Writers Solution

Discuss and forecast how innovation will impact Marketing function over the next 15 yrs?

Total 18 minutes PowerPoint presentation. 5 Minutes on below each topic with a presentation script.

1- Discuss and forecast how innovation will impact Marketing function over the next 15 yrs?

2- What we want to know is how will that function evolve to influence the work we will be doing in the future?

3- How will marketing influence the value chain and competitiveness?

4- Why must we evolve (skills, leadership, tools, etc.) to manage that process?

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President BushDavid Koehler Compare and contrast former President Bush’s claim that Iraq was a threat to world peace with David Koehler’s position on the issue.

At least 250 words

Read the various perspectives on going to war in Iraq. 

President BushDavid Koehler Compare and contrast former President Bush’s claim that Iraq was a threat to world peace with David Koehler’s position on the issue. Which claims are valid? Which are based on fallacious reasoning (note instances)? Who has the stronger argument? Why?  

President Bush Outlines Iraqi Threat 
Remarks by the President on Iraq
Cincinnati Museum Center – Cincinnati Union Terminal
Cincinnati, Ohio 

8:02 P.M. EDT 

THE PRESIDENT: Thank you all. Thank you for that very gracious and warm Cincinnati welcome. I’m honored to be here tonight; I appreciate you all coming. 

Tonight I want to take a few minutes to discuss a grave threat to peace, and America’s determination to lead the world in confronting that threat. 

The threat comes from Iraq. It arises directly from the Iraqi regime’s own actions — its history of aggression, and its drive toward an arsenal of terror. Eleven years ago, as a condition for ending the Persian Gulf War, the Iraqi regime was required to destroy its weapons of mass destruction, to cease all development of such weapons, and to stop all support for terrorist groups. The Iraqi regime has violated all of those obligations. It possesses and produces chemical and biological weapons. It is seeking nuclear weapons. It has given shelter and support to terrorism, and practices terror against its own people. The entire world has witnessed Iraq’s eleven-year history of defiance, deception and bad faith. 

We also must never forget the most vivid events of recent history. On September the 11th, 2001, America felt its vulnerability — even to threats that gather on the other side of the earth. We resolved then, and we are resolved today, to confront every threat, from any source, that could bring sudden terror and suffering to America. 

Members of the Congress of both political parties, and members of the United Nations Security Council, agree that Saddam Hussein is a threat to peace and must disarm. We agree that the Iraqi dictator must not be permitted to threaten America and the world with horrible poisons and diseases and gases and atomic weapons. Since we all agree on this goal, the issues is : how can we best achieve it? 

Many Americans have raised legitimate questions: about the nature of the threat; about the urgency of action — why be concerned now; about the link between Iraq developing weapons of terror, and the wider war on terror. These are all issues we’ve discussed broadly and fully within my administration. And tonight, I want to share those discussions with you. 

First, some ask why Iraq is different from other countries or regimes that also have terrible weapons. While there are many dangers in the world, the threat from Iraq stands alone — because it gathers the most serious dangers of our age in one place. Iraq’s weapons of mass destruction are controlled by a murderous tyrant who has already used chemical weapons to kill thousands of people. This same tyrant has tried to dominate the Middle East, has invaded and brutally occupied a small neighbor, has struck other nations without warning, and holds an unrelenting hostility toward the United States. 

By its past and present actions, by its technological capabilities, by the merciless nature of its regime, Iraq is unique. As a former chief weapons inspector of the U.N. has said, “The fundamental problem with Iraq remains the nature of the regime, itself. Saddam Hussein is a homicidal dictator who is addicted to weapons of mass destruction.” 

Some ask how urgent this danger is to America and the world. The danger is already significant, and it only grows worse with time. If we know Saddam Hussein has dangerous weapons today — and we do — does it make any sense for the world to wait to confront him as he grows even stronger and develops even more dangerous weapons? 

In 1995, after several years of deceit by the Iraqi regime, the head of Iraq’s military industries defected. It was then that the regime was forced to admit that it had produced more than 30,000 liters of anthrax and other deadly biological agents. The inspectors, however, concluded that Iraq had likely produced two to four times that amount. This is a massive stockpile of biological weapons that has never been accounted for, and capable of killing millions. 

We know that the regime has produced thousands of tons of chemical agents, including mustard gas, sarin nerve gas, VX nerve gas. Saddam Hussein also has experience in using chemical weapons. He has ordered chemical attacks on Iran, and on more than forty villages in his own country. These actions killed or injured at least 20,000 people, more than six times the number of people who died in the attacks of September the 11th. 

And surveillance photos reveal that the regime is rebuilding facilities that it had used to produce chemical and biological weapons. Every chemical and biological weapon that Iraq has or makes is a direct violation of the truce that ended the Persian Gulf War in 1991. Yet, Saddam Hussein has chosen to build and keep these weapons despite international sanctions, U.N. demands, and isolation from the civilized world. 

Iraq possesses ballistic missiles with a likely range of hundreds of miles — far enough to strike Saudi Arabia, Israel, Turkey, and other nations — in a region where more than 135,000 American civilians and service members live and work. We’ve also discovered through intelligence that Iraq has a growing fleet of manned and unmanned aerial vehicles that could be used to disperse chemical or biological weapons across broad areas. We’re concerned that Iraq is exploring ways of using these UAVS for missions targeting the United States. And, of course, sophisticated delivery systems aren’t required for a chemical or biological attack; all that might be required are a small container and one terrorist or Iraqi intelligence operative to deliver it. 

And that is the source of our urgent concern about Saddam Hussein’s links to international terrorist groups. Over the years, Iraq has provided safe haven to terrorists such as Abu Nidal, whose terror organization carried out more than 90 terrorist attacks in 20 countries that killed or injured nearly 900 people, including 12 Americans. Iraq has also provided safe haven to Abu Abbas, who was responsible for seizing the Achille Lauro and killing an American passenger. And we know that Iraq is continuing to finance terror and gives assistance to groups that use terrorism to undermine Middle East peace. 

We know that Iraq and the al Qaeda terrorist network share a common enemy — the United States of America. We know that Iraq and al Qaeda have had high-level contacts that go back a decade. Some al Qaeda leaders who fled Afghanistan went to Iraq. These include one very senior al Qaeda leader who received medical treatment in Baghdad this year, and who has been associated with planning for chemical and biological attacks. We’ve learned that Iraq has trained al Qaeda members in bomb-making and poisons and deadly gases. And we know that after September the 11th, Saddam Hussein’s regime gleefully celebrated the terrorist attacks on America. 

Iraq could decide on any given day to provide a biological or chemical weapon to a terrorist group or individual terrorists. Alliance with terrorists could allow the Iraqi regime to attack America without leaving any fingerprints. 

Some have argued that confronting the threat from Iraq could detract from the war against terror. To the contrary; confronting the threat posed by Iraq is crucial to winning the war on terror. When I spoke to Congress more than a year ago, I said that those who harbor terrorists are as guilty as the terrorists themselves. Saddam Hussein is harboring terrorists and the instruments of terror, the instruments of mass death and destruction. And he cannot be trusted. The risk is simply too great that he will use them, or provide them to a terror network. 

Terror cells and outlaw regimes building weapons of mass destruction are different faces of the same evil. Our security requires that we confront both. And the United States military is capable of confronting both. 

Many people have asked how close Saddam Hussein is to developing a nuclear weapon. Well, we don’t know exactly, and that’s the problem. Before the Gulf War, the best intelligence indicated that Iraq was eight to ten years away from developing a nuclear weapon. After the war, international inspectors learned that the regime has been much closer — the regime in Iraq would likely have possessed a nuclear weapon no later than 1993. The inspectors discovered that Iraq had an advanced nuclear weapons development program, had a design for a workable nuclear weapon, and was pursuing several different methods of enriching uranium for a bomb. 

Before being barred from Iraq in 1998, the International Atomic Energy Agency dismantled extensive nuclear weapons-related facilities, including three uranium enrichment sites. That same year, information from a high-ranking Iraqi nuclear engineer who had defected revealed that despite his public promises, Saddam Hussein had ordered his nuclear program to continue. 

The evidence indicates that Iraq is reconstituting its nuclear weapons program. Saddam Hussein has held numerous meetings with Iraqi nuclear scientists, a group he calls his “nuclear mujahideen” — his nuclear holy warriors. Satellite photographs reveal that Iraq is rebuilding facilities at sites that have been part of its nuclear program in the past. Iraq has attempted to purchase high-strength aluminum tubes and other equipment needed for gas centrifuges, which are used to enrich uranium for nuclear weapons. 

If the Iraqi regime is able to produce, buy, or steal an amount of highly enriched uranium a little larger than a single softball, it could have a nuclear weapon in less than a year. And if we allow that to happen, a terrible line would be crossed. Saddam Hussein would be in a position to blackmail anyone who opposes his aggression. He would be in a position to dominate the Middle East. He would be in a position to threaten America. And Saddam Hussein would be in a position to pass nuclear technology to terrorists. 

Some citizens wonder, after 11 years of living with this problem, why do we need to confront it now? And there’s a reason. We’ve experienced the horror of September the 11th. We have seen that those who hate America are willing to crash airplanes into buildings full of innocent people. Our enemies would be no less willing, in fact, they would be eager, to use biological or chemical, or a nuclear weapon. 

Knowing these realities, America must not ignore the threat gathering against us. Facing clear evidence of peril, we cannot wait for the final proof — the smoking gun — that could come in the form of a mushroom cloud. As President Kennedy said in October of 1962, “Neither the United States of America, nor the world community of nations can tolerate deliberate deception and offensive threats on the part of any nation, large or small. We no longer live in a world,” he said, “where only the actual firing of weapons represents a sufficient challenge to a nations security to constitute maximum peril.” 

Understanding the threats of our time, knowing the designs and deceptions of the Iraqi regime, we have every reason to assume the worst, and we have an urgent duty to prevent the worst from occurring. 

Some believe we can address this danger by simply resuming the old approach to inspections, and applying diplomatic and economic pressure. Yet this is precisely what the world has tried to do since 1991. The U.N. inspections program was met with systematic deception. The Iraqi regime bugged hotel rooms and offices of inspectors to find where they were going next; they forged documents, destroyed evidence, and developed mobile weapons facilities to keep a step ahead of inspectors. Eight so-called presidential palaces were declared off-limits to unfettered inspections. These sites actually encompass twelve square miles, with hundreds of structures, both above and below the ground, where sensitive materials could be hidden. 

The world has also tried economic sanctions — and watched Iraq use billions of dollars in illegal oil revenues to fund more weapons purchases, rather than providing for the needs of the Iraqi people. 

The world has tried limited military strikes to destroy Iraq’s weapons of mass destruction capabilities — only to see them openly rebuilt, while the regime again denies they even exist. 

The world has tried no-fly zones to keep Saddam from terrorizing his own people — and in the last year alone, the Iraqi military has fired upon American and British pilots more than 750 times. 

After eleven years during which we have tried containment, sanctions, inspections, even selected military action, the end result is that Saddam Hussein still has chemical and biological weapons and is increasing his capabilities to make more. And he is moving ever closer to developing a nuclear weapon. 

Clearly, to actually work, any new inspections, sanctions or enforcement mechanisms will have to be very different. America wants the U.N. to be an effective organization that helps keep the peace. And that is why we are urging the Security Council to adopt a new resolution setting out tough, immediate requirements. Among those requirements: the Iraqi regime must reveal and destroy, under U.N. supervision, all existing weapons of mass destruction. To ensure that we learn the truth, the regime must allow witnesses to its illegal activities to be interviewed outside the country — and these witnesses must be free to bring their families with them so they all beyond the reach of Saddam Hussein’s terror and murder. And inspectors must have access to any site, at any time, without pre-clearance, without delay, without exceptions. 

The time for denying, deceiving, and delaying has come to an end. Saddam Hussein must disarm himself — or, for the sake of peace, we will lead a coalition to disarm him. 

Many nations are joining us in insisting that Saddam Hussein’s regime be held accountable. They are committed to defending the international security that protects the lives of both our citizens and theirs. And that’s why America is challenging all nations to take the resolutions of the U.N. Security Council seriously. 

And these resolutions are clear. In addition to declaring and destroying all of its weapons of mass destruction, Iraq must end its support for terrorism. It must cease the persecution of its civilian population. It must stop all illicit trade outside the Oil For Food program. It must release or account for all Gulf War personnel, including an American pilot, whose fate is still unknown. 

By taking these steps, and by only taking these steps, the Iraqi regime has an opportunity to avoid conflict. Taking these steps would also change the nature of the Iraqi regime itself. America hopes the regime will make that choice. Unfortunately, at least so far, we have little reason to expect it. And that’s why two administrations — mine and President Clinton’s — have stated that regime change in Iraq is the only certain means of removing a great danger to our nation. 

I hope this will not require military action, but it may. And military conflict could be difficult. An Iraqi regime faced with its own demise may attempt cruel and desperate measures. If Saddam Hussein orders such measures, his generals would be well advised to refuse those orders. If they do not refuse, they must understand that all war criminals will be pursued and punished. If we have to act, we will take every precaution that is possible. We will plan carefully; we will act with the full power of the United States military; we will act with allies at our side, and we will prevail. (Applause.) 

There is no easy or risk-free course of action. Some have argued we should wait — and that’s an option. In my view, it’s the riskiest of all options, because the longer we wait, the stronger and bolder Saddam Hussein will become. We could wait and hope that Saddam does not give weapons to terrorists, or develop a nuclear weapon to blackmail the world. But I’m convinced that is a hope against all evidence. As Americans, we want peace — we work and sacrifice for peace. But there can be no peace if our security depends on the will and whims of a ruthless and aggressive dictator. I’m not willing to stake one American life on trusting Saddam Hussein. 

Failure to act would embolden other tyrants, allow terrorists access to new weapons and new resources, and make blackmail a permanent feature of world events. The United Nations would betray the purpose of its founding, and prove irrelevant to the problems of our time. And through its inaction, the United States would resign itself to a future of fear. 

That is not the America I know. That is not the America I serve. We refuse to live in fear. (Applause.) This nation, in world war and in Cold War, has never permitted the brutal and lawless to set history’s course. Now, as before, we will secure our nation, protect our freedom, and help others to find freedom of their own. 

Some worry that a change of leadership in Iraq could create instability and make the situation worse. The situation could hardly get worse, for world security and for the people of Iraq. The lives of Iraqi citizens would improve dramatically if Saddam Hussein were no longer in power, just as the lives of Afghanistan’s citizens improved after the Taliban. The dictator of Iraq is a student of Stalin, using murder as a tool of terror and control, within his own cabinet, within his own army, and even within his own family. 

On Saddam Hussein’s orders, opponents have been decapitated, wives and mothers of political opponents have been systematically raped as a method of intimidation, and political prisoners have been forced to watch their own children being tortured. 

America believes that all people are entitled to hope and human rights, to the non-negotiable demands of human dignity. People everywhere prefer freedom to slavery; prosperity to squalor; self-government to the rule of terror and torture. America is a friend to the people of Iraq. Our demands are directed only at the regime that enslaves them and threatens us. When these demands are met, the first and greatest benefit will come to Iraqi men, women and children. The oppression of Kurds, Assyrians, Turkomans, Shi’a, Sunnis and others will be lifted. The long captivity of Iraq will end, and an era of new hope will begin. 

Iraq is a land rich in culture, resources, and talent. Freed from the weight of oppression, Iraq’s people will be able to share in the progress and prosperity of our time. If military action is necessary, the United States and our allies will help the Iraqi people rebuild their economy, and create the institutions of liberty in a unified Iraq at peace with its neighbors. 

Later this week, the United States Congress will vote on this matter. I have asked Congress to authorize the use of America’s military, if it proves necessary, to enforce U.N. Security Council demands. Approving this resolution does not mean that military action is imminent or unavoidable. The resolution will tell the United Nations, and all nations, that America speaks with one voice and is determined to make the demands of the civilized world mean something. Congress will also be sending a message to the dictator in Iraq: that his only chance — his only choice is full compliance, and the time remaining for that choice is limited. 

Members of Congress are nearing an historic vote. I’m confident they will fully consider the facts, and their duties. 

The attacks of September the 11th showed our country that vast oceans no longer protect us from danger. Before that tragic date, we had only hints of al Qaeda’s plans and designs. Today in Iraq, we see a threat whose outlines are far more clearly defined, and whose consequences could be far more deadly. Saddam Hussein’s actions have put us on notice, and there is no refuge from our responsibilities. 

We did not ask for this present challenge, but we accept it. Like other generations of Americans, we will meet the responsibility of defending human liberty against violence and aggression. By our resolve, we will give strength to others. By our courage, we will give hope to others. And by our actions, we will secure the peace, and lead the world to a better day. 

May God bless America. (Applause.) 

END 8:31 P.M. EDT

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Explain various personality types and link criteria to research evidence on leadership application results

Assignment 1
Leadership Evaluation and Mentorship Proposal
Due date Refer to the UC Unit Outline for the current teaching period
Weighting 15%
Relevant chapters 1 ? 2
Assessment format Submit in .doc or.docx format
Length 1,000 words (10% allowable either way, does not include title page, table of
contents, appendix and references)
Specific requirements Include academic journals, papers,and books sourced from the library, course
content and webinars, and additional media suggested in the webinars. Use
Harvard or APA 7th
edition style. Minimum of five academic or research
references should be included.
On successful completion of this assessment, students will be able to:

Explain various personality types and link criteria to research evidence on leadership application results

Clearly articulate their own preferred approach to leadership and critically situate that style with reference to the
research evidence.

UC graduates are professional -communicate effectively

UC graduates are professional -employ up-to-date and relevant knowledge and skills

UC graduates are professional -use creativity, critical thinking, analysis and research skills to solve theoretical and real-
world problems

UC graduates are global citizens -make creative use of technology in their learning and professional lives

UC graduates are lifelong learners -adapt to complexity, ambiguity and change by being flexible and keen to engage with
new ideas

UC graduates are lifelong learners -evaluate and adopt new technology.
Page 1 of 5

Assignment 1
Leadership Evaluation and Mentorship Proposal
Construct a mentorship proposal (1,000 words) outlining your intended mentorship goals which consists of three assignments as
you observe a leader.
For this assignment, you will undertake a personality test and draw upon its results to construct a mentorship portfolio outlining
your mentorship goals and observations. This assignment is the first part of your mentorship portfolio and includes completing a
leadership and personality skills test and analysing the results and outline your plan to interview and observe a leader.
Section 1 – Personality Reflection and Goals (500 words)
1. First you are required to complete the leadership and personality skills survey 16 Personalities Test. Answer the
questions as honestly and accurately as possible. Your survey results should also be included in this assignment and your
final portfolio assignment.
2. Interpret the survey results and compare them with your own leadership experience and performance in a professional
setting. Summarize the results and personal reflections regarding the results. You should connect and support your
reflections with research evidence found in the chapters, readings, and academic resources. In essence, you should link
your personality findings to the leadership style research. Use the following questions to guide your thinking:

What do you think of the results? Are they accurate?

Are there any results that surprised you? If so, would you agree or disagree with the results?

How accurate do the results reflect your past experience with other leaders?

What type of workplace behaviours and outlook do you consider you conform to the most?

Do you believe your personal traits have influenced your previous work and professional behaviours? If so, in
what ways?

Having considered the relevant research, do you consider the combination of traits and skills sets to be relevant
to strong leadership behaviours?
3. Next, use your reflections to establish several goals and objectives. The goals and objectives should be guided by the
effective leadership style research. Additionally, you will use the goals and objectives to guide your leader observation
and interview portion of your portfolio. Use the following questions to develop your goals and objectives:

What personal leadership skills do you wish to improve upon? What is the basis of your thinking?

What are your personal goals you want to achieve from this observation exercise? What is the basis of your

Is there a type of leadership you are curious to observe in practice? Does the research suggest its relevance to
current working conditions?

Have you selected a leader for a particular purpose? Do they represent a skill you wish to investigate? Link this
as closely as you can to your own personal survey outcomes, personal skills and those advocated in the
Page 2 of 5

Assignment 1
Leadership Evaluation and Mentorship Proposal
Section 2 – Leadership Mentorship Activity Proposal (500 words)
1. Identify a leader or manager who will act as a mentor. This maybe someone you have recently met or someone you
already know. You will be required (at a minimum) to complete the following activities with your selected mentor:
a. (1) initial interview with your mentor
b. (1) face-to-face meeting (this maybe completed via video)
c. (1) key observation of leadership in practice (Consult with your instructor regarding this requirement. This
requirement maybe adjusted to meet COVID safety requirements)
2. Write a proposal outlining your anticipated leadership mentorship observation and interview. Feedback on your
proposal will be provided and may require you to adjust the nature of your engagement with your selected mentor for
the next assignment.
a. Review your goals and objectives and describe how your selected mentor will help you achieve your goals and
objectives. You may want to use the questions above to guide your answer. In addition, use the following
questions to guide your proposal:

The purpose and scope of the mentorship.

Regarding your own skillsets named by the survey, are you actively responding to these results and seeking
particular insights to guide you for the future?

Has the mentor been selected for a particular reason? Do they excel in a skill you seek to investigate?
Was this a skill reflected in your survey?

How will activities be structured? When will observations take place and what are some of the practicalities
of this mentorship undertaking?
You may organise your report in any manner that best outlines your analysis plan. Here is a sample structure.
1. Cover Page
2. Introduction
a. Summarize what your proposal will review.
3. Proposal Body
a. Section One -Personality Reflection and Goals (500 words)
i. Summary of personality test results
ii. Personality test result reflection
iii. Goals and objectives for your mentor observation and interview
b. Section Two – Leadership Mentorship Activity Proposal (500 words)
i. Describe briefly your selected mentor
ii. Purpose and scope of mentorship
iii. Plan for interviews and observation
4. Conclusion
5. List of References
6. Appendix
a. Include personality survey results
Page 3 of 5

Assignment 1
Leadership Evaluation and Mentorship Proposal

1,000 words (10% allowable either way, does not include title page, table of contents, appendix and references)

Minimum of 5 references are required

Use Harvard or APA 7th
reference style

Times New Roman or Arial (12 pt) are the recommended fonts

Include page numbers and your name

Include a title page, list of references and any subheadings

Ensure you complete the personal skills and traits survey first and use these results to form a basis of your
mentorship proposal. You can be critical of the survey results: you do not have to agree with them but think about
why this is. Explain your rationale for how this has impacted your mentorship goals and leader selection.

The mentor can be someone you know previously, someone you admire, or even someone who is strong in an area
you seek to improve upon. Think about personal and formative outcomes of this task! Your mentor cannot be a
relative or partner.

Consider your own past leadership experience: what were you good at? What feedback did you receive? Are you
seeking to receive some feedback on your own personal style? How does this relate to the research evidence of
effective leadership approaches?

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  • Enjoy Please Note-You have come to the most reliable academic writing site that will sort all assignments that that you could be having. We write essays, research papers, term papers, research proposals. Explain various personality types and link criteria to research evidence on leadership application results

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Describe the process of protein synthesis (transcription and translation) starting in the nucleus until a functional protein has been made.

Please note:
– For achieving high grades, make sure you have answered all underlined parts of the questions.
– Ensure proper paraphrasing to demonstrate your understanding.
– Questions are not equally weighted.
1. Describe the process of protein synthesis (transcription and translation) starting in the nucleus until a functional protein has been made.
2. A boy with colour blindness, has a mother with normal colour vision and a father with colour blindness. Answer the following questions:
a. Did the boy inherit the gene for colour blindness from his mother or his father?
b. Explain your answer to question 2a by using a Punnett square to identify the source of the colour
blindness gene that was passed on to this boy.
c. Explain this type of heredity.
3. Describe in detail the phases of the ovarian cycle (include in your answer all the hormones involved).
4. Describe the journey of the sperms through the female reproductive system until the combination of the
maternal and paternal chromosomes has occurred.
Suggested literature:
Marieb, E.N., & Hoehn, K. (2019). Human anatomy and physiology (11th ed.). Pearson.
1. Describe the internal composition and the external structure of bacterial cells. Include in your answer,
the size, shape, and the features of Gram-negative and Gram-positive cell walls.
2. Discuss how bacteria may develop resistance to antimicrobial medicines (discuss at least three
3. Explain the six-step sequence of reproduction, when a DNA virus invades a human cell.
4. a. Outline the exogenous sources of infections in health facilities.
b. Define the following three microbiological terms. Include an example of a micro-organism for each
– Mutualism:
– Commensalism:
– Parasitism:
c. Define antigenic variation and explain at least one way in which microbial antigens can be changed.
Suggested literature:
Lee, G., & Bishop, P. (2016). Microbiology and infection control for health professionals (6th ed.). Pearson.

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  • Timely believes in beating the deadlines that our customers have imposed because we understand how important it is.
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  • Enjoy Please Note-You have come to the most reliable academic writing site that will sort all assignments that that you could be having. We write essays, research papers, term papers, research proposals. Describe the process of protein synthesis (transcription and translation) starting in the nucleus until a functional protein has been made.

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Bahrain Duty free shop complex B.S.C.

Company choosed: Bahrain Duty free shop complex B.S.C.
Assignment report parts with explanation of each part content:
Part 1: Background of the company
(1 page) overview of the company: stating what is the company all about, when was it established, what is the core ability of the company, what are the key achievements and milestones for the past 10 years that makes this company unique from other organizations, the nature of the company, what is the nature of its operation, what it’s specialized in. also focus on key achievements and milestones of the organization.
Part 2: Board of directors and key management officials
(1 page): discuss who are the board of directors and chairman of the board of the company, who are the key officers, and also try to identify the members of the board, try to find on a research who are those individuals and brief experiences and stuff like that, also highlight who is their CEO (chief executive officer), key officials such as chief financial officer and operations manager or head of operations, and for human resource any major official that you can look in to in the company that you feel the core stones of the organization. Also provide an analysis of their BOD and management composition.
Part 3: Industry analysis
(2 pages): conduct industry analysis of where the company is part of. Use PEST analysis for example, depending on your convenience you can choose any framework so that you can analyse the nature of the industry (what are it’s potentials, what are the challenges, what are the threats). In the industry where the company belongs who are the major players? so try to provide a very good overview of the industry (where the company currently analysing).
Part 4: Analysis of the financial performance of the firm
(7 pages): conduct financial analysis of the company using vertical analysis ratio.
Focus on the key strengths? you can use a vertical analysis of course you use ratio analysis to the sect relevant financial information about the firm or the organization and after that to focus on the key strengths of organization what will be possible areas for improvements of their weaknesses. Put graphs also in case there’s a need to put, put also the financial statements or condense version of the financial statements.
So how to do financial analysis using financial ratio? Get the 2 year financial statement from for example income statement of Bahrain duty free company and do vertical analysis, if it’s financial statement look at the percentage at each of the values to net income (for example see the composition of net sales relative to net income, so you have the base of net sales and the rest will be the percentage of net sales for example net sales will be 100% in 2009 then you derive operating cost excluding depreciation and amortization…etc and mention the implications also.
If you make vertical analysis for balance sheet, your base should be total assets for the assets, and total liabilities and equity for liability and equity so divide each value with total value and you will see the changes in the compositions of your assets relative to the overall total assets. So try to extract relevant information and try to draw conclusions from your analysis using vertical analysis.
The other thing you should use to complement the vertical analysis is to do the ratio analysis. Financial ratio allows you to analyse the company in terms of it’s financial performance? there are different types of financial ratio such as liquidity ratio, activity ratio, debt ratio, profit ratio. The ratios are group according to what you can draw conclusions once you drive the values from them. Also use Dupoint system of analysis in the financial statement of the company.
To get the financial statements of the company from Bahrain bourse:
go to Bahrain bourse website ( ). In the list you will see Bahrain duty free shop complex B.S.C. and click on it and you’ll see all their financial statements, corporate actions and overview also. Also you can go to Bahrain duty free complex website itself from google and you will have all the information of the company in the website available.
Part 5: Analysis of company value
(3 pages): Once you are done with your financial analysis in the previous section, now you can use the evaluation tool in order to assess the company’s fair value, you can use different models (you can use free cash flow evaluation model, you can use also the dividend discount model or you can use the two stage discount model or the PE models) whatever you think is necessary and whatever you think is the most appropriate use it as a way to value the company and compare them with the current market price so with base and current market price share? is the company over valued or ir is it undervalued? You have to provide an analysis on why such difference in the price and the fair value that you have computed, there’s always a mismatch and it will not always be the same and if you think your computation for fair value is correct will the price go down undervalue? If it’s overvalued will the price go up? And try to see what could be possible things that could happen if the future that will lead to price adjustment (for example if you find a company that is undervalued and you say that the fair market value is the same for example price is 15, it’s current price is 10 I believe it will go up, so try to provide reasons why you think the price of 15 has not been materialized? for example, you would say that based on their research they have ongoing project,
they have an ongoing construction; they have ongoing partnership and it’s not yet materialized so once it’s materialized the market will adjust it’s evaluation and it will go up from 10 to 15. So provide necessary explanations of why the fair market value is not the same with the market price. You can do them by looking on the information in Bahrain bourse of the duty free company projects.
Part6: Conclusion and overall observation
(2 pages): identify possible growth potentials of the company that you’re assessing (you can provide recommendations that you think the company has to do to improve also you can use your evaluation section and you can use the financial analysis section to comment in this area.
Make sure that your recommendations have base, you can’t just provide recommendations that are not packed up by the findings of the previous sections so try to be evidence-based in terms of your recommendations do not just get recommendations from the internet and putting it.

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Identification of the components of the problem-solving paradigm as it applies to your chosen business problem and identification of the three economic theories you will use in your paper.

Your paper is worth 200 points. The guidelines are below and are also on the syllabus.
• You will be expected to write one paper, due the last Friday of the class. Papers will be applied to a business problem of your choice that you have experienced or witnessed in some way. Business situations that have been presented in the media are not permitted. Papers will be submitted using Microsoft Word and will be uploaded through the assignment in Blackboard. Papers will be typed, double-spaced, Times New Roman or Calbri, font size 11pt, with 1” margins all around, and should be around 1000 words, or roughly four to five double spaced pages, with a firm limit of 1250 words, with the above requirements. Please spell check and proof read your paper. Please note that a shorter paper is absolutely fine as long as you address the required components outlined below. A poorly written paper will not score as well as a well-written, error-free paper. Cover pages, references, and graphs do not count toward length. Please do not eat space with headings–all that is needed is your name at the top. Think of this as an executive memo of sorts within your business! Papers must be submitted to Blackboard no later than 5:00 p.m. ET on the posted due date. Again, you must upload your paper through Blackboard through the assignment tab. The paper will count toward your grade for 200 points. Early papers are definitely welcome!
• Papers will be graded with a list of criteria as a guideline for consistency but with any written work, there is not a complete formula. Your ability to follow instructions, write clearly and concisely, and apply economic concepts and the paradigm we are using are all factors that will be incorporated in the grading rubric. Please note we will not be able to read drafts of your papers. The discussion board posts will serve as your primary mechanism of feedback as you work on your paper. You are encouraged to work with a classmate to share drafts /proof read each other’s papers. Your instructor will not read drafts of your paper.
The paper components and guidelines are as follows:

Paper Components:
o Introduction: Identification of the components of the problem-solving paradigm as it applies to your chosen business problem and identification of the three economic theories you will use in your paper. (125 – word guideline/max, 25 points). Your week 1 discussion board ties to this component.
o Economic theory 1: Application of your first chosen theory to your problem and analysis of the theory in context of the problem and paradigm. (250 – word guideline/max, 50 points). Your week 2 discussion board ties to this component.
o Economic theory 2: Application of your second chosen theory to your problem and analysis of the theory in context of the problem and paradigm. (250 – word guideline/max, 50 points). Your week 3 discussion board ties to this component.
o Economic theory 3: Application of your third chosen theory to your problem and analysis of the theory in context of the problem and paradigm. (250 – word guideline/max, 50 points). Your week 4 discussion board ties to this component.
o Conclusion and recommendations: Tie your recommendations that flow from you economic applications and analysis together to present a remedy/remedies to the problem(s) identified in the problem-solving paradigm in your introduction. Be sure to clearly tie you recommendation back to the decision maker you identified in your paradigm! (125 – word guideline.max, 25 points). Your week 5 discusison board ties to this component.
• Paper Guidelines
• Part 1: Introduction
Your introduction should follow this format:
Introduce the topic in a few sentences, present the problem clearly by including all three question components of the Problem-Solving Paradigm presented on pages 4-5 in Chapter 1 as they relate to your topic. Identify your three economic theories you will be using in the paper.
o Include: WHO made the BAD decision. In a sentence. (ex: The purchasing manager made the bad decision to sign a contract with a suppplier despite the slowdown in orders over the past year).
o Include: Did the decision maker have enough information to make a good decision? YES/NO, within a one sentence explanation. (ex: Yes, the purchasing manager had enough information to make a good decision.)
o Include: Did the decision maker have the incentive to make a good decision? YES/NO, within a one sentence explanation. (ex: No, the purchasing manager did not have an incentive to make a good decision because her salary was not tied to profit.)
o List which economic THEORIES (at least 3 from the list below) you will use to discuss the problem identified (In this example, it would be either the incentive problem or that you have the wrong decision maker, or both).
o The quality of your writing will be evaluated (complete sentences, no grammatical or typographical errors, flow of writing, ability to follow instructions).
• Parts 2-4: Three Economic Theories and Analysis
Present your case. Expand upon your identified paradigm components from the introduction using your chosen theories to analyze the problem(s) that will lead to your recommended remedy.
o Analyze the problem by applying your FIRST stated theory. Explain how it applies to the problem in your paradigm. Use the first theory correctly in your explanation.
o Analyze the problem by applying your SECOND stated theory. Explain how it applies to the problem in your praadigm. Use the second theory correctly in your explanation.
o Analyze the problem by applying your THIRD stated theory. Explain how it applies to the problem in your paradigm. Use the third theory correctly in your explanation.
o The quality of your writing will be evaluated as explained above.
o You may use other theories as part of your analysis, but you must pick three main theories from the list below. For example, you might use marginal analysis as part of your application/discussion but it is not one of the three required theories.
• For your economic theories, please choose three theories to apply from among the following topics:

• 1. Shifts in Demand or Supply and impact on market equilibirum
• 2. Shortages and/or surpluses
• 3. Price Controls-Price ceilings or Price floors
• 4. Elasticity: Price elasticity of demand, cross price elasticity, or income elasticity
• 5. Cost factors-fixed and/or variable costs, productivity
• 6. Cost Factors-economies and/or diseconomies of scale or scope
• 7. Cost factors-productivity/diminishing marginal returns
• 8. Competetive industires versus monopoly
• 9. Pricing decisions with commonly owned products (substitutes or complements)
• 10. Pricing decisions with promotional pricing and/or psychological pricing
• 11. Direct price discrimination
• 12. Indirect price discrimination-Volume discounts or bundling
• 13.Adverse selection-risk, screening, signaling
• 14. Moral Hazard

• Part 5: Conclusion
Present recommendations and concluding remarks that connect to your paradigm components.
o State and explain your recommendation(s) to RESOLVE the problem(s) identified in your paradigm, and/or what you would do differently to resolve the problem. This recommendation/resolution must be tied to the decision-maker identified in your paradigm-in the above example, it is the purchasing manager.
o Your recommendations are logically connected to and flow from your economic analysis using your three chosen theories.
o Provide concluding remarks to wrap things up.
o The quality of your writing will be evaluated as explained above.
• Please note that you are expected to show a clear understanding of the theories you choose by correctly explaining their application to your problem. Restating theory definitons is not needed and should not be done-we know the theories and this eats your space. Avoid using technical jargon that is not widely known to someone not familiar with your industry or situation. Any graphs, table, or numerical examples that are stand alone should be put in an appendix that will not count in your word count but an explanation should be in the body of the paper.

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  • Enjoy Please Note-You have come to the most reliable academic writing site that will sort all assignments that that you could be having. We write essays, research papers, term papers, research proposals. Identification of the components of the problem-solving paradigm as it applies to your chosen business problem and identification of the three economic theories you will use in your paper.

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Explain various personality types and link criteria to research evidence on leadership application results

Due date Refer to the UC Unit Outline for the current teaching period
Weighting 15%
Relevant chapters 1 ? 2
Assessment format Submit in .doc or.docx format
Length 1,000 words (10% allowable either way, does not include title page, table of contents, appendix and references)
Specific requirements Include academic journals, papers,and books sourced from the library, course content and webinars, and additional media suggested in the webinars. Use Harvard or APA 7th edition style. Minimum of five academic or research references should be included.
On successful completion of this assessment, students will be able to:
§ Explain various personality types and link criteria to research evidence on leadership application results
§ Clearly articulate their own preferred approach to leadership and critically situate that style with reference to the research evidence.
§ UC graduates are professional – communicate effectively
§ UC graduates are professional – employ up-to-date and relevant knowledge and skills
§ UC graduates are professional – use creativity, critical thinking, analysis and research skills to solve theoretical and realworld problems
§ UC graduates are global citizens – make creative use of technology in their learning and professional lives
§ UC graduates are lifelong learners – adapt to complexity, ambiguity and change by being flexible and keen to engage with new ideas
§ UC graduates are lifelong learners – evaluate and adopt new technology.
Construct a mentorship proposal (1,000 words) outlining your intended mentorship goals which consists of three assignments as you observe a leader.
For this assignment, you will undertake a personality test and draw upon its results to construct a mentorship portfolio outlining your mentorship goals and observations. This assignment is the first part of your mentorship portfolio and includes completing a leadership and personality skills test and analysing the results and outline your plan to interview and observe a leader.
Section 1 – Personality Reflection and Goals (500 words)
1. First you are required to complete the leadership and personality skills survey 16 Personalities Test. Answer the questions as honestly and accurately as possible. Your survey results should also be included in this assignment and your final portfolio assignment.
2. Interpret the survey results and compare them with your own leadership experience and performance in a professional setting. Summarize the results and personal reflections regarding the results. You should connect and support your reflections with research evidence found in the chapters, readings, and academic resources. In essence, you should link your personality findings to the leadership style research. Use the following questions to guide your thinking:
§ What do you think of the results? Are they accurate?
§ Are there any results that surprised you? If so, would you agree or disagree with the results?
§ How accurate do the results reflect your past experience with other leaders?
§ What type of workplace behaviours and outlook do you consider you conform to the most?
§ Do you believe your personal traits have influenced your previous work and professional behaviours? If so, in what ways?
§ Having considered the relevant research, do you consider the combination of traits and skills sets to be relevant to strong leadership behaviours?
3. Next, use your reflections to establish several goals and objectives. The goals and objectives should be guided by the effective leadership style research. Additionally, you will use the goals and objectives to guide your leader observation and interview portion of your portfolio. Use the following questions to develop your goals and objectives:
§ What personal leadership skills do you wish to improve upon? What is the basis of your thinking?
§ What are your personal goals you want to achieve from this observation exercise? What is the basis of your goals?
§ Is there a type of leadership you are curious to observe in practice? Does the research suggest its relevance to current working conditions?
§ Have you selected a leader for a particular purpose? Do they represent a skill you wish to investigate? Link this as closely as you can to your own personal survey outcomes, personal skills and those advocated in the research.
Section 2 – Leadership Mentorship Activity Proposal (500 words)
1. Identify a leader or manager who will act as a mentor. This maybe someone you have recently met or someone you already know. You will be required (at a minimum) to complete the following activities with your selected mentor: a. (1) initial interview with your mentor
b. (1) face-to-face meeting (this maybe completed via video)
c. (1) key observation of leadership in practice (Consult with your instructor regarding this requirement. This requirement maybe adjusted to meet COVID safety requirements)
2. Write a proposal outlining your anticipated leadership mentorship observation and interview. Feedback on your proposal will be provided and may require you to adjust the nature of your engagement with your selected mentor for the next assignment.
a. Review your goals and objectives and describe how your selected mentor will help you achieve your goals and objectives. You may want to use the questions above to guide your answer. In addition, use the following questions to guide your proposal:
§ The purpose and scope of the mentorship.
§ Regarding your own skillsets named by the survey, are you actively responding to these results and seeking particular insights to guide you for the future?
§ Has the mentor been selected for a particular reason? Do they excel in a skill you seek to investigate? Was this a skill reflected in your survey?
§ How will activities be structured? When will observations take place and what are some of the practicalities of this mentorship undertaking?
You may organise your report in any manner that best outlines your analysis plan. Here is a sample structure.
1. Cover Page
2. Introduction
a. Summarize what your proposal will review.
3. Proposal Body
a. Section One – Personality Reflection and Goals (500 words)
i. Summary of personality test results
ii. Personality test result reflection
iii. Goals and objectives for your mentor observation and interview
b. Section Two – Leadership Mentorship Activity Proposal (500 words)
i. Describe briefly your selected mentor
ii. Purpose and scope of mentorship iii. Plan for interviews and observation
4. Conclusion
5. List of References
6. Appendix
a. Include personality survey results
§ 1,000 words (10% allowable either way, does not include title page, table of contents, appendix and references)
§ Minimum of 5 references are required ? Use Harvard or APA 7th reference style
§ Times New Roman or Arial (12 pt) are the recommended fonts
§ Include page numbers and your name
§ Include a title page, list of references and any subheadings
§ Ensure you complete the personal skills and traits survey first and use these results to form a basis of your mentorship proposal. You can be critical of the survey results: you do not have to agree with them but think about why this is. Explain your rationale for how this has impacted your mentorship goals and leader selection.
§ The mentor can be someone you know previously, someone you admire, or even someone who is strong in an area you seek to improve upon. Think about personal and formative outcomes of this task! Your mentor cannot be a relative or partner.
§ Consider your own past leadership experience: what were you good at? What feedback did you receive? Are you seeking to receive some feedback on your own personal style? ?How does this relate to the research evidence of effective leadership approaches?
Consider various personality types and what they mean for contemporary leadership performance and the survey results. Links to research.
(25%) Considered interrogation of various personality types and leadership performance analysed closely to survey tasks and underpinned by high level research findings.
Thoroughly researched exploration of personality types. Leadership performance analysed and discussed against survey tasks. Some sound research analysis of personality types and leadership performance/survey Well referenced. Develops scholarly links between personality types and leadership performance, however, needs further elaboration and links to survey. Missing or no consideration of various personality types. Unreferenced or unclear links to leadership performance and survey.
A clearly articulated reflection of students’ individual approach to leadership situated in relational to learnings from research on contemporary leadership models
(25%) Articulate and nuanced reflections on both current and aspired leadership practice. Examples given represent high levels of analysis informed by research. Articulates reflection of both own current and aspired leadership practice. Provides considered examples linked to research evidence. Solid reflection of both current and aspired own leadership practice, with some examples drawn from research. Documents student approach to leadership but needs further exploration and linkage to research. Missing or undeveloped student reflection and aspired
approach to leadership as per the research.
Considered mentor selection and rationale provided that refers to personal skills and
traits as a basis for a particular style of leadership. Link to student survey and the research
(25%) Reflections reveal a deep understanding of selected leadership competencies. Profile choice is very well situated in relation to survey and research evidence. A very considered review of leadership competencies assessment, and considered choice of profiles matched to survey and research evidence Solid outline of leadership skills/competencies and linked to profile selection, survey results and research evidence. Some discussion of chosen leaders’ skills/competencies
Lacks clarity of links to profile choice with survey data and research evidence. Lacking connection to survey, or research, results and minimal coverage of profile choice.
Structured proposal considering mentorship potential outcomes expressed through professional language, sound structure and referencing.
(25%) A highly considered submission; regarding both mentorship scope and
practicalities. Highly professional language expression, structure and referencing. Thorough consideration of mentorship
practicalities. Well structured, professional presentation and referencing. Some mentorship
practicalities are considered but require extension. Submission is appropriate in terms of professional language, structure and referencing. Mentorship
practicalities require further elaboration and detail. Submission requires refinement of professional language, more structure and referencing. Mentorship
practicalities not considered. Lacking in professional tone and structure. Minimal or absent referencing.KEY INFORMATION
Due date Refer to the UC Unit Outline for the current teaching period
Weighting 15%
Relevant chapters 1 ? 2
Assessment format Submit in .doc or.docx format
Length 1,000 words (10% allowable either way, does not include title page, table of contents, appendix and references)
Specific requirements Include academic journals, papers,and books sourced from the library, course content and webinars, and additional media suggested in the webinars. Use Harvard or APA 7th edition style. Minimum of five academic or research references should be included.
On successful completion of this assessment, students will be able to:
§ Explain various personality types and link criteria to research evidence on leadership application results
§ Clearly articulate their own preferred approach to leadership and critically situate that style with reference to the research evidence.
§ UC graduates are professional – communicate effectively
§ UC graduates are professional – employ up-to-date and relevant knowledge and skills
§ UC graduates are professional – use creativity, critical thinking, analysis and research skills to solve theoretical and realworld problems
§ UC graduates are global citizens – make creative use of technology in their learning and professional lives
§ UC graduates are lifelong learners – adapt to complexity, ambiguity and change by being flexible and keen to engage with new ideas
§ UC graduates are lifelong learners – evaluate and adopt new technology.
Construct a mentorship proposal (1,000 words) outlining your intended mentorship goals which consists of three assignments as you observe a leader.
For this assignment, you will undertake a personality test and draw upon its results to construct a mentorship portfolio outlining your mentorship goals and observations. This assignment is the first part of your mentorship portfolio and includes completing a leadership and personality skills test and analysing the results and outline your plan to interview and observe a leader.
Section 1 – Personality Reflection and Goals (500 words)
1. First you are required to complete the leadership and personality skills survey 16 Personalities Test. Answer the questions as honestly and accurately as possible. Your survey results should also be included in this assignment and your final portfolio assignment.
2. Interpret the survey results and compare them with your own leadership experience and performance in a professional setting. Summarize the results and personal reflections regarding the results. You should connect and support your reflections with research evidence found in the chapters, readings, and academic resources. In essence, you should link your personality findings to the leadership style research. Use the following questions to guide your thinking:
§ What do you think of the results? Are they accurate?
§ Are there any results that surprised you? If so, would you agree or disagree with the results?
§ How accurate do the results reflect your past experience with other leaders?
§ What type of workplace behaviours and outlook do you consider you conform to the most?
§ Do you believe your personal traits have influenced your previous work and professional behaviours? If so, in what ways?
§ Having considered the relevant research, do you consider the combination of traits and skills sets to be relevant to strong leadership behaviours?
3. Next, use your reflections to establish several goals and objectives. The goals and objectives should be guided by the effective leadership style research. Additionally, you will use the goals and objectives to guide your leader observation and interview portion of your portfolio. Use the following questions to develop your goals and objectives:
§ What personal leadership skills do you wish to improve upon? What is the basis of your thinking?
§ What are your personal goals you want to achieve from this observation exercise? What is the basis of your goals?
§ Is there a type of leadership you are curious to observe in practice? Does the research suggest its relevance to current working conditions?
§ Have you selected a leader for a particular purpose? Do they represent a skill you wish to investigate? Link this as closely as you can to your own personal survey outcomes, personal skills and those advocated in the research.
Section 2 – Leadership Mentorship Activity Proposal (500 words)
1. Identify a leader or manager who will act as a mentor. This maybe someone you have recently met or someone you already know. You will be required (at a minimum) to complete the following activities with your selected mentor: a. (1) initial interview with your mentor
b. (1) face-to-face meeting (this maybe completed via video)
c. (1) key observation of leadership in practice (Consult with your instructor regarding this requirement. This requirement maybe adjusted to meet COVID safety requirements)
2. Write a proposal outlining your anticipated leadership mentorship observation and interview. Feedback on your proposal will be provided and may require you to adjust the nature of your engagement with your selected mentor for the next assignment.
a. Review your goals and objectives and describe how your selected mentor will help you achieve your goals and objectives. You may want to use the questions above to guide your answer. In addition, use the following questions to guide your proposal:
§ The purpose and scope of the mentorship.
§ Regarding your own skillsets named by the survey, are you actively responding to these results and seeking particular insights to guide you for the future?
§ Has the mentor been selected for a particular reason? Do they excel in a skill you seek to investigate? Was this a skill reflected in your survey?
§ How will activities be structured? When will observations take place and what are some of the practicalities of this mentorship undertaking?
You may organise your report in any manner that best outlines your analysis plan. Here is a sample structure.
1. Cover Page
2. Introduction
a. Summarize what your proposal will review.
3. Proposal Body
a. Section One – Personality Reflection and Goals (500 words)
i. Summary of personality test results
ii. Personality test result reflection
iii. Goals and objectives for your mentor observation and interview
b. Section Two – Leadership Mentorship Activity Proposal (500 words)
i. Describe briefly your selected mentor
ii. Purpose and scope of mentorship iii. Plan for interviews and observation
4. Conclusion
5. List of References
6. Appendix
a. Include personality survey results
§ 1,000 words (10% allowable either way, does not include title page, table of contents, appendix and references)
§ Minimum of 5 references are required ? Use Harvard or APA 7th reference style
§ Times New Roman or Arial (12 pt) are the recommended fonts
§ Include page numbers and your name
§ Include a title page, list of references and any subheadings
§ Ensure you complete the personal skills and traits survey first and use these results to form a basis of your mentorship proposal. You can be critical of the survey results: you do not have to agree with them but think about why this is. Explain your rationale for how this has impacted your mentorship goals and leader selection.
§ The mentor can be someone you know previously, someone you admire, or even someone who is strong in an area you seek to improve upon. Think about personal and formative outcomes of this task! Your mentor cannot be a relative or partner.
§ Consider your own past leadership experience: what were you good at? What feedback did you receive? Are you seeking to receive some feedback on your own personal style? ?How does this relate to the research evidence of effective leadership approaches?
Consider various personality types and what they mean for contemporary leadership performance and the survey results. Links to research.
(25%) Considered interrogation of various personality types and leadership performance analysed closely to survey tasks and underpinned by high level research findings.
Thoroughly researched exploration of personality types. Leadership performance analysed and discussed against survey tasks. Some sound research analysis of personality types and leadership performance/survey Well referenced. Develops scholarly links between personality types and leadership performance, however, needs further elaboration and links to survey. Missing or no consideration of various personality types. Unreferenced or unclear links to leadership performance and survey.
A clearly articulated reflection of students’ individual approach to leadership situated in relational to learnings from research on contemporary leadership models
(25%) Articulate and nuanced reflections on both current and aspired leadership practice. Examples given represent high levels of analysis informed by research. Articulates reflection of both own current and aspired leadership practice. Provides considered examples linked to research evidence. Solid reflection of both current and aspired own leadership practice, with some examples drawn from research. Documents student approach to leadership but needs further exploration and linkage to research. Missing or undeveloped student reflection and aspired
approach to leadership as per the research.
Considered mentor selection and rationale provided that refers to personal skills and
traits as a basis for a particular style of leadership. Link to student survey and the research
(25%) Reflections reveal a deep understanding of selected leadership competencies. Profile choice is very well situated in relation to survey and research evidence. A very considered review of leadership competencies assessment, and considered choice of profiles matched to survey and research evidence Solid outline of leadership skills/competencies and linked to profile selection, survey results and research evidence. Some discussion of chosen leaders’ skills/competencies
Lacks clarity of links to profile choice with survey data and research evidence. Lacking connection to survey, or research, results and minimal coverage of profile choice.
Structured proposal considering mentorship potential outcomes expressed through professional language, sound structure and referencing.
(25%) A highly considered submission; regarding both mentorship scope and
practicalities. Highly professional language expression, structure and referencing. Thorough consideration of mentorship
practicalities. Well structured, professional presentation and referencing. Some mentorship
practicalities are considered but require extension. Submission is appropriate in terms of professional language, structure and referencing. Mentorship
practicalities require further elaboration and detail. Submission requires refinement of professional language, more structure and referencing. Mentorship
practicalities not considered. Lacking in professional tone and structure. Minimal or absent referencing.

GET SOLUTION FOR THIS ASSIGNMENT, Get Impressive Scores in Your Class







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Euchner & Ganguly (2014) notes the competitive environment is forever changing

Response to the below Statement:

Euchner & Ganguly (2014) notes the competitive environment is forever changing, business models require constant vigilance; they must be adapted and strengthened over time as the competitive environment evolves. Because innovation is constantly adapting, changing and developing operational strategies must be on point for them to succeed accordingly. Business models and competitors are constantly changing, advancing, and finding new innovative ways to compete. Again business models need to stay innovative, remain flexible and take risks when approaching new strategies or operational functions that will benefit their organization. When businesses focus on changing operational strategy they must consider the three basic good business models, Competitive advantage, Profit Zone, and Economic Leverage, Euchner & Ganguly (2014). These business models can be used as a guide to businesses and attract customers, allow flexible pricing, points of advantage, and ensure that the business can deliver a profit. When conducting operational strategies there are risks factors to take consider as with any business. There are two primary risk factors that are out of the control of the innovator, which Adner refers to as ecosystem risks, Euchner & Ganguly (2014). One is the co-innovation risk, these are the uncertainties related to innovations that others create for the business which enables technology or a new process, and there may be risk involved during the implementation process, Euchner & Ganguly (2014).

The second is the adoption-chain risk, these are the process of building the alignment among stakeholders required to bring innovation to the market, Euchner & Ganguly (2014).

In summary, businesses need to see what works best for their organization. They need to take into account the risk factors, how they will adapt new innovative ways and ideas into their organization to receive the maximum benefits and profits, meanwhile reducing labor and costs. They also, need to conduct research on other organizations and see what has worked for them and where they encountered challenges and apply the small wins to their organization and learn from others’ failures. Since each business is unique, there are many variables and challenges that businesses may encounter during operational strategy changes and challenges. However, setting guidelines and goals will certainly be beneficial for businesses to succeed.

Working in city government, we experienced innovative changes that benefited the organization. For instance, we changed our software application to reflect the needs of our department. During the process, we were allowed to voice our opinions, concerns, ideas, suggestions and they were taken into consideration. At first, there were a few glitches in the software, but eventually, things ironed out and the new software was a big improvement compared to the outdated programs we used.


Jim Euchner & Abhijit Ganguly (2014) Business Model Innovation in Practice,

Research-Technology Management, 57:6, 33-39, DOI: 10.5437/08956308X5706013

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Christians do not necessarily do good things in the world

Biblical view of Christianity.

 Christians do not necessarily do good things in the world. They even don’t follow any rules and regulations. Instead, they are beyond that. Being a Christians means loving each other just as you love yourself and maintaining a good relationship with one another. The act of loving one another can be expressed in words and showed by action. For example, when one says that he loves someone, they should show it by step by trying to help them. This should be done because the bible says that we should show our Christianity in so many ways, and the first one is love. (Denecker, 2017). 

However, according to Belhaven, we should show our Christian hood just as the Christ disciples did by loving our neighbors just as we love ourselves and trying to be like Christ every day. Therefore the main work for Christians is to preach the lord’s gospel to the people. This means that Christ-followers should be able to spread the word of God across the nations. God is pleased by those who preach his word to people, just as the bible says. Unlike other secular universities, we focus on student’s equality and spreading God’s word to everyone. Therefore as human resource professionals we believe in equality especially during employee remuneration and treatment at the workplace based on the university’s education standards.

Based on the readings from Belhaven University, Psalms’ books talk about how God created us and He knew us while we were in our mother’s womb. This means that He had a good plan for us even before we were born, and that’s why He gives us life. Therefore, the bible says that those who trust and believe in God shall not perish but will have eternal life. In the book of John, chapter one says that even in the beginning, the word of God still existed, and it was with God Almighty. This means that God was there also in the beginning and that when He created everything. (Gruenler, 2020). 

Human beings were created in Gods image. John’s book, it says that nothing would have been made without Him if it were not for God. However, this is proved in Genesis chapter one that says that God created heaven and earth in the beginning. Therefore this means that before creation, the world was formless and shapeless with nothing in it. It was filled with darkness and the spirit of God was moving over the waters. God says, let light be there, and it was formed and let the earth be there and then it was formed. However, this proves that everything is under Gods control. Therefore as human resource managers and graduates from Belhaven University, we should trust in God when making our decisions unlike secular universities that follow their intuition and experience when making decisions, we believe that God’s guidance is essential when making decisions.

Moreover, if it were not for God, there would be nothing on the earth. So the bible says that since God created everything, then He is our supreme power, and there is no other power that can overrule Him. Therefore, in the book of proverbs 16, human beings make their plans, but only God guides their steps. This means that God protects and gives hope to those who believe in him. The actions of the holy ones are guarded by Christ, who provides us with the power to rule the world. Sometimes we may plan for ourselves, but without God, everything ends up being vanity. Therefore, before making a plan, we should first ask God to guide our steps because everything goes in order when he plans for us. Therefore at Belhaven we believe that we shouldn’t judge other people’s diversity as human resource managers where people should be treated equally based on merit and qualifications.


Denecker, T. (2017). Ideas on language in early Latin Christianity: from Tertullian to Isidore of Seville. Brill. Retrieved from:

Gruenler, R. G. (2020). The Inexhaustible God: Biblical Faith and the Challenge of Process Theism. Wipf and Stock Publishers. Retrieved from: Files: BIBLICAL VIEW OF CHRISTIANITY.doc



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Biblical view of Christianity.

 Christians do not necessarily do good things in the world. They even don’t follow any rules and regulations. Instead, they are beyond that. Being a Christians means loving each other just as you love yourself and maintaining a good relationship with one another. The act of loving one another can be expressed in words and showed by action. For example, when one says that he loves someone, they should show it by step by trying to help them. This should be done because the bible says that we should show our Christianity in so many ways, and the first one is love. (Denecker, 2017). 

However, according to Belhaven, we should show our Christian hood just as the Christ disciples did by loving our neighbors just as we love ourselves and trying to be like Christ every day. Therefore the main work for Christians is to preach the lord’s gospel to the people. This means that Christ-followers should be able to spread the word of God across the nations. God is pleased by those who preach his word to people, just as the bible says. Unlike other secular universities, we focus on student’s equality and spreading God’s word to everyone. Therefore as human resource professionals we believe in equality especially during employee remuneration and treatment at the workplace based on the university’s education standards.

Based on the readings from Belhaven University, Psalms’ books talk about how God created us and He knew us while we were in our mother’s womb. This means that He had a good plan for us even before we were born, and that’s why He gives us life. Therefore, the bible says that those who trust and believe in God shall not perish but will have eternal life. In the book of John, chapter one says that even in the beginning, the word of God still existed, and it was with God Almighty. This means that God was there also in the beginning and that when He created everything. (Gruenler, 2020). 

Human beings were created in Gods image. John’s book, it says that nothing would have been made without Him if it were not for God. However, this is proved in Genesis chapter one that says that God created heaven and earth in the beginning. Therefore this means that before creation, the world was formless and shapeless with nothing in it. It was filled with darkness and the spirit of God was moving over the waters. God says, let light be there, and it was formed and let the earth be there and then it was formed. However, this proves that everything is under Gods control. Therefore as human resource managers and graduates from Belhaven University, we should trust in God when making our decisions unlike secular universities that follow their intuition and experience when making decisions, we believe that God’s guidance is essential when making decisions.

Moreover, if it were not for God, there would be nothing on the earth. So the bible says that since God created everything, then He is our supreme power, and there is no other power that can overrule Him. Therefore, in the book of proverbs 16, human beings make their plans, but only God guides their steps. This means that God protects and gives hope to those who believe in him. The actions of the holy ones are guarded by Christ, who provides us with the power to rule the world. Sometimes we may plan for ourselves, but without God, everything ends up being vanity. Therefore, before making a plan, we should first ask God to guide our steps because everything goes in order when he plans for us. Therefore at Belhaven we believe that we shouldn’t judge other people’s diversity as human resource managers where people should be treated equally based on merit and qualifications.


Denecker, T. (2017). Ideas on language in early Latin Christianity: from Tertullian to Isidore of Seville. Brill. Retrieved from:

Gruenler, R. G. (2020). The Inexhaustible God: Biblical Faith and the Challenge of Process Theism. Wipf and Stock Publishers. Retrieved from: SIMILAR PAPER

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How database monitoring and auditing fit within the SOX compliance framework.

How database monitoring and auditing fit within the SOX compliance framework.

Monitoring and auditing are the more essential compliances set to motivate or encourage various associations to meet various businesses following the capacity and information to be used. In such a case, records and database authority are involved. This means that the stored information or data in the database should be well monitored and reviewed for the SOX compliance framework. However, there are some steps that one needs to follow when monitoring and auditing the database that will fit in the system of SOX. The first step is that the information technology director should fully support the demonstrations parts that contain complexity to reporting, security, and information management.

SOX compliance framework contains two areas that are SOX section 302 and SOX section 404. However, the monetary reporting of a firm is essential since it ensures the continuous flow of the business because there is the availability of adequate finances to run it. Therefore, SOX section 302 is viewed and considered as the monetary reporting of a firm. It is the manager’s responsibility or the CEO of a firm to ensure that all the firms’ data and information are well recorded for easy retrieval when needed. The information recorded should be complete and accurate. This will improve the management of a firm because the essential thing in an organization is good record keeping.

Additionally, both sections are identified with the financials and the act of bookkeeping in a firm. Every organization should be keen on bookkeeping and ensure that the financial records are done accurately and in the correct order. When the firm fails to do so, that ne can lead to the dissolution of the company. Therefore, before recording the information, a survey should be made about the information to ensure all the essential details are recorded. This becomes beneficial to the organization since it will be able to manage its finances. (Hasan, 2018). 

The auditing of the SOX compliance is the ability of how large firms deal with their internal controls. This can also be known structure of management. Large firms employ experts to safeguard the information that is kept in bookkeeping concerning various transactions. The public company accounting oversight board is one of the necessities of the SOX compliance on companies. This board is after preparing the auditors for auditing the firm’s information and data used to run the organization. This ensures a continuous flow of information in a firm from the top management to other employees.

Additionally, there should be adequate security to protect the firm’s data, ensuring that the ones do not access the organization’s confidential information without the owner’s permission.   This is very vital because security gives workers employed there a sense of confidentiality. The organization committee plays a role in delegating the organizational work to various workers to perform on time and in an effective manner. The process of delegation should be equally done according to the skills of the workers. The information system team should ensure that it updates the firm on the emerging issues on about the technology and be in a position to advise the organization on how to apply it.



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