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Support community participation and social inclusion

 Certificate IV in Leisure and Health (Release 2)E1320
CHCDIS003 – Support community participation and social inclusion
CHCDIS001 – Contribute to ongoing skills development using a strengths-based approach
Case study

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Assessment submission
Prior to submitting your assessment ensure that your Name and Student ID are included on the front cover page as well as the footer of each page. If this is not included the assessment may be returned to you for authentication.
When you are ready to submit your assessment, upload the file to OpenSpace using the Assessment Upload links in the relevant module of your course. The Student Lounge provides a ‘Quick Guide to Uploading Assessments’ if you need further assistance. Uploading assessments to OpenSpace will enable Open Colleges to provide you with the fastest feedback and grading on your assessment.
It is important that you keep a copy of all electronic and hardcopy assessments submitted to Open Colleges.
If there is a video or audio recording as part of this assessment you must have an introductory statement stating your name, student ID, Qualification and assessment number, along with the task or question you are responding to.
Competency details
CHCDIS003 Support community participation and social inclusion
This unit applies to workers who are required to assist with supporting clients with disability in community participation and social inclusion using a person-centred approach. This involves enabling clients to make choices to maximise their participation in various community setting, functions and activities to enhance psychosocial well-being and lifestyle in accordance with the client’s needs and preferences.
CHCDIS001 Contribute to ongoing skills development using a strengths-based approach.
This unit applies to workers who are required to assist with supporting the ongoing skill development of clients with disability. It involves following and contributing to an established individual plan and using a positive, strengths-based approach.
This document is Assessment 3 of the three assessments you are required to complete, together with structured workplace learning, CHCDIS003 Support community participation and social inclusion and CHCDIS001 Contribute to ongoing skills development using a strengths-based approach.
This assessment is designed to gather evidence of competence, specifically to:
• Identify opportunities for community participation and social inclusion
• Implement strategies for community participation and inclusion according to the individualised plan
• Identify, address and monitor barriers to community participation and social inclusion
• Contribute to skills assessment
• Assist with ongoing skills development according to individualised plan
• Support incidental learning opportunities to enhance skills development
Assessment 3
35131/03 Case study
You must complete and submit the following:
Assessment 3
Question 1 (a – e) 0
Question 2 (a – d) 0
Question 3 (a – d) 0
Question 4 (a – b) 0
Question 5 (a – b) 0
Ensure your name and student Id are on the front page and in the footer of each page. 0
Assessment 3 – Demonstrate your knowledge
Question 1
Read the below case study and answer the following questions drawing from the learning in your module.
Emma, female, 47 years, and originally from Denmark.
Emma has progressive multiple sclerosis and uses an electric wheelchair for mobility. She is unmarried and doesn’t have children. Most of her family is based in Denmark, but she has a brother who lives in NZ who visits often. Emma’s multiple sclerosis has progressed over time and this has limited Emma’s life. Some effects are:
• Emma would like to go to NZ to visit her brother but is unsure how this might work given her level of support requirements.
• Emma used to have a wide social circle and had an active social life in cafes and restaurants. It is more difficult for Emma to access the community on her own now, so she has less opportunities to catch up with her friends.
• Emma had a friend who spoke Danish, but her friend moved away. Emma misses the opportunity to speak Danish. She also misses Danish food her friend would bring her.
• Emma used to attend a Roman Catholic church with her Danish friend, who supported her. She attends infrequently now that her friend has moved away.
• Emma is reliant on community supports provided by CareShore to enable her to continue living in her own home, including personal care, transport, domestic support and meal preparation.
1a. Suggest at least one way that you could collaborate and communicate with Emma on how to overcome any barriers and empower her to make her own decisions. How would you involve your supervisor in this process? (approx. 50-100 words)
1b. Identify three (3) of Emma’s barriers to community participation and social inclusion. (approx. 20-50 words)
Barrier to participation & inclusion
Emma is reliant on transport from CareShore to get around and access the community.
1c. As Emma’s recreational worker, you need to assist Emma to find ways to overcome these barriers. (approx. 20-50 words)
Write down two (2) questions you could ask Emma to help her find solutions to be reliant on transport from CareShore to get around and access the community. Explain how Emma’s situation relates to the social model of disability.
Questions to ask to help Emma find solutions to this barrier How Emma’s situation relates to the social model of disability
‘Emma, if you wanted to go into town on your own, without using the CareShore bus, how do you think you could go about doing this?”
Person centred
1d. For Emma’s goal of visiting her brother in New Zealand, Emma has stated that she’d like to do some research about how to get there and places she could visit while there. Identify two (2) ways you could assist Emma to do this, while allowing Emma to make her own choices. An example has been done for you. (approx. 20-50 words)
I could ask if Emma would like to go to the local travel agent and if she would like to me to accompany her.
1e. For Emma’s goal of attending church more frequently, Emma has stated that she’d like to find some local Roman Catholic churches and visit them. Identify two (2) ways you could assist Emma to do this, while allowing Emma to make her own choices. (approx. 20-50 words)
Question 2
Read the below case study and answer the following questions drawing from the learning in your module. You are required to answer all the questions based upon the scenario below.
Emma wanted to plan a holiday to NZ to visit her brother, however things are not going well. The travel agent is not supportive of Emma going on the plane and starts asking questions and making statements to discourage Emma. The support worker attempts to advocate for Emma however the travel agent is not changing their attitude.
Another goal Emma had was to attend the women’s group at church. A woman from church comes to Emma’s home, picks her up and takes her to the group, takes care of her while she is there, and takes her home afterwards. Emma actively participates in the activities the women do to raise money for charity. She feels purposeful and a part of society.
2a. Emma has been devalued by the travel agent. Explain how being devalued in society might make Emma feel. (20-50 words)
2b. Imagine you are the support worker assisting Emma at the travel agent. Emma is angry at how she has been treated. How can you assist her to voice her anger at her treatment? (20-50 words)
2c. What would you do if you were the recreational worker and Emma has become extremely distressed by her treatment at the travel agent? (20-50 words for each)
Provide an explanation for this situation and include the following:
• What are your limititations?
• How would you recognise your own or potential limitations?
• What you would do in this situation?
• What advice would you seek, if any?
• How would you seek advice?
• Who would you seek advice from?
What are your limititations?

How would you recognise your own or potential limitations? •
What you would do in this situation?
What advice would you seek, if any?
Who would you seek advice from?

How would you seek advice?

2d. Emma has been treated as an active citizen who has a right to participate in society while at church group, but not at the travel agency. What would active citizenship look like for Emma at the travel agent? (20-50 words)
Question 3
Read the below case study and answer the following questions drawing from the learning in your module. You are required to answer all the questions based upon the scenario below.
Preparation: Emma has made friends with her neighbour and the two have agreed to go to a local café once a week together. A skill building plan has been developed by Emma (with the assistance of her support worker). Emma has begun to get tired more these days and finds it harder to think and to problem solve. The outing therefore is well planned to make it as easy as possible. The support worker assists Emma by organising her purse so that the money is easy to access, and to put the purse in her electric wheelchair where Emma can reach it, but where it is still safe. Julie goes with Emma to show her the way from her home to get to the café. She assists Emma to locate the most accessible seat in the café, which is conveniently located, is out of the way of people walking, and is easily accessible with a ramp that blends in well with the rest of the café.
The Outing: When the neighbour arrives, Julie assists with the conversation so that the neighbour can understand Emma’s impaired speech. Once the neighbour begins to understand Emma’s speech independently, Julie stops providing social support, and only contributes to the conversation if asked a question. While observing the conversation, Julie makes mental notes on Emma’s skills and competencies. During the outing, Julie maintains a quiet distance and observes in a non-obtrusive manner.
Completing the Outing: When it was time to leave, Julie did not assist with the payment, but allowed Emma to be independent with paying. Emma went to pay the bill and the wait staff asked if the bill was separate or together. Emma looked at the support worker for support. Julie told Emma that the wait staff were asking if Emma was paying for just herself or for her neighbour also. Emma then turned to the wait staff and said, “Just me.” And then paid her bill.
Going home: On the way home, Julie asked Emma to see if she remembered the way home. Julie mostly observes and gave support only when Emma went to go the wrong way. Julie pointed out landmarks along the street to support Emma to know the right way.
Reviewing: When they got home, Julie asked Emma how she thought it went. They had a discussion and Julie took on board Emma’s comments, and they agreed how they might improve the outing for next time. Julie thanked Emma for a nice day and left. In the car, Julie completed her case notes by logging onto CareShore’s intranet from her telephone and making electronic notes. She also called her supervisor to let her know how the outing went and to get permission to make changes for next time, as requested by Emma.
3a. Describe how Julie did the following: (10-50 words for each section)
Planned the outing with Emma to make it as successful as possible.

Observed and interacted with Emma in a respectful manner

Used strategies to create independence and develop skills for Emma

Withdrew support to encourage experiential learning

Assisted Emma to identify how things went with the outing and how to improve things

Observed Emma’s competencies and skills and made a record of the outing

Monitored Emma’s strategies to determine their effectiveness and how engaged Emma is, in consultation with a supervisor
3b. What assessment processes might the organisation have gone through to assess Emma’s support needs to go to the café? How you would explain your limitations to Emma? (20-50 words)
Assessment process for Emma’s support needs
Your limitations to Emma
3c. Describe how the café supported Emma’s rights to access and equity. (20-50 words)
3d. While at the café, what might have been some opportunities for incidental learning? (20-50 words)
Question 4
Read the below case study and answer the following questions drawing from the learning in your module. You are required to answer all the questions based upon the scenario below.
Emma is gaining confidence with attending the café with her neighbour. She has requested to go to the outing on her own, without any support worker assistance. Julie calls her supervisor to discuss the situation. She tells her supervisor that Emma is very good now at the café with all of the things that need to be done, but every now and again when she is tired, still loses track of the way home and can go the wrong way. Julie reads back on her notes from each visit to discuss with the supervisor.
4a. Describe the conflict between a support worker’s duty of care, and the client’s right to dignity of risk, and how you would consult your supervisor, as seen in this case study. (20-50 words)

4b. Read the United Nations Conventions on Rights of Persons with Disabilities, which can be accessed at the following link:
In your own words, provide a summary of what the document is about. (20-50 words)
Question 5
Read the below case study and answer the following questions drawing from the learning in your module. You are required to answer all the questions based upon the scenario below.
Ji-yoon, 7 years old.

Ji-yoon was born with Cerebral Palsy. She has severe impairment of her motor movements and uses a wheelchair for mobility. She has some learning difficulties (but these are mild) with good language development. Her English skills are good. Recurrent seizures are a part of Ji-yoon’s life as she also has Epilepsy.
5a. Do some research on special services that could support Ji-Yoon, a child with a disability, in the community. Complete the information below on what you have found. (approx. 20-50 words)
The name of the service:
Contact details:
What the service does:
5b. Once again access the United Nations Conventions on Rights of Persons with Disabilities, in your own words, provide a short summary on what it says about children with disabilities – Article 7. (20-50 words


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managing the execution and control of the project

Subject Code and Title PROJ6003 – Project Execution and Control
Assessment Project Status Reporting
Module 4-5 Discussion Forum
Individual/Group Individual
Length 1000 words (+/- 10%) or equivalent
Learning Outcomes The Subject Learning Outcomes demonstrated by successful completion of the task below include:
b) Critically reflect on the project leadership and communication skills required to maximise project outcomes in the execution, control and closure phases of projects.
Weighting 20%
Total Marks 100 marks
Task Summary
In this assessment, you will further analyse the case study that was introduced in Assessments 1 and 2. You will participate in the discussion with your classmates demonstrating your understanding of Project Status reporting by:
Identifying effective project status reports and discussing their challenges and pitfalls, explaining the difference between the status reports provided for teams, sponsors, and steering committee considering their unique needs, as well as creating and justifying a sample of a status report that would be submitted to a chosen stakeholder of the project from the given case study.
This assessment allows you to practice professional communication with peers, either face-to-face or virtually.
Note: At the discretion of the Learning Facilitator, this assessment can be delivered in class as a presentation/discussion, using recordings or writing directly on the discussion forum. This might require to initiate the task ahead of the submission deadline and will be communicate by the Learning Facilitator.
Please refer to the Task Instructions for details on how to complete this task.
As a Project Manager, you are managing the execution and control of the project, but you are also ensuring that your stakeholders are aware of the project’s progress with the level of detail that they need. How would you communicate project progress and status to key stakeholders? How would you ensure that they have sufficient information to make key decisions and assist you in further progress of your project? This will depend on the stakeholder group, their power and interest and their communication preferences and requirements.
Task Instructions
To complete this assessment task, you must:
1. Ensure that you have read the given case study and resources from the subject, as all as any additional research you may find relevant and that will add value to your report. Review your subject notes, as well the Lecture slides and any other information provided by the Learning Facilitator in support of this assessment.
Note: At the discretion of the Learning Facilitator, this assessment can be delivered in class as a presentation/discussion, using recordings or writing directly on the discussion forum. Options of can be combined to suit class size and schedule.
2. Prepare a script/essay for the main post/presentation to be submitted on the discussion forum of 850 words (+/-10%) containing:
a) Identify, at least 3, effective status reports used in project management.
b) Discuss challenges and pitfalls for each of these status reports.
c) Explain the difference between the status reports provided for teams, sponsors, and steering committee considering their unique needs.
d) Create and justify a sample of a project status report that would be submitted to a chosen stakeholder of the project from the given case study. OPTION 1 – Discussion in class – Presentation & Responses If presenting in class (F2F/Virtual/Online):
3. You will, then, present your script and respond to at least one (1) other classmate in class.
• Students will have between 5-8 minutes to present their script.
• Students can use a number of visual aids to support the presentation.
• Students will provide a response between 2-3 minutes to another classmate’s presentation.
• Students will be marked for the presentation and response to other classmates in class and the scripts they have submitted on the forum.
OPTION 2 – Discussion in writing or as recording on Blackboard – Presentation & Responses If submitting on the discussion forum – recording/written post (F2F/Virtual/Online):
3. You will, then, present your script and respond to at least one (1) other classmate on the discussion forum directly, either in writing or as a recording, as instructed by the Learning Facilitator.
a. If submitting a recording:
i. Students will have between 5-8 minutes to present their script.
ii. Students can use a number of visual aids to support the presentation.
iii. Students will respond to at least (1) other classmate either in writing (250 words) or as a recording (2-3 minutes).
iv. Students will be marked for the recording and response to other classmates on the forum and the scripts they have submitted on the forum.
b. If submitting only a written discussion:
i. Main post submission will contain 750 words (+/-10%).
ii. At least one (1) responding post to a classmate of 250 words (+/- 10%). iii. Students will be marked for the main post and response to other classmates.
4. The essay/script should consist of the following structure:
a. A brief Introduction paragraph that will also serve as your statement of purpose for the discussion—this means that you will tell the reader what you are going to cover in the discussion.
b. Body paragraphs in which you will cover all four (4) requirements listed above (a to d). This section will contain the information that is required to demonstrate your understanding of the case study and key Project Management concepts under discussion by applying them into your project.
i. Any visual aids – tables/diagrams/illustrations – can be used to support the discussion.
c. A brief Conclusion paragraph summarising any findings or recommendations from the discussion.
i. There should not be any new information in the conclusion.
d. A list of References providing every source cited within your report.
i. Only cited sources are listed in the References.
ii. They should be listed alphabetically. iii. They need to be valid and linked with the topic/content provided within the report.
It is essential that you use appropriate APA style for citing and referencing research. Please see more information on referencing here in the Academic Writing Guide found via the Academic Skills website.
Submission Instructions
In submitting the written portion of your Assessment 3, you will use the Assessment link in the main navigation menu in PROJ6003 – Project Execution and Control. The link will take you to the discussion forum where you will select the existing thread created by the Learning Facilitator and reply to the first post by the Learning Facilitator and write directly on the forum (do not attach files). The Learning Facilitator will provide feedback via the Grade Centre in the LMS portal. Feedback can be viewed in My Grades.
If submitting recording/pictures:
If your submission includes items (illustrations, recordings), you may attached them by clicked to add content and selecting to insert local files, click ‘Browse Your Computer’ to attach your extra files.
Academic Integrity
All students are responsible for ensuring that all work submitted is their own and is appropriately referenced and academically written according the Academic Writing Guide. Students also need to have read and be aware of Torrens University Australia Academic Integrity Policy and Procedure and subsequent penalties for academic misconduct. These are viewable online.
Students also must keep a copy of all submitted material and any assessment drafts.
Assessment Rubric
Assessment Attributes Fail
(Yet to achieve minimum standard)
0-49% Pass
(Functional) 50-64% Credit
65-74% Distinction
75-84% High Distinction
(Exceptional) 85-100%
Identify different status reports and critically analyse their
challenges and pitfalls
Percentage for this criterion = 20% Fails to contribute to the identification of different status reports and their challenges and pitfalls by:
• Identifying other project reports that are not status reports.
• Critical analysis of their challenges and pitfalls are missing.
• Key components are missing from the discussion. Demonstrates limited awareness of project status reporting.
• A generic discussion of status reports focused on aspects and not format/use/content – e.g. only based on frequency.
• Challenges and pitfalls are addressed for status reports in general and not specific to the ones identified. Shows some understanding of project status reporting.
• Provides a discussion of different status reports.
• Challenges and pitfalls are addressed for each specific status reports with minor errors present in the analysis.
Presents a coherent and detailed analysis of project status reports.
Well demonstrated capacity to explain status reports and their challenges and pitfalls, including making connections with the case study. Critically analyses and evaluates project status reports with detailed challenges and pitfalls that are well linked with the case study and its key stakeholders.
Contribution is comprehensive and advances the class discussion.
Explain the difference between key stakeholders in regards to their information
Percentage for this criterion = 20% Fails to demonstrate knowledge in stakeholders and communication management by:
• Not addressing
stakeholders in the discussion.
• Lack of explanation of the differences of each stakeholder.
Limited awareness of stakeholders and communication management principles.
Resembles a recall or summary of key ideas.
No link between the analysis of stakeholders and the status report suited for them.
Demonstrates awareness of the communication needs and preference of key stakeholders.
Link between the analysis of stakeholders and the status report suited for them is ill-developed.
Demonstrates advanced knowledge of the communication needs and
preference of key stakeholders.
Link between the analysis of stakeholders and the status report suited for them is well-developed. Demonstrates high level of communication and stakeholder analysis by identifying the uniqueness of each key stakeholder with added insights into how to engage them.
Link between the analysis of stakeholders and the status report suited for them is very welldeveloped, including examples to support discussion.
Develop and justify a sample project status report for the given case study
Percentage for this criterion = 20% Limited application/recommendat ions based upon analysis.
No status report sample is provided. Resembles a recall or summary of key ideas.
Provides a sample status report that is generic and not aligned with the case study or its stakeholders.
Little to no justification provided for the sample.
Demonstrates a capacity to explain and apply relevant concepts into the development of the status report.
Justification of the report is ill-developed or unclear in regards to the stakeholder of the case study.
Well demonstrated capacity to explain and apply relevant concepts into the development of the status report.
Justification of the report is well-developed and aligned with the stakeholder from the case study.
Highly sophisticated and creative application of concepts into the developed of the status reports, including the use of trending software in the field.
Justification of the report is very well-developed and presents additional insights that contribute to further learning.
Adheres to structure of report and word count requirements. Appropriate use of terminology, paragraphs, sentence construction, spelling, and grammar.
Presents using a range of techniques to engage and sustain audience’s interest. Specialised language and terminology from Project Management is rarely or inaccurately employed.
Meaning is repeatedly obscured by errors in the communication of ideas, including errors in structure, sequence, spelling, grammar, punctuation and/or the acknowledgment of sources.
Difficult to understand for audience, no logical/clear structure, poor flow of Generally employs specialised language and terminology from Project Management with accuracy.
Meaning is sometimes difficult to follow.
Information, arguments and evidence are structured and sequenced in a way that is not always clear and logical.
Some errors are evident in spelling, grammar and/or punctuation.
Presentation is sometimes difficult to follow.
Information, arguments and evidence are presented in a Accurately employs specialised language and terminology from Project Management.
Meaning is easy to follow. Information, arguments and evidence are structured and sequenced in a way that is clear and logical.
Occasional minor errors
present in spelling, grammar and/or punctuation.
Presentation is easy to follow. Information, arguments and evidence are well presented, mostly Accurately employs a wide range of specialised language and terminology from Project Management.
Engages audience interest. Information, arguments and evidence are structured and sequenced in a way that is, clear and persuasive.
Spelling, grammar and punctuation are free from errors.
Engages audience interest. Information, arguments and evidence are very well presented; the presentation Discerningly selects and precisely employs a wide range of specialised language and terminology from Project Management.
Engages and sustains audience’s interest. Information, arguments and evidence are insightful, persuasive and expertly presented.
Spelling, grammar and punctuation are free from errors.
Engages and sustains audience interest. Expertly presented; the presentation is logical,
Percentage for this criterion = 20% ideas, argument lacks supporting evidence.
Limited use of engaging presentation techniques. (e.g. posture; eye contact; gestures; volume, pitch
and pace of voice)
way that is not always clear and logical
Sometimes uses engaging presentation techniques (e.g. posture; eye contact; gestures; volume, pitch and pace of voice) clear flow of ideas and arguments.
Uses engaging presentation techniques (e.g. posture; eye contact; gestures; volume, pitch and pace of voice) is logical, clear and wellsupported by evidence.
Confidently and consistently uses a range of engaging presentation techniques (e.g. posture; eye contact, expression; gestures; volume, pitch and
pace of voice; stance; movement) persuasive, and well- supported by evidence, demonstrating a clear flow of ideas and arguments.
Dynamic, integrated and professional use of a wide range of engaging presentation techniques (e.g. posture; eye contact, expression; gestures; volume, pitch and pace of voice; stance; movement)
Constructive feedback
to peers
Percentage for this criterion = 10% Fails to offer any feedback.
No support or encouragement to peers.
No awareness or
sensitivity to diversity amongst peers. Offers feedback but rarely constructive or useful.
Feedback is not always clear or specific to guide peers.
Little support or encouragement to peers.
Demonstrates little awareness of and/or sensitivity to diversity amongst peers. Offers feedback that is sometimes constructive or useful.
Feedback is provided with examples to guide peers.
Some support and encouragement to peers.
Demonstrates some level of awareness of and sensitivity to diversity amongst peers. Offers constructive feedback regularly.
Formulates the merits of alternative ideas or proposals and communicates them to peers.
Offers support and encouragement to peers.
Demonstrates a high level of awareness of and sensitivity to diversity amongst peers. Always offers detailed constructive feedback that is specific and appropriate.
Expertly articulates the merits of alternative ideas or proposals and communicates them effectively to peers.
Provides expert assistance, support, and encouragement to peers.
Consistently demonstrates a high level of awareness of and sensitivity to diversity amongst peers.
Correct citation of key resources and evidence
Percentage for this criterion = 10% Demonstrates inconsistent use of good quality, credible and relevant resources to support and develop ideas.
Referencing is omitted or does not resemble APA.
Different formats are provided and references do not align with content. Demonstrates use of credible and relevant resources to support and develop ideas, but these are not always explicit or well developed.
Referencing resembles APA, with frequent or repeated errors.
Different formats are provided and references do not fully align with content. Demonstrates use of credible resources to support and develop ideas.
Referencing resembles APA, with occasional errors.
References align with content. Demonstrates use of good quality, credible and relevant resources to support and develop arguments and statements.
Shows evidence of wide scope within the organisation for sourcing evidence.
APA referencing is free from errors.
References align with content. Demonstrates use of highquality, credible and relevant resources to support and develop arguments and position statements.
Shows evidence of wide scope within and outside the organisation for sourcing evidence.
APA referencing is free from errors.
References align with content


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Support community participation and social inclusion

 CHC43415 Certificate IV in Leisure and Health (Release 2)E1320
CHCDIS003 – Support community participation and social inclusion
CHCDIS001 – Contribute to ongoing skills development using a strengths-based approach
Written assessment
Student name: XXXXXX
Student number: XXXXXX
Assessment number: 35131/02
All terms mentioned in this text that are known to be trademarks or service marks have been appropriately capitalised. Use of a term in this text should not be regarded as affecting the validity of any trademark or service mark.
© Open Colleges Pty Ltd, 2019
All rights reserved. No part of the material protected by this copyright may be reproduced or utilised in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright owner.
Requests for permission to make copies of any part of the work should be mailed to: Copyright Permissions, Open Colleges, PO Box 1568, Strawberry Hills NSW 2012.
To help Open Colleges manage your assessment, please use the following file-naming convention when you save your Microsoft Word document. Your file should be named and saved to your computer hard drive using your:
[Student number]_ [assessment] _ [assessment number].docx
For example:
Assessment submission
Prior to submitting your assessment ensure that your Name and Student ID are included on the front cover page as well as the footer of each page. If this is not included the assessment may be returned to you for authentication.
When you are ready to submit your assessment, upload the file to OpenSpace using the Assessment Upload links in the relevant module of your course. The Student Lounge provides a ‘Quick Guide to Uploading Assessments’ if you need further assistance. Uploading assessments to OpenSpace will enable Open Colleges to provide you with the fastest feedback and grading on your assessment.
It is important that you keep a copy of all electronic and hardcopy assessments submitted to Open Colleges.
If there is a video or audio recording as part of this assessment you must have an introductory statement stating your name, student ID, Qualification and assessment number, along with the task or question you are responding to.
Competency details
CHCDIS003 Support community participation and social inclusion
This unit applies to workers who are required to assist with supporting clients with disability in community participation and social inclusion using a person-centred approach. This involves enabling clients to make choices to maximise their participation in various community setting, functions and activities to enhance psychosocial well-being and lifestyle in accordance with the client’s needs and preferences.
CHCDIS001 Contribute to ongoing skills development using a strengths-based approach.
This unit applies to workers who are required to assist with supporting the ongoing skill development of clients with disability. It involves following and contributing to an established individual plan and using a positive, strengths-based approach.
This document is Assessment 2 of the three (3) assessments you are required to complete, together with structured workplace learning, CHCDIS003 Support community participation and social inclusion and CHCDIS001 Contribute to ongoing skills development using a strengths-based approach.
This assessment is designed to gather evidence of competence, specifically to:
• Identify opportunities for community participation and social inclusion
• Implement strategies for community participation and inclusion according to the individualised plan
• Identify, address and monitor barriers to community participation and social inclusion
• Contribute to skills assessment
• Assist with ongoing skills development according to individualised plan
• Support incidental learning opportunities to enhance skills development
Assessment 2
35131/02 Written assessment
You must complete and submit the following:
Assessment 2
Question 1 (a – e) 0
Question 2 (a – d) 0
Question 3 (a – f) 0
Ensure your name and student Id are on the front page and in the footer of each page. 0
Assessment 2 – Demonstrate your knowledge
Question 1
Read the below case study and answer the following questions drawing from the learning in your module. You are required to answer all the questions based upon the scenario below.
Peter, 55 years, from a metropolitan city.
Peter had a fall from his roof and sustained paraplegia and an acquired brain injury. Since his accident Peter has had some further difficulties. He will go into the community on his own in his wheelchair and get lost. He has become prone to aggressive outbursts when he gets frustrated at not being able to do things he once did. His wife, Sue, who had been the primary carer, felt unable to cope any more on her own and arranged for Peter to live in a Supported Living home managed by CareShore. Peter’s dream is to get back into the workforce in some capacity, to play basketball as he once did, to manage his emotions, to access the community independently and not get lost, and to ultimately live back in his home with his wife.
1a. Imagine you are Peter’s support worker and are assisting Peter to identify some of his skills building and community participation goals. What might these be?
List a minimum of three (3) goals. (20-50 words)
1b. Imagine you are working with Peter to identify some services and networks in the community for a person with Peter’s needs and interests. Conduct some research on at least two (2) services in your state that would be of benefit to Peter and complete the required information in the table below.
Service 1 Service 2
The name of the service
Contact details
What the service does
1c. How would you help Peter to identify any further interests, abilities and requirements regarding Peter’s community participation and skills building? (20-50 words)
1d. Peter may or may not be interested in doing the activities you have identified. How would you present these different options to Peter for him to make decisions? (20-50 words)
1e. Explain why it is important to involve Peter’s wife in your planning. (20-50 words)
Question 2
Read the below case study and answer the following questions drawing from the learning in your module. You are required to answer all the questions based upon the scenario below.
Peter has agreed to have a planning meeting around his activity citizenship and community participation needs and to formally agree upon some goals. Peter’s wife attended the planning meeting also and is supportive of his choices and keen to assist where she can.
2a. Prior to a formal planning meeting occurring, identify what kind of assessment the following professionals may conduct with Peter.
Professional What kind of assessment might they conduct with Peter?
Occupational therapist
Speech pathologist
2b. Why is it important for Peter to choose goals that not only teach him new skills, but that also provide enjoyment? (20-50 words)
2c. In this instance Peter has been able to clearly identify what goals he would like to achieve.
i. How might you support Peter if he was having difficulty identifying his goals for skills building and community participation? List a minimum of three (3) strategies.
ii. How could you assist Peter to access his goals once they have been identified? (20-50 words)
How might you support Peter if he was having difficulty identifying his goals for skills building and community participation?
List a minimum of three (3) strategies. 1)
How could you assist Peter to access his goals once they have been identified?
List a minimum of one strategy. (20-50 words)
2d. As Peter’s support worker, you have worked collaboratively with him and your supervisor to identify some goals he’d like to work towards. On the next page Peter’s goals have been put into the table. As his support worker, you will assist Peter to plan and achieve his goals. Think about possible ways this can happen. You will need to Include Peter’s wife, as an appropriate support person to enable Peter to achieve his goals.
In the column labelled ‘What resources do you need?’, ensure to list ideas for the following resources.
i. transport
ii. staff support
iii. finances
iv. mobility aids
v. any other resources to assist with skills building and Peter’s community participation.
You will need to be creative with some details to complete the form.
Remember that as a support worker, you won’t be simply giving these ideas to Peter, but you’ll be asking Peter questions to assist him in developing his own plan and his own way to achieve his goals. This planning sheet just acts as a prompt for you when you talk to Peter.
Client name Peter Simms Attendees of the meeting Peter Simms, Lorna Simms (Peter’s wife, Sue), Support worker
Date 16/04/2019
Community Access Goal How will you achieve it? Who will implement it? What resources do you need? What is the timeframe?
Developing a skill:
Peter would like to join a local wheelchair basketball team.
Community participation:
Peter would like to meet his wife and friends at the local RSL, travelling to and from the RSL independently.
Developing a skill:
Peter would like to re-learn some of the work skills he used to use in his profession, starting with how to type efficiently on a keyboard.
Question 3
Answer the questions below which follow on from Peter and his skills building goal in active citizenship.
3a. Select a skill building goal from the table in question 2. Use the template below to create a skill building program for Peter to learn this skill.
Client name Peter Simms
Skill to be developed
Resources/ equipment required
How the skill will be taught?
Reinforcers to encourage the person to do the task
Strategies for prompting and then fading the prompting
Techniques to encourage generalisation
Once the skill is learnt, how it will be maintained
Incidental learning opportunities
When the plan will be reviewed
Resources to complement strengths
3b. In the table there are some methods of monitoring whether skills building goals or community participation goals are being achieved or not. For each section of the table, briefly describe why each is important.
Monitoring skills building and community participation goals: Why this is important?
(50 words for each)
Getting feedback from the person with disability.
Seeking feedback from family and/or carers.
Seeking feedback from colleagues.
Getting feedback from supervisors.
Monitor level of engagement from the individual (in consultation with supervisor)
Regularly review strategies for skills building and community participation with the person with disability.
Regularly review strategies for skills building and community participation with supervisor.
Monitor success of strategies to address barriers (in consultation with supervisor)
3c. Imagine that your skills building program is going very well and Peter is learning the goal faster and better than expected.
Write a short script on how you would encourage Peter to choose a further goal to extend himself even more. (50-100 words)
3d. You are experiencing difficulties implementing the activities in the skill building program.
It will be necessary to discuss these challenges with Peter and his wife.
Write a short script on how you would give constructive feedback in an appropriate and respectful manner. (50-100 words)
3e. Outline why you need to follow CareShore’s documentation and reporting requirements when recording your support with Peter. (50-100 words)
3f. If at some point Peter decided he no longer wanted his wife involved or wanted her to be informed of how things were going, would the support worker adhere to this right to confidentiality, or would they continue to involve his wife, as they have a responsibility to include family as much as possible?
Explain your answer. (20-50 words)


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Morningstar equities Best Stock Ideas 2017_02_February, located in the Assessment Resources folder

 Assessment – 1Activity 1
Identify and explain some necessary characteristics of a qualitative researcher.
(Identify sources and parties that provide relevant information for research on financial products).
Activity 2
Much of the innovation that occurred in the 20th century financial services industry was about providing access to money. For example, credit cards gave consumers a chance to pay without needing the cash on hand, while automatic tellers gave 24-hour access to cash. However, financial services innovation in the early 21st century has been about access to information.
Undertake some research of your own and discuss how the ‘smart connected world, where
everyone and everything is connected, intelligent and measured’, is impacting the outlook for future financial products.
(Describe the current economic climate and forecasted outlook for relevant financial products).
Activity 3
With the rapid advance of digital technologies in the Australian financial services industry, the use of traditional financial forecasting techniques to assess financial product markets has declined. Explain and discuss.
(Explain financial forecasting techniques and tools to be used to assess the market for financial products).
Activity 4
Conduct some research to discover and explain how open-source data analytic products, like Hadoop, are impacting local and international markets for financial products.
(Identify and outline local and international financial markets and investment outlook for financial products).
Activity 5
Explain why policies are normally separated from procedures in organisational documentation. Provide an illustrative example involving research policy.
(Describe organisational policy, procedures and requirements relevant to products and research).
Activity 6
Summarise the key features of the Code of Practice which covers the independence of experts who undertake financial product research.
(Identify and describe key features of industry legislation and codes of practice relevant to product research, and protocols to be followed).
Activity 7
Describe the research technique of conjoint analysis using a worked example.
(Describe techniques and tools for evaluation and interpretation of research data).
Assessment – 2 Requirements:
1. Download and review the research report ‘Morningstar equities Best Stock Ideas
2017_02_February, located in the Assessment Resources folder.
2. Download and review the Morningstar report “Inghams IPO”, located in the Assessment
Resources folder.
Activity 1
Explain why a research entity, like Morningstar, publishes a monthly Best Stock Ideas report.
Activity 2
How does a research company like Morningstar protect itself from law suits from investors, who have followed the recommendations in a monthly Best Stock Idea report, and who have subsequently lost money on these investments?
Activity 3
The Ingham’s IPO report certainly complies with relevant statutory disclosure requirements for publishing details and opinions about Initial Public Offerings (IPO). If you were an investor, apart from reading the IPO report, where else would you look to obtain accurate and comprehensive information surrounding Ingham’s proposed IPO?
Activity 4
Explain why research organisations, like Morningstar, document research findings into IPO’s like Inghams, concisely and clearly, before they distribute their research reports


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    2017_02_February, located in the Assessment Resources folder

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You have been working in the operations department of your organization for the past three years as a senior operational manager

You have been working in the operations department of your organization for the past three years as a senior operational manager. Over the past two years the operational performance of the company has been declining such that the company is facing difficulties in meeting its objectives.
As part of the continuous improvement and restructuring the operation processes you have been asked by the head of your organization to prepare a report on a particular area of the operations titled “A report on operations planning and control of [name of the organizations or unit]”. Your report must be unified and coherent. It must not exceed 2,500 words.
To complete this task successfully, you must:
1. Explain linear programming. (3.1) (12.5 Marks)
You should:
(A) Define linear programming.
(B) Explain how you could apply linear programming to a given task.
2. Evaluate critical path analysis and network planning. (3.2) (12.5 Marks)
You should:
(A) Identify and explain the critical path analysis and network planning.
(B) Identify and explain the importance of critical path analysis.
3. Produce a set of clearly defined operational outcomes. (4.1) (12.5 Marks)
You should:
(A) Produce a set of clearly defined operational outcomes for a given operation by considering the following five OM performance objectives.
i. Cost
ii. Dependability
iii. Flexibility
iv. Quality
v. Speed.
4. Produce a network plan and indicate the resultant critical path. (4.2) (12.5 Marks)
You should:
i. Select an objective for an operation.
ii. List the tasks required to achieve the selected objective.
iii. Plan a network and drawn the network diagram.
iv. Identify the paths.
v. Calculate the paths’ times.
vi. Identify the critical path.
(This provides evidence for LO3 & LO4.)
1. Submit Task 2 Report as a PDF file. Name the file as: BY1_OL_Unit34_OMB_Oct2021_Task2_Report_FirstnameLastname_StudentID. Replace FirstnameLastname with your first name and last name and StudentID with your student ID. Attach any highly relevant documents as appendices.
2. Do not submit the first draft of your report. The report you submit must be at least the second edited version. Do the final editing: proof read for logical errors, spelling and grammar.
3. Remember to upload all the files before you click the “Submit” button


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Demonstrate a critical understanding on the main features of the international business environment and its main institutions

 MBA international business assignment. 2,500 words. with citation, reference, and bibliography.MBA Assignment
Module title: International Business
Assignment weighting: 100%
Component Number Form of Assessment Assessment Size Weighting (%) Learning Outcome Assessed Core or non-core
1 Individual Report 2500 words 100% LO1, LO2, LO3 and LO4 Core
Referencing: In the main body of your submission, you must provide credit to the authors your research / your work is based upon. Append to your submission a reference list that indicates the books, articles, etc. that you have read or quoted in order to complete this assignment (e.g. for books: surname of author and initials, year of publication, title of book, edition, publisher: place of publication). The utilisation of the Harvard referencing system is compulsory.
Please include the following statement on the title page of the submitted assignment, followed by your name:
I declare that this assignment is all my own work and that I have acknowledged all materials used from the published or unpublished works of other people. All references have been duly cited.
Turnitin: All assignments must be submitted to Turnitin unless otherwise instructed by the Lecturer.
Note: the Turnitin version is the primary submission and acts as a receipt for the student.
Late submission of the electronic version of the assignment, without an authorised extension, may result in a Fail.
Only the LSC Extenuating Circumstances Panel may grant an extension.
The Learning outcome(s) assessed by this assignment are:
All learning outcomes of this module are assessed.
At postgraduate level you are expected to:
• Have a high standard of presentation, structure, layout and design
• Demonstrate appropriate coverage, critical appreciation and evaluation of relevant literature
• Demonstrate a critical understanding of key concepts and the application of theory to practical solutions
• Show evidence of originality of thought and approach, and of creative problem solving ability
The grade awarded for this piece of work remains provisional until ratified by LSC Exam Board.

Assessment criteria: see grading criteria

Learning Outcomes tested
(from module syllabus) Assessment Criteria To achieve the module learning outcomes.
In addition to LSC Common Assessment and Academic Marking Criteria, students are expected to meet the following threshold descriptors for a pass grade.
LO1: Demonstrate a critical understanding on the main features of the international business environment and its main institutions
• A critical review and application of contemporary academic literature related to the concepts and frameworks applied in the analysis of foreign market selected.
LO2: Understand the nature of multinational firms as an institutional structure for the conduct of cross-border trade and investment; the key factors including the political, social, and economic and other configurations that support cross-border trade;
• Application of relevant frameworks in the analysis of the cross-cultural environment and the management issues arising.
LO3: Analyse the key decisions that multinational firms make in relation to the choice of markets and entry strategies and the different modes of engagement with international markets and explore the interconnectedness between these and the economic, legal, governmental, political, regulatory, cultural and other environments in which expanding companies operate;
• A critical analysis of the decision criteria in relation to the choice of strategies applied in the borderless digital market.
LO4: Conduct informed research into international business issues and apply theoretical insights to the analysis of such issues in the context of a complex international business environment.
• An examination of potential management interventions that should be undertaken by the selected company to realise the opportunities and deal with risks in the market selected.

Amid slowing economic activity worldwide, COVID-19 has led to a surge in e-commerce and accelerated digital transformation. As lockdowns became the new normal, businesses and consumers increasingly went digital, providing and purchasing more goods and services online. You, as a business consultant in collaboration with the company’s IT/Digital team, are required to consult a local manufacturing or service business from your own country that has the potential to enter the foreign market via an e-commerce site, Business to Business (B2B) or Business to Consumer (B2C) trade.
You are required to:
1. Select a local (from your own country) manufacturing or service firm of your choice that has the potential to enter the borderless digital market via an e-commerce site.
2. Critically evaluate through the use of relevant business tools and frameworks the suitability of the borderless digital market via the selected e-commerce site.
3. Analyse potential risks in the borderless digital market when expanding via an e-commerce website.
4. Critically analyse the recent strategies that lead the way in the e-commerce sector (such as Augmented Reality – AR, Artificial Intelligence – AI, Chatbots etc) that could be utilised by the company to suitably realise the opportunities available and overcome the risks in the borderless digital market.
5. Critically analyse relevant management responses that should be undertaken by the selected company to realise the opportunities offered in the borderless digital market, including the management of internal operations as well as any cultural considerations. Please suggest practical and justified recommendations about how the company selected can achieve sustainability and competitive advantage in the market selected via an e-commerce site.
Prepare an academic report using the structure below:
Report Format:
• Title Page
• Executive summary
• Table of Contents
• Introduction
• Discussion and analysis
• Conclusions
• References
• Bibliography
• Appendix (If required)
2500 Words
Please note the following when completing your written assignment:
1. Writing: Written in English in an appropriate business/academic style
2. Focus: Focus only on the tasks set in the assignment.
3. Document format: Report
4. Formatting: Typed on A4 in Times New Roman or Arial font 12 with at least 2.5 centimetre space at each edge, double spaced and pages numbered.
5. Ensure a clear title, course, and name or ID number is on a cover sheet and a bibliography using Harvard referencing throughout is also provided.
6. Research: Research should use reliable and relevant sources of information e.g. academic books and journals that have been peer reviewed. The research should be extensive.
7. All referencing should be in Harvard style.
This section details the assessment criteria. The extent to which these are demonstrated by you determines your mark. The marks available for each criterion are shown. Lecturers will use the space provided to comment on the achievement of the task(s), including those areas in which you have performed well and areas that would benefit from development/improvement.
Common Assessment Criteria (applied to all parts of the project) Marks available Marks
1. Research-informed Literature: Extent of research and/or own reading, selection of credible sources, application of appropriate referencing conventions. 20
2. Knowledge and Understanding of Subject: Extent of knowledge and understanding of concepts and underlying principles associated with the discipline. 20
3. Analysis: Analysis, evaluation and synthesis; logic, argument and judgement; analytical reflection; organisation of ideas and evidence
4. Practical Application and Deployment: Deployment of methods, materials, tools and techniques; application of concepts; formulation of innovative and creative solutions to solve problems. 25
5. Skills for Professional Practice: Attributes in professional practice: individual and collaborative working; deployment of appropriate media; presentation and organisation. 10
Assignment Mark (Assessment marks are subject to ratification at the Exam Board. These comments and marks are to give feedback on module work and are for guidance only until they are confirmed. ) Late Submission Penalties (tick if appropriate) %

Level 7
In accordance with the FHEQ, at the end of Level 7 students should have systematic understanding of knowledge, and a critical awareness of current problems and/or new insights, much of which is at, or informed by, the forefront of their academic discipline, field of study or area of professional practice. They will be able to demonstrate originality in the application of knowledge, together with a practical understanding of how established techniques of research and enquiry are used to create and interpret knowledge in the discipline. They should have a conceptual understanding that enables them to evaluate critically current research and advanced scholarship in the discipline and to evaluate methodologies and develop critiques of them and, where appropriate, to propose new hypotheses. They will also be able to deal with complex issues both systematically and creatively, make sound judgements in the absence of complete data, and communicate their conclusions clearly to specialist and non-specialist audiences. In addition, they will be able to demonstrate self-direction and originality in tackling and solving problems, and act autonomously in planning and implementing tasks at a professional or equivalent level.
Assessment category
Coherent and detailed knowledge and understanding of the subject area, at least some of which is informed by the latest research and/or advanced scholarship within the discipline Cognitive and intellectual skills
Application of theory to practice (for courses with a professional practice element) Reading and referencing Presentation, style and structure
Work that significantly exceeds the specified word limit may be penalized
Pass mark, demonstrating achievement of all associated learning outcomes 90%-100% Exemplary systematic, theoretical and conceptual understanding of knowledge at or informed by the forefront of the field of study, demonstrating highly sophisticated grasp of the subject matter Exceptional critical evaluation and awareness of current problems, and contemporary issues and debates that draws on new insights or perspectives within the field. Work demonstrates exemplary ability to synthesise current research and advanced scholarship in an original, creative and innovative manner. Sophisticated, systematic and innovative application of knowledge and theory to professional practice within the discipline. Flawless use of systematically selected literature to justify and express reasoned judgements and decisions in relation to complex issues and problems at a professional level A very high level of critical engagement across a systematic and fully appropriate range of relevant and current academic, research, policy- and practice-related literature demonstrating deep and selective reading and initiative along with highly consistent accurate referencing Exemplary presentation of work that is fluent and flawless throughout.
80%-89% Excellent systematic, theoretical and conceptual understanding of knowledge at or informed by the forefront of the field of study and showing sophisticated depth, breadth, detail and clarity Sophisticated critical evaluation and awareness of current problems, and contemporary issues and debates that draws on new insights or perspectives within the field. Work demonstrates a very high level of originality and creativity in the student’s approaches to synthesising current research and advanced scholarship within the subject area An excellent level of originality and innovation in the application of knowledge and theory to professional practice within the discipline. Demonstration of excellent critical awareness and evaluation and the ability to effectively critique and employ current academic literature in making reasoned judgements and decisions in relation to complex issues and problems at a professional level A very high level of critical engagement across an extensive range of relevant and current academic, research, policy- and practice-related literature demonstrating deep and appropriate reading and initiative along with highly consistent accurate referencing Outstanding presentation of work that is logically and coherently structured with a strong or original central argument(s), conveyed with a high level of fluency and eloquently communicates compelling, coherent conclusions to specialist and non-specialist audiences
Level 7 Coherent and detailed knowledge and understanding Cognitive and intellectual skills
Application of theory to practice Reading and referencing Presentation, style and structure
Pass mark, demonstrating achievement of all associated learning outcomes 70% – 79% A high level of systematic, theoretical and conceptual understanding of knowledge at or informed by the forefront of the field of study and showing considerable depth, breadth, detail and clarity A high level of critical evaluation and awareness of current problems, and contemporary issues and debates that draws on new insights or perspectives within the field. Work demonstrates a significant level of originality and creativity in synthesising current research and advanced scholarship within the subject area A high level of originality and innovation in the application of knowledge and theory to professional practice within the discipline. Demonstration of excellent critical awareness and evaluation and the ability to select and use academic literature in making reasoned judgements and decisions in relation to complex issues and problems at a professional level A high level of critical engagement across an extensive range of relevant and current literature demonstrating wide and appropriate reading and initiative along with highly consistent accurate referencing Excellent presentation of work that is logically and coherently structured with a strong or original central argument(s), conveyed with a high level of clarity of expression and which clearly communicates valid, coherent conclusions to specialist and non-specialist audiences
60% – 69% An effective, systematic, theoretical and conceptual understanding of knowledge mostly at or informed by the forefront of the field of study and showing good depth, breadth, detail and clarity An effective level of critical evaluation and awareness of current problems and contemporary issues and debates that draws on new insights or perspectives within the field. Work demonstrates some effective originality and creativity in synthesising current research and scholarship within the subject area A good level of originality and innovation in the application of knowledge and theory to professional practice. Demonstration of consistently good critical awareness and evaluation and reasonable ability to use the academic literature in making reasoned judgements and decisions in relation to complex issues and problems at a professional level A good level of critical engagement across a good range of relevant and current academic, research, policy- and practice-related literature demonstrating appropriate reading and some initiative along with consistent accurate referencing High quality presentation of work that is largely logically and coherently structured with a generally strong central argument conveyed with a clarity of expression and which communicates clear conclusions to specialist and non-specialist audiences
40% – 59% A sufficient but limited level of systematic, theoretical and conceptual understanding of knowledge at times at or informed by the forefront of the field of study but showing adequate depth, breadth, detail and clarity A sufficient but limited level of critical evaluation and awareness of current problems and contemporary issues and debates, with some reference to new insights or perspectives within the field. Limited evidence of originality and creativity in synthesising current research and scholarship within the subject area A reasonable but limited level of originality and innovation in the application of knowledge and theory to professional practice within the discipline. Demonstration of some good critical awareness and evaluation and some ability to use the academic literature in developing judgements and decisions in relation to complex issues and problems at a professional level Sufficient critical engagement with a reasonable range of relevant and current academic, research, policy- and practice-related literature demonstrating mainly appropriate reading but limited initiative and/or some minor inconsistencies and inaccuracies in referencing Generally good presentation of work that is sufficiently logical and coherent in structure with a discernible central argument. May present limited originality and lack some clarity of expression, but an identifiable conclusion reasonably communicated to specialist and non-specialist audiences
Level 7 Coherent and detailed knowledge and understanding Cognitive and intellectual skills
Application of theory to practice Reading and referencing Presentation, style and structure
Marginal fail 35% – 39% Knowledge and understanding of the subject matter is incomplete, uninformed or limited in its scholarship within the field of study, or lacking sufficient depth, breadth, detail or clarity Critical evaluation is limited or lacks awareness of current problems and contemporary issues and debates. Insufficient reference made to new insights or perspectives within the field, or insufficient evidence of originality and creativity in synthesising current research and scholarship within the subject area Insufficient degree of originality or innovation in the application of knowledge and theory to professional practice within the discipline. Demonstration of poor critical awareness and evaluation or a lack of ability to use the academic literature in developing judgements and decisions in relation to complex issues and problems at a professional level Insufficient critical engagement with relevant and current academic, research, policy- and practice-related literature. Lack of evidence of wider reading or a lack of initiative or inconsistent and inaccurate referencing Presentation of work shows insufficient organisation or central argument, and is lacking in logical and coherent structure. Poor clarity of expression weakly communicating to specialist or non-specialist audiences
Fail 30% – 34% Limited knowledge and understanding of the subject matter shown. Work is not sufficiently informed by scholarship within the field of study and is insufficient in depth, breadth, detail or clarity Insufficient evidence of critical evaluation and awareness of current problems and contemporary issues and debates. Insufficient reference to new insights or perspectives within the field and lacking in originality and creativity in synthesising current research and scholarship within the subject area Little evidence of originality and innovation and a significant lack of application of knowledge and theory to professional practice demonstrating little critical awareness and evaluation and a lack of ability to use the academic literature to make judgements and decisions in relation to complex issues and problems at a professional level Little evidence of critical engagement with relevant and current literature. Poor use of appropriate sources and/or inconsistent and inaccurate referencing Often poorly presented work that is disorganised, has an ill-formed central argument, and lacks a logical and coherent structure. A lack of clarity of expression or fails to communicate effective conclusions to specialist or non-specialist audiences
30% Inadequate and limited knowledge and understanding of the subject matter shown. Work is not informed by scholarship within the field of study and significantly lacks depth, breadth, detail or clarity Descriptive work with little or no evidence of critical evaluation and awareness of current problems and contemporary issues and debates. No evidence of awareness of new insights or perspectives within the field. Little or no synthesis of current research and scholarship within the subject area No evidence of originality, innovation, and little to no application of knowledge and theory to professional practice. Demonstrates no critical awareness and evaluation and a distinct lack of ability to use the academic literature in an effective manner No evidence of critical engagement with relevant and current literature. Lack of use of appropriate sources and inconsistent and inaccurate referencing Poorly presented and disorganised work that lacks a logical and coherent structure, lacks a well-formed central argument and shows a significant lack of clarity of expression with very weak or irrelevant conclusions, that may be incoherent to specialist or non-specialist audiences


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ABC Consulting is an accounting firm located in Winnipeg, Manitoba

 Case Study ABC Consulting is an accounting firm located in Winnipeg, Manitoba. ABC Consulting was founded in 2010 and has experienced some strong growth over the years. The firm currently employs over 20 accountants and 11 support staff. As the company has grown, the needs of the business have also changed. John Reese, the founder of ABC Consulting, is increasingly concerned with the cost of administrative overhead, saying “What worked for us to keep five accountants organized just isn’t working for twenty accountants.” Administrative costs for the company are growing too rapidly. John has chartered a project to develop a time and billing system, which is a system that will be used by the accountants to log their time to specific jobs. The system will produce invoices and timesheets and will be developed by Simply Agile Business Consulting, a software development firm where you are the BA. You have prepared and conducted elicitation with John and key stakeholders in ABC Consulting. You have documented your elicitation results and findings, as follows: ABC Consulting needs to automate the management of employee timesheets. This need is aligned with the goal of holding a position of operational excellence in the industry. This project will reduce average cost to administer a timesheet by 75% in the next nine months, and will produce the following outcomes: increased customer satisfaction; and reduced administration costs. BUAN 0120 Elicitation & Collaboration   Listen  11/15/21, 4:44 PM BUAN 0120 | Assignment 2 2/4 The project will be executed by Simply Agile Business Consulting and focus on requirements and business analysis. The cost for this project is $200,000, and the annual savings are $100,000, plus additional benefits. BUSINESS NEED: Automate timesheet management. GOAL: Hold a position of operational excellence in the industry. OBJECTIVE: Reduce average cost to administer timesheets by 75% the next nine months. BUSINESS PROBLEM: Timesheet management is too costly. DESIRED OUTCOMES: Project will produce increased customer satisfaction and reduced administration costs. Case Study Questions In a Word document, not exceeding four pages and following APA formatting, complete the assignment according to the following instructions. 1. In your own words, briefly describe the documented elicitation results by the business analyst. 2. List and explain 2 guidelines and tools, as described by the BABOK, that the business analyst can use to confirm the elicitation results. 3. Identify 2 techniques that will be most beneficial in confirming the elicitation results from John and the ABC Consulting stakeholders and provide justification for your response. 4. Judging by the documented elicited result above, do you think that the business analyst has gathered enough information to uncover all the business needs and problems? Justify your position. 11/15/21, 4:44 PM BUAN 0120 | Assignment 2 3/4 5. Provide personal examples and references to the BABOK or course materials, where needed, to justify your arguments


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  • Enjoy Please Note-You have come to the most reliable academic writing site that will sort all assignments that that you could be having. We write essays, research papers, term papers, research proposals  ABC Consulting is an accounting firm located in Winnipeg, Manitoba

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ethical considerations of treating AIDS patients, and describe the rationale for the dilemma

 Start by reading and following these instructions:

1. Quickly skim the questions or assignment below and the assignment rubric to help you focus.

2. Read the required chapter(s) of the textbook and any additional recommended resources. Some answers may require you to do additional research on the Internet or in other reference sources. Choose your sources carefully.

3. Consider the discussion and any insights you gained from it.

4. Create your Assignment submission and be sure to cite your sources, use APA style as required, check your spelling.


  1. List one of the ethical considerations of treating AIDS patients, and describe the rationale for the dilemma.
  2. List one of the Principles of Medical Ethics and provide a brief reason for that principle.
  3. Thoroughly discuss one of the dilemmas surrounding the restrictions on HIV-infected health care workers.
  4. List one of the Patient’s Rights, as found in the Patient’s Bill of Rights; and explain that right’s rationale and/or the impact on health care.
  5. Thoroughly explain the physician’s dilemma in the Duty, to Tell the Truth.
  6. Thoroughly explain the “Borrowed Servant Doctrine” and its importance to liability.
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Nurses as Change Agents in the Community


Discussion Question – A reference and citation are required. 

Nurses as Change Agents in the Community

In the chapter, “How Community-Based Organizations Are Addressing Nursing’s Role in Transforming Health Care,” the authors describe the community as the focus of advocacy action for change. They list a series of questions that help community teams develop organizing principles to guide their interventions, and the aim is to attack social determinants of health to make community change. Suppose a community team identifies lack of access to exercise modalities as a public health issue. If the team were to determine that pedestrian walkways need to be constructed:

  • Discuss at least two factors that would facilitate the development of the walkways.
  • Discuss at least two factors that would hinder the development of the walkways.
    • Include in your discussions ways that the team might work to overcome those hindrances.

Textbook Information

Mason, D. J., Dickson, E. L., Perez, G. A., & McLemore, A. R. (Eds). (2020). Policy & politics in nursing and health care (8th ed.). Elsevier. ISBN: 9780323554985.

From your course textbook, Policy & Politics in Nursing and Health Care, read the following chapters:

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How do you strike a balance between being overwhelmed with false positives and the danger of ignoring true incidents?

 What kind of user training should be conducted to deal with the issue of noise (electrical). How do you strike a balance between being overwhelmed with false positives and the danger of ignoring true incidents? What effects would false positives have on an organization? Make sure to cite your sources.***Standard for all Research AssignmentsYour paper should meet the following requirements: