Writers Solution

Neurological and musculoskeletal pathophysiologic processes that would account for the patient presenting these symptoms

74-year-old male with a history of hypertension and smoking, is having dinner with his wife when he develops sudden onset of difficulty speaking, with drooling from the left side of his mouth, and weakness in his left hand. His wife asks him if he is all right and the patient denies any difficulty. His symptoms progress over the next 10 minutes until he cannot lift his arm and has trouble standing. The patient continues to deny any problems. The wife sits the man in a chair and calls 911. The EMS squad arrives within 5 minutes. Upon arrival in the ED, patient‘s blood pressure was 178/94, pulse 78 and regular, PaO2 97% on room air. Neuro exam – Cranial nerves- Mild left facial droop. Motor- Right arm and leg extremity with 5/5 strength. Left arm cannot resist gravity, left leg with mild drift. Sensation intact. Neglect- Mild neglect to left side of body. Language- Expressive and receptive language intact.

Mild to moderate dysarthria. Able to protect airway.

Please do a 1 to 2-page case study analysis. In your Case Study Analysis related to the scenario provided, explain the following:

•           Both the neurological and musculoskeletal pathophysiologic processes that would account for the patient presenting these symptoms.

•           Any racial/ethnic variables that may impact physiological functioning.

•           How these processes interact to affect the patient.  


  • McCance, K. L. & Huether, S. E. (2019). Pathophysiology: the biologic basis for disease in adults and children (8th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Mosby/Elsevier.
    • Chapter 15: Structure and Function of the Neurologic System
    • Chapter 16: Pain, Temperature Regulation, Sleep, and Sensory Function (stop at Sleep); Summary Review
    • Chapter 17: Alterations in Cognitive Systems, Cerebral Hemodynamics, and Motor Function (start at Acute confusional states and delirium) (stop at Alterations in neuromotor functions); (Parkinson’s Disease); Summary Review
    • Chapter 18: Disorders of the Central and Peripheral Nervous Systems and the Neuromuscular Junction (stop at Degenerative disorders of the spine); (start at Cerebrovascular disorders) (stop at Tumors of the central nervous system); Summary Review
    • Chapter 44: Structure and Function of the Musculoskeletal System (stop at Components of muscle function); Summary Review
    • Chapter 45: Alterations of Musculoskeletal Function (stop at Bone tumors); (start at Disorders of joints); Summary Review
    • Chapter 47: Structure, Function, and Disorders of the Integument (section on Lyme Disease)
  • Chin, L. S. (2018). Spinal cord injuriesLinks to an external site.. Retrieved from


GET SOLUTION FOR THIS ASSIGNMENT, Get Impressive Scores in Your Class on neurological and musculoskeletal pathophysiologic processes that would account for the patient presenting these symptoms


Writers Solution

Fair Value Under Fire

Revisit the article Fair Value Under Fire and consider other resources used throughout the course. Discuss the potential impacts of fair value within the professional field. What should be considered in regard to fair value accounting and whether it is the best decision for the company? What information would be most valuable to management, lenders, and investors as it relates to fair value or other concepts covered in the course?

The article I chose is by Andrews (2019), where he makes a case for using fair value accounting and addresses criticism against the practice. The author’s main point is that fair value accounting is superior to historical cost accounting because it provides reliable and relevant information to investors and users of financial statements. Furthermore, the author explains that fair value accounting accurately captures the current asset value depending on the expected future income. As a result, it is more informative and dynamic; in contrast, historical cost accounting records the original cost and depreciates it over time. 

Although Andrews (2019) offers a comprehensive case for fair value accounting, I am afraid I have to disagree with the views presented in the article. I acknowledge the benefits of using fair value accounting; however, it is impossible to overcome the fact that it introduces subjectivity into financial reporting. Accounting is about sticking to factual information and data; without this foundation, the values are susceptible to manipulation and can be influenced depending on different agendas. Furthermore, the introduction of subjectivity means that the information can be misleading. 

The implication for companies is that since fair value accounting is currently fashionable, they will be pressured to adopt the standards to attract investors. Andrews (2019) believes that companies adopting fair value accounting will increase transparency and provide up-to-date information. As a user of financial statements, I prefer to see historical cost accounting because it is objective and offers a solid foundation for financial reporting. It offers a comprehensive overview of a company’s position without inflating or manipulating the numbers.


GET SOLUTION FOR THIS ASSIGNMENT, Get Impressive Scores in Your Class on Fair Value Under Fire


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Contemporary issue involves understanding and identifying opposing and supporting sides

Analysis of Unit Readings

To engage in true discussion or considerations about any topic, some effort must be made to fully understand or define the issue in question. An issue, by definition, includes both sides of a topic. Part of truly discussing a contemporary issue involves understanding and identifying opposing and supporting sides. We do not, after all, have much hope in making the right decisions or gaining clarity about a contemporary issue if we do not understand it in full. Demonstrate your mastery of defining the issue by completing the Unit III Analysis of Unit Resources template.

Follow the directions in the template for completing this assignment. Be sure to dedicate some detail to comparing and contrasting both articles. Take some time to reflect on the importance of doing so, as well.

Complete your assignment in the assigned template. It should be three pages in length. No sources will be required for this assignment.


GET SOLUTION FOR THIS ASSIGNMENT, Get Impressive Scores in Your Class on Contemporary issue involves understanding and identifying opposing and supporting sides

TO BE RE-WRITTEN FROM THE SCRATCH”Unit_III_Analysisof_UnitReadings_Template.docx/file
Writers Solution

What are Cards?

Directions: Upload your First “Card” assignment, as explained here (and also in the Orientation module).What are Cards?

Cards are things you write. They could be done on notecards, a sheet of paper, or via a document for online submissions. 

In a card, you make ONE (1) philosophical move in reaction to the assigned reading.

So, each card has a page range (pages 1-7 in Aristotle’s Ethics, for instance). You read those pages and then make ONE (1) move.

What’s a Move?

Philosophers do things in arguments, like Challenge, Clarify, and Corroborate.


When you challenge something in the reading, you suggest that something the author said is not true. Essentially: tell me why what the author has said is false. When you do this, there are three key points:

  • you CITE
  • you employ CHARITY
  • you use your own words to explain the challenge.


When you clarify something, you introduce a distinction that is helpful to the current argument. Essentially, tell me a distinction that is helpful to keep in mind while thinking through this argument. When you do this, you must do three key things:

  • you CITE
  • you employ CHARITYLinks to an external site.
  • you use your own words in explaining what the clarification means and what it will do for the argument.


When you corroborate something, you suggest that something the author has said is true. Essentially, tell me why the author is correct in something they said, providing additional evidence. When you do this, you do the following:

  • You give more evidence for that claim.
  • You CITE the text,
  • You employ CHARITY,
  • You explain in your own words.


GET SOLUTION FOR THIS ASSIGNMENT, Get Impressive Scores in Your Class on What are Cards?


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Social and Racial Problems Presentation

Social and Racial Problems Presentation (a mid-point program assessment) will be used to measure students’ ability to conduct and present content related to a social or racial problem giving attention to the content knowledge and skills below.

  1. Identify the history of the problem. The candidate provides a detailed description of the social problem.
  2. Discuss how social and racial stratification exacerbate (worsen) the problem.
  3. Compile secondary research in a review of literature on the problem.
  4. Compose recommendations on how to resolve or respond to the problem.
  5. Draft an APA formatted reference list.
  6. Compile information into a cohesive PowerPoint Presentation.

Part I – Required

Write a 5-page paper that is double-spaced (excluding cover and reference pages). You will select a racial or social issue that has affected your community over time (you may select an issue from chapter 12 or 13). In summary, select the problem and discuss its historical background, discuss how racial/social stratification has intensified the problem in your community, and provide recommendation(s) on how to solve the problem.

  1. Use basic, secondary research skills to examine the history of a social and/or racial problem.
  2. Discuss how social and racial stratification intensify the social and/or racial problem.
  3. Synthesize recent and relevant secondary research in a review of literature on the social or racial problem (Must include 8-10 reference sources).
  4. Compose recommendations on how to resolve or respond to the problem.
  5. Compile a properly formatted APA reference list.


GET SOLUTION FOR THIS ASSIGNMENT, Get Impressive Scores in Your Class on Social and Racial Problems Presentation


Writers Solution

Norms for the public venue and civic context in which you are presenting

DirectionsPart 1: Proposal and Presentation Plan (approximately 1,000 words)

You will draft your proposal and your plan for communicating it prior to beginning to create the presentation itself to ensure you are establishing a clear narrative for your audience. Your mentor has also requested that you provide an analysis of your audience and how you will be addressing them (i.e., the location and format) to ensure that your presentation is suitable for this audience. This will ensure your mentor can provide you the best possible feedback.

  1. Complex Issue: Select a complex issue from the provided list. Describe the “who” and “what” behind the issue you have selected so that your mentor can provide you feedback on the appropriateness of how you’ve situated the problem and your proposal for addressing it for your audience:
  • Issue explanation
  • Sociopolitical and historical context of the issue
  • Importance to the stakeholders in impacted community
  1. Annotated Bibliography: Remember, your mentor has been very clear that an appeal to your audience’s passions is not sufficient in addressing your complex issue. Provide research and evidence that supports your explanation of the complex issue and your recommendations around this issue:
  • Use relevant and credible sources that represent a variety of perspectives
  • Explain how sources inform potential and logical next steps based on resources
  1. Your Position and Course of Action: Next, address the “why” behind the issue in your proposal ensuring you:
  • Explain your position on this issue
  • Describe a logical course of action or actions aligned with your proposal and supported by evidence
  1. Audience Analysis: Lastly, look carefully at the “who” again and “where.” Potentially there will be individuals in your audience from diverse cultures aside from your primary audience. Discuss the following and how you will ensure your visuals and verbal or text narrative will address:
  • Norms for the public venue and civic context in which you are presenting
  • Communication strategies appropriate in addressing your primary audience
  • Communication strategies appropriate in addressing multicultural audiences that differ from your primary audience (for example, are there linguistic preferences or nonverbal signs that would be preferable or not preferable?)

Part 2: Proposal Presentation (10–15 slides with speaker notes in slide deck, or 15-minute video with transcript)

Now that you’ve completed your plan and have a concrete approach around your idea, you feel even more confident about communicating your position! You have many choices for presenting yourself (slide deck with speaker notes or video with transcript). You know your choice will be the “how” behind communicating your position. Your choice of vehicle (slide deck or video) and the information you include in the speaker notes or transcript must address all of the following:

  • Presentation of Issue: Set the stage for your audience:
  • Situate your issue by clearly identifying it
  • Briefly describe the sociopolitical context (local, regional, national, or global)
  • Recommendation: Ensure you concisely and clearly cover:
  • Main Idea
  • Call to Action
  • Communication of Explanation: Ensure you are using your speaker notes or video narration/transcript to ensure your narrative:
  • Aligns to the norms of the public venue in which you are presenting
  • Addresses cultural needs and expectations of the group
  • Appropriate Practices: Use conventions that are:
  • Appropriate to persuasive argument
  • Suitable for a variety of cultural backgrounds
  • Necessary to avoid communicating bias, either intended or unintended
  • Articulation of Response: Clearly convey meaning, demonstrating an understanding of audience and purpose:
  • Correct grammar
    • Avoid slang and jargon
  • Sentence structure
  • Spelling

What to Submit

Every project has a deliverable or deliverables, which are the files that must be submitted before your project can be assessed. For this project, you must submit the following:

  1. Proposal and Presentation Plan (approximately 1,000 words)Draft your proposal and your plan for communicating it prior to beginning to create the presentation itself to ensure you are establishing a clear narrative for your audience. Your mentor has also requested that you provide an analysis of your audience and how you will be addressing them (i.e., the location and format) to ensure that your presentation is suitable for this audience. This will ensure your mentor can provide you the best possible feedback.
  2. Proposal Presentation (10–15 slides with speaker notes in slide deck, or 15-minute video with transcript)Choose a vehicle (slide deck or video) and include information in the speaker notes or transcript. Your choice will be the “how” behind communicating your position.

Please help me to add the following feedback to my paper. 

Complex Issue: Describes a complex issue that is of importance to impacted community supported by sociopolitical and historical context

Criterion Feedback

9/27/23 – Niovy, the feedback provided on 9/21 has yet. to be applied.  Again, please incorporate some additional insights to frame the sociopolitical context and there should be substantive research to support your analysis. With the historical context, it is not clear which events have contributed to the problem or what was the catalyst that created a need to examine this issue further. Why did food insecurity become such an important focus? Why did we start to consider this issue? Does it date back to the conditions after the war or during the Great Depression? Is this a newer challenge that arose after a specific series of events? Identify the events and incorporate research for support. In examining the sociopolitical context, think about who is impacted most. Are there certain geographic locations experiencing more issues with food insecurity than others? Are specific populations more affected than others? What research can be used to substantiate your evaluation?

09/21/23 – Niovy, you are making good progress; however, you need to incorporate some additional insights to frame the sociopolitical context and there should be substantive research to support your analysis. With the historical context, it is not clear which events have contributed to the problem or what was the catalyst that created a need to examine this issue further. Why did food insecurity become such an important focus? Why did we start to consider this issue? Does it date back to the conditions after the war or during the Great Depression? Is this a newer challenge that arose after a specific series of events? Identify the events and incorporate research for support. In examining the sociopolitical context, think about who is impacted most. Are there certain geographic locations experiencing more issues with food insecurity than others? Are specific populations more affected than others? What research can be used to substantiate your evaluation?

Annotated Bibliography: Describes relevant and credible resources representing a variety of perspectives, and how those resources support your explanation of this complex issue

Criterion Feedback

9/27/23 – The feedback provided on 9/21 has yet. to be applied.  Again, please include at least three annotations (you currently have two, but need to incorporate an additional source). Also, include an analysis of credibility and relevancy for each source using the guidance from the previous feedback.

09/21/23 – Again, good work, but the previous feedback has not been fully incorporated. Given the complexity of your topic, please include at least three annotations (you currently have two, but need to incorporate an additional source). Also, include an analysis of credibility and relevancy for each source using the guidance from the previous feedback.

9/2/23 – Niovy, you are off to a great start in this area as well!  But take another look as your annotated bibliography.  You will need to include at least three (3) sources and address each of the elements below:

Clearly evaluate each of your sources against these five (5) criteria:

Authority: Authority refers to the credibility of the author or creator of the information. A person with authority is an accepted expert in his/her field.

Accuracy: Accuracy refers to how factual the source is. An accurate source has reliable references to back up its claims – references that can be verified.

Currency: What is current varies from subject to subject. Medical research relies on a shorter time period for currency than literary or historical studies.

Relevance: Is the source really relevant to your topic? Does it strengthen your argument? Some sources may only relate to your topic in a loose way, especially topics with multiple subcategories.

Objectivity: The point of view and purpose of a source can help you determine how objective a source is and how much bias plays a role

Please address the criteria, for every source in this section, and clearly state why it meets or does not meet that criteria by asking these questions.

Are the authors an authority? Why or why not?  

Is the information presented factual? Why or why not? How do you know?

Is the information current? Why or why not?

Is the source really relevant to your topic? Does it strengthen your argument?  

Is the point of view objective?


You have a good start to compiling the entries for your annotated bibliography. For your next submission, you must have at least three entries.  

The annotated bibliography provides the research foundation for your challenge and helps to guide your position around the topic. To achieve mastery, please ensure your annotated bibliography is in the appropriate format, which will help to analyze the credibility of your sources.  

Project Resource:

Each entry needs to include these elements:

-Identifying the source authors and discussing their place in society. You need to state information about the author’s education and career background. What makes them an ‘expert’ in this topic? This should be stated in the introduction to the article. Sometimes this is listed at the conclusion of the article.

-Discussing the purpose of the piece and why it was written.

-Explaining the value or ideas behind the content in the source.

-Addressing the credibility of the piece (why or why not). You need to determine if the author based the article on credible, cited research – look at the Reference list of resources. For example – if it is a blog and just based on opinion, this may be useful information but is not as credible. If you use a blog, you need to note that is or is not research-based.

Your Position and Course of Action: Explains your position on the issue and course of action or actions aligned with that position and supported by evidence

Criterion Feedback

9/27/23 – The feedback provided on 9/21 has yet. to be applied.  Again, please fully discuss the course of action and your plans. For example:

First, I propose XXX, which is aligned to the research by Smith (2019); Second, I propose xxx. This will allow you to fully discuss the course of action and your plans.  As you develop each course of action, consider how to implement each recommendation, which will guide how you structure each action. A very important aspect of this area is to include supporting rationale. Please be sure to provide significant supporting evidence for each course of action, which will be evidenced by the use of in-text citations and significant discussion of how the recommendations align to the research.

09/21/23 – You are heading in the right direction, but as stated in the previous feedback, more is needed to address this area fully. It is important to keep in mind that courses of action are recommendations that can be implemented to address the issue. Additionally, it may be helpful to format the courses of action similar to the following. First, I propose XXX, which is aligned to the research by Smith (2019); Second, I propose xxx. This will allow you to fully discuss the course of action and your plans.  As you develop each course of action, consider how to implement each recommendation, which will guide how you structure each action. A very important aspect of this area is to include supporting rationale. Please be sure to provide significant supporting evidence for each course of action, which will be evidenced by the use of in-text citations and significant discussion of how the recommendations align to the research.

First I propose X (action/solution), according to Y (source) this is beneficial…





Use the “Interactive: Methods Map” found in the Unit Resources under Research Methods and Research Methodologies to review methods and problem-solving approaches to consider when addressing the recommendations for a given research question or complex challenge. The “Website: Reading Scientific Research” found under the Unit Resources under Research Methods and Research Methodologies presents a strategy for quickly locating key information in scientific research articles. In the Unit Resources: Evaluating Sources: “The Importance of Relevance Sources” explores the importance of relevance related to sources found throughout the research process.


You have a good start to this rubric item. For your next submission, you need to explain why this civic issue is important to you and why you chose this issue for your proposal.

The course of actions identified are good strategies; however, be sure to discuss how the evidence listed supports the identified course of action(s). This will be evidenced by the use of in-text citations and significant discussion of how the recommendations align to the research.  Provide a brief summation or overview of how the source supports the course of action. This will provide credibility to your recommendations.

As you develop each course of action, consider how to implement each recommendation, which will guide how you structure each action. A very important aspect of this area is to include supporting rationale.  

Consider putting in your proposal a well-laid out plan that has recommendations supported by the sources that you have researched.  This will provide credibility to the recommendations as well as show how each connects to the research. For example:

First I propose X (action/solution), according to Y (source) this is beneficial…





Presentation of Issue: Provides brief description of the sociopolitical context to situate your issue and provide context for your audience

Criterion Feedback

9/27/23 – Same here, the feedback provided on 9/21 has yet. to be applied.  Again, please incorporate some additional insights to frame the sociopolitical context and there should be substantive research to support your analysis. With the historical context, it is not clear which events have contributed to the problem or what was the catalyst that created a need to examine this issue further. Why did food insecurity become such an important focus? Why did we start to consider this issue? Does it date back to the conditions after the war or during the Great Depression? Is this a newer challenge that arose after a specific series of events? Identify the events and incorporate research for support. In examining the sociopolitical context, think about who is impacted most. Are there certain geographic locations experiencing more issues with food insecurity than others? Are specific populations more affected than others? What research can be used to substantiate your evaluation?

09/21/23 – Unable to provide feedback. Presentation was not included as part of this submission.

9/2/23 – Same here, you are off to a really good start but need to situate your complex challenge by incorporating more background insights from the research. More is needed to understand the sociopolitical and historical contexts that impact the issue.  

Sociopolitical Context

Is this issue a recent issue or did a specific event contribute to more stressful work environments (i.e. Financial Collapse, Great Depression)? Additionally, as you consider the sociopolitical aspects, consider the following questions. Does the challenge impact specific industries, cultures, or occupations more than others?  Is this a global, regional, or national issue? Be sure to cite your sources as you incorporate these insights from the research.  

Historical Context

More is needed for the historical context is to show how over time this challenge initiated and evolved to being an issue today.  For example if you were focused on climate change you would be able to trace back to 1800s, human activities became the main driver of climate change, primarily due to the burning of fossil fuels (like coal, oil, and gas)…in 19XX the auto industry added to the emissions issue, 19XX when more factories were being built, 20XX presented a rise in housing developments; cutting down forests to create new homes or commercial properties, or for other reasons.

That historical context is needed to show a longitudinal advancement of the issue over the course of time.  Having multiple instances/dates in history help tie the cause and effect in a way that helps to explain why your topic is so important to your audience.


The revisions requested for your proposal will also need to be done for your this rubric item in your slideshow.


GET SOLUTION FOR THIS ASSIGNMENT, Get Impressive Scores in Your Class on Norms for the public venue and civic context in which you are presenting


Writers Solution

Describe what human relations means

The term “human relations” covers all types of interactions among people – their conflicts, cooperative efforts, and group relationships. It is the study of why our beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors sometimes cause relationship problems in our personal lives and in work-related situations. The study of human relations emphasized the analysis of human behavior, prevention strategies, resolution of behavior problems, and self-development.

Knowledge of human relations can help one manage human interactions and relationships. Human relations are incredibly important in the healthcare industry as they can help put clients and patients at ease, calm stressful situations, and resolve conflict.

For this discussion, conduct independent research to explore in more detail why human relations are important in the workplace. Use the insights you’ve gained to help you respond to the discussion prompts.

2. Initial Post: Create a new thread and answer all three parts of the initial prompt below

Introduce yourself to your instructor and classmates. Be sure to include the following:

  1. Based on your research, describe what human relations means.
  2. Describe one (1) new piece of information you learned about why human relations are important in the workplace.
  3. Explain how this knowledge can help you in your future career as an allied health professional.


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Liebeck v. McDonald’s case

Unit 4 DB: Liebeck v. McDonalds (The “Hot Coffee” Case)Unit

Review the resources regarding the Liebeck v. McDonald’s case. Think about what you learned about torts in this unit. If you were a member of the jury, would you have decided for Liebeck or for McDonald’s? Be sure to support your position with citation to authority and the elements of negligence.In response to your peers: In response to your peers: In response to your peers, consider your peers’ response. If they disagree with your response, consider the factual assumptions they have made which form the foundation of their opinion. Can you challenge those assumptions while furthering your discussion? If your responses are similar, consider posing a hypothetical question to test your peer’s conclusions.Regardless of whether you are an attorney arguing in court or a business stakeholder pitching to shareholders or a potential client, adding support for your argument from appropriate resources strengthens your content. For this discussion board, be sure to include a citation to an appropriate source that supports the point you are making. (HINT: Your textbook is a great source!)THE MCDONALD’S HOT COFFEE CASEIt is the case that gave rise to the attacks on “frivolous lawsuits” in the United States. Almost everyone seems to know about it. And there’s a good chance everything you know about it is wrong.

In 1992, 79-year-old Stella Liebeck bought a cup of takeout coffee at a McDonald’s drive-thru in Albuquerque and spilled it on her lap. She sued McDonald’s and a jury awarded her nearly $3 million in punitive damages for the burns she suffered.

Typical reaction: Isn’t coffee supposed to be hot? And McDonald’s didn’t pour the coffee on her, she spilled it on herself! Besides, she was driving the car and wasn’t paying attention.

Now for the facts:

Mrs. Liebeck was not driving when her coffee spilled, nor was the car she was in moving. She was the passenger in a car that was stopped in the parking lot of the McDonald’s where she bought the coffee. She had the cup between her knees while removing the lid to add cream and sugar when the cup tipped over and spilled the entire contents on her lap.

The coffee was not just “hot,” but dangerously hot. McDonald’s corporate policy was to serve it at a temperature that could cause serious burns in seconds. Mrs. Liebeck’s injuries were far from frivolous. She was wearing sweatpants that absorbed the coffee and kept it against her skin. She suffered third-degree burns (the most serious kind) and required skin grafts on her inner thighs and elsewhere.

Liebeck’s case was far from an isolated event. McDonald’s had received more than 700 previous reports of injury from its coffee, including reports of third-degree burns, and had paid settlements in some cases.

Mrs. Liebeck offered to settle the case for $20,000 to cover her medical expenses and lost income. But McDonald’s never offered more than $800, so the case went to trial. The jury found Mrs. Liebeck to be partially at fault for her injuries, reducing the compensation for her injuries accordingly. But the jury’s punitive damages award made headlines — upset by McDonald’s unwillingness to correct a policy despite hundreds of people suffering injuries, they awarded Liebeck the equivalent of two days’ worth of revenue from coffee sales for the restaurant chain. That wasn’t, however, the end of it. The original punitive damage award was ultimately reduced by more than 80 percent by the judge. And, to avoid what likely would have been years of appeals, Mrs. Liebeck and McDonald’s later reached a confidential settlement.

Here is some of the evidence the jury heard during the trial:  

  • McDonald’s operations manual required the franchisee to hold its coffee at 180 to 190 degrees Fahrenheit.
  • Coffee at that temperature, if spilled, causes third-degree burns in three to seven seconds.
  • The chairman of the department of mechanical engineering and biomechanical engineering at the University of Texas testified that this risk of harm is unacceptable, as did a widely recognized expert on burns, the editor-in-chief of the Journal of Burn Care and Rehabilitation, the leading scholarly publication in the specialty.
  • McDonald’s admitted it had known about the risk of serious burns from its scalding hot coffee for more than 10 years. The risk had repeatedly been brought to its attention through numerous other claims and suits.
  • An expert witness for the company testified that the number of burns was insignificant compared to the billions of cups of coffee the company served each year.
  • At least one juror later told the Wall Street Journal she thought the company wasn’t taking the injuries seriously. To the corporate restaurant giant those 700 injury cases caused by hot coffee seemed relatively rare compared to the millions of cups of coffee served. But, the juror noted, “there was a person behind every number and I don’t think the corporation was attaching enough importance to that.”
  • McDonald’s quality assurance manager testified that McDonald’s coffee, at the temperature at which it was poured into Styrofoam cups, was not fit for consumption because it would burn the mouth and throat.
  • McDonald’s admitted at trial that consumers were unaware of the extent of the risk of serious burns from spilled coffee served at McDonald’s then-required temperature.
  • McDonald’s admitted it did not warn customers of the nature and extent of this risk and could offer no explanation as to why it did not.

In a story about the case published shortly after the verdict was delivered in 1994, one of the jurors said over the course of the trial he came to realize the case was about “callous disregard for the safety of the people.” Another juror said “the facts were so overwhelmingly against the company.”That’s because those jurors were able to hear all the facts — including those presented by McDonald’s — and see the extent of Mrs. Liebeck’s injuries. Ask anyone who criticizes the case as a “frivolous lawsuit” that resulted in “jackpot justice” if they have done the same.  

please see links regarding to case 


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Enhancing Employee Well-being through Flexible Work Arrangements

Topic is Enhancing Employee Well-being through Flexible Work Arrangements 

Locate the “Prospectus Template” on the DC Network and download either the quantitative or qualitative template depending on your selected methodology. This assignment requires the inclusion of at least two scholarly research sources related to this topic and at least one in-text citation from each source. Based on the methodology of your potential dissertation topic, select the appropriate prospectus template: “Quantitative Prospectus PPT” or “Qualitative Prospectus PPT.” Revise/complete the following template slides to describe and defend your potential study. Your choices must be defended with relevant current research. Proposed Dissertation Topic Title My Topic is Enhancing Employee Well-being through Flexible Work Arrangements Alignment Table (fill in from corresponding slides below). Note: The purpose statement box is not required for this assignment. Literature Review: Background to the Problem Literature Review: Problem Space Literature Review: Theoretical Foundations Literature Review: Review of Literature Problem Statement Variables (if quantitative) or Phenomenon (if qualitative) Research Questions (and Hypotheses if quantitative) Methodology Justification. Note: Include a rationale for not choosing the other methodology. Design. Note: Complete the entire table per the slide requirements. Feasibility.

1.     Proposed Dissertation Topic Title Must be 12 words or less 2.     Alignment Table (fill in from corresponding slides below). Note: The purpose statement box is not required for this assignment. 3.     Literature Review: Background to the Problem 2-3 paragraphs written GCU style: no citation in the first sentence (topic sentence), supporting citations and no citation at end of the paragraph. This is to be about the history of the issue. For your final Proposal, this section will be the history of the research on the issue. 4.     Literature Review: Problem Space Your 5 empirical articles from 2020-23 and each written following this formula: Citation, “conducted a (method/design) study with (# participants) to investigate (what) and found (what). The recommendation for further research was (what?). 5.     Literature Review: Theoretical Foundations: graphic of the theory you are using with an arrow to the parts you are choosing. (If quant—this theory comes from the instruments and you are using the entire theory). Author of the theory and citation 6.     Literature Review: Review of Literature: list only the topics—you do not need to start to populate the topics yet. But if you have started—go ahead and include. NOTE: these topics must align with either your variables (quant) or theory (qual) 7.     Problem Statement: Align with the method you are using 8.     Variables (if quantitative) or Phenomenon (if qualitative) Use the feedback from previous assignments 9.     Research Questions (and Hypotheses if quantitative) 10.   Methodology Justification. Two cited definitions for EACH method; summary for each method “this method is most appropriate when…”; AND 1-3 studies on your topic that are recommending further research using your method. 11.   Design. Qual: all five designs; Quant: all six designs. TWO cited definitions for each with a summary: “This design is most appropriate when… 12.   Feasibility:  Follow the prompts that are listed in the notes section of the PPT

My draft from previous assignment Enhancing Employee Well-being through Flexible Work Arrangements       


Business-related pressure, burnout, and the battle to balance serious and fun activities have become huge difficulties in current working environments. Associations have gone to adaptable work plans, like working from home and strategic scheduling, to resolve these issues (Weideman & Hofmeyr, 2020). In any case, the effectiveness of adaptable work game plans in further developing representative prosperity remains unsure.

The Existence of the Problem and the Need for Additional Research

Ongoing investigations have featured the pervasiveness of business-related pressure, burnout, and diminished balance between serious and fun activities among workers, stressing the need to resolve these issues. Organizations have recognized the significance of offering work flexibility to mitigate the difficulties posed by today’s workplace requirements (Ab Wahab and Tatoglu, E. (2020). Adaptable work courses of action, like working from home, strategic scheduling, packed work-filled weeks, and occupation sharing, offer representatives more prominent command over their plans for getting work done and areas, taking into account further developed work-life reconciliation.

However, regardless of the rising adoption of adaptable work courses of action, the viability of these practices in further developing representative prosperity stays uncertain. While certain investigations have announced positive results, such as decreased pressure and expanded work fulfillment, others have found blended results or adverse consequences on representative prosperity (Weideman & Hofmeyr, 2020). These irregularities feature the requirement for additional examination to comprehend the effect of adaptable work plans on representative prosperity and recognize best practices for execution. 

Furthermore, the research questions probe into the mechanisms and contextual factors surrounding this phenomenon. For instance, “How do flexible work arrangements affect work-life balance and stress levels amongst employees?” and “Are there generational or demographic transformations in the insight of flexible work arrangements on employee well-being?” investigate into the fundamental processes and possible variations in the impact of flexible work arrangements. The questions help uncover the nuances and complications associated with the phenomenon, auxiliary addressing the problem statement (Mache et al., 2020). The research questions are designed to systematically investigate the problem statement’s concerns concerning the impact of flexible work arrangements on employee well-being, cracking light on the phenomenon’s numerous facets and causative to a more inclusive understanding of this important workplace issue.

How might the answers to the research questions inform the problem space?

The answers to the research questions may considerably inform the problem space by offering an all-inclusive understanding of the link between flexible work arrangements and employee well-being. Perceptions gained from the research may direct organizations in tailoring their policies and practices to enhance well-being, which is particularly crucial in the context of evolving workplace dynamics. Knowledge of the most operative types of flexible work arrangements may help organizations make informed decisions on which options to offer, leading to advanced employee satisfaction and retaining. Understanding how flexible work arrangements impact work-life balance and stress levels can inform beleaguered interventions to alleviate stress and improve work-life coordination (Mache et al., 2020). Likewise, identifying generational or demographic differences in employees’ discernments can help organizations implement inclusive and impartial policies. The research findings may directly shape the problem space by offering actionable information for organizations to augment their approach to flexible work arrangements, eventually fostering a healthier and more fruitful workforce.

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Theoretical foundation that will ground the study

The study on is grounded in the Job-Demands-Resources (JD-R) Model, which hypothesizes that employees’ well-being is affected by job demands and job resources. Flexible work arrangements, including teleworking, flexible hours, and compacted workweeks, can be viewed as valuable job resources that enable employees gain greater autonomy and control over their work. According to the JD-R Model, these arrangements can alleviate the negative effects of job demands, like high workload and job-related stress, finally leading to improved employee well-being (Ray and Pana, 2021). By investigating how flexible work arrangements affect employees’ perceptions of job demands, resources, and their general well-being, the study seeks to contribute to the existing body of research on work-related well-being and offer insights into how establishments can successfully utilize flexible work arrangements to augment the health and satisfaction of their workforce.

Key concepts/Constructs of the study

The theoretical foundation and conceptual framework for the study on “Enhancing Employee Well-being through Flexible Work Arrangements” comprise several essential concepts and constructs. The first one is Flexible Work Arrangements (FWAs). The core of the study, FWAs encompass various methods such as telecommuting, flextime, and compressed workweeks, allowing employees to have more control over their work schedules and locations. The second one is Employee Well-being. This multifaceted construct represents the overall health and satisfaction of employees, encompassing physical, emotional, and psychological dimensions, including job satisfaction, work-life balance, and stress levels.

This is followed by Job-Demands-Resources (JD-R) Model. In this case, a theoretical framework that introduces the concepts of job demands and job resources to explain their effects on employee well-being, with FWAs acting as potential resources to mitigate job demands. The other one is Self-Determination Theory (SDT). This puts a lot of emphasis on intrinsic motivation, SDT inspects how autonomy, competence, and relatedness can influence employee well-being and how FWAs might contribute to fulfilling these needs. The other one is Social Exchange Theory.  This is a concept that explores the reciprocal dynamics in social relationships, suggesting that employees may respond positively to organizations offering supportive work arrangements like FWAs through increased commitment and well-being. The last one is Positive Psychology. Rooted in positive emotions, engagement, and meaning, positive psychology principles are applied to understand how FWAs may contribute to enhanced employee happiness and satisfaction.

Generational and Demographic Differences: Acknowledging the influence of factors such as age, gender, and demographics on employee perceptions and experiences of FWAs, this aspect adds depth to the analysis, allowing for a nuanced understanding of the impact of FWAs on diverse employee groups. The key concepts and constructs cooperatively form the underpinning of the study, guiding the investigation into how FWAs affect employee well-being and the fundamental mechanisms inside the affiliation.

Explain how the theories or conceptual frameworks guide the research topic identified from the problem space

The selected theories and conceptual frameworks play a very significant role in guiding the research topic acknowledged from the problem space. For instance, in this study, the Job-Demands-Resources (JD-R) Model directs the examination by helping identify the specific job demands and resources related to flexible work arrangements (FWAs) and how the elements affect employee well-being. Self-Determination Theory (SDT) offers insight into the mental aspects of motivation and autonomy, helping elucidate why and how FWAs might impact employees’ well-being. Social Exchange Theory directs the exploration of the mutuality between employees and organizations when it comes to FWAs, shedding light on the possible benefits and costs involved. Positive Psychology philosophies give a lens through which to inspect the positive emotional and engagement aspects of well-being associated with FWAs. The frameworks cooperatively inform the research’s structure, theories, and understanding, ensuring a comprehensive understanding of the topic within the problem space.Top of Form

Defend why the theoretical foundation or conceptual framework was selected over other alternatives.

The chosen theoretical foundation and conceptual framework were chosen over other alternatives because they offer a holistic perspective and a well-established basis for comprehending the complex relationship between flexible work arrangements (FWAs) and employee well-being. The Job-Demands-Resources (JD-R) Model, Self-Determination Theory (SDT), Social Exchange Theory, and Positive Psychology principles cooperatively offer a comprehensive framework that considers psychological, social, and organizational aspects of the topic. The frameworks are widely recognized and expansively studied, making them well-suited for guiding research in this field and ensuring the robustness and reliability of the study’s findings.

Relationships between the components

The components of the selected theoretical foundation and conceptual framework are inter-linked in a way that improves our comprehension of the research phenomenon. The Job-Demands-Resources (JD-R) Model identifies job demands and resources related to flexible work arrangements (FWAs), explicating their effects on employee well-being. Self-Determination Theory (SDT) helps expound the psychological areas of motivation and self-sufficiency, skimpy why and how FWAs influence well-being. Social Exchange Theory guides the examination of the reciprocal dynamics between employees and organizations in the context of FWAs. Positive Psychology philosophies offer insights into the positive emotions and engagement linked with well-being through FWAs. Together, the constituents offer a comprehensive and nuanced understanding of how FWAs affect employee well-being, considering psychological, social, and organizational magnitudes.

Problem Framing: Size and Scope of the Problem

The issue undermining the study involves analyzing the effect of adaptable work game plans on representative prosperity. Work-related stress, burnout, and poor work-life balance between serious and fun activities have huge ramifications for the two people and associations. Representatives encountering these difficulties are bound to experience the ill effects of diminished work fulfillment, decreased efficiency, and expanded turnover rates (Weideman & Hofmeyr, 2020). In addition, the negative effects can impact overall organizational outcomes like employee engagement, organizational commitment, and performance beyond the individual level.

The size and extent of the issue are significant, taking into account the rising pervasiveness of adaptable work game plans and the rising interest in work-life joining. With the fast development of remote work because of mechanical progressions and the COVID-19 pandemic, associations need to comprehend how various kinds of adaptable work game plans impact representative prosperity. This understanding is imperative for associations to foster successful methodologies that advance representative prosperity, keep up with efficiency, and encourage a positive workplace (Ray & Pana-Cryan, 2021). 

Variables Derived from the Problem Space

In this quantitative study, two key factors have been identified: flexible work arrangements and employee well-being. Employees can choose from flexible work options that give them more control over their work schedules and locations (Rozlan & Subramaniam, 2020). These choices incorporate working from home, which permits representatives to work remotely; strategic scheduling, which empowers representatives to have adaptable beginning and end times; compacted work-filled weeks, which include working longer hours on fewer days; furthermore, work sharing, where at least two representatives share the obligations of a solitary position. These various kinds of adaptable work courses of action are fundamental to looking at their effect on representative prosperity.

The concept of employee well-being is multifaceted and includes a variety of aspects of an individual’s overall well-being. Regarding this review, representative prosperity incorporates aspects, for example, actual well-being, mental prosperity, balance between serious and fun activities, work fulfillment, and personal satisfaction. These aspects mirror the comprehensive idea of prosperity and catch the key regions impacted by business-related pressure, burnout, and diminished balance between serious and fun activities (Ray & Pana-Cryan, 2021).

The issue space upholds these factors by featuring the difficulties representatives face in balancing fun and serious activities and the likely advantages of adaptable work game plans in tending to those difficulties. The pervasiveness of business-related pressure and burnout and the adverse consequence of balancing fun and serious activities highlight the need to examine the connection between adaptable work plans and representative prosperity. By looking at these factors, the review expects to give experiences into how various sorts of adaptable work courses of action can impact different elements of representative prosperity.

Concise and Focused Problem Statement

“The issue of work-related stress, burnout, and reduced work-life balance between fun and serious activities has become progressively prevalent, requiring the investigation of the effect of adaptable work game plans on representative prosperity. This quantitative review intends to explore the connection between various kinds of adaptable work plans and different components of representative prosperity, giving experimental proof and commonsense suggestions for associations to improve representative prosperity and advance supportable workplaces.”

By acknowledging the problem’s statement and the need to comprehend the impact of flexible work arrangements on employee well-being, this problem statement effectively addresses the problem space. It expresses the review’s goal: to examine the connection between adaptable work courses of action and representative prosperity across numerous aspects (Ray & Pana-Cryan, 2021). The articulation of the issue also underlines the meaning of the concentrate by featuring its capability to give exact proof and functional suggestions for associations looking to develop representative prosperity further and establish reasonable workplaces.


GET SOLUTION FOR THIS ASSIGNMENT, Get Impressive Scores in Your Class on Enhancing Employee Well-being through Flexible Work Arrangements


Writers Solution

Government agency to determine how it contributes to public health and safety improvements

Community Resources

INSRUCTIONS-Research a selected local, national, or global nonprofit organization or government agency to determine how it contributes to public health and safety improvements, promotes equal opportunity, and improves the quality of life within the community. Submit your findings in a 3-5 page report.

INSTRODUCTION – Many organizations work to better local and global communities’ quality of life and promote health and safety in times of crisis. As public health and safety advocates, nurses must be cognizant of how such organizations help certain populations. As change agents, nurses must be aware of factors that impact the organization and the services that it offers. Familiarity with these organizations enables the nurse to offer assistance as a volunteer and source of referral.

PREPARATION– You are interested in expanding your role as a nurse and are considering working in an area where you can help to promote equal opportunity and improve the quality of life within the local or global community. You are aware of several nonprofit organizations and government agencies whose work contributes to this effort in some way. You have particular interest in one of these organizations but would like to know more about its contributions to public health and safety improvements. You would like to report the results of your research in a scholarly paper that you could submit for publication.

Research a selected local, national, or global nonprofit organization or government agency from the list provided. Determine how the organization or agency contributes to public health and safety improvements, promotes equal opportunity, and improves the quality of life within the community. Submit your findings in a 3-5 page report.

As you begin to prepare this assessment, it would be an excellent choice to complete the Nonprofit Organizations and Community Health activity. Complete this activity to gain insight into promoting equal opportunity and

improving the quality of life in a community. The information gained from completing this activity will help you succeed with the assessment.

Choose the organization or agency you are most interested in researching:

· American Red Cross .

· Habitat for Humanity .

· United Way .

· Doctors Without Borders .

· The Salvation Army .

· United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) .

· Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) .

· Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) .

· National Center for Transgender Equality .

· National Resource Center on LGBT Aging .

· Advocacy & Services for LGBT Elders .

· Equal Justice Initiative .

· National Alliance to End Homelessness .

· Urban Triage .

· World Health Organization .

· The Arc: For People With Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities .

· Alliance for Retired Americans .

· Futures Without Violence .

· Blue Campaign: What Is Human Trafficking?

· Covenant House .

· Cultural Survival .

Note: As you revise your writing, check out the resources listed on the Writing Center’s  Writing Support  page.


Research a selected local, national, or global nonprofit organization or government agency from the list provided. Determine how the organization or agency contributes to public health and safety improvements, promotes equal opportunity, and improves the quality of life within the community. Submit your findings in a 3-5 page report.

As you begin to prepare this assessment, it would be an excellent choice to complete the Nonprofit Organizations and Community Health activity. Complete this activity to gain insight into promoting equal opportunity and improving the quality of life in a community. The information gained from completing this activity will help you succeed with the assessment. After completing this activity, choose an organization or agency from the list that you are most interested in researching.

Document Format and Length

Format your paper using APA style.

· Refer to the  APA Style Paper Tutorial [DOCX]  to help you in writing and formatting your paper. Be sure to include:

· A title page and references page. An abstract is not required.

· Appropriate section headings.

· Your paper should comprise 3-5 pages of content plus title and references pages.

Supporting Evidence

Cite at least three credible sources from peer-reviewed journals or professional industry publications published within the past 5 years that support your research findings.

Graded Requirements

The research requirements, outlined below, correspond to the grading criteria in the assessment scoring guide, so be sure to address each point.

· Explain how the organization’s mission and vision enable it to contribute to public health and safety improvements.

· Include examples of ways a local and/or global initiative supports organizational mission and vision and promotes public health and safety.

· Evaluate an organization’s ability to promote equal opportunity and improve the quality of life in the community.

· Consider the effects of social, cultural, economic, and physical barriers.

· Assess the impact of funding sources, policy, and legislation on the organization’s provision of services.

· Consider the potential implications of funding decisions, policy, and legislation for individuals, families, and aggregates within the community.

· Explain how an organization’s work impacts the health and/or safety needs of a local community.

· Consider how nurses might become involved with the organization.

· Organize content so ideas flow logically with smooth transitions; contains few errors in grammar/punctuation, word choice, and spelling.

· Apply APA formatting to in-text citations and references exhibiting nearly flawless adherence to APA format.

· Write with a specific purpose and audience in mind.

· Adhere to scholarly and disciplinary writing standards and APA formatting requirements.

Additional Requirements

Before submitting your paper, proofread it to minimize errors that could distract readers and make it difficult for them to focus on your research findings.

Competencies Measured

By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and scoring guide criteria:

Competency 1: Analyze health risks and health care needs among distinct populations.



· Explain how an organization’s work impacts the health and/or safety needs of a local community.

Competency 2: Propose health promotion strategies to improve the health of populations.



· Explain how an organization’s mission and vision enable it to contribute to public health and safety improvements.

Competency 3: valuate health policies, based on their ability to achieve desired outcomes.



· Assess the impact of funding sources, policy, and legislation on an organization’s service delivery.

Competency 4: Integrate principles of social justice in community health interventions.



· Evaluate an organization’s ability to promote equal opportunity and improve the quality of life in a community.

Competency 5: Apply professional, scholarly communication strategies to lead health promotion and improve population health.



· Organize content so ideas flow logically with smooth transitions; contains few errors in grammar/punctuation, word choice, and spelling.

· Apply APA formatting to in-text citations and references exhibiting nearly flawless adherence to APA format.

Scoring Guide

Use the scoring guide to understand how your assessment will be evaluated.

Community Resources Scoring Guide

Explain how an organization’s mission and vision enable it to contribute to public health and safety improvements.

Evaluate an organization’s ability to promote equal opportunity and improve the quality of life in a community.

Assess the impact of funding sources, policy, and legislation on an organization’s service delivery.

Explain how an organization’s work impacts the health and/or safety needs of a local community.

Organize content so ideas flow logically with smooth transitions; contains few errors in grammar/punctuation, word choice, and spelling.

Apply APA formatting to in-text citations and references exhibiting nearly flawless adherence to APA format.


GET SOLUTION FOR THIS ASSIGNMENT, Get Impressive Scores in Your Class on Government agency to determine how it contributes to public health and safety improvements