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Explain the actions of intravenous anesthetics on the central nervous system

Case Study


This case study has two parts. Answer both parts in one document, and clearly label parts one and two. References for both parts should be included in one reference page at the end of the case study.

Part 1: Explain the actions of intravenous anesthetics on the central nervous system. Include types of general anesthetics, adverse effects, and contraindications.

Part 2: A 26-year-old female comes to visit her primary care provider (PCP) with several complaints. Over the past three weeks, she has been experiencing difficulty concentrating, lack of energy, and feelings of being withdrawn from her peers. In addition, she has developed a skin rash. The rash is red and itching with small blisters. She informed her physician she has never felt this way before and is a bit worried. She is hoping to get some advice from her doctor. Include the following components in Part 2:

  • After a physical exam, the physician is trying to determine if the patient has eczema or psoriasis. What signs would show for each skin condition that would help the physician decide?
  • Discuss what indicators would lead to any additional diagnoses for this patient. Select a possible treatment intervention.
  • What specialist(s) could the PCP refer the patient to?

Each part of the case study must be at least one page in length. You must use at least your textbook to support your answer for each part. Adhere to APA Style when creating citations and references for this assignment. APA formatting, however, is not necessary




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What is the difference between a waxing moon and waning moon?

How long does it take the moon to complete one lunar cycle? 2. What is the difference between a waxing moon and waning moon? 3. How does the appearance of the moon change over four weeks? 4. What is the current phase of the moon? (you may need to look thisI I up)What will the next phase of the moon be? 5. Where does the moon get its light? 6. How would you describe the pattern of changes in the lunar cycle? 7. What are the positions of the Sun and the Earth during a full moon? 8. What is the new moon and what causes it? 9. During what phase of the moon is it possible to observe a lunar eclipse? 10. During what phase of the moon Is it possible to observe a solar eclipse?Passage to helpLunar Phases By Lynda R. Williams When you look up at the night sky, you may have noticed that the moon does not always look the same. The different shapes we see are called the phases of the moon or lunar phases. Of course the moon does not really change shape. The phases of the moon are caused by the Sun’s light reflecting off the moon’s surface in combination with the orbit of the moon around the Earth. When the moon is at its new phase, the side opposite from us is fully lit by the Sun. We cannot see the side of the moon that is unlit. Two days after the new moon, which is the start of the lunar cycle, the moon has moved enough for a small portion of the lit side to be seen. This is when we see the waxing crescent. The moon revolves around the Earth. It takes about 29.5 days for the moon to complete its orbit around the Earth. The phase that we see is dependent on the amount of the sunlit side of the moon that is facing the Earth at that time. As the moon continues to travel around the Earth each month, the phases move from new moon to full moon. In order to fully picture what each phase looks looks like as viewed from Earth, you must imagine yourself standing on Earth and looking up at the moon. While doing this you can see that while the moon is waxing, the right-hand side of the moon will be bright. While the moon is waning, the left-hand side of the moon will be bright. You must also always remember where the Sun is in comparison to the Earth and moon




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Examine the various ways information technology systems are used in committing fraud and how IT security is commonly breached

The final project for this course is the creation of a fraud analysis and report. The final product represents an authentic demonstration of competency because in
today’s business environment, the ability to obtain electronic evidence is crucial in any fraud investigation. Professionals must know the proper way to obtain
and handle evidence in the prevention and detection of fraud. It is significantly important that the investigator has the ability to identify reliable evidence and
ensure the integrity of this evidence. This project will equip you with the knowledge to perform forensic investigations using various types of electronic data. You
will prepare a fraud analysis and a report to management discussing the fraud committed and the fraudsters involved.
The project is divided into three milestones, which will be submitted at various points throughout the course to scaffold learning and ensure quality final
submissions. These milestones will be submitted in Modules Three, Five, and Seven. The final project will be submitted in Module Nine.
In this assignment, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following course outcomes:
 Examine the various ways information technology systems are used in committing fraud and how IT security is commonly breached or circumvented for
formulating recommendations to prevent future fraud
 Evaluate the use of online resources in conducting effective fraud examinations and gathering evidence
 Analyze financial data to detect specific types of fraud, distinguish between errors and actual fraud and interpret ambiguous and conflicting evidence
 Utilize various software packages available for data extraction and analysis of financial statements that deduce the presence of fraud
 Analyze data and other types of evidence collected for the documentation and composition of reports that provide conclusions and present results to
 Determine appropriate courses of action in various aspects of fraud and forensic accounting that are aligned with professional codes of ethics
Assume you have just been hired by a company’s internal audit department to examine a particular data set to determine whether there have been any
fraudulent disbursements/reimbursements. In addition to the circumvention of internal controls, you should look for fraudulent activity. Various data analysis
software could be used in your investigation, including Microsoft Excel and Access, and data mining software such as ACL or IDEA. Once the red flags for fraud
have been discovered, you should begin the process of identifying the potential fraudsters. Using internet databases and searches, identify behavior patterns or
data that would serve as evidence of the person(s) involved in committing the fraud.
You will prepare a fraud analysis through the completion of three milestones and then, as part of your final submission, generate a report to management
discussing the fraud committed and the fraudsters involved, as outlined in section IV below.Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:
I. Background
A. What type of fraud could be possible in the case study? What led you to your determination?
B. What approach would you use to begin a risk assessment of the situation? Why?
C. How might IT relate to the commission of frauds? How might IT relate to the specific fraud in this case?
D. How can reliable data be collected using online resources?
E. What are appropriate ways to collect data that will result in admissible evidence? Be sure to provide a thorough description of how data is
collected and what ensures it is considered admissible evidence.
F. What are appropriate ways to collect data while maintaining professionalism and integrity? Support your response.
G. What types of software are available to assist in analyzing large amounts of data, and how can they be implemented? How will the software
assist in analyzing large amounts of data, and how it could be implemented?
II. Development of Hypothesis
A. Using an analysis of the fraud triangle and potential red flags, what types of fraud could be occurring in the company?
B. What preventive or detective controls are present or absent that would safeguard against fraud? Support your response.
C. What is your fraud hypothesis? Why do you feel it is occurring at this company?
D. Based on your hypothesis, what are appropriate ways to collect evidence without violating professional standards such as the AICPA’s code of
III. Testing of Hypothesis
A. What analytical tests could you perform? How do you confirm that the sources for your information are reliable?
B. What fraud risk inquiries are necessary? How could they be used to test your fraud hypothesis?
C. What additional evidence-gathering procedures could you perform based on the response to inquiries? Support your response with examples.
D. Analyze the financial information for anomalies and potential signs of fraud. What conclusions can you draw?
E. What data analysis tools did you use? Why did you opt for these tools in particular?
F. What online resources could you use to test the hypothesis, particularly related to the fraud suspect?
IV. Report to Management
A. What type of fraud was committed, and who is the suspect? Elaborate on the process that led you to these conclusions.
B. Through the use of the software package in your analysis, what did you determine to be the amount of misappropriation?
C. Describe, in detail, the effectiveness of the online resources used in collecting evidence and conducting the investigation.
D. What evidence proves that the elements of the fraud triangle are present? Support your response with examples.
E. How can internal controls, particularly IT-related controls, be updated/revised to prevent this fraud from occurring again?
F. Describe how the investigation adhered to professional codes of conduct.Milestones
Milestone One: Background
In Module Three, you will submit the Background section of your fraud analysis. After reviewing the case studies in Chapter 11 of Data Analytics for Auditing
Using ACL and choosing one of the four for your final project, you will identify the possible fraud in the case study selection. You will explain your approach to
risk assessment and define how IT might relate to the fraud. You will discuss the data collection in terms of admissible evidence and the professionalism and
integrity used to collect the data. Lastly, you will explore the different types of software that will assist you in analyzing large amounts of data. This milestone
will be graded with the Milestone One Rubric.
Milestone Two: Development of Hypothesis
In Module Five, you will submit the Development of Hypothesis section of your fraud analysis. You will identify the types of fraud that could be occurring. You
will examine preventive controls that might safeguard against fraud. Finally, you will state your fraud hypothesis. This milestone will be graded with the
Milestone Two Rubric.
Milestone Three: Testing of Hypothesis
In Module Seven, you will submit the Testing of Hypothesis section of your fraud analysis. You will explain the analytical tests you performed. You will identify
what fraud risk inquiries are necessary. Based on this information, you will determine what additional evidence-gathering procedures you will need to perform.
You will analyze the financial statements for potential anomalies and draw a conclusion. You will explain your use of data analysis tools and describe other online
resources that could be used to test the hypothesis. You will determine the appropriate ways to collect evidence without violating professional standards. This
milestone will be graded with the Milestone Three Rubric.
Final Submission: Fraud Analysis and Report to Management
In Module Nine, you will submit your final project. It should be a complete, polished artifact containing all of the critical elements of the final product, including
section IV: Report to Management. It should reflect the incorporation of feedback gained throughout the course.




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Despite evidence to the contrary, many in the human service field tend to think that they have few, if any, biases

Harvard University has established “Project Implicit” to help individuals identify biases. Despite evidence to the contrary, many in the human service field tend to think that they have few, if any, biases. Go to the website and take three of the Implicit Association Tests (IAT)Choose topics that you can use to help you identify a bias to use in your Social and Cultural Diversity Paper.

What tests did you take? What do you think of the results? Were you surprised? Why or why not? What, if anything, would you like to do now that you have taken these tests?




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Charles graduated from a prestigious business school and worked for a public accounting firm

Please reply of at least 150 words on this discussion and support the assertions with at least two scholarly citations in current APA edition format which must have been published within the last five years.

A. Can you justify what Charles did?

I cannot justify what Charles did.  As an accountant we are held to a high standard as far as ethics.  Charles graduated from a prestigious business school and worked for a public accounting firm.  He knew what he was doing was wrong the first time he accomplished his mission to “find more sales” Ultimately, you can see that his ethical decisions are having a direct influence on the type of life he is likely to lead as his home life seems unstable.  I do see how he could feel pressure to commit fraud and keep his job.  External factors like family life and personal finances can sometimes cloud our judgement.

B. What could Charles have done to avoid the ethical dilemma that he faced? Assume that the company president would have made it impossible for Charles to work in Atlanta in a comparable job.

Charles should have used the IMA Code of Ethics discussion steps.  First, he should have discussed the conflict with the board.  Making them all aware of the behavior of the president.  Second, he should have clarified the dilemma with someone that was not involved in the situation.  Third, Charles should have talked to an attorney the first time he was asked to “find more revenue” If the president did make it impossible for Charles to work in Atlanta again then he should investigate something remote.  We live in a world where there is no reason to only look locally for employment.   If he was fired and had to take a job that paid less his child support and alimony payments can be reduced too.  There is no excuse for unethical behavior.

C. What if the Securities and Exchange Commission discovered this fraud? Would Charles’s boss get in trouble? Would Charles?

Due to the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 Charles had to sign the financial statements.  The CEO had too as well.  Because he has signed that these financials are correct and not fraudulent, he could face prison time.  In short, Yes Charles and his boss would get in trouble as they both signed the financials acknowledging that they believed them to be correct




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implement vulnerability and risk assessment techniques to justify implementation and enforcement of security policies

The purpose of this assignment is to implement vulnerability and risk assessment techniques to justify implementation and enforcement of security policies.

Part 1:

For this assignment you will need to install the Belarc Advisor by going to the Belarc website and following the instructions provided in the “Belarc Installation, Saving, and Uploading Instructions” resource. Instructions for saving and uploading the assignment files are also included in this document. In step 10 you will complete a local system scan of your computer.

Note: If your computer utilizes an operating system other than Windows 7, Vista, or XP Pro, you will need to use the “Summary” file to complete the topic assignment rather than the local system scan outlined in step 10 of the “Belarc Installation, Saving, and Uploading Instructions.”

Use the results of the local system scan to compose a 300-word paper that discusses each section’s role in securing or protecting the scanned system. Expand each section to identify how the system passed or failed the various policies. For each section, address the following:

  1. Identify the section and explain why the system passed or failed.
  2. Explain the risks identified from the results.
  3. Discuss how a threat could exploit the risks and impact the system.
  4. Explain how the failed policies can be solved.

Part 2:

Using the “Risk Assessment Template,” list 20 risks in the “Risk” column. The risks should be failed items from the Belarc Advisor results. Complete the remaining spreadsheet columns for each identified risk. The spreadsheet must include the following:

  1. Risk Title: Obtained from the Belarc Advisor report.
  2. Description: Summarize the information obtained from the Belarc Advisor report hyperlink (pop-up window).
  3. Vulnerability: Explain the vulnerability associated with this risk.
  4. Threat: Identify potential threats that can exploit this vulnerability.
  5. Current Safeguards: Identify if any policies or best practices are in place to reduce the likelihood the threat will be successful.
  6. Impact: Describe the impact if threat is successful.
  7. Severity: Measure the overall severity of the exploitation or impact.
  8. Likelihood: Measure the likelihood a threat will be successful.
  9. Risk Value: Measure the overall value of the risk (low = no real value is exploited; medium = dangerous if exploited; high = extremely grave if exploited).

Submit the 300-word paper, Belarc Advisor results (.xps or .pdf), and completed “Risk Assessment Template.”

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion. 

You are not required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite.

Benchmark Information

This benchmark assignment assesses the following programmatic competencies:

MS Information Technology Management

1.5: Evaluate system risks, threats, and vulnerabilities and practices and processes to ensure the safety and security of business information systems.

MS Information Assurance and Cybersecurity

3.2: Evaluate system risks, threats, and vulnerabilities and practices and processes to ensure the safety and security of business information systems




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Business network structure of an enterprise

Research and critique the business network structure of an enterprise of your choice. You may use an actual enterprise, or a fictional enterprise you defined for your case studies in previous courses. Address the following topics:

  • Differentiation: The subdivision of individuals, groups, and organizations into specialized workgroups.
  • Integration: The links and relationships between the workgroups, the overall organization, and individuals in terms of:
    • Task-based relationships
    • Information-based relationships
    • Social relationships
  • Decision-making differentiation: The differentiation among business units based on products or services, business functions, and geographic markets.

To complete the assignment, you need to post a Microsoft Word 300-word research report, to address the following:

  • Research the governance model used in your company.
  • Discuss different methods of governance and how they might benefit the company.
  • Review the level of collaboration among various business units, external suppliers, distributors, and customers.
  • Evaluate whether your company is meeting the requirements for participating in a collaborative community. If not, what changes or improvements would you recommend? 




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What was the case about? the case is about the deportation of eight appellants, who are soon called before an immigration judge


Court cases insights

Indiana Tech


Court cases insights

Question 1. What was the case about? the case is about the deportation of eight appellants, who are soon called before an immigration judge. The appellants are children of 10-17 years. The DHS’s (Department of Homeland Security) lawyer argues for the children’s extradition. (US Courts. (2016). However, no attorney stances with the youngsters, and each child are thus needed to plead to the allegations against him/her and are given chance to make lawful contentions and exhibit proof on their own behalf. This is because each child has attempted to acquire lawyers via pro bono services but has not obtained anyone to take their lawsuits. The appellants deferentially appeal the court to accord them relief.

Question 2. Did the trial hold true to your expectations?  Yes. According to (Reyes, N. (2019), “Though a complaint contests by a Rule 12(b) (6) motion to dismiss require not to offer detailed factual allegations, it must provide more than labels and conclusions and encompass more than a formulaic recitation of the elements of a cause of action”. Thereby, the appellants must show more than just conjecture of a right to relief. True to this, in the judging on a request to terminate, the court assumed that the veracity of the appellants’ factual claims and drew all- rational implications in the appellant’s favor. The court had to answer whether the truths in the operative pleading adequately indicated a “plausible” justification of relief.

However, according to (Braaten, D. (2021), “the respondents contended that as ‘arriving’ or ‘non-admitted immigrants, the plaintiffs had no ‘procedural due-process liberties in the Fifth Amendment.” The respondents’ contention is not per the authorities they quote. This is because under the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA), as revised by the 1996 Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act (“IIRIRA”), an immigrant is “removable” if (a) he/she was not permitted to the US and is “inadmissible” in the 8 U.S.C. § 1182a or (b) he/she was permitted to the US and is “de-portable”

Question 3, What stage of the trial process did you observe?  I observed the opening proceedings and the examination of evidence stages of the Motion for preliminary injunctive relief

Question 4. What was the outcome? In contrast to the appellant’s proposal, notification to each class affiliate in the current subject was neither practicable nor necessary. Since the court lacked authority to accord class-wide injunctive reprieve, and since the plaintiffs could not opt-out of the trial, the plaintiffs were thereby not directly impacted by the certification at that time. Due to this, the court coincided with the respondents that the issue of what notification, if any, must be offered to the plaintiffs must be deferred until the evidences of the plaintiff’s legal right-to-counsel allegations are settled.

Question 5. What did you learn about the trial process? In the trial, I have learned that the respondents did not debate the ability or numerosity of the class representatives to safeguard the interest of the plaintiffs sufficiently and fairly. (Reyes, N. (2019). Moreover, the respondents did not seem to contend that children under a particular age are unable of performing pre se in exclusion trials. These children are seemingly incapable, from the financial point of view, to feed, house, or cloth themselves, and in most circumstances, they will be living with a guardian or parent. Owing to this, the respondents’ standing in this matter appeared to include, instead of the minor’s personal skills, the part that a guardian or parent can and must serve in the exclusion trials.


Braaten, D., & Braaten, C. N. (2021). Children seeking asylum: Determinants of asylum claims by unaccompanied minors in the United States from 2013 to 2017. Law & Policy43(2), 97-125.

Reyes, N. (2019). The Psychology Surrounding Legal Standards of Competency and Representation for Children in US Immigration Court.

US Courts. (2016). F.L.B. et al v. Lynch et al. Western District Court. Civil Rights. Motion for Preliminary Injunctive Relief.




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service using notional demand and inventory data

Create a semiannual production plan for your new business idea, product, or service using notional demand and inventory data. This initial production plan is based on your market estimates of what you intend to sell and produce. The final paper is managing the project to implement your intended new product/service into the marketplace, but you have to create a production plan that is supported by your market forecasts, and that is the purpose of this assignment.

 Prompt: The plan should replicate the techniques in the text and can be submitted in a basic tabular (spreadsheet) format. It must include the following: 

 Estimates of labor hours consumed 

 Estimated number of worker requirements considering a standard work week, current inventory levels, receipts of new inventory during each month, and varying demand levels for each month of production For service businesses that do not include inventory or raw goods for the assembly line, the inventory of the support materials/equipment or consumable materials can be used. Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed: 

 Create a semiannual production plan using notional demand and inventory. 

 Estimate the labor hours consumed.

  Estimate the number of worker requirements considering a standard work week, current inventory levels, receipts of new inventory during each month, and varying demand levels for each month of production. 

Rubric Guidelines for Submission: This short paper should adhere to the following formatting requirements: it is submitted as a Word document, 1 to 2 pages (not including title and reference pages), double-spaced, using 12-point Times New Roman font and one-inch margins. All APA citations should reference the course text and at least two additional resources.




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Plaintiff Weltee Wolo through her counsel, Tyler W. Brennan, Tyler W. Brennan Law

TO: Plaintiff Weltee Wolo through her counsel, Tyler W. Brennan, Tyler W. Brennan Law,

LLC, T3 Building, 323 N. Washington Avenue, Suite 200, Minneapolis, MN 55401.

Pursuant to Rule 34 of the Minnesota Rules of Civil Procedure, Defendant Whispering

Pines Assisted Living, Inc. (“Whispering Pines” or “Defendant”) requests that Plaintiff Weltee

Wolo (“Wolo” or “Plaintiff”) produce and permit Whispering Pines to inspect and copy the

following documents, electronically stored information, and things, within thirty (30) days of the

date of service hereof.

In responding to the following requests, unless the context indicates otherwise, you are to

construe them in light of the following:


1. The term “Document” shall have the broadest meaning which can be ascribed to it

pursuant to Rule 26 of the Minnesota Rules of Civil Procedure. Among other things, the term

“Document” refers to and includes any written, printed, typed or other graphic matter of any kind

or nature, all computer materials, processes, data and compilations thereof from which information

can be obtained, including, but not limited to, papers, letters, correspondence, telegrams, inter-




Case Type: Employment

Weltee Wolo,



Whispering Pines Assisted Living, Inc.,


Court File No.

The Honorable





office communications, memoranda, notes, notations, notebooks, reports, records, minutes of

meetings, schedules, tables, charges, transcripts, publications, scrapbooks, diaries, E-mail,

electronic mail, voice mail, electronic bulletin board postings, tabulations, vouchers, accounts,

statements, affidavits, abstracts, agreements, contracts, diaries, calendars, plans, specifications,

drawings, sketches, photostats, photographs, charts, graphs and other similar objects, and any kind

of transcript, transcription or recording of any conversation, discussion or oral presentation of any

kind, and any information stored on, and reproducible in documentary form from a computer or

other electronic, magnetic, optical or laser based information storage device, including but not

limited to floppy disks, hard disks, tapes, backup tapes, CD-ROM, DVD’s, USB drives, thumb

drives, external data storage devices, handheld PC’s, or PDA’s and any drafts, revisions or

amendments of the above, in the possession or within the control of Plaintiff, her attorneys or

agents, or known by Plaintiff to exist, including materials deemed to be subject to any evidentiary

privilege. The term “Document” specifically includes Electronically Stored Information.

2. “Electronically Stored Information” or “ESI” shall include all electronic

information permitted to be discovered under Rule 34 of the Minnesota Rules of Civil Procedure,

including, without limitation: Internet web pages, word-processing documents, spreadsheets,

presentation documents, graphics, animations, images, email (including attachments which shall

be kept with the email), instant messages, text messages, voice mail, audio, video, and audiovisual

recordings, databases and database subsets, and other user or machine-created computer files or

other digital information which is stored on computer networks, servers, computer systems,

desktop computers, laptop computers, home computers, the Internet, an Intranet, archives, discs,

CD’s, diskettes, drives, zip drives, tapes, cartridges, flash drives, and other external storage media,

personal digital assistants, handheld wireless devices, smart phones, cellular telephones,


blackberries, pagers, iPhones, iPads, iPods, and voicemail systems. All of the ESI requested herein

shall be produced with all metadata preserved.

3. The term “Communications” means all forms of oral, written, and nonverbal

communication, including, but not limited to, communications taking place face-to-face, via

telephone, facsimile, electronic mail, voice mail, electronic messaging (e.g., instant messaging),

or by means of correspondence, letters, statements, or otherwise.

4. The term “Person” refers to and includes natural persons, corporations,

partnerships, proprietorships, joint ventures, unincorporated associations, trusts, estates,

governments (and agencies thereof), quasi-public entities, and other forms of legal entities.

5. The terms “reflecting,” “concerning,” “evidencing,” “referred to,” “related to,”

“regarding,” “depicted,” or “displayed” mean and include, without limitation, regarding, showing,

reflecting, referring to, alluding to, responding to, relating to, connected with, commenting upon,

with respect to, consisting of, comprising, constituting, discussing, recording, or in any way

touching upon or pertaining to.

6. The singular form of a word shall also refer to the plural, and words used in the

masculine, feminine, or neuter gender shall refer to and include all genders.

7. “And” includes the disjunctive “or”; “or” includes the conjunctive “and.”

8. “Defendant,” “Whispering Pines,” or “WPAL” shall refer to Whispering Pines

Assisted Living, Inc., as well as its agents, attorneys, or anyone acting or purporting to act on its


9. “You” or “Your” shall refer to Plaintiff Weltee Wolo, as well as her agents,

attorneys, or anyone acting or purporting to act on her behalf.


10. “Plaintiff” or “Wolo” shall refer to Plaintiff Weltee Wolo, as well as her agents,

attorneys, or anyone acting or purporting to act on her behalf.

11. “Complaint” shall mean the Complaint filed and served by Plaintiff in the above-

captioned matter, and any subsequent amendments thereto.

12. “Answer” shall mean the Answer served by Defendant in the above-captioned

matter, and any subsequent amendments thereto.


13. You are requested and required to produce each Document designated below that

is within your care, custody, or control or otherwise available, including Documents in the

possession of your attorneys, accountants, advisors, or other persons directly or indirectly acting

for you or with you. If all Documents requested cannot be produced in their entirety, produce each

Document requested to the extent possible, specify the reason for the inability to produce the

remaining Documents, and state whatever information or knowledge you have regarding the

unproduced Documents. If you maintain that any Document has been destroyed, set forth the

contents of the Document, the location of any copies of the Document, the date of and reason for

such destruction, and the name and address of all persons who ordered, authorized, or participated

in such destruction.

14. If any Document is withheld from production on the basis of privilege or otherwise,

identify each such Document and the grounds upon which production of each Document is being

withheld. Include:

(a) the date;

(b) the author;

(c) the type of Document;


(d) the addressee(s) or other intended recipient(s);

(e) the title, heading, or other designation numerical on the Document; and

(f) the privilege type and basis for the privilege.

15. These Requests shall be deemed continuing so as to require supplemental responses

if ACA obtains further information between the times responses are served and the time of trial.


REQUEST NO. 1: All Documents and Communications that You referred to, relied

upon, consulted, or used in any way to draft the Complaint, Your Initial Disclosures, and/or Your

responses to Defendant’s First Set of Interrogatories to Plaintiff.

REQUEST NO. 2: All Documents and Communications relating to, referring to,

supporting, and/or refuting any of the allegations in the Complaint.

REQUEST NO. 3: All Documents and Communications relating to, referring to,

supporting, and/or refuting the allegation that Defendant failed to pay You for Your accrued,

unused vacation time, as set forth in paragraphs 9 and 35–38 of the Complaint.

REQUEST NO. 4: All Documents and Communications relating to, referring to,

supporting, and/or refuting the allegation that Defendant’s stated reason for terminating You is a

mere pretext for discrimination and reprisal and/or has no factual basis, as set forth in paragraphs

14–15 of the Complaint.

REQUEST NO. 5: All Documents and Communications relating to, referring to,

supporting, and/or refuting the allegation that Defendant failed to pay You earned wages within

24 hours of Your demand, as set forth in paragraphs 19 and 31–34 of the Complaint.

REQUEST NO. 6: All Documents and Communications relating to, referring to,

supporting, and/or refuting the allegation that Defendant’s decision to terminate Your employment


otherwise occurred under circumstances that give rise to an inference of unlawful discrimination,

as set forth in paragraphs 20–24 of the Complaint.

REQUEST NO. 7: All Documents and Communications relating to, referring to,

supporting, and/or refuting the allegation that Defendant took adverse actions against You in

reprisal to activity protected under MHRA, as set forth in paragraphs 25–30 of the Complaint.

REQUEST NO. 8: All Documents and Communications relating to, referring to,

supporting, and/or refuting your allegation that other employees of Defendant were similarly

situated to You, but treated more favorably than You, as set forth in paragraphs 25–30 of the


REQUEST NO. 9: All Documents and Communications relating to, referring to, and/or

reflecting any and all complaints of any kind that You allege to have made to Defendant at any


REQUEST NO. 10: All Documents and Communications relating to, referring to, and/or

reflecting any and all reports of discrimination and/or reprisal that You allege to have made to

Defendant at any time.

REQUEST NO. 11: Journals, diaries, calendars, appointment books, agendas,

notebooks, and notes written or maintained by You from 2018 through and including the present

relating to or referring to any of the allegations in the Complaint and/or Your employment with


REQUEST NO. 12: All Documents and Communications relating to Your employment

with Whispering Pines Assisted Living, Inc. and any change in Your employment status, job

duties, promotions, and/or job transfers, including but not limited to all contracts, agreements,

memoranda, policies, handbooks, complaints filed, performance reviews, performance


improvement plans, warnings, disciplinary actions, termination notices, resignation letters, and

reports that are related to any of the allegations in the Complaint.

REQUEST NO. 13: All Documents that are the property of Whispering Pines Assisted

Living, Inc. or that you removed or directed to be removed from Whispering Pines Assisted Living,

Inc.’s premises, including but not limited to its physical premises and computer systems.

REQUEST NO. 14: All Documents relating to, referring to, supporting, and/or refuting

the alleged discriminatory culture which existed in the workplace, as alleged in paragraph 12 of

the Complaint.

REQUEST NO. 15: All Documents and Communications submitted to or received from,

the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), the Minnesota Department of

Human Rights (MDHR), and/or the Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic

Development (DEED), including but not limited to documents relating to any charges of

discrimination and/or applications for unemployment benefits that You have made since 2016.

REQUEST NO. 16: All Documents and Communications relating to any administrative

charge or proceeding or lawsuit to which You were a party within the last ten years relating to

Your employment with any Employer that rely on or are similar or related to the factual allegations

or claims at issue in this lawsuit.

REQUEST NO. 17: All Documents and Communications relating to any complaint of

harassment, discrimination, or retaliation that you alleged against any employer within the last ten


REQUEST NO. 18: All Documents and Communications relating to Your efforts to seek

employment from December 11, 2020, through and including the present, including but not limited

to any resumes, applications for employment, cover letters, reference letters, job inquiries, offers


of employment, employment agreements, independent contractor and consulting agreements or

arrangements, job advertisements or postings, rejection letters, and any other communications with

any Employer.

REQUEST NO. 19: All Documents and Communications relating to the termination of

Your employment from any Employer, whether voluntary or involuntary, occurring at any time

after the end of Your employment with Whispering Pines Assisted Living, Inc.

REQUEST NO. 20: All Documents and Communications relating to any training or

education that You have applied for or received from December 11, 2020, through and including

the present.

REQUEST NO. 21: Documents sufficient to show any income or other compensation

received by or owed to You, including but not limited to paychecks, paystubs, invoices, settlement

payments, statements of work, Form W-2s, Form 1099s, social security benefits, social security

disability benefits, unemployment insurance benefits, workers’ compensation benefits, and long-

term or short-term disability benefits from December 11, 2020, through and including the present.

REQUEST NO. 22: Your federal and state income tax returns for the tax years 2020

through and including the present, including all supporting documentation.

REQUEST NO. 23: All Documents and Communications relating to, referring to,

supporting, and/or refuting Your claim for damages in this lawsuit, including but not limited to

documents relating to the claim for damages as set forth in paragraphs 20–38 of the Complaint,

your initial disclosures, and/or the calculation of damages claimed.

REQUEST NO. 24: All Documents and Communications relating to, referring to,

supporting, and/or refuting any injuries, including physical, mental, and emotional injuries, You

allegedly sustained as a result of Whispering Pines Assisted Living, Inc.’s conduct from 2018


through and including the present, including but not limited to all medical records and

psychotherapy notes.

REQUEST NO. 25: Completed and executed authorization forms for the release of

medical records and psychotherapy notes for each physician, psychiatrist, psychologist, therapist,

social worker, or other healthcare professional identified in response to Interrogatory Number 11

of Defendant’s First Set of Interrogatories to Plaintiff with whom You have consulted and/or from

whom You have received or sought treatment.

REQUEST NO. 26: All Documents and Communications relating to and/or referring to

each expert you intend to call as a witness at trial, including but not limited to all Documents and

Communications sent to or received from each expert, resumes, curriculum vitae, and reports.

REQUEST NO. 27: All affidavits, sworn statements, notes, and other documents sent to,

received from, or otherwise relating to any person you intend to call as a witness at trial, either in

person, through deposition testimony, or through an affidavit regarding, referring, and/or relating

to any claim or allegation in this Action.

REQUEST NO. 28: All affidavits, sworn statements, and communications regarding,

referring, and/or relating to any claim in this Action.

REQUEST NO. 29: All social media postings relating to any of the allegations in the

Complaint, including but not limited to postings on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, YouTube,

Instagram, Snapchat, TikTok, blogs, wikis, and other social media sites.

REQUEST NO. 30: All Documents and Communications that contain or otherwise relate

to facts that you contend refute, in any way, any of Defendant’s defenses in this Action.

REQUEST NO. 31: A complete copy of all the Facebook information from January 1,

2018, to the present, for any Facebook account currently or previously maintained by You. You


can download a complete copy of such information by logging into each applicable Facebook

account, choosing “Settings & Privacy,” choosing “Settings,” choosing “Your Facebook

Information,” and then choosing “Download Your Information.” On the “Download Your

Information” page, you can then select the date range of January 1, 2018 to the present, selecting

a Media Quality of “High” or “Medium,” and selecting “HTML” as the Format before clicking

“Create File.”

REQUEST NO. 32: All Documents identified in Section 2 of Your Initial Disclosures.

Dated: November 19, 2021 SPENCER FANE LLP

By: /s/ Randi J. Winter

Randi J. Winter, #0391354

Jose A. Castro, #0399696

100 South Fifth Street, Suite 2500

Minneapolis, MN 55402

Telephone: (612) 268-7000

Facsimile: (612) 268-7001

Attorneys for Defendant Whispering Pines Assisted

Living, Inc




CLICK HERE TO ORDER THIS PAPER AT ON Plaintiff Weltee Wolo through her counsel, Tyler W. Brennan, Tyler W. Brennan Law

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