below.

SupplierOleic AcidIodineA72%0.95%B82%0.85%C65%0.72%​

For all three suppliers, it is expected that the average yield of oil from the seeds is 30%. There is no net loss of material, so the yield of mash from the same supply is expected to be 70%.

Because the oleic acid and iodine content varies across the three suppliers, so does the price. It is expected that the cost of supply from the suppliers will be a percentage of the market average price of seeds.

​SupplierCost as % of Average Market Price of SeedA85%B100%C90%

The company faces an additional variable production cost of $10/short ton and an estimated fixed cost of $1,750,000 over the upcoming production period.

The company is asking you to provide a recommendation on the amount of raw material it should purchase from each supplier to minimize its cost of feedstock.

Management is also looking for an analysis on the profitability of the company in the next production cycle. 

Suggested Approach

This is a fairly complex problem. The following approach is suggested:

  • Use the historical price data set as input to a time series forecast model in order to generate forecasted prices for the average price of sunflower seeds, oil, and mash in the next production period. Use standard measures of error to decide between a three-period moving average model or an exponential smoothing model (with α = 0.2). Use the type of model for all three time series forecasts. That is, if you decide to use the moving average model, use a three-period moving average model to fit the relevant data for all three series. Don’t use the moving average for one time series and the exponential smoothing model for another time series.
  • Formulate a linear program to minimize the cost of raw sunflower seeds. Use the average price of seeds forecasted from the previous step in order to determine supplier prices.
  • Perform a cost-volume-price analysis (review the handout entitled Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis for details) using the average cost per short ton average selling price per short ton.
    • You can generate an effective cost per short ton by dividing the total cost of supply (from the linear program) by the total volume (that you assumed in the linear program).
    • You can generate an effective selling price per short ton from the expected percentage yields and the forecasted average price of sunflower oil and mash.
    • Because of the way that the contract is written, you can assume that the purchase of raw sunflower seeds is a variable cost (you only purchase what you require).

Recall that the cost-volume-price analysis requires you to provide:

  • an algebraic statement of the revenue function and the cost function,
  • a detailed break-even chart that includes lines for the revenue and for the total cost, fixed cost, and variable cost (a total of four lines), and
  • a calculation break-even point expressed in number of short tons and percent of capacity.

Management Report

Prepare a written management report that includes, at a minimum, the following sections:

  • Purpose of the Report
  • Description of the Problem
  • Methodology (which would include the model formulation)
  • Findings or Results
  • Recommendations or Conclusions

Be sure to address all relevant points, discuss any assumptions you are making, justify any modeling choices you have made (for example, the choice of time series forecast model), and highlight the following items in your report:

  • a forecast of the next production period’s average price index for raw sunflower seeds, sunflower oil, and sunflower mash,
  • a recommendation for the optimal purchasing strategy from the various suppliers,
  • a cost-volume-profit analysis using for the recommended purchase strategy and the forecasted sunflower oil and mash sales price,
  • a discussion of the risks and uncertainties that are faced by the company, and
  • an analysis and opinion on the profitability of the company in the next production period (accounting for the expected profit or loss and the inherent risks/uncertainties.

Remember that you are writing the report from the point of view of a consultant with senior management of TourneSol Canada, Ltd. as the intended audience.



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  • an algebraic statement of the revenue function and the cost function

    Writers Solution

    Did he (Calvin) have the mental capacity to enter into the contract when he agreed to let Billy sell the penny?


    Contract Scenario: Calvin had been an avid coin collector for many years, and the most valuable coin in his collection was an uncirculated, mint condition, 1943 Lincoln penny made of copper (most pennies made during World War II were made of zinc because copper was needed in the war effort). That penny had a value of between $60,000 and $95,000.In August of 2017, Calvin had a serious stroke that left him unable to speak or walk, but his doctor assured his family that Calvin would recover over time with intensive therapy. Calvin was a widower and did not have any children, but he had several nephews who visited him from time to time as he recovered. None of the nephews had any real interest in Calvin’s coin collection. One of Calvin’s nephews, Billy, who visited Calvin more often than the other nephews, sometimes listened to Calvin talk (talking was a part of Calvin’s therapy) about his mounting medical bills and his coin collection, but Billy never showed much interest in the medical bills or the coin collection. In October, as Calvin’s recovery progressed slowly, Billy visited Calvin and told Calvin that he had been reading about coin collecting, and he realized that Calvin’s collection, especially the 1943 Lincoln copper penny, was valuable, and Billy suggested that Calvin should consider selling the 1943 Lincoln copper penny and use the proceeds to pay his medical bills. Calvin resisted the idea at first, but Billy continued to urge Calvin to sell the penny so that he would not have to worry about the medical bills. Finally, when Billy told Calvin that he would arrange the sale of the penny for a commission of just 5% of the sale price of the penny, Calvin began to think that selling the coin might be a good idea. He was still a little confused about how the sale would work and what Billy would do to make sure that the penny would be sold for the best price. Calvin told Billy that he thought that the penny was worth almost $100,000, but Billy assured Calvin that the market had changed recently, and that the penny was now worth $40,000 to $45,000. Eventually, Calvin allowed Billy to sell the penny for the best price he could get and to take a 5% commission for arranging the sale of the penny. Billy then sold the penny to a friend for $40,000, took his 5% commission, and paid the remainder of the sale price to Calvin. A few months later, as Calvin continued to recover, he read a story in a coin collecting magazine about how an uncirculated, mint condition, 1943 Lincoln penny made of copper had just sold at auction for more than $100,000, and Calvin began to wonder if Billy had taken advantage of him. Calvin consulted a lawyer and asked the two questions below.

    • Did he (Calvin) have the mental capacity to enter into the contract when he agreed to let Billy sell the penny? What would he (Calvin) have to prove to show a court that he did not have the necessary mental capacity when he authorized Billy to sell the penny? 
    • Did Billy exert undue influence over Calvin to cause Calvin to enter into the contract that allowed Billy to sell the penny?

    What do you think? Does Calvin have a case to set aside the contract with Billy on either of these theories?Your case study should be at least two pages in length and include at least two outside sources. Be sure to use APA formatting for all citations and references


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  • Did he (Calvin) have the mental capacity to enter into the contract when he agreed to let Billy sell the penny?

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    A company called Colony Nursery and Landscaping opened a new store located a few hundred miles away from its original location


    Scenario: A company called Colony Nursery and Landscaping opened a new store located a few hundred miles away from its original location. The company wants to implement an award system that awards their customers with points whenever the customer makes a purchase, but the two stores are not able to share information. Colony Nursery and Landscaping will need to implement an enterprise resources planning (ERP) system that will solve the information silo problem by collecting and making available this user data. Colony Nursery and Landscaping is hoping that by providing customers with this award system, they will be able to maintain competitive advantage. Colony Nursery and Landscaping cannot afford to purchase, develop, or maintain this system on-site, so they are investigating cloud solutions. In addition, for many organizations, Cloud Nursery and Landscaping included, information silos make it difficult to tap into needed information. Discuss whether or not the problem of information silos can be solved by using the cloud. Some organizations do not have the resources to construct or maintain their computer infrastructure, so they utilize cloud services instead to reduce costs and improve scalability. In this assignment, you will discuss whether or not the cloud offers solutions for Colony Nursery and Landscaping and identify an application the ERP system could provide. Compose an essay that includes the following elements:

    • Define what an information silo is.
    • Explain why information silos are a problem for organizations.
    • Discuss why organizations are moving to the cloud.
    • Determine whether or not using cloud services such as a cloud-based host for data storage would solve the ERP information silo problem at Colony Nursery and Landscaping.
    • Explain how using the ERP system and awards program would provide a competitive advantage for Colony Nursery and Landscaping.
    • Discuss why the implementation of an ERP system might require business process reengineering for Colony Nursery and Landscaping. Be sure to explain the business processes that will be affected such as the customer awards system as an example. Use diagrams or tables as needed, but this is not required.

    Your essay must be a minimum of two pages long (not counting the title and references pages), and it must be formatted in APA style. You should include an introduction section that gives background and context to your reader. You must use at least two scholarly resources as references. Any information from these resources must be cited and referenced in APA format


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    Prove that the vector from the viewpoint of a pinhole camera to the vanishing point (in the image plane) of a set of 3D parallel lines is parallel to the direction of the parallel lines

    1   (Camera Models- 20 points)  Prove that the vector from the viewpoint of a pinhole camera to the vanishing point (in the image plane) of a set of 3D parallel lines is parallel to the direction of the parallel lines. Please show the steps of your proof.

    Hint: You can either use geometric reasoning or algebraic calculation. 

    If you choose to use geometric reasoning, you can use the fact that the projection of a 3D line in space is the intersection of its “interpretation plane” with the image plane.  Here the interpretation plane (IP) of a 3D line is a plane passing through the 3D line and the center of projection (viewpoint) of the camera.  Also, the interpretation planes of two parallel lines intersect in a line passing through the viewpoint, and the intersection line is parallel to the parallel lines.

    If you select to use algebraic calculation, you may use the parametric representation of a 3D line: P = P0 +tV, where P= (X,Y,Z)T is any point on the line (here  T denote for transpose),   P0 = (X0,Y0,Z0)T is a given fixed point on the line, vector V = (a,b,c)T represents the direction of the line, and t is the scalar parameter that controls the distance (with sign) between P and P0.

    If you want to use the determinant formed by three 3D points, you will need to explain details of both the meaning of the determinant, and the steps to arrive your conclusion. Finding a solution somewhere online and copy it in your submission doesn’t work for you.

    2. (Camera Models- 20 points) Show that relation between any image point (xim, yim)T of a plane (in the form of (x1,x2,x3)T in projective space ) and its corresponding point (Xw, Yw, Zw)T on the plane in 3D space can be represented by a 3×3 matrix. You should start from the general form of the camera model (x1,x2,x3)T = MintMext(Xw, Yw, Zw, 1)T, where M = MintMext is a 3×4 matrix, with the image center (ox, oy), the focal length f, the scaling factors( sx and sy),  the rotation matrix R and the translation vector T all unknown. Note that in the course slides and the lecture notes, I used a simplified model of the perspective project by assuming ox and oy are known and sx = sy =1, and only discussed the special cases of planes.. So you cannot directly copy those equations I used. Nor can you simply derive the 3×4 matrix M.  Instead you should use the general form of the projective matrix (5 points), and the  general form of a plane nx Xw + ny Yw + nz Zw  = d (5 points), work on an integration (5 points), to form a 3×3 matrix between a 3D point on the plane and its 2D image projection (5 points).

    3.  (Calibration- 20 points )  Prove the Orthocenter Theorem by geometric arguments: Let T be the triangle on the image plane defined by the three vanishing points of three mutually orthogonal sets of parallel lines in space. Then the image center is the orthocenter of the triangle T (i.e., the common intersection of the three altitudes. (1)    Basic proof: use the result of Question 1, assuming the aspect ratio of the camera is 1. Note that you are asked to prove the Orthcenter Theorem, not just the orthcenter of a triangle (7 points)(2)    If you do not know the  focal length of the camera, can you still find the image center using the Orthocenter Theorem? Explain why or why not (3 points).  Can you also estimate the focal length after you find the image center? If yes, how, and if not, why (5 points)(3)    If you do not know the aspect ratio and the focal length of the camera, can you still find the image center using the Orthocenter Theorem? Explain why or why not. (5 points)

    4. Calibration Programming Exercises (40 points): Implement the direct parameter calibration method in order to (1) learn how to use SVD to solve systems of linear equations; (2) understand the physical constraints of the camera parameters; and (3) understand important issues related to calibration, such as calibration pattern design, point localization accuracy and robustness of the algorithms. Since calibrating a real camera involves lots of work in calibration pattern design, image processing and error controls as well as solving the equations, we will use simulated data to understand the algorithms.  As a by-product we will also learn how to generate 2D images from 3D models using a “virtual” pinhole camera.

    • A.Calibration pattern “design”. Generate data of a “virtual” 3D cube similar to the one shown in here of the lecture notes in camera calibration. For example, you can hypothesize a 1x1x1 m3 cube and pick up coordinates of 3-D points on one corner of each black square in your world coordinate system. Make sure that the number of your 3-D points is sufficient for the following calibration procedures. In order to show the correctness of your data, draw your cube (with the control points marked) using Matlab (or whatever language you are using). I have provided a piece of starting code in Matlab for you to use. (5 points)
    • B. “Virtual” camera and images. Design a “virtual” camera with known intrinsic parameters including focal length f, image center (ox, oy) and pixel size (sx, sy).  As an example, you can assume that the focal length is f = 16 mm, the image frame size is 512*512 (pixels) with an image center (ox,oy) = (256, 256), and the size of the image sensor  inside your camera is 8.8 mm *6.6 mm (so the pixel size is (sx,sy) = (8.8/512, 6.6/512) ). Capture an image of your “virtual” calibration cube with your virtual camera with a given pose (rotation R and translation T).  For example, you can take the picture of the cube 4 meters away and with a tilt angle of 30 degree. Use three rotation angles alpha, beta, gamma to generate the rotation matrix R (refer to the lecture notes in camera model – please double check the equation since it might have typos in signs).  You may need to try different poses in order to have a suitable image of your calibration target. (5 points)
    • C. Direction calibration method: Estimate the intrinsic (fx, fy, aspect ratio a, image center (ox,oy) ) and extrinsic (R, T and further alpha, beta, gamma) parameters. Use SVD to solve the homogeneous linear system and the least square problem, and to enforce the orthogonality constraint on the estimate of R.

            C(i).      Use the accurately simulated data (both 3D world coordinates and 2D image coordinates) to the algorithms, and compare the results with the “ground truth” data (which are given in step (a) and step (b)).  Remember you are practicing a camera calibration, so you should pretend you know nothing about the camera parameters (i.e. you cannot use the ground truth data in your calibration process). However, in the direct calibration method, you could use the knowledge of the image center (in the homogeneous system to find extrinsic parameters) and the aspect ratio (in the Orthocenter theorem method to find image center).  (15 points)

          C(ii).      Study whether the unknown aspect ratio matters in estimating the image center (5 points), and how the initial estimation of image center affects the estimating of the remaining parameters (5 points), by experimental results.  Give a solution to solve the problems if any (5 points).

        C(iii).      Accuracy Issues. Add in some random noises to the simulated data and run the calibration algorithms again. See how the “design tolerance” of the calibration target and the localization errors of 2D image points affect the calibration accuracy. For example, you can add 0.1 mm (or more) random error to 3D points and 0.5 pixel (or more) random error to 2D points. Also analyze how sensitive of the Orthocenter method is to the extrinsic parameters in imaging the three sets of the orthogonal parallel lines. (* extra points:10)

    In all of the steps, you should give you results using either tables or graphs, or both of them


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    CLICK HERE TO MAKE YOUR ORDER on Prove that the vector from the viewpoint of a pinhole camera to the vanishing point (in the image plane) of a set of 3D parallel lines is parallel to the direction of the parallel lines