Writers Solution

Develop a training needs analysis including task analysis, personal analysis, organization analysis

 Unit 3 Project A

The course project is a series of elements where you will examine the current standing of an organization’s(Amazon) training system as it relates to a single training topic(the topic is Workers’ Compensation). In the final element of the training program, you will provide recommendations to the organization on how this training system can be improved.

*Develop a training needs analysis including task analysis, personal analysis, organization analysis.

*Evaluate the different methods and sources for performing a needs analysis.

*Evaluate relevant scholarly research and synthesize research to complete required assignments.


To conduct an analysis on the current state of the training program of an organization (Amazon). You should be writing about the training needs analysis process for Amazon. The training needs analysis process analyzes the organization, task, and person analysis.

Submission Requirements

· The body of the paper will be 4-5 pages. This does not include extraneous pages like title page, reference page, appendices.

· APA formatting (7th ed.) standards are required.

· A minimum of 5 scholarly resources needs to be used. An example of a scholarly resource can be an interview with an HR professional or a peer reviewed article from a Park University Library Journal Database. Course materials and personal experience do not count.

· A formal third person tone is required.

· Supplemental information (e.g., worksheets that are currently being used) can be presented in Appendices but do not count toward the body of the paper.

Unit 5 Project B


This is a continuation of Project A.

It is a continuation of the training needs for that organization (Amazon) as well research and discussion of training methods and delivery which includes on-the-job training, off-the-job training, the technology used, delivery methods used, and transfer of training analysis. The body of the paper will be 4-5 pages. This does not include extraneous pages like title page, reference page, appendices; APA formatting (7th ed.) standards are required, and a minimum of 5 scholarly resources are needed.

· The body of the paper will be 4-5 pages. This does not include extraneous pages like title page, reference page, appendices.

· APA formatting (7th ed.) standards are required.

· A minimum of 5 scholarly resources needs to be used. An example of a scholarly resource can be an interview with an HR professional or a peer reviewed article from a Park University Library Journal Database. Course materials and personal experience do not count.

· A formal third person tone is required.

· Supplemental information (e.g., worksheets that are currently being used) can be presented in Appendices but do not count toward the body of the paper.

Unit 6 Project C


This a continuation of Project A and B.

Steps should include:

*Analyze the different types of training evaluation and discuss the barriers to evaluation.

*Explain how training evaluation can be quantifiable and analyze different evaluation methods.

*Assess why training designers need to consider both the costs and benefits to a training program.

*Describe how to calculate the benefits of training programs including net benefit analysis, benefit-cost ratio, and return on investment.

*Evaluate relevant scholarly research and synthesize research to complete required assignments.

Additional Directions should include:

Conduct an analysis on the current state of the training program and address the current evaluation methods used. Reference should be made to specific quantifiable evaluation methods. The cost and benefit of the training should be presented.

· The body of the paper will be 4-5 pages. This does not include extraneous pages like title page, reference page, appendices.

· APA formatting (7th ed.) standards are required.

· A minimum of 5 scholarly resources needs to be used. An example of a scholarly resource can be an interview with an HR professional or a peer reviewed article from a Park University Library Journal Database. Course materials and personal experience do not count.

· A formal third person tone is required.

· Review the grading rubric for expectations.

· Supplemental information (e.g., worksheets that are currently being used) can be presented in Appendices but do not count toward the body of the paper

Writers Solution

Do research on one-or-two large software systems that were implemented successfully and on

 Project Planning

Do research on one-or-two large software systems that were implemented successfully and on

one-or-two large software systems that failed in their implementation. Write at least a 3-page

Word document, double-spaced, detailing each system.

Your paper should include a number of topic sections. Using the concept of A.D.D.I.E., create a

section to discuss the A.-Analysis that went into the system, a section to discuss the D.-Design of

the system, a section to discuss the D.-Development of the system, a section to discuss the I.-

Implementation of the system (successful or failed) and a section to discuss the E.-Evaluation of

the system (successful or failed). Provide the following:

1. An Introduction paragraph describing the assignment and a short description of the

systems selected.

2. A section that describes the first Software System (with an appropriate section Heading)

and a description of that Software System to include:

a. What is its purpose?

b. What operations it performs?

c. What are its inputs (resources, interfaces, when used)?

d. What are its outputs (interfaces, data)?

e. The system’s complexity/cost/feasibility.

f. Any constraints or risks found during the research.

3. Sections with details for each component of A.D.D.I.E. (with an appropriate section

Heading) to include:

a. Success or failures identified.

b. Issues or findings identified.

c. Recommendations or lessons learned.

Your paper should then conclude with a Findings section the compares the two systems. Provide

the following:

1. What made one system successful but make the other system fail.

2. What could have been done to make the failed system more successful.

3. What could have been done to make the successful system even more successful.

You must include at least 3 scholarly references with citations

Writers Solution

Boolean expressions and the selection structure

 Computing with Business Applications

1: Programming Logic and Design (comprehensive); by Joyce Farrell, Ninth Edition, Cengage Learning.

2: VBA for Modelers: Developing Decision Support Systems with Microsoft Office Excel; by Albright 5th edition, South Western Cengage Learning.

Chapter 4


1: Programming Logic and Design (comprehensive); by Joyce Farrell, Ninth Edition, Cengage Learning.

pages: 125-165


In this chapter, you will learn about:

• Boolean expressions and the selection structure

• The relational comparison operators

• AND logic

• OR logic

• Making selections within ranges

• Precedence when combining AND and OR operators

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Boolean Expressions and the Selection Structure

• Boolean expressions can be only true or false

• Every computer decision yields a true-or-false, yes-or-no, 1-or-0 result

• Used in every selection structure

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Boolean Expressions and the Selection Structure (continued)

• Dual-alternative (or binary) selection structure • Provides an action for each of two possible outcomes


Figure 4-1 The dual-alternative selection structure

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Boolean Expressions and the Selection Structure (continued)

• Single-alternative (or unary) selection structure • Action is provided for only one outcome

• if-then


Figure 4-2 The single-alternative selection structure

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Figure 4-3 Flowchart and pseudocode for overtime payroll program

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Figure 4-3 Flowchart and pseudocode for overtime payroll program (continued)

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Boolean Expressions and the Selection Structure (continued)

• if-then-else decision • if-then clause

• Holds the action or actions that execute when the tested condition in the decision is true

• else clause • Executes only when the tested condition in the decision is false

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Using Relational Comparison Operators • Relational comparison operators

– Six types supported by all modern programming languages

– Two values compared can be either variables or constants

• Trivial expressions – Will always evaluate to the same result

– Examples: • true for 20 = 20?

• false for 30 = 40?

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Table 4-1 Relational comparison operators

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Using Relational Comparison Operators (continued)

• Any decision can be made with only three types of comparisons: =, >, and < – The >= and <= operators are not necessary but make code more readable

• “Not equal” operator • Involves thinking in double negatives

• Best to restrict usage to “if without an else”—that is, only take action when some comparison is false

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Using Relational Comparison Operators (continued)


Figure 4-5 Using a negative comparison

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Using Relational Comparison Operators (continued)


Figure 4-6 Using the positive equivalent of the negative comparison in Figure 4-5

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Avoiding a Common Error with Relational Operators

• Common errors • Using the wrong operator

• Think BIG > small

• Think small < BIG

• Missing the boundary or limit required for a selection

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Understanding AND Logic • Compound condition

• Asks multiple questions before an outcome is determined

• AND decision • Requires that both of two tests evaluate to true

• Requires a nested decision (nested if) or a cascading if statement

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Figure 4-7 Flowchart and pseudocode for cell phone billing program

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Figure 4-7 Flowchart and pseudocode for cell phone billing program (continued)

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Nesting AND Decisions for Efficiency

• When nesting decisions • Either selection can come first

• Performance time can be improved by asking questions in the proper order

• In an AND decision, first ask the question that is less likely to be true • Eliminates as many instances of the second decision as possible

• Speeds up processing time

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Using the AND Operator

• Conditional AND operator • Ask two or more questions in a single comparison

• Each Boolean expression must be true for entire expression to evaluate to true

• Truth tables • Describe the truth of an entire expression based on the truth of its parts

• Short-circuit evaluation • Expression evaluated only as far as necessary to determine truth

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Using the AND Operator (continued)


Table 4-2 Truth table for the AND operator

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Figure 4-9 Using an AND operator and the logic behind it

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Avoiding Common Errors in an AND Selection • Second decision must be made entirely within the first decision

• In most programming languages, logical AND is a binary operator • Requires a complete Boolean expression on both sides

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Understanding OR Logic

• OR decision • Take action when one or the other of two conditions is true

• Example • “Are you free for dinner Friday or Saturday?”

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Writing OR Decisions for Efficiency

• May ask either question first • Both produce the same output but vary widely in number of questions asked

• If first question is true, no need to ask second

• In an OR decision, first ask the question that is more likely to be true • Eliminate as many extra decisions as possible

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Using the OR Operator

• Conditional OR operator • Ask two or more questions in a single comparison

• Only one Boolean expression in an OR selection must be true to produce a result of true

• Question placed first will be asked first • Consider efficiency

• Computer can ask only one question at a time

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Using the OR Operator (continued)


Table 4-3 Truth table for the OR operator

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Figure 4-13 Using an OR operator and the logic behind it

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Avoiding Common Errors in an OR Selection

• Second question must be a self-contained structure with one entry and exit point

• Request for A and B in English logically means a request for A or B • Example

• “Add $20 to the bill of anyone who makes more than 100 calls and to anyone who has used more than 500 minutes”

• “Add $20 to the bill of anyone who has made more than 100 calls or has used more than 500 minutes”

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Avoiding Common Errors in an OR Selection (continued)


Figure 4-14 Unstructured flowchart for determining customer cell phone bill

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Both yes and no take you to the same place

Avoiding Common Errors in an OR Selection (continued)


Figure 4-15 Incorrect logic that attempts to provide a discount for young and old movie patrons

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Avoiding Common Errors in an OR Selection (continued)


Figure 4-16 Correct logic that provides a discount for young and old movie patrons

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Avoiding Common Errors in an OR Selection (continued)


Figure 4-17 Incorrect logic that attempts to charge full price for patrons whose age is over 12 and under 65

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Avoiding Common Errors in an OR Selection (continued)


Figure 4-18 Correct logic that charges full price for patrons whose age is over 12 and under 65

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Making Selections within Ranges

• Range check • Compare a variable to a series of values between limits

• Use the lowest or highest value in each range

• Adjust the question logic when using highest versus lowest values

• Should end points of the range be included? • Yes: use >= or <=

• No: use < or >

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Making Selections within Ranges (continued)


Figure 4-19 Discount rates based on items ordered

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Figure 4-20 Flowchart and pseudocode of logic that selects correct discount based on items

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Avoiding Common Errors When Using Range Checks

• Avoid a dead or unreachable path • Don’t check for values that can never occur

• Requires some prior knowledge of the data

• Never ask a question if there is only one possible outcome

• Avoid asking a question when the logic has already determined the outcome

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Understanding Precedence When Combining AND and OR Operators

• Combine multiple AND and OR operators in an expression

• When multiple conditions must all be true, use multiple ANDs

if score1 >= MIN_SCORE AND score2 >= MIN_SCORE AND score

3 >= MIN_SCORE then

classGrade = “Pass”


classGrade = “Fail”


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Understanding Precedence When Combining AND and OR Operators (cont’d)

• When only one of multiple conditions must be true, use multiple ORs

if score1 >= MIN_SCORE OR score2 >= MIN_SCORE OR score3

>= MIN_SCORE then

classGrade = “Pass”


classGrade = “Fail”


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Understanding Precedence When Combining AND and OR Operators (cont’d)

• When AND and OR operators are combined in the same statement, AND operators are evaluated first if age <= 12 OR age >= 65 AND rating = “G”

• Use parentheses to correct logic and force evaluations to occur in the order desired

if (age <= 12 OR age >= 65) AND rating = “G”

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Understanding Precedence When Combining AND and OR Operators (cont’d)

• Mixing AND and OR operators makes logic more complicated

• Can avoid mixing AND and OR decisions by nesting if statements

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Figure 4-23 Nested decisions that determine movie patron discount

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• Decisions involve evaluating Boolean expressions

• Use relational operators to compare values

• An AND decision requires that both conditions be true to produce a true result

• In an AND decision, first ask the question that is less likely to be true

• An OR decision requires that either of the conditions be true to produce a true result

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Summary (continued)

• In an OR decision, first ask the question that is more likely to be true

• For a range check: • Make comparisons with the highest or lowest values in each range

• Eliminate unnecessary or previously answered questions

• The AND operator takes precedence over the OR operator

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Writers Solution

t is a priority that students are provided with strong educational programs and courses that allow them to be servant-leaders in their disciplines and communities

it is a priority that students are provided with strong educational programs and courses that allow them to be servant-leaders in their disciplines and communities, linking research with practice and knowledge with ethical decision-making. This assignment is a written assignment where students will demonstrate how this course research has connected and put into practice within their own career.

Provide a reflection of at least 500 words (or 2 pages double spaced) of how the knowledge, skills, or theories of this course have been applied, or could be applied, in a practical manner to your current work environment. If you are not currently working, share times when you have or could observe these theories and knowledge could be applied to an employment opportunity in your field of study. 


Provide a 500 word (or 2 pages double spaced) minimum reflection.

Use of proper APA formatting and citations. If supporting evidence from outside resources is used those must be properly cited.

Share a personal connection that identifies specific knowledge and theories from this course.

Demonstrate a connection to your current work environment. If you are not employed, demonstrate a connection to your desired work environment. 

You should not provide an overview of the assignments assigned in the course. The assignment asks that you reflect how the knowledge and skills obtained through meeting course objectives were applied or could be applied in the workplace

Writers Solution

Describe the characteristics of a highly effective leader. Which of these characteristics does the leader exhibit?


Sullivan (2017). Read Chapters: 7, 8, 11, 12,


Written Assignment- Building and Managing Teams- The purpose of this paper is for you to discuss a highly effective leader in your organization following the criteria in items one (1) through five (5). 

1. Describe the characteristics of a highly effective leader. Which of these characteristics does the leader exhibit?

2. Describe the leader’s communication skills with staff, physicians, other members of the interdisciplinary team, peers, and executives. What techniques do they use to address sensitive topics and conflict? Is it effective? Be specific

3. Discuss the types of interpersonal power they use to accomplish work and overcome resistance to change.

4. Describe the leader’s team(s).  Are they high-performing? If so, please explain why the team is high performing. If not, why does the team not perform well? 

5. Discuss the leadership skills the leader uses to building and manage groups and teams.

1. Must include 4 references, 2 must be from course materials and 2 from peer reviewed references

1. Paper must be APA format, 7th edition—including a title and reference page separate from the body of the paper

1. Paper should be double spaced throughout and 2-3 pages long (title and references are not included in the page count)

1. Reference must be no older than 5 years (2015-2021) unless course material. 

Suggested Headings:

Title of Paper (centered, bolded) – Title of paper goes on top of page 2 also – bold and centered

Introductory paragraph (do not use a heading)

Highly Effective Leader (centered, first letter of each word capitalized and bold)

Nurse Leader Communication Skills (centered, first letter of each word capitalized and bold)

Communication Techniques (left margin justified, first letter of each work capitalized and bold)

Nurse Leader Interpersonal Power (centered, first letter of each word capitalized and bold)

Teams (centered, first letter of each word capitalized and bold)

Leadership Skills Necessary to Build and Manage Teams (centered, first letter of each word capitalized and bold)

In conclusion, at the beginning of the paragraph

Writers Solution

Personhood reflects one’s own consciousness, reasoning, self-reflection, identity, values, intentions, and morality (Butts, & Rich, 2018)

 Instructions: Response must be at least 310 words written in current APA format with at least two academic references cited. References must be within the last five years. Response must extend, refute/correct, or add additional nuance.

Personhood reflects one’s own consciousness, reasoning, self-reflection, identity, values, intentions, and morality (Butts, & Rich, 2018).  It is being your own authentic self. Personhood can be related to consciousness on how pain is perceived.  It can include reasoning on how we critically think as nurses. Characteristics that make you a unique individual such as hobbies, personality traits, morals, and values are all included in personhood (Butts, & Rich, 2018).  Nurses view personhood as living to care for others. Caring for the health outcomes of our patients is an attribute to personhood.

Nurses exemplify personhood in the roles that we take with patients.  Being educators, motivators, confidants and healers are what people view nurses as.  Personhood describes caring as an innate trait or acquired trait modeled from another.  This behavior could have been acquired from a mentor, parent, sibling, patient, or anyone who has made an impact on your life.  Leading a life of value is what makes the field of nursing remarkable (Toomey, 2021).  The life we live as nurses impacts others within the community and in our own homes.  The care we give to our patients regardless of their aggression, anger, and despair is what we inadvertently hope to receive from others. 

Personhood reflects motivating ourselves daily regardless of what we may be personally experiencing.  It is putting on our game faces to be an inspiration to others.  At the same time, the nurse must have self-awareness into partaking in activities that can destress us.  Maintaining a balance is the way we achieve the qualities of personhood.  An evolution of caring that may not have been an initial trait is reflective of personhood.  For example, there are some people who may go into the field of nursing and do not feel empathetic for patients.  These individuals may have suffered unusual circumstances within their own lives that make it difficult to express caring gestures.  The ability to acquire caring traits through multiple interactions with patients is growth in personhood (Toomey, 2021).   

Living to care is a definition of personhood.  This is a challenge for new nurses who must learn to ignore rude and irritable patients.  They must continue to have thoughtful gestures through the verbal abuse.  Some of these patients will insult you and call you names.  As nurses, we learn what our main objective is.  With experience, these statements and the abusive nature of patients can be ignored.  In mental health, nurses learn that through traumatic experiences patients will lash out on the vulnerable ones.  We know that major depressive disorders can cause irritability.  Knowledge empowers us to be consistent in our generous nature of providing high-quality, culturally competent care to our patients.  We know to forgive and excuse those that may be struggling with obstacles or challenges whether it is financial, physiological, or mental

Writers Solution

A regulatory issue in health care

 Research and identify one article or a current legal case within the last 3 to 5 years that involves one of the following issues:

A regulatory issue in health care

A regulatory issue specific to institutional health care

In 350 words

Summarize the case or article.

Define a law involved with the chosen regulatory issue from both a state level (choose one common state) and a federal level.

Explain how and why the law was created.

Consider what you have read in the article or legal case on the selected regulatory issue, and explain the impact that regulatory issues and trends have on the health care industry.

1 peer-reviewed, scholarly, or similar reference to support your paper.

Writers Solution

impact of pubertal timing on adolescent development

1. Summarize the impact of pubertal timing on adolescent development.

2. Compare risk factors for anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa. How do treatments and outcomes differ for the two disorders?

3. Describe research findings that challenge Piaget’s notion of a new, discrete stage of cognitive development at adolescence.

4. List personal and contextual factors that promote identity development.

5. How does an understanding of ideal reciprocity contribute to moral development?

6. Why are Kohlberg’s Stages 3 and 4 morally mature constructions?

7. Describe the distinct positive functions of friendships, cliques, and crowds in adolescence. What factors lead some friendships and peer-group ties to be harmful?

8. Why are adolescent girls at greater risk for depression and adolescent boys at greater risk for suicide?

Writers Solution

Summarize the impact of pubertal timing on adolescent development

1. Summarize the impact of pubertal timing on adolescent development.

2. Compare risk factors for anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa. How do treatments and outcomes differ for the two disorders?

3. Describe research findings that challenge Piaget’s notion of a new, discrete stage of cognitive development at adolescence.

4. List personal and contextual factors that promote identity development.

5. How does an understanding of ideal reciprocity contribute to moral development?

6. Why are Kohlberg’s Stages 3 and 4 morally mature constructions?

7. Describe the distinct positive functions of friendships, cliques, and crowds in adolescence. What factors lead some friendships and peer-group ties to be harmful?

8. Why are adolescent girls at greater risk for depression and adolescent boys at greater risk for suicide?

Writers Solution

Implicit Bias and Microaggressions

 Implicit/Explicit Bias and Microaggressions

Review the articles and video clips “Implicit Bias and Microaggressions,” “How Heterosexist Are Health and Human Services Organizations?” and “Organizational Change Rationales.” Also view the film clip: “Microaggressions in Everyday life and MTV’s film clip on microaggressions (see Implicit Bias and Microaggressions lecture for the videos) . You will need to upload a copy of the “Cultural Competence Continuum” for this discussion.  

Research says that human services agencies are increasing in cultural competence. The main goal of cultural competence is to tailor services so that all clients are served effectively and efficiently. Answer the following questions in your discussion post. pm (400-word count.

1. In light of the readings on microaggressions toward racial ethnic populations, how are these indignities reflected on sexual minorities (LGBTQ)? List a few of the microaggressions used in commonplace ways toward sexual minorities that may be denied as harmful.

2. With this week’s readings as a guide, state some of the ways in which organizations were severely destructive with ethnocentric concepts. In what ways can organizations go from (heterosexist/homophobic) Cultural Destructiveness to Cultural Proficiency? Give examples.