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Imagine that you just received the following e-mail from the CEO of the organization that you work for:

Everything that you write has a goal and an audience. Your message and the way that you write that message will change depending on the audience and your goal. This is why it is important to carefully plan messages before writing them. When you plan your message, you ask yourself questions about your audience, your goal, and the situation.

Imagine that you just received the following e-mail from the CEO of the organization that you work for:


Thank you for your hard work and dedication as we have navigated the difficulties of this past year. As you know, the vast majority of our team has been working from home for many months now. This has not been without its challenges, but there have also been some distinct benefits to our remote work arrangements.

As the situation in the world looks to be improving, we are now considering whether or not to bring the team back to the office or continue to allow working from home. I am very much interested in your feedback. What’s working with the current arrangement? What’s not working? If given the choice, would you want to come back to the office or continue working from home?

Please reply to this message with your feedback.

Thanks for all that you do!

[CEO Signature Block]

Using the template provided, answer the following questions to help you think through how you would respond to the CEO’s e-mail. (Note that you are not actually writing a response to the e-mail. The goal of this assignment is to answer the questions below to help you think through how you would respond.)

  • Who is your audience?
  • What is your goal in this e-mail?
  • What are the pros and cons of working from home?
  • What are the pros and cons of working in the office?
  • What are 2 reasons for your choice (to work from home or work in the office)?
  • What writing choices will you use to get your point across to your audience? (For example, some choices to consider might include: What greeting would you use to begin your e-mail? Do you think using numbering or bullet points to organize your e-mail would help? How will you close your e-mail?)





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Dr. Lund Notes for The Norton Introduction to Philosophy

What is Knowledge?

Dr. Lund Notes for The Norton Introduction to Philosophy, with supplements from Sober’s Core Questions in Philosophy, Ch. 12

Theory of Knowledge


-ology (study of) + episteme -propositional knowledge

(vs. techne)

Assumption: Most of our beliefs aren’t knowledge.

The sum total of our beliefs about the world range from our most important values to our most basic thoughts about what is going on in the world around us.

Knowledge, Belief, Fact

The term “knowledge” is a description that applies to statements such as “It is Monday.”

Beliefs based upon these statements are the “model” of the world that we build for ourselves.

The term knowledge describes a relationship that must apply between the world inside someone’s mind (what they believe to be true) and the facts of the matter-the world outside of (or independent from) that person’s mind.

It describes a match between how things are, and how they seem to be.

Commonsense and Counterintuitive

Sometimes our background understanding of other facts about the world along with good judgment helps us to determine whether a belief is likely to be correct.

But common sense is fallible. Many things that seem right are incorrect. In other words, a lot of knowledge is counterintuitive.

Ex. If you drop food, pick it up, wash it, and eat it, is it safe? Does it depend upon whether you drop it in the sink or the toilet? The answer may surprise you!

In 2008, Nicholas Evans, the author of The Horse Whisperer, picked some wild mushrooms, cooked them, and served them to his family. They nearly died, as the mushrooms were deadly webcaps, but Evans did not know this. This shows that sometimes a lack of knowledge can have serious–even fatal–consequences. Knowledge is valuable.

Story about lacking knowledge

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Concepts in Question

Timmy has the ability to ride a bike

Luis is acquainted with Reinaldo

Dana correctly believes that the Rocky Mountains are in North America

What each of these statements share in common is that they can be rewritten with the word “know”

Kinds of Knowledge

Propositional knowledge: knowledge that a proposition is true or false

The main subject matter of epistemology

Personal/acquaintance knowledge: knowledge that is held on the basis of being acquainted with the subject

Procedural knowledge: knowledge concerning how to perform activities

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How do we recognize Propositional Knowledge?

The first two components of knowledge are belief and truth.

If a person S knows that P is true, it must be true that (i) P is true, and (ii) S believes P.

Conditions (i) and (ii) are thus necessary conditions for S to know that P is true.

However, (i) and (ii) are not sufficient conditions for knowledge.

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Plato’s View in the Meno

As Plato noted, knowledge is not merely “correct opinion.”

In addition to having a true belief that P is true, S’s belief that P (iii) is true must be justified.

The received view thus used to be that knowledge was justified true belief.

Theories about what Knowledge is:

Knowledge is justified true belief.

Having a justified true belief that S is true is not sufficient for knowing that S is true.

There is a fourth component of knowledge, in addition to justified true belief.

Can knowledge can be broken down into components?

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Requirements for a Good Definition

Whatever concept we’re defining, we should expect a definition that is neither too broad nor too narrow.

too broad–just right–too narrow

To build a“just right” definition, we need to supply necessary and sufficient conditions.

What is a Necessary Condition?

These are features that if they are NOT met by an instance or individual tell us that the instance is not even a contender to fulfill the concept. (Sober, 149)

Necessary conditions rule things out

Examples of necessary conditions

Job description: must be bilingual

Mammal: must be an animal

Chair: must be furniture

Person you would date: must be alive, not a close relative, etc.

What is a Sufficient Condition?

For a given instance or individual, sufficient conditions are enough for us to be certain that the instance fulfills the concept.

Sufficient Conditions rule things in

Examples of Sufficient Conditions

New hire: candidate selected by the hiring manager

Mammal: nurses its young

Chair: is intended for sitting

Potential date: any person you would date for sure

President of the United States: Elected by the electoral college and sworn in by the Chief Justice of the US Supreme Court

Readings: Plato

© 2018 W. W. Norton & Co., Inc.


The participants in this dialogue attempt to define virtue.

In this dialogue, Socrates demonstrates the theory that knowledge consists of recollection.

He also distinguishes between knowledge and true belief.

JTB Definition of Knowledge

For any individual S and any proposition p, S knows that p if and only if (iff)

S believes that p

P is true

S is justified in believing that p

Necessary Conditions for a Statement to be Knowledge

Almost everyone who deals with the question of knowledge agrees that the JTB theory gets one important thing right. For a statement to be a contender for knowledge it must be a statement that someone believes and it must turn out to be true.

A statement’s truth and someone believing it are necessary conditions for it to be knowledge.

Sufficient Conditions for a Statement to be Knowledge

The question is whether knowing that a given statement is a belief held by someone, is true, and is justified is sufficient to conclude that the statement is in fact knowledge.

If we can find even one case of a belief that fits these criteria but should NOT be called knowledge, then the definition is too broad.

What is a Counterexample?

A counterexample is an example that goes against a generalization

In the case of the JTB, any statement that fits the definition but isn’t knowledge would be a counterexample.

Let’s look at the Lottery counterexample

Sober’s Lottery Example

A fair lottery

1000 tickets sold-you buy one (Justification)

You form the belief “I won’t win” (Belief)

When the drawing happens, you don’t win (True)

Would you throw out your ticket BEFORE the drawing happens?

Do Any Perfectly Justified Statements Exist?

Maybe this is the best description of what knowledge would be, but there is nothing that can fit this definition.

The theory that no knowledge exists is called Philosophical Skepticism

An Argument for Philosophical Skepticism

For any statement

P1: If S knows that p, then it isn’t possible that S is mistaken in believing that p.

P2: It is possible that S is mistaken in believing that p.


S doesn’t know that p.

Is Skepticism Self-Refuting?

I KNOW that no-one knows anything.

Is the statement above an accurate depiction of the skeptics’ position?

If so, it seems self-refuting, like these statements are.

No hablo Español.

I never make a misstake.

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Describe the impact of sending the above message and the potential consequences for George

Within the Discussion Board area, write 200–250 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. 

For this Discussion Board, please complete the following:

In the world we live in today, a lot of our writing happens in the digital space—such as texting, e-mail, and social media. And, many times, it is easy to send or post something quickly without thinking it through first. The consequences can vary. The audience may be offended, or may even misinterpret the message.   Going through a step by step process when we write can help us get our point across to our audience with the desired intent.

Consider the following example of an email sent by George to his supervisor (Frank) after finding out that he has to work the upcoming weekend that he planned to take off:

Hi, Frank,

Are U kidding me?  I need this weekend off me and my family are goin out of town.  I don’t have time for this!



  • Describe the impact of sending the above message and the potential consequences for George.
  • What could George have done differently to achieve the intended goal (to have the weekend off)?





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Supporting business and technology strategies behind those businesses

  • Introduction: Amazon and the Case Study
  • Current State of the Business
  • Amazon Businesses
  • Supporting business and technology strategies behind those businesses
  • Three portions of the business that will drive the future of the business
  • Supporting business and technology strategies behind those future businesses 
  • Summary
  • Assignment Format: MS Powerpoint Slide Deck; APA format
  • Length: 9 slides
  • Citations Required: 5-7 References





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high stakes testing are problematic

The textbook lists seven reasons why high stakes testing are problematic. Choose one and create a scenario that reflects that reason. Make sure it aligns with the reason but is different than the examples given in the book. Also, create an eighth reason that could be added to that list of ways that high stakes testing is problematic. 300 words





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historical development of business ethics

Competencies: #1 Discussing the historical development of business ethics, including the evolution of professional and corporate Codes of Ethics. #3 Assessing his/her own values, attitudes, and beliefs as a member of the workforce. #6 Understanding that sometimes conflicting values, attitudes, and beliefs held by employees, customers, suppliers, managers, owners/stakeholders, and members of the larger community. Having read Chapter 5, address the following: Review the Balancing Beliefs section, beginning on page 135, and provide your response to the Discussion Post. Being aware of sometimes conflicting values, attitudes and beliefs are held by employees, customer, suppliers, managers, owners/stakeholder, and members of the larger community, address such in your response. Assignment #4 will be graded on conveying a clear understanding of the topic, providing a clear discussion of such, as well as utilizing correct grammar. Grade: 10% of total grade, along with accurate grammar





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Diversified Risk Stock Portfolio

Unit III Case Study

DiversifiedRisk Stock Portfolio

For this case study, you will create a portfolio of five to eight stocks that demonstrate diversified risk. List the stocks along with their current price and previous 1-year and 5-year rates of return. Below the list of stocks, address the issues described below.

Explain the difference between portfolio risk and stand-alone risk. 

Briefly explain why you selected each stock and how this investment portfolio would have less risk than selecting just one stock. 

How does risk aversion affect a stock’s required rate of return? 

Explain the distinction between a stock’s price and its intrinsic value.

Your case study should be at least two pages in length, not counting the title and reference pages. You are required to cite and reference at least your textbook and stock data source. Use APA format to cite in-text and reference citations





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design a survey you can use to conduct a pre-and post-assessment for your capstone

Assessment Description

Based on your needs analysis and your capstone preparation, design a survey you can use to conduct a pre-and post-assessment for your capstone. The survey should include success indicators to help you collect data about the effectiveness of the project.

While APA format is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and documentation of sources should be presented using APA formatting guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.





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Aristotle terms, ‘Virtues of Thought,’ as opposed to ‘Virtues of Action

At least 300 WORDS

DISCUSS: Nicomachean Ethics, Book 6

Book VI discusses the importance of what Aristotle terms, ‘Virtues of Thought,’ as opposed to ‘Virtues of Action.’ Certainly there is an important relationship between thoughts and actions with regard to virtues. What is the nature of this relationship for Aristotle? Why might we think that thoughts are more important than actions? Why might we think that actions are more important than thoughts?

This discussion is, admittedly, very broad. This is because I want you to take this general question of thoughts & actions and use it to sum up your thoughts on Aristotle’s Virtue Ethics as a whole. Be sure to reflect in your initial post on other aspects of Aristotle’s philosophy, i.e., virtues as an aspect of character, the Doctrine of the Mean, public virtue, etc.





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argument ad absurdum” and “infinite regress

All cosmological arguments make use of two specific logical tools. If you dive further into philosophy and logic, you’ll eventually encounter “argument ad absurdum” and “infinite regress”. These are being used together here, but I really want to focus on the latter part.Aquinas says that infinite regresses are impossible, so without an Unmoved Mover, certain progressive systems (like motion, causation, dependency, and values) couldn’t exist. Therefore, because the infinite regress leads to absurdity in those situations, there must be some magnificent foundation to support these things. Whatever that thing is, it is not the result of those systems, but the beginning. So to Aquinas, God is the beginning of motion, the beginning of causation, the beginning of dependency, and the beginning of value.All of this relies on the fact that Aquinas thinks infinite regresses are illogical. But are they? Can a line of dominoes be falling without a Pusher? Or are infinite regresses perfectly fine?If you think that infinite regresses are logically fine, please provide an example of something that goes backward forever. If infinite regresses are not logically fine, please give a unique example. Please write one original post and comment on two classmates’ posts.Finally, note that we’re not debating God’s existence, exactly. We’re going to debate infinite regresses, and if they’re illogical, then that makes a major impact concerning our understanding of some god-like thing.





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  • Premium papers. We provide the highest quality papers in the writing industry. Our company only employs specialized professional writers who take pride in satisfying the needs of our huge client base by offering them premium writing services argument ad absurdum” and “infinite regress

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