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Defend the statement that soil erosion is an environmental problem that could seriously damage, or even cause the collapse of, our civilization

1. Defend the statement that soil erosion is an  environmental problem that could seriously damage, or even cause the collapse of, our civilization.

2. What are things an individual citizen can do to prevent soil erosion?

3. Does the impact of soil erosion go beyond where it occurs? Explain your answer.4.    Are the soil problems more severe in developed countries or developing countries?

5.    How and why could processes such as clear-cut logging, in which all trees are cut, and use of off-road vehicles lead to loss of soil fertility?

6.    You own a consulting firm, and a client hires you to evaluate several hundred hectares (acres) to start a small farm to grow organic vegetables. The land is generally flat with some rolling hills. How could you evaluate the project from a soil perspective? Outline a general plan to advise your client.

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Start   PowerPoint. Download and open the file named Exp19_PPT_Ch02_Cap_Oceans.pptx. Grader has automatically added   your last name to the beginning of the filename. 

Replace Student Name on Slide 1 with Carla Chen.

Contrast is one of the main   design principles used in a  presentation to direct focus and aid in   readability. You adjust the  formatting of the font used in the presentation   so there is better  contrast.

  Change the title font type to Tw Cen MT (Headings) and ensure the  size is 48. Change the font color to   Black, Text 1. Change the  subtitle font type to Tw Cen MT (Body) and ensure   the size is 22.  Change the font color to White, Background 1, Darker 50%.

Repetition is another design   principle. You change the font on  several slides to utilize repetition   throughout the presentation.

  Click Slide 4 and change the title font color to Black, Text 1. Change the   bulleted text font color to Black, Text 1.

Click Slide 5. Change the title   font type to Tw Cen MT (Headings)  and ensure the size is 32. Change the font   color to Black, Text 1.

Click Slide 6 and change the   title font color to Black, Text 1.  Change the bulleted text font color to   Black, Text 1. Do not change  the font color of the email address.

The design principle of   proximity to visually connect or organize  the placement between text and the   image on this slide. This will keep  create a relationship between the objects   on the slide.

  Click Slide 2 and create a text box and size it to a height of 0.5” and a   width of 4”. Type Whales are amazing creatures  Apply Tight Reflection: Touching as a text   effect. Drag the text box to the lower-right corner.

This slide is enhanced by using   the alignment design principle to add ovals and text to convey the intended   message.

  Click Slide 3 and use Lock Drawing Mode to add four Oval shapes.  Size them to a height of   2” and a width of 3.44” . Arrange them from  the lower left corner to the   upper right corner of the slide. Change  the fill to Blue.

Add a Line Arrow connecting each   oval to the next higher oval. Change the weight to 4 1/2 pt.

Type Primary Producer in the lowest oval. Type Primary   Consumer in the   next oval. Type Secondary Consumer in the third oval. Type Top Predator in the highest oval.

Create a text box and type THE FOOD   CHAIN. Change   the title font type to Tw Cen MT (Headings) and the size to 32. Drag the text   box to the upper-left corner.

Animation is added to the shapes   on this slide to control how they  appear on the slide and focus how the   audience receives the message of  the slide.

  Click Slide 3. Select the Primary   Producer oval and add the Wheel Entrance animation. Next, select the Primary Consumer oval and add the   Wheel Entrance animation. Then, select the Secondary Consumer oval and add the Wheel Entrance animation. Finally, select the Top Predator oval and add the Wheel   Entrance animation.

Click After Previous in the   Start box for the Top Predator oval.    Adjust the Delay to 00.50. Open the   Animation Pane. Click each of  the three lower ovals and then click After   Previous. Close the  Animation Pane.

Click Slide 4. Select the   bulleted text and apply the Fade Entrance  effect. Set the animation to start   After Previous with a Duration of  02.00 and a Delay of 01.75.  Click the Animation Pane to access the Fade    dialog box. Set the After Animation to Green on the Effect tab.

You apply a transition to all   the slides in the presentation to  create visual interest and re-focus the   audience attention as each new  slide displays during the presentation.

  Click Slide 1 and add the Fade transition. Set it to apply to all. Set the slides to advance   automatically after 00:03.00.

Video engages the audience’s   emotions and helps to reinforce the  message of your presentation. This helps   the audience remember the  message of the presentation, so you add one on this   slide.

  Click Slide 5. Insert   the video file oceans.mp4. Compress   the media. Select and delete any additional text boxes that may display when   the video is inserted.

You use the Playback and Format   tabs to adjust the video’s properties.

  Set the video to start Automatically. Change the Video Options to Hide While   Not Playing and to Rewind after Playing.

Apply a Simple Frame, White   Subtle Video Style. Format the video into an Oval shape. 

Audio is added to emphasize the   message of not only this slide but that of the entire presentation.

  Click Slide 2. Record yourself saying “Whales are amazing   creatures” or insert Whales.m4a.    Drag the speaker icon to the lower left of the slide. Set the audio  option to   start automatically and to hide during the show.

View the presentation. Save and   close Exp19_PPT_Ch02_Cap_Oceans_solution.pptx.   Exit PowerPoint. Submit the file as directed

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Ecommerce based Organization. Provide organization background, architectural landscape and products or services being sold

Students are required to create a portfolio related to an Ecommerce Organization. You can select any type of Ecommerce based Organization. Provide organization background, architectural landscape and products or services being sold. Develop your balanced portfolio as per instructions below.  Make sure to explain and backup your responses with facts and examples. This assignment should be in APA format and have to include references 

600 Words

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Define and describe the mobile web.

Select from the following list four (4) topics and discuss

  • Define and describe the mobile web.
  • Describe the different generations of cell phones.
  • Describe how smartphones differ from ordinary cell phones.
  • Describe how web pages differ from apps and how apps differ from widgets.

Chapter 15 topics:

  • Define corporate governance.
  • Define business strategy. List five possible business strategies.
  • Define auditing.
  • Define IT governance.
  • Note: You are required to use at least two-peer reviewed sources (besides your textbook) to answer the above questions. 

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  • Define and describe the mobile web.

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IT leader in the digital transformation era.

 Information Technology and Organizational Learning Assignment:

  • Chapter 10 – Review the section on the IT leader in the digital transformation era.  Note how IT professionals and especially leaders must transform their thinking to adapt to the constantly changing organizational climate.  What are some methods or resources leaders can utilize to enhance their change attitude?

The above submission should be one -page in length and adhere to APA formatting standards.**Remember the APA cover page and the references (if required) do not count towards the page length*

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An organization that has leveraged Cloud Computing technologies in an attempt to improve profitability

Subject: Cloud computing

Executive Practical Connection Assignment

For this project, select an organization that has leveraged Cloud Computing technologies in an attempt to improve profitability or to give them a competitive advantage.  Research the organization to understand the challenges that they faced and how they intended to use Cloud Computing to overcome their challenges.  The paper should include the following sections each called out with a header.

• Company Overview:  The section should include the company name, the industry they are in and a general overview of the organization.
• Challenges: Discuss the challenges the organization had that limited their profitability and/or competitiveness and how they planned to leverage Cloud Computing to overcome their challenges.
• Solution:  Describe the organization’s Cloud Computing implementation and the benefits they realized from the implementation.  What was the result of implementing Cloud Computing?  Did they meet their objectives for fall short?
• Conclusion:  Summarize the most important ideas from the paper and also make recommendations or how they might have achieved even greater success.

Requirements:The paper must adhere to APA guidelines including Title and Reference pages.  There should be at least three scholarly sources listed on the reference page.  Each source should be cited in the body of the paper to give credit where due.  Per APA, the paper should use a 12-point Time New Roman font, should be double spaced throughout, and the first sentence of each paragraph should be indented .5 inches.  The body of the paper should be 4  pages in length.  The Title and Reference pages do not count towards the page count requirements.

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Construct a work-back schedule that presents the steps involved in implementing your project

Project rollout begins after a project has been implemented, tested, and judged stable and functional enough to be moved into production. The project rollout process comprises specific steps that must be scheduled carefully to enable the project to hit production deadlines and meet business expectations.

For this assignment, you will create an implementation project plan, which outlines the steps involved in implementing your project. This document is sometimes called a work-back schedule because you begin with the date that your project needs to go live, and then work back from there to determine what needs to be done when.

You will also conduct a post-mortem on the work you have submitted to date. Post-mortem (from the Latin for “after death,” but referring to it in the context of business) is the analysis of a project’s process and results conducted by key project stakeholders after the project has been moved into production, which means it’s functionally complete. The goal of a post-mortem is to identify what went right and what went wrong post-implementation so that project managers can apply these lessons learned to future projects.

For this three-part assignment, you will:

  • Construct a work-back schedule that presents the steps involved in implementing your project.
  • Construct a post-mortem using the template on the work you have submitted to date in this course.
  • Create updated project documents based on the results of your post-mortem.

Review the Project Implementation Plan Example.

Create a project implementation plan for your project based on the example document. You may use Microsoft Word or other software to create your project implementation plan.

Complete the Post-Mortem template based on your experiences with completing the course project over the last five weeks.

Update the project documents you have submitted thus far in the course based on your completed post-mortem.

Submit your project implementation plan, post-mortem, and updated project documents

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Leading Ethically and Legally at Home and Abroad

Start Here

The nature of an organization’s business and the environment the business operates in will guide management in ensuring that decisions are both legal and ethical. In this project, you will expand your ability to make ethically responsible decisions by applying an ethical decision-making model to resolve a business ethics case. Begin with Step 1: Perform Ethical Analysis.


Your work will be evaluated using the competencies listed below.

1.3: Provide sufficient, correctly cited support that substantiates the writer’s ideas.

1.4: Tailor communications to the audience.

1.6: Follow conventions of Standard Written English.

2.1: Identify and clearly explain the issue, question, or problem under critical consideration.

2.4: Consider and analyze information in context to the issue or problem.

2.5: Develop well-reasoned ideas, conclusions or decisions, checking them against relevant criteria and benchmarks.

5.1: Develop constructive resolutions for ethical dilemmas based on application of ethical theories, principles and models.

5.2: Assess the implications of legal, ethical and cultural (national) standards on an organization’s operations in global markets and make recommendations for appropriate actions.

5.4: Resolve workplace conflicts using the optimal approaches and techniques for the situation and involved parties.

7.4: Analyze the impact of international and foreign laws on US organizations acting domestically and abroad.

9.3: Apply the principles of employment law for ethical practices and risk mitigation.

Step 1: Perform Ethical Analysis

Vice President Dodger has provided you with the Electropic LLC case file, which details recent events at Electropic LLC, one of Colossal’s technology companies. He has asked you to analyze the legal and ethical aspects of the case. The ethical aspects of the situation seem complex, and you realize that you need a structured way to think through the various resolutions to the case and their implications. You know that there are many different schools of ethical thought and a variety of frameworks or approaches for analyzing ethical problems, but you decide that the best approach to this particular situation is Badaracco’s right versus right framework (see attachment)

You’ll start by working through the right vs. right ethical analysis, considering the various options for action and the winners and losers for each option. What are your recommendations for the best ethical course of action? Be sure to analyze all four questions and all three tests of Badaracco’s framework.

When you’ve finished analyzing the ethical aspects of this case, continue to the next step, in which you’ll consider any legal issues that could affect your decisions.

Electropic LLC case file

Electropic LLC is a respected and profitable website design and hosting company in Colossal Corporation’s technology group. Melissa Aldredge has been a project manager at Electropic LLC for several years and was recently considered for promotion to a senior project manager position. Ultimately, the promotion was awarded to another long-term employee, June Pyle. June and Melissa have a history of one-upping each other and sharing an internal rivalry within the company.

Melissa recently reported internally that she had learned that June, who was given the promotion over her, had never finished her MBA degree. All of June’s business cards have “MBA” after her name, and the signature line of her email reads “June Pyle, MBA.”  

Electropic LLC’s policy manual states that potential employees must submit transcripts for all degrees listed on their resumes. However, this requirement was not in place 10 years ago when June Pyle was hired. June has a history of stellar performance and was promoted not because of her MBA, but because of her consistently exemplary work. June has received excellent performance evaluations during her time at Electropic LLC, and her leadership has led to increased revenue as well as positive press for the company. Her record of success is what led to her promotion.

As a result of Melissa’s report, the director of human resources sent an email to all employees who were hired prior to the policy change requiring transcript validation, asking that they provide transcripts to validate their credentials. June did not respond to the director’s request for transcripts and was called into the director’s office. In a very tense and tearful interview, June confessed to the director that she does not have an MBA. She admitted that she was 12 credits away from completing her degree, but when her dad got sick, she had to drop out. She said that she really needed a job to support her family and she put the MBA on her resume hoping it would help her find a job. She shared that she always intended to go back to school but became so busy with work that she didn’t have time. Once she was hired, she felt that there was no turning back and she had to keep the lie going by placing “MBA” in her email signature line and on her business cards.

An MBA was not a requirement for the assistant project specialist job June was hired for 10 years ago, but four years ago, it was made a requirement for the senior project manager position she holds now. Two of the current senior project managers do not have MBA degrees because they were promoted before this requirement was in place.

Vice President Dodger has asked you to write a memo with your recommendations on how human resources should handle this issue. June has a record of excellence with Electropic LLC, and her superiors would be unhappy to lose her; however, ethical practice and the law must be considered here as well.

Step 2: Perform Legal Analysis

As you continue to sift through and consider all the details of the Electropic LLC case, Vice President Dodger reaches out with an important note:


From: Kenneth Dodger, Vice President, Colossal Corporation

To: You

Just wanted to remind you that in addition to the ethical aspects of the Electropic LLC situation, there may be legal implications that the human resources department needs to account for before moving forward with any plan of action. To that end, you’ll need to review any relevant information about fraud and employment at will, that might affect what could or should be done about the situation at Electropic LLC.

When you’ve worked through the possible legal implications and arrived at a recommended course of action for Electropic LLC’s HR department, it’s time to present your analyses, recommendations, and action plan in a report.

Please use your outline and research notes to inform the writing of your report.

That’s all for now. I know this is a tricky case. Thank you for your efforts.

Step 3: Write Your Electropic LLC Report

Use your outline and research notes to prepare your report. Be sure to meet the following requirements laid out by the VP:

· Using Badaracco’s right vs. right framework and your legal analysis, prepare a report.

· Include in your report a detailed analysis of all four questions and three tests of the Badaracco framework; also include an analysis of the legal issues.

· Include a specific recommendation on what actions, if any, HR should take based on your legal and ethical analysis and conclusions.

· Include APA-formatted in-text citations and an APA-formatted reference list (do not format the body of the report using APA style, just the reference list

· The report should be no more than 10 pages (double spaced, 12-point font; the reference list does not count toward page limit).

· Title your file using this protocol: lastname_Electropic_date.docx.

Step 4: Review the Global Shippers, Inc. Case File

Now that you’ve submitted your response to the Electropic incident, you turn your attention to the Global Shippers case file. The vice president has appointed you to a board of confidential advisors to discuss whether the Global Shippers CEO’s actions were legal and ethical.

You open the file. Reading over the specifics of this situation, you soon understand that the VP is legitimately concerned about the legal and ethical violations.

In the next step, you will gather the information you need to identify important issues for the VP.

Global Shippers case file.

One of Colossal Corporation’s import-export companies, Global Shippers, Inc., a New York–based company with facilities in over 37 countries including the United Kingdom, recently submitted a bid for an exclusive contract with the government of the small country Neristan. The contract would provide Global Shippers with the exclusive right to export goods from Neristan’s government-owned factories to the United States for distribution and sale. It is projected that this contract would provide over $20 million in revenue to Global Shippers per year, increase its stock value, and allow the company to expand its international operations and employee base.

Shortly after Global Shippers submitted the bid, Neristan’s prime minister invited the CEO of Global Shippers, Robert Manning, to dine with him at the most luxurious restaurant in Neristan.

After Roger arrived to the dinner, the prime minister ordered the most expensive bottle of wine on the menu, and as they drank, he made a proposal to Manning. The prime minister said, “Here in Neristan we value relationships above all else, and we have a great opportunity to help each other.” He went on to say that he was recently tasked with “selecting the best company for Neristan’s contract,” and he thought that “Global Shippers has what it takes.”

Manning was excited by the prime minister’s comments. He agreed, “There is the potential here for a great relationship.” Manning gratefully accepted the prime minister’s offer of another glass of wine and listened intently. The prime minister then went on to say, “It is customary in Neristan for business associates to help each other prosper, and if you ensure a payment of $100,000 is wired to my personal account in the next week, I will make sure that Global Shippers gets the contract.”

Manning, who had dealt with similar requests from other foreign diplomats in the past, responded, “I’m afraid that such payments are prohibited in my country, but why don’t I fly you to New York tomorrow so we can discuss business further?” Manning went on to say, “The trip will be all expenses paid, and you will stay in the penthouse at the finest New York hotel. If, after we are done conducting business, you want to see the sites, I can show you around the city, and you can stay on us for a while.”

The prime minister gratefully accepted Manning’s offer, and Manning paid the $3,500 bill for the dinner and wine on his corporate account. The next day the two flew first-class back to New York. After conducting business in New York for a day, the prime minister and Manning traveled around the city, went to the theatre on Broadway, and dined in the finest restaurants. Everything was paid for by Manning’s corporate accounts. After several luxurious days in New York, the two of them then flew first-class to Los Angeles, where, after several days of “living it up on the town,” they met with Global Shippers Inc.’s board of directors, and the prime minister announced that Global Shippers had been awarded the contract. The prime minister stayed in Los Angeles, all expenses paid, for two weeks after this meeting, and then flew back to Neristan.

In the meantime, upon the announcement of the contract acquisition, Global Shippers Inc.’s stock skyrocketed, and the company began hiring more warehouse employees in Neristan and the United States to manage its new lucrative contract. Manning received a substantial bonus from Global Shippers Inc.’s board of directors for his excellent work related to acquiring the Neristan contract.

Six months later, the first shipment of goods was ready to leave Neristan and go to the United States, but the customs officials on the Neristan border refused to allow the goods to leave the dock. The customs officials stated that they needed time to inspect the goods for illegal contraband and that it could be weeks before they were cleared for shipment. Manning, who was visiting the prime minister at the time, was called to the customs office by his head warehouse employee. Manning slipped the customs officials $100 each and asked if they could expedite the shipment. The goods were cleared the next day, and the first shipment left for the United States.

A few weeks later the prime minister of Neristan was arrested by Neristan authorities for embezzling government funds. Manning began to worry that some of his actions may have crossed the lines into illegal or unethical activity and (given his close relationship with the prime minister) that he may soon also become the subject of investigation. He called the vice president at Colossal Corporation, told him the whole story, and asked him if he could help defend the legality and ethics of his actions.

Step 5: Gather and Analyze the Information

While you have some general awareness that there are many ramifications of international transactions from legal and ethical perspectives and many cultural differences among countries, you realize that you need to know a lot more about these subjects before you can attempt to respond to the VP’s questions.

Before you begin your research, listen to this introduction to cross-cultural awareness podcast as it relates to working with people from other cultures. Then review the following topics as you work to meet the VP’s request: international business ethics, laws, and regulationscross-cultural ethical business decision making (specifically focus on the “Ethical Theory in Global Business” resources), and country cultural differences.

Step 6: Engage in the Global Law and Ethics Discussion

Now that you’ve gathered information and analyzed the legal and ethical consequences of Manning’s actions as outlined in the Global Shippers case file, you’re expected to discuss your conclusions and rationales with the board of confidential advisors convened by Vice President Dodger. Two main requirements will structure this discussion:

· You are to fully analyze the following questions:

· Were Manning’s actions legal under the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, and what are the possible penalties for violating the act?

· Were Manning’s actions legal under the UK Bribery Act and what are the possible penalties for violating the act?

· Were Manning’s actions ethical, particularly in light of differing cultural norms?

When answering these questions, be sure to apply the following guidelines: Provide a full explanation for why all his actions were or were not legal and ethical in your discussion, including a full rationale for each conclusion. This post can be as long or as short as you need in order to effectively make your points.

Step 7: Submit Your Work

Recommended Project Delivery

StepDeliverableFile-naming protocol/Submission instructions
Step 3Electropic LLC reportlastname_Electropic_date.docx
Step 6Global Shippers discussionlastname-Global Shippers-date.docx
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Although health IT governance is a relatively “new” concept, the demands for this expertise are vast and the needs are immediate.

Although health IT governance is a relatively “new” concept, the demands for this expertise are vast and the needs are immediate. Healthcare reform is one example. How is health IT governance being used to ensure that the requirements of the Affordable Care Act are being met, implemented, monitored, and maintained?


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Identifying the talent management; recruitment and retention; globalization; employee engagement and the retaining millennial.

Analysis will includes:

Identifying the talent management; recruitment and retention; globalization; employee engagement and the retaining millennial.

· Globalization and Human Resource Management.

· Attracting Retaining Millennial and Millennial Workers and the Employee Engagement Phenomenon.

· High levels of Employee Engagement, The Leaders Role in Employee Engagement and Measuring Employee Engagement.

· Trends and Future of Talent Management. 

· Soldier for Life – Transition Assistance Program. 

· Conducting a presentation on an assisted topic.

Learning Domain: Cognitive

Level of Learning: Analyzing  


(1)  S301RA:  Human Resources Management, Issues, Challenges and Trends “Now and Around the Corner” Chapters 2, 8 and 9, pp. 33-52, pp.163-184-160 and pp. 185-200 (51 pages) [127.5 minutes]

(2)  S301RB:  Employee Engagement, Creating positive energy at work, Chapters 1, 6 and 7, pp. 1-24, pp. 145-182 and pp.184-206 (82 pages) [205 minutes]

(3)  S301RCTrends and Future of Talent Management, pp. 212-241 (27 pages) [67.5 minutes]

(4)  S301RDSoldier for Life – Transition Assistance Program, Army Regulation 600-81, pp. 1-27 (27 pages) [67.5 minutes]

Reflection Questions during readings:

(1)  Why does a company need talent management?

(2)  Why is trust so important for a manager/team leader?

(3)  Is servant leadership the answer?

(4)  What is the mission of the Soldier for Life Transition Assistance Program?

View the short video, while watching the video take a few minutes to reflect on previous interactions that you have had with HRC in your career.  The Human Resources is a huge field that affects several different areas of business and even other personal aspects of employees. HR managers must tackle issues within Technology, Talent management, Labor Relations and on how to keep employees develop and engage.

Keep in mind HR management applies across

· Consider reflecting and think about “How has human resource management changed in the workforce from the 20th to the 21st Century?

· What do you think the workforce will look like in the future for Soldiers and Family members?

· What do future generations have to look forward to in the workforce? 

Human Resources Management,

As there is a growing recognition of the importance of human resources in the organizations by the employers, they have started to invest more time and money on the talent management departments of their enterprises. The trends in the talent management field have been growing and changing with a rapid pace in the recent past years, the managers have started to employ better methods to look after the employees and their skill sets.

 After reading sections 9.1 and 9.3 of Chapter 9 of Reading A. 

Ask yourself, what are so of the reasons an organization needs talent management?

Some possible reasons could be:

· Right person at right place

· Timely rotation of employee

· Hiring of the right people

What are some of the other reasons you can think of?

Consider some trends associated with Talent Management and it’s impact on an organization.

· Talent promotion

· Pool of talent

· Technology and Talent Management (how doe technology impact talent management?)

· Population growth/ demographics

Reflection Point: How does the Army manage talent? 

What is it? It’s the unique intersection of skills, knowledge and behaviors in every person.  Talent represents far more than the training, education and experiences provided by the Army.  The fullness of each person’s life experience, to include investments they’ve made in themselves, personal and familial relationships (networks), ethnographic and demographic background, preferences, hobbies, travel, personality, learning style, education, and a myriad number of other factors better suit them to some development or employment opportunities than others.

Who has it? Talent is not some “top 10 percent” of workers. Everyone has talents that can be extended and liberated, provided those talents are recognized and cultivated.  Doing so creates optimal levels of performance in a much larger segment of an organization’s workforce.


Talent management is a deliberate and coordinated process that aligns systematic planning for the right number and type of people to meet current and future Army talent demands with integrated implementation to ensure the majority of those people are optimally employed. 

Talent management extracts the most productivity and value from an organization’s greatest asset – its people.  Army talent management integrates people acquisitiondevelopmentemployment and retention strategies.  It begins with entry-level employees and aligns their talents against the demand for them during their entire careers, to include positions at the very top of the Army.

A trusted and open system for managing Army talent will incentivize a culture of development, strength and service

1. Sustains Long-Term Readiness: Talent Management delivers readiness for this fight while preparing for the next.

2. Managing People As Individuals: Talent Management recognizes that everyone has talent strengths, and great organizations maximize individual talents to meet organizational needs by placing the right person in the right job at the right time over time.

3. Better Data leads to Informed Decisions: Talent Management strives to give people and organizations more relevant information to drive better decisions.

4. Empowers Leaders & Individuals: Talent Management allows individuals to define career success for themselves, advertise their talents, seek opportunities in line with those talents, and employed by leaders with direct hiring authority and understanding their team’s specific needs.

5. Tech-Enabled, People Focused: Technology is a compliment to, but not a substitute for, the human dimension of talent.

6. Influences Behavior: Talent Management uses markets and incentives to drive behavior.

7. Fosters a Culture of Assessments: Talent Management promotes organizational, leader and self-awareness through rigorous assessments of individuals and teams

8. Builds Trust: Talent Management builds trust over time through consistency, transparency, balancing individual and family needs with the needs of the Army and honoring commitments made through the management process.

9. Retain Talent: Talent Management reveals granular information about people leading to better and more focused retention decisions of high demand talent.

10 Personal Accountability. Talent Management requires every officer to take ownership of their own personal and career decisions.

11. Flexibility. Talent Management builds flexibility into our career models to better accommodate personal and professional choices to apply to the needs of the Army.

12. Enhances Organizational Agility. Talent Management Army promotes increased organizational agility and innovative out-of-the-box thinking in response to new challenges and opportunities.

Globalization and Human Resource Management:

Human Resources Management Issues, Challenges, and Trends “Now and Around the corner” Chapter 2. During this section the challenge is to link your understanding of the Globalization and Human Resource. Could you  explain what is the “global village”. pp. 31-35( Reading A). This chapter discusses globalization and implications and impacts on HRM in the future.

Reflection Point for Chapter2:

· Why do you think companies need to understand the global environment?


· Political: • New state tax policies for accounting • New employment laws for employee handbook     maintenance  • Political instability in a foreign partner country.

· Economic:  • International economic growth  • Changes in interest rates.

· Sociocultural: • Shift in educational requirements and changing career attitudes • Population growth rate.

· Technological: • Automated processes in the industry • Rate of innovation • Changes in technology incentive.

Consider the millennial generation, who are they and why are they important to Human Resource management?

Something to consider; According to the Pew Research Census Bureau, more than a third of workers today are millennials, born between 1981–2000 (Fry, 2015). Research shows that this large and growing sector of the workforce expects a different work experience than their predecessors, such as GenXers and baby boomers.

As a senior leader, think about why having a fundamental understanding of millennials are  important to Army Talent Management and Human Resources?

Human Resource departments exist to find the right people and to keep the right people once they are found. Among other objectives, this mission relates to three specific strategies:

Recruiting, Rewarding and Retaining high-performing employees.

All three strategies are integrated, and, in fact, there are significant overlaps among them (see Figure 8.1). Pp.172-178.

This fundamental strategy holds true for the US Army. 

Employee Engagement

Chapter 1 Employee Engagement Creating Positive energy at work (Reading B) by Joan Peters. pp. 2-4.

As you re-read and reflect upon the readings consider the below areas for deep reflection and processing

· What we mean by the term “employee engagement”.

· Is employee engagement the same as employee satisfaction?

· The term “Employee Experience” is used often. Is that the same as employee engagement?

· Is “engagement” just another term for “workaholism”?

· Can the impact of employee engagement on company performance be quantified?

· How important is it to employees that they feel highly engaged at work?

· How does work contribute to well-being?

· How well are companies doing when it comes to employee engagement?

How or what does employee engagement mean within the Army? Does some of the same principles apply based upon your readings?

The concept of employee engagement has become ambiguous, a work-related psychological measure influenced by factors that scholars and researchers have focused on identifying. While the realm of research scholars seeks to identify it, the obvious effects of employee engagement, or, rather, disengagement are consistently

observed in the workplace.

Employee engagement has thus become a high priority for all organizations, as for a company to be successful in a tough business environment, it needs highly competent and highly engaged employees who can meet the employer’s high expectations of them.

The general belief is that when people are engaged and love their work, they do better work. According to a survey conducted by, over 90% of respondents believed that there is solid evidence linking engagement to performance, and that engagement

has the strongest impact on customer service and productivity.

There is no single definition of employee engagement, but there is wide agreement that it is an emotional commitment to one’s work and a willingness to give of one’s best at work. It is how people feel about their work that determines their levels of energy, ownership, persistence, commitment and initiative.

Does this concept hold true for the Army? Why or why not? 

The challenge for leaders is to provide a work experience that brings out the best in all their people, which means more focus on the intangible factors that affect the way people feel about their work. This is often not familiar territory for many leaders, and is certainly an important aspect in our development and growth as leaders.

According to Army Doctrine leader development must foster the cognitive, social, and physical competencies associated with the human dimension. War fundamentally remains a human contest of wills, despite the advances in technology. Producing a professional NCO corps demands a comprehensive Human Dimension Strategy oriented on the individual, the team, and the institution.

The roles and responsibilities for the NCO have always been to lead, train, and care for Soldiers and equipment while enforcing standards. The Army must have a cohort of competent and committed NCOs of character as trusted professionals who thrive in chaos, adapt, and win in a complex world. The Army’s NCO 2020 Strategy provides the ways, means, and ends to develop a professional, trained, and ready NCO corps that is essential to remain as the world’s premier fighting force.

Leader development is further enhanced by recognizing, developing, and maturing talents in Soldiers while simultaneously managing talent to meet the immediate and long-term goals of the ALDS. Together, leader development and talent management build on the fundamentals.

Talent is the intersection of three dimensions—skills, knowledge, and behaviors—that create an optimal level of individual performance, provided individuals are employed within their talent set. Talent management is a way to enhance Army readiness by maximizing the potential of the Army’s greatest asset—our people. By better understanding the talent of the workforce and the talent necessary to meet capability needs by unit requirements, the Army can more effectively acquire, develop, employ, and retain the right talent at the right time. In Army talent management, “best” equals best fit for the work at hand.


Assignment Instructions:  Analyze the concepts and theories you read about in S301; utilizing key language and terms from these concepts and theories, write a 800-1200 word paper on the challenges of talent management and how a SGM can engage organizational members for competitive success in future assignments while ensuring their organizational members remain adaptable. Keep in mind your analysis of the content material and your personal experience will help you with this paper. This paper can incorporate personal experiences to help illustrate your understanding of the material and to show examples. This assignment also allows for you to write in first person as you illustrate certain experiences within your paper.

Ensure to use good APA 7th Edition writing style, list the references used, and cite them within the paper

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