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Prem Lam is establishing an investment portfolio that will include stock and bond funds

1)Prem Lam is establishing an investment portfolio that will include stock and bond funds. She has $1720,000 to invest, and he does not want the portfolio to include more than 75% stocks. Prem does not want the portfolio to include less than 45% bonds as well. The average annual return for the stock fund he plans to invest in is 28%, whereas the average annual return for the bond fund is 16%. He further estimates that the most he could lose in the next year in the stock fund is 25%, whereas the most she could lose in the bond fund is 15%. To reduce his risk, he wants to limit his potential maximum losses to $120,000.

Formulate a linear programming model for this problem that will maximize his returns on the portfolio.

2)Dorian Auto manufacturers luxury cars and trucks. The company believes that its most likely customers are high-income women and men. To reach these groups, Dorian Auto has embarked on a ambitious TV advertising campaign and has decided to purchase 1-minute commercial spots on two types of programs; comedy shows and football games. Each comedy commercial is seen by 7 million high income women and 2 million high income men. Each football commercial is seen by 3 million high-income women and 11 million high-income men. A 1-minute comedy ad costs $40,000, and a 1-minute football ad costs $90,000. Dorian would like the commercials to be seen by at least 25 million high-income women and 20 million high-income men.

Use linear programming to determine how Dorian Auto can meet its advertising requirements at minimum cost




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Methods of Analysis for Business Operations

Discussion board #1:

Where in government (federal, state/territory/tribal, or local) would be a good place to examine work efficiency with an exponential distribution? Why?

Discussion Board # 2

We, as individuals, use the six steps in the decision-making model every day, and we do not even think about it. Let’s look at a couple of real-world problems that use decision-making. Select one of the problems below, and explain your decision-making process based on analysis.

Decision-making problem:

Solving Illegal immigration

American losing it’s energy Independence and relying on foreign oil

Using the quantitative analysis that you have learned, apply the concepts where you can, and frame your decision-making plan for a solution.

Discussion board #3

Share an example of when you used a decision tree and what the outcome was.

If you have never used a decision tree, think about two alternatives in which you would have a reason to use a decision tree (e.g., buying a home, buying raw land).

Explain your decision tree model.

Explain any assigned probabilities and why you selected them.




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Film making from 1900-1920

MODULE 2: Film making from 1900-1920

Module 2 has three lectures that cover a span of two decades. A lot can happen in two decades!

Films go from 30-second clips to feature length during this time. We go from no movie theaters at all to thousands of small theaters – called nickelodeons – dedicated to showing movies. Movies become a big business as the industry migrates to California!


  • What did you find most interesting in this module?
  • Which of the screenings and/or learning links did you like best?
  • Find a link to something interesting you learned, and share it with your classmates!




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Found an online job posting for your dream job


Consider that you found an online job posting for your dream job. Practice completing a résumé package that includes a cover letter, a résumé, and a professional strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT) analysis. This résumé package is designed to help you prepare for a future job search.Cover LetterThe cover letter must be at least a one-page (three-paragraph) memo that has been tailored to a specific job that interests you. Outline your cover letter using the following steps:

  • an opening paragraph that describes the position you are applying for,
  • a body paragraph that explains your skills and experience, and
  • a closing paragraph that requests an interview and provides your contact information.


The résumé must be at least one page in length and should adhere to the steps outlined in Chapter 14 (see page 206). The details within the résumé must be current with all relevant and up-to-date information.

SWOT Analysis

The SWOT analysis should address the professional strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats related to your professional career. Be honest with yourself as you create this analysis. You may use bullet points for the SWOT analysis, but please use detailed and complete sentences. Your SWOT analysis must be at least one page in length. Compile all three sections into one word document. Your complete assignment must be at least three pages in length. Adhere to APA Style when constructing this assignment, including in-text citations and references for all sources, if used




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Analyze the forces that affect the company and marketing efforts. Competitive Forces

Strategic Marketing Plan Part A: Environmental Analysis and SWOT Analysis

(Due in Wk 2) Company Description

Describe the company you are designing the plan for. Include:

  • Mission Statement
  • Vision Statement
  • Product line description
  • Company information, such as the size of the company

Environmental Analysis

Analyze the forces that affect the company and marketing efforts. Competitive Forces

Analyze the company’s key competitors. You may choose to use a BCG Matrix or attribute checklist to compare your company against its competitors. Describe any strategic moves the competition has recently made. Estimate your market share. Identify key competitive advantages against your competitors. Economic Forces

Analyze the economic environment in the areas affecting your business. Consider differences within your industry and the economic impact on suppliers. Political Forces

Analyze relevant political forces. Examples may include an election year or a law to drastically reduce or eliminate plastic waste in your county. Legal, Regulatory, and Ethical Issues

Analyze the legal, regulatory, and ethical issues that may affect your business. Considerations may include local laws such as a ban on the use of plastic bags, the ability to post billboards, or a possible increased regulation on direct mail. Technological Forces

Analyze whether your company will be affected by emerging technologies or trends in hardware and software industries Social Forces

Analyze social trends and how they may affect your business. Considerations may include if your business will be affected by demographic trends, a growing dependence on computers, or whether interest in your product might be affected by growing preferences in the way things are done or changing social values. Current Target Markets

Define the company’s current target markets. Describe the demographic, geographic, psychographic, and product usage of these targets. Review Current Marketing

Review the company’s current marketing tactics. Consider how people find out about the product, how they get information about the product or service, what might be involved in the buying process, and what money is available for marketing. If your company is a start-up, describe your competitors’ current marketing. SWOT Analysis

Assess your company’s strengths, weaknesses, threats, opportunities, and then evaluate how to address these in your marketing plan. Strengths

Assess your company’s competitive advantage. Consider core competencies, assets, location, practices, etc. that are distinct in the way the organization meets the needs of its customers. Weaknesses

Assess what limits the company may have in its current marketing strategy. Consider if there is a company weakness that needs to be addressed through Public Relations or Marketing. Opportunities

Assess the opportunities you see based on trends or environmental conditions. Threats

Assess the threats or limitations that may interfere with the company’s ability to meet its objectives or interfere with marketing plans. Strengths to Opportunities & Converting Weaknesses and Threats

Convert weaknesses and threats to strengths, then strengths to opportunities in the marketing plan. Consider the implications for addressing supplier relationships, implementing new technologies, or changing the product line or addressing new markets. Marketing Objectives

Establish marketing objectives based on the results from the SWOT analysis. Marketing objectives must align with corporate objectives, modified by the company’s resources. Objectives should include a date for the completion of the objective and the way in which success will be measured. For example: The company will expand its marketing efforts to include a new market segment of 21- to 29-year-olds. This will entail the development of a customized product by June 2020 that will address the specific psychographic and technological needs of this age group. This strategy is expected to attain a 20% growth in overall sales by January 2020. Customer loyalty (willingness to recommend the product) will increase by 30%. Part B: Marketing Data Analysis

(Due in Wk 4) Internal Data

Evaluate internal sources of information available to you inside the organization and what information you will receive from each source. Identify 3-6 sources of internal data. Insert or remove rows as needed.

SourceWhat it MeasuresDataPotential Usage
Example: Sales dataMonthly sales by specific productAverage sales that month in US dollars for each of 10 products. Data can be segmented by business and consumer markets.Can be used for trend analysis, projections, and to measure effectiveness of promotions.

Secondary Data

Evaluate secondary data sources and the specific information you need from each source. Insert or remove rows as needed.

SourceWhat it MeasuresDataPotential Usage
Example: U.S. Census BureauIncome over the last 4 years by family structureHousehold structures with the highest income capacityMarket Share Analysis Customer Segments

Primary Data

Evaluate primary data needs to create and evaluate the marketing plan. Insert or remove rows as needed.

SourceWhat it MeasuresDataPotential Usage
Example: Focus groupProduct usage, motives, identify group level satisfaction, decision process, etc.QualitativeIdentify different reactions of market segments to product. Identify marketing opportunities, product/service flaws and opportunities

Customer Relationship Management

Establish customer touchpoints and develop appropriate CRM events for customer acquisition, retention, and profitability. Insert or remove rows as needed.

CRM TouchpointPurpose & CRM ObjectiveDataPotential Data Usage
Example: Customer profile information on websiteStarts the account for visitors: name, geography, email address (Customer acquisition)Presale: geographic location; customer id, source of reference Email address Post sales: address, product purchased, quantity, price.Track new and returning customer counts, total period purchases by customer ID, geographic sales data. Can be used for loyalty rewards, retention, and targeted marketing.

Part C: Market Strategy, Marketing Channels, Implementation, and Monitoring

(Due in Wk 6) New Customer Segments

Determine any new customer segments for your strategy and describe how you will provide value to each segment.Marketing Mix for New Customer Segments

Determine adaptions for each new customer segment.

  • Products
  • Price
  • Distribution
  • Traditional Promotion
  • Online Promotion

Marketing Implementation

Create the implementation for your marketing plan. Describe how you will organize and implement the plan, such as whether it will be organized by market, geography, and who is responsible for marketing decisions. Marketing Communication Channels

Evaluate the marketing communication channels you will use to reach selected audiences. Include Internet and traditional communication channels to convey key messages. Describe the advantages and disadvantages of each channel you select.




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Insert or remove rows as needed.

ChannelTarget MarketAdvantagesDisadvantages
Example: Direct mailMiddle class residentialCan include couponsExpense and low return rate for given product

Strategic Actions

Develop specific activities required to implement the marketing plan. Identify the person or role who will be responsible for each action, when it will be complete, and what standard or metric indicate that the activity is complete. Insert or remove rows as needed.

ActionDate for CompletionPerson/Role ResponsibleStandard/Metric
Example: Design flyer for direct mail campaign1/1/2021J. Smith, graphic designerApproval by senior marketing team and legal


Develop the measurement to identify how you know you have been successful for each strategic action. Specify the measures to track performance against goals. Identify standard reports from your online and traditional marketing efforts. Insert or remove rows as needed.

ActionTargetPerson ResponsibleInter-measurement
Example: Direct mail flyer1100 new inquiriesWestern regional manager500 new inquiries first month of campaign

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Illness Anxiety Disorder Comprehensive Analysis

Assignment details: Illness Anxiety Disorder Comprehensive Analysis

In this assignment, please conduct a comprehensive analysis on Illness Anxiety Disorder.

Include the following in the paper:

  • Overview of the diagnosis
  • Explanation of at least one theory of etiology (causes) of the disorder
  • Explanation of the associated factors in development of the disorder (genetic, environmental, familial, lifestyle)
  • An analysis of the treatment options for clients using appropriate terminology and citations
  • Discussion of treatment options of the disorder
  • Discussion of possible options to reduce frequency or severity of symptoms
  • Evaluation of how this disorder affects the patient and those in their social community
  • Conclusion

** In keeping with the focus of this class, the emphasis of your paper should be on the pathological aspects of Illness Anxiety Disorder.

The Pathology, Diagnosis, and the DSM-5 writing assignment – 

  • Must be a minimum of five double-spaced pages (not including title and references pages) and formatted according to APA Style.
  • Must include a separate title page and reference page.
  • Must include an introduction and conclusion paragraph. Please ensure the introduction paragraph ends with a clear thesis statement that indicates the purpose of the paper.
  • Must include a minimum of two scholarly or peer-reviewed sources published within the last five years. Must cite and reference the DSM-5 as a additional source. These sources should provide evidence-based information regarding the psychological features of the disorder.
  • Must utilize academic voice




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A privately owned island off the coast of Florida has been left to you by the eccentric owner who recently died


A privately owned island off the coast of Florida has been left to you by the eccentric owner who recently died. The island is large enough for several small communities to be developed. Create a name for your island. You want to start on the right foot by establishing a local government, a judicial system, law enforcement system, and other services typically provided by local and state governments. When setting up a local government, please limit your selection to those styles found in the United States, and avoid dictator, monarchy, or communist systems. For the Unit VII Project, describe the following points:

  • the type of local government you would establish (e.g., county, city);
  • the form of that government (e.g., township, municipal charter);
  • the management system (e.g., commission, mayor, council);
  • how leadership positions would be instated (e.g., appointment, election);
  • the type of law enforcement and judicial system (how judges are selected) you would put into place; and
  • other services typically provided for by local and state governments. Be sure to explain the role of bureaucracies in these services, including how taxes support these services and how those taxes will be collected.

You can mix and match your government, judicial, and law enforcement decisions, but you must fully explain the reasons why you chose the types of systems. You must also address how your government would work with other governments/agencies and in what ways. You can pull concepts from previous readings in this course (not just those assigned in this unit) in order to develop this project. The video tutorial Library Research: An Overview will help you research various aspects of this project. Your project must be at least three full pages in length, not counting the title page and references page. Remember to have an introduction and conclusion to your paper. Library and outside sources are a requirement, and you must use at least three resources to support ideas in your analysis. Avoid conversational tone, and remember that this is an academic assignment, so you must use proper APA Style, grammar, and punctuation




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Ruby Red Movie Theater


Your assignment is to provide a final report for Ruby Red Movie Theater in which you address the concerns that have been outlined in the previous six units of this class, indicating any outsourcing or vertical integration options Ruby Red Movie Theater may be able to implement.

Be specific regarding the analysis you performed in each area of study. Your recommendations for improvements for the theater should be based on economic theory and your analysis. Your complete analysis of the theater, the industry, and opportunities that may exist are crucial for the future profitability of the theater.

Revise the information from previous assignments as needed and pull everything together to create a cohesive, comprehensive report. What this means is that this final report should be original updated work, though it is based on your previous assignments. Do not just copy and paste your previous assignments into one paper. Also, be sure to incorporate any suggestions your instructor made in your previous assignments.

New information will be added for Unit VII, which will focus on the information provided in this unit. The topics for this section will include why firms exist, the factors that create a situation where vertical integration is desirable, and why firms would use outsourcing, as well as how this information can be applied to the Ruby Red Movie Theatre.

The following is a list of items and sections you should include in your final report. Replace the unit numbers with appropriate titles for the information in each section.

Title page

Table of contents


Unit I

Results write-up from Unit I, including recommendations

Unit II

Results write-up from Unit II, including recommendations

Unit II Tables

Unit II Graphs

Unit III

Results write-up from Unit III, including recommendations

Unit IV

Results write-up from Unit IV, including recommendations

Unit IV Tables

Unit V

Results write-up from Unit V, including recommendations

Unit V Tables

Unit VI

Results write-up from Unit VI, including recommendations

Unit VII

Results write-up from Unit VII, including recommendations

Conclusions and final recommendations

Reference page

Insert labeled tables after the reference page

Adhere to APA Style (APA 7th edition) when constructing this assignment, including in-text citations and references for all sources that are used. Please note that no abstract is needed.

For help when citing and referencing using APA 7th edition, consult the 2020 Success Center Citation Guide . It also provides guidance that will help you with APA Style formatting.

I will attach the other assignments after paid tutor. 

Continued from Unit I 552648, Unit Ii 552649,Unit III 553823, Unit IV 553672, Unit V 554091, Unit VI 554092 and this one





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If the cost of electricity decreased to 8 ¢/kWh, which alternative would be the most cost-effective?

Case Study Exercises

  1. If the cost of electricity decreased to 8 ¢/kWh, which alternative would be the most cost-effective?
  2. At what electricity cost would the following alternatives just break even? (a) Alternatives 1 and 2, (b) alternatives 1 and 3, (c) alternatives 1 and 4.


Aeration and sludge recirculation have been practiced for many years at municipal and industrial water treatment plants. Aeration is used primarily for the physical removal of gases or volatile compounds, while sludge recirculation can be beneficial for turbidity removal and hardness reduction.

When the advantages of aeration and sludge recirculation in water treatment were first recognized, energy costs were so low that such considerations were seldom of concern in treatment plant design and operation. With the huge increases in electricity cost that have occurred in some localities, however, it became necessary to review the cost-effectiveness of all water treatment processes that consume significant amounts of energy. This study was conducted at a municipal water treatment plant for evaluating the cost-effectiveness of the pre-aeration and sludge recirculation practices.


This study was conducted at a 106 m3/min water treatment plant where, under normal operating circumstances, sludge from the secondary clarifiers is returned to the aerator and subsequently removed in the primary clarifiers. The Figure below (Figure 13–12) is a schematic of the process.

The Topic is: Water Treatment Plant Process costs. The attached file has all the information. There are 7 case study questions but ONLY questions 6 and 7 (HIGHLIGHTED) need to be answered. 1

To evaluate the effect of sludge recirculation, the sludge pump was turned off, but aeration was continued. Next, the sludge pump was turned back on, and aeration was discontinued. Finally, both processes were discontinued. Results obtained during the test periods were averaged and compared to the values obtained when both processes were operational.

The results obtained from the four operating modes showed that the hardness decreased by 4.7% when both processes were in operation (i.e., sludge recirculation and aeration). When only sludge was recirculated, the reduction was 3.8%. There was no reduction due to aeration only, or when there was neither aeration nor recirculation. For turbidity, the reduction was 28% when both recirculation and aeration were used. The reduction was 18% when neither aeration nor recirculation was used. The reduction was also 18% when aeration alone was used, which means that aeration alone was of no benefit for turbidity reduction. With sludge recirculation alone, the turbidity reduction was only 6%, meaning that sludge recirculation alone actually resulted in an increase in turbidity—the difference between 18% and 6%.

Since aeration and sludge recirculation did cause readily identifiable effects on treated water quality (some good and others bad), the cost-effectiveness of each process for turbidity and hardness reduction was investigated. The calculations are based on the following data:

  • Aerator motor = 40 hp
  • Aerator motor efficiency = 90%
  • Sludge recirculation motor = 5 hp
  • Recirculation pump efficiency = 90%
  • Electricity cost = 9 ¢/kWh (previous analysis)
  • Lime cost = 7.9 ¢/kg
  • Lime required = 0.62 mg/L per mg/L hardness
  • Coagulant cost = 16.5 ¢/kg
  • Days/month = 30.5

As a first step, the costs associated with aeration and sludge recirculation were calculated. In each case, costs are independent of flow rate.

Aeration cost:

40 hp × 0.75 kW/hp × 0.09 $/kWh × 24 h/day ÷ 0.90 = $72 per day or $2196 per month

Sludge recirculation cost:

5 hp × 0.75 kW/hp × 0.09 $/kWh × 24 h/day ÷ 0.90 = $9 per day or $275 per month

The estimates appear in columns 1 and 2 of the cost summary in Table 13–1 below.

The Topic is: Water Treatment Plant Process costs. The attached file has all the information. There are 7 case study questions but ONLY questions 6 and 7 (HIGHLIGHTED) need to be answered. 2

Costs associated with turbidity and hardness removal are a function of the chemical dosage required and the water flow rate. The calculations below are based on a design flow of 53 m3/min.

As stated earlier, there was less turbidity reduction through the primary clarifier without aeration than there was with it (28% vs. 6%). The extra turbidity reaching the flocculators could require further additions of the coagulating chemical. If it is assumed that, as a worst case, these chemical additions would be proportional to the extra turbidity, then 22% more coagulant would be required. Since the average dosage before discontinuation of aeration was 10 mg/L, the incremental chemical cost incurred because of the increased turbidity in the clarifier effluent would be

(10 × 0.22) mg/L × 10–6 kg/mg × 53 m3/min

× 1000 L/m3 × 0.165 $/kg × 60 min/h

× 24 h/day = $27.70/day or $845/month

Similar calculations for the other operating conditions (i.e., aeration only, and neither aeration nor sludge recirculation) reveal that the additional cost for turbidity removal would be $469 per month in each case, as shown in column 5 of Table 13–1 above.

Changes in hardness affect chemical costs by virtue of the direct effect on the amount of lime required for water softening. With aeration and sludge recirculation, the average hardness reduction was 12.1 mg/L (i.e., 258 mg/L × 4.7%). However, with sludge recirculation only, the reduction was 9.8 mg/L, resulting in a difference of 2.3 mg/L attributed to aeration. The extra cost of lime incurred because of the discontinuation of aeration, therefore, was

2.3 mg/L × 0.62 mg/L lime × 10−6 kg/mg

× 53m3/min × 1000 L/m3 × 0.079 $/kg

× 60 min/h × 24 h/day = $8.60/day or


When sludge recirculation was discontinued, there was no hardness reduction through the clarifier, so that the extra lime cost would be $1380 per month.

The total savings and total costs associated with changes in plant operating conditions are tabulated in columns 3 and 6 of Table 13–1 above, respectively, with the net savings shown in column 7. Obviously, the optimum condition is represented by “sludge recirculation only.” This condition would result in a net savings of $1089 per month, compared to a net savings of $622 per month when both processes are discontinued and a net cost of $1574 per month for aeration only. Since the calculations made here represent worst-case conditions, the actual savings that resulted from modifying the plant operating procedures were greater than those indicated.

In summary, the commonly applied water treatment practices of sludge recirculation and aeration can significantly affect the removal of some compounds in the primary clarifier. However, increasing energy and chemical costs warrant continued investigations on a case-by-case basis of the cost-effectiveness of such practices





  • If the cost of electricity decreased to 8 ¢/kWh, which alternative would be the most cost-effective?
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    Which people in leadership roles and positions were present and participated in the meeting?

    Instructions: For this essay, you will attend a city council, county council, or commission meeting (or a meeting hosted by a similar government agency or group). You will then provide an analysis of the meeting and determine whether you agreed with the steps and actions taken by the council or commission. You will need to explain why you agreed or disagreed. For students unable to attend in person, viewing a meeting online is an acceptable substitute. The name of the council or commission, location, date, and web address (if applicable) must be included on your title page. Your essay must be at least two full pages in length. You must include a copy of the official meeting agenda as your supporting documentation. Be sure to include the following information in your essay.

    • Include an introduction with a topic sentence at the end of your first paragraph. Example: “The following items from the (fill in the blank) meeting will be analyzed:” and then list each item. These items will then serve as your headers:

    Address the questions below in your essay.

    • Which people in leadership roles and positions were present and participated in the meeting?
    • What community services were addressed in the meeting? In what ways did the council or commission discuss these services?
    • Was the meeting what you expected? Would you have voted with the majority? Elaborate on your response.
    • How do you think voter participation (i.e., votes that elected the officials to the council or commission) played a role in the meeting?
    • When watching the meeting, what community power (e.g., pluralistic, elite) model do you see?

    Academic sources should be used, including the textbook, and must be referenced in proper APA Style. The minutes of the meeting should be used as a source





  • Which people in leadership roles and positions were present and participated in the meeting?
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