Writers Solution

social culture influence workplace productivity

Does social culture influence workplace productivity? If so, how? If not, why not?

1st Student – Katrin

Nurturing workplace culture could be a starting point to combat challenges such as skill shortage, (Nekula & Koob, 2021). In my professional experiences, I do believe that social culture does influence workplace productivity. Building relationships with coworkers is crucial to feeling supported, as a teacher it is so beneficial to have a strong relationship with your grade level teacher/team. I have built friendships at work that become ‘family”. Teaching can be challenging and having those like-minded friends to bounce ideas off, cover your class while you run to the bathroom or grab your class if you need to leave early are a few examples of what family-like workplace culture. The famiily-like workplace is developed with a diverse group of educators from different backgrounds, generations and experiences. Leadership sets the tone for the workplace, as far as how serious/fun the workplace will be. Researchers have examined social interaction in the workplace, in particular, non task related interactions, such as kidding around and social conversation, which are frequent and important parts of the social culture of a workplace, (Butterworth, et al., 2000). Getting a good laugh in during your lunch break is so important. 

According to Butterworth, Hagner, Helm, and Whelley (2000). Workplace culture, social connections, and resources for young people in transition. 38(4), 342–353, Mental Retardation. No. 2 Syliv
According to Jolly et al. (2021), the evolution of information and technology has an impact on organisations as well as the way people live and interact in society. As a result, many organisations undoubtedly see the need for specialised services as a top priority. According to Jolly et al. (2021), technology has altered both the community’s and society’s attitudes. Gender differences are no longer requirements for many jobs, where gender is no longer taken into account, but rather the human resources’ skills and competencies. Given the current societal system, in which males are expected to provide for their families by working outside the house, men are generally placed at the top of the hierarchy with women coming in second. It is common practise in many sectors that women are expected to do domestic duties (Jolly et al., 2021).
Kim, KY, Kong, DT, and PM Jolly. Review of social assistance at work in its entirety. Behavioural Organ. 2021; 42: 229–251.
Three-year-old Erin
The social culture of the workplace might affect productivity. Successful organisations have high rates of diversity, and fostering an open and welcoming culture is very advantageous to an organization’s productivity. Employees who work for organisations with strong social cultures tend to be happier and more content with their jobs, which may result in gains in performance and knowledge that can boost quantifiable production (Sabuhari et al., 2020). Employees may feel more valued, committed, and accepted when organisations prioritise their overall well-being by promoting and emphasising the importance of their lives outside of the organisation, such as work-life balance. This may in turn cause employees to feel as though they must reciprocate that feeling by being more productive (De Sivatte et al., 2014). This is something I can personally testify to. My principal gave me permission to leave early from our twice-monthly staff meetings without being penalised when my dad was told he had stage 4 colon cancer so I could spend time with him and give my mum a respite. She didn’t have to do anything, but she valued creating a culture at the school where she treated us as fellow people in need of support and respected us both as individuals and as part of her team. Because she instilled in us the culture that our values to her didn’t start and finish in the classroom, I can honestly say that I worked more for her than any other principal I have had. People work harder when they feel appreciated and welcomed, and if an organization’s social atmosphere is welcoming and supportive, workers will be more involved and motivated to be more successful.

Irawanto, D. W., Rahayu, M., Sudiro, A., & Sabuhari, R. (2020). the impacts of employee competence, organisational culture adaption, work happiness, and human resource flexibility on employee performance. 10(8):1777-1786, Management Science Letters. https://10.5267/j.msl.2020.1.001




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Case Management and Program Development

Power point presentation and report: Discuss the role of collaborative
practice in case management. Use examples to show the features of
successful collaboration and co‐operation and the challenges to be

Collaborative Practice
Discuss the role of collaborative practice in case management. Use examples to show the features of
successful collaboration and co‐operation and the challenges to be overcome.
Why is collaboration important in case management?
You will need to consider how to ensure that the client’s wishes are not overlooked when different
agencies work together each with their own priorities.
Think about examples you may have seen in your work or with friends and relatives. By coming up
with your own examples rather than those from books or articles you demonstrate a deeper level of
Students must attempt all tasks in the unit to be eligible to pass the unit
Grading Matrix:
Max. in
Answering the question and responding to the topic 10
Links to theories and concepts 10
Number and choice of appropriate references 4
Word count, readability, and structure 3
In‐text references and reference list, accuracy and use of correct
referencing style 3
Total: 30
BASS – WEL302A, AB 2 Page 3
What we want to see:
The work must be fully referenced with in-text citations and a reference list at the end. We
recommend you work with your Academic Writing Guide to ensure that you reference correctly. You
will find a link to this document on the main page of every unit, under the ‘Assessments’ section.
Correct academic writing and referencing are essential tasks that you need to learn. We
recommend a minimum of ten references.
Referencing: References are assessed for their quality. You should draw on quality academic
sources, such as books, chapters from edited books, journals etc. Your textbook can be used as a
reference, but not the Study Guide and lecture notes. We want to see evidence that you are capable
of conducting your own research. Also, in order to help markers determine students’ understanding
of the work they cite, all in-text references (not just direct quotes) must include the specific page
number/s if shown in the original.
Researching: You can search for peer-reviewed journal articles, which you can find in the online
journal databases and which can be accessed from the library homepage. Reputable news sites
such as The Conversation (, online dictionaries and online
encyclopedias are acceptable as a starting point to gain knowledge about a topic. Government
departments, research institutes such as the National Health and Medical Research Council
(NHMRC), international organisations such as the World Health Organisation (WHO) and local not
for profit organisations such as the Cancer Council are also good resources.
Formatting: The assessment MUST be submitted electronically in Microsoft Word format. Other
formats may not be readable by markers. Please be aware that any assessments submitted in other
formats will be considered LATE and will lose marks until it is presented in Word.
What we don’t want to see:
Plagiarism: All sources of information need to properly be acknowledged. Please refer to the
plagiarism website on blackboard i . By clicking the ‘Upload this file’ button you acknowledge that you
have read, understood and can confirm that the work you are about to submit complies with the
Flexible and Online plagiarism policy as shown in the JNI Student Handbook. Like other forms of
cheating plagiarism is treated seriously. Plagiarising students will be referred to the Program
Word Count: Marks will be deducted for failure to adhere to the word count – as a general rule you
may go over or under by 10% than the stated length.
Late Submissions: Students are advised that any submissions past the due date incur a 10%
penalty per day, calculated from the total mark e.g. a task marked out of 30 will incur 3 marks
penalty per day.
No submission: Students must attempt all tasks to be eligible to pass the unit.
More information can be found in Think Education Assessment Policy document on the Think
Education website.
BASS – WEL302A, AB 2 Page 4
Resources Available to YOU:

  1. Academic writing guide link
  2. Writing & referencing: The link to the Learning and Academic Skills Unit
    (LASU) is on the left pulldown menu on the blackboard home page:
    LASU also provides a series of academic skills tutorials. Please contact Caroline
    Spaans (, 02 949 232 14).
  3. Researching: A guide to researching is available on the library page
    Please contact the online and Pyrmont librarian for Health, Dawn Vaux
    ( if you would like further help or a tutorial on how to do
    research this way
Writers Solution

Balance ‘rights’ and ‘obligations’ in contemporaryAustralia

Human rights and social advocacy


What we want to see:

The work must be fully referenced with in-text citations and a reference list at the end. We

recommend you work with your Academic Writing Guide to ensure that you reference correctly. You

will find a link to this document on the main page of every unit, under the ‘Assessments’ section.

Correct academic writing and referencing are essential tasks that you need to learn. We

recommend a minimum of ten references.

Referencing: References are assessed for their quality. You should draw on quality academic

sources, such as books, chapters from edited books, journals etc. Your textbook can be used as a

reference, but not the Study Guide and lecture notes. We want to see evidence that you are capable

of conducting your own research. Also, in order to help markers determine students’ understanding

of the work they cite, all in-text references (not just direct quotes) must include the specific page

number/s if shown in the original.

Researching: You can search for peer-reviewed journal articles, which you can find in the online

journal databases and which can be accessed from the library homepage. Reputable news sites

such as The Conversation (, online dictionaries and online

encyclopedias are acceptable as a starting point to gain knowledge about a topic. Government

departments, research institutes such as the National Health and Medical Research Council

(NHMRC), international organisations such as the World Health Organisation (WHO) and local not

for profit organisations such as the Cancer Council are also good resources.

Formatting: The assessment MUST be submitted electronically in Microsoft Word format. Other

formats may not be readable by markers. Please be aware that any assessments submitted in other

formats will be considered LATE and will lose marks until it is presented in Word.

What we don’t want to see:

Plagiarism: All sources of information need to properly be acknowledged. Please refer to the

plagiarism website on blackboard i . By clicking the ‘Upload this file’ button you acknowledge that you

have read, understood and can confirm that the work you are about to submit complies with the

Flexible and Online plagiarism policy as shown in the JNI Student Handbook. Like other forms of

cheating plagiarism is treated seriously. Plagiarising students will be referred to the Program


Word Count: Marks will be deducted for failure to adhere to the word count – as a general rule you

may go over or under by 10% than the stated length.

Late Submissions: Students are advised that any submissions past the due date incur a 10%

penalty per day, calculated from the total mark e.g. a task marked out of 30 will incur 3 marks

penalty per day.

No submission: Students must attempt all tasks to be eligible to pass the unit.

More information can be found in Think Education Assessment Policy document on the Think

Education website.

BASS – FOL / WEL 303A/Term 3, 2014

Resources Available to YOU:

1. Academic writing guide link



2. Writing & referencing: The link to the Learning and Academic Skills Unit

(LASU) is on the left pulldown menu on the blackboard home page:



LASU also provides a series of academic skills tutorials. Please contact Caroline

Spaans (, 02 949 232 14).

3. Researching: A guide to researching is available on the library page

Please contact the online and Pyrmont librarian for Health, Dawn Vaux

( if you would like further help or a tutorial on how to do

research this way.

Writers Solution

China Ends Rare-Earth Minerals Export Quotas

In Chapter 10 of your textbook, there is a Headlines segment titled “China Ends Rare-Earth Minerals Export Quotas.”

Please read this article in your textbook, and then do further research on the 17 rare earth minerals that are discussed in the article. Explain what China is doing with the rare earth industry, and come up with a proposal to counter China’s actions. Does the United States have an extensive rare earth industry? If not, what would you do to grow this industry and protect it? How could import quotas increase domestic prices of rare-earth minerals?

Your case study should be at least three pages in length. All sources used, including the textbook, must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations. Cite at least one resource from the CSU Online Library.


China Ends Rare-Earth Minerals Export Quotas

China has removed ten-year-old export restrictions on strategically significant minerals that provoked a trade war and caused other nations to become less dependent on Chinese imports. The change follows Beijing’s defeat in a 2013 World Trade Organization battle. However, Beijing’s approach also turned out to be of limited help as several nations discovered alternate sources for rare earths, which are widely employed in high-tech fields like smartphones and missile systems. Frank Tang, an analyst at the investment bank North Square Blue Oak, stated that the pressure from the WTO judgment was probably the reason for the move. China claims that as a WTO member, it will be required to follow WTO regulations.

The quota system was formerly a significant concern in world trade. When China cut its export quota for the 17 elements by 40% from the year before, it caused a dramatic rise in rare-earth prices worldwide—in some cases a tenfold increase. According to China, the initiative was made to clean up the country’s severely polluting rare-earth mining sector. The action was referred to by the Obama administration as a “wake-up call.” Following trade concerns, rare earths were added to a long list of products—including solar panels and car parts—that had recently caused tension between China and its trading partners. In 2012, the United States, the European Union, and Japan raised concerns that China was violating WTO regulations by manipulating the quota to drive up rare-earth prices globally.

However, since that time, the world’s reliance on Chinese minerals has decreased. Up until recently, China generated nearly 93% of the rare earths used in the globe. As other producers increased supplies, China’s proportion of the world’s rare-earth production decreased to about 86%. China’s exports increasingly routinely fall short of the quota system’s maximum limits. It loosened quota limitations in 2012. However, government representatives claimed that the quota’s days were numbered when it lost the WTO dispute.

From “China Ends Rare-Earth Minerals Export Quotas,” by Chuin-Wei Yap, Wall Street Journal, January 5, 2015, online edition. Republished with permission of Dow Jones & Company, Inc. Through Copyright Clearance Center, Inc., permission was granted.

Writers Solution

Develop an operation management plan

Learning Outcome: Develop an operation management plan

Instructions: For this activity, you will apply the concepts of operations management to real-world situations. 

You may wish to develop a business such as a retail sales operation, an online service like tutoring, or maybe a personal service such as lawn care or pet grooming as your business. In writing your paper, you should research and consider at least 4 scholarly sources (i.e. textbooks, scholarly articles from a peer-reviewed journal, etc.) As you write the paper, make sure to address the following topics:

• Will the company manufacture items, provide services, broker information, sell goods, or distribute goods on behalf of others?

• Will the company provide a single good or service or a variety of goods and services?

• Will the business have a physical location or will it only do online business?

• What size will the company be—a major corporation, a medium-sized business, or a small business?

• How will the service or product be delivered to the customer?

• Will storage for inventory be required?

• The buying process: Determine the raw resources that are required to produce the output, or product. Who will or is able to supply the raw materials? What equipment will you require to start offering a service, and where will you buy it?

• What purchasing and/or accounting system(s) will you require to buy a product line or a service-based company?

• Quality control processes: Specify the quality control procedures you’ll use to ensure that the good or service satisfies consumer expectations.

• What objectives does supply chain management have for your business’s operations? How will these objectives impact your business operations?

• Talk about if you’ll need to have a global supply chain management strategy in place. If not, why not?

• List any suppliers or vendors you want to use along with a justification.

• Identify the techniques or procedures your company will use for continuous improvement, and make that determination. If not, why not?

• How will the company follow sustainable business practices and environmental concerns?


  1. Refer to the APA 6th edition formatting guide and example in the APA Format Resources tab in the Begin Here section


  1. Minimum of 3 outside references are required (this count does NOT include your textbook)
  2. A total of 2 of the 3 sources must be from academic journals
  3. In-text citations are required – using APA format only (ex: Fall, 2009; or in the case a direct quote: Fall, 2009, p. 56
  4. Do not use footnotes as your citation formatting; use APA style only
  5. Any/all references cited in the reference section must be included in the body copy of your report ~ and vice versa

Length: 5-7 pages of text (this excludes abstract, tables, figures, charts, cover page, references, etc.)+ any additional Media (video, audio type file limit of 5 minutes. )

Writers Solution

How to write a placement contract and placement portfolio

Get assistance on how to write a placement contract and placement portfolio from our experts at The specific needs and placement objectives must be carefully taken into account while writing the placement contract and placement portfolio. Here are some basic principles to get you started:

Placement Agreement:

    Introduction: State the goal and nature of the placement in a succinct and unambiguous introduction at the start of the contract. Include the names of the people involved, such as the student, the school, and the provider of the placement, if applicable.

    Dates, hours, and timetable of the placement should all be specified, as well as its duration. Any specific phrases pertaining to breaks, holidays, or shifts should be defined.

    Roles and Responsibilities: Clearly state each party’s roles and responsibilities. Describe the responsibilities and activities the student will be expected to perform during the placement as well as any roles the placement provider may have, such as providing the necessary equipment, oversight, or training.

    Intellectual Property and Confidentiality: Discuss the relationship between intellectual property rights and confidentiality. Indicate ownership of any intellectual property produced during the placement and state that the student promises to maintain confidentiality regarding any sensitive material they come into contact with during the placement.

    Specify the circumstances under which either party may cancel the placement contract in the “Termination and Dispute Resolution” section. Include a section describing the procedures to be followed in the event of any problems or disagreements.

    Stress the significance of health and safety throughout the placement. Describe the steps the placement provider has taken to guarantee a secure working environment and any obligations the student has to follow health and safety regulations.

Positioning Portfolio:

    Start the placement portfolio with a succinct introduction that defines the placement’s goals and purpose. Mention the time frame, the location, and an overview of the work done.

    Personal Information: Be sure to include any pertinent personal information, such as your name, phone number, and place of study.

    Clearly express the learning goals you hoped to accomplish throughout the placement in your learning objectives. These goals may be connected to certain abilities, information, or experiences.

    Give a thorough explanation of the activities you participated in during the placement in your description of the placement activities. Emphasize the duties fulfilled, projects finished, or any noteworthy contributions. Give specific instances and highlight your abilities and accomplishments.

    Evaluation and Reflection: Assess your own performance and reflect on your placement experience. Discuss your experiences, lessons learnt, and obstacles overcome. If your placement provider has feedback or evaluations accessible, think about including them.

    Include any supporting documents that verifies your efforts or accomplishments throughout the placement. This can include diplomas, project reports, pictures, or any other pertinent documentation.

Don’t forget to adjust the placement contract and portfolio to the demands of your particular placement arrangement and school institution. To learn about any special rules or templates your institution or placement coordinator may have available, it’s a good idea to ask them for advice.

Writers Solution

Integrate considerations in supply chain management that can impact your brand

  1. You synthesize the knowledge of health care costs, revenue, and expenses, along with the underlying economic drivers of these considerations to evaluate ways to improve quality of care and to lower costs for patients. You also integrate considerations in supply chain management that can impact your brand and, in turn, affect demand for your services, whether positively or negatively.
    Write a 1,225- to 1,550-word report of your organization’s supply chain management and how it impacts your organization’s brand. Include the following points:
    • Based on the assignment in Week 2, analyze how the economics in your market impact your organization’s management of its supply chain.Based on the assignment in Week 4, analyze if the expenses in your organization are impacted positively or negatively by how the supply chain is managed.

    Summarize the state of supply chain management and operations at your organization. Make any recommendations based on supply chain best practices to enhance its performance within the context of the health care sector.
    Many suppliers and their customers co-brand now (think of Coca-Cola and McDonald’s). Are there opportunities for your organization to co-brand with any of its supply chain partners? If so, what are the advantages?
    Cite any references to support your assignment.
    Format your citations according to APA guidelines.
Writers Solution

What is the definition of psychosocial care?

Get an assessment assistance on What is the definition of psychosocial care?

Recognized Crisis Reactions include: withdrawing from social interaction; fighting; fleeing; and freezing
Apathy and disassociation
Trembling and swaying
No symptoms at all; no symptoms for the first few of days; followed by the emergence and development of symptoms
Acute symptoms that go away after a few days, acute symptoms that worsen over time, and persistent low-level symptoms.
Increased substance dependency and somatic symptoms
Disturbances in sleep
Inability to perform
Intervention by a Professional or Paraprofessional Etc.
 After a crisis, the issue of whether professionals should step in or if paraprofessionals like friends, family, and laypeople may help the victim heal emerges.
 According to studies on crisis recovery, we must monitor the progress of individuals after a disaster. Professional sense urges us not to act in cases when a patient has no symptoms or whose symptoms are settling and stabilizing with time. It is advisable to leave them in the care of paraprofessionals or naturalistic rehabilitation.
Naturalistic rehabilitation includes taking time away from the crisis event, connecting with loved ones, being in comfortable and secure circumstances, going to locations that make you feel refreshed, spending time with pets, being close to the ocean or a forest, speaking with a church member or pastor, and talking to other survivors about your experience. Monitoring Are drugs necessary, and only if symptoms do not improve after contacting a professional? Some survivors may need medication if their symptoms are still impairing their ability to operate normally. The optimal course of medication should be brief and under strict physician supervision. Dependency issues must be assessed and carefully addressed. Medication side effects must also be carefully monitored, especially increased social withdrawal and impulsivity, including self-harm and suicidal ideation. Professional intervention may be necessary for those whose symptoms are getting worse over time (for more than a week or more). A referral to a doctor may be necessary, as well as crisis and trauma counseling.
Richard K. James Crisis Intervention Model
Gilliland and James (1998) a 6-step process

  1. Determine the issues or threats
  2. Ensure safety; 3. Offer assistance
  3. Consider substitutes
  4. Make plans for reestablishing balance.
  5. Convince yourself to take action.
    Following their stage model for 20 years “We no longer believe that a stage or purely step model captures the way crisis intervention works, and here’s why,” write James and Gilliland in 2013. Since crisis is sometimes anything but linear, it has been difficult for us to educate students like you about crisis intervention. Crisis intervention often exemplifies chaos theory, with all of its starts, pauses, do-overs, and U-turns, according to page 51.
    Crisis workers’ range of action includes: o Being directive when the client is immobile; o Being collaborative when the client is only partly mobile.
    o The worker is nondirective while the customer is on the go.
    Robert’s Crisis Intervention Model
    The abbreviation for Roberts’ (2005) ACT model is:
    Evaluation of the current issue, including mental and other urgent medical requirements, as well as trauma evaluation
    Linking customers with assistance resources
    Post-traumatic stress disorders and traumatic responses
    Seven-step model
  6. Evaluate the situation 2. Build rapport
  7. Identify the biggest issues
  8. Handle emotions
  9. Come up with and research alternatives
  10. Create plans
  11. Include a follow-up.
    The equilibrium model is really a model of equilibrium and disequilibrium.
    People who are experiencing a crisis are in a condition of psychological or emotional unease in which their typical coping strategies and means of problem-solving don’t suffice. The equilibrium model’s objective is to assist individuals in regaining their pre-crisis equilibrium (Caplan, 1961).
    Cognition Model
    The cognitive model of crisis intervention is predicated on the idea that crises are not caused by the events themselves or by the facts surrounding the events or circumstances, but rather by incorrect thinking about those events or situations (Ellis, 1962). This concept seeks to modify people’s perspectives and ideas regarding crisis circumstances or occurrences by assisting them in becoming aware of them. The fundamental tenet of the cognitive model is that people can change their thinking and take control of life crises, particularly by identifying and contesting the irrational and self-defeating aspects of their cognitions while retaining and emphasizing the rational and self-enhancing aspects.
    The psychosocial transition concept is based on the idea that individuals are a combination of their genes and the knowledge they have gleaned from their unique social surroundings. Crises may be caused by issues that are internal or external (psychological, social, or environmental). The aim of crisis intervention is to work with clients to identify the internal and external factors leading to the crisis and then support them in making practical changes to their present attitudes, behaviors, and resource utilization. In order to regain autonomous (non-crisis) control over their life, clients may need to include suitable internal coping strategies, social supports, and environmental resources.
    Collins and Collins (2005) created a developmental-ecological model of crisis intervention that takes into account the individual’s surroundings as well as their developmental stages and problems. According to this paradigm, the crisis worker must evaluate the client, the surroundings, and their interactions before taking into account the client’s current developmental stage.
    Any situational crisis must always be taken into account in connection to the developmental stage the person is at, and the severity of the crisis may depend on how successfully the tasks impacted by the crisis have been stage-mastered.
    Myer and Moore (2006) provide a method for calculating the effect of a crisis on a person or system called the Contextual-Ecological Model. The equation may be summed up as a function of closeness to the event, response to the event, relationship to the event, and the amount of change the event created, which is then divided by the passage of time. Understanding that no one element of this formula may be taken into account independently is crucial.
    Mental Health First Aid on What is the definition of psychosocial care?
    According to the National Institute of Mental Health (2002), psychological first aid include making sure the client is secure, minimizing stress-related symptoms, allowing for relaxation and physical recovery, and connecting clients with vital services and social support networks. In her description of crisis work after the Granville train catastrophe, Raphael (1977) adopted the phrase psychological first aid. She discussed a range of initiatives that gave survivors compassionate care, empathetic responses, specific information and help, and the chance to reconnect with their social support networks.
    Paying attention to Maslow’s hierarchy and putting survival requirements first are essential components of psychological first aid.
     Tyhurst first used the phrase “psychological first aid” in 1951.
    An evidence-based, modular method for helping individuals in the early aftermath of catastrophe and terrorism to minimize initial distress and to nurture short- and long-term adaptive functioning was more recently refined into a particular intervention (NC-PTSD).
    “Basic, non-intrusive pragmatic care” is defined by the Sphere Project (2004) as “basic, non-forcing talk, needs assessment, and ensuring that basic needs are met, encouraging but not forcing company from significant others, and protecting from further harm.”
    PFA’s constituent parts (North Atlantic Treaty Organization, 2009)
    Comfort and solace, safety from additional danger and distress, immediate medical attention, encouragement of goal-oriented and purposeful behavior, assistance in reuniting people with loved ones, opportunity for voluntary sharing of experiences, connecting survivors with resources of support, facilitation of a sense of control, and triage of those in need of additional assistance.
    The Inter-agency Standing Committee’s 2007 report on PFA’s components
    identifying and addressing basic practical needs and concerns o discouraging negative coping mechanisms o encouraging regular daily routines and positive coping o encouraging, but not pressuring, company from family or friends o providing the opportunity to return for additional support o providing referrals to local support or clinicians
    PFA Provision o It is critical that the PFA tenets can be swiftly taught to both volunteers and professionals, including those with and without prior experience in mental health. Some types of psychological support, for example, don’t need for specialized knowledge and may be easily taught to workers without such training (IASC).
Writers Solution

Corporate financial management

Planning, arranging, and effectively managing funds for scale-up at the individual level as well as for bigger organizational goals are among the many responsibilities involved in the financial management process. The idea of financial management encompasses tasks like forecasting, accounting, and investment management. Financial management benefits both people and corporations by efficiently allocating resources, controlling risks, and accomplishing financial goals.


Setting a budget is crucial when handling money. Through planning, budgeting enables control of both income and spending. By making thoughtful spending decisions, a solid budget may assist people or organizations in managing resources over time.

In studying financial management, it is essential to comprehend how different budget categories operate. Understanding several budget categories, such as operating resources, capital reserves, budgets for funds review, and general financing arrangements, is necessary for doing good financial administration research.


The practice of forecasting includes making predictions about future financial results. Predicting an organization’s financial situation or development potential is so crucial that whole teams are often formed to handle it. Executives may assess potential risks by doing this, and it also enables businesses to tap into untapped markets.

Researching Financial Management requires an understanding of a variety of forecasting methods, including time-series analysis and other qualitative or quantitative methods.  When predicting what will happen next, qualitative forecasting depends heavily on expert opinions in addition to personal opinions. While quantitative forecasting mostly relies on using statistics and data sets to estimate the financial prospects

Financial management accounting

Accounting is the process of recording, categorizing, and summarizing financial transactions. Accounting, a task that entails recording all monetary changes, allows businesses or individual investors to comply with legislative requirements controlling money. Accounting allows for effective monitoring of an organization’s spending.

When studying for good financial management, it is crucial to understand many categories of accounting, such as managerial economics and taxes. In contrast to managerial accounting, which focuses more on administrative process-oriented papers, financial accounting focuses on providing public-ready profits sheets. Tax accounting is the process of preparing taxes in line with applicable law while assuring adherence with that same law.

Management of investments

Investment management is the process of managing investments via actions including asset allocation, security selection, and hazard control. One of the various goals attained by investment management operations including asset allocation, securities choices, or risk reduction is maximizing returns while controlling risks. Individuals and businesses depend on investment management services to meet certain financial goals like maximizing returns or risk minimization.

Financial management requires knowledge of a variety of investment options, including shares, stocks, and real estate. It is essential to have knowledge of many investment types, such as bonds, equities, and real estate, in order to investigate all possible paths for strategic financial planning, including giving credit to strategies like value investing, growth investing, or index investing.

Management of Risk

Financially, risk management techniques that include the phases of identification, evaluation, and mitigation may significantly aid both people and organizations in better managing their uncertainties. The key to effective risk management, whether for personal finances or businesses, is to identify potential risks, assess them based on likelihood, and then implement controls targeted at preventing or lessening any adverse effects.

When studying financial management, many risk types are taken into consideration. These include verifiable weaknesses including unstable marketing, declining credit scores, and unclear operational chaos. While studying financial management, it is important to have an understanding of the many risk management strategies that may be applied. These are techniques that focus on transmission, mitigation, or avoidance.

In financial management, financial statements

Financial statements are significant documents that provide information about a company’s financial performance. One must review certain reporting items like balance sheets, income statements, and U.S. Cash flows related report displaying changes in various accounts over time in order to get insight into the economic progress achieved by a business over a period. Financial Statements are important records that may be used to monitor corporate profits or to comply with legal or authoritative requirements for people or businesses.

When learning about financial management, reading and comprehending financial accounts is crucial. When learning about financial management techniques, it is essential to understand a variety of financial concepts. For example, reading financial statements correctly and understanding estimates like current ratios and debt equity require a sincere understanding that could provide important insight into operational standing.

Plan your taxes

Taxpayers may maximize their finances by minimizing risk exposure and obtaining maximum net incomes by making wise judgments regarding the time of payments as well as payment locations, among other criteria. This is known as smart tax planning. Experts in financial management may assist customers in lowering their relative liabilities and improving after-tax income by helping them make strategic decisions about the payment of different types of taxes based on the jurisdictional rules controlling them (a process known as tax planning).

Understanding the various tax laws as they relate to individuals and businesses is crucial for thorough financial management research. In order to do efficient financial management research, it is essential to comprehend the diversity of tax planning options accessible, such as those that delay taxes or grant credits.

Financial Tools and Software

Utilizing reliable financial tools is essential since making educated financial choices demands precise data. Financial software may help you manage your finances and make educated choices about anything from investing to budgeting. Using the variety of sophisticated financial instruments that are now accessible, managing personal or corporate money may become simple. Modern software offers alternatives like account administration services, along with the ability to save time and money and promote trustworthy decision-making.

While conducting a research on economic administration, having a solid understanding of various financial instruments, such as accounting software and investment monitoring tools with individual resource technologies, might be crucial. Understanding different types of financial tools, such as accounting software, investment management systems, and personal finance tools, is essential to developing discernment regarding a well-rounded economic viewpoint. Additionally, knowledge of properly installing the aforementioned services is required for anybody undertaking this activity.

Financial Education and Financial Management Training

Professionals may attain long-term financial objectives by using the financial information they have acquired from these courses. Financial training includes instruction in managing investments, creating budgets, and creating sound accounting procedures. Individuals & Businesses that acquire required Skills through Financial Education & Coaching may bridge the gap between selecting sensible investments vs. potential dangers while attaining profitable outcomes.

You need to learn in many different methods if you want to manage your money from a professional standpoint. These techniques could involve taking classes that lead to certification. Not only should you enroll in the programs that come up in a search to learn about finance, but you should also read reviews of past training to see whether or not the specific offers are more advanced.

10 examples of the most likely financial management exam questions

Why is financial management important? What is it?

• What precisely does budgeting include, and how can it benefit both individuals and businesses?

• Why is forecasting seen as a crucial component of financial management?

• Accounting is a technique that helps both people and companies. What precisely is it?

Why is investment management important? What is it?

What are the goals of risk management, and how does it help both people and businesses?

Which methods, and what are they named, may be used to better understand an organization’s financial performance?

Why is tax planning necessary and what is it?

• How can financial software and tools help with more competent personal or corporate financial management?

• How can individuals and organizations achieve their financial goals via the development of good financial knowledge through learning opportunities?

Writers Solution

Writing a placement assessment assistance

Get writing a placement assessment assistance from the experts at Demonstrating your writing skills and talents within a certain time period or word count restriction is often required when writing a placement evaluation.

The stages below may help you properly approach and write a placement evaluation, even if the precise criteria may change based on the institution or group performing the assessment:
Recognize the Request: Read and comprehend the placement assessment prompt very carefully. Pay attention to any particular requirements, recommendations, or inquiries you must answer in your reply. Before continuing, be sure you understand the question being posed.
Create a Response Plan: Spend a little while outlining and brainstorming your ideas. Decide on the key arguments or ideas you wish to emphasize in your answer. Think about structuring your ideas using a strategy that includes an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion.
Make a Powerful Introduction: Introduce your answer with a compelling opening that gives background information and grabs the reader’s attention. Declare your key point or thesis in clear terms and give the reader a preview of what to anticipate in the following paragraphs.
Construct Cohesive Body Paragraphs: Give your thoughts, justifications, or facts to back up your thesis in the body paragraphs. Each paragraph should be logically related to the one before it and the one after it and should only address one key theme. Each paragraph should begin with a subject sentence, which should also serve as a bridge between concepts.
Provide Backing Documentation for Writing a placement assessment assistance: Your arguments or statements should be supported by relevant facts, examples, or statistics. Facts, figures, research results, or personal experiences may be included here. Make sure your proof is reliable, current, and successfully supports your major ideas.
Keep Your Writing Clear and Cohesive: Clarify, condense, and make your writing coherent. Use proper sentence structure, grammar, and punctuation. To keep readers interested, change up the length and structure of your sentences. A lot of jargon or too complicated terminology might make it difficult to grasp.
Address Counterarguments (if Applicable): Recognize opposing viewpoints and address or refute them in your answer if the prompt asks you to discuss counterarguments or provide a balanced opinion. This exhibits critical thinking and the capacity to take into account other points of view.
Finish with a Powerful Summary: The conclusion to your answer should be well-written, repeat your thesis or major argument, and summarize your important arguments. Keep your conclusion brief and to the point, leaving the reader with a clear comprehension of your perspective.
Revision and editing: Spend some time reading, editing, and revising your writing. Verify the accuracy of your language and spelling as well as the logic of your overall argument. Make sure your answer is well-organized and clearly conveys your thoughts.
Manage Your Time: Use your time efficiently and keep in mind any time constraints that may be in place. Plan your writing process so that you can come up with ideas, create an outline, then write and revise within the time allotted.
Keep in mind that depending on the institution or group delivering the placement evaluation, the precise specifications and objectives may change. It is always good to review any supplied instructions or resources and, if necessary, ask for clarification.

Understanding the precise information and criteria is essential when writing a placement evaluation. The institution or group performing the evaluation will choose the specific details, however the following are some typical components you may want to think about:

    Prompt or Question: Your answer will be based on the prompt or question that is given. You can be asked to evaluate a certain subject, provide your viewpoint on a subject, or offer a solution. Before beginning your work, take sure to carefully read and comprehend the prompt.

    Word Count or Time Limit: Placement tests often include word counts or time restrictions that must be met. Keep in mind these specifications and structure your article appropriately. Set aside enough time to think, write, and rewrite while keeping in mind the limitations.

    Consider the target audience for your placement evaluation while determining its purpose. Are the readers of your essay professors, admissions officials, or prospective employers? You may adjust your writing style, tone, and degree of formality by being aware of the assessment’s goal.

    formatting requirements, such as font size, line space, or citation formats, may be included in certain placement examinations. To present your work in the appropriate manner, make sure you follow these guidelines.

    Know the criteria that will be used to evaluate your evaluation by being familiar with them. Clarity of speech, structure, coherence, critical thinking, the use of evidence, and grammar are a few examples of possible components. You may set priorities and concentrate on the important components of your work by being aware of the grading criteria.

    Research Requirements: Depending on the assessment’s nature, you could be asked to use research or cite outside sources. If research is essential, be sure to utilize reputable sources and correctly reference any content that was borrowed in accordance with the required citation style.

    Read any extra instructions or recommendations that were included with the evaluation. They could contain instructions for particular duties, questions to get you thinking, or demands that you incorporate certain ideas or theories in your answer. Pay special attention to these guidelines and use them as appropriate in your work.

    Plan ahead of time to spend on revision and editing your work. Make sure your answer is concise, well-organized, and error-free in both grammar and spelling. Examine your work for readability overall, logical flow, and strong transitions. To assist you improve your work, think about getting criticism from a reliable source or using online writing tools.

Remember that different placement assessments may have different needs and specifics and thus the need of writing a placement assessment assistance from our experts at is crucial to thoroughly read and adhere to the directions given. Understanding and addressing these specifics can help you demonstrate your writing abilities and adhere to the assessment’s requirements.