Writers Solution

MSN Specialties Track

Part 1: Write a brief overview and summary of each of the two PM tools (project charter & scope of work). Discuss why these PM documents are important to the planning process of an organizational change initiative. Discuss how each of these tools will be important for your executive CGE project. Part 2: Each of us has been in the role of a project manager in our personal lives and probably not realized it. Describe a “project” or event that you managed and how you feel that experience will help you in leading an organizational change initiative. Some examples include: planning a wedding, vacation, or party; purchasing a home; home renovation projects. Reflect back on what you have read in your text to this point. What similarities can you identify? PLEASE USE THE HOME RENOVATIONS PROJECT EXAMPLE


Within the MSN Specialties Track, you will engage and dialog with classmates in a Collaboration Café discussion assignment. The Collaboration Café is an interactive assignment that encourages meaningful application of course concepts, discussion of nurse-practice issues, and student leadership to prompt continued conversations in order to facilitate achievement of course learning outcomes.  In order for students to lead and facilitate discussion within the collaboration café, course instructors will take a less active role in daily posting, but will remain present to monitor the discussion for compliance and to offer clarification.

  • Total Points Possible: 25 points 

Assignment Overview

In each Collaboration Café, students are expected to post a minimum of 2 postings, to include the following:

  • Initial response
  • Response to at least one peer on a separate day from the initial response

Dialogue must be substantive and collaborative in nature, addressing specific concepts and topics noted in the Collaboration Café question and prompting further discussion among peers.

Scholarly references are not required in the Collaboration Café discussions; however, if the student chooses to submit a reference, APA format must be followed. There may also be times when faculty will have you review a website or article. In cases like these, you must properly cite and reference according to APA to avoid plagiarism.

Faculty may submit any student’s post to Turnitin in order to verify originality of work. Plagiarism will result in a zero for the week. Uncivil comments toward peers or faculty, in any of the posts, will not be tolerated and will result in a zero for the week.

The initial posting must meet the following expectations:

  • Addresses the collaboration café question in a thorough, substantive manner.
  • Demonstrates application of course concepts.
  • Discusses implications for advanced nursing practice.
  • Includes correct spelling, grammar, punctuation, syntax, sentence, and paragraph structure.
  • If sources are included, APA format for citation and referencing is correctly applied.

The responsive posting must meet the following expectations:

Writers Solution

Project Scope and Charter

This assignment is designed to help students lay the groundwork for their project plan with the help of mentors and professors. The mentor becomes a team member for the project that the student will manage. The student will identify the stakeholders, project priority, how the measurable goals will be met for a successful project, and who will receive the report of the results of the project. The scope document describes the parameters of the project, including what can and cannot be accomplished and the measurable objectives and outcome measures. The project charter describes and defines the project. When the sponsor signs off on the project, it becomes the document that authorizes the project. In Week 3, you will complete a simple project scope and charter using information about your project. You will complete the documents or statements by filling in the requested information about your project. The project scope has an approval section, but this is not an official approval required by your organization (unless your organization requires such approval). The approval section may list you as the project manager and your mentor as the sponsor, or it may contain actual PM and sponsor information if appropriate. Project Scope and Charter Guideline and RubricLinks to an external site.


Within the MSN Specialties Track, you will engage and dialog with classmates in aCollaboration Café discussion assignment. The Collaboration Café is an interactive assignment that encourages meaningful application of course concepts, discussion of nurse-practice issues, and student leadership to prompt continued conversationsin order to facilitate achievement of course learning outcomes.  In order for students to lead and facilitate discussion within the collaboration café, course instructors will take a less active role in daily posting, but will remain present to monitor the discussion for compliance and to offer clarification. 

Total Points Possible: 25 points 

Assignment Overview

Like the weekly Threaded Discussion, the Collaboration Café opens on the Sunday preceding the start of a designated week and ends on Sunday at 11:59 pm MT at the end of the designated week (weeks 1-7), and by Saturday at 11:59 pm MT at the end of week 8.

In eachCollaboration Café, students are expected to post a minimum of 2 postings, to include the following:

  • Initial response
  • Response to at least one peeron a separate day from the initial response

Dialogue must be substantive and collaborative in nature, addressing specific concepts and topics noted in the Collaboration Café question and prompting further discussion among peers.

Scholarly references are not required in the Collaboration Café discussions; however, if the student chooses to submit a reference, APA format must be followed. There may also be times when faculty will have you review a website or article. In cases like these, you must properly cite and reference according to APA to avoid plagiarism.

Faculty may submit any student’s postto Turnitin in order to verify originality of work. Plagiarism will result in a zero for the week. Uncivil comments toward peers or faculty, in any of the posts, will not be tolerated and will result in a zero for the week.

The initial posting must meet the following expectations:

  • Addresses the collaboration café question in a thorough, substantive manner.
  • Demonstrates application of course concepts.
  • Discusses implicationsfor advanced nursing practice.
  • Includes correct spelling, grammar, punctuation, syntax, sentence, and paragraph structure.
  • If sources are included, APA format for citation and referencing is correctly applied.

The responsive posting must meet the following expectations:

  • Responds to at least oneclassmate with substantive dialogue that is collaborative in nature.
  • The response postingmust occur on a different day from the initial posting.
  • Responsive postings ask questions, offer new insights, applications, perspectives, information, or implications for practice in order to facilitate further discussion.
  • Includes correct spelling, grammar, punctuation, syntax, sentence, and paragraph structure.
  • If sources are included, APA format for citation and referencing is correctly applied.


GET SOLUTION FOR THIS ASSIGNMENT, Get Impressive Scores in Your Class on Project Scope and Charter


Writers Solution

Identify the offender that you want to defend


You are currently a pro bono junior attorney working for a legal team that specializes in criminal defense. You have been asked to gather background information on a defendant of your choosing. In order to help the team build a solid defense, you must provide a 10-15 minute presentation (using Microsoft PowerPoint) explaining 2 biopsychosocial risk factors that could have contributed to their antisocial behavior. You can choose any offender for your presentation, but you must be able to find enough publicly available information to provide a good defense. The legal team will be using the presentation to determine whether you would be a good addition to their legal team for their next case. There are 3 main parts to this presentation:

  • Topic Scope: The legal team first needs to know the scope of your presentation and whom you want to defend. Thus, you should:
    • Identify the offender that you want to defend
    • Describe the relevant history of the offender
    • Provide clear details of their crimes
    • Identify 2 specific, documented biopsychosocial risk factors that the offender has that seem relevant in explaining their antisocial behavior (NOTE: documented means you can cite a trustworthy source that has claimed that the defendant has the factor you are identifying. Please include a citation for the source that stated that your defendant has the factor you identified.)
  • Explanation: The legal team also needs to evaluate how strong your defense argument will be. You should:
    • Clearly, thoughtfully, and thoroughly explain how or why the biopsychosocial factors could have contributed to the offender’s antisocial behavior
    • Use at least 2 scholarly sources (and APA format) to help you make connections between the biopsychosocial factors and the offender’s antisocial behavior
  • Sanction: After you have provided your argument, tell the legal team what sanction you will argue for your defendant.
    • Identify at least 1 limitation or argument that the prosecutor could have against the defense you made.
    • Counter-argue the potential argument that the prosecutor could have.
    • Make a specific recommendation for what sort of sentence or punishment you think the offender should receive (this might not be the same sentence/punishment that they actually received in real life — remember that you are supposed to be their legal representative!).
    • Explain why your recommendation is appropriate based on the biopsychosocial factors/explanation you identified — in other words, explain why the sentence/punishment you are recommending would be relevant and effective for your defendant.

Given that you may be chosen as one of the legal representatives for the defendant, you will also be evaluated on the quality of your presentation as well as the quality of your delivery.

  • For presentation quality, you will be evaluated on the organization and content quality of your slides as well as how well your presentation flows. Your first slide/page (title slide/page) must include your full name and the name of the offender that you will be discussing. Your last slide/page must be the Reference list of the sources you used to support your claims in your presentation. Your in-text citations and References list should be in APA format.

If you would like some help with organizing your defense, you are welcome to use this template actions, which I will attache to the file. You are not required to use the template, but it may help you in keeping track of the points you should be addressing in your presentation.

Submission Details

You must create and submit a deck of slides using Microsoft PowerPoint. Your slides should display information that you believe is important for the legal team to see/read.


GET SOLUTION FOR THIS ASSIGNMENT, Get Impressive Scores in Your Class on Identify the offender that you want to defend


Writers Solution

Assurance of a safe and effective care environment

In this paper, the student will provide a detailed description of the relationship between the category from the NCLEX-RN examination blueprint, the priority concept (BASIC CARE AND COMFORT) selected based on assessment performance, and professional practice.  

   1) Write a 4–6-page paper (not including the title page or reference page) using APA format.  

   2) Include the following sections:

       a. Introduction – 12 points/10%.  

   • Offer a detailed description of the purpose statement for the paper.

   • Identify the priority concept (topic) from the Clinical Judgment Readiness Exam and align to one of the four (4) main categories of the NCLEX-RN examination blueprint:

       a. Assurance of a safe and effective care environment

       b. Health promotion and maintenance of health

       c. Preservation of the patient population’s psychosocial integrity

       d. Preservation of the patient population’s physiological integrity

   • Provide a detailed description of the relationship between the category from the NCLEX-RN examination blueprint and the priority concept (topic).

   • This section should not exceed two (2) paragraphs. A paragraph is 3-5 sentences.

       b. Importance – 12 points/10%

   • Describe the primary importance of the priority concept (topic) to professional practice.

   • Describe the importance of the priority concept (topic) to the health status of a patient population.  

   • Include 2 potential negative effect(s) to professional practice if the priority concept (topic) is unresolved.  

   • Include 2 potential negative effect(s) to the patient population if the priority concept (topic) is unresolved.  

   • Provide appropriate, adequate, and relevant scholarly support for this section.

       c. Healthcare Disparities, Inequalities, and Interventions – 30 points/ 25%

            Identify a primary patient population that may be negatively influenced by the priority concept (topic) if unresolved.

            Identify a healthcare resource to support evidence-based professional practice related to the priority concept (topic).

            Summarize potential priority concept (topic) healthcare disparities and inequalities related to diverse populations.

            Propose an evidence-based solution for the priority concept (topic) related to healthcare disparities.

            Identify an evidence-based practice intervention.  

            Discuss patient education considerations related to the priority concept (topic).  

            Provide appropriate, adequate, and relevant scholarly support for this section.  

       d. Legal & Ethical Considerations and Intervention Challenges – 18 points/ 15%

            Identify one (1) ethical and one (1) legal implication for addressing the priority concept (topic) in professional practice.

            Discuss one (1) strategy in prevention of an ethical dilemma related to the priority concept (topic) in professional practice.  

            Discuss one (1) strategy in prevention of legal consequences related to the priority concept (topic) in professional practice.  

            Identify one (1) anticipated challenge to the success of preventing the priority concept (topic) in professional practice.

            Identify one (1) anticipated challenge to the success of resolving the priority concept (topic) in professional practice.

            Provide appropriate, adequate, and relevant scholarly support for this section.  

       e. Participants and Interdisciplinary Approach – 12 points/10%

            Identify three (3) parties (identify two (2) members of a discipline outside of nursing) who will be involved in the implementation of the priority concept (topic) interventions.

            Discuss the role of these member in the intervention implementation for the priority concept (topic).

            Discuss the benefit of including the identified interdisciplinary members from disciplines outside nursing to promote evidence-based professional practice.

            Provide appropriate, adequate, and relevant scholarly support for this section.  

       f. Quality Improvement – 12 points/10%

            Provide at least one (1) benefit in patient outcomes from addressing the priority concept (topic) within the clinical environment.

            Provide at least one (1) benefit to the nursing profession that will result from addressing this priority concept (topic) in clinical professional practice.

            Discuss at least one (1) resource utilized to promote improved patient outcomes in the clinical environment.

            Discuss at least one (1) resource utilized to increase professional nurse knowledge promoting improved clinical professional practice.

            Provide appropriate, adequate, and relevant scholarly support for this section.  

       g. Conclusion – 12 points/10%  

            Provide a thorough recap of the purpose to promote increased evidence-based professional practice knowledge related to the priority concept (topic) deficiency.

            Summarize resources identified to support improved evidence-based professional practice related to the priority concept (topic).  

            Include a complete statement describing why addressing the priority concept (topic) matters for patient outcomes and evidence-based professional practice.  

            This section should provide no new information and should be limited to 1-2 paragraphs.

       h. APA Style and Organization 12 points/10%

            References are submitted with paper.  

            Uses current APA format and is free of errors.

            Grammar and mechanics are free of errors.

            Paper is 4-6 pages, excluding title and reference pages.

            A minimum of three (3) scholarly, peer reviewed, primary sources from the last 5 years, excluding the textbook, are provided.  including adding this Reference:  

“National Council of State Boards of Nursing. (2023). 2023 NCLEX-RN Test Plan.”

            Each section should have a cited source to support information provided.


GET SOLUTION FOR THIS ASSIGNMENT, Get Impressive Scores in Your Class on Assurance of a safe and effective care environment


Writers Solution

You will develop an all-else-constant strategy

This short paper sets up the assumptions portion of your research that will be used in paper 3. The focus is on “all else constant.” You will develop an all-else-constant strategy.

The two states you will consider for both this assignment and paper 3 are Pennsylvania and Ohio.  THIS PAPER IS TO CONCERN 2020 ONLY.

This assignment involves three elements.

Element 1. Discuss, in general, the all-else-constant concept. Why is it so important to economic analysis?

Element 2. Discuss in general the things that might affect infection rates OTHER THAN state restrictive/non-restrictive policies among states.  Outside sources with citations needed. PLEASE USE FREE SOURCES THAT EVERYONE CAN ACCESS EASILY, DO NOT USE SOURCES THAT REQUIRE SUBSCRIPTIONS OR MONEY.

Element 3. Consider your Element 2 discussion. Describe the steps you might take to satisfy the “all else constant” requirements of your paper 3 analysis for Pennsylvania and Ohio. Choose a few of the factors mentioned in element 2.  You must compare the factors you choose to analyze, based on element 2 and this must be based on research. You are comparing these factors across the two states. These include things that might be similar in the two states and therefore are constant. These need to be listed with reference to the sources you use. In addition, list factors that you have to ASSUME are constant, that you will need caveats for in your paper 3 analysis. Summarize your all-else-constant strategy.


Please delineate your sections with subheadings. As usual, proper citation methodology is mandatory. 


Part 3, is your analysis. Therefore no citation is required. This is your own original analysis. Here are the elements:

Your states are Pennsylvania and Ohio. Please only analyze 2020  

Element 1. Using the Johns Hopkins University data 

(copy and paste the links below next to each state to get the information)



investigate for possible correlations between state restrictive/non-restrictive policies and infection rates. Look at trends, not just individual data points. You must present explicit data for infections, not just words, and specific policy implementations. Consider that some periods might have different results than others. THERE ARE NO RIGHT OR WRONG ANSWERS as long as the analysis is done thoroughly. There may be a relationship or there may not be. This is strictly positive analysis and must be objective. End this section with your research observations regarding whether or not there is a relationship between policy and infection rates. Element 2. In Paper 2 you listed factors that you held constant BY ASSUMPTION as well as similarities which were truly constant. In this element you will explain how those assumptions, not the actually constant, might bias your results. Might your outcome have been different if you didn’t impose the all else constant assumption. This is essentially a caveat to your results. Element 3. Based solely on your analysis, do you conclude, or not conclude, that the types of policies used by the states can help the economy?


GET SOLUTION FOR THIS ASSIGNMENT, Get Impressive Scores in Your Class on You will develop an all-else-constant strategy


Writers Solution

Identify/define the population

Provide a brief narrative introduction to your project topic or idea that covers the following points: The problem How the problem was identified The proposed solution The potential benefits to the organization that the proposed change will bring about Post an initial draft of your five PICOT elements (see below for further requirements). After posting a short narrative introduction to your proposed practice change, process change, or quality improvement idea, you will list an initial draft of each of your five PICOT elements: P: Identify/define the population This can be the population that is being asked to change a practice. This may be a population that is the focus of the change. Do not use this element to state the problem. I: Intervention – This is the new action you propose to address the problem and is intended to produce an improved outcome. C: Comparison – What current practice is not producing the desired outcome? O: Outcome – This objective measure will be used to evaluate the effect of your intervention. There must be objective and measurable metrics as part of this statement. T: Time – How long will it take to have enough time and enough data to determine if your intervention produced the desired results? Your instructor will provide feedback that may include requests for revisions in one or more of your PICOT elements. Upon receiving that feedback, you are to make revisions until you receive notification from the instructor that the PICOT is approved. 2 REFERENCES NEEDED ONE MUST BE A NURSE PEER REVIEW JOURNAL. I WOULD LIKE TO USE CAUTI (CATHETER ASSOCIATED URINARY TRACT INFECTION) AS THE PICOT. THIS PICOT WILL BE MY MSN PROJECT


GET SOLUTION FOR THIS ASSIGNMENT, Get Impressive Scores in Your Class on Identify/define the population


Writers Solution

TOMS Shoes describes a unique business model combining for-profit and nonprofit philosophies into a corporate social responsibility model.

ETHCASE 501 Module 4 ETH Business Ethics 

Module 4 Case 


Case Assignment

Read Case: TOMS Shoes describes a unique business model combining for-profit and nonprofit philosophies into a corporate social responsibility model.

Naeini, A.; Dutt, A.; Angus, J. (June 7, 2015). A shoe for a shoe, and a smile. Business Today. Retrieved from

Address the following in a 4-page academic essay that demonstrates your critical-thinking skills. It should be written for an audience of business owners. As an ethics expert working for a national ethics association, you have been asked to address the following:

  • Research another organization that is also high on corporate social responsibility. Compare and contrast their CSR approach with the CSR approach of TOMS Shoes.
  • What actions of organizations fall under the umbrella of “corporate social responsibility”? Give three examples of CSR activities beyond what you have learned from TOMS and the organization you discussed in this assignment.
  • Is it expected that successful organizations also have a CSR component in its values? Discuss by giving two additional employer examples.

This assignment should include third-person voice, in-text citations, and a references list. It should be evident that you followed some of the basics of APA formatting. Write a well-integrated paper with a strong introduction and conclusion, and use a few section headings (e.g., do not simply follow a Q & A format).

Bring in subject matter viewpoints (authors or speakers) to validate and support your writing. Utilize at least 3 sources that are not included as background readings in this course and are new to you. These sources, for example, can be found from searching the Trident Online Library databases (such as Academic Search Complete, Business Source Complete, Skillsoft Books 24×7, and/or ProQuest Central).

Body of Knowledge Emphasis

The criterion in the grading rubric has been developed to measure student success in meeting the ETH501 Case 4 “introduced” expectations related body of knowledge. Assessment of any following body of knowledge skills at the “reinforced” and “emphasized” levels may be included in assignments in other courses that follow.

Please follow all instructions. Please see complete assignment details on attached files 

Please also use Trident online library 


GET SOLUTION FOR THIS ASSIGNMENT, Get Impressive Scores in Your Class on TOMS Shoes describes a unique business model combining for-profit and nonprofit philosophies into a corporate social responsibility model.

Writers Solution

Noor Naga If an Egyptian Cannot Speak English 

Choose one text and one author from the 1st term (although you may refer to other works when appropriate) and focus on an issue (a subject) that particularly interests you.  Using the form of a letter to the author, discuss the issue and identify what especially engaged you in their text, and why.  This might start with a personal reaction but needs to go on to question/explore/interpret the issue. Be specific: support your ideas with examples for the text.  

Books you can choose from:

Norma Dunning Tainna: The Unseen Ones

Noor Naga If an Egyptian Cannot Speak English 

El Jones Abolitionist Intimacies 

Length: 4 – 6 pages (1000 – 1500 words). 

Due:  November 7 and Feb 27

Letters to Authors:  Using letter form, write a letter to an author on the course (one from each term). In the letter, discuss an issue or theme arising IN their book and identify what especially engaged you about it, and why.  Taking a position on the issue (your point of view about the issue),  question/explore/interpret the issue, supporting your ideas with examples from the text. 

Ideas for issues: you might focus on a particular human problem (imperfect love, for instance) or a situation you think the author is exploring (how the past haunts the present, for instance); an idea arising from the way characters are presented, behave and interact; or consider the way the story is structured and formulate a position on your focus.  Alternatively, you might want to analyse the language and/or form of the work.  How do specific structures or use(s) of language create a deeper level of meaning/significance to help you better understand the richness of the text?  If you are writing on poetry, you may take up what you see as a theme or issue in the text but focus on one or two poems to support and illustrate your points.

As you figure out your position, read with questions and search for clues to support your position. Sample questions: how did the text lead me to think differently about the world, about being human or about writing as a creative process? Did it deepen, or confirm, views I now hold?  Or, did it challenge me to see things differently?  If so, how?  Is there a larger significance to all this? How did the author achieve this – through narrative, character interaction and/or structure and language?

A word of advice regarding form for this assignment:

Rather than using the form of a conventional academic essay, write a ‘personal’ letter to the author. Imagine the author reading your letter. 

Components of your letter should include:

an introductory passage where you introduce the issue you’ve chosen (about one paragraph in length).  The paragraph should contain a thesis statement (your position) on the issue you take up;

a section, divided in coherent body paragraphs, where you present your analysis using examples (quotations) from the text.

a concluding passage where you sum up your ideas. 

Basically, your letter should contain a thoughtful, interpretative, critical response to the book you choose.  Our grading sheet is available on the course website and shows how your letter will be evaluated.

Grading criteria: Your letter demonstrates 1. a focused analysis; 2. use of examples from the text to explain the significance of your points; 3. effective writing style.   See the grading sheet in the first section of the course website.


GET SOLUTION FOR THIS ASSIGNMENT, Get Impressive Scores in Your Class on Noor Naga If an Egyptian Cannot Speak English 


Writers Solution

Healthcare revenue-cycle management is a strictly managed and closely monitored process that impacts the patient


Healthcare revenue-cycle management is a strictly managed and closely monitored process that impacts the patients (beneficiaries), providers, or payers. Therefore, it is important for both stakeholders to understand the other’s perspective, so that they have a more holistic view of the entire process. The following flowcharts capture the revenue cycle from the patient’s perspective and the facility’s perspective.

Text-only versions of the images below are available: Module One Activity Revenue Cycle Images Text-Only Version.

Casto, A. (2021). Principles of Healthcare Reimbursement (7th Ed). American Health Information Management Association (AHIMA).

Reproduced with permission from AHIMA.This activity will help you describe the revenue-cycle process and healthcare reimbursement, as well as differentiate the components of revenue-cycle processes from various perspectives.

The activity will help you prepare for section 4 (Revenue Cycle Process) in the course project that you will be submitting in Module Nine.


Complete the provided template by analyzing the revenue cycle from both the patient perspective and the provider perspective. Then, analyze the revenue-cycle components from a third-party payer perspective.

If you need writing support, access the Online Writing Center through the Academic Support module of your course.

Specifically, you must address the following rubric criteria:

  1. Comparative Table: Create a table to compare and contrast the revenue cycle from the patient’s perspective and the provider’s perspective. Refer to Figure 1.7A and Figure 1.7B in the Overview section of this rubric to create the table.
  2. Comparison of Perspectives: Explain how the patient perspective is like the facility or provider perspective in ensuring revenue integrity. Consider the following questions to guide your response:
  3. Contrast Between Perspectives: Explain how the patient perspective differs from the facility or provider perspective in ensuring revenue integrity. Consider the following questions to guide your response:
  4. Significance for Third-Party Payer: Interpret the revenue cycle from the perspective of a third-party payer. Deduce your interpretation based on the information in the comparative table. Consider the following questions to guide your response:

Your analysis should be evidence-based. Your citations should be from your independent search for evidence (not from the textbook or module resources) of credible sources and be current within the last five years. You are required to cite a minimum of two sources, at least one of which should be separate from your own research. Refer to the IHP 630 Library Guide located in the Start Here section of the course for additional support.

What to Submit:    attachments below 

Submit the provided template as a 2- to 3-page Microsoft Word document. Sources should be cited according to APA style.

Please follow the instructions carefully as this professor is so particular.


Writers Solution

Module One Activity Revenue Cycle Images Text-Only Version

Healthcare revenue-cycle management is a strictly managed and closely monitored process that impacts the patients (beneficiaries), providers, or payers. Therefore, it is important for both stakeholders to understand the other’s perspective, so that they have a more holistic view of the entire process. The following flowcharts capture the revenue cycle from the patient’s perspective and the facility’s perspective.

Text-only versions of the images below are available: Module One Activity Revenue Cycle Images Text-Only Version.

Casto, A. (2021). Principles of Healthcare Reimbursement (7th Ed). American Health Information Management Association (AHIMA).

Reproduced with permission from AHIMA.This activity will help you describe the revenue-cycle process and healthcare reimbursement, as well as differentiate the components of revenue-cycle processes from various perspectives.

The activity will help you prepare for section 4 (Revenue Cycle Process) in the course project that you will be submitting in Module Nine.


Complete the provided template by analyzing the revenue cycle from both the patient perspective and the provider perspective. Then, analyze the revenue-cycle components from a third-party payer perspective.

If you need writing support, access the Online Writing Center through the Academic Support module of your course.

Specifically, you must address the following rubric criteria:

  1. Comparative Table: Create a table to compare and contrast the revenue cycle from the patient’s perspective and the provider’s perspective. Refer to Figure 1.7A and Figure 1.7B in the Overview section of this rubric to create the table.
  2. Comparison of Perspectives: Explain how the patient perspective is like the facility or provider perspective in ensuring revenue integrity. Consider the following questions to guide your response:
  3. Contrast Between Perspectives: Explain how the patient perspective differs from the facility or provider perspective in ensuring revenue integrity. Consider the following questions to guide your response:
  4. Significance for Third-Party Payer: Interpret the revenue cycle from the perspective of a third-party payer. Deduce your interpretation based on the information in the comparative table. Consider the following questions to guide your response:

Your analysis should be evidence-based. Your citations should be from your independent search for evidence (not from the textbook or module resources) of credible sources and be current within the last five years. You are required to cite a minimum of two sources, at least one of which should be separate from your own research. Refer to the IHP 630 Library Guide located in the Start Here section of the course for additional support.

What to Submit:    attachments below 

Submit the provided template as a 2- to 3-page Microsoft Word document. Sources should be cited according to APA style.

Please follow the instructions carefully as this professor is so particular. 


GET SOLUTION FOR THIS ASSIGNMENT, Get Impressive Scores in Your Class on Module One Activity Revenue Cycle Images Text-Only Version