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The Amazon of Innovation

Case Study: The Amazon of Innovation

On Cyber Monday, November 27, 2017, Amazon customers ordered more than 1,400 electronics per second from a mobile device. 10  And shopping on Amazon’s app increased 70 percent over the previous year. On its busiest day, Amazon packed and shipped more than 1 million packages. Amazon’s last same-day delivery order for the holiday season was ordered on Christmas Eve and delivered in 58 minutes, arriving at 11:58 PM just in time for Christmas. (Some of Amazon’s major innovations are listed in  Figure 2-15 .)

Figure 2-15 Innovation at Amazon

Source: Data from  accessed May 2018.

A timeline of innovation at Amazon.

Figure 2-15 Full Alternative Text

You may think of Amazon as simply an online retailer, and that is indeed where the company achieved most of its success. To do this, Amazon had to build enormous supporting infrastructure—just imagine the information systems and fulfillment facilities needed to ship electronics ordered at a rate of 1,400 per second. That infrastructure, however, is needed only during the busy holiday season. Most of the year, Amazon is left with excess infrastructure capacity. Starting in 2000, Amazon began to lease some of that capacity to other companies. In the process, it played a key role in the creation of what are termed cloud services, which you will learn about in  Chapter 6 . For now, just think of cloud services as computer resources somewhere out in the Internet that are leased on flexible terms.

Today, Amazon’s business lines can be grouped into three major categories:

· Online retailing

· Order fulfillment

· Cloud services

Consider each.

Amazon created the business model for online retailing. It began as an online bookstore, but every year since 1998 it has added new product categories. The company is involved in all aspects of online retailing. It sells its own inventory. It incentivizes you, via the Associates program, to sell its inventory as well. Or it will help you sell your inventory within its product pages or via one of its consignment venues. Online auctions are the major aspect of online sales in which Amazon does not participate. It tried auctions in 1999, but it could never make inroads against eBay. 11

Today, it’s hard to remember how much of what we take for granted was pioneered by Amazon. “Customers who bought this, also bought that;” online customer reviews; customer ranking of customer reviews; books lists; Look Inside the Book; automatic free shipping for certain orders or frequent customers; and Kindle books and devices were all novel concepts when Amazon introduced them.

Amazon’s retailing business operates on very thin margins. Products are usually sold at a discount from the stated retail price, and 2-day shipping is free for Amazon Prime members (who pay an annual fee of $119). How does it do it? For one, Amazon drives its employees incredibly hard. Former employees claim the hours are long, the pressure is severe, and the workload is heavy. But what else? It comes down to Moore’s Law and the innovative use of nearly free data processing, storage, and communication.

In addition to online retailing, Amazon also sells order fulfillment services. You can ship your inventory to an Amazon warehouse and access Amazon’s information systems just as if they were yours. Using technology known as Web services (discussed in  Chapter 6 ), your order processing information systems can directly integrate, over the Web, with Amazon’s inventory, fulfillment, and shipping applications. Your customers need not know that Amazon played any role at all. You can also sell that same inventory using Amazon’s retail sales applications.

Amazon Web Services (AWS) allow organizations to lease time on computer equipment in very flexible ways. Amazon’s Elastic Cloud 2 (EC2) enables organizations to expand and contract the computer resources they need within minutes. Amazon has a variety of payment plans, and it is possible to buy computer time for less than a penny an hour. Key to this capability is the ability for the leasing organization’s computer programs to interface with Amazon’s to automatically scale up and scale down the resources leased. For example, if a news site publishes a story that causes a rapid ramp-up of traffic, that news site can, programmatically, request, configure, and use more computing resources for an hour, a day, a month, whatever.

With its Kindle devices, Amazon has become both a vendor of tablets and, even more importantly in the long term, a vendor of online music and video. Amazon Echo (Alexa-enabled ordering system) and Amazon Dash (a one-button reordering device) have become two of Amazon’s top-selling products.

In late 2016, Jeff Bezos announced the first package delivery by drone via Amazon Prime Air in the UK. 12  But regulations have slowed it’s adoption in the United States. While drone delivery is something that will happen in the future, consider a service that Amazon is offering right now.

In mid-2017 Amazon made news by acquiring grocery giant Whole Foods. By 2018 Amazon had opened its own automated grocery store named Amazon Go, which didn’t use cashiers or checkout terminals. Amazon’s expansion into the traditional grocery store space drove speculation about how far Amazon’s reach would extend.

Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA)

Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA) is an Amazon service by which other sellers can ship goods to Amazon warehouses for stocking, order packaging, and shipment. FBA customers pay a fee for the service as well as for inventory space. Amazon uses its own inventory management and order fulfillment business processes and information systems to fulfill the FBA customers’ orders.

FBA customers can sell their goods on Amazon, sell them via their own sales channels, or both. If the FBA customer sells on Amazon, Amazon will provide customer service for order processing (handling returns, fixing erroneously packed orders, answering customer order queries, and the like).

The costs for Fulfillment by Amazon depend on the type and size of the goods to be processed. The FBA fees for standard-size products as of May 2018 are shown in the table.

Standard SizeFBA Costs 13
Small (1 lb. or less)$2.41
Large (1 lb. or less)$3.19
Large (1 to 2 lb.)$4.71
Large (over 2 lb.)$4.71 + $0.38/lb. above first 2 lb.
Storage (cubic foot per month)$0.69

If goods are sold via Amazon, Amazon uses its own information systems to drive the order fulfillment process. However, if the goods are sold via an FBA customer’s sales channel, then the FBA customer must connect its own information systems with those at Amazon. Amazon provides a standardized interface by which this is done called Amazon Marketplace Web Service (MWS). Using Web-standard technology (see  Chapter 6 ), FBA customers’ order and payment data are directly linked to Amazon’s information systems.

FBA enables companies to outsource order fulfillment to Amazon, thus avoiding the cost of developing their own processes, facilities, and information systems for this purpose.


1. 2-4. Based on the facts presented in this case, what do you think is Amazon’s competitive strategy? Justify your answer.

2. 2-5. Jeff Bezos, CEO of Amazon, has stated that the best customer support is none. What does that mean?

3. 2-6. Suppose you work for Amazon or a company that takes innovation as seriously as Amazon does. What do you suppose is the likely reaction to an employee who says to his or her boss, “But, I don’t know how to do that!”?

4. 2-7. Using your own words and your own experience, what skills and abilities do you think you need to have to thrive at an organization like Amazon?

5. 2-8. What should UPS and FedEx be doing in response to Amazon’s interest in drone delivery via Amazon Prime Air?

6. 2-9. Summarize the advantages and disadvantages for brick-and-mortar retailers to sell items via Amazon. Would you recommend that they do so?

7. 2-10. If a brick-and-mortar retailer were to use FBA, what business processes would it not need to develop? What costs would it save?

8. 2-11. If a brick-and-mortar retailer were to use FBA, what information systems would it not need to develop? What costs would it save?

9. 2-12. If a brick-and-mortar retailer were to use FBA, how would it integrate its information systems with Amazon’s? (To add depth to your answer, Google the term Amazon MWS.)

Document requirements:

1. Your name must be placed in a header of the document (not the first line, but a header).

2. Case title is included after the student’s name in the header.

3. Authentic: This is an individual work; the thoughts and text in the document must be those of the student submitting the document.

4. Single-spaced with one extra space between paragraphs.

5. Times New Roman 12 font.

6. 1” left and right margins.

7. Pages must be numbered.

8. The document should include the following section headings:

a. Introduction: One paragraph summarizing the case.

b. Essence of the Case Statement: A one-sentence statement to describe the main issue or theme of the case.

c. Analysis: Answer the questions assigned in an essay format.

d. Final Thoughts: The student is to share any additional thoughts/ideas/suggestions he/she may have about the case.

9. The student needs to search, find, and list at least two external sources of information (references) on the subject of the case. Web addresses and links that include Google and Wikipedia are not effective and will not be considered





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What are the health-related risks associated with poorly controlled diabetes?

Question: What are the health-related risks associated with poorly controlled diabetes?

The incidence of diabetes has reached epic proportions in the U.S. 

 Do you have a family member or close friends diagnosed with either type 1 or type 2 diabetes?  

In your opinion, are they in compliance with the recommended treatment and care of diabetes?

Question 2:


After viewing the videos on the Paleo and Keto diets, do you have any remaining questions?

Did you find anything that you agreed with or disagreed with? 

What is your opinion of the Paleo and Keto diets (please support your opinion)




CLICK HERE TO ORDER THIS PAPER AT ON  What are the health-related risks associated with poorly controlled diabetes?

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Examine the countries where your company does business according to where they rank on the Hofstede cultural dimensions

Portfolio Project Part 2

Please address the following 14 questions for Part 2:

  1. Examine the countries where your company does business according to where they rank on the Hofstede cultural dimensions.
  2. Think of some examples of how a U.S. manager would need to modify his or her behavior when communicating with associates from one or more of these foreign countries.
  3. Does your company operate in any countries that are considered very politically or economically risky?
  4. Does your company primarily operate in civil law or common law countries? What are some of the implications of this?
  5. Has your company purchased any insurance from the Development Finance Corporations (DFC)?
  6. What are some key intellectual property protections, if any, that your company possesses? When do these protections (e.g., patents) expire? How does your company intend to recoup lost revenues due to any patent or other intellectual property protection expirations?
  7. Find the Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI) score for two countries where your selected company does business, one country with a relatively high score and one country with a relatively low score. Search for news stories about corporate financial scandals in these two countries. Prepare a short summary of news stories about financial scandals in these countries. Briefly describe what you perceive are the risks of corruption, such as paying bribes, that your selected company might face in these countries.
  8. Determine your company’s mode of entry into foreign markets. This should be based upon a serious analysis of your company’s risk-return tradeoff. In your opinion, has your company taken the right approach?
  9. Does your company have an exit strategy? Recall that exit strategies are to be determined before entry into the foreign market, rather than after entry.
  10. Critically and objectively evaluate how ethical your company’s global operations are and determine if they are good corporate citizens (i.e., do they have a well thought-out corporate social responsibility program for the long term?).
  11. What is the corporate mission statement of your target company, assuming it has one? How well do the company’s actions adhere to its stated mission?
  12. With respect to its strategy formulation, would you categorize your company as a shareholder model or a stakeholder orientation? Why?
  13. Is the company a stateless corporation? If not, is the company on its way to becoming a stateless corporation?What type of organizational structure is the company currently using?
  14. Do you think the company may benefit from a hybrid or matrix structure? Why or why not?

You have the option of answering each question individually or in essay format, as will be required in your final report in Week 7.In your responses, make certain that you include references from search engines below or from scholarly sources from the APUS Online Library.

Your paper will be automatically submitted to Turnitin in the assignment dropbox. Originality reports will be returned to the faculty and student. Multiple submissions are allowed. For full credit, make sure that your Similarity Index does not exceed 20%





  • Examine the countries where your company does business according to where they rank on the Hofstede cultural dimensions
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    Writers Solution

    Matrices regarding their relevance for strategic planning

    Use the work you completed for Parts, I, II, and III with your CLC group to inform your analysis for this assignment.

    Write a 500-750-word analysis of the significance of the three Matrices regarding their relevance for strategic planning. Describe the key information for each of the three matrices and how information from each will influence recommendations for strategic plans to improve the position of the company.

    Without prematurely determining and formalizing strategic goals and objectives, begin thinking about possible strategies to capitalize and add value to the organization based on the analysis of this information.

    Be sure to cite three to five relevant and credible sources in support of your content. Use only sources found at the GCU Library, corporate websites, or those provided in the topic Resources. 

    This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

    Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

    You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. A link to the LopesWrite technical support articles is located in Class Resources if you need assistance




    CLICK HERE TO ORDER THIS PAPER AT ON Matrices regarding their relevance for strategic planning

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    Why should I hire you? and tell about yourself

    Write Elevator Pitch.

    • Length:
      • 100-200 words
      • 1-2 minutes when recited

    Topic: Why should I hire you? and tell about yourself.( It is Aviation Maintenance Company)

    Why hiring?

    • Tailor your answer to the role & Company
    • Inject some Passion into your answer
    • Who you are professionally?
    • Why you are qualified:  3-5 bullet point, Relevant competencies, Proof/ Evidence (Specific Examples)
    • Why you are here:  Company research/ Good fit




    CLICK HERE TO ORDER THIS PAPER AT ON  Why should I hire you? and tell about yourself

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    Compliance coordinator for a biomedical company

    You’re the compliance coordinator for a biomedical company, Hadley Services, which provides field service technicians to local hospitals and medical offices. Hadley’s specialty is radiological equipment, particularly open MRIs. Your primary job is to coordinate the schedules for repair, calibration and preventive maintenance for all of your clients. You are also responsible for writing the reports that keep the company in compliance with local and federal guidelines. Since many medical facilities are starting to replace their outdated MRI machines with the new open MRIs, Hadley has grown considerably in the last 2 years. Hadley has a long standing relationship with the folks at Hitachi Medical, who manufacture the AIRIS Elite, the most commonly used machine in your market.

    In the early afternoon, you get an email from one of Hadley’s newest clients, St. Francis Clinic, which is a brand new clinic of the Alliance Medical Group. When St. Francis opened two months ago, they signed on with Hadley. The St. Francis account meant a lot to Hadley since they had been wooing the Alliance Medical Group for years.

    The email is from St. Francis’s clinic administrator, Pat Williams. The technician, Allen Franks, just left after completing a safety check, and now the machine is no longer recording data. You immediately dispatch another, more experienced technician (Marcus Ramirez) to address the problem, and call Ms. Williams. While you’re on the phone with her, Marcus texts you to tell you that problem is solved. You relay the information to Ms. Williams and hang up. After chatting with both technicians, the problem was a simple. Allen Franks had failed to connect the data port snuggly, which is a rookie technician mistake. Now that everything has settled down, you know you have some additional work to do.


    Based on the scenario above, your deliverables will be the following:

    • Document to Pat Williams, the client (written as a letter)

    • Document to Hadley’s client rep, Ronni Simms, who is responsible for the St. Francis account letting her know of the developments with her clinic (written as an email)

    • Document to Allen Franks (written as a memo for the staff without using the name directly)

    Assignment Instructions

    This scenario asks you to prepare a range of documents. Students are responsible for determining the appropriate genre (email, memo, business letter, etc.) as well as the content of those documents




    CLICK HERE TO ORDER THIS PAPER AT ON Compliance coordinator for a biomedical company

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    A unity feedback control systems for a robot submarine has a plant with a third-order transfer function

    Work the following problems:

    a.    A unity feedback control systems for a robot submarine has a plant with a third-order transfer function

                            G(s) = K / (s(s + 10)(s +50))

    We want the overshoot to be approximately 7.5% for a step input and the settling time (with a 2% criterion) of the system be 400ms.  Find a suitable phase-lead compensator by using root locus methods.  Let the zero of the compensator be located at s = -15, and determine the compensator pole.  Determine resulting Kv.

    b. system of the form below with unity feedback has G(s) = K / (s+5)^2

    b.We desire the steady-state error to a step input to be approximately 5% and the phase margin of the system to be approximately 45 degrees.  Design a lag network to meet these specifications. 

    Please see attached sheet for diagram No chegg answers please!! Need Matlab code for all parts!




    CLICK HERE TO ORDER THIS PAPER AT ON  A unity feedback control systems for a robot submarine has a plant with a third-order transfer function

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    Imagine that your school is deciding whether to offer single-gender classes to students

    Put part 1 on one page and part 2 on another page

    Part 1

    Imagine that your school is deciding whether to offer single-gender classes to students. For your initial response, write a letter (including research) to your fellow teachers explaining your stance on the issue. Indicate which gender you would want to teach and why. Post your letter to the Discussion Board.

    Finally, review the responses from at least two peers’ postings and respond to the following:

    Playing devil’s advocate, convince those classmates that disagree with you to switch to your side of the issue. In addition, feel free to respond to those who have agreed with your initial response. You can also change your mind based on your classmates’ arguments.

    Part 2
    Download and use the MAT Classroom Management Strategies Workbook to complete the following:

    After you read the MAT Classroom Management Strategies Workbook, define classroom management.

    Identify and explain one culturally responsive classroom management strategy.
    Now, take what you have learned through the readings, and read the case study of Warren Benson’s classroom from Chapter 12 in your textbook and respond to the following questions:

    What evidence of possible cultural conflict do you find in this classroom?
    How do you think these students experienced cultural conflict in their previous schooling?
    What advice would you give to Mr. Benson to help improve the behavior of his students?




    CLICK HERE TO ORDER THIS PAPER AT ON  Imagine that your school is deciding whether to offer single-gender classes to students

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    cyber threat intelligence products that could be used at your company

    As a cyber security professional, you will be asked to evaluate different appliances, programs, and methodologies and provide feedback to your colleagues as to whether or not they are good for the company you represent.For this module’s assignment, you are to search for commercially available cyber threat intelligence products that could be used at your company. (Some examples of vendors are Crowdstrike, ThreatQ, Threatstream, and there are many more!) You are to prepare a 2-3 page report that answers the following specific questions:

    • What gap does this product address for your company?
    • What is the TCO (Total Cost of Ownership)?
    • What is the ROI (Return on Investment) and how long until it is realized?
    • What product do you recommend your company adopt? Why?

    Your 2-3 page report can be organized and formatted in any manner you think best answers the questions, but it must be succinct and to the point. While relying on the content of this module will be essential, a large amount of research will be necessary to ensure your report is current with relevant technologies. Feel free to contact vendors and get them to give you a sales pitch. Part of this exercise is to also evaluate vendors. This report will further inform your final project proposal which is due at the end of Module 7




    CLICK HERE TO ORDER THIS PAPER AT ON  cyber threat intelligence products that could be used at your company

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    Writers Solution

    Begin thinking of mobile device security in a business situation


    Begin thinking of mobile device security in a business situation. Select a fictional or real corporate or university environment that requires mobile access. Use the Q & A Forum to ask questions and discuss your ideas about the project.


    Course Project Proposal (one to two pages, 35 points). Remember to properly cite any external sources used.

    The proposal should contain the following items.

    1. Cover page
    2. Subject of the Course Project
    3. Name of the company or organization
    4. Brief description of the company chosen
      • Value proposition of the company
      • Size of the workforce (students included if the company chosen is an academic institution) with respect to IT infrastructure needs
      • Overview of the different types of mobile networks available in the company
      • Overview of types of mobile devices and storage media used in the company
      • Identification of potential mobile security risks
    5. Audience to whom you are presenting the recommendation(s)
    6. References

    Technical Report (four to five pages, 65 points). Remember to properly cite any external sources used. The technical report should contain the following items.

    1. Cover page
    2. Introduction
    3. Intentional versus unintentional mobility scenarios in the company
    4. Protection of data
    • Physical protection mechanisms
    • Logical protection mechanisms
    • Protecting heterogeneous information
    • Protecting data in motion
    • Data protection models
    • Using a device-centric or data-centric model for the case study; which one is better?
    • Encryption
    • Types of encryption employed by the company’s IT department
    • Defense or countermeasures
    • Auditing
    • Deterrent controls
    • Preventive controls
    • Portable computer controls
    • Smartphones and PDAs
    • E-mail protection
    • Conclusion
    • References




    CLICK HERE TO ORDER THIS PAPER AT ON  Begin thinking of mobile device security in a business situation

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