Writers Solution

You have worked as a healthcare administrator for an assisted living facility for the past 10 years.


You have worked as a healthcare administrator for an assisted living facility for the past 10 years. In your role as administrator, your organization has achieved enormous growth and you have received accolades for your part in that growth. You have also gained an appreciable amount of experience in all facets of the operations. You feel as though the experience gained has positioned you to pursue your long-term goal of becoming a health services entrepreneur. You are preparing to develop a proposal for investors. Before you can seek assistance from potential investors, you must develop a business plan to “pitch” your idea.


Create a business plan for a new health service organization (e.g., assisted living facility, dialysis clinic, wellness clinic, nursing home, or mobile clinic) that includes the following:

  1. An executive summary
  2. A vision statement (discuss what your organization aims to achieve)
  3. Your mission statement (explain why your organization exists—its purpose)
  4. A description of the business structure (management team)
  5. A SWOT analysis (include an environmental scan)
  6. A market analysis (include an analysis of the competition)
  7. A financial plan (include projections)
  8. Appendix (include any graphs from financial forecasts)


GET SOLUTION FOR THIS ASSIGNMENT, Get Impressive Scores in Your Class on You have worked as a healthcare administrator for an assisted living facility for the past 10 years.


Writers Solution

When you are coming up with your goals, you need to design goals that can be tracked.

Rules for goal setting

When you are coming up with your goals, you need to design goals that can be tracked.  The goals need to be…S.M.A.R.T. or now S.M.A.R.T.E.R.

Specific – Is the goal well defined?

Measurable – Can I measure the goal?

Attainable – Can I actually do this?

Relevant/Realistic – Does this goal relate to my health and wellness?

Timely – Does this goal have a time frame?

Exciting and Rewarding – Will I be motivated to work on my goals and is there a reward for accomplishing my goals?

When I set goals, I like to work backward. 

What do I want to accomplish?  That is my long-term goal.  Now, I need to come up with some short-term goals that will help me reach my long-term goals.  

Here is an example…

Let’s say I want to lose some weight.  Is “lose some weight” a good goal?  NO! Losing some weight is a good thought but I need to make it more specific and measurable in order to make it a goal; I need to make it… S.M.A.R.T. Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Timely.

Long-Term Goal – Lose 20 pounds in 4 months.  Let me ask…is that specific? (I think so).  Is it measurable?  (sure, I can weigh myself now and do it again in four months.)  Is it realistic?  (Yep, with my build and weight, 20 pounds is safe.)  Is there a good time frame? (yes, four months is not too long or too short or a time.)

So… How am I going to get there?  I cannot wake up in four months, jump on a scale, and hope to have lost 20 pounds.  I need some smaller goals that will lead me to my big goal. 

Short-Term Goals

30 minutes of walking/jogging three times per week

Limit fast food to once per week.

Drink eight glasses of water per day.

Lift weights twice a week.

If I do my small goals every day for 4 months, will I arrive at my big goal?  I think I will.

So that is goal planning.  Now what I need you to do is open the other attachment lab 1and make up some goals for yourself.  Remember the way I will grade is on your goals being specific, measurable realistic, and have a time frame.  

WARNING: If any of you put “eat healthier” or “gain muscle” as your end goal, you will receive a failing grade.  Make your goals specific and measurable.   Also, this is a physical education class…make the goals related to your fitness.  I do not care that your goal is to “catch up on your Netflix shows,” “get 20 females IG” or “go to Disney World.”  Those are actual goals that I have had students submit!


You need to complete Lab 1 Goals attach it and send it to me.  Remember to use the information that was given to you in the above lecture on proper goal setting.  You will be graded on the following criteria…

1. are your goal specific

2. are your goals measurable

3. are they realistic and relevant

4. do they have a time frame 

Grading Rubric

Your assignment should have 10 goals.  Five short-term goals can be daily goals up to 2 weeks to complete and five long-term goals can take six to 16 weeks to complete.  

10-8 points for 10 goals that are specific and measurable.  They each have a completion target date.  The goals are subject-specific.  

7-5 points for five goals to eight goals that are specific and measurable.  They might or might not have a completion date.  They are general goals not related to your health. 

4-2 points for goals that are not specific or measurable.  They might or might not have a completion date.

1-0 points for less than five goals that are not specific or measurable


GET SOLUTION FOR THIS ASSIGNMENT, Get Impressive Scores in Your Class on When you are coming up with your goals, you need to design goals that can be tracked.


Writers Solution

What readings and/or discussions changed or challenged your way of thinking?

Compose a multi-paragraph reflective essay that explains your experience this 8-week semester as a  readerwriter, and  thinker.  Through the act of reflection, you can understand more about your progress, what you understand, and what you need to work on in the future.   

*Generating Ideas

The following questions will help you brainstorm what to write. Use these questions to spark ideas that will help you develop a thesis and body paragraphs.

· What readings and/or discussions changed or challenged your way of thinking? How so?

· What readings and/or discussions had a profound effect on you and why?

· What are your strengths as a writer, reader, and thinker and why?

· In what area did you improve the most and why? What improvement(s) did you make?

· In what areas would you like to continue to strengthen your knowledge or skills and why?

· Which CONNECT activity challenged you the most as a reader, writer, or thinker?

· What was the one most useful or meaningful things you learned this semester? Why was it meaningful?

· What one assignment for this course was your best work? What makes it your best work? What did you learn by creating it? What does it say about you as a writer, reader and thinker?

· What assignment was the most challenging for you and why?

Thesis Statement

Topic Sentence 1

· Supporting Detail _________________________________________________________

· Supporting Detail _________________________________________________________

· Supporting Detail _________________________________________________________

Topic Sentence 2

· Supporting Detail _________________________________________________________

· Supporting Detail _________________________________________________________

· Supporting Detail _________________________________________________________

Topic Sentence 3

· Supporting Detail _________________________________________________________

· Supporting Detail _________________________________________________________

· Supporting Detail _________________________________________________________

Summary and/or Concluding Remarks


GET SOLUTION FOR THIS ASSIGNMENT, Get Impressive Scores in Your Class on What readings and/or discussions changed or challenged your way of thinking?


Writers Solution

What are the emerging sub-markets in the fast food industry?

1. What are the emerging sub-markets in the fast food industry? What are the alternative responses available to McDonald’s, assuming that it wants to stay relevant to customers interested in healthier eating

2. Identify markets in which actual sales growth was less than expected. Why was that the case? What would you say was the most important reason why the bottom fell out of the dot-com boom? Why did all the B2B sites emerge and why did they collapse so suddenly?

3. Pick a company or brand/business on which to focus. What are the emerging sub-markets? What are the trends? What are the strategic implications of the sub-markets and trends for the major players?

4. Choose a market or sub-market on which to focus, and discuss the expected profitability for participants in that market using Porter’s five forces model. Which of the five forces make this a good market to participate in? Which forces make it a bad one? Are there any important aspects of the market that you don’t think the five forces model captures?

5.Choose a market or sub-market on which to focus, and identify a current trend in that market. Why do you think it is a real trend and not a fad? What are the drivers of the trend’s future growth? What uncertainties might affect your forecast? Can you identify another current trend in the same market that you think is actually a fad?


GET SOLUTION FOR THIS ASSIGNMENT, Get Impressive Scores in Your Class on What are the emerging sub-markets in the fast food industry?


Writers Solution

Multiculturalism: Ethical Perspectives of a Diverse Workforce

Unit 8.1 DB: Multiculturalism: Ethical Perspectives of a Diverse Workforce

We often focus on establishing policies and practices that codify and protect rights in the public sector. However, organizational culture also matters. Provide an example of how your workplace has addressed multiculturalism and discuss whether it was 1) the right thing to do in keeping with core societal values, 2) the needed thing to do to maintain your organization’s legitimacy and relevance, or 3) the intelligent thing to do in anticipation of societal change.

· Considering these questions, consider what you have learned about frameworks and ethical models and how they might have applied to the decisions made.

· Explain your answers to these questions and discuss what you would have done differently.


1. After having the opportunity to complete the course, what would you change and why? 

2. What topic particularly caught your interest and what do you want to know more about?

3. If you could share with the next class one piece of advice about this class, what would it be?

Participation replies are not required but encouraged!

Ethical Decision-making Models

 An ethical decision-making model is a framework that leaders use to bring ensure that managers and employees consistently act in alignment with the organization’s values. Before a model can be used, leaders need to work through a set of steps to ensure they bring a comprehensive lens to handling ethical disputes or problems. There are many different models, but in this unit, we end where we began by revisiting “ A Framework for Ethical Decision Making .” and the Ethical Roadmap in Chapter 5 of our textbook. Then, we will look more deeply into the process of developing and applying an ethical framework.


· Describe the key components of a working model of administrative ethics applied within a public organization.

· Present and defend your research topic in a Microsoft PowerPoint presentation.


· Read, view, and engage with Readings and Resources.

· Actively participate in the Unit Discussions.

· Complete and submit the Unit 8 Assignment 1 – Use Grammarly to Review your Initial DB Post.

· Complete and submit the Unit 8 Assignment 2 – Cultural Diversity and Awareness.

Readings and Resources

Articles, Websites, and Videos:

This guide provides public administrators with a ready reference to use when encountering and resolving ethical dilemmas in the performance of their duties. 

· Shafroth, Frank & the Northern Virginia Public Service Fellows Fourth Cohort, George Mason University.  The ethical GPS, navigating everyday dilemmas: A local government guide . George Mason University. Fall of 2007. 

This article presents examples of “structural idealists” and extreme measures used to develop a working model of ethical behaviors. 

· Stein, C. (2019, January 25).  Ethical considerations in public administration . PA Times.

This article addresses the importance of building community trust and confidence and provides a checklist.

· ICMA. (2016, December 12).  Checklist for building trust and confidence in the community .

This article interviews U.S. Border Patrol agents to examine their legitimation work and the justificatory narratives they deploy to establish their moral authority and legitimacy of the system they represent. 

· Vega, I. I. (2018).  E mpathy, morality, and criminality: the legitimation narratives of U.S. Border Patrol agents. Journal of Ethnic & Migration Studies, 44(15), 2544–2561.

The Federal Data Strategy and Data Ethics Framework help federal agencies understand and implement better decisions involving the ethical collection, use, management, and archiving of data.

· Federal Data Strategy. (n.d.).  Data ethics framework .

The webinar presents AI models for building a diversity strategy used to attract and retain top talent.

Supplemental Resources:

Watch this interview with a business leader on the importance and embodiment of ethical leadership in private and public organizations.

You will create a voiceover presentation for your final project. Watch this video on how to create a voiceover presentation using PowerPoint.


GET SOLUTION FOR THIS ASSIGNMENT, Get Impressive Scores in Your Class on Multiculturalism: Ethical Perspectives of a Diverse Workforce


Writers Solution

Wounded Knee Massacre or the creation of Native American Boarding Schools.

Interpreting the Past: Wounded Knee. One of the main jobs of historians is to interpret the past by reviewing primary documents, scholarly secondary sources, and then creating an analysis of this research. After reading your text and reviewing the assigned materials, submit an analysis of the Native American experience during the late 1800s. You may choose to focus on either the Wounded Knee Massacre or the creation of Native American Boarding Schools.

You might want to consider the following questions, but you are not limited to them: Is the history of Native Americans taught in American schools to the proper extent? What were the goals of white Americans/ Native Americans in these confrontations? What was the true purpose of the Ghost Dance? What was the goal of the boarding schools? How should the battle of Wounded Knee be remembered or taught? How should modern Americans view the legacy of the boarding schools?

This assignment should be at least 300 words and contain your reactions or questions about some specific issue within the historical narrative which you find compelling. For full credit, your paper must not simply sum up the reading or repeat points made there. Rather, I’m looking for you to create your own interpretation, explain the emotional content of the piece, or discuss some original insight. Include citations as needed.




Textbook: U.S HISTORY by OpenStax (free online).


GET SOLUTION FOR THIS ASSIGNMENT, Get Impressive Scores in Your Class on Wounded Knee Massacre or the creation of Native American Boarding Schools.


Writers Solution

what makes the standard of living go up

Read each step of the assignment carefully and be sure to complete the bullet points for each step.

Complete each bullet point with detailed explanations. Don’t just list information quickly. Show

your mind working by providing explanations which prove you studied and understood the details of the lectures.

Don’t copy my sentences. Don’t use my sentences with just a few word changes. Write your own sentences. You may use words, phrases, and concepts from the lectures. But the sentences should be your own. That means your sentences should clearly be distinct from mine – in order to show your mind working.

Re-read your writing before submitting your work. Look for mistakes and unclear sentences to fix. The more time you invest in your writing, the more your writing will express your intelligence.

Here’s the assignment for Response Paper #3:

Write an essay completing the four steps below. Make sure your essay is based exclusively on studying the assigned lectures on Blackboard in the “Industrialization” folder.

➢Do NOT use the Internet or other sources.➢Do NOT use Artificial Intelligence – including translation technology – to write your paper.

1) Write a paragraph on industrialization which explains

• what makes the standard of living go up• why some societies are underdeveloped and others are developed • how a society produces value• what the “self-sustaining growth of capitalism” means

2) Write a paragraph discussing energy transitions. Be sure to

• identify three energy transitions in the history of industrialization, including dates • explain what an energy transition is• explain why energy transitions are important

3) Imagine I have an uncle who earned a good salary working for a camera company. But then my uncle lost his job about ten years ago. He was laid off. Write a paragraph

explaining how my uncle losing his job could be related to economic progress

discussing three other examples in the history of industrialization in which job loss is related to

economic progress, including dates

explaining why economic progress is multi-dimensional

4) Imagine Ms. Martinez is running for the presidency. Her campaign slogan is “Everyone Wins.” Her main point is that she has “a plan to create jobs which will benefit everyone.” She gives some details about “investing” money in “new technology,” “green energy,” and “artificial intelligence.” Based on studying the lectures, write a paragraph explaining


GET SOLUTION FOR THIS ASSIGNMENT, Get Impressive Scores in Your Class on what makes the standard of living go up


Writers Solution

S.P is a 58 female immigrant from India

S.P is a 58 female immigrant from India. Due to her daughter’s and her 3 years old grand daughter’s recent homeless situation, she is coming to assist them. She is needing vaccines to her immigration purposes to get permission to stay here in the US. She has phobia of injections, so she is feeling anxious. She is needing to get varicella, MMR,TDAP, HEP B &HEP A. She has history of anxiety and hypertension. She is taking BP meds to control her hypertension, but she only has enough for 2 months and she will be out of her medication. They are low income and does not have any means of transportation. Lungs are clear, breaths sounds are equal. Abdomen soft, bowel sounds in all quadrants. Denies having difficulty urinating or having bowel movement. She is alert and orient time , she appears to be well nourished. Weight 168 height 5’4 no edema. Gait stable, surgery hx: hysterectomy. Skin warm and dry.


This is intended as an individual assignment that replaces the care plan requirement. Please be thorough in your work. Successful completion of this assignment is a required element of success in the NR442 Clinical Learning experience. 

Complete an SBAR on one of your patients. Use your course textbook and other course materials to review the concepts of Social Determinants of Health (SDoH), Cultural Assessment, and Health Literacy. Visit the CDC website to learn more about SDoH, cultural awareness in health care, and the importance of understanding patient’s health literacy needs. Then, select one area of need for further education, or possibly re-education for your patient. Answer the questions below in the teaching plan section. Submit your SBAR and Teaching Plan to your Clinical Instructor for feedback by their indicated deadline. Make corrections or answer further questions based on their feedback and submit your final work by the end of week 7 to your Canvas course Drop Box.  

Be sure to include citations and references in APA format where used. 

This assignment should include a minimum of two scholarly resources.


Situation: Reason for visit and primary medical diagnosis/problem.

Background: medical history and comorbidities, current medications, history of present illness/primary medical diagnosis and related medication history, perceived/stated issues, or concerns with management of present illness and treatments (medicinal and non-medicinal) that have worked well.

Assessment: Assess patient for social determinants of health and cultural assessment. Determine health literacy needs and potential or actual barriers to learning. 

Recommendation: Based on the information above develop a teaching plan that will meet the patient needs. (see next section)

Teaching Plan

What will you be teaching this patient and why? 

What is your expected outcome following the teaching session? What is your SMART goal?

What social determinants of health impact your education of this patient? How will you adjust your educational information to accommodate this need?

What cultural needs exist and how does you teaching plan meet the cultural needs of your patient?

What is your patient’s health literacy and ability to understand information being given? Are there potential barriers to learning? How will you accommodate your patient and what type of learning materials will be provided to help them learn and retain the information provided?


GET SOLUTION FOR THIS ASSIGNMENT, Get Impressive Scores in Your Class on S.P is a 58 female immigrant from India


Writers Solution

Why Children Talk to Themselves or watching a Ted Talk on nutrition

Please turn in your Application Assignment 4 here. Choose between reading the article Why Children Talk to Themselves or watching a Ted Talk on nutrition. You can find an example write up here . Down

Please turn in your Application Assignment 4 here. Choose between reading the article Why Children Talk to Themselves or watching a Ted Talk on nutrition. 

You can find an example write up here . Download example write up here .You can find the article for this assignment here Download article for this assignment here. and the video hereLinks to an external site..  Each response to each question should be answered in at least one paragraph. Paragraphs should be thorough. Therefore, instead of simply providing a simple answer, go into detail to show how well you understand your response. Don’t forget the one page double-spaced summary.

Application Assignment #4: Why Children Talk to Themselves

What: In this assignment, you are aiming to learn more about why children may talk to themselves or nutritional concerns for young children.

Why: It is important to be able to get information out of articles and educational media.

How:1. Read the sample article review (to see what the finished product should look like) and then read the Article “Why Children Talk to Themselves” or watch the video Picky Eating Isn’t About the Food.2. Fill out the following questions below. Make sure the summary is at least one full page double-spaced following writing guidelines.3.  Make sure your answers are substantive (i.e., if you are asked to write a paragraph, don’t write one sentence; if you are asked to state different things you learned, make sure you do not just list three things. Go into detail about each thing instead in 2-3 sentences each), accurate, and clear (i.e., free of grammar errors).4. Review your answers for grammar and spelling.5. Review your answers to ensure that they are accurate, clear, and substantive. Check your answers against the rubric.

6. Paper must follow APA format and the writing guidelines indicated here. 


These are the only questions and prompts on the example that you have to respond to.

Responses should provide as much detail as the sample. Please avoid writing short responses.
Writers Solution

Areas of development and important considerations during middle and late childhood

What: In this assignment, you are aiming to demonstrate the following objectives:

  • Explain different areas of development and important considerations during middle and late childhood.

Why: It is important to be able to properly educate parents and others in the lay community.


  1. Choose a topic (don’t feel like you have to include every single detail from the textbook or other credible source)
    • Physical Growth, Physical Education, Sports, Childhood Obesity (i.e., select only 2 to focus on if you choose this bullet point)
    • Brain Growth, Cognitive Development, Information Processing, Language Development (i.e., select only 2 to focus on if you choose this bullet point)
    • Education,  Learning Disabilities, ADHD in Children (i.e., select 1-2 to focus on)
    • Socioemotional Development, Friends & Peers, Family Life (i.e., select only 2 to focus on if you choose this bullet point)
  2. Create a 6 sided pamphlet (i.e., only one side can contain only photos; The remaining slides can be text only or text and photos).
    • A pamphlet is a small, unbound single subject hand-out that provides less, but more focused information than a brochure.  Pamphlets are most commonly used to educate the reader about a particular topic.
    • You may submit a Word document (search templates for brochures) or PDF. Please don’t paste your brochure on a Word document like the examples. Canva.comLinks to an external site. has some templates and allows you to save as a PDF.  (i.e., make sure you look for the FREE templates).
  3. Include the following information
    • Introduction to your topic (i.e., description). Consider the reasons this topic is important.
    • Identify and elaborate on important concepts regarding the topic (i.e., you may use the textbook and any credible sources for information)
    • Use language parents would understand
    • At least 3 resources that parents can use to learn more on your topic; each resource should have a brief description (e.g., reputable books, podcasts, websites, etc)
    • Do not plagiarize. You must still summarize and paraphrase any info you use from any source. Since the pamphlet is small, I won’t require in-text citations but you should list your sources under the parent resources area. They should be referenced by identifying them with a brief description such as ‘According to the CDC’ to give them credit.
  4. Review your pamphlet for grammar and spelling. Review your information to ensure that it is accurate, clear, and substantive. Check your information against the rubric.
  5. Be mindful of the visual design of your pamphlet. All details should be legible, balanced, organized, and aesthetically pleasing.


GET SOLUTION FOR THIS ASSIGNMENT, Get Impressive Scores in Your Class on Areas of development and important considerations during middle and late childhood