Writers Solution

Create a semiannual production plan for your new business idea, product, or service using notional demand and inventory data

Create a semiannual production plan for your new business idea, product, or service using notional demand and inventory data. This initial production plan is based on your market estimates of what you intend to sell and produce. The final paper is managing the project to implement your intended new product/service into the marketplace, but you have to create a production plan that is supported by your market forecasts, and that is the purpose of this assignment.

 Prompt: The plan should replicate the techniques in the text and can be submitted in a basic tabular (spreadsheet) format. It must include the following: 

 Estimates of labor hours consumed 

 Estimated number of worker requirements considering a standard work week, current inventory levels, receipts of new inventory during each month, and varying demand levels for each month of production For service businesses that do not include inventory or raw goods for the assembly line, the inventory of the support materials/equipment or consumable materials can be used. Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed: 

 Create a semiannual production plan using notional demand and inventory. 

 Estimate the labor hours consumed.

  Estimate the number of worker requirements considering a standard work week, current inventory levels, receipts of new inventory during each month, and varying demand levels for each month of production. 

Rubric Guidelines for Submission: This short paper should adhere to the following formatting requirements: it is submitted as a Word document, 1 to 2 pages (not including title and reference pages), double-spaced, using 12-point Times New Roman font and one-inch margins. All APA citations should reference the course text and at least two additional resources.




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Callie Sanchelli, community pertaining to criminal organizations

#1 Callie Sanchelli

I don’t believe there is any issues within my community pertaining to criminal organizations, I don’t believe there is a need for one or multiple in my community, I live in such a small town that there really wouldn’t be any reason to have a criminal organization. With such a small population where everyone minds their own business, I don’t think there is any need of concern for having criminal organizations happening around us. I believe my perception is very closely aligned with reality, I trust that if things like criminal organizations within my community were happening that I would hear about it, that it would be put in town newsletters or have the police speak on the matter. A misconception that may lead to an inaccurate perception would be that criminal organizations need to be this elaborate group always creating issues and committing crimes within the community and that potentially the size of a population may not matter at all. Along with that misconception would be that these organizations are robbing and stealing from community members and businesses that they are a more prominent negative means within the community and is well known for their destruction.



STUDENT REPLY #2 William Kellogg


Well I guess, it is a problem in my community because many people live in fear that they will be robbed, they will be threatened if they do something against the gang’s rules etc. and I have seen such extreme measures taken by the gang’s just because people did something which was against their favor, and apart from that police is also involved in these type of crimes and we, the people cannot do anything.


It is very high because we should be pro-active and accurate too because the gangs are very dangerous, and it would have been less if the police will not be involved in these crimes and that’s what I am worried about the most.


Well, there are some myths and misconceptions. Those myths and misconceptions which might lead to inaccurate perceptions of criminal organizations in my community are as follows:

They will kill EVERYONE.

They will rob you every time when they see you

Some criminal gangs actually work for the welfare of their community which is a great thing but sometimes they forget the laws and takes extreme measures. The reason behind that is whenever people have power in their hands, they think that they are indefeasible and took the wrong turns




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Death penalty and discrimination in the United States


33 unread replies.55 replies.

Your initial discussion thread is due on Day 3 (Thursday) and you have until Day 7 (Monday) to respond to your classmates. Your grade will reflect both the quality of your initial post and the depth of your responses. Refer to the Discussion Forum Grading Rubric under the Settings icon above for guidance on how your discussion will be evaluated.

 Race and the Death Penalty [WLOs: 1, 2, 3] [CLOs: 1, 2, 3, 5, 6]

This discussion focuses on topics addressed in several chapters of your text – the death penalty and discrimination in the United States. Although first discussed in Chapter 2, the death penalty is also discussed in Chapter 4. It is recommended that you review Chapter 4 this week, though you will read the chapter in Week 2. Your initial post should be at least 350 words in length. Support your claims with examples from the required material(s) and at least one other scholarly resource. Please properly cite credible sources in the body of your work and at the end of your work include the minimum of two required references. Consult the Scholarly, Peer-Reviewed, and Other Credible Sources (Links to an external site.) table for assistance. Prior to completing the discussion, please complete your assigned readings and watch the following video, available through the Films on Demand database in the Ashford University Library: Black Death and Dixie: Racism and the Death Penalty in the United States. After reading the text, your scholarly sources, and watching the video, please thoroughly discuss the following questions:

  • African Americans comprise approximately 13% of the population of the United States yet nearly half (50%) of the incarcerated population is African American. Based on research, which factors may best explain high incarceration rates for African Americans when considering what proportion of the general population is African American?
  • Based on research, which factors may best explain the high number of African Americans (approximately 42%) on death row in the United States?
  • Define institutionalized racism and then evaluate whether institutionalized racism is to blame for these high incarceration rates. Please be sure to conduct a thorough analysis of the research in this area and cite credible sources to support your assertions.
  • Judges in some jurisdictions are elected. Based on your research, is it possible that judges have implicit racial biases that influence their decision making in cases? Please elaborate and cite credible sources that support your assertions.
  • If a jury who has heard the case recommends a life sentence instead of a death sentence, should a judge be allowed to override the jury’s recommendation of life in prison and instead sentence the defendant to the death? Why or why not?
  • How can the problem of disproportionate incarceration rates based on race be resolved?

Guided Response: Please read several of your classmates’ initial posts and respond to at least two of your classmates’ posts by Day 7. Your peer responses should focus on the course concepts and be scholarly in nature. As you respond, evaluate the following:

  • Do you agree with your classmate? Why or why not?
  • What additional evidence have you found that can support your classmate’s claims?
  • Be sure to support any opinions you have with credible, scientific evidence




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Psychology professionals to inform groups or individuals of the assessments appropriate for their current needs

Psychological Assessment Report

A psychological assessment report is created by psychology professionals to inform groups or individuals of the assessments appropriate for their current needs. This type of report also includes a summary of the services provided to these groups or individuals. This evaluation is used by the various entities to assess basic needs, competencies, preferences, skills, traits, dispositions, and abilities for different individuals in a variety of settings.

Psychological reports vary widely depending on the psychology professional creating it and the needs being assessed. Some of the psychology professionals who create this type of report include counselors, school psychologists, consultants, psychometricians, or psychological examiners. This type of report may be as short as three pages or as long as 20 or more pages depending on the needs of the stakeholders. Many reports include tables of scores that are attached either in an appendix or integrated into the report. Despite the many variations in assessment reports, most include the same essential information and headings.

Students will choose one of the personality assessment scenarios from the discussions in Weeks Two, Three, or Four to use as the basis of this psychological assessment report. Once the scenario has been chosen, students will research a minimum of four peer-reviewed articles that relate to and support the content of the scenario and the report as outlined below. The following headings and content must be included in the report: 

The Reason for Referral and Background Information
In this section, students will describe the reasons for the referral and relevant background information for all stakeholders from the chosen personality assessment scenario.

Assessment Procedures
In this section, students will include a bulleted list of the test(s) and other assessment measures recommended for the evaluation of the given scenario. In addition to the assessment(s) initially provided in the personality assessment scenario from the weekly discussion, students must include at least three other measures appropriate for the scenario.

Immediately following the bulleted list, students will include a narrative description of the assessments. In the narrative, students will examine and comment on the major theoretical approaches, research methods, and assessment instruments appropriate for the situation and stakeholder needs. In order to defend the choice of recommended assessments, students will evaluate current research in the field of personality theories and provide examples of how these assessments are valid for use in the chosen scenario. For additional support of these recommended assessment measures, students will evaluate the standardization, reliability and validity, and cultural considerations present in these personality assessments that make them the most appropriate tools for the given scenario. Students will conclude the narrative by assessing types of personality measurements and research designs often used in scenarios like the one chosen and providing a rationale for why some of those assessments were not included.

General Observations and Impressions
In this section, students will describe general observations of the client during the assessment period provided in the chosen personality assessment scenario and explain whether the client’s behavior might have had a negative impact on the test results. Students will analyze and comment on how the APA’s Ethical Principles and Code of Conduct affected the implementation of the personality assessment during the initial process. Based on the observations and analysis, students will assess the validity of the evaluation and make a recommendation for or against the necessity for additional testing.

Test Results and Interpretations
In this section, students will analyze the results of the assessment provided in the chosen personality assessment scenario. Based on the score, students will interpret the personality factors (conscientiousness, openness, emotional stability, introversion, extroversion, work drive, self-directedness, etc.) that are present.

Note: Typically, this section reports test results and is the longest section of a psychological assessment report because the results of all the tests administered are analyzed and reported. Some psychologists report all test results individually, while others may integrate only a portion of the test results. However, in this report, only the assessment presented in the chosen personality assessment scenario will be included.

Summary and Recommendations
In this section, students will summarize the test results.  They will provide a complete explanation for the evaluation, the procedures and measures used, and the results and include any recommendations translating the evaluation into strategies and suggestions to support the client. Finally, students will provide any conclusions and diagnostic impressions drawn from the previous sections of the report




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Males and gender minorities in eating disorder prevention

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Eating Disorders The Journal of Treatment & Prevention

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Including the excluded: Males and gender minorities in eating disorder prevention

Leigh Cohn, Stuart B. Murray, Andrew Walen & Tom Wooldridge

To cite this article: Leigh Cohn, Stuart B. Murray, Andrew Walen & Tom Wooldridge (2016) Including the excluded: Males and gender minorities in eating disorder prevention, Eating Disorders, 24:1, 114-120, DOI: 10.1080/10640266.2015.1118958

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Including the excluded: Males and gender minorities in eating disorder prevention Leigh Cohn, Stuart B. Murray, Andrew Walen, and Tom Wooldridge

National Association for Males with Eating Disorders, Naples, Florida, USA

By operating under the outdated premise that eating disorders (ED) predo- minantly affect females, prevention efforts have been disproportionately aimed at girls and young women. This article will show how one-sided the research and program development has been, and present recommendations for how to expand curricula and policy to be more gender inclusive. Ultimately, ED and related issues (e.g., body image dissatisfaction, obesity, comorbid conditions, weight prejudice, etc.) cannot be expected to decrease unless everyone is involved, regardless of gender. We wouldn’t only inoculate girls for measles—preventing ED across the board is the only fully effective approach.

Adolescent girls: The face of a disorder

Try telling a stranger that you specialize in “males and eating disorders,” and the typical response is, “You mean like those poor starving girls. I didn’t know guys got eating disorders.” It’s infuriating, but somehow worse when it is members of the ED field thinking that way. This kind of ignorance starts with inaccuracies. Since the 1980s, the oft-repeated, not-cited statistic has been that 10% of individuals with ED are male. Erroneous to begin with, the number originated from a study that counted 241 people referred for ED at one hospital over a period of 3.5 years, prior to 1985. Twenty-four were males, some of which didn’t meet ED criteria, but because it wasn’t clear how many of the women fully met the criteria, the 10% is somewhat vague (Andersen, 1985). The figure does not represent other treatment providers’ admissions or the general population, and it was not replicated. Further, few physicians or members of the general public knew much about ED in the early 80s, and the admissions in those years predated the field’s emergence that soon followed. It is likely that the actual male prevalence at that time was much higher, as became evident in later studies.

Nonetheless, 10% has been parroted in books, professional articles, on ED organizations’ websites, and in popular media for the nearly 30 years, and it

CONTACT Leigh Cohn Eating Disorders: The Journal of Treatment and Prevention, P.O. Box 2238, Carlsbad, CA 92018, USA.

EATING DISORDERS 2016, VOL. 24, NO. 1, 114–120

© 2016 Taylor & Francis

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has minimized the drive for gender equality within the ED field. Usually, the National Eating Disorders Association (NEDA) is attributed as the source, because up until 2015—when Leigh Cohn updated their website’s statistics on males—they published this prevalence figure, although without a refer- ence. Had anyone dug deeper, they would have discovered that, not only was the 10% figure dated and misrepresented (instead of referring to males in treatment, as the study indicated, sometimes it is incorrectly used to indicate general prevalence), it was also always wrong for reasons that persist today. Oftentimes, men do not seek treatment because they are reluctant to ask for help; but beyond that, they are consistently stigmatized by the idea that they might have an adolescent girl’s problem. Men and boys are less educated about ED, so they might not even consider that their behavior (e.g., extreme weight loss, purging, binge eating, compulsive exercise, etc.) is on the ED spectrum. They might actually suffer from a diagnosable ED and think that it is normal behavior. In one study, male patients with anorexia nervosa emphasized the lack of gender-appropriate information and resources for men as an impediment to seeking treatment (Räisänen & Hunt, 2014). Additionally, assessment tests underscore males because they have been written for females (Darcy & Lin, 2012). For example, the Eating Disorders Inventory has a question, “I think my thighs are too large,” which resonates far less for men than women, whereas the Eating Disorders Assessment for Males (EDAM) uses a statement “I check my body several times a day for muscularity,” which is more oriented toward the concerns of males (Stanford & Lemberg, 2014). However, the EDAM was not available back in the 80s and the EDI was the standard. So, let’s forget about that 10% number once and for all!

The best data available (Hudson, Hiripi, Pope, & Kessler, 2007) indicate that males account for 25% of individuals with anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa and 36% with binge eating disorder. Further data from pre-adolescent samples illustrates that up to half of those with selective eating are boys (Nicholls & Bryant-Waugh, 2009), which is significant when considering the evidence suggesting that selective eating is often a precursor to the develop- ment of full-blown ED psychopathology in adolescence (Nicholls, Christie, Randall, & Lask, 2001). When it comes to subclinical eating disordered beha- viors, according to a review of numerous studies (Mond, Mitchison, & Hay, 2014), the percentages are even higher for males in subclinical ED (42–45% binge eat, 28–100% regularly purged, 40% endorsed laxative abuse and fasting for weight loss). Perhaps the most illustrative recent data point to disordered eating practices in the community, for the very first time, increasing at a rate faster in males than females (Mitchison, Mond, Slewa-Younan, & Hay, 2013). Okay, if this rising prevalence now means that about 25–50% of individuals with ED are male, shouldn’t we see at least a similar distribution of prevention studies? Doesn’t the absence of prevention studies continue to marginalize the


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male experience of disordered eating, and continue to propagate the notion that eating disorders just don’t bother the boys?

A 2007 meta-analysis described 32 prevention studies, only four (12.5%) of which included boys (Stice, Shaw, & Marti, 2007). Eating Disorders: The Journal of Treatment and Prevention has published 69 articles focused on prevention prior to this current issue, and 54% were exclusively female, and 39% of those that mentioned gender included males. None addressed gender minorities. Only one, “Beauty Myth and the Beast: What Men Can Do and Be to Help Prevent Eating Disorders” by Michael Levine (1994)—in the journal’s second issue—solely addressed males, but only within the context of how they can help females not to develop ED. Actually, when Levine’s contributions are removed, only 34% of this journal’s articles have included males. The authors of a university prevention study summed up the popular thinking of researchers, “Men were not recruited because women are much more likely than men to develop body image disturbances and eating dis- orders (Ridolfi & Vander Wal, 2008).” In other words, the 25–50% of males with disordered eating are insignificant—or the investigators were stuck with the 10% figure.

Incidentally, overall research shows a similar bias. At a session on males and ED at the International Conference on Eating Disorders in 2013, Mark Warren reported that a PubMed search for papers on anorexia nervosa between 1900–2010 showed that men were included in 26% of them. Speaking on the same panel, Cohn stated that “males” were found in fewer than 7% of abstracts between 2000–2012 that referenced “eating disorders.”

This current special issue of this journal includes 12 articles besides this one, and no one else is addressing the importance of including males. Although the authors, many of whom are the field’s foremost experts, offer excellent ideas, they are all overlooking the needs and roles that males play in the ED continuum. Only four even mention males (two of which added information about male prevention after being queried editorially), and the others either ignore gender, which is fine, or use offer feminine examples (e.g., Girls Scouts, sororities, school-based programs for girls, etc.). Again, no one mentions gender minorities.

Prevention amongst high-risk male groups

Male eating disorders and related issues are multi-cultural and exist across age groups, but there are certain specific populations that are particularly at high risk. The types of universal and selected prevention strategies that are described elsewhere in this journal should be gender inclusive, but beyond that, special attention needs to be focused on certain groups. Most school programs have been developed in consideration of risks for girls (e.g., pressure to be thin), but they also need to take into account the concerns

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of boys (e.g., pressure to be lean and muscular); and, lessons, about media literacy for example, should be gender inclusive (e.g., show before and after computer-altered images of women and men). Additionally, there are a few specific populations in which non-female members should be reached.

People who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and questioning (LGBTQ) are at higher risk of developing an ED (Brown & Keel, 2012). While approximately 3% of men in the general population identify as gay or bisexual, studies show that they comprise as high as 42% of men in treat- ment. Although globally more heterosexual males have ED, there are a higher percentage of gay males (15%) who are diagnosed (Feldman & Meyer, 2007). The idealized body type of being lean and muscular is particularly desired by gay men, many of whom suffer from body dissatisfaction, anxiety about appearance, excessive body checking, and negative physical-self evaluation, which all are risk factors for developing an ED. The LBGTQ community is proactive in seeking equal rights and recognition, and concerted efforts within the ED prevention community should be integrated into existing avenues for information and education. For example, university advocates who organize eating disorders awareness education and prevention efforts should coordinate with the LBGTQ Center on campus. Also, beginning at the pre-elementary level, putting an end to bullying (an identified precursor to ED behaviors) and teaching acceptance about gender diversity (including stereotypes as they relate to sexuality) should be a part of every prevention curricula.

Certain athletes are at higher risk for an ED. For example, wrestlers, boxers, jockeys, gymnasts, and long distance runners often lose weight by purging, fasting, and excessively exercising. Some football linemen force feed themselves to gain weight, and many athletes binge and exercise to work off the calories, unaware that their behavior might be considered bulimia ner- vosa. Through decades of prevention work with the NCAA and Olympic Committee, Ron Thompson and Roberta Sherman have led the way toward educating coaches at the college level. They’ve collaborated with adminis- trators, coaches, athletes, and cheerleaders; and, in this journal’s first issue, they contributed an article, “Reducing the Risk of Eating Disorders in Athletics” (1993) in which they outlined risk reduction strategies including deemphasize weight, eliminate group weigh ins, and stop dangerous “weight cutting” behaviors. In 1998, Thompson wrote a “Last Word” editorial in this journal after three wrestlers had died from exercising in saunas—two were wearing plastic suits at the time. He indicated that the NCAA was moving to adopt new restrictions on the use of destructive weight loss techniques, and shortly afterward the NCAA implemented prohibited practices that are still enforced, “The use of laxatives, emetics, excessive food and fluid restriction, self-induced vomiting, hot rooms, hot boxes, and steam rooms is prohibited for any purpose. The use of a sauna is prohibited at any time and for any


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purpose, on or off campus (NCAA, 2013).” In the 16 years after these rules were put into effect, no collegiate wrestler died as a result of unsafe weight cutting practices (Rosenfeld, 2014). While this is evidence that prevention efforts can save lives, the same ideas Thompson and Sherman voiced 24 years ago still need to be more widely implemented from elite levels down to children’s teams. Furthermore, prevention programs must be repeated reg- ularly due to the high turnover rate among coaches, especially in youth leagues, where many of the parents who coach are uneducated about body image issues, teasing, and other risk factors for ED, especially among males.

In the related demographic of body builders, increased research, educa- tion, and prevention surrounding muscle dysmorphia is crucial. The drive for muscularity becomes a compulsion for some men (and some women), who spend excessive hours in the gym and abuse steroids or performance enhan- cing supplements like creatine and protein powders, which are typically increased over time. Trainers, lifters, and fitness club staff, should be edu- cated about harmful consequences (e.g., kidney or liver problems, distorted body image, body objectification, social isolation) and the difference between healthy and unhealthy exercise and eating.

Last but not least, more research and prevention must be devoted to binge eating disorders. The most common ED and affecting far more males than anorexia and bulimia combined, BED, especially how it presents in males, is understudied clinically and is virtually absent in the prevention literature. Many men who can be classified with BED don’t even realize that bingeing isn’t normal guy behavior. Too often it is lumped together with obesity, even when the prevention field is perfectly aware that not everyone who is obese binges and not everyone who binges is obese. The insecurities that men have about their weight and body, sex and money, global fears and archaic definitions about what it means to be a man can result in binge eating for emotional comfort, so men need to be educated about feelings, commu- nication, community, and other areas that may be unfamiliar to them. They also must learn about principles of healthy living, because, frankly, a lot of men have misconceptions about nutrition, fat versus fit, and body/self- empowerment—to name just a few.

Transforming beauty and the beast

Levine’s aforementioned article was directed at how fathers, husbands, broth- ers, and other men can help women. In the abstract, he writes, “Eating disorders are in part created and maintained by the inter-related phenomena of male-female relationships…” but he is clearly most concerned about the women, “I am frightened—for my daughter, my wife, my female colleagues…” instead of men, including his sons. Although the article is monumental as the only prevention article that purely spoke to men—even though he ignored

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those with ED—it misses an important point: when males are more sensitive to the needs of females, the better it will be for both sexes, and visa versa.

This is certainly not a revolutionary concept—compassion for everyone— but the ED prevention field has been too female centric. If it is good prevention strategy to teach a class of high school girls that pictures of thin models are digitally enhanced, can lead to poor body image, and are emo- tionally manipulative; then, shouldn’t boys be instructed in the same lessons too? In that instance, boys would discover that these kinds of sexually objectifying images are not only demeaning and harmful for the girls, but that their own preconceptions about beauty were being influenced. And, shouldn’t they all be shown how the men on magazine covers have their muscles highlighted with body makeup and Photoshop, and that those models were possibly abusing anabolic steroids or supplements in the pursuit of those six-pack abs and ripped chests? Shouldn’t women be told that men are insecure about their bodies in profound ways, that they engage in stigmatized behaviors that fill them with shame and other feelings that they have difficulty expressing in words. Women are learning to become empow- ered with tools like mindfulness, self acceptance, body love, media literacy, and self-respect; but, their insights to self awareness are only going to be truly effective if men learn these same methods for their own benefit, as well as for the women in their lives. That’s how both men and women can find support, eliminate stigmas surrounding ED, and experience an overall better life.

Society must move away from the paternalistic hegemony, and nowhere is that more true than in the arena of ED. That women have been victimized by men is not breaking news. Most women with ED have had negative experi- ences with men (e.g., father hunger, cruel words, sexual abuse) in one way or another, but so have males with ED! While feminism has campaigned so ardently for gender equality, the continued focus on female approaches to ED prevention and treatment—at the exclusion of non-females—may be funda- mentally anti-feminist. Beyond that, a new paradigm must emerge that reflects a society with increasing gender equality. While the LGBTQ com- munity makes inroads in areas such as gay marriage, and women are making strides in corporate boardrooms, a new heterosexual male must also manifest itself. He has to give up the chauvinistic mentality and develop underutilized cognitions (i.e., his feminine side) to exist more evenly in the balanced utopian world we’d all like to see. While that world may not be realistically possible, we should, nevertheless, strive toward that goal.


Andersen, A. (1985). Anorexia nervosa and bulimia: Their differential diagnoses in 24 males referred to an eating and weight disorders clinic. Bulletin of the Menninger Clinic, 49(3), 227–235.


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Brown, T. A., & Keel, P. K. (2012). The impact of relationships on the association between sexual orientation and disordered eating in men. International Journal of Eating Disorders, 45, 792–799. doi:10.1002/eat.v45.6

Darcy, A., & Lin, I. H. (2012). Are we asking the right questions? A review of assessment of males with eating disorders. Eating Disorders, 20–5, 416–426. doi:10.1080/10640266.2012.715521

Feldman, M., & Meyer, I. (2007). Eating disorders in diverse, lesbian, gay, and bisexual populations. International Journal of Eating Disorders, 40, 218–226. doi:10.1002/(ISSN) 1098-108X

Hudson, J., Hiripi, E., Pope, H., & Kessler, R. (2007). The prevalence and correlates of eating disorders in the national comorbidity survey replication. Biological Psychiatry, 61, 348–358. doi:10.1016/j.biopsych.2006.03.040

Levine, M. (1994). Beauty myth and the beast: What men can do and be to help prevent eating disorders. Eating Disorders, 2, 101–113. doi:10.1080/10640269408249106

Mitchison, D., Mond, J., Slewa-Younan, S., & Hay, P. (2013). The prevalence and impact of eating disorder behaviours in Australian men. Journal of Eating Disorders, 1(Suppl. 1), 023. Retrieved from

Mond, J. M., Mitchison, D., & Hay, P. (2014). Eating disordered behavior in men: Prevalence, impairment in quality of life, and implications for prevention and health promotion. In L. Cohn & R. Lemberg (Eds.), Current findings on males with eating disorders (pp. 195–215). Philadelphia, PA: Routledge.

National Collegiate Athletic Association. (2013). 9.3 prohibited practices. In Wrestling: 2013–14 and 2014–15 rules and interpretations (p. WR-80). Indianapolis, IN: Author.

Nicholls, D., & Bryant-Waugh, R. (2009). Eating disorders of infancy and childhood: Definition, symptomatology, epidemiology, and comorbidity. Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Clinics of North America, 18, 17–30. doi:10.1016/j.chc.2008.07.008

Nicholls, D., Christie, D., Randall, L., & Lask, B. (2001). Selective eating: Symptom, disorder or normal variant. Clinical Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 6, 257–270. doi:10.1177/ 1359104501006002007

Räisänen, U., & Hunt, K. (2014). The role of gendered constructions of eating disorders in delayed help-seeking in men: A qualitative interview study. BMJ Open, 4, e004342– e004342. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2013-004342

Ridolfi, D., & Vander Wal, J. (2008). Eating disorders awareness week: The effectiveness of a one-time body image dissatisfaction prevention session. Eating Disorders, 16, 428–443. doi:10.1080/10640260802370630

Rosenfeld, V. (2014) Weight loss in wrestling: Current state of the science. Retrieved from rent-state-science

Stanford, S., & Lemberg, R. (2014). Measuring eating disorders in men: Development of the Eating Disorder Assessment for Men (EDAM). In L. Cohn & R. Lemberg (Eds.), Current findings on males with eating disorders (pp. 93–102). Philadelphia, PA: Routledge.

Stice, E., Shaw, H., & Marti, C. N. (2007). A meta-analytic review of eating disorder prevention programs: Encouraging findings. Annual Review of Clinical Psychology, 3, 207–231. doi:10.1146/annurev.clinpsy.3.022806.091447

Thompson, R. (1998). Wrestling with death. Eating Disorders, 6–2, 207–210. doi:10.1080/ 10640269808251257

Thompson, R., & Sherman, R. T. (1993). Reducing the risk of eating disorders in athletics. Eating Disorders, 1, 65–78. doi:10.1080/10640269308248268

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  • Adolescent girls: The face of a disorder
  • Prevention amongst high-risk male groups
  • Transforming beauty and the beast
  • References




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Writers Solution

Psychologically rich world around us-Epstein -Filthy Rich

“What’s Up Doc?”

This assignment focuses on the psychologically rich world around us. You are asked to complete a pyschological profile of any one person featured in a documentary. Your review will be more substantial than the sample shown here,and you can use these films, because there are only dot points shown, but you also can use any other film if it meets these criteria. 

Criteria for acceptance:

Film must be a documentary

It must be over 1 hour long 

It must be about an issue or person which lends itself to a discussion of psychology (so is not only about a sports contest, or nature etc).

It can be about only one person or a few people (so the excellent  “Amy” documentary about Winehouse will work)  as would “Epstein -Filthy Rich”, but you would focus on just one person or two or three, but a large group. For example you could examine Epstein, or any one or two of his victim’s or accomplices). If you choose the excellent “Athlete A”, focus on Nasser, or up to three of his victims.

It must include psychologically related material on at least one person or group. 

So, ‘A perfect 14″ is a great documentary, and is about plus sized models, and so would work. “The World before her” is only about Hindu girls and will be good tool. Blackfish is about marine mammals etc, so will not work, neither will “March of the Penguins”. But, “Love Me” (Mail order bride industry). Remember to focus on one bride or one male.  “The True Cost” (International garment industry), “It’s a Girl” (the killing off of girls in India and China, because they are girls), “Happy” (the name says it all), these will all work because they involve disparate groups, governments, men, woman, Ukrainians, Americans, Indians etc. You will also find lots of documentaries about individuals, such as “Missing Mom”, “A Sister’s Call”, “Forgetting Dad”, “The Family I had “, “Goodnight Sugar Babe”, “Killer in the family”, “Natascha Kampusch”, “The Moors Murders”, and “Memories of a Penitent Heart” and probably hundreds of others.  

So here is what to do for the documentary YOU choose.

Name it, and say in one sentence what its about. Do NOT focus on retelling story of the individuals, just give a profile of one key person, or up to three people. 

Here is an example of how short the description of the story should be. This is a summary of Les Miserables.

” Jean ValJean is a released prisoner who is bitter at life, until an unexpected act of kindness, by a Catholic bishop, launches him on  life of service and redemption, in which, despite being pursued by the police, he assists many others achieve a measure of success and happiness”  Then, focus on only the psychology of your subject(s) (one or more people) sociology, not the politics, technology or legal aspects. Here’s an example. “Missing Mom”. The psychological impact on adult kids of a mom who deserted them 25 years ago, and the developments when (SPOILER) they find her. Profile them or Or profile HER. What is their, or her, psychological profile, how did loss and abandonment affect their  social status, (ascribed or acquired), class, inequity, gender, caste, institutions (one is an RMCP officer). How are functional or dysfunctional are they. What are their in groups, out groups, connections with marginalized people, (mom was homeless and drug involved at times) role of governments, relevance of education, exploitation, etc. 

Or you can choose a small group affected by a bigger issue: For example, 

“The True Cost”, international garment industry and its impact around the world. 

Discuss, why do western women featured (its mainly women, less so men) “need” new outfits each month? Where did this psychological needed come from? Is it healthy? What are the psychological impacts on individual poor Asian women who leave their children to work in sweatshops? Why do (and how do) Westerners ignore the death and injury inflicted on exploited women? What is going on in their minds? Is rampant materialism okay or sign of a psychological disturbance? 

“Takeaways”. What are the two or three key points about the subject group(s) psychological status? What are their top mental problems? Solutions? Is it likely to happen and if so, who needs what treatment? Can psychology explain what is going on?

Example: The Main three facts are 

A. Valjean is extremely disturbed as a result of trauma and injustice. Modern treatment options for him would be..(Don’t stop here, continue to tell us more about him. He is generous by possessive, prone to feelings of guilt but empathetic, sometimes aggressive, but only in the face of injustice. 

B. Javert is obsessive, inflexible and paranoid. And add more, for example what impact his birth in prison might have had..

Same with Cosette, Fantine etc.

Tell us what he/she/they are like, psycholigically, and why. What therapy (if any would you suggest if they arrived at your clinic door)?He would benefit from  . X exploits Y because X has raised barriers and sees Asian girls as “other”. X can be treated to readjust her view of exploited workers if…etc”, b. It CAN be changed if people only do this…..c. Its likely (Not likely) to happen because the Westerners’ status goal are achieved by the acquisition of cheap good by anonymous women..

Same with “Love me” (Internet brides). Who are the men? Rich, average poor? Why do they prefer to seek wives abroad? Are they adventurers or exploiters, lechers or lovers? Is their psychology different from their fellow citizens who prefer western brides? Who are the women? Naive or devious? Gold Diggers or depressed or hopeless women looking for a better life? Scammers or just average women looking for love? Psychologically immature, naive or devious? What is the impact on potential wives in the West (the women these men prefer to skip)? And the men in Ukraine that the women refuse to marry? 

Are the men immature and  looking for a trophy wife etc? Are these men and women being helped or exploited by each other or a system? Is this just another way to meet people, or does it suggest the women are avaricious, using the men to access resources, or are the men using the women to overcome untreated psychological issues which cause social backwardness. 

Are their psychological indications that the men have elements of misogyny and hatred of self? What are the psychological ramifications of giving up on dating in the West and seeking to enter a more “arranged” system?  Are the men seeking love of fraternity (with other men)? Are the men and women commenting on their own society, and are their criticisms valid, or are they victims of deviant thinking ? Are their expectations of each other based on fact or only perceptions of status, rich husbands? Is this “all good” or does it have negative aspects of misogyny, sexism, nationalism, etc.

“Takeaways”. What are the two or three key points? What are the top problem? Solutions? Is it likely to happen?




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Use Wz (power dissipated in the diode) to duplicate Fig – 28.

Matlab Assignment (Individual)

This assignment is created as for the fulfillment of the Criterion 7 of ABET accreditation criteria.

Students should work alone for the following requirements.

Part 1.

(Highlighted “As a first example”)

a) Use Wz (power dissipated in the diode) to duplicate Fig – 28.

b) Draw density functions for Vs and Wz based on the problem descriptions

c) Use Matlab to evaluate E[Wz]

d) Use Matlab to find the Minimum R value.

Part 2.

(Highlighted “As another Example”)

a) Calculate R*(normal value of R), Rmin (Smallest R value), and Rmax (Largest R value).

b) Compute Probability Pc with (1) given Gaussian probability density function fR(r) and (2) standard normal distribution function φ(.). Compare your result.

Part 3.

(Highlighted “The third Example”)

a) Compute the quantity F(70) by using (2-54) b) Draw the Rayleigh’s density function f(s) in Fig 2-31 by using (2-54) c) Compute the conditional expectation E[S|S>70] Everything should be typed!!! No handwritten, Photocopied, Camera-ed material is allowed. Your Report Should include 1. Objective. 2. Screen shot of m file 3. Computation result 4. List of challenges that you had for the completion of the work – Explain the nature of challenges 5. List of topics in probability and statistics that you felt comfortable for this project. 6. List of topics in probability that you felt challenging for this project. 7. Conclusion




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The origin and development of the Texas Constitution, A position in the Texas Government

Pick a position in the Texas Government and write a paper on that position. Describe the role, explain what does this person does and the sources of this person’s power (i.e. Texas Constitution or another law or bill), who does this person share power wi

Government Department

El Centro College

Research and Writing Assignment

 This paper meets the requirements of the Core Objective Assessment (it measures the Student Learning Outcomes outlined

below) AND meets the requirements of the Quality Enhancement Plan (it is lined up with the AACU Critical Thinking Value


 The paper must be turned in via BlackBoard (for the Core Objective Assessment and QEP Data Collection – the data will be

pulled randomly from BlackBoard).

2306 – Texas Government

This assignment may address the following SLOs (Student Learning Outcomes) for 2306: Upon Completion of this Course,

students will be able to:

 SLO 1 – Explain the origin and development of the Texas Constitution.

 SLO 2 – Demonstrate an understanding of state and political systems and their relationship to the federal government.

 SLO 3 – Describe separation of powers and checks and balances in both theory and practice in Texas.

 SLO 4 – Demonstrate knowledge of the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of the Texas Government.

 SLO 5 – Evaluate the role of public opinion, interest groups, and political parties in Texas.

 SLO 6 – Analyze the state and local election process.

 SLO 7 – Describe the rights and responsibilities of citizens.

 SLO 8 – Analyze issues, policies, and political culture of Texas.

The Assignment:

 Pick a position in the Texas Government and write a paper on that position (i.e. Governor, Lieutenant Governor, Texas Land Commissioner, Attorney General, specific judge, or any other position).

 In your paper you should:

o Describe the role, explain what does this person does and the sources of this person’s power (i.e. Texas Constitution or another law or bill), who does this person share power with, who does this person report to / who provides a “check and

balance” on this position?

o Explain how the role is filled (i.e. appointed or elected and the process). o Who is the current person in this position and provide background information about this person and major goals /

initiatives this individual has in this position.

o Is this person affiliated with a political party? What role does that play in this position (i.e. with election or appointment, with how this person carries out their duties, with decisions the person makes, with accountability)?

o What are the major issues confronting the person in this position currently? o What is your opinion of this person and why? o Based on your research, what are the major impacts in history of this position and explain.

Length and Style:

 Your paper should be in APA format and double spaced.

 Your paper should include a cover page, abstract page, three (3) written pages at least (introduction, body, and conclusion), and a works cited page.


 You must use at least 4 credible sources.

 All 4 sources must be either secondary or primary sources and are credible sources from either library books or library databases.

 Wikipedia and Google are NOT sources.

 You must use at least one (1) chart, graph or other form of visual medium that you interpret / explain / comment on in your paper.

 Please use the librarians – they are eager to help you with your research. Include citations for ALL sources you use. A separate works cited page MUST be included, along with short form citations within the paper. As a general rule you should have at

least one citation for every paragraph except the introduction and conclusion.


 Your paper must be turned in via BlackBoard so it is maintained for college assessment purposes.


 Your professor will go over the attached Rubric and make sure you understand how you will be graded on this assignment.

 Please review the attached Rubric on your own and refer to it when writing your paper to make sure you follow directions and receive the maximum points possible.




CLICK HERE TO ORDER THIS PAPER AT ON The origin and development of the Texas Constitution, A position in the Texas Government

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Writers Solution

What are the steps to produce a systematic review?

Systematic Review Guidelines and Rubrics

By the end of the semester, you will produce a systematic review about a biological research topic of your choice. Though the final draft is not due until the last week, you will be working on this project incrementally throughout the semester.

What is a systematic review?

A systematic review is a rigorous evaluation of the existing scientific literature that addresses a clear research question. An extensive search of the primary literature is performed in order to locate and assess research evidence relevant to the research question using a pre-specified protocol. This makes systematic reviews more comprehensive than a literature review.

What are the steps to produce a systematic review?

Through a combination of instructor-led lessons and assignment submissions, students will work through the following steps in order to complete the systematic review process (adapted from Pullin, A., & Gavin B. Stewart. (2006). Guidelines for Systematic Review in Conservation and Environmental Management. Conservation Biology, 20(6), 1647-1656.):

Stage 1: Planning the review

TOPIC: Utilization of CRISPR CAS9 in cancer genes

1.) Question formulation

· During the early weeks of the semester, you will choose a paper topic and begin to explore the scientific literature relevant to your topic. From there, a reviewable research question can be articulated.

· A reviewable question is commonly some version of “Does intervention x produce outcome y on subject z?”

· Example A: Does regular coffee consumption decrease the risk of cardiovascular disease in humans?

· Example B: Does mercury pollution impact survivorship of freshwater fish populations?

2.) Developing a review protocol

· A review protocol is a document developed beforehand that will guide the review process. It should include enough detail to the methodology that someone else could repeat the same review process; the repeatability of search methods is a key characteristic of systematic reviews.

· The protocol starts by outlining the rationale and objectives of the review.

· From there, it should detail the methods that will be used including

· Eligibility criteria – how will you decide which studies to include or exclude?

· Search strategy – which databases will you use to search for studies? How will you go about your search?

· Data management – how will your data be organized as it’s collected? Which variables will you be tracking?

· Data synthesis – how will your collected data be synthesized qualitatively? How will it be synthesized quantitatively?

Assignment Rubrics


Protocol ComponentDescriptionPossible Points
TitleTitle identifies the report as a protocol of a systematic review & clearly indicates the research topic1
Rationale & ObjectivesOutlines the utility of this review. Provides and explicit statement of the question(s) the review will address.3
Eligibility Criteria:Specify the study characteristics (such as PICO, study design, setting, time frame) and report characteristics (such as years considered, language, publication status) to be used as criteria for eligibility for the review8
Search Strategy:Describe the steps to take to search for appropriate articles including databases, search limits, keywords, and study selection.5
Data Management:Describe how the data collected will be extracted and organized in a spreadsheet and/or any other management tools. List and define all variables for which data will be sought.5
Data Synthesis:Outline the steps that will be taken to compare, synthesize, and analyze data8



Biagioni, A., Laurenzana, A., Margheri, F., Chillà, A., Fibbi, G., & Del Rosso, M. (2018). Delivery systems of CRISPR/Cas9-based cancer gene therapy.

Journal of Biological Engineering, 12(1), 33–33.

Han, Y., Liu, D., & Li, L. (2020). PD-1/PD-L1 pathway: current researches in cancer. American Journal of Cancer Research, 10(3), 727–742.

Iwai, Y., Ishida, M., Tanaka, Y., Okazaki, T., Honjo, T., & Minato, N. (2002). Khalaf, K., Janowicz, K., Dyszkiewicz-Konwińska, M., Hutchings, G., Dompe,

C., Moncrieff, L., Jankowski, M., Machnik, M., Oleksiewicz, U., Kocherova, I., Petitte, J., Mozdziak, P., Shibli, J. A., Iżycki, D.,

Józkowiak, M., Piotrowska-Kempisty, H., Skowroński, M. T., Antosik, P., & Kempisty, B. (2020). CRISPR/Cas9 in Cancer Immunotherapy: Animal Models and Human Clinical Trials. Genes, 11(8), 1–.

Liu, Q., Yang, F., Zhang, J., Liu, H., Rahman, S., Islam, S., Ma, W., & She, M. (2021). Application of CRISPR/Cas9 in Crop Quality Improvement.

MDPI AG. 10.3390/ijms22084206

Lu, Xue, J., Deng, T., Zhou, X., Yu, K., Deng, L., Huang, M., Yi, X., Liang, M.,

Wang, Y., Shen, H., Tong, R., Wang, W., Li, L., Song, J., Li, J., Su, X., Ding, Z., Gong, Y., … Mok, T. (2020). Safety and feasibility of CRISPR- edited T cells in patients with refractory non-small-cell lung cancer.

Nature Medicine, 26(5), 732–740.


Lu, Y. (2016, June 8). PD-1 knockout engineered T cells for metastatic non-small cell lung cancer . Retrieved November 7, 2021, from

Peyambari, M., Warner, S., Stoler, N., Rainer, D., Roossinck, M. (2019). A 1,000- Year-Old RNA Virus. Journal of Virology, 93(1), 1-11. at




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Network Inference from Time-Series Data Using Information Theory Tools



Network Inference from Time-Series Data Using Information Theory Tools




The Mutual Information Rate (MIR) measures the time rate of data exchanged between two non-random and correlated variables (Budden & Crampin, 2016). Since microscopic elements in complex systems are not purely random, the MIR is a fitting quantity to access the sum of information exchanged in intricate systems. However, its calculation requires infinitely long capacity with arbitrary resolution. Having in mind that it is impossible to perform infinitely long measurements with perfect accuracy, this work shows how to estimate the MIR taking into consideration this elemental limitation and how to use it for the classification and understanding of dynamical and multifarious systems. Moreover, we introduce a novel normalized form of MIR that successfully infers the organization of small networks of interrelation dynamical systems (Arabnia &Tran, 2011). The proposed inference methodology is robust in the presence of additive noise, different time-series lengths, and heterogeneous node dynamics and coupling strengths. Moreover, it also outperforms the inference method based on Mutual Information when examining network formed by nodes possessing different time-scales.

Network Inference from Time-Series Data Using Information Theory Tools

Analyzing complex systems is a difficult process for many people in the world today. Very few tools have been created to aid in such a process in an effective way. Additionally, network inference and complex system analysis require mathematical and computer skill that are not readily available to everyone. A successful analysis can only be carried out by an individual who is acquainted with the proper mechanisms and has the necessary understanding of the organization’s dynamics (Sameshima & Baccala, 2014). Complex systems are characterized by many interacting components that arise and evolve over time. As such, a proper analysis of the system must entail a progressive approach that takes into account the changes that occur over time. moreover, an ideal complex system analysis tool should be balanced in such a way that it takes into account essential microscopic elements that are of importance to the expected outcome while ignoring other components whose presence or absence should not interfere with the results (Deniz, 2018). Consequently, regardless of the similarities in different complex systems, a modeling tool must be customized to meet the needs of the specific network for proper inference.

Many systems of the world can be referred to as complex. Social networks, political organizations, human cultures, the internet, brains, the stock markets, and the global climate are all examples of complex systems. In each of the mentioned organizations, important information is achieved through the interaction of various components within the system (Dehmer, Streib & Mehler, 2011). While each part is important, none can operate alone to produce the results that an entire system would create. Moreover, the various components that interact to create useful information are not static which makes it hard for the complex systems to be analyzed. Network inference of a time series data in a complex system implies that an individual will need to understand the relationships, if any, that exist between variables and how such can be altered to create the desired change.

Characteristics of a complex system can be coupled up into two concepts, namely emergence, and self-organization. Some system properties appear at different intervals in a process called emergence. Mathematical models allow one to understand the factors and relationships behind these macroscopic properties at a given point in time (Bossomaier, 2016). Analyzing the new occurrences at varied scales gives an individual an idea behind the operations of a system which allows for better planning for the future. Moreover, the properties self-organize over time creating a series of events that form the basis of an organization or process. Mathematical modeling practices help to simplify the complexity of the system thus making it a fundamental practice in everyday life. Since complex systems are characterized by nonlinear dynamics, achieving a possible solution by looking at the inputs alone is not possible. Information theory tools are the only approaches that can help in unraveling the mysteries behind nonlinear combinations and creating unreachable realities (Arabnia & Tran, 2011).

Networking inference is an increasingly growing field with researchers proposing new models each day. To make the right choice, one has to look at the limitations and the advantages of each proposal (Goh, Hasim & Antonopoulos, 2018). While some information theory tools are successful, they are limited in terms of how far or how deep they can unravel the complexities of nonlinear systems. The common structures that are found in diverse networks pose a great challenge when creating a reliable inference method. In information theory, the measure of the dependence between two separate variables creates mutual information (MI). To get MI, one has to quantify the amount of data acquired from one variable by observing the other random variable (Barman & Kwon, 2018). If the correlation coefficient of the two variables is zero, then the two properties are not essentially related to one another and their interactions do not affect the performance of the system. Analyzing and understanding the relationships between the microscopic elements of a complex system is the best easiest and simplest way of understanding the intricacies of a complex system.

In a natural complex system situation, it is hard for one to detect physical methods because of the large size. However, using each of the components as nodes of a network and the physical interactions between the nodes as links helps in understanding the exaggerated behavior of complex systems. To detect the physical methods of a large organization, it is vital to infer network structures that create the physical correlation between time-series acquired from the dynamics of the various nodes. Cross-Correlation or MI dynamics are ideal mechanisms to use while trying to quantify the relationship between variables within a complex system (Budden & Crampin, 2016). As such, the current paper will be based on a mutual information rate (MIR) methodology to infer the structure of a complex system from time-series data.

According to Ta, Yoon, Holm & Ham (2010), a mutual information rate (MIR) shows the relationship between two variables by measuring the time rate at which information is exchanged between two correlated and discriminate variables. The MIR is an appropriate tool for measuring the relationship between variables in a complex system because it allows for long measurements and calculations with arbitrary resolution. The tool makes it possible for an individual to analyze the unique properties of a system to understand the relationship between causes and effects. Through the MIR, the researchers in the current study intend to quantify the amount of information passed between two non-random nodes within a given period. Moreover, the tool will aid the team in understanding the relationship between synchronization and the exchange of information in a system (Timme & Casadiego, 2014). The purpose of the examination is to establish if there are any logical inference between microscopic elements of a complex system and the dependence among the variables.

The network inference in the current study will be founded on the rule-based modeling approach that pays particular attention at microscopic scales within an establishment. Since complex systems are diverse and extremely complicated, the time-series data used in the scrutiny process can be easily simulated in a computer to help the analyst appreciate the emergence and self-organization of properties in the system over time (Shandilya & Timme, 2011). Rule-based modeling allows one to explain the observed behavior in a simple language that is understandable to people without mathematical and computer skills. Further, the modeling process employed by the current paper is important in the sense that it helps the involved parties to make considerable predictions of the future and map a clear path that a system is bound to follow over time.

Main Body

Discussion of the Mathematical Theory

Systems produce information that can be transferred between different components. For such an exchange to happen, two independent variables either directly or indirectly linked must be involved (Zou, Romano, Thiel, Marwan & Kurths, 2011). In the current paper, the mode of transfer studied is time-series data where the amount of information exchanged within a given unit of time is examined to determine the link between the non-random elements. Further, the relationship between information synchronization and the speed of transfer will also be looked at in the paper. A positive outcome (the existence of a link between two units) is an indication of a bidirectional connection between the variables as a result of their interaction. Through such an understanding, it is possible for one to correctly infer a network of a complex system and map the future of the organization with clarity.

Mutual Information: The MI between variables indicates the amount of uncertainty that one has about one variable by observing the other unit (Butte & Kohane, 2000). The MI is given byIxy (N) = Hx+Hy-Hxy. The equation shows the strength of dependence existing between the two observed variables. For instance, when Ixy=0, it means that the strength of dependence between the elements observed is null, an indication that the two variables are independent. As such, the higher the value, the stronger the connection between variables and the higher the chances of their interaction producing a considerable effect on the overall performance of the complex system.

The calculation of Ixy(N) from a time series data is a difficult task. One has to calculate the probabilities computed on an appropriate probable space where a partition can be found (Bianco-Martinez, Rubido, Antonopoulos & Baptista, 2016). Moreover, the MI value measure is only suitable for carrying out a comparison between variables of macroscopic elements of the same system and not different structures. For a time series data to produce verifiable and usable results, the correlation decay times must be constant which is not possible when looking at information in different systems. As such, an MI is only viable if the factors analyzed are of a singular system to avoid the different characteristic time-scales produced via the varied correlated decay times in each organization.

Understanding entropy and conditional entropy is the first step towards having knowledge of how MI works in analyzing time-series data. Qualitatively, entropy is a measure of uncertainty – the higher the entropy, the more uncertain one is about a random variable. This statement was made quantitative by Shannon. He postulated that a measure of uncertainty of a random variable X should be a continuous function of its probability distribution PX(x) and should satisfy the following conditions

· It should be maximal when PX(x) is uniform, and in this case, it should increase with the number of possible values X can take

· It should remain the same if we reorder the probabilities assigned to different values of X

· The uncertainty about two independent random variables should be the sum of the uncertainties about each of them.

The only measure of uncertainty that satisfies all these conditions is the entropy, defined as: H(X) =−∑xPX(x) log P(x) =−EPXlogPX (2). Although not particularly obvious from this equation, H(X) has a very concrete interpretation. Suppose x is chosen randomly from the distribution PX(x), and someone who knows the distribution PX(x) is asked to guess which x was chosen by asking only yes/no questions. If the guesser uses the optimal question-asking strategy, which is to divide the probability in half on each guess by asking questions like “is x greater than x0 ?”, then the average number of yes/no questions it takes to guess x lies between H(X) and H(X)+1. This gives quantitative meaning to “uncertainty”: it is the number of yes/no questions it takes to guess random variables, given knowledge of the underlying distribution and taking the optimal question-asking strategy.

The conditional entropy is the average uncertainty about X after observing a second random variable Y and is given by


Where PX|Y (x|y)(≡PXY(x, y)/PY(y)) is the conditional probability of x given y.

With the definitions of H(X) and H (X|Y), the equation can be written as:

I(X; Y) =H(X) −H (X|Y). (4)

Mutual information is, therefore, the reduction in uncertainty about variable X, or the expected reduction in the number of yes/no questions needed to guess X after observing Y (Dehmer et al., 2011). Note that the yes/no question interpretation even applies to continuous variables: although it takes an infinite number of questions to guess a continuous variable, the difference in the number of yes/no questions it takes to guess X before versus after observing Y may be finite and is the mutual information. While problems can arise when going from discrete to continuous variables since subtracting infinities is always dangerous, they rarely do in practice.

Different approaches to the computation of MI exist. The variations in each method arise as a result of the mechanism used to compute the probabilities involved in the computation. In the histogram method, also called the bin, a suitable partition is found in the 2D space on equal and adaptive size cells. In the density kernels, the kernel estimate of the probability density function is applied. The last MI approach quantifies data by estimating probabilities from the distance between the closest variables (Zou et al., 2011). In the current analysis, the first approach where computation of probabilities is carried out in partitions of equally sized cells in the probabilistic space generated by two variables is used. The process has a tendency of overestimating the values because of two basic reasons, namely the finite resolution of a non-Markovian partition and the finite length of the recorded time series. The systematic errors can be avoided by creating a novel normalization when dealing with MI computations.

For the numerical computation of IXY(N), the paper defines a probabilistic space X, where X is formed by the time-series data observed from a pair of nodes, X and Y, of a complex system. Moreover, a partition X into a grid of N_N fixed-sized cells is created. The length-side of each cell, €, is then set to € = 1/N (Budden & Crampin, 2016).Consequently, the probability of having an event I for variable X, PX(i) is the fraction of points found in row I of the partition X. Similarly, PY(j) is the fraction of points that are found in column j of X, and PXY(i, j) is the joint probability computed from the fraction of points that are found in cell(i, j) of the same partition, where i, j = 1;…; N. The paper emphasize here that IXY(N) depends on the partition considered for its calculation as PX, PY, and PXY attain different values for different cell-sizes €.

Mutual information brings a reduction of uncertainties concerning one variable by observing another element whose performance is believed to affect that of the former unit. High mutual information signifies a great reduction of uncertainty while low mutual information is an indication of a small reduction of ambiguity.

Mutual Information Rate: calculating the MIR of a time series must take into consideration the partition dependence discussed in the definition of MI. MIR is defined as the theoretical mutual information exchange within a given time between variables, say X and Y. while the calculation of MIR using the MI principle can arise into errors in relation to the earlier mentioned partitions, other mechanisms of computing the quantity of information passed between variables at a specific ensure that the measure is invariant with respect to the resolution of the partition (Ta et al., 2010). To estimate the information passed between two finite nodes in the current paper, the observed time-series data at a given point I time is computed followed by a proper normalization for the identification of the connectivity structure of small networks of interacting dynamical systems.

MIR is a powerful concept in the analysis of complicated systems. The quantity (MIR) is calculated from mutual information which is defined by random systems within the organization. In the current paper, the researcher offers a simple way of calculating MIR in diverse networks and looking at the upper and lower bounds within a system without having to take into consideration probabilities.

In the current paper, various topologies for the network and different dynamics for the components of the dimensional systems are considered. The network inference, therefore, is done from times-series data that is observed and recorded for each component to determine the topological structure of the components interaction. The purpose of the paper is to determine if the function of one variable is affected by another non-random element by looking at the amount of information passed between the two nodes in a given unit of time. Moreover, the paper will seek to determine if synchronization of data affects the speed of information exchange between variable. Positive or negative values from this analysis will help in figuring out the type of dependence between microscopic elements of the system if any while providing an avenue for the researcher to map the future of the magnificent system.


The paper introduces a new information-based approach for the analysis of networks within complex systems. The MIR computes data transferred per unit of time between two different nodes whose interaction is believed to cause a series alteration in the performance of the magnificent system (Barman & Kwon, 2018). The normalization of MIR used in the paper is measured based on the developed network for inference. The tool is a reliable measure of interdependency between variables in the presence of other additives such as noise, short-time series, as well as other coupling strength complications. The MIR is designed in a way that it can only detect and react when the most important variables in the system are triggered, especially the correlation decay time.

One of the aspects that make the MIR an essential tool is the fact that it embodies the characteristics of a great modeling and measurement tool. Research has shown that proper analysis mechanisms must be sensitive enough to the necessary variables while ignoring other occurrences within the system (Timme & Casadiego, 2014). As stated earlier, complex systems are characterized by the emergence of new elements at as time progresses. Therefore, it is hard to take into consideration all the new variables at each stage of development when trying to map up the future of the system. A model that is able to discard minor changes is an essential tool in the measurement of new elements at different scales.

To achieve this discriminatory role in network inference, researchers use various modeling mechanisms such as rule-based modeling (Butte & Kohane, 2000). The practice of modeling is an effective one in mathematical and computer science studies because it allows researchers to unravel the unreachable realities in life. Naturally, complex systems are magnificent and quite complicated for anyone to analyze. The amalgamation of elements and the constant interrelation between nodes within the system makes it hard for one to determine if the elements have any relationship and the nature of interactions among the nodes. Modeling helps one to create sustainable and reliable tools that are able to take into account some aspects of the system while ignoring the interactions of others.

Rule-Based Modeling

Modeling a complex system requires one to consider the multiple networks, nonlinearity, emergence and the self-organization characteristics of enormous organizations. In rule-based modeling, particular attention is paid at the microscopic scales because looking at the interaction of variables is the best way of understanding the complexity of the system (Goh et al., 2018). The model helps individuals to explain observed behaviors, in our case, the time series data. Moreover, rule-based modeling helps researchers and analysts to make predictions and map the possible progress of the system with certainty.

Various steps are used when creating a rule-based model for a complex system. First, one has to observe the system for a while. Analysis of systems depends greatly on the experience that a person has with a similar organization. The human body is created in such a way that it tends to link similar instances together (Barman & Kwon, 2018). As such, when a person sees an abnormal or new occurrence, he or she will most likely describe the happening based on his or her past interaction with a similar situation. As such, watching and experiencing complex systems helps a researcher to have an idea of how variables interact within magnificent organizations making it easy for him or her to have a background upon which to build his or her theories in the future.

Observing a particular system when trying to create a specific model for an organization gives one an idea of the possible relationship between nodes. As such, an individual is able to decide on the best measurement tool to use based on the variables that are suspected to have interdependency. One must become aware of the complex systems to model them hence the need for observation as the first step towards an effective analysis. Moreover, observation brings a clear understanding of the cause and effect within a system.

In complex organizations, it is impossible to clearly capture the causes and effects of happenings within the system because microscopic elements do not have any meaning when they are not interacting with one another (Bianco-Martinez et al., 2016). Simply put, the results of a process cannot be attributed to one particular variable in a complex system since information is found between the various parts of the organization and not within the units themselves. Observation, therefore, helps to get a glimpse of what relationships are likely to produce measurable results.

The second step in creating an ideal model for a complex system is reflecting on the possible rules that might cause the characteristics that were seen in the observation. Similar to the first step, reflect on the rules depends on a person’s experience with a similar situation in the past. The rules determine the best tool to use for network inference (Zou et al., 2011). The third step is deriving predictions from the rules and comparing them with reality. For instance, if a researcher thinks that two variables exist in a mutually beneficial process, he or she must compare that understanding with the realities of complex systems. Again, this step requires one to have a better understanding of magnificent organizations for the proper comparison of the observed rules with reality.

The fourth and the last step towards building an ideal model is repeating the rules until one is satisfied with the results. The predictions made must make sense; otherwise, the examination processes become a failure. As such, a researcher has to repeat the first three steps over and over until a reasonable conclusion is achieved (Arabnia & Tran, 2011). On aspect of complicated systems that cut across the board is the fact that they barely change. The complex nature of the systems makes it hard for leaders and innovators to manipulate operations. As such, an analyst cannot produce ambiguous results when inferring networks within a complex system. The repetition of the steps ensures that the results arrived at are in line with the expectations and the understanding of the world in regards to the organizations.

Rule-based modeling uses the dynamic equation, theories, and first principles to determine the performance of a system at a specific time and describe how it will change over time (Bossomaier, 2016). Other models do not go as far as analyzing the evolutionary possibilities of a system which creates the major differentiation between rule-based models and other approaches. Mostly, quantitative methods are used to determine the future paths of an organization. For instance, the MIR used in the current paper fits as a rule-based model because it quantifies the relationship between two variables to determine both the present and future relationships between non-random nodes.

When creating a model for a complex system, one has to consider other important issues that are not related to the characteristics of the organization (Deniz, 2018). For instance, it is vital for an analyst to determine the kind of questions he or she wants to address. Secondly, one should ask himself or herself at what scale should the behaviors of the observed data be described to answer the key questions. Due to the complexity of the systems, many relationships can be derived from a couple of nodes; therefore, a researcher must be keen not to include too many behaviors whose analysis may not be related to the expected results. One has to look at the microscopic elements of the system and define the dynamical rules for their behavior with an understanding of the questions that need to be answered.

Another important aspect to consider is the structure of the system. While the majority of the complex organizations are similar to some extent, it is vital to understand that a few variations are often created to make each system unique (Sameshima & Baccala, 2014). A researcher must have a clear understanding of these variations if he or she is to come up with an ideal model. Looking at the structure entails analyzing the microscopic components and grouping them in terms of the assumed interaction with one another. After that, a researcher must consider the possible state of the system. That is to say, one has to describe each variable and the dynamical state that each component can take during the system’s operations.

Lastly, researchers must consider the state of the system over time. Complex organizations are characterized by emergence and self-organization, processes that occur over time. In emergence, system properties occur at different scales depending on the operation of the components. The new elements arising at each stage of development must be taken into consideration when coming up with a proper model (Dehmer et al., 2011). One has to critically analyze how these emergent microscopic factors will affect the non-random variables chosen for the study. Additionally, elements in complex systems self-organize over time. A researcher should consider such clustering when deciding the right model for the network inference.

The five steps stated above are not an easy task to accomplish. Coming up with the right choices for each question is not a trivial job and it requires a researcher to repeat the processes for a long time until the behaviors can mimic the key aspects of the system (Ta et al., 2010). To loop the questions, a researcher has to answer a set of other related questions to show the interaction of the chosen components. For instance, one has to consider the scale to use in order to achieve the desired results, what components to include in the analysis, the possible connection between the chosen nodes, the unit of measurement that can produce and easily mimic the expected interactions, as well as the changes over time that the observed variables might produce and under what circumstances. Answering these questions helps an analyst to make a mental prediction about the kind of microscopic behaviors that would arise if the examination is carried out.

Characteristics of a Good Model

A model is ideal for the analysis of a complex system if it is simple. Modeling is about simplicity especially when a mega-organization is involved. Researchers create a model to have a shorter and simple way of describing reality. As such, one should always choose the mechanism that is easier to use when looking at two models of equal predictive power. Simplicity in this sense means that a measure must be able to give a correct interpretation of observed data by eliminating parameters, variables, and assumptions without interfering with the expected behavior (Goh et al., 2018). The MIR tool used in the current study qualifies in the simplistic aspect because it is easy to create and manipulate.

The second most important characteristic of a model is validity. From a practical point of view, a model should produce results that are closely related to the observed reality. For instance, if the assumed relationship between nodes is that the increase of causes a similar reaction to the other microscopic element, the model’s predictions should agree with such an observation if it a reliable tool. The reliability of the MIR is undeniable (Zou et al., 2011). The mechanism has been used widely in mathematical and computer science practices and it has always shown a close relationship between its computations and the observed data. In complex systems, face validity is very important; as such, a tool that does not offer that comfort is useless since due to the constant interaction between variables in mega organizations, it is impossible to use a quantitative comparison between the model prediction and the observational data.

However, regardless of the need to have a valid model, it is important for one to avoiding over-fitting the predictions and the observed data. Adjusting the forecasts of the tool so much to closely agree with the observed behavior makes it hard for the results of the analysis to be generalized (Goh et al., 2018). As mentioned earlier, an understanding of a single complex system can help one make an informed judgment about other similar organizations in the future. As such, network inference results are often generalized when dealing with complex systems but this is not possible in the case of forced correlation between predictions and observable outcomes. One has to strike a balance between simplicity and validity because the two characteristics are equally important. Increasing the complexity of the model to achieve a better fit takes away the simplicity nature of the tool thus rendering it useless.

The last characteristic of a good model is robustness. A model must be selective in terms of which factors interfere with its computation. Sensitivity to minor variations of the model assumptions can have unintended consequences and render the tool useless (Deniz, 2018). Errors are always present when creating a useful tool in the inference of complex system networks. As such, an effective tool must be sensitive enough to capture the major variables while ignoring the interference from non-essential factors in the analysis. For instance, in the current paper, noise is an example of an existing variable whose interference should not be considered while quantifying the relationship between information passed between two nodes and time.

The MIR tool chosen for the study is robust in that it is able to factor in the amount of data shared within a specific unit of time while ignoring issues of noise (Timme & Casadiego, 2014). When a model is sensitive to all minor variations, then the conclusions it provides are unreliable. However, in a robust measurement tool, the final results hold under minor variations of the model assumptions and parameters. A researcher can make sure that the model he or she uses for the analysis of a complex system is robust by manipulating various parameters to balance the level of sensitivity and ensure that only the essential factors are considered in the measurement process.

Dynamical System Theory

All rule-based models operate under the assumptions of dynamical system theory, including the tool used for the current study, MIR. The theory focuses on how organizations change over time instead of looking at their static nature. By definition, a dynamical system is one whose state is uniquely characterized by a set of microscopic elements whose interactions are described by predefined rules (Budden & Crampin, 2016). Understanding these rules helps one to clearly map the present situation and the possible future progression of the system. Most complex systems in the world today are dynamical by nature thus requiring the use of a rule-based model for inference of their networks.

The dynamic nature of the complex systems can be described over discrete time steps or a continuous timeline. In the current paper, the latter mechanism is used to determine the amount of information shared between two non-random variables within a given unit of time. The general mathematical formulas used for such a computation are:

Discrete-time dynamical system

Continuous –time dynamical system

In either case, or x is the state variable of the structure at time t, which may take a scalar or vector value. F is a function that determines the rules by which the system changes its state over time (Bossomaier, 2016). The formulas given above are first-order versions of dynamical systems (i.e., the equations don’t involve xt−2, xt−3, . . ., or d2x/dt2, d3x/dt3, . . .). But these first-order forms are general enough to cover all sorts of dynamics that are possible in dynamical systems, as we will discuss later.

In the current situation, the paper explores the effectiveness of MIR versus MI in terms of how successful they are in inferring exactly the network of our small complex systems. In general, the researcher finds that the MIR outperforms the MI when different time-scales are present in the system (Zou et al., 2011). The results also show that both measures are sufficiently robust and reliable to infer the networks analyzed whenever a single time-scale is present. In other words, small variations in the dynamical parameters, time-series length, noise intensity, or topology structure maintain a successful inference for both methods. It remains to be seen the types of errors that are found in these measures when perfect inference is missing or impossible to be done.

The Use of Python Modeling Tools in Network Inference

Technological advancements have made time-resolved data available for many models but this can only be useful if the right tools are used to analyze the data. Python 2.7 helps the analyst to create simulation models that are effective in capturing the actual situation of the network being inferred thus making the examination process of a complex system easy (IJzendoorn, Glass, Quackenbush & Kuijjer, 2016). The python tool used in the current study is effective because it runs faster than other computer science and mathematical versions and it includes additional features that allow the research to manipulate the used tool (MIR) to produce the intended results. In fact, python 2.7 helps in increasing the reliability of a model by providing an easy way for the involved parties to manipulate variables to create a closer relationship between predictions and observable data with ease.

Using a python tool increases the simplicity and the robustness of a mathematical tool and it has effectively done so in the current paper (IJzendoorn et al., 2016). The approach simplifies some of the complexities found in various models making them usable to people with little or no mathematical of computer science skills. In terms of robustness, python creates avenues for the researcher to organize the measurement tool to react only to important variables while remaining neutral in the presence of non-essential factors such as noise in the current paper. As such, the use of the mathematical modeling tool has made MIR more successful in determining the relationship between information passed between two non-random nodes at a given time and analyzing the effects of synchronization on the performance of the said variables.

Models for Our Complex Systems

The paper uses various topologies for the networks to analyze the various microscopic components of the complex system in question. The network inference, therefore, is carried out from a time-series that are recorded for each component. This is to say that the nodes that are considered to have a reliable relationship are observed and the time series data recorded for further analysis. Since various components are involved, the examinations are divided based on discrete and on continues time-series components.

Discrete-Time Units

The variables that are of the discrete class of complex systems are described and analyzed using the following equation in the paper:

where in is the n-th iterate of map i, where i = 1;…;M and M is the number of maps (nodes) of the system, a_ is the coupling strength, is the binary adjacency matrix (with entries 1 or 0, depending on whether there is a connection between nodes i and j or not, respectively) that defines the structural connectivity in the network, r is the dynamical parameter of each map, is the node-degree, and is the considered map. For the logistic map, where the correspondents are not explicitly mentioned the paper uses r=4 to fully develop chaos for the circle map. In some cases, r=0.35 and k ≈ 6.9115. The paper uses these measures to study the robustness of the methodology for different coupling strengths, observational noise, and data length. Further, small sized networks with discrete dynamics ad different decay of correlation times for the nodes are used to test the methodology used in the current paper. The measurements are carried out to ensure the quality of the inference process by guaranteeing the effectiveness of the tools used for examination.

In discrete dynamics networks, the calculation and the relationships of the nodes are given by logistic maps. The researchers construct a network of two clusters and three nodes each to determine the amount of information shared among the variables within a specific unit of time. The clusters, however, are connected by a small coupling strength link for easy analysis. The clusters are constructed by time-series with different correlation decay times, creating a good example to understand how a clustered network with different time-scales can affect the inference capabilities of MI- or MIR-based methodologies. Specifically, the cluster formed by the first three nodes is constructed using r=4 and the dynamics formed by nodes 4, 5 and 6 is created using a third order composition of the logistic map with r being 3.9.

Network with Continuous-Time Units

The paper uses a continuous dynamic for the nodes of the network described by the HR neuron model. The model is given by:

Where p is the membrane potential, q is associated with the fast currents (N or), and n with the slow current, for example, C. The rest of the parameters are defined as, where is a uniformly distributed random number in (0; 0:5) for all.


Correlation decay time T (N). T (N) is a necessary aspect in the inference of the topology of a network. However, calculating the correlation decay in a real-life situation is always hard because it depends on quantities such as Lyapunov exponents and expansion rates which require a high computational cost. In the current paper, the values are achieved by estimating the number of iterations that take a point in cells of to expand and completely cover. The approach helps the researchers to quickly and simply determine the time it takes for the correlation o decay to zero. The paper introduces a novel way of calculating T (N) from the network diameter which is mapped from one cell to another.

To construct measurable networks, the researchers assume that each equally sized cell occupied by a single point represents one node within the network. Since the correlation being analyzed in the current paper is the kind that requires the transfer of data from one point to another, the paper creates connections between nodes by following the dynamics of points moving from one cell to another. Specifically, a connection between two variables says m and n exit if points in the third variable cause movement from cell m to n. if a link between the measured elements exists then the weight is equal to 1. Alternatively, if the variables are independent, the weight is 0. Therefore a network is defined as a binary matrix with specific microscopic elements. In the current framework, a uniformly random time-series with n correlation results in a complete network, an all-to-all network.

T (N) is defined as the diameter of G in the current study because T (N) is the minimum time taken for the points being observed to spread fully within a network. As such, the diameter of the system is the maximum length for all the shortest paths which are calculated by looking at the minimum distance required to cross the entire network. The approach used in the current study transforms the calculation of T (N) into the computation of the diameter of G by applying Johnson’s algorithm principles.

Calculation of MIR. To calculate the MIR from the time series data collected over the specified time, the research truncates the summation of the results into a finite size depending on the resolution of the data. Moreover, the paper considers small trajectory pieces of the times-series with a length that depends on the total length of the time series. When calculating probabilities, the paper uses Markova partition to get equal right and left side variables. The length L represents also the largest order T that a partition that generates statistically significant probabilities can be constructed from these many trajectory pieces. Now, taking two partitions, K1 and K2, with different correlation decay times, T1 and T2, respectively, and a different number of cells, N1 _ N1 and N2 _ N2, respectively, with N2 > N1, we have T2 1. Moreover, K1 generates K2 in the sense that, where F is the evolution operator and means the pre-iteration of partition K1.

In order to use the partition close to a Markov equation, the divisions must be of a specific size. This condition can be achieved by constructing partitions with a significantly large number of equally sized cells of length €=1/N. the partitions used in the current paper will however not be Markov or generating and that will probably cause systematic errors in the estimation of MIR. A normalization equation is used to correct these errors in the paper. is a partition-independent quantity if the partitions are Markov, which is not the case in the current study. As such, to get the correct figures, the paper uses an equation which requires calculation of probabilities in Ω fulfilling the inequality. The equation is used in the research where [ is the mean number of points inside all occupied cells of the partition of Ω. The equations used in the current study provide similar results that one would get when MIR is calculated using. The used equation guarantees that the results are not biased.

Network Inference Using MIR. In the current analysis, the use of a non-Markovian partition allows the researchers to simplify the calculations. However, the approach makes the MIR values to oscillate around an expected value. Additionally, the MIR for the non-Markovian partitions has a non-trial dependence with the number of cells in the partition but also represents a systematic error. As such, since the for non-Markovian partition of N N equally sized cells is expected to be an independent partition, the paper proposes a way to obtain a measure computed from . The equation provides partition independence which is suitable for the network inference.

The paper uses the equation M (M-1)/2 to calculate MIR for the different nodes in the network. The practice helps in the inference of the system’s structure. Further, the MIR values are also discarded because the researchers are only interested in the exchange of information between nodes and not other variables. Moreover, the symmetric properties of MIR make it possible for the used mechanism to provide the intended results (Zou et al., 2011). exchange between any two nodes in the network is computed by taking the expected value over different partition sizes. To remove the systematic error, the paper uses a weighted average where the finer partitions contribute more to the value than the coarser ones. A smaller N value is likely to create a partition that is further away from a Markovian one than a partition of a larger value. Further, weighing the different partitions differently in the current paper helps the researchers to eliminate systematic errors.

The novel normalization proposed in the current study has the following principles. First, we use an equally sized grid of size N, we subtract from, calculated for all pairs of nodes, its minimum value and denote the new quantity as min . Theoretically, a pair that is disconnected should have a MIR value close to zero; however, in practice, the situation is different because of the systematic errors coming from the use of a non-Markovian partition, as well as from the information flow passing through all the nodes in the network (Goh et al., 2018). For example, the effects of a perturbation in one single node will arrive at any other node in a finite amount of time. This subtraction is proposed to reduce these two undesired overestimations of MIR. After this step, we remain with MIR as a function of N. Normalizing then by max _ min, where again the maximum and minimum are taken over all different pairs, we construct a relative magnitude, namely,

The paper further applies different grids sizes to obtain the MIR value where the maximum number of cells has been established. The formula produces results that would be achieved using the Markov tool but without the troubles associated with the mechanism. Moreover, the approach helps the researchers not just to analyze the amount of information passed between two non-random variables but also examines the effects of synchronization on the performance of the networks within the complex system. The paper also makes a second normalization at this point to eliminate the errors of the system and reduce the interference of external factors with the microscopic factors. The normalization is achieved using the following formulae:

The above equation is applied to each pair of XY to obtain the average. The higher the value, the higher the amount of information exchanged between the two nodes per unit of time. Moreover, the same formula helps to determine if synchronization of information at one variable interferes with the exchange of data between the other two units. The mechanism allows the researchers to identify the pairs of nodes that transfer a considerable range of information than others. Moreover, to perform network inference from the MIR, the researchers fix a threshold of (0, 1) and create a binary adjacent matrix where the value of the MIR is higher than the threshold. Creating the threshold helps the researchers to infer various networks within the organization at the same time separately and in a comparative way. Based on the results, it is evident that there are intervals of thresholds within the set limits that fulfill a band that represents a 100% successful network inference.

In general, the usefulness of our network inference methodology is measured by the supreme difference between the real topology and the one inferred for different threshold values. We find that whenever there is a band of threshold values, there is successful inference without errors. In practical situations, where the underlying network is unknown and the absolute difference is impossible to compute, the ordered values of the MIR or other similarity measures 2, 3 shows a plateau which corresponds to the band of thresholds aforementioned. In particular, if the plateau is small, the paper uses a method to increase the size of the plateau by silencing the indirect connections, hence, allowing for a more robust renewal of the underlying network.

Results for Network Inference

Discrete systems. In the current study, the performance of the various equations for network inference where the dynamics of each node is described by a circle or a logistic map is carried out using three different models. The network structure that makes up the small-network of interacting discrete-time systems is given by comparing the larger and smaller values exhibited by each node. Here, we analyze the effectiveness of the inference as the coupling strength, a, between connected nodes is varied. The researchers have shown that, for the logistic and circle maps, assuming the same topology, the dynamics is quasi-periodic for a > 0:15 and chaotic for 0 a 0:15. We, therefore, choose the coupling strength in the subsequent tests to be equal to 0.03 and 0.12, both values corresponding to chaotic dynamics.

From the analysis, it is evident that the wider the band, the bigger the probability to perform a complete reconstruction, therefore the reconstruction is more robust. When we deal with experimental data, and the correct topology is unknown, the optimal threshold can be determined by the range of consecutive thresholds for which the inferred topology is invariant. The reconstruction percentage decreases by inferring non-existent links or by avoiding them. However, to reduce the effects of systematic errors on the inference process, each time such an occurrence happens, we decrease the percentage by an amount less than the real links in the original network.

In determining the effects of noise on the times-series lengths, the paper starts by analyzing the effectiveness of MIR for different time-series strengths by the use of the dynamics of the logistic map for each node. When the value is closer to 0.15, a relatively shorter length generated by an adjacent matrix is enough to infer correctly the original network. On the other hand, when the value is closer to 0.03, a larger time-series is needed to a considerable reconstruction. The results of the current research indicate that the successful reconstruction for short-length time series depends on the intensity of the coupling strength. However, it is surprising to see that exact inference can always be achieved for this dynamical regime if a sufficiently large time-series is available. The best reconstruction using MIR is for coupling strengths in a dynamic regime where chaotic behavior is prevalent.

Neural Networks. In continuous dynamics analysis given by the HR system, the researchers use two electrical coupling mechanisms both of which consider the time-series strengths of the involved variables. Based on the findings, it is clear that MIR is able to infer the correct network structure for small networks of continuous time interacting components.

Comparing Mutual Information and Mutual Information Rate. Finally, the researchers compare MI and MIRXY to assess the effectiveness of our proposed methodology for network inference. The same normalization process is used for MIR to MI to have an appropriate comparison. In particular, we infer the network structure of the system. The different dynamics of the two groups produce different correlation decay times, T (N), for nodes X and Y, in particular, when the pair of nodes comes from different clusters. The different correlation decay times produce a non-trivial dynamical behavior that challenges the MI performance for network inference.

In this paper, we have introduced new information based mechanism to infer the network configuration of complex systems. The MIR is an information measure that computes the information transmitted per unit of time between pairs of components in a complex system. The results show that MIR is a vigorous measure to perform network supposition in the presence of additive noise, short time-series, and also for systems with different pairing strengths. Since MIR and MI depend on the parallel decay time T, they are suitable for inferring the correct topology of networks with different time-scales. In particular, we have explored the efficacy of MIR versus MI in terms of how triumphant they are in inferring exactly the network of our small complex systems. In general, we find that the MIR outperforms MI when different time-scales are present in the system. Our results also show that both procedures are satisfactorily robust and reliable to infer the networks analyzed every time a single time-scale is present.


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