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Research indicates that we form more  positive impressions of physically attractive people than we do unattractive people.

Assignment- Research indicates that we form more  positive impressions of physically attractive people than we do unattractive people.  Explain how advertisements, movies and children’s fairy tales play a role in this  and how they may be able to make some adjustment to facilitate positive feelings about unattractive people. 

Requirements Gordon Rule 

  • Please write in complete sentences and thoughts.
  • Use detail
  • it must be 1 page in length ( approx.250 words)
  • Double spaced.
  • This is a part of your Gordon  Rule requirement.
  • Must be submitted in APA format with citation and reference

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  • Research indicates that we form more  positive impressions of physically attractive people than we do unattractive people.

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Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs

1. Understanding Maslow’s Need Theory.

Select five (5) ads, one for each stage in Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. Identify which of the motivational needs the advertiser is appealing to when they created the advertisement. (Make sure to attach a copy of the ad you are analyzing.)

A. Physiological (Basic physical needs: food, water, shelter)

B. Safety/Security (How we protect what is important.)

C. Social (Perhaps the easiest category)

D. Esteem (Providing the opportunity to feel good about ourselves)

F. Self-Actualization (Making the world a better place)

Be sure to read this section of your text. It will help you in identifying the five stages. Make sure that you provide a two paragraph analysis (this will allow for adequate detail in your response) of why the ad you selected reflects the particular need identified in Maslow’s Hierarchy.

2. Find print ads that illustrate the following categories: family influence, social class and a specific subculture. Then describe the component of the ad that stressed that specific influence. Make sure to include the ad and remember I can see the ad, I don’t need you to describe it. I want to know what made it fall into that particular category. An easy way to answer these questions is to define the term and indicate why the ads fall  into that category. Be sure to include at least one or two well written paragraphs to justify your response. Remember I am looking for “print” ads not You Tube links

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  • Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs

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Identify energy sources in the region that can be exploited to meet the energy requirements of consumer load

ENGG2500 Sustainable Engineering Practice
Energy Systems Project
Due Date: Friday Midnight Week 13
1 Introduction
The council for the town of Scone (Upper Hunter Shire Council) has engaged the consultancy engineering company you are employed at (UoN Engineering) to identify the optimal energy mix to power consumer loads within their region. Your engineering team is required to write a technical report that addresses three main points:

  1. Identify energy sources in the region that can be exploited to meet the energy requirements of consumer loads;
  2. Select the energy sources, and energy storage technologies, which optimise the system;
  3. In determining the optimality of your solution, consider and quantify (to the best extent possible) the environmental, cultural, nancial and ethical impacts of your design.
    2 Background Information
    The following background information will help in nding the optimal energy mix for the town.
    The council has speci ed that the energy mix can be made up of the following energy sources/storage technologies:
    Fossil fuel red generators
    Solar PV or thermal solar
    Wind turbines
    Hydro turbines
    Electrochemical storage
    Pumped hydro storage
    The council has only recently been elected and has asked you to keep in mind that they promised during the previous election campaign that at least 50% of electric power would be generated from renewable sources in the newly designed power grid.
    The residents who own and farm land in and around Scone, and who are often a powerful political force in Upper Hunter Shire Council elections, are often highly aware of and concerned with any environmental impacts a ecting the region.
    The tax payers of Scone generally expect council infrastructure projects to provide a high quality service at a low nancial cost.
    The citizens of Scone typically have high expectations for the reliability of the energy supplied to their places of business and their households. Power outages will result in:
    Consumer inconvenience;
    Lost economic output;
    Increasing political pressure on the council.
    There exists a grid connection, over which large amounts of energy can be exchanged, between Scone and Muswellbrook. The nancial cost of importing energy from Muswellbrook, and the sale price for exporting energy to Muswellbrook, is determined in real time by the Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO). If your design utilises this grid connection, past energy price charts are available online from AEMO for you to consider in your design. Assume the grid connection has an energy mix of 80% coal red power station, 10% hydro-electric power and 10% solar PV.
    The overall electricity consumption (44GWh per year) is assumed split into four elements, each with their own load pro le and social/political/economic penalties associated with outages.
    Residential (40%)
    Industrial (30%)
    Non-critical commercial (20%)
    Critical commercial (10%)
    Any available sites in the region in which a hydroelectric dam / pumped hydro storage could be located happen to be situated on indigenous land.
    3 Requirements
    3.1 Design
    When designing a solution, the following issues should be at least considered in your report:
    The nancial cost of your solution, including purchasing costs, maintenance costs and salvage costs/pro ts.
    The reliability of your solution i.e. is there any unmet load at any time during the year, if so how much and which loads does it a ect?
    The environmental cost of your solution, including the impact on climate change.
    The amount of land required for your solution.
    The appropriateness of your solution to the social, political and cultural environment in the town of Scone.
    The simulation package Homer Pro can be utilised to investigate the following:
    The instantaneous match / mismatch between load and generation in the system on a hour-to-hour basis;
    A nancial cost comparison of alternate energy mixes;
    Total carbon dioxide, unburnt hydrocarbons, sulfur dioxide outputs … of alternate energy mixes.
    3.2 Report length
    The report should be no longer than 20 pages long and have no more than 5,000 words.
    3.3 Submission
    Only one report is to be submitted per group. There is a brief oral presentation with your tutors before you submit. The oral presentation is simply to explain in what each group member has contributed/will contribute to the project and their understanding of their contribution. This will be done in week 13 tutorial session time. Due to the covid restrictions, this will be done in breakout rooms through Zoom.
    It should be a ‘proper’ engineering report just as in Assignment 2. I need you to have these features:
    Title page which includes the authors names, student numbers, and date.
    The percentage contribution of the authors to the report and the parts of the report that they have contributed to, should be included on the title page.
    An executive summary/abstract this should be only a couple of paragraphs ideally and certainly no longer than 1 page. The executive summary should be a concise summary of what you have done and why.
    An introduction which sets the framework/context of the work.
    Some sections which contain your work. These will display your results and importantly your analysis of these results.
    A conclusion
    A bibliography
    Appendices as required for Matlab code etc.
    You must cite references for all things that are not widely known. You don’t need to cite F = ma but you should cite the source of something like solar irradiance data or load patterns. I don’t mind which referencing scheme you use but you must be consistent.
    You must use relative referencing. I.e. don’t say ‘the table below’. Say instead Table 1.
    Column A Column B Column C
    1 2 3
    4 5 6
    Table 1: Table of Numbers
    4 Modelling
    The Homer Pro software contains built in models that predict the amount of energy output from solar PV and hydro turbines based on relevant resource input data. However, the council has provided encouragement for UoN engineering to deliver a working custom model for an energy source used in the energy mix. The custom model should be written in Matlab, and interface with Homer Pro. This is not a strict requirement of the project but would be highly regarded.
    5 Helpful Tips
  4. By modifying when energy sources and storage technologies are producing / storing energy, with respect to the price of electricity, irradiance and wind speed at that time etc, an optimal dispatch strategy can be formulated. The nancial and environmental cost can often be signi cantly improved if the dispatch strategy of the energy mix is considered. Homer Pro facilitates xed and customisable dispatch strategies.
  5. Many of the criteria for the project are not able to be assessed by Homer Pro. Some of these include:
    (a) Cultural e ects.
    (b) Visual pollution.
    (c) Construction e ects.
    (d) The environmental e ects of manufacture and disposal of components.
    (e) Repatriation of the land at the end of project lifetime end.
    These criteria should be considered using the other tools that you have been exposed to during the course. These obviously include life cycle analysis (LCA) and multicriteria decision analysis.
  6. Assume that the project lifetime is 50 years. Given that, you will need to make sensible assumptions regarding replacement costs. For example it’s predicted that the cost of battery storage will reduce by about 60% over the next 10 years with similar falls in solar PV. So if you assume that the replacement costs will be xed that could well get a poor estimate of the costs generation.
    Of course predictions are error prone. It’s always good to provide some level of con dence normally via references. Sensitivity analysis should be considered.
  7. The page and word limits are maxima. Good report writing is concise. You will be rewarded for well written concise reports. You will be penalised for poorly written verbose reports.
    6 Marking Rubric
    The marking rubric is shown in Tables 2 and 3

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  • Identify energy sources in the region that can be exploited to meet the energy requirements of consumer load

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Participation in developing ideas and planning project Willingness to discuss the ideas of others

Country for Assignment is Portugal.

  1. 10-15 minute presentation to the class – need a power point presentation as well
  2. Referencing of material is a must!
  3. 3 page (double-spaced) reflection on your experience working with your group – this is important as well
  • What did you learn from the experience? What do you think went well? What would you have done
    differently, given the opportunity? What are your goals for future group work?
  1. Self & Peer evaluations
    Group Project
    Country – Portugal
    Intercultural and international communication has taken on a new role for students as well as career professionals. Knowing when the European and Asian markets open has become mandatory; so has awareness of multiple time zones and their importance in relation to trade, shipping, and the production cycle. Managing production in China from an office in Chicago has become common. Receiving technical assistance for your computer often means connecting with a well-educated English speaker in New Delhi. Communities are no longer linked as simply “brother” and “sister” cities in symbolic partnerships. They are linked in the daily trade of goods and services.
    In your line of work, you will be exposed to a variety of different cultures and language differences. These different cultures and language differences can bring about differences in how you interact with others.
    For this project, you will examine and explore the following from your assigned country:
  2. Primary languages spoken in your country
  3. Verbal and non-verbal communication skills
  4. How teams interact and work together
  5. Define management styles
  6. Define how conflict is managed
  7. Any other relevant information
    Final Product:
  8. 10-15 minute presentation to the class
  9. Referencing of your material is a must!
  10. 3 page (double-spaced) reflection on your experience working with your group.
  • What did you learn from the experience? What do you think went well? What would you have done
    differently, given the opportunity? What are your goals for future group work?
  1. Self & Peer evaluations

Total: 76 marks
Topic accurately covered:
Yes: 7-10/10 Partially: 4-6/10 Not Well: 0-3/10
Language Material Covered:
Yes: 7-10/10 Partially: 4-6/10 Not Well: 0-3/10
Management Style Covered: Yes: 7-10/10 Partially: 4-6/10 Not Well: 0-3/10
Conflict Covered:
Yes: 7-10/10 Partially: 4-6/10 Not Well: 0-3/10
Referencing: Yes: 7-10/10 Partially: 4-6/10 Not Well: 0-3/10
Verbal Presentation:
Covered Well: 7-10/10 Partially Well: 4-6/10 Not Well: 0-3/10
Self & Peer Evaluation Completed: 5/5 Not Completed: 0/5
Reflection Page Requirements: 0-2/2
Reviewed Experience 0-2/2
Provided Future Goals for Group Work 0-2/2

Self and Peer Evaluation of Group Project
Please assess the work of you and your colleagues by using the following criteria. We will
consider your feedback in assigning the grade for the project. Please try to be as honest and fair
as possible in your assessment.
5 = Excellent work; was crucial component to group’s success
4 = Very strong work; contributed significantly to group
3 = Sufficient effort; contributed adequately to group
2 = Insufficient effort; met minimal standards of group
1 = Little or weak effort; was detrimental to group?
SELF Evaluation (Name: ________________):
_ Participation in developing ideas and planning project Willingness to discuss the ideas of others
Cooperation with other group members
Interest and enthusiasm in project
Participation in leading/facilitating discussion
Ease and familiarity with discussion material
PEER Evaluation (Partner 1: ______________
_ Participation in developing ideas and planning project Willingness to discuss the ideas of others
Cooperation with other group members
Interest and enthusiasm in project
Participation in leading/facilitating discussion
Ease and familiarity with discussion material

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PEER Evaluation (Partner 2: ____________):
_ Participation in developing ideas and planning project Willingness to discuss the ideas of others
Cooperation with other group members
Interest and enthusiasm in project
Participation in leading/facilitating discussion
Ease and familiarity with discussion material
PEER Evaluation (Partner 3: _______________
_ Participation in developing ideas and planning project Willingness to discuss the ideas of others
Cooperation with other group members
Interest and enthusiasm in project
Participation in leading/facilitating discussion
Ease and familiarity with discussion material
PEER Evaluation (Partner 4: _______________
_ Participation in developing ideas and planning project Willingness to discuss the ideas of others
Cooperation with other group members
Interest and enthusiasm in project
Participation in leading/facilitating discussion
Ease and familiarity with discussion material
PEER Evaluation (Partner 5: _______________
_ Participation in developing ideas and planning project Willingness to discuss the ideas of others
Cooperation with other group members
Interest and enthusiasm in project
Participation in leading/facilitating discussion
Ease and familiarity with discussion material
PEER Evaluation (Partner 6: _______________
_ Participation in developing ideas and planning project Willingness to discuss the ideas of others
Cooperation with other group members
Interest and enthusiasm in project
Participation in leading/facilitating discussion
Ease and familiarity with discussion material

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Assessment Weight: 50 total marks
• All questions must be answered by using the answer boxes provided in this paper.
• Completed answers must be submitted to Blackboard by the published due date and time.
Submission instructions are at the end of this paper.
This assessment consists of six (6) questions and is designed to assess your level of knowledge of the key topics covered in this unit

Adapted Harvard Referencing
Holmes has now implemented a revised Harvard approach to referencing:

  1. Reference sources in assignments are limited to sources which provide full text access to the source’s content for lecturers and markers.
  2. The Reference list should be located on a separate page at the end of the essay and titled: References.
  3. It should include the details of all the in-text citations, arranged alphabetically A-Z by author surname. In addition, it MUST include a hyperlink to the full text of the cited reference source.
    For example;
    P Hawking, B McCarthy, A Stein (2004), Second Wave ERP Education, Journal of Information Systems Education, Fall,
  4. All assignments will require additional in-text reference details which will consist of the surname of the author/authors or name of the authoring body, year of publication, page number of content, paragraph where the content can be found.
    For example;
    “The company decided to implement an enterprise wide data warehouse business intelligence strategies (Hawking et al, 2004, p3(4)).”

Non – Adherence to Referencing Guidelines
Where students do not follow the above guidelines:

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  1. Students who submit assignments which do not comply with the guidelines may be required to resubmit their assignments or incur penalties for inadequate referencing.
  2. Late penalties will apply per day after a student or group has been notified of a resubmission requirements.
    • Students whose citations are identified as fictitious will be reported for academic misconduct.
    Note. References are not mandatory for this assessment. However, please follow the Adaptive Harvard Referencing guidelines if you use any reference(s) to explain any concept or theory.
    Question 1 (11 marks)
    The role of internal audit is to provide independent assurance that an organisation’s risk management, governance and internal control processes are operating effectively. ABCD Limited is concerned about its Internal Audit (IA) function. Recently, ABCD Limited is expanding and reorganizing its Internal Audit (IA) function. Currently the Director of Internal Audit, Shuja Mehboob, reports to the corporate controller, who receives and reviews all internal audit reports. Mehboob forwards copies of the internal audit reports to the audit committee of the board of directors and to the manager directly responsible for the function being audited.
    An issue of contention among the management team pertains to which department or function the Director of Internal Audits should report. Martin Stevens the CEO wants to ensure that ABCD Limited complies with the SOX and that the internal audit department is structured such that it strengthens the company’s internal control system. Also, an overarching objective for the reorganized audit function is that the external auditors are able to rely on the work performed by the internal audit department to a substantial degree. Arguments put forth by interested parties as to where the IA department should be organizationally located are presented below:
    Chief Operations Officer (COO). Robert, the COO of ABCD Limited, believes that the Director of IA should report to him. Under this arrangement the IA staff members would be involved in the preparation of policy statements on internal control regarding safeguarding of assets and in the design of business processes.
    Chief Information Officer (CIO). Marry, the CIO, has pushed hard to have the IA function report to him and take on an active role in the design, installation, and initial operation of a new computerized systems. IA staff will be primarily concerned with the design and implementation of internal accounting controls and conduct the evaluation of these controls during the test runs and audits.
    Corporate Controller. The controller Bailey Eder, believes the IA group should remain within her functional area. Currently the IA staff performs a number of controller related tasks. These include:
    o Internal auditors reconcile bank statements of the corporation each month. The controller believes this strengthens the internal control function because the internal auditor is not involved in either the receipt or the disbursement of cash.
    o Internal auditors review the annual budget each year for relevance and reasonableness before the budget is approved. At the end of each month, the controller’s staff analyzes the variances from budget and prepares explanations of these variances. These variances and explanations are then reviewed by the internal audit staff.
    o Lastly, the internal auditors make accounting entries for complex transactions when employees of the accounting department are not adequately trained to handle such transactions. The controller believes this gives an added measure of assurance to the accurate recording of such transactions.
    Required: We have discussed internal audit independence during our interactive tutorials. Your answer should be based on our discussion. Please answer the following questions.
    a) For each of the proposed tasks to be performed by the IA function, explain whether ABCD Limited’s internal audit independence will be materially impaired. For this explanation, consider each manager’s arguments independently. [6 Marks. Word Limit: Up to 300 words]
    b) To maintain independence, where should the Director of Internal Audits report? Explain your answer. [5 Marks. Word Limit: Up to 200 words]
    ANSWER: ** Answer box will enlarge as you type
    Question 2 (11 marks)
    Richard has been a highly regarded employee of the Brier Corporation for almost 20 years. Her loyalty to the company is reflected in her dedication to her job as general accounting clerk from which she has not taken a vacation in almost 12 years. Because of her dedication and long tenure, she has acquired many related responsibilities, which has allowed the Brier Corp to reduce its work force through attrition, control salary expenses and become more efficient and competitive. The following describes Richard’s responsibilities.
    Richard receives copies of credit sales orders from the sales department. From these documents she accesses the AR subsidiary ledger from her office computer and records the AR. She then records the sale in the sales journal and posts the transactions to the general ledger accounts. Cash receipts in payment of customer AR come directly to her office. She records the cash receipts in the GL cash and AR accounts and updates the AR subsidiary ledger. She then endorses the checks “for deposit only” and deposits them in the bank at the end of each day.
    a. Identify any control problems in the procedures described above. [3 Marks. Word Limit: Up to 200 words]
    b. Based on the control problems identified above, what sorts of fraud are possible in this system? [4 Marks. Word Limit: Up to 200 words]
    c. What controls are needed to reduce the risk of fraud? [4 Marks. Word Limit: Up to 200 words]
    Question 3 (7 marks)
    Paul Williams recently joined XYZ2 Limited as the head of accounting department. Williams spent the first few weeks to analyse the account information system. Based on this analysis, Williams is concerned about the purchase system of XYZ2 Limited. Here is the details of purchase system.
    The purchasing agent of XYZ2 Limited periodically checks inventory levels from a computer terminal, which is connected to a central accounting system. The agent searches the inventory file for items that need to be ordered. He then selects a supplier, prints a hard copy of the purchase order, and mails it to the vendor. The clerk files one copy of the PO in the department and sends a second copy to the AP Clerk. When the inventories arrive at the receiving department, a receiving clerk reconciles the items with the packing slip, inspects them for condition, and manually prepares a three-part receiving report. The clerk sends one copy to the purchasing department to close out the open PO, files one copy along with the packing slip in the receiving department, and sends one copy with the inventory to the warehouse.
    In the purchase system, account payable clerk performs some key roles. When the accounts payable clerk receives a hardcopy invoice from the vendor, she reconciles the invoice with the purchase order, records the liability in the AP Subsidiary Ledger from the terminal in her office, and assigns a due date for payment. The warehouse clerk receives the inventory, reconciles it with the receiving report, and updates the inventory subsidiary ledger from a terminal in the warehouse.
    Required: Describe the uncontrolled risks in the system of XYZ2 Limited. Against each identified risk, describe the physical controls needed to reduce the risks. [7 Marks. Word Limit: Up to 600 words]
    Question 4 (7 marks)
    Part (a). During the week 10 and 11, we have discussed different feasibility studies, including technical, economic, legal, operational and schedules feasibility. Based on this discussion, elaborate cost-benefit analysis as it is performed in the economic feasibility. [4 Marks. Word Limit: Up to 200 words]
    Part (b). The system experts perform the design and implementation phases of the system development life cycle. However, the accountant’s role in these phases cannot be ignored. Comment on the statement. [3 Marks. Word Limit: Up to 150 words]
    Question 5 (7 marks)
    Miss Anglea recently joined A2A Limited as an accounting clerk. As a part of financial reporting process, she receives the following source documents to prepare journal vouchers for general ledger entries.
  3. purchase orders,
  4. sales invoices, and
  5. vendor invoices
    At the end of each day, Angela posts the journal vouchers to the general ledger and the related subsidiary ledgers. Each month the clerk reconciles the subsidiary accounts to their control accounts in the general ledger to ensure that they balance.
    Required: Discuss any control weaknesses and risks associated with the accounting information system of A2A Limited. [7 Marks. Word Limit: Up to 400 words]
    Question 6 (7 marks)
    You have been working in the accounting department of AAA Limited since 2000. During this period, you have performed various roles, including:
  6. Evaluating the purpose and role of accounting information systems in achieving the overall objectives of the organisation,
  7. Articulating the various transaction cycles, financial reporting, management reporting systems and ecommerce systems to technical and non-technical stakeholders,
  8. Evaluating systems development methodologies and the role of accountants in system development projects,
  9. Appraising the risks inherent in computer-based systems/ERP, including the role of ethics and the various internal control processes that need to be in place, and
  10. Critically evaluating the range of cultural, security, privacy and ethical issues.
    Recently, you joined another company for a senior role as a chief information officer. You are excited to perform this senior role. David is the chief executive officer (CEO) of your organisation, and he is excited to implement an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system. Recently, your CEO has met with a consulting ERP firm based on a friend’s recommendation at his club. During a recent meeting, David invited the chief consultant who is charming, personable, and seemed very knowledgeable. The CEO’s first instinct was to sign a contract with the consultant, but he decided to hold off until he had received your input.
    Required: David wants your opinion on this issue. In particular, he asked you to write a memo presenting the issues and the risks associated with consultants. Your discussion should be based on the relevant, interactive tutorial. Further, outline a set of procedures that could be used as a guide in selecting a consultant. [7 Marks. Word Limit: Up to 200 words]
    Submission instructions:
    • Save submission with your STUDENT ID NUMBER and UNIT CODE e.g. EMV54897 HI5019
    • Submission must be in MICROSOFT WORD FORMAT ONLY
    • Upload your submission to the appropriate link on Blackboard
    • Only one submission is accepted. Please ensure your submission is the correct document.
    • All submissions are automatically passed through SafeAssign to assess academic integrity
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Wholesale Operations Manager Case Study

Big Box General Stores is a new retailer that we’re about to start supplying with our Vitamins and Supplements. We’re going to be on the shelves in all 500 stores with our 3 best-selling vitamins and our two, brand new, not yet released, anxiety and heart supplements. The launch date is December 1st and they must have the products delivered in their DC Network by November 2nd.
For their initial order they need to seed all stores with product and would like to hold 2 weeks of supply in their DCs as backup inventory. We have a single facing per item in each store that holds 3 units per facing. The estimated sales by item by store are provided below (Units Per Store Per Week).
Product UPSPW
Biotin Vitamins 0.8
Immunity Vitamins 0.9
Sleep Vitamins 1.1
Anxiety Supplement 0.9
Heart Supplement 0.6
Big Box has three distribution centers that serve all 500 stores – they are located in CA, TX and PA. The pallet height limit for their DCs is 65 inches (including the height of the pallet).
DC Loc Store Per DC
CA 140
TX 180
PA 180
Total 500
Today is October 18th and, due to supply chain issues, we’ve just learned of a delay in receiving the new supplements. The current delivery schedule to our Fulfillment Center in Columbus, OH is below, but things are changing regularly. There are no supply issues with the 3 vitamins.
Delivering to our warehouse by:
Supplement 10/18 10/25 10/29 11/2
Anxiety Supplement 400 400 800 1400
Heart Supplement 500 900 800 800

  1. Share your fulfillment plan for the initial shipment to Big Box (please share your working for this solution)?
  2. How many cartons and pallets do you expect to ship to each DC (please share your working)?
  3. What factors did you consider in coming up with this shipment plan?
  4. What other options did you consider in coming up with your fulfillment plan?
    Product dimensions
    Product Qty per Carton Carton Width (in) Carton Depth (in) Carton Height (in) Cartons Per Pallet Layer
    Biotin Vitamins 8 5.63 17.5 6 16
    Immunity Vitamins 8 5.63 17.5 6 16
    Sleep Vitamins 8 5.63 17.5 6 16
    Anxiety Supplement 24 16.5 11.5 11.5 9
    Heart Supplement 24 16.5 11.5 11.5 9

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How does the external audit affect other components of the strategic-management process?

Lesson topic: the external assessment process
Q1: How does the external audit affect other components of the strategic-management process?
Q2: Use a series of two-dimensional (two-variable) graphs to illustrate the historical relationship among the following variables: value of the dollar, oil prices, and interest rates. Give one implication of each graph for strategic planning
Q3: Opportunities and threats usually result from an interaction among key environmental trends rather than from a single external event or factor
Lesson topic: the internal assessment process
Q1: Do you agree or disagree with the RBV theorists that internal resources are more important for a firm than external factors in achieving and sustaining competitive advantage? Explain your and their position.
Q2: Culture affects all the functions of the business. Discuss
Q3: Do you think cultural products affect strategy formulation, implementation, or evaluation the most? Why?
Important note:
For each question answers it’s very important to explain, justify, describe and give examples

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  • Enjoy Please Note-You have come to the most reliable academic writing site that will sort all assignments that that you could be having. We write essays, research papers, term papers, research proposals How does the external audit affect other components of the strategic-management process?

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One of the most notable social trends affecting consumer behavior is the idea of going green. As climate change and environmental concerns increase in their seriousness and impact, consumers seek to buy green products that might help mitigate or combat the problem. In response, many companies are developing new green products—including electric cars. The first electric car actually was built in 1891, but it lost popularity when Henry Ford introduced the gas-powered Model T. Electric cars regained consumers’ interest as Toyota developed its Prius in the late 1990s. The original Prius actually was a hybrid, powered by both gas and electricity; its success prompted other companies such as Honda, General Motors (GM), Ford, and Chevrolet to innovate their own hybrid models, as well as some all-electric versions. By the early 2000s, though, all the major automakers had terminated their all-electric programs. It was not until 2006, when Tesla Motors revealed its Roadster, that a modern version of the all-electric car became a distinct and appealing possibility.

 Tesla remains the gold standard for electric cars. The Model S all-electric sedan is the top-ranked ultra-luxury vehicle. Yet its high price has kept the brand from being a very widely purchased car. For example, a new Tesla Model S 75D starts at $75,700, and models with longer ranges without recharging start at $98,700.71 Even if more customers might want to purchase an all-electric car, few of them can afford a Tesla. In response, Tesla innovated a less expensive entry model, the Model 3, that starts around $35,000.72 In parallel, other companies have released their more economical all-electric options: the Chevrolet Bolt starts around $37,000 and offers a battery life comparable to that of the Tesla Model S.73 General Motors also recently decided to compete with Tesla directly. One of Tesla’s greatest advantages has been its over-the-air software, which automatically and regularly updates the cars’ software when they are plugged in overnight. Recognizing that it already installs OnStar Page 170as a safety service standard on any GM vehicle, GM has found a large fleet of connected cars at its disposal already. Therefore, it plans to use OnStar as a means to compete directly with Tesla’s software.

 Furthermore, GM’s latest all-electric car seeks to do more than address just the problem of climate change; it wants to help drivers overcome the problem of congestion in cities. Its all-electric E100 will cost only $14,000 before incentives; with the incentives, the paid price drops to close to $5,000.75 But it is being launched only in China, under the company’s Baojun brand. The Chinese car market is the largest in the world, and the electric car segment is the largest growing segment in China, due in part to the subsidies and incentives offered by the national and local governments. Accordingly, China already makes up 40 percent of the worldwide electric car market. The E100 has been designed specifically to meet the needs of consumers living in Chinese cities, in that it is compact, seating only two adults, and easy to maneuver in the heavily populated streets. Furthermore, its top speed is 62 miles per hour, and its battery can last for about 96 miles, and then takes only about 7.5 hours to charge. It might not be an ideal option for someone living in a rural area who needs to travel long distances, but it is perfect for a city dweller. Finally, although the car does not cost much to own, the E100 still provides some key luxuries: the interior features a digital dashboard, a seven-inch touchscreen center console, and Wi-Fi capabilities.

Launched in China by General Motors, the inexpensive Baojun electric car is designed to overcome the problems of congestion in cities. Imaginechina via AP Images Within the week of its announcement, more than 5,000 people had registered to buy the first 200 models of the E100, spurring the company to make another 500 cars available quickly. Although the E100 will be available only in the Guangxi region of China in the immediate term, GM plans to expand its availability throughout the country as soon as possible.

1.  Discuss how specific environmental issues examined in this chapter impact the development and sale of electric cars.

2. Which market do you believe will be more successful, Tesla in the United States or GM’s E100 in China?

3. Defend your answer.

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Which risk do you think is greater, the risk from malaria or health effects from DDT?

Discussion Prompt: Benefits and Risks Read the following article and answer the questions below incorporating information from your textbook and the videos that you watched. Cone, M. (2009, May 4). Should DDT be used to combat malaria? Scientific American. Retrieved from   

  • Which risk do you think is greater, the risk from malaria or health effects from DDT?  Explain why. Research some alternatives to the pesticide DDT. What are the risks associated with these alternatives? Do the benefits outweigh the risks?
  • Man tries to control nature through technology and even chemicals. Compare man’s power versus God’s power that you meditated on in the Biblical Perspective.
  • Most of the toxicity information that we use to set standards to protect human health comes from testing chemicals on animals. Discuss the ethics of testing chemicals on animals. Are there alternative methods and would you trust the safety of chemicals that were tested using these methods?

Session 3 ActivityOnline and In-Seat Students:After completing the reading assignment for this session, complete the  Session 3 Activity Session 3 Activity – Alternative FormatsInstructions:

  1. Click on the “Session 3 Activity” link above. The activity will download directly to your computer as a Word document.
  2. There will be instructions in the Word document that you will use to complete this activity.
  3. Complete all parts of this activity by directly typing your answers onto the Word document (i.e., fill in the table and answer the questions).
  4. Save the completed Word document to your computer.
  5. Click the Session 3 Activity link to submit your assignment as an attachment by the posted due date.

this has two parts  discussion 3  and session 3

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  • Which risk do you think is greater, the risk from malaria or health effects from DDT?

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cancerous growth removed from the right scapular area using the MOHS SURGERY technique

the next patient you are assisting the doctor with is having a cancerous growth removed from the right scapular area using the MOHS SURGERY technique. the patient has been prepared for the procedure, the doctor makes the first incision before leaving the room. the patient seems worried. how will you explain what is happening to the patient?

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  • Enjoy Please Note-You have come to the most reliable academic writing site that will sort all assignments that that you could be having. We write essays, research papers, term papers, research proposals. cancerous growth removed from the right scapular area using the MOHS SURGERY technique

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