Writers Solution

The Norton Field Guide Chapter 47 (pp. 479-488); Chapter 48 (pp. 489-510) Little Seagull Handbook Section R-1, “Doing Research

 Week 2 Discussion: Beginning Your Research Discussion Weight: 5% Learning Objectives: 1, 2, 3, 4 Review the Week 2 Discussion Rubric here MAIN POST For this discussion complete the following readings. Then, answer the three questions that follow in a separate paragraph for each question. The Norton Field Guide Chapter 47 (pp. 479-488); Chapter 48 (pp. 489-510) Little Seagull Handbook Section R-1, “Doing Research” First, review the readings carefully. In one paragraph, share a tip or fact about research and/or about sources that you learned from the readings. Then, share a tip or a skill that you have used while conducting research in the past that was successful. Be sure to cite your reading. Second, reflect on your research methodology. Briefly describe and contrast what your process has been and what it will be in this course. Third, Review your feedback on Milestone 1. Then, identify which topic you will pursue and summarize your topic/argument. It may not be finalized, and that is acceptable. Describe the problem and proposed solution. List 3-5 search terms you consider using. You may include a word cloud by using EdWordle. Be sure to comment briefly on the keywords’ strength and effectiveness. Include a reference for any sources you used in the post. TIP: Respond to the questions above using a separate paragraph for each question. Please break out the search term list as bullet points or a clearly recognizable list or post as a photo word cloud. 




CLICK HERE TO ORDER THIS PAPER AT ON   The Norton Field Guide Chapter 47 (pp. 479-488); Chapter 48 (pp. 489-510) Little Seagull Handbook Section R-1, “Doing Research

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Writers Solution

What is the underlying cause of psoriasis?

  • What is the underlying cause of psoriasis?
  • What are the common signs and symptoms of this disease?

Define, Compare and Contrast the following conditions:

  • Fibrocystic breast disease
  • Fibroadenoma
  • Malignant breast tumor
  1. KM is a 38-year-old white woman with a 6-year history of psoriasis. Her family history includes allergies and asthma and her mother with psoriasis. KM returns today for an increase in symptoms, and she wants to improve the appearance of her skin. Please discuss the following:
    • What is the underlying cause of psoriasis?
    • What are the common signs and symptoms of this disease?
  2. Define, Compare and Contrast the following conditions:
    • Fibrocystic breast disease
    • Fibroadenoma
    • Malignant breast tumor





  • What is the underlying cause of psoriasis?
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    Top 10 Largest Ecommerce Companies in the US in 2020

    This is the first of a series of five sequential assignments (the course project) in which you will act as the Chief Technology Officer (CTO) of a hypothetical, e-commerce start-up company of your design. A venture capital group has funded this innovative start-up.The CEO has given you 60 days to deliver an information technology project plan in anticipation of the company relocating to a new facility. Since this is a start-up company, currently no building or technology infrastructure exists to support the business. All information technology (hardware and software) must be implemented in a hosted solution, an on-site solution, or a hybrid model. The CEO expects you to integrate different technologies from a variety of partners and incorporate industry best practices to develop the company’s technological systems.

    Additional background on the hypothetical companyCompany InformationCurrent StatusGrowth Projections (over next two years)Facility TypeNew facility is a two-story standalone building–Number of Employees1030Revenue$5 million$30 million

    Part 1: Project Plan InceptionYou will write a 5–7-page document outlining the project specifics, such as company background information, company business, and an overview of the company’s information systems infrastructure.Part 2: Supporting Gantt ChartYou will use Microsoft Project to create a Gantt chart for your e-commerce company project.Note:

    • You are to create or assume all necessary assumptions to successfully complete this assignment.
    • You must submit both parts as separate files to the assignment area. Label each file name according to the appropriate part.

    InstructionsPart 1: Project Plan InceptionIn a 5–7-page project plan inception document, you are to:

    1. Develop your hypothetical e-commerce company’s background information.
      • Refer to this article: Top 10 Largest Ecommerce Companies in the US in 2020, when developing your company’s background information.
        • This article outlines the major types of e-commerce companies in existence. Use this as a guide when deciding what background information to include about your hypothetical e-commerce company in your project plan inception document.
    2. Document your chosen e-commerce company’s business type, customers, and demographic information.
    3. Describe the key elements of your e-commerce company’s information systems infrastructure.
    4. Develop a high-level block diagram of your e-commerce company’s information systems infrastructure.
    5. Use three sources to support your writing.
      • Choose sources that are credible, relevant, and appropriate.
      • Cite each source listed on your source page at least one time within your assignment.
      • Access the library or review library guides for help with research, writing, and citation.

    Part 2: Supporting Gantt ChartUse Microsoft Project to create a Gantt chart identifying the major and minor tasks, illustrating dependency relationships between activities.FormattingThis course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards. For assistance and information, please refer to the Strayer Writing Standards link in the left-hand menu of your course. Check with your professor for any additional instructions. Note the following:

    • The preferred method is for the project plan inception portion of your assignment to be typed, double-spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides.
    • Include a cover page containing the assignment title, your name, your professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page is not included in the required page length.
    • Include a source list page. Citations and references must follow SWS format. The source list page is not included in the required page length.

    Learning OutcomesThe specific course learning outcome associated with this assignment is:

    • Create an initial information systems project plan for a new startup company





  • Top 10 Largest Ecommerce Companies in the US in 2020
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    Chief Technology Officer (CTO) of a hypothetical, e-commerce start-up company of your design

    Business Requirements


    This is the second of a series of five sequential assignments (the course project) in which you continue to act as the Chief Technology Officer (CTO) of a hypothetical, e-commerce start-up company of your design.

    You have been tasked with delivering an information technology project plan in anticipation of the company relocating to a new facility. In the first course deliverable, you created a project plan inception document and supporting Gantt chart. This deliverable spelled out the company’s background information and business and provided an overview of the company’s information system infrastructure.

    In this second course project deliverable, you are responsible for developing the business requirements to be incorporated into the information systems design you are creating.

    Procuring quality business requirements is a critical step when designing quality information systems. Completing a quality requirements document captures user needs and expectations to facilitate the proper design of the company’s infrastructure and information systems.

    This assignment consists of two parts:

    Part 1: Business Requirements

    You will develop a 5–7-page business requirements document for your hypothetical e-commerce company as part of the overall information systems project plan you are creating. Using the Business Requirements Template [DOCX], you will speculate on the company’s current and future requirements. Your assumptions need to be carefully considered and realistic.

    Part 2: Updated Gantt Chart

    You will use Microsoft Project to update the supporting project Gantt chart begun in your previous course project deliverable.

    • You are not creating a new Gantt chart, only updating the one you created in the previous assignment.


    • You are to create or assume all necessary assumptions to successfully complete this assignment.
    • You must submit both parts as separate files to the assignment area. Label each file name according to the appropriate part.


    Part 1: Business Requirements 

    Using the Business Requirements Template, you are to write a 5–7-page business requirements document for your hypothetical e-commerce company in which you:

    1. Describe the functional business requirements (scope) and scope control.
    2. Describe non-functional business requirements, such as governance, risk, and compliance.
    3. Describe technical requirements to integrate various e-commerce infrastructure components.
    4. Identify potential risks, constraints, and assumptions.
    5. Use three sources to support your writing.
      • Choose sources that are credible, relevant, and appropriate.
      • Cite each source listed on your source page at least one time within your assignment.
      • Access the library or review library guides for help with research, writing, and citation.

    Part 2: Updated Gantt Chart

    Use Microsoft Project to update the previously created Gantt chart with the major and minor tasks identified in the business requirements document




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    Judges of the State Supreme Court and Court of Appeals serve a six year term while judges of the Superior Court, Probate Court, and State Court serve four year terms

    1. The two major ways that judges are selected are popular elections and appointment. The electorate chooses the judge in a popular election while the executive or legislative branch decides the matter in appointment. Popular elections allow for accountability to the people but also require the judge to be a political candidate which can erode trust in the judiciary due to campaign financing. Appointment can produce distrust in the judicial system due to the potential for loyalty to a particular party or person who is instrumental in the appointment.

    The state of Georgia elects judges based on a nonpartisan election and does not utilize retention elections. Judges of the State Supreme Court and Court of Appeals serve a six year term while judges of the Superior Court, Probate Court, and State Court serve four year terms. It has been my experience that the local judiciary elections are most contentious and partisan with large fundraising efforts that easily show the electorate the party the candidate is affiliated with. I am ashamed to admit that I couldn’t name a single member of the Supreme Court or Court of Appeals for the state of Georgia and I have lived here my entire life. I do believe this system works with the opportunity to elect judges and hold them accountable to the job.  

    (Please respond with 200 words or more)

    2. Having lived in the south for most of my life, but having worked for an electric company based out of New England for the past three years, and having in Iowa for two years a decade ago, I feel that I have gathered a feel for the catch 22 in the major variables in local government structures.In South Carolina, there are many large areas with no city or township incorporation, thus, even in high population density areas, much of South Carolina leans on the County governments as the primary local government agency. While the cities have a fair amount of automy, they often border on redundancy. For instance, in Aiken County, where I live, there are ten municipal governments within it. However, only North Augusta’s Public Saftey takes responsibility for police patrol. All other city police departments only suppliment the Aiken County Sheriff’s Department’s patrol division.My biggest grievance with this structure is that the uniformity often comes at the price of property taxes that do not render their worth to the tax payer.In New England, the exact opposite happens. Their elimination or minimization of county goverments is modeled after the townships in the United Kingdom. In both cases, the benefit of minimizing the local tax burden subsequently adds the burden to the state. This is not entirely negative; every one of these states have a more developed state police force, as well as other state level services that many southern states are prone to delegating to the counties. Midwestern state seem to strike a balance with these two polar opposites. The municipal goverments are developed comprehensively to meet the needs of the community, while county governments never fully abandon the responsibilities of supporting the larger geographic area. The further west you move, the more intensive both get, and once you get to the west coast, you have the outlandishly high cost of living because of egregiously redundant government facilities on the state, county, and city levels.  (Please respond with 200 words or more)




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    Housing the Homeless as a health issue

    Create a short bibliography using APA style format (3 sources that are NEW and not older than a month) 

      Topic choice: 

    • Housing the Homeless as a health issue

    Post 1 Part A: Using EACH of the three sources: Create a bibliography formatted per APA format.

    Post 1 Part B: Explain why you chose this topic. Why is it interesting or important?





  • Housing the Homeless as a health issue
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    Lesson Plans that Develop Multiple Historical Perspectives

    Multicultural Lesson Plan


    You will develop a Multicultural Lesson Plan based on your knowledge of culturally diverse populations.


    You will develop the Multicultural Lesson Plan in two steps.

    Step One: Multicultural Lesson Plan Introduction

    Select the grade level and content area you plan to teach in the future. While planning, select an interest you have from the list of tpoics below, or examine your content area of interest and develop a lesson that incorporates multiculturalism within that content area. Prioritize your topics and select one topic for lesson plan development. Use the topics below to build an awareness of the elements needed to meet your assignment’s goals.

    To develop a multicultural lesson, you may address one of the following topics: 

    • Lesson Plans that Develop Multiple Historical Perspectives
    • Lesson Plans that Develop Cultural Consciousness
    • Lesson Plans that Develop Intercultural Competence
    • Lesson Plans that Combat Racism, Sexism, Prejudice, and Discrimination
    • Lesson Plans that Develop State of Planet Awareness
    • Lesson Plans that Develop Social Action Skills

    Once you have chosen your topic addressing multiculturalism, you will submit a one-page paper that includes a brief introduction to your plan for your topic and lesson, your plan should include the essential question and goals for your lesson, and a rationale for why you made these choices. Ask yourself how you can plan for the needs of diverse students to ensure that all have access to the content of the lesson.

    Step Two: Multicultural Lesson Plan

    This assignment is concerned with your ability to plan and develop a lesson plan within a template that delivers a multicultural or diversity objective or goal. It should also prioritize differentiated instructional strategies that promote an inclusive environment for diverse students. Use the following suggested outline to prioritize and organize your lesson plan to guarantee in-depth development of each aspect of your lesson plan:

    • What specific strategies will you prioritize to respond to the diverse learning needs in your classroom?
      • For example, how will you differentiate your instruction to respond to English learners, students with special needs, or gifted learners in your lesson?
      • Are there any other individuals or groups you need to modify your instruction for?
      • How can you engage your peers, team teachers, and others at the school site to help diverse students achieve your goals within the lesson?
      • What research from the field will support your plan for diverse learners?
    • How will the lesson sequence be modified so various groups or individuals will be successful with your learning objective?
    • How does this demonstrate that the lesson plan prioritizes the needs of diverse learners?

    Once you have completed your planning and in-depth research, create a lesson plan using the attached lesson plan template.  It may be a lesson plan that you have conducted or will conduct, or it may be a lesson plan for a fictitious classroom created for this assignment

    Multicultural Lesson Plan


    You will develop a Multicultural Lesson Plan based on your knowledge of culturally diverse populations.


    You will develop the Multicultural Lesson Plan in two steps.

    Step One: Multicultural Lesson Plan Introduction

    Select the grade level and content area you plan to teach in the future. While planning, select an interest you have from the list of tpoics below, or examine your content area of interest and develop a lesson that incorporates multiculturalism within that content area. Prioritize your topics and select one topic for lesson plan development. Use the topics below to build an awareness of the elements needed to meet your assignment’s goals.

    To develop a multicultural lesson, you may address one of the following topics: 

    • Lesson Plans that Develop Multiple Historical Perspectives
    • Lesson Plans that Develop Cultural Consciousness
    • Lesson Plans that Develop Intercultural Competence
    • Lesson Plans that Combat Racism, Sexism, Prejudice, and Discrimination
    • Lesson Plans that Develop State of Planet Awareness
    • Lesson Plans that Develop Social Action Skills

    Once you have chosen your topic addressing multiculturalism, you will submit a one-page paper that includes a brief introduction to your plan for your topic and lesson, your plan should include the essential question and goals for your lesson, and a rationale for why you made these choices. Ask yourself how you can plan for the needs of diverse students to ensure that all have access to the content of the lesson.

    Step Two: Multicultural Lesson Plan

    This assignment is concerned with your ability to plan and develop a lesson plan within a template that delivers a multicultural or diversity objective or goal. It should also prioritize differentiated instructional strategies that promote an inclusive environment for diverse students. Use the following suggested outline to prioritize and organize your lesson plan to guarantee in-depth development of each aspect of your lesson plan:

    • What specific strategies will you prioritize to respond to the diverse learning needs in your classroom?
      • For example, how will you differentiate your instruction to respond to English learners, students with special needs, or gifted learners in your lesson?
      • Are there any other individuals or groups you need to modify your instruction for?
      • How can you engage your peers, team teachers, and others at the school site to help diverse students achieve your goals within the lesson?
      • What research from the field will support your plan for diverse learners?
    • How will the lesson sequence be modified so various groups or individuals will be successful with your learning objective?
    • How does this demonstrate that the lesson plan prioritizes the needs of diverse learners?

    Once you have completed your planning and in-depth research, create a lesson plan using the attached lesson plan template.  It may be a lesson plan that you have conducted or will conduct, or it may be a lesson plan for a fictitious classroom created for this assignment




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    Demonstrate the skills and knowledge to interpret basic financial data.

    Assessment Type (and weighting) Individual report – 100%
    (2000 words)
    Assessment Name Importance of Financial Management
    Learning Outcomes Assessed:
    LO1: Demonstrate the skills and knowledge to interpret basic financial data.
    LO2: Demonstrate the skills and knowledge to maintain basic financial records.
    LO3: Illustrate how financial data analysis can aid decision making in business.
    LO4: Demonstrate ICT skills in data manipulation.
    Assignment Brief:
    Produce a report based upon the Case Study provided to answer the following question:
    Define and discuss the concept and importance of financial management. Using examples, describe and discuss the processes businesses might use to improve their financial performance.
    Your report should include the following sections:-
    Section 1
    Introduction: Define and discuss the concept and importance of financial management
    (10 marks)
    Section 2
    Describe and discuss the main financial statements and explain the use of ratios in financial management.
    (20 marks)
    Section 3
    i. Complete the Information on the ‘Business Review Template (Ensure that you
    display your calculations for this detail).
    ii. Using Excel produce an Income Statement for the Sample Organisation (see
    Case Study). This should be included within your appendices.
    iii. Using Excel complete the Balance Sheet
    iv. Using the Case study information describe the profitability, liquidity and
    efficiency of the company based on the results of ratio analysis.
    (30 marks)
    Section 4
    Using examples from the case study describe and discuss the processes this business might use to improve their financial performance.
    (30 marks)
    Section 5
    Your report should be written using proper English grammar and should be referenced appropriately. Each reference cited in the report must appear in the reference list at the end.
    (10 marks)
    Your report must include at least three books and two journal articles, the use of non-academic websites is not permitted.
    Specific Assessment Criteria (See Page 3 for General Assessment Criteria)
    Excellent (70%+): The report will be to a high standard. It will provide a comprehensive overview of the concept of management. Particular attention will be given to business objectives structures and roles. It will provide a detailed discussion of the main functions of a financial managers within businesses.It will show a clear discussion of the processes businesses might use to improve their performances and to mitigate risks. Referencing within the report will be excellent and used effectively throughout to support the points discussed.
    Very Good (60-69%):The report will be to a very good standard. It will provide a very clear overview of the concept of management. Attention will be given to business objectives, structures and roles. It will provide a very good discussion of the main functions of a financial managers within businesses. It will show a very good discussion of the processes businesses might use to improve their performances and to mitigate risks. Referencing within text and list at end will be good
    Good (50-59%): The report will be to a good standard. It will provide a clear overview of the concept of management. Attention will be given to business objectives, structures and roles. It will provide a good discussion of the main functions of a financial managers within businesses.. It will show a good discussion of the processes businesses might use to improve their performances and to mitigate risks. Referencing within text and list at end will be good
    Satisfactory (40-49%): The report will be to a satisfactory standard. It will provide an overview of the concept of management. It will describe the business objectives, structures and roles. It will provide some discussion of the main functions of a financial managers within businesses.. It will show a some discussion of the processes businesses might use to improve their performances and to mitigate risks. Some references within text and list at end.
    Unsatisfactory (Below 40%): Unable to meet the requirements of a pass grade.
    Additional Submission Instructions:
    You are required to submit a soft copy via “Turn-it-in UK” on the module Moodle page. The software will allow you to check your work against other material on the internet. It will also compare your work against other students work. You will be able to upload drafts of your written work into turn-it-in as many times as you wish before the deadline. You will not be able to overwrite the final submission after the deadline. You can only submit a single file.

    General Assessment Criteria – Level HE3

    Relevance Knowledge
    Written English
    Class I
    Quality) 80%+ As for Class 1(70-79%) but exceptional work that makes a contribution to the development of knowledge and understanding in the subject area

    Directly relevant to title. Addresses most or all of the implications and assumptions of the title. Demonstrates a comprehensive knowledge of theory and practice for this level. Demonstrates ability in the manipulation and transfer of subject material to demonstrate a solid understanding of the issues. Makes creative use of appropriate arguments and/or theoretical models. Contains some distinctive or independent thinking.
    A comprehensive discussion of the material resulting in clear, logical conclusions. Coherently articulated and logically structured.
    An appropriate format is used. The presentational style & layout is correct for the type of assignment.
    Effective inclusion of figures, tables, plates (FTP).
    A very well written
    answer with standard spelling and grammar.
    Style is clear, resourceful and academic.
    All sources accurately cited in the text. A comprehensive reference list in Harvard Style is provided.
    Class II/i
    (Very Good Quality) 60-69% Directly relevant to title.
    Addresses some of the implications of the issues addressed by the title. Demonstrates a sound knowledge of theory and practice for this level. Manipulates and transfers some material to demonstrate a clear grasp of the themes, questions and issues. Uses appropriate arguments or theoretical models.
    Clear and valid discussion of the material. Clear, logical conclusions. For the most part coherently articulated and logically constructed.
    An appropriate format is used. The presentational style & layout is correct for the type of assignment.
    Effective inclusion of FTP. Well written with
    standard spelling and grammar. Style is clear and academic.
    All sources accurately cited in the text and an appropriate reference list in Harvard Style is provided.
    Class II/ii
    (Good Quality)
    50-59% Generally addresses the title and its implications, but sometimes addresses irrelevant issues. Demonstrates an adequate knowledge of theory and practice for this level, with evidence of an appreciation of its significance. Provides a partly coherent argument, but lacking clear focus and consistency in places. Some issues lack clarity, or theoretical models expressed in simplistic terms.
    Conclusions are fairly clear and logical. Adequate attempt at articulation and logical structure.
    An acceptable format is used. The presentational style & layout is correct for the type of assignment.
    Inclusion of FTP but lacks selectivity. Competently written with minor lapses in spelling and grammar. Style is readable and mainly academic.
    Most sources accurately cited in the text and an appropriate reference list in Harvard Style is provided.
    Class III
    (Satisfactory Quality) 40-49% Some degree of irrelevance to the title. Superficial consideration of the issues. Demonstrates limited knowledge of theory and practice for this level, with intermittent evidence of an appreciation of its significance. A basic argument is evident but lacks clarity and coherence.
    Issues are only vaguely stated.
    Conclusions are not always clear or logical. Some attempt at articulation and logical structure.
    An acceptable format is used. The presentational style & layout is largely correct for the type of assignment.
    Inappropriate use of FTP or not used where clearly needed to aid understanding. Generally competent writing although intermittent lapses in grammar and spelling pose obstacles for the reader.
    Style limits communication and tends not to be academic. Some relevant sources cited. Some weaknesses in referencing technique.

    Some significant degree of irrelevance to the title is common. Onlythe most obvious issues are addressed at a superficial level and in unchallenging terms. Demonstrates weaknesses in knowledge of theory and practice for this level, with little evidence of an appreciation of its significance. Limited argument, which lacks clarity in places. Conclusions are neither clear nor logical. Poorly structured. Lack of articulation.
    Format deficient. For the type of assignment the presentational style &/or layout is lacking.
    FTP ignored in text or not used where clearly needed. Deficiencies in spelling and grammar makes reading difficult.
    Simplistic or repetitious style impairs clarity.
    Limited sources and weak referencing.
    Relevance to the title is intermittent or missing. The topic is reduced to its vaguest and least challenging terms. Demonstrates a lack of basic knowledge of either theory or practice for this level, with little evidence of understanding. Severely limited arguments. Lacks clarity.
    Conclusions are sparse. Unstructured.
    Lack of articulation. Format deficient For the type of assignment the presentational style &/or layout is lacking.
    FTP as above. Poorly written with numerous deficiencies in grammar, spelling, expression and style. An absence of academic sources and poor referencing technique




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    Recovery Time Objective (RTO) and Recovery Point Objective (RPO)

    Complete a limited, focused Business Impact Analysis (BIA) related to a specific organization. In 5 or more pages in APA style with appropriate references. The (BIA) will identify a mission critical business process for a specific industry or individual company. In five pages or more, describe the information and system, the impact on the company if an interruption or incident should occur, and the risk of such an event. “The goal of the (BIA) is to define objectives for the recovery of host computing systems that run the applications that support the business processes. These objectives are stated as the Recovery Time Objective (RTO) and Recovery Point Objective (RPO).”–Bahan. (2003).

    FYI! If you choose to use a company you are familiar with or work for, even though this is a private assignment read only by me, do not disclose any specific information that might compromise that company’s infrastructure. Disguise the nature of the defenses in place and thus create a realistic but fictional case study. A second way to do this is by finding a case study of a specific company (post breach perhaps). A third way is to use your imagination and experience to create an imaginary company for this study.


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    Website Security Test Plan for Peapod Grocery Business

    Course Project – Website Security Test Plan for Peapod Grocery Business

    The CIO of the online grocery store has asked you to create a website security plan that will keep the information that they are entrusted with safe, secure and out of the news. For this assignment, please include the following:

    1. An executive summary.
    2. An introduction to the plan.
    3. A web security plan strategy (also include the security policy that you designed for module 03).
    4. Deliverables.
    5. Test cases.
    6. You will have at least 5 sources for this paper, with 2 being scholarly sources. Include in-text citations in your paper. Your sources need to be listed according to APA formatting guidelines on your reference page.
    7. Include an APA formatted title page.
    8. Plan should be a minimum of 6 pages.

    *Grammar, spelling, and the layout of your essay on Website Security Test Plan for Peapod Grocery Business will also be taken into account when grading this assignment.


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