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What gap does this product address for your company?

As a cyber security professional, you will be asked to evaluate different appliances, programs, and methodologies and provide feedback to your colleagues as to whether or not they are good for the company you represent.For this module’s assignment, you are to search for commercially available cyber threat intelligence products that could be used at your company. (Some examples of vendors are Crowdstrike, ThreatQ, Threatstream, and there are many more!) You are to prepare a 2-3 page report that answers the following specific questions:

  • What gap does this product address for your company?
  • What is the TCO (Total Cost of Ownership)?
  • What is the ROI (Return on Investment) and how long until it is realized?
  • What product do you recommend your company adopt? Why?

Your 2-3 page report can be organized and formatted in any manner you think best answers the questions, but it must be succinct and to the point. While relying on the content of this module will be essential, a large amount of research will be necessary to ensure your report is current with relevant technologies. Feel free to contact vendors and get them to give you a sales pitch. Part of this exercise is to also evaluate vendors. This report will further inform your final project proposal which is due at the end of Module 7





  • What gap does this product address for your company?
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    converse of the Pythagorean theorem using side lengths chosen from 6 feet, 8 feet, 10 feet, and 11 feet

    Select the procedure that can be used to show the converse of the Pythagorean theorem using side lengths chosen from 6 feet, 8 feet, 10 feet, and 11 feet.1. Knowing that 62 + 82 = 102, draw the 6-foot side and the 8-foot side with a right angle between them. The 10-foot side will fit to form a right triangle.

    2. Knowing that 82 + 102 < 112, draw the 4-foot side and the 10-foot side with a right angle between them. The 11-foot side will fit to form a right triangle.

    3. Knowing that 62 + 102 ≠ 112, draw the 6-foot side and the 10-foot side with a right angle between them. The 11-foot side will fit to form a right triangle.

    4. Knowing that 62 + 82 = 102, draw any two of the sides with a right angle between them. The third side will fit to form a right triangle




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    What are the risks of copying the database to the laptop and taking it home or on a trip?

    Jackie is the database manager for a large retail company in North America. Recently there have been some error messages generated concerning errors and data inconsistency in the customer databases where the customer contact information and credit card information are kept. Jackie is leaving town for 2 weeks on a business trip. She is trying to decide whether to copy the databases to her laptop and troubleshoot the problems while away from the office

    In a 400-word essay, address the following questions.

    ·         What are the risks of copying the database to the laptop and taking it home or on a trip?

    ·         What are the chances that this data will be at risk?

    Given that this database contains customer contact information and credit cards, we cannot at any cost put this information in any kind of danger. On the other hand, if the database problems are not fixed, there may be more errors and data inconsistencies.

    • Include a title page, abstract, proper citations using APA style, and a bibliography.
    • Include an introduction based on a well-formed thesis statement. The logical order of the content will be derived from the thesis statement. In a quality paper, the conclusion will summarize the previously presented content and will complement the thesis statement from the introduction.
    • Free of any spelling, punctuation, or grammatical errors. Sentences and paragraphs will be clear, concise, and factually correct.
    • A quality paper will have significant scope and depth of research to support any statements. Strategic implications will be explained and supported. Relevant illustrations or examples are encouraged. A quality paper will employ use of sound reasoning and logic to reinforce conclusions.
    • A quality paper will meet or exceed all of the above requirements




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    What sort of information should be provided to Mr. and Mrs. Harris, prior to them completing the fact finder, with regards to personal information and other warnings?

     Determine client financial requirements and expectations
    Assessment 2 – Performance

    Page 1 of 7
    Instructions to complete this assessment
    In order to complete this assessment, you are required to complete the following sections consecutively. Details and specific instructions are provided within each section and on the form/templates provided.
    Supporting documents
    To find the relevant supporting documents, please refer to the Assessment Resources folder, located within the FNSFPL506 Determine client financial requirements and expectations section of your course. (Note: Not all units have assessment resources.)
    Section 1 – Review the Fact Finder – Mr and Mrs Harris
    Download and analyse ‘Fact Finder – Mr and Mrs Harris’, located in the Assessment Resources folder.
    Section 2 – Assessment Responses
    Now complete each of the following steps:
    1. What sort of information should be provided to Mr. and Mrs. Harris, prior to them completing the fact finder, with regards to personal information and other warnings?
    2. Identify any missing, or incomplete information, which may be relevant, when preparing a statement of advice for Mr. and Mrs. Harris.
    3. Express Mr. and Mrs. Harris’ aims and objectives as SMART goals.
    Current Goal Expressed as a SMART Goal
    4. From the fact finder, summarise the key financial strategy areas that your advice will need to encompass to achieve Mr. and Mrs. Harris’ aims and objectives.
    Strategy Reason for Strategy




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    Using RStudio, obtain the following descriptive measures for alcohol consumption when drinking alone

    You have to use R studio to make this assignment. Look the questions to answer are in the SDM applied project and excel dataset can be found in the excel file attached. A screenshot and r studio needs to be attached to the relevant question.

    The College

    UNIT NAME: Statistical Decision Making
    VALUE OF QUESTIONS: Applied project questions are worth 30 marks in total.
    ANSWERING QUESTIONS: This applied project is to be completed using RStudio. All handwritten answers are to be written on the space provided in this project.
    • The file containing the data sets for the following questions can be downloaded from the e-learning site vUWS.
    • You should use RStudio to carry out all calculations and statistical analysis which must be shown in the file to be submitted on vUWS. You will be required to submit the R-Script used to perform all the calculations for all the questions. This R-Script should run without errors.
    • All answers in this booklet must match your calculations done and submitted in the R-Script.
    • To complete this project, you must provide the RStudio outputs for each of the questions.
    • Individual projects submitted after the due date will attract a late penalty in accordance with the late penalty policy stated on the Western Sydney University – The College Website.
    To upload your R-Script file follow these instructions:
    a. Login to “vUWS”.
    b. Select the Statistical Decision Making folder.
    c. Under the Assessment tab (from the left hand side of the screen), select “Assessment 4:Applied Project (10%)” and select your group.
    d. Use “Add attachment” to select the file to be submitted.
    e. Double-check to make sure you have the correct file.
    f. “Submit” your file.
    g. A written hard copy of your applied project containing the
    solutions to each question must be handed in by the due date of
    this project.
    Description of the assignment and data
    The assignment centres around a study of drinking habits of young adults.
    The data stored in the Microsoft Excel file named SDM AppliedProject 2021.3.xlsx is to be used for the assignment. It can be downloaded from vUWS.
    You are to use the data set assigned to you by your teacher to answer all the questions in this assignment.
    The data in this file were gathered from young adults aged between 18-30. The participants were surveyed about their drinking behaviour on the previous weeks, while drinking alone, and while drinking with a romantic partner.
    The data set comprises of the following variables:
    Gender Gender of the participants:
    Age Age of the participants, in years
    Alcohol (Drink Alone) Amount of alcohol consumed (per week) by the participants when drinking alone, in standard drinks
    Alcohol (Drink with Partner) Amount of alcohol consumed (per week) by the participants when drinking with a romantic partner, in standard drinks
    (a standard drink is any drink containing 10 grams of alcohol)
    NOTE: The data was randomly created for the sole purpose of this assignment.

    Question 1 (6 marks) Marks
    In this question you are to investigate the distribution of the amount of alcohol consumption when drinking alone by using descriptive statistics, and a visual depiction of your results.

    a) Using RStudio, obtain the following descriptive measures for alcohol consumption when drinking alone. * [2]
    i) Mean
    ii) Median
    iii) Standard deviation
    iv) Range
    b) Using RStudio, construct a histogram with 5 classes* [2]
    You must clearly label the axes and title the graph. [2]
    c) Using RStudio, construct a 90% confidence interval for the population mean alcohol consumption when drinking alone*. [2]
    * Evidence of work in RStudio is required

    Question 2 (8 marks)
    It is believed that to reduce the risk of harm from alcohol-related disease or injury, healthy men and women should drink no more than 6 standard drinks a week.
    In this question you are to investigate if the average alcohol consumption when drinking alone is within the healthy limit, by carrying out a hypothesis test.

    a) Using RStudio, obtain an output for a hypothesis test at a 5% level of significance to determine if the alcohol consumption when drinking alone is less than 6 standard drinks. (Assume that the amount of alcohol consumption when drinking alone are normally distributed). * [2]

    b) Using the information in the output, conduct a hypothesis test at a 5% level of significance to determine if the alcohol consumption when drinking alone is less than 6 standard drinks:
    i) State the null and alternative hypothesis [1]
    ii) State the test statistic including the degrees of freedom [1]
    iii) State the decision rule [1]
    iv) State the p-value [1]
    v) State the decision by giving reasons [1]
    vi) Write down the conclusion [1]
    * Evidence of work in RStudio is required

    Question 3 (8 marks)
    In this question you are to investigate if there is a significant difference between the alcohol consumption when drinking alone and when drinking with a partner, by carrying out a hypothesis test for the paired difference.
    a) Using RStudio, obtain an output for a hypothesis test at a 10% level of significance. Assume that the paired differences are normally distributed. * [2]

    b) Using the information in the output, conduct a hypothesis test at a 10% level of significance to determine if the alcohol consumption differs significantly when drinking alone and when drinking with a partner:
    i) State the null and alternative hypothesis [1]
    ii) State the test statistic including the degrees of freedom [1]
    iii) State the decision rule [1]
    iv) State the p-value [1]
    v) State the decision by giving reasons [1]
    vi) Write down the conclusion [1]

    * Evidence of work in RStudio is required

    Question 4 (8 marks) Marks
    In this question you are to investigate if there is a correlation between the age and the alcohol consumption (when drinking alone), by performing a regression analysis.
    a) Using RStudio, obtain a linear regression output. You must include both the graphical display and statistical analysis summary. * [2]
    b) By examining the scatter plot discuss if there is a correlation between the age and the alcohol consumption (when drinking alone). [2]
    c) State the coefficient of determination. [1]
    d) Obtain the correlation coefficient. [1]
    e) Discuss the correlation between the age and the alcohol consumption (when drinking alone) by referring to the numerical values obtained in part c) and part d). [2]
    * Evidence of work in RStudio is required




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    The Lego Group is a privately owned company based in Denmark and produces toys for both children and adults that are based on building structures from interlocking plastic bricks

    ACCT6004 Finance Session 3, 2021
    Assessment 3: Business Case Studies 2
    This assignment has a 25% weighting in your overall mark for this unit and focuses on content from Topics 6, 7 and 8. The assignment will be marked out of 25 and marks will be allocated as indicated in the rubric on page 4. Your total assignment submission will consist of a word document and a spreadsheet.
    Case information
    The assignment is based on the case information below. While the company Lego, does exist, the financial data as well as the scenario in this case study are fictitious1, however the context is not. Many businesses and government departments face similar investment decisions in order to remain competitive as well as being more environmentally and socially responsible.
    The Lego Group is a privately owned company based in Denmark and produces toys for both children and adults that are based on building structures from interlocking plastic bricks.
    The company is in the process of becoming more environmentally conscious and moving away from the issue of traditional style plastic bricks that take many years to breakdown and using plant based materials from sustainable sources to manufacture their toys. This strategy aligns with their goal of tackling climate change issues.
    This product (BIOLego) is totally new to the market and no other competitor has yet to initiate a ‘lego’ style product like it. The benefits of this product are that they are made from sustainable plant products and recycled plastics that are protecting the soils, waterways and oceans. For this reason, The Lego Group believes that this product will cost more to produce and install than its existing manufacturing capability and has more risk involved with its rollout into the current market than that of its existing products.
    This new product will require an upfront expenditure on a new piece of machinery to manufacture the product. There is currently not one in the marketplace and will need to be custom built. The company has received quotes from certain manufacturers of machines to build this machinery and is satisfied that these quotes are realistic in terms of cost. The estimated cost of the new machinery totals $450 million. The company plans on financing this amount from their bank at quoted interest rate of 2.57% per annum.
    The engineers of the company believe that this machine has a useful life of 6 years before needing to be updated with new technology as it comes available in future years. The machine will be depreciated using the prime cost method to zero over the life of the asset. At the end of the project, some of the machine can be sold off in parts for scrap at a total of $10 million. The machine will need to be dismantled and removed and at a cost of $3 million.
    1. The Lego company and its proposed revenue growth strategies and sustainability strategies provide the inspiration for this case but all of the facts and financial information used are fictitious.
    The company has spent several years researching and developing this product at a combined cost of $4 million. The CEO of The Lego Group has asked you to prepare a financial analysis of this initiative. They have asked you to provide a summary of your analysis, as well as providing your recommendations in the form of a short memo.
    The sales and marketing department have conducted several focus groups with customers and are satisfied that BIOLego will be successful. It is estimated that revenues in the first year of the product’s introduction will total $170 million, however this is not certain. These sales are forecasted to increase by 30% each year in years 2, 3, 4 and 5 as an increase in awareness of the product becomes evident. By year 6, it is expected that sales will increase by 70% as this product now takes over from their existing plastic-based products. However, due to the focus groups only targeting a small group of customers, the team are concerned that this product may not be as successful as forecasted so in their recommendations they have estimated a 30% standard deviation in the estimated revenues.
    The sales and marketing team have also highlighted that the existing products sold by the company (based on plastic products) is likely to see a fall in sales due to the introduction of the new product. The product currently generates $120 million profit before tax for the company each year and it is estimated that this will fall by 50% with the introduction of BIOLego.
    The production department have estimated that production costs will be equal to 45% of the forecasted revenues each year. There will also be a requirement for the company to have additional working capital on hand for this project equal to 15% of each upcoming year’s sales forecast. This working capital forecast is relatively certain and based on previous production requirements of the company. The investment in this additional working capital will be made at the beginning of the project and will be fully recovered at the end of year 6, the last year of the project.
    Other additional costs related to the project are as follows, (1) marketing costs $7 million (this is a best guess forecast) in the first year only; (2) maintenance costs of $4 million per year (certain forecast) and administration costs of $3 million per year increased by 2% each year after year 1 (certain forecast). The Lego Group have spent $1.5 million on feasibility studies for the project.
    The Lego Groups financiers have advised them that the company’s weighted average cost of capital is 8% and is subject to a 30% income tax rate. It is assumed that all taxes are paid in the year of income to which they relate.
    Prepare (1) a spreadsheet financial analysis of the proposed project and (2) a memo (maximum 1,000 words) to the CEO of The Lego Group that summarises your key results and provides recommendations on the project. Note carefully the following points:
    • Analyse base case (expected) cash flows and potential uncertainty.
    • For your base case analysis, calculate the five investment decision criteria listed in the relevant topic’s Overview document.
    • If you make any assumptions beyond those given in the case information, explain them.
    • Recommendations should address the decision suggested by the base case, along with further follow up or other matters the company should consider prior to making a final decision.
    • Include an appendix to the memo that provides a readable screenshot(s) of your base case cash flows, the purpose of which is to allow the CEO to see line item detail without needing to spend time going to the spreadsheet itself.
    • Within the memo body, you are advised to use tables and/or figures to assist decision makers quickly see main points and to visualise your analysis results but ensure the tables and figures are discussed or explained.
    Submit your spreadsheet separately in the provided spreadsheet link in the BCS2 section of the unit site. By submitting the spreadsheet, you are confirming that it is entirely your own work. Save the spreadsheet with your details in the file name using the following format (failure to do so could result in your spreadsheet not being considered in marking):
    Student ID_Full_name_ACCT6004A3
    For example: 13579246_John_Smith_ACCT6004A3
    The spreadsheet submission allows only one submission attempt so do not upload your spreadsheet until you are sure it is complete.
    The memo will be submitted as a word document via a Turnitin assignment link in the BCS2 section of the unit site. Do not include a coversheet; commence with the memo. You can resubmit your document as many times as you like prior to the due time. You are therefore advised to examine your Turnitin Originality Report for this assessment to make sure your similarity score is low with very little highlighted text aside from technical phrases and quoted passages that are appropriately referenced.
    This assessment will be marked using the rubric below. You are advised to read the rubric carefully so you know the criteria and performance levels upon which you work will be assessed. This is an individual assessment exercise. The unit teaching team is very experienced at marking such assessments and recognising the differences between individual and “group” work, as well as data, facts, statements and ideas of others that have not been appropriately acknowledged. To avoid any potential for academic misconduct investigation, ensure that every aspect of your work is your own and that you acknowledge all sources you have directly drawn upon in your submitted work. Quotations should be shown as such. We are not fussy about referencing style, just that you reference when needed.
    Assessment 3: Business Case Studies 2 ACCT6004 S3 2021
    MARKING CRITERIA Excellent Very Good Good Satisfactory Poor
    Accurate estimation of
    relevant base case cash flows and
    decision criteria
    (12 marks) All relevant base case cash flows have been accurately
    incorporated into the analysis
    and net cash flows and decision criteria are correct. (12 marks) Nearly all relevant base case cash flows have been
    accurately incorporated into the analysis and decision
    criteria are correct based on your net cash flows (10
    marks) Most relevant base case cash flows have been accurately
    incorporated into the analysis and decision criteria are
    mostly correct based on your net cash flows. (8 marks) About half the relevant base case cash flows have been accurately
    incorporated into the
    analysis and decision
    criteria are mostly correct
    based on your net cash flows. (6 marks) Less than half the relevant base case cash flows have
    been accurately incorporated into the analysis and decision criteria may be mostly
    incorrect based on your net cash flows. (0 to 4 marks)
    Accurate and appropriate analysis of
    (5 marks) You have accurately analysed project uncertainty using
    appropriate techniques. You have shown insight by judicious input
    choices that are well-articulated and linked to case facts. The
    analysis is easy to follow. (5
    marks) You have accurately analysed project uncertainty using
    appropriate techniques and judicious input choices that are mostly well-articulated
    and linked to case facts. The
    analysis is easy to follow. (4
    marks) You have analysed project uncertainty using appropriate techniques and mostly
    judicious input choices that are mostly well-articulated
    and linked to case facts. The analysis is easy to follow. (3.5
    marks) You have analysed project uncertainty using at least
    one appropriate technique.
    Input choices lack justification, are
    unreasonable or the
    analysis is not easy to follow. (2.5 marks) You have not analysed project uncertainty using appropriate techniques or have
    attempted to use at least one
    appropriate technique but with no demonstrated
    consideration of input choices in a hard to follow analysis or
    there are major inaccuracies. (0 to 2 marks)
    Appropriate interpretation and
    recommendations based on the
    project analysis
    (8 marks) You have accurately interpreted the results of your financial
    analysis and made appropriate
    and insightful recommendations with the basis of those
    recommendations clearly and concisely explained.
    Recommendations go further than simply accepting or rejecting the project by recognising the subtleties of project decision
    making and needed additional
    analysis or considerations. Use of language makes meaning
    consistently clear; no or very few grammar, syntax and spelling
    errors. (8 marks) You have accurately interpreted the results of your
    financial analysis and made appropriate
    Recommendations go further than simply accepting or
    rejecting the project by
    recognising some subtleties of project decision making
    and/or needed additional
    analysis or considerations.
    Use of language mostly makes meaning clear; no or very few
    grammar, syntax and spelling errors. (6.5 marks) You have accurately interpreted most of the results of your financial
    analysis and made some appropriate
    recommendations. Subtleties of project analysis and
    decision making have
    generally not been
    recognised. Use of language
    mostly makes meaning clear; several grammar, syntax and spelling errors. (5.5 marks) You have accurately interpreted some of the results of your financial
    analysis and made at least one appropriate
    recommendation. Use of language mostly makes meaning clear; several grammar, syntax and spelling errors. (4 marks) You have not correctly interpreted most results from your financial analysis or no
    recommendations have been made or recommendations
    do not follow from the results or interpretation. Use of language mostly makes meaning unclear; many
    grammar, syntax and spelling errors. (0 to 3 marks)




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    Empirically explore the impact of GST on the Indian economy

    Topic: Empirically explore the impact of GST on the Indian economy.
    You have to empirically work on the above topic using actual data from the RBI Handbook of Statistics.
    The deliverable would be a document linking empirical findings to analysis by you. I expect a 500-700 word document (excluding the appendix, references) as a deliverable that would contain references and citations of sources referred to. Deadline: 22nd January 2022 EOD
    An indicative structure for the document is as follows:
    1. Introduction
    2. Problem Statement and Hypothesis
    3. Data and Method
    4. Results and Analysis
    5. Recommendation (Managerial/Policy)
    6. Conclusion




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    The presence of an appropriate introduction to the organisation

    Level 10 & 11
    233 Castlereagh Street
    NSW 2000
    MCR002 Organisational Behaviour
    Assessment: detailed description
    Assessment – 1 Online quiz Worth 5%
    This is a quiz. It must be completed online at the designated time in week-5 tutorial session. The questions for this quiz will be generated from the contents of the first four topics of Organisational Behaviour subject. If you miss this quiz irrespective of reasons, you shall not get another chance to make it up.
    Assessment – 2 Group project Worth 25%
    This task is designed to develop your ability to contribute fruitfully to a group task; assess an organisational issue or problem as objectively as possible; appreciate the potential of theory in managerial decision making and problem solving; apply theory to ‘real life’; take managerial responsibility by designing a practical course of action.
    You must submit your assignment online via Moodle (Turnitin software will be used to detect plagiarism cases). Only one report from each group. The report MUST contain the name and ID numbers of all group members. Please include the word count on the cover page and highlight the names of the group members who were inactive/ not contactable/ didn’t contribute at all.
    Task description:
    1. This is a group assignment, and the lecturer will create and finalize assignment groups in week 3/4. (4-5 members in each group).
    2. Identify a problem (only one problem relating to OB) in an organisation that you have access to (preferably an organisation where at least one group member works or has worked recently. Do not focus on a problem that has already been solved and do not choose an organisation that is no longer in business (cease to exist).
    3. Provide a brief introduction to the organisation (it is acceptable to withhold the name of the organisation).
    4. Describe the problem, as much as possible in terms of the observable or measurable symptoms it manifests, for example: low levels of motivation; high employee turnover; deterioration of service quality; increased customer complaints; dysfunctional groups; loss of profit; negative/ unhelpful organisational culture etc.
    5 The issue/problem should then be considered and analysed in terms of concepts/ models/ theories drawn from any topic studied as part of this subject. Try to choose the topic that seem to offer the most useful insights into the problem. Do not try to deal with many models or concepts. Topics outside the OB subject coverage must not be selected.
    6. Design an intervention (a change program or set of activities and procedures) utilising some aspect or aspects of your analysis. The intervention should be intended to solve or improve the situation. Please note you are not merely being asked for a list of recommendations.
    7. Prepare a report of 1200 words (cover page, summary and the reference list is not included in the word count). There are penalties for exceeding the word limit (1 mark). Late submission without prior permission shall attract penalty @ 10% per day. Submit the report via Moodle on or before the due date (only one report from each group). Your report must be correctly and adequately referenced using APA/Harvard style. Please aim for a balanced range of research from academic journal articles and popular media (such as podcasts, company websites, practitioner publications, news items etc.). Use at least 5 academic references.
    (Note: Assignment marking rubrics are available on the Moodle page as well as at the end of this page).
    Assessment – 3 Ongoing Assessment Worth 10%
    These are ongoing assessments- mostly individual (quizzes, case studies, scenario analysis, problem solving exercises) conducted during tutorial sessions.
    These assessments will be conducted without prior announcement starting from week 6 through to week 12. It is necessary that the students are regular in attending the lecture and tutorial sessions. There shall be no make -up for these activities if these are missed – irrespective of reasons.
    Assessment 4: Final Examination Worth 60%
    The Final Exam will be 2 hours in duration. The exam may include short answer questions, essay questions and case-study analysis. Further information on the format will be provided during revision week.
    The questions will be devised to assess the interpretation and application of knowledge, comprehension skills, and critical thinking skills rather than only knowledge recall.
    You will be expected to demonstrate your understanding of key concepts and your ability to apply those concepts to various situations.
    All material covered in this course is examinable. The exam will be conucted during the UBSS exam period.
    This is a ‘MUST pass’ assessment item. To clear/pass this subject, you need 50 marks of which a minimum of 30 must come from the final exam.
    (Note: Assignment marking guide is provided below).
    MCR002 Oranisational Behaviour Group report: Marking guide
    Assessment Criteria HD
    Excellent D
    Very good C
    Good P
    Fair F
    0- 49%
    Very poor Marks
    • The presence of an appropriate introduction to the organisation (2 marks)
    • The identification of a suitable problem for analysis and the depth of analysis of problem
    (2 marks)
    • Effective use of material from subject topics and appropriateness of the chosen
    topics (6 marks)
    • Suitable intervention design with detailed action steps (5 marks)
    • Quality and completeness of response to the presentation topic:
    ? The breadth and depth of response sufficient and appropriate information to support the key points
    ? Demonstrated understanding of the necessary concepts/ theories involved
    ? Demonstrated understanding of the nature
    and complexities of problems (5 marks)
    • Format and clarity of expression:
    ? The response conforms to the requirements of the specified format (report format)
    ? Complied with word count
    ? Complete cover page information
    ? The writing is fluent, exhibiting grammatically correct sentences that are appropriately punctuated
    ? There are no spelling or typing errors and due regard is given to rules of capitalisation and abbreviation, gender neutral
    • Referencingexpression etc.
    ? Citation of sources in the text,
    ? List of references at the end – adequate, correct and complete as per APA format. (3 marks)




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    prepare Lucy’s individual taxation return

    Assessment 3 Information
    Subject Code: ACC304
    Subject Name: Taxation Law
    Assessment Title: Case Studies
    Assessment Type: Statement of Advice
    Weighting: 30 %
    Total Marks: 40 marks
    Submission: Via Turnitin on MyKBS
    Your Task
    Your task is to analyse client information outlined in the three different case studies below and present the findings in three Statement of Advice (approximately 1,500 words).
    1) You are required to prepare Lucy’s individual taxation return.
    2) You are required to provide recommendations and tax calculations to Susan regarding the taxation implications and tax payable by the trustee for Megan and Isabel, the beneficiaries.
    3) You are required to calculate the franking account and tax payable by Otago Pty Ltd.
    For each question you are expected to:
    1) identify the facts and issues for each case 2) apply the relevant legislation and/or case law.
    Learning Objectives
    After completing this Individual Assignment, you will be able to:
    1) Research information about each question using tax cases and tax legislation.
    2) Identify the main issues and make recommendations for each case.
    3) Calculate taxes for an individual, a trust and a company.
    Assessment Instructions
    Statement of Advice 1 – Prepare a tax return for an individual taxpayer (10 marks for technical and calculation accuracy and relevance and 10 marks for writing style; refer to marking rubric for more guidance)
    Your client Lucy has attended your office to have her 2021-year tax return prepared. Lucy is 52 years old, single resident taxpayer employed by Burwood Council as a clerk. Lucy is also a friend of yours.
    She has the following documentation and admits that she is not good at keeping her receipts and invoices:
    Payment Summary for the period 1 July 2020 to 30 June 2021 from Burwood Council.
    Gross Wages $56,000
    Allowances – Clothing $400
    Tax withholding Deducted $12,000
    Various receipts
    Date Paid to Details Amount ($)
    30 July 2020 Eastern Clothing Non-compulsory uniform
    (registered design of Council) $380
    1 September 2020 Foodbank Australia Donation $50
    1 October 2020 Tax agent 2019 tax return fees $100
    1 December 2020 Lim’s Computer Computer (est. 50% work use with 3 years effective life) $1,200
    1 February 2021 Corp Bookshop Textbooks for clerical course $500
    Other Information
    1) Lucy estimated total $490 annual train ticket used to travel to and from work.
    2) Lucy advises you she spent $600 on personal grooming which was essential for her job and insists that she claims this amount.
    3) Lucy held $2,000 for the whole year in an interest-bearing account but insists that she did not receive any interest during the year. Lucy has not supplied any bank statements.
    4) Lucy sold various shares on 20 June 2021 as follows.
    • Apricot Shares (Australian company): purchased in January 1998 for $20,000 and sold for $55,000.
    • Pear shares (Italian company): purchased in March 2019 for $7,000 and sold for $5,000.
    • Cherry shares (Australian company): purchased in May 2021 for $9,000 and sold for $14,000.
    1) Calculate taxable income for Lucy. As the Tax Agent, what advice would you provide for the best outcomes in relation to depreciation, CGT method and general deductions for Lucy within Australian income tax law? You are required to explain all income & deduction details with section numbers and/or cases in your explanations.
    2) Advise Lucy on the CGT consequences of the share sales. You must provide all methods available for her and choose the best method to minimise Lucy’s net capital gains.
    3) As the Tax Agent, how would you handle the stance your client has taken in points 2 and 3,
    Point 2: Lucy advises you she spent $600 on personal grooming which was essential for her job and insists that she claims this amount.
    Point 3: Lucy held $2,000 for the whole year in an interest-bearing account but insists that she did not receive any interest during the year. Lucy has not supplied any bank statements.
    You should refer to the Code of Conduct from Tax Practitioners Board. What is the principle involved? What do you recommend in each point?
    Statement of Advice 2 – Advice on Trust income and distributions (10 marks for technical and calculation accuracy and relevance)
    Your client Susan has attended your office to have her 2021-year tax return prepared. Susan is the trustee of an Australian resident trust estate created by a Trust Deed. She created the trust for the benefit of her daughters, Megan aged 19 years and Isabel aged 15 years. They are both residents of Australia.
    The following information indicates the trading activities of the trust for the 2020/21 income tax year.
    Net income from trading activities $80,000
    Fully franked dividend received $25,000
    Proceeds from shares in Hub Ltd on 12 June 2021 $60,000 (the shares were purchased in 2005 at a cost of $20,000) Rental income $65,000
    Expenses incurred in generating rental income $55,000
    Other information
    Megan derived a salary of $17,000 while working casually at McDonalds.
    Isabel received interest income of $2,000 from her savings account (savings account was established two years ago from $40,000 deposited from her grandfather as a gift). Isabel also received a salary of $9,000 working at Hungry Jacks during school holidays.
    Advise Susan the taxation implications (tax payable by the trustee and/or each beneficiary) under each of the alternatives (1) and (2) below.
    1) Susan does not exercise any discretion as to the distribution of income during the year.
    2) Susan distributes the trust net income to each beneficiary at 50% each.
    Statement of Advice 3 – Calculate the franking account and tax payable by Otago Pty Ltd. (10 marks for technical and calculation accuracy; refer to marking rubric for more guidance)
    Frank is a director of Otago Pty Ltd (Otago), an Australian resident private company, with a corporate tax rate for imputation purposes for the 2020/21 income year of 30%.
    Frank provided you with the following information regarding the company’s franking account:
    1 July 2020: Opening balance $500 credit.
    29 July 2020: Paid 2020 tax year fully franked final dividend $7,000
    28 February 2021: Paid 2021 tax year 60% franked interim dividend $9,000
    30 April 2021: Received fully franked dividend from Australian company $4,500
    28 June 2021: PAYG instalment paid relating 2020/21 tax year totalled $1,200
    30 June 2021: Declared a fully franked dividend of $10,000 Otago had a taxable income of $16,000 for 2020/21.
    1) Prepare Otago Pty Ltd’s franking account for the 2020/21 tax year and explain any consequences arising from the franking account balance at 30 June 2021.
    2) Calculate net tax payable (refundable) for the company.

    Important Study Information
    Academic Integrity Policy
    KBS values academic integrity. All students must understand the meaning and consequences of cheating, plagiarism and other academic offences under the Academic Integrity and Conduct Policy.
    • What is academic integrity and misconduct?
    • What are the penalties for academic misconduct?
    • What are the late penalties?
    • How can I appeal my grade?
    Click here for answers to these questions:
    Study Assistance
    Students may seek study assistance from their local Academic Learning Advisor or refer to the resources on the MyKBS Academic Success Centre page. Click here for this information.
    ACC304 Taxation Law
    Assessment 3 Marking Rubric
    /40 marks
    Statement of Advice 1 (10 marks)
    0 – 5 6 – 10 Achieved marks ( /10)
    Has demonstrated limited achievement:
    Correctly calculated some taxable income and allowable deductions items.
    Stated some outcomes in relation to depreciation, capital gains tax methods and general deductions.
    Struggled to articulate the correct capital gains tax consequences of the sale of shares.
    Failed to address the tax practitioners code of conduct and principles involved. Has achieved all or most of:
    Correctly calculated the taxable income and allowable deductions.
    Stated the best outcomes in relation to depreciation, capital gains tax methods and general deductions.
    Articulated the correct capital gains tax consequences of the share sales. Addressed the tax practitioners code of conduct and principles involved.
    Statement of Advice 2 (10 marks)
    0 – 5 6 – 10 Achieved marks ( /10)
    Has demonstrated limited achievement:
    Failed to correctly address the taxation implications of Susan not distributing trustee income for 2020/21.
    Failed to correctly address the taxation implications of Susan distributing trust net income to each beneficiary at 50% each during 2020/21. Has achieved all or most of:
    Correctly addressed the taxation implications of Susan not distributing trustee income for 2020/21.
    Correctly addressed the taxation implications of Susan distributing trust net income to each beneficiary at 50% each during 2020/21.
    Statement of Advice 3 (10 marks)
    0 – 5 6 – 10 Achieved marks ( /10)
    Has demonstrated limited achievement:
    Either did not prepare or only partially prepared Otago Pty Ltd franking account for 2020/21.
    Failed to identify any consequences arising from Otago Pty Ltd franking account balance as at 30th June 2021.
    Either did not correctly calculate or only partially calculated correctly Otago Pty Ltd net tax payable for 2020/21. Has achieved all or most of:
    Correctly prepared Otago Pty Ltd franking account for 2020/21.
    Correctly identified consequences arising from Otago Pty Ltd franking account balance as at 30th June 2021.
    Correctly calculated Otago Pty Ltd net tax payable for 2020/21.
    All Statements of Advice Writing Style (10 marks overall)
    0 – 5 6 – 10 Achieved marks ( /10)
    Has demonstrated limited achievement:
    Some sentences contain grammatical errors and typos, there are noticeable inconsistencies in the formatting, and the syntax makes some of the answers difficult to follow.
    Has achieved all or most of:
    The document does not contain any grammatical errors or typos, the formatting is consistent, and the syntax is articulate and legible




    CLICK HERE TO ORDER THIS PAPER AT ON prepare Lucy’s individual taxation return

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    Writers Solution

    Explain some of the basic terms and conditions a customer must meet before a financial product will be supplied by an AFSL

    Activity 1
    Explain some of the basic terms and conditions a customer must meet before a financial product will be supplied by an AFSL.
    (Explain financial product service terms and conditions).
    Activity 2
    Why might a financial planner wish to become an authorised representative of an AFS licensee?
    (Explain the interactions between different providers of the financial planning service and their accountabilities).
    Activity 3
    ASIC’s Moneysmart website is an invaluable source of advice for clients of financial planners. Using Moneysmart, locate and discuss the situation where a legal professional may offer a client investment advice service.
    (Describe authorities and assistance able to be offered by other advisers and organisations).
    Activity 4
    Tom is an accountant with no AFS licence, who does not provide financial planning advice. A client comes to Tom and says he knows what he wants and instructs Tom to:
    ? set up an SMSF;
    ? assist to roll-over assets into the SMSF;
    ? provide factual information about different super choices;
    ? value SMSF assets;
    ? advise on the SISA investment rules;
    ? provide a pro-forma generic investment strategy; and
    ? advise on a pension (transition to retirement income stream) strategy and prepare the documents.
    Advise Tom on how he should proceed. (Discern between and describe what different providers can and cannot do within the financial planning service required by the client).
    Activity 5
    Outline some of the issues a financial planner needs to consider when referring an existing client to a third party for specialist advice.
    (Outline the steps in a referral process to other advisers or organisations).
    Activity 6
    Describe the value of client complaints to a financial planning business.
    (Describe the key stages in internal and external complaint handling processes).
    Activity 7
    Most financial planning clients complete a fact find before an initial meeting with a financial planner. But much of the personal information needed by a planner is not in the nature of hard facts. Outline some non-factual aims of a fact-finding interview.
    (Outline the steps and processes involved in the preparation of financial plans).
    Activity 8
    What sort of adviser / client obligations might be incorporated into an AFSL’s Client Protection Policy?
    (Describe the key features of relevant organisational policy, procedures and requirements).
    Activity 9
    In what ways could a financial planner detect a potential cyber-enabled fraud? (Identify risk and fraud indicators)




    CLICK HERE TO ORDER THIS PAPER AT ON  Explain some of the basic terms and conditions a customer must meet before a financial product will be supplied by an AFSL

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