Writers Solution

communication is a critical aspect of effective leadership

As you have learned in every course leading up to the CGE, communication is a critical aspect of effective leadership. Communication is also a critical component of leading organizational change and ensuring the success of your project. This week’s collaboration café will have two parts:

Part 1: Based on the assigned reading from the text, discuss the importance of effective communication as applied to your project. Discuss how a formal, written communication plan is important to the success of your project.

Part 2: Think about all the stakeholders and colleagues that must be kept up to date on the status of your project. The recipient of your communication may be upstream (higher on the organizational chart), lateral (an equal organizationally), or downstream (i.e., end user) in relation to the project. A student in a prior CGE course compared communication in project management to the five rights of medication administration:

the right person
the right information
(via) the right route
(at) the right time
(in) the right dose
Identify two people, at two different levels (upstream, lateral, downstream) that you need to communicate with for your project and compare/contrast your communication with them based on each of the five rights of communication.

My project that I have been working on is CAUTI ( I am working how to prevent and decrease CAUTI numbers)


GET SOLUTION FOR THIS ASSIGNMENT, Get Impressive Scores in Your Class on communication is a critical aspect of effective leadership


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Stock vs PE ratio: What is the relationship between the two?

Part 1 – Key Indicators: You must provide answers for all 28 key indicators for your company (bullets may include more than one indicator).  Use current figures unless otherwise required. You do not need to purchase a trial subscription for Yahoo Finance. All answers can be found on the site at no charge. Most of the key indicator figures are found under the summary tab (your firm’s main page), but you may need to use other tabs (historical, financials, analysis, etc). Please see my location notes below. Your answers must be clearly stated. If you add a screenshot, make sure you highlight the indicator and include it in your notes. You only need to include the answers for this portion of the assignment. No discussion or explanations are required for the key indicators section of this assignment. Simply state the answers correctly. There are points for accuracy.

Location Notes: Go to your firm’s (Amazon) main Yahoo Finance page (this will be the Summary tab). The location of these indicators is as follows:

*The company and its ticker symbol: Summary Tab

*Cash flow from operations: Click the Financials tab and the blue Cash Flow link. You are looking for the TTM figure for Cash Flow from Operations. You need ONE figure. Make sure to add 3 zeros to this figure or include the statement that it is posted “in thousands”.

*Price-to-earnings ratio: Summary Tab

*Stock dividends and the yield: Summary Tab

*Earnings per share ratio: Summary Tab

*Revenue estimates for the next 12 months: Click the Analysis tab. Look towards the middle of the page for the Revenue Estimate section. You are looking for the Low, Ave and High Revenue Estimates for the NEXT year (far right column). You need THREE figures.

*Revenue from the previous 3 years: Click on the Financials tab and the blue Income Statement link. This will bring up all of your revenues. You need THREE figures. Make sure you add 3 zeros to each figure or include a statement that all figures are posted “in thousands”.

*Statement of cash flows and identify net cash from operating, investing, and financing activities over the past 3 years: Click on the Financials tab and the blue Cash Flows link. This will bring up all of your cash flows. You need NINE figures. Make sure to add 3 zeros to each figure or include a statement that all figures are posted “in thousands”.

*Average trade volume: Summary Tab

*The current stock price, the 52-week high (not the range, just the high), and 1-year estimated stock price: Summary Tab 

*Analysts’ recommendations for the stock (buy, sell, or hold): Summary Tab – Look towards the bottom right of the page UNDER the colorful bar chart for the Recommendation Rating.

*Market cap for the company: Summary Tab

Part 2 – Discussions: Next, you have four specific discussion slides that are required. Discussions should be substantial (min 4-5 sentences), include validation (facts and figures), and answer the question completely. Use complete sentences.

1-Stock vs PE ratio: What is the relationship between the two? How do you calculate PE? What does a high PE tell us about the value of the stock (over or undervalued)? What does a low PE tell us about the value of the stock (over or under valued)? Is your firm over, under or fairly valued and why? Yahoo actually gives you this information UNDER the average trade volume figure under the summary tab.

2-Market Cap: Why is market cap important to an investor? How is it calculated? How is it used as a tool to measure risk as it relates to the size of the firm? What are the size criteria used to define firms as it relates to market cap? Is a larger firm preferred, why or why not?

3-Trends in stock price, dividends and stockholders equity? State a time frame (ie last 3 years). All indicators must use the same time frame, so choose year-end dates for your firm (based upon your equity dates – so fill those in first). State the beginning figures, ending figures, % change and the reason for trend over that time period for EACH indicator (stock price, dividends and stockholders equity). Use the historical tab for the stock price and dividends (try to use as close to year-end dates as possible here as dividend dates may differ). For stockholder’s equity, click the Financials tab, the blue Balance Sheet link and the Total Equity Gross Minority arrow. This will open up your stockholder’s equity figures. Make sure to add 3 zeros to the equity figures or include a statement that they are posted “in thousands” next to the word “Equity”. To calculate % change = (End Figure-Beg Figure)/Beg Figure. Include the following chart on the slide to organize your data and then include the actual discussion within the notes.


GET SOLUTION FOR THIS ASSIGNMENT, Get Impressive Scores in Your Class on Stock vs PE ratio: What is the relationship between the two?


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Topic on which you will examine its causes and its effects.

In this assignment, you will choose a topic on which you will examine its causes and its effects. You will also learn some basics of using outside source material.  Feel free to choose any topic you wish, exciting or mundane, serious or humorous.   Choose a subject that you know a lot about and that you can easily explain. 

As you write this paper consider the positive and negative effects associated with your subject. Examine both the benefits and detriments connected with your cause. 


  • Three – Four pages double spaced
  • Academic style – 3rd person, active voice (no be verbs!), college-level word choice, no contractions (see Academic Voice Handout  Download Academic Voice Handout)
  • Relatively error-free writing (free of spelling, grammar, punctuation, mechanical errors)
  • One short outside source MAY be used only as a support for your ideas.  If you incorporate outside source information, you will need to give credit to whatever sources you used.  You learned about crediting sources in the Documentation Unit; follow MLA guidelines for documenting sources.  Remember – this assignment is NOT a research paper, and outside research is NOT required.
  • Proper MLA formatting –  MLA Essay/Document FormattingDownload MLA Essay/Document Formatting
  • To demonstrate the ability to create a draft on your own, you are not required to submit a rough draft.  Submit the final draft.


Writers Solution

Diversity issue that is prevalent in today’s economy and workforce

You are tasked with examining a

current (within the past 3 years) diversity issue that is prevalent in today’s economy and workforce.

You will choose a U.S. company or organization to research, identify a particular issue that is affecting (pros and cons) the

company, and its apparent approach to managing the potential issues.

Examples of diversity issues can include a lack of minorities and women in leadership, unequal pay, and hiring

discrimination, and examples of well-known companies struggling to maintain diversity include Google, Facebook, Amazon,

and numerous large banks and tech companies. While these examples offer a starting place, you may select an

organization and issue that interests you.

The outline is listed below:

Introduction: State the name of the chosen organization and the basis of the diversity issue(s) facing the company. State

the profile/bio of the company, including name, leaders, mission and vision statement, and the corporate responsibility statement that includes their stance on diversity.

Key Issues: Identify key issues of the problem(s) and write a solid thesis statement in one to three sentences. Describe

the problem(s) and the significance of the issues’ effect on the overall organizational mentality.

Background Information: Incorporate relevant issues and detailed facts of the problem. Present how changing

demographic makeups have affected this issue or issues. List one to five factors of a potentially problematic issue.

Present the norms of organizational diversity.

Discuss microaggression discrimination that is occurring in the workplace and if it is occurring in your chosen

organization. Provide examples as to why or why not.

Provide possible solutions for the problem(s). Outline the most viable solution for each factor of the problem(s), and

evaluate the advantages and disadvantages.

Summarize a realistic answer to the problem(s). Justify the rationale of the solution(s), explaining why the solution(s) is

the best, supported with solid evidence.

Recommendations: State-specific leadership strategies to accomplish the solution(s). Provide further actions and the

outline of the implementation plan of the solution.

Your completed case study should be a minimum of five pages in length.

All sources used must have in-text citations and references properly formatted in APA 7th Style. APA 7th formatting of your

paper is also required.


GET SOLUTION FOR THIS ASSIGNMENT, Get Impressive Scores in Your Class on Diversity issue that is prevalent in today’s economy and workforce


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Leading Change and Creating the Evidence Base

Topic: Leading Change and Creating the Evidence Base: Leading and managing change is an important part of successful project execution and implementation. The nurse leader and project manager should be intimately familiar with a particular change theory or model that serves as the framework for leading the change represented by a project. Spend time researching and investigating some evidence-based change models such as Kotter, Lewin, Lippitt, & Rogers (aka – Diffusion of Innovations). Identify your “go-to” change leadership framework and discuss how you will use that framework to guide organizational change. Application: For change models with a series of steps or phases, identify which phase/step you are at now with your project and how the change model guides you in moving to the next phase/step.


GET SOLUTION FOR THIS ASSIGNMENT, Get Impressive Scores in Your Class on Leading Change and Creating the Evidence Base


Writers Solution

Executive CGE project intervention

Research Summary Table Collect a minimum of 10 current scholarly research studies related to your proposed executive CGE project intervention. Use the Research Summary Table Template to develop your table. For each article/study that will be used in your paper, fill in the table in your own words. Review of the Literature Paper Examining your table column by column, identify major themes in your articles. Use your major themes to organize your Review of the Literature under subheadings. You are likely to have two to five themes or subheadings. Briefly summarize the major themes from your synthesis of the literature to end your review of the literature. The paper should be 3-5 pages long, not including the title page, reference list, and Research Summary Table. This is an estimate to guide you and not a strict requirement.


GET SOLUTION FOR THIS ASSIGNMENT, Get Impressive Scores in Your Class on Executive CGE project intervention


Writers Solution

The Cult of Domesticity Ideals

Please answer the following questions below. No plagiarism. Thank you!

  • Watch: “Crash Course: Women in the 19th Century” Read: The Cult of Domesticity & Chapter VII of Susan Warner’s Wide Wide World,Can you identify some of the virtues of the Cult of Domesticity in Chapter VII? Quote them in your response. How does Ellen’s suffering echo Sarah’s suffering in A Token for Children?Comment on Discussion Board
  • Video:,
  • Reading: 

Ideal Number One: Piety:
Nineteenth-century Americans believed that women had a particular propensity for religion. The modern young woman of the 1820s and 1830s was thought of as a new Eve working with God to bring the world out of sin through her suffering, through her pure, and passionless love.
Religion was thought to be a good thing in women, a salve for a potentially restless mind, an occupation that could be undertaken within a woman’s proper sphere–the home. The early women’s seminaries and academies, which were under attack for leading women astray from their true purpose and task in life, promised that far from taking women away from religion, they would make of young women handmaidens of God, efficient auxiliaries in the great task of renovating the world. Irreligion in females was considered “the most revolting human characteristic.” Indeed, it was said that “godless, no woman, mother tho she be.”
Ideal Number Two: Purity:
Female purity was also highly revered. Without sexual purity, a woman was no woman, but rather a lower form of being, a “fallen woman,” unworthy of the love of her sex and unfit for their company.
To contemplate the loss of one’s purity brought tears and hysteria to young women. This made it a little difficult, and certainly a bit confusing, to contemplate one’s marriage, for in popular literature, the marriage night was advertised as the greatest night in a woman’s life, the night when she bestowed upon her husband her greatest treasure, her virginity. From thence onward, she was dependent upon him, an empty vessel without legal or emotional existence of her own. A woman must guard her treasure with her life. Despite any male attempt to assault her, she must remain pure and chaste. She must not give in, must not give her treasure into the wrong hands. The following is advice on how to protect oneself and one’s treasure given by Mrs. Eliza Farrar, author of The Young Woman’s Friend: “sit not with another in a place that is too narrow; read not out of the same book; let not your eagerness to see anything induce you to place your head close to another person’s.”
To ignore such advice was to court disaster. The consequences could be terrible–usually, in popular literature, a woman who allowed herself to be seduced by a man atoned for her sin by dying, most often in poverty, depravity, or intemperance. There were numerous stories about unwed mothers punished by God for their sin by losing their babies and going mad.
Female purity was also viewed as a weapon, to be used by good women to keep men in control of their sexual needs and desires, all for their own good. A woman’s only power was seen as coming through her careful use of sexual virtue. Note the following quote from a popular ladies’ magazine: “the man bears rule over his wife’s person and conduct. She bears rule over his inclinations: he governs by law; she by persuasion…The empire of women is the empire of softness, her commands are caresses, her menaces are tears.”
American culture of the early nineteenth century underwent a purity fetish, such that it touched even the language of the day, popular decorating, and myths. This is when Americans began to talk about limbs for legs (even when referring to the legs of chairs) and white meat instead of breast meat (in fowl)–this is the language of repression. This is when women began to decorate the limbs of chairs, pianos, tables, to cover them with fabric so that one would not be reminded of legs. Proper women were admonished to separate male and female authors on bookcases, unless, of course, they were married to each other. This is also when myth of stork bringing babies emerges, and that babies came from cabbage patches.
Ideal Number Three: Submissiveness
This was perhaps the most feminine of virtues. Men were supposed to be religious, although not generally. Men were supposed to be pure, although one could really not expect it. But men never supposed to be submissive. Men were to be movers, and doers–the actors in life. Women were to be passive bystanders, submitting to fate, to duty, to God, and to men.
Women were warned that this was the order of things. The Young Ladies Book summarized for the unknowledgeable, the passive virtues necessary in women: “It is certain that in whatever situation of life a woman is placed from her cradle to her grave, a spirit of obedience and submission, pliability of temper, and humility of mind are required of her.”
Just in case she might not get the point, female submissiveness and passivity were assured for the nineteenth-century woman by the clothing she was required to wear. Tight corset lacing closed off her lungs and pinched her inner organs together. Large numbers of undergarments and the weight of over-dresses limited her physical mobility.
A true woman knew her place and knew what qualities were wanted in her opposite. Said George Burnap, in The Sphere and Duties of Woman: “She feels herself weak and timid. She needs a protector. She is in a measure dependent. She asks for wisdom, constancy, firmness, perseveresness, and she is willing to repay it all by the surrender of the full treasure of her affection. Women despise in men everything like themselves except a tender heart. It is enough that she is effeminate and weak; she does not want another like herself.”
Such views were commonplace. A number of popular sayings reiterated: “A really sensible woman feels her dependence. She does what she can, but she is conscious of her inferiority and therefore grateful for support.” “A woman has a head almost too small for intellect but just big enough for love.” “True feminine genius is ever timid, doubtful, and clingingly dependent; a perpetual childhood.”
Ideal Number Four: Domesticity
Woman’s place was in the home. Woman’s role was to be busy with those morally uplifting tasks aimed at maintaining and fulfilling her piety and purity.
Housework was deemed such an uplifting task. Godey’s Ladies Book argued, “There is more to be learned about pouring out tea and coffee than most young ladies are willing to believe.” Needlework and crafts were also approved activities that kept women in the home, busy with her tasks of wifely duties and childcare, keeping the home a cheerful, peaceful place that would attract men away from the evils of the outer world.


GET SOLUTION FOR THIS ASSIGNMENT, Get Impressive Scores in Your Class on The Cult of Domesticity Ideals


Writers Solution

Workplace violence differ from those of your peers

Please respond to a minimum of two (2) peers. Consider the following when responding:

  • How does your personal definition of workplace diversity or workplace violence differ from those of your peers?
  • What additional suggestions or resources would you recommend to a leader or manager when fostering a culture of diversity or establishing processes to prevent workplace violence?

Please be sure to validate your opinions and ideas with citations and references.


How would you define workplace violence? Provide examples of workplace violence from your readings, personal, or professional experience.

I would define workplace violence as any physical or non-physical threat in the workplace. “Workplace violence is any act or threat of physical violence, harassment, intimidation, or other threatening disruptive behavior that occurs at the work site. It ranges from threats and verbal abuse to physical assaults and even homicide. It can affect and involve employees, clients, customers and visitors” (OSHA, n.d.). Examples of workplace violence are physical assault, threats, verbal abuse, harassment, and intimidation. 

Are there reliable standards and clear definitions for workplace violence from a legal perspective? Do you think the definitions agree?

There are legal standards and clear definitions for workplace violence. OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration) provides guidelines and regulations relating to workplace violence prevention. They define workplace violence as any act or threat of physical violence, harassment, or other threatening disruptive behavior that occurs at the work site. These guidelines outline the steps employers should take to prevent and address workplace violence, including conducting risk assessments, developing violence prevention programs, providing employee training, and implementing reporting and response procedures. In addition, each jurisdiction may have specific laws and regulations to prevent these issues. The definitions agree. 

Which regulatory bodies provide the most reliable definitions? Are there any areas that may not be clear?

OSHA provided an excellent, reliable definition. They are a federal agency in the U.S. that sets and enforces standards for workplace safety and health. They have guidelines on recognizing, preventing, and addressing workplace violence. The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) is another regulatory body in the United Kingdom responsible for promoting and enforcing workplace health, safety, and welfare. They help guide managing and preventing workplace violence. It is essential to consult the specific regulatory bodies in one’s jurisdiction for the most accurate and up-to-date information. These are two regulatory bodies that provide reliable definitions of workplace violence, and no information is unclear. 

As a leader, you are responsible for preventing workplace violence. What resources would you recommend for a leader to assist with that responsibility?

I recommend that staff do preventative training. Managers could implement this by making training sessions or online mandatory; this way, people must review the policies and learn new information. A leader should also assist with using OSHA’s provided resources. They have guidelines, training materials, and resources specifically aimed at preventing workplace violence. Their website contains extensive information on identifying risk factors, implementing preventative measures, and creating a violence prevention program. Lastly, various non-profit organizations are dedicated to promoting workplace safety and preventing violence. Examples include the NIOSH, Health and Safety Executive (HSE), and the Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety (CCOHS). These organizations can provide resources, training materials, and assistance developing violence prevention programs. Leaders should consult local labor and employment laws, industry-specific guidelines, and best practices. 


Discussion: Diversity In the Workplace

In recent years, diversity in the workplace has become a critical subject area as the workforce continues to become diverse. Understanding clearly how culture influences workplace diversity and defining workplace diversity are crucial elements for effective leadership (Morris, 2023). As a result, it is vital to define workplace diversity and evaluate its presence while concurrently analyzing the benefits and disadvantages associated with different levels of diversity.

Workplace diversity primarily focuses on individuals’ various backgrounds, such as different genders, ethnicities, ages, and experiences, working together in an organization. To analyze workplace diversity in an organization, it is critical to examine the composition of the workforce and whether it reflects a mix of these characteristics (Tamunomiebi & John-Eke, 2020). A diverse workforce has multiple advantages, including increased creativity, better problem-solving, and a broader range of perspectives. However, there can be challenges like communication barriers and potential conflicts.

Culture’s impact on the workplace can be both positive and negative. It can foster rich, enhanced ideas, customs, and values, resulting in creativity and innovation (Dolan et al., 2020). However, cultural differences may result in misunderstandings and conflicts. As a leader, it is vital to encourage open communication and mutual respect while discouraging biases and stereotypes.

To implement the national CLAS (Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Services) standards, leaders can foster cultural competency (Uher et al., 2023), ensuring employees are trained to understand and respect different cultures. This includes offering language assistance to those who need it and addressing health disparities within the workforce.

In a nutshell, workplace diversity is about embracing differences. Organizational leaders should foster an inclusive environment where all employees are valued, regardless of background. By adhering to national CLAS standards, we can ensure culturally competent care and interactions within the healthcare setting


GET SOLUTION FOR THIS ASSIGNMENT, Get Impressive Scores in Your Class on Workplace violence differ from those of your peers


Writers Solution

The Role of Children in Native American Culture

Read “The Role of Children in Native American Culture”Watch: “The Oral Tradition of Storytelling” Read: Selections of Native American Stories. As you read, try to identify all the places where Native American attitude toward children is shown.  Look especially at the ending of Gluskabi. What does the ending tell us about Native Americans’ respect for children?

How is the creation story about the role of death, where a child plays an important role, help us understand the importance of children in Native American culture? Can you see a connection made between children, nature, and animals? Comment on discussion board


The Role of Children in Native American Culture by Harriett K. Light

The Role of Children in Native American Culture by Harriett K. Light

While recognizing that generalizations about Native American Indians can seldom be made because tribes are different, it does appear that children occupied a very special place in American Indian Culture, were taught to respect life, and were viewed with love and caring (Gridley, 1974; Terrell and Terrell, 1974). In describing Texas Indians, Nanez Cabeza de Vaca explains that, “Those people love their offspring the most of any in the world, and treat them with great mildness” (Terrell and Terrell, 1974, p. 157). The importance of children can also be seen in the American Indian rituals that were related to children.

For instance, the kachina doll has been an important part of Hopi Indian children’s lives. The kachina is real to these children and represents the source of gilts, goodness, kindness, and discipline. Respect for elders is also learned. Eventually, the child learns that the kachina is an impersonation and is not real. However, the parents and other adults have often gone through extensive efforts to maintain the kachina image and thereby socialize their children. This effort is an indication of the importance the Hopi Indians place on child guidance (Sekaquaptewa, 1976).

Among the Cheyennes, chastisement of their children is abhorred (Llewellyn, people showed devotion and concern for their children through customs and beliefs. For instance, strict sexual abstinence between the mother and father until the first child was about 10 years of age was considered ideal. Thus, the first child could grow and develop with the parents’ full attention. This action was not compulsory, however. and some families had many children.

One of the first lessons a Cheyenne child learned was self-control and self-restraint in deference to the presence of elders (Llewellyn and Hoebel, 1967). If elders were talking, the child was taught to cease talking, be quiet, and listen, for the Cheyenne believed that “When there is respect for the aged, the mores are- safe” (Llewellyn, 1967).

The Cheyenne children were encouraged to play in such ways that would train them for adult responsibilities. Dolls and tiny puppies provided opportunities for little girls to learn nurturing behavior, while little boys were given bows and arrows in preparation for the hunting role they would assume. The children also learned adult responsibilities by following their parents. This was especially true of the girls and their mothers; little girls seemed to walk behind the mother everywhere she went to perform her duties. The Cheyenne believed the child could be molded from the very early months of life for the role she/he would play in adulthood (Llewellyn, 1967).

The important role of the elders, especially the grandparents, is seen in the customs of the Jicarrila Apache Indians. The parents had the main responsibility for support of their children. However, it was the grandparent who was the main disciplinarian. The belief was that the elders had lived a long time and learned much; they wanted their grandchildren to learn all that they (the grandparent) had found out in their life. Rigorous training was used to teach the children moral standards and to develop character. Respect for parents and grandparents was expected and received (Opler, 1946).

For most Native American peoples, the prenatal period and birth are religiously important. The beginning of life and the years of childhood are times when beliefs, values, and attitudes must be communicated to the child. The future of their community and the responsibility of nurturing respect for their heritage must be communicated to the children during this time period.

Thus, even though specific child-rearing customs varied among the different tribes, a common thread that links the tribes is the high degree of importance they attached to childhood as a period of development and the strong sense of responsibility they felt for their children’s welfare (Gill, 1982).

From: Journall of American Indian Education


GET SOLUTION FOR THIS ASSIGNMENT, Get Impressive Scores in Your Class on The Role of Children in Native American Culture


Writers Solution

Socioeconomically Disadvantaged Individuals and Families

Read Chapter: Populations Health Care (9th edition) of Saunders Comprehensive Review for the NCLEX-RN Examination

Using Microsoft Word Document complete the following assignment:

Specifics: 12 font; double space;  minimum of one and one half pages, and a Reference page

Cultural Awareness includes learning about the cultures of clients with whom you may be working

Provide a full description and health risks for three (3) of the following cultures  (page 45) 

V. Minority Groups

VI. LGBTQIA Community

VII. Homeless

VIII. Socioeconomically Disadvantaged Individuals and Families

IX. Uninsured and Underinsured Individuals

X. Intellectually Disabled Individuals

XI. Battered Individuals and Victims of Abuse or Neglect

XII. Single Parents

XIII. Foster Children

XIV. Individulas with Mental Health Problems

XV. Older Adults

XVI. Military Veterans

XVII. Prisoners

XVIII. Immagrants and Refugees

XIX. Individulas with Chronic Illness

 (site your reference, do not copy and paste)


GET SOLUTION FOR THIS ASSIGNMENT, Get Impressive Scores in Your Class on Socioeconomically Disadvantaged Individuals and Families