Writers Solution

What other aspects of your life are inCuenced by a sociological perspective?

Sociological theory
Read & consider
To have a sociological perspective is to look at your social world in terms of the major sociological theories.
There are three main Sociological theories:
Conflict Theory
Symbolic Interactionism
(there are also subgroups and combinations of these)
To this we are also going to add: Feminist theory.
Sociologists generally examine social interactions and social structures in terms of power (who has power over others, who controls what,
who doesn’t have it) and how these social factors shape behaviours. A sociological perspective looks at the impact of social factors such
as age, gender, ethnic group, socioeconomic group, cultural group, national group, geographical location, occupational group, education
To develop a sociological perspective we need to break down the assumptions we have about our social world. We need to be able to stand
outside our own ideological frameworks and see the everyday and the ordinary as unfamiliar and the object of scientific study. This can be
difficult!17/4/23, 12:13 pmWeek 2
Page 5 of 13
3. Major social theories
Watch & consider
This video follows on from the crash course in sociology video we watched in week 1. It looks at theoretical paradigms or theories of
sociology, macro and micro distinctions and the 3 major paradigms in sociology.
Watch: Major sociological paradigms: Crash course sociology #2 (YouTube 9:39)
Major Sociological Paradigms: Crash Course Sociology #2
CrashCourse. (2017, March 21)
Major sociological paradigms: crash course sociology #2 [Video} YouTube,
Page 6 of 13
4. Activity: Durkheim
Watch, consider & post
Emile Durkheim is considered a founding thinker of sociology. He focussed on how a society is formed and how it functions, or how a society
maintains order and stability. He is attributed with the creation of the functionalist perspective in sociology. His work remains very relevant
today as we explore culture and what holds a society together as well as what creates division and our response to that division in a
Watch: Sociology – Emile Durkheim (YouTube 7:47)
SOCIOLOGY – Émile Durkheim
The School of Life (2015, May 22)
Sociology – Emile Durkheim [Video] You Tube
Structural-functional theory is often criticised for focussing too much on the stability of societies and its inability to explain social change.
For these reasons, many sociologists now believe that functionalism is no longer useful as a macro-level theory.
Activity: Emile Durkheim did extensive research on suicide during the latter part of the nineteenth century. His theory as to why people
commit suicide focuses on the condition of social cohesion present in a society and experienced by the individual.
To help us understand Durkheim’s theory of social cohesion, let’s undertake a critical analysis of Australia’s welfare and health.
Go to Australia’s Welfare 2019 or the Australian Bureau of Statistics and find either some welfare or health statistics that support Durkheim’s
Post your response by clicking on the forum icon below.
Australian Bureau of Statistics.
Australian Institute of Health and Welfare. (2019).
Australia’s welfare 2019 : in brief.
welfare/australias-welfare-2019-in-brief/contents/table-of-content17/4/23, 12:13 pmWeek 2
Page 7 of 13
5. Activity: Marx
Watch, consider & post
Watch: Political theory – Karl Marx (YouTube 9:27)
The School of Life (2014, December 19)
Political theory – Karl Marx [Video] You Tube
Activity: Conflict theory has been criticised for focussing on conflict to the exclusion of recognising stability. Can you think of any social
structures that are stable or have gradually progressed over time rather than changing abruptly as conflict theory would suggest?
Post your response by clicking on the forum icon below.17/4/23, 12:13 pmWeek 2
Page 8 of 13
6. Activity: Weber
Watch, consider & post
Watch: Sociology – Max Weber (YouTube 7:22)
The School of Life (2015, February 20)
Sociology – Max Weber [Video] You Tube
Activity: Weber also recognised that in addition to class, society can be stratified by groups who have different status. Which groups in our
society have a status that is viewed with prestige and something to be desired and which groups have low status and prestige and as a
result may experience scorn, disadvantage or discrimination? How much power do these groups wield?
Post your response by clicking on the forum icon below.17/4/23, 12:13 pmWeek 2
Page 9 of 13
7. Activity: Feminist theory
Watch, consider & post
Watch: Theories of Gender: Crash course sociology #33 (YouTube 10:37)
Theories of Gender: Crash Course Sociology #33
CrashCourse (2017, November 14)
Theories of gender: Crash Course Sociology #33 [Video] You Tube
Activity: Some feminist theorists identify the following 5 major issues of feminism today:
!. The division of domestic labour
“. The media
#. The glass ceiling
$. Social inequality
%. Violence against women
Yet often these issues are surrounded in controversy and heated opposition. Why? How can a sociological perspective affect social
Post your response by clicking on the forum icon below.17/4/23, 12:13 pmWeek 2
Page 10 of 13
8. Sociological Theory Today
Read & consider
These three approaches are still the main foundation of modern sociological theory, but some evolution has been seen. Structural-
functionalism was a dominant force after World War II and until the 1960s and 1970s. At that time, sociologists began to feel that structural-
functionalism did not sufficiently explain the rapid social changes happening in the United States at that time.
Conflict theory then gained prominence, as there was renewed emphasis on institutionalised social inequality. Critical theory, and the
particular aspects of feminist theory and critical race theory, focused on creating social change through the application of sociological
principles, and the field saw a renewed emphasis on helping ordinary people understand sociology principles, in the form of public
Postmodern social theory attempts to look at society through an entirely new lens by rejecting previous macro-level attempts to explain
social phenomena. Generally considered as gaining acceptance in the late 1970s and early 1980s, postmodern social theory is a micro-level
approach that looks at small, local groups and individual reality. Its growth in popularity coincides with the constructivist aspects of
symbolic interactionism.
Read:1.3 theoretical perspectives from
OpenStax. (2016).
Introduction to Sociology (2nd ed.). OpenStax CNX., 12:13 pmWeek 2
Page 11 of 13
9. Activity: Sociological perspectives on the family
Consider & post
Later in this subject we will be looking at the topic of gender equality and will be exploring the family further. However, in this activity we are
going to consider how each of the sociological perspectives view the family.
Click on the Google doc link below to post your responses
Additional resource
The following video is an additional resource if you have some extra time. It’s not very interesting to watch so just put your headphones on
and listen to it next time you are on the train, bus, in a waiting room…
Video: (YouTube 16:47)
Marshall, D. (2013, July 8).
Sociology of the family [Video]. YouTube., 12:13 pmWeek 2
Page 12 of 13
10. Activity: Applying the sociological perspective everyday
Read, consider & post
Benefits of applying the sociological perspective to our daily lives:
assess the truth of community held assumptions ie common sense, taken-for-granted, status quo: Are these commonly held beliefs
true? Why are they so widely held? For example where do differences in gender, ethnicity or class come from?
assess both the opportunities and the constraints that characterise our lives – how can we pursue our goals?
empowers us to participate actively in shaping our society
helps us recognise diversity and confront the challenges of living in a diverse world
Read this article which takes a sociological view on the tearing down of statues of racist historical figures: We see history more clearly after
tearing down statues of racist colonisers
Savoulian, R. (2020, July 9).
We see history more clearly after tearing down statues of racist
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! Share “
What other aspects of your life are inCuenced by a sociological perspective?
Click on the wall or on the icon below.!
Yuliya Y
Yuliya Y
Career opportunities
Louise Anderson
Louise Anderson
Where i go shopping for
clothing household goods and
the weekly groceries.\
What my work wardrobe
consists of
Where and when my
leisure/social time is spent17/4/23, 12:13 pmWeek 2
Page 13 of 13
11. Activity: Marginalisation
Consider & post
“What is marginalisation? Marginalisation describes a state in which individuals are living on the fringes of society because of their
compromised or severely limited access to the resources and opportunities needed to fully participate in society and to live a decent life.
Marginalised people experience a complex, mutually reinforcing mix of economic, social, health and early-life disadvantage, as well as
stigma.” (Cruwys et al., 2013, p.4)
Consider a group in Australia that can be identified as marginalised based on the definition above, for example, Indigenous Australians,
unemployed people and welfare-reliant single mothers. The sociological perspective provides a way for us to analyse and explain
marginalisation. We can analyse the social structures that shape society at a macro-level or we can look at the social interactions that
occur in a specific situation at a micro-level.
In the following activity think of the social structures in Australian society and the social interactions in a specific situation that might
contribute to the marginalisation of that group. Then consider what social changes need to be made to ensure social inclusion.
Post your response in the Google doc by clicking on the icon below.
Additional resource
Cruwys, T., Berry, H.L., Cassells, R., Duncan, A., O’Brien, L.V., Sage, B. & D’Souza, G. (2013).
Marginalised Australians: Characteristics and
predictors of exit over ten years 2001-2010. University of Canberra.
Korff, J. (2020, 17 July).
Aboriginal prison rates. Creative spirits.




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Dissertation Topics in Purchasing and Supplies Management

Procurement management research topics are typically founded on interconnected topics. Therefore, research topics in procurement and supply chain management offer students wishing to compose a paper in the field a great deal of scope and variety. The following are some suggested Dissertation Topics in Purchasing and Supplies Management from our writing experts at Please refer to the logistics management and supply chain management posts for additional ideas.

A List Of Procurement And Supply Chain Management Research Topics:

Though it took me some time to discover some good examples of research topics in procurement management, it is now available to students pursuing a bachelor’s degree or seeking research topics in procurement management for master’s theses.

How do strategic procurement policies guarantee pharmacies never run out of essential, life-saving drugs? Boots Pharmaceuticals is the subject of this investigation.

The implications of an analysis of procurement cost management in lean organizations in developed regions for emerging economies.

A systematic approach to green and sustainable purchasing practices in UK manufacturing firms.

Implications of the green supply chain model for key stakeholders in the procurement and supply chain system.

An analysis of the relationship between real-time supply chains and healthy ecosystems.

Analysis and commentary on the use of Big Data to track procurement requirements and enhance supply chain management.

How are stakeholders involved in implementing responsible procurement and logistics ethics in the restaurant industry in the United Kingdom? : a primary study.

Who is in charge of the supply chain? An essay on the extent and magnitude of power between the various supply chain stakeholders and their effects.

How do British manufacturers of electronic products implement green supply chain practices? An analysis of procurement policies.

A financial feasibility analysis of environmentally responsible procurement and logistics policies in the United Kingdom.

How does the current literature contextualize the value and effectiveness of humanitarian supply chains within procurement and logistics practices? Answers based on worldwide practices.

Below are Purchasing and Supply Project Topics and Materials, E-Procurement Research Topics, and Procurement Project Ideas for Undergraduates. Immediate Download Complete, procurement research topics pdf, research proposal topics in supply chain management, topics of procurement, types of purchasing research in Nigeria, Ghana, Cameroon, South Africa, United Kingdom, and the United States, research proposal on procurement and supply chain management, supply chain management project topics pdf, purchasing department project topics, procurement hot topics, procurement topics for presentation, examples of research proposals in procurement pdf Chapters 1-5. Investigation and analysis of procurement and logistics in agribusinesses in the United Kingdom.

A comparative study of the supply chain management practices of family-owned and non-family-owned small enterprises in the United Kingdom.

A literature review of sustainable green procurement practices in the supply chain management of minerals.

Risk assessment techniques in supply chains and their implications for transport logistics in the United Kingdom.

Literature review of supply chain efficacy in knowledge-innovation environments.

Responses from the United Kingdom on the procurement management of specialized initiatives in commercial construction.

A literature survey on the significance of suppliers for the procurement management of residential units in mega housing projects in emerging economies.

A primary investigation into the implementation practices of green and sustainable procurement strategies in British construction projects.

A critical essay on the green procurement practices of luxury fashion retailers in the United Kingdom.

Similarities and differences between public procurement practices and protocols and private procurement models.

Utilization of Antenatal and Pregnancy Services by Nigerian Mothers Seeking Child Welfare Services


Impact of Total Quality Management on an Organization’s Production Cost


Inventory Planning And Product Availability Control


An Analysis of the Procurement Reforms Act as a Cost-Reduction and Accountability Instrument in Krpc


The Influence Of Material Inspection On Product Quality At Power Holding Company Of Nigeria (Phcn), Kaduna.


Influence Of Retail Design On Material Handling Power Holding Company of Nigeria (Phcn) Kaduna: A Case Study one of Dissertation Topics in Purchasing and Supplies Management


Impact Of Information Technology On An Organization’s Supply Function


Impact Of Information Technology On An Organization’s Supply Function (A Case Study Of Nigeria Breweries)


Storage And Material Handling’s Influence On Retail Store Productivity


Negotiation as a Cost-Reduction Strategy for Material Procurement at the Kaduna Plant of Nigerian Bottling Company Plc


Negotiation As A Means To Effectively Price Materials


Negotiation Skills as a Means of Improving Material Delivery (A Case Study of Nocaco)


Role Of Inspection In Northern Noodles Ltd, Kaduna’s Product Quality Management Effort


The importance of Sourcing to the Profit Objective of an Organization (A Case Study of Nigeria Bottling Company Plc)


Impact of Sourcing Decision on Material Availability


The Impact Of Store Coding And Material Identification On Store Efficiency (A Case Study Of Nigeria Bottling Company) here are another Dissertation Topics in Purchasing and Supplies Management


Store Design On Materials Handling Power Holding Company of Nigeria (Phcn) Kaduna: A Case Study


The Effects of Efforts to Reduce Material Handling Costs in Public Institutions (A Case Study of PHCN, kaduna)


Material Management’s Impact on Purchasing


Impact Of Material Sourcing On Increasing The Profitability Of The Organization


The Procurement Act And Its Influence On Officers’ Accountability In The Public Sector


Use Of Raw Material Inspection And Its Effects On Production Quality


Variety Reduction As An Instrument For Efficient Materials Management (A Case Study Of Nigeria Bottling Company Plc)


Need for Complete System Application in Materials Management


Need For Effective Inventory Management In A Manufacturing Firm


Importance of Effective Safety Management in Manufacturing


Need For Efficient Health And Safety Procedures In Retail Operations


Need For Efficient Inventory Management In A Service Organization


Need For Effective And Efficient Procurement In The Subsector Of Local Government


Need For Development And Maintenance Of Good Buyer-Seller Relations


Need for Efficient Store Accounting in a Business


Importance Of Effective Warehouse Management For Physical Distribution In A Service Organization


Make Or Buy Decision: An Essential Purchasing Instrument and Cost Management Strategy in an Organization


Management Obligation Regarding Fraud Detection


Need for Efficient Planning and Control in Purchasing


Need for Efficient and Economical Procurement in Local Government


Need For Efficient Vendor Evaluation And Selection Within An Organization


Management and control of inventory in a manufacturing organization


Need For Effective Inventory Control System In Service-Oriented Business


Impact of total quality management on an organization’s growth and survival


Importance Of Effective Inventory Control In A Company


Material Evaluation And Management Within a Manufacturing Enterprise


Impact of Standardization on Material Management in Manufacturing


Influence of Purchasing Research on a Company’s Profitability


Impact Of Inventory Taking On A Company


Impact of Packaging on Goods Storage and Distribution in a Company


Influence Of Salesperson On Brand Preference Of Consumers For Beer Product


Influence Of Performance Evaluation On Employee Productivity


Impact Of Stores Function On Organizational Profitability


Influence of Production Planning and Control on a Manufacturing Company


Inventory Management And Planning’s Influence On Stores Administration


Impact of Material Handling Efficiency on a Manufacturing Company


Inventory Planning and Management in a Sector


Importance Of Material Coding And Classification In Inventory Management Within The Manufacturing Sector


Impact of Efficient Inventory Control on an Organization’s Productivity


Effect of efficient warehouse management on physical distribution in a manufacturing company


Influence Of Efficient Inventory Control On Materials Management In A Company


Impact of Effective Inventory Management and Control in a Company


Impact of Personnel Management on Organizational Development


Impact Of Television Advertising On The Purchasing Behavior Of Children Aged 10 To 15


Impact Of Efficient Materials Handling On An Organization’s Stores Function


Influence Of Efficient Physical Distribution On The Brewing Industry


Implications Of Containerization On Global Purchasing


Effects of Containerization on Transportation and Distribution


Impact Of Efficient And Effective Material Storage In Government Facilities


The Influence Of Containerization On International Freight


Implications Of Efficient Inventory Planning And Control In Governmental Organizations


Need For Purchasing Budget Efficiency In A Manufacturing Company


Implications For Purchasing And Supply Chain Management Of A Strong Buyer-Supplier Relationship


Need For Effectiveness In Public Sector Purchasing Management


Organizational Need for Efficient Inventory Security


The Influence of Auditing and Internal Control on the Effectiveness of Public Enterprises


Impact Of An Industrial Accident On A Company


Need for Effective Inventory Management in an Organization


Influence Of Advertising on Consumer Purchasing Behavior


Need For Effective Inventory Management In A Small-Scale Industry


Need For Effective Physical Distribution In Product Marketing


Need For Purchasing Research In An Industrial Firm


Influence Of Negotiation On Accomplishing Purchasing Goals


The Requirement For Purchasing Research In A Manufacturing Company


Evaluation Of A Profit-Driven Organization’s Purchasing Methodologies


Need for Inventory Management and Stock Control in an Organization


Organizational Need for Sourcing and Supplier Development


Organizational Need for Quality Control and Inspection


Evaluation Of The Leadership Style And Its Impact On The Attitude Of The Employees


Contributions of Purchasing and Inventory Management to Price Reduction


Contribution Of Total Quality Management And Incoming Material Inspection


Compensation’s Impact On Employee Performance


Contributions Of Purchasing Research To An Organization In The Public Sector


Influence of Nigeria’s New Public Procurement Act on Government Purchasing


Contribution Of Purchasing To A Small Business’s Organizational Objective


Contribution of Inventory Management to the Achievement of Organizational Objectives


Competitive Bidding As An Effective Vendor Selection Instrument


Evaluation Of The Need For Effective Inventory Records In Public Sector Warehouses


Contribution Of Purchasing Research to Organizational Management


Impact of Material Handling on a Company’s Profitability


Contribution Of Purchasing To An Organization’s Profitability


Evaluation Of The Use Of Value Analysis And Value Engineering To Reduce Costs


Evaluation Of The Role Of Purchasing And Supply In Quality Determination And Control In A Small-Scale Industry


Evaluation of the Importance of Efficient Material Handling in a Manufacturing Company


Contribution Of Purchasing To The Accomplishment Of Organizational Objectives

MAKE YOUR ORDER AND GET your Dissertation Topics in Purchasing and Supplies Management


Writers Solution

Working with Addicted Populations

Assessment Description: .
In the following Case Study you will be required to formulate a number of components in developing a case plan
for working with an addicted client. The aim of case studies is to give students a sense of working with an ongoing
client. It is important to note that whilst there are no right or wrong answers the client has a number of issues
that will need to be identified if not addressed.
Case Study
Brad is a 22 year old male who has been referred to you by a mutual friend of his mother who has asked if you
could have a chat with him as he seems to be getting into more and more trouble which she believes is due to
his excessive drinking. He has also recently lost his driver’s licence for high range drink driving.
You agree and are contacted by Brad’s mother Sandra: she is clearly very anxious and distressed about Brad and
she gives you a blow by blow list of his negative behaviours over the past 2 years and this is a sign of Working with Addicted Populations.
Sandra reports that Brad was diagnosed with ADD at age 9 as was his sister Samantha who is a year older. He
has been failing at University over the past 12 months and has become verbally aggressive at home in particular
towards herself; he is coming home at all hours and will often sleep all day unless she nags him to get up. She
believes Brad is becoming an alcoholic just like her father was and that he needs someone to make him see that
he is ruining his life. She states that Brad was such a lovely young man before his drinking escalated with the
world at his feet. She also believes he needs to talk about an accident he caused 4 years ago whilst driving drunk
on a friend’s farm which has left one of his mates with a permanent brain injury. She goes on to say we have
given him the best private school education and supported him in whatever he has wanted to do scholastically.
He was top of the school in rowing and has been studying law at University after a gap year in England.
She says Brad is willing to talk to you and sets up an appointment.
Brad attends his first session; his mother has dropped him off and is waiting outside in her car until he’s finished.
Brad appears well kempt and healthy: he is over six foot tall and a good looking young man. He initially seems
reluctant to engage with you and has difficulty making eye contact; when you enquire as to why he thinks he is
here he says, “I’m not quite sure – what did mum say”
You state that his mother is concerned that he has a problem with alcohol but would like to hear what he has to
say about that. Brad goes on to defend his drinking by saying that it’s not that bad and that his friends drink the
same way he does and that his mum is just freaked out because her dad was an alcoholic which I’m not!
You discover that Brad experiences memory loss frequently when drinking but he thinks that’s normal as his
mates have had similar experiences. His mates have also told him that he can become aggressive and will often
start fights when out with them. He has a tendency not to believe this and thinks they are exaggerating.
He minimizes the drink driving charge as just bad luck and not being all that serious however he does appear to
be concerned with Working with Addicted Populations when you describe the consequences of such a charge and he is open to seeing you again if you
can help with that.
 How would you proceed with this session and beyond?
 What are the presenting issues for Brad?
 What assessment tools might you employ?
 What modalities might you use in working with Brad?
 Formulate a contract and case plan for Brad.BASS – COU301A Page 3
Marking Criteria:
Max. in
Answering the question and responding to the topic 30
Links to theories and concepts 10
Number and choice of appropriate references 4
Word count, readability, and structure 3
In‐text references and reference list, accuracy and use of
correct referencing style 3
Total: 50
Comments:BASS – COU301A Page 4
What we want to see:
This Report will incorporate a formal introduction, main points and conclusion; as this is a report,
the introduction and conclusion, as well as individual sections addressing different issues should
be flagged by subheadings.
The work must be fully referenced with in-text citations and a reference list at the end. We
recommend you work with your Academic Writing Guide to ensure that you reference correctly. You
will find a link to this document on the main page of every unit, under the ‘Assessments’ section.
Correct academic writing and referencing are essential tasks that you need to learn. We
recommend a minimum of ten references.
Referencing: References are assessed for their quality. You should draw on quality academic
sources, such as books, chapters from edited books, journals etc. Your textbook can be used as a
reference, but not the Study Guide and lecture notes. We want to see evidence that you are capable
of conducting your own research. Also, in order to help markers determine students’ understanding
of the work they cite, all in-text references (not just direct quotes) must include the specific page
number/s if shown in the original.
Researching: You can search for peer-reviewed journal articles, which you can find in the online
journal databases and which can be accessed from the library homepage. Reputable news sites
such as The Conversation (, online dictionaries and online
encyclopedias are acceptable as a starting point to gain knowledge about a topic. Government
departments, research institutes such as the National Health and Medical Research Council
(NHMRC), international organisations such as the World Health Organisation (WHO) and local not
for profit organisations such as the Cancer Council are also good resources.
Formatting: The assessment MUST be submitted electronically in Microsoft Word format. Other
formats may not be readable by markers. Please be aware that any assessments submitted in other
formats will be considered LATE and will lose marks until it is presented in Word.
What we don’t want to see:
Plagiarism: All sources of information need to properly be acknowledged. Please refer to the
plagiarism website on blackboard i . By clicking the ‘Upload this file’ button you acknowledge that you
have read, understood and can confirm that the work you are about to submit complies with the
Flexible and Online plagiarism policy as shown in the JNI Student Handbook. Like other forms of
cheating plagiarism is treated seriously. Plagiarising students will be referred to the Program
Word Count: Marks will be deducted for failure to adhere to the word count – as a general rule you
may go over or under by 10% than the stated length.
Late Submissions: Students are advised that any submissions past the due date incur a 10%
penalty per day, calculated from the total mark e.g. a task marked out of 30 will incur 3 marks
penalty per day.
No submission: Students must attempt all tasks to be eligible to pass the unit.
More information can be found in Think Education Assessment Policy document on the Think
Education website.BASS – COU301A Page 5
Resources Available to YOU:
1. Academic writing guide link
2. Writing & referencing: The link to the Learning and Academic Skills Unit
(LASU) is on the left pulldown menu on the blackboard home page:
LASU also provides a series of academic skills tutorials. Please contact Caroline
Spaans (, 02 949 232 14).
3. Researching: A guide to researching is available on the library page
Please contact the online and Pyrmont librarian for Health, Dawn Vaux
( if you would like further help or a tutorial on how to do
research this way

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Self‐Directed LearningContract

Assessment Description:
Students are required to complete a learning portfolio to be submitted at the end of placement. Up to 7
hours of placement time can be allocated to this assessment.
The portfolio will include:
1. Learning contract
2. Agency profile and one page description of organization in point form
3. List of agencies, resources and networks associated with the agency.
4. Reflection on learning experience (report described below) –1500 words
5. Summary and reflection of supervision experience – 500 words
6. Placement Performance Report (form provided on pp 3 and 4 of this brief)
Write a 1500 word report on how you undertook the achievement of the outcomes and how you would
rate your achievement of these outcomes in your “Self‐Directed Learning
Contract”, this should include:
i. Why you chose your objectives.
ii. The way you sought to carry out the objectives.
iii. Any struggles you faced in the achievement of the objectives.
iv. How you overcame these struggles or did not, as the case may be.
v. What resources you considered available to you through the placement organisation.
vi. What the main themes were that emerged for you during your placement.
vii. How you considered your performance over your placement.
viii. How the placement has developed you personally and professionally.
ix. What career options/directions the placement has given you.
You might like to consider the relationships that you have developed over the course of your placement
both with clients (if you had any) and colleagues, and how this has had a bearing on some of the above.
Marking criteria
To what extent did the assessment demonstrate the following? Max in
Inclusion of all components as listed in the manual 10
Critical reflection of learning experience showing a high level of self‐awareness 20
Concise summary of supervision experience 15
Coherent presentation of ideas 10
Expression and style 10
Spelling / grammar 10
Total 75
Comments:BASS – F2F FLD 301, Version 3.2, T3 , 2016
Placement Performance Report
Competency Behaviour
E Excellent Intern performs exceptionally at all times, at the level of a qualified practitioner
G Good Intern performs above the level expected of a student
A Adequate Intern performs at the level expected of a student
P Poor Intern performs below expected level in some areas
VP Very Poor Intern is not safe to practise in this area independently
NA NA Not Applicable
Scale: Excellent (E), Good (G), Adequate (A), Poor (P), Very Poor (VP), Not
Applicable (NA)
1. Understood the placement organisation’s objectives
2. Communicates assertively and responsibly
3. Functions effectively in a helping team
4. Able to offer respectful feedback
5. Establishes appropriate boundaries in working relationships
6. Able to work well independently
7. Shows initiativeBASS – F2F FLD 301, Version 3.2, T3 , 2016
8. Demonstrated competence in skills promoting a ‘working alliance’ with a client or
group of clients e.g. empathy, summarizing
9. Communicated lucidly and succinctly in speech and writing
10. Ethical in practice
11. Demonstrated respect and appreciation for issues of gender, culture, religion,
ethnicity, age status and sexual preference

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The Case for the Use of Animals in Biomedical Research” by Carl Cohen

Explication paper assignment – PHIL 1120.00 6 For this assignment (worth 20% of the final grade), you will do the following: – Choose an essay , either “The Case for Animal Rights” by Tom Regan , “All Animals Are Equal” by Peter Singer, or “The Case for the Use of Animals in Biomedical Research” by Carl Cohen. It must be an essay you did not write about for the in -class essay . – Reread (preferably more than once) your chosen essay , take reading notes , and consult your class notes . – In 3-5 pages double spaced 12 pt. font (more is permitted, if necessary), give a succinct , accurate , and charitable explanation of your chosen essay’s arguments. Your job is to explain in detail and develop the implications of your chosen essay. You are not to evaluate the essay; you are to analyze it. In other words, you are not saying whether you agree with the essay or if it’s good; you are explaining in your own words what the author is arguing for and how the argument is made. You will have to go into some d etail, so it is clear to the reader how the argument is being made, but not so much detail that you’re simply restating what was already said in the essay. Your essay should look like this: • Introduction : Use this first paragraph to introduce the text and b riefly describe what the author is arguing for. Don’t go into too much detail or be overly verbose. • Body : Describe the argument being made in the order it is presented in the original essay (the bulk of the paper). This will include the premises of the argument and how the author defends them. It will also include how the author responds to objections and other views. • Conclusion The Case for the Use of Animals in Biomedical Research” by Carl Cohen: =n one paragraph, conclude with the author’s conclusion, briefly reviewing the steps to arrive there (i.e., sum up what happen ed in the body and make it clear why the conclusion logically follows from the body). Quote the text only when necessary . Use textual evidence to ‘prove’ that you are characterizing the author’s position accurately. Quotes are not self -explanatory . When you quote the author, you must explain what the quote means and its impli cations. No bibliography is necessary but use in -text citations with page numbers. You do not need to consult any outside sources. The goal of this assignment is for you to demonstrate that you understand the argument you’re analyzing and that you can articulate it in writing in an understandable way. Yo u’re basically doing what we do in class, just in written form. Spelling and grammar matter . Excessive mistakes in spelling, punctuation, and grammar will negatively impact your grade. I recommend visiting the CAPS Writing & Language Center for assistance on your essay. Note on ChatGBT and other AI : Besides demonstrating your mastery of a philosophical text, t he point of writing an essay such as this is to help develop your analytic, interpreti ve, and verbal skills . These are all skills which will benefit you in your future coursework and careers. If you use an AI to write your essay, you will deprive yourself of this opportunity. Additionally, it is quite obvious to a reader when an AI has been used to write an essa y. The tone and style of AIs ar e significantly different from human writers. If I suspect you of using an AI on the essay, I reserve the right to ask you to meet with me to discuss your essay in detail. If you choose not to meet with me or you are unable t o defend your essay in conservation, I will give you a grade of zero for this assignment. A physical copy of your paper is due in class on Tuesd ay April 18 . (Note discrepancy with updated schedule of readings) Plagiarism on this assignment will result in a grade of zero. Grading Rubric A – The essay accurately and charitably describes the author’s arguments with little to no spelling or grammar errors. Attention is paid to the argumentative moves made by the author . B – The essay grasps the essential parts of the author’s arguments, with a few flaws in describing them. Few spelling or grammar errors. C – The essay describes the general features of the argument, but has some major flaws, including failing to include important aspects of the argument and making excessive spelling and gramma r mistakes. D – The essay misses most or many of the crucial features of the argument. The essay has a level of spelling and grammatical mistakes that makes it difficult to read. F – A failing grade will result from not completing the assignment or writing about something other than the assigned topic. I will accept late papers, but you will lose a letter grade for each day it is late. After the third day late, you will get a zero on the assignment. A+ – 100% A – 95% A- – 92% B+ – 88% B – 85% B- – 82% C+ – 78% C – 75% C- – 72% D+ – 68% D – 65% D- – 62% F – 0-59%

GET SOLUTION TO THIS ASSIGNMENT on The Case for the Use of Animals in Biomedical Research” by Carl Cohen

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An appropriate research methodology and design


In this project, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following competencies:

  • Determine an appropriate research methodology and design aligned to a research question
  • Develop a research plan


You are a research assistant for a faculty member in the Department of Psychology at a university. You have been asked to develop a research plan focused on one of the topics the faculty member is interested in studying.

For this project, you will review the topics provided by your faculty member and select the topic that interests you most. Then you will use the library to find relevant empirical and scholarly research studies to inform the research. Finally, you will develop a research plan to submit to your faculty member.


You will use your webtext writing template to complete this project. Select a topic from the list provided in your Soomo webtext. For your activity, you must address the rubric criteria listed below:

  1. Determine the plan’s background introduction. Include the following details:
    1. The title of the plan
    2. Summary of three relevant empirical and scholarly research studies for the plan. Each summary should be about 150 to 250 words.
  2. Develop a clear and specific research question that is relevant to the three research studies you chose. Your response should be about 25 words.
  3. Develop a clear, specific, and testable hypothesis that corresponds to your research question. Your response should be about 25 words. Consider the following in your hypothesis:
    1. Your hypothesis should be informed by the claim you are making.
  4. Describe aspects of sampling that you would want to consider while acquiring participants for your study. Your response should be about 100 words.
  5. Select a design (experimental or correlational) for your proposed study that aligns with the research question and hypothesis. Your response should be about 100 words. Include the following details:
    1. Explain why you selected this design.
    2. Identify conceptual variables that align with the research question and hypothesis.
  6. Select a measure to operationally define each of your conceptual variables. Your response should be about 100 words per variable. Include the following details:
    1. As you select a measure, also state whether it uses natural/laboratory observations, surveys, objective/physiological measures, interviews, etc.
    2. For each variable you measure, identify its scale of measurement.
  7. Describe your type of analysis and the p value required to support your hypothesis. Your response should be about 50 words.
  8. Develop the plan’s discussion content. Your response should be about 250 to 350 words. Include the following details:
    1. What you would expect to be the main finding of your study
    2. How you would know if your hypothesis was supported
    3. The potential implications of the findings
    4. A possible limitation of your proposed study
    5. Directions for future research

What to Submit

To complete this project, you must submit the following:

Research PlanYou will use your Soomo webtext writing template to complete the project and download for submission. Your plan must be a minimum of two pages. Sources should be cited according to APA style about An appropriate research methodology and design.

Project One RubricCriteriaExemplary (100%)Proficient (85%)Needs Improvement (55%)Not Evident (0%)ValueBackground IntroductionExceeds proficiency in an exceptionally clear, insightful, sophisticated, or creative mannerDetermines the plan’s background introductionShows progress toward proficiency, but with errors or omissions; areas for improvement may include details related to the plan’s background introductionDoes not attempt criterion10Research QuestionExceeds proficiency in an exceptionally clear, insightful, sophisticated, or creative mannerDevelops a clear and specific research question that is relevant to the three research studies chosenShows progress toward proficiency, but with errors or omissions; areas for improvement may include details related to the research question for the studyDoes not attempt criterion12HypothesisExceeds proficiency in an exceptionally clear, insightful, sophisticated, or creative mannerDevelops a clear, specific, and testable hypothesis that corresponds to the research questionShows progress toward proficiency, but with errors or omissions; areas for improvement may include details related to the hypothesis of the studyDoes not attempt criterion10SamplingExceeds proficiency in an exceptionally clear, insightful, sophisticated, or creative mannerDescribes aspects of sampling that would be considered while acquiring participants for the studyShows progress toward proficiency, but with errors or omissions; areas for improvement may include details related to aspects of sampling for the studyDoes not attempt criterion10DesignExceeds proficiency in an exceptionally clear, insightful, sophisticated, or creative mannerSelects a design (experimental or correlational) for the proposed study that aligns with the research question and hypothesisShows progress toward proficiency, but with errors or omissions; areas for improvement may include details related to the design of the studyDoes not attempt criterion11MeasureExceeds proficiency in an exceptionally clear, insightful, sophisticated, or creative mannerSelects a measure to operationally define each of the conceptual variablesShows progress toward proficiency, but with errors or omissions; areas for improvement may include details related to selecting measuresDoes not attempt criterion11AnalysisExceeds proficiency in an exceptionally clear, insightful, sophisticated, or creative mannerDescribes the type of analysis and the pvalue required to support the hypothesisShows progress toward proficiency, but with errors or omissions; areas for improvement may include details related to the type of analysis and the p value required to support the hypothesisDoes not attempt criterion10DiscussionExceeds proficiency in an exceptionally clear, insightful, sophisticated, or creative mannerDevelops the plan’s discussion contentShows progress toward proficiency, but with errors or omissions; areas for improvement may include details related to the plan’s discussion contentDoes not attempt criterion11Articulation of ResponseExceeds proficiency in an exceptionally clear, insightful, sophisticated, or creative mannerClearly conveys meaning with correct grammar, sentence structure, and spelling, demonstrating an understanding of audience and purposeShows progress toward proficiency, but with errors in grammar, sentence structure, and spelling, negatively impacting readabilitySubmission has critical errors in grammar, sentence structure, and spelling, preventing understanding of ideas10Citations and AttributionsUses citations for ideas requiring attribution, with few or no minor errorsUses citations for ideas requiring attribution, with consistent minor errorsUses citations for ideas requiring attribution, with major errorsDoes not use citations for ideas requiring attribution5

GET SOLUTION TO THIS ASSIGNMENT on An appropriate research methodology and design

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Nursing adult homecare dissertation topics

Adult nursing refers to issues and issues that are common to adult patients, where particular procedures are used. Prior to writing your Nursing adult homecare dissertation topics, decide on the best topic and we assist students at When working on the dissertation method and study samples, be sure to specify your age group. As individuals live longer, often with chronic conditions, nursing homes and home care are challenged internationally.

Since the majority of study evidence has been produced so far in hospitals, there is a lack of information regarding the implementation and impact of quality and safety interventions. Additionally, there aren’t enough efficient leading tools available in this situation to work on improving quality and safety.
The job of homecare nurses has been impacted by a number of changes over the past few decades, including an aging population, the decentralization of health care, problems with nurse recruitment, and a lack of public resources. Few academics have examined the effects of these shifts on homecare nursing. In this piece, we go over various aspects of home health nurses’ work with an emphasis on the way they “organize work.” We describe three phenomena that are becoming more prevalent: (a) homecare nurses frequently participate in discussions about the patient’s level of care and, consequently, the type of care they will receive; (b) the clinical practice of homecare nurses has advanced; and (c) homecare nurses are crucial in coordinating care among interdependent actors. The paper uses data from two Norwegian studies’ participant observation and homecare nurses’ interviews. The need for capable nurses who are highly organized and collaborative is growing as work practices change.

Are you searching for adult nursing research proposal topics? We have a variety of subjects for adult nursing dissertations on both traditional and digital advertisements. The list is created following extensive study on the approaches and emerging trends that have impacted adult nursing and marketing. You can use these adult nursing dissertation themes to finish your undergraduate and graduate degrees in advertising, marketing, or digital marketing.
Knowledge of This Subject
The profession of homecare nursing is evolving as a result of developments in the fields of politics, health, and demographics.

  • Little is known about the specifics of homecare nursing’s practical application, and study into this area is lacking.
    The Value of This Article
  • Homecare nursing procedures change as the environment does, and novel procedures are starting to catch on.
    The practice of homecare nurses is evolving but is hindered by a lack of knowledge transfer from hospitals to homecare and the difficulties of working alone in a private home.
    The type of treatment the patient will receive is frequently negotiated by homecare nurses between and within municipalities and with specialists.
    Homecare nurses are crucial in coordinating care among interdependent players because patient trajectories are more complicated than ever.

What are some suitable adult nursing study topics?
Adult nurses provide medical treatment to patients with a range of medical conditions, including minor wounds, illnesses, and diseases as well as acute and chronic illnesses and diseases. and staff workers who provide care. They are capable of working in a range of settings, such as local community agencies and hospitals. The following list of adult nursing dissertation themes is provided:

  • To provide adult patients with psychiatric treatment.
  • To offer health services in the globalized world.
  • To research the emergence of preventive care as a social anchor for medical treatment in the future.
  • To give adult nurses market education.
  • A survey of the literature on adult nursing.
  • To research the value of drug instruction.
  • Pharmacological training assists mature nurses in obtaining a professional degree.
  • Researching various nursing methods that can be used, depending on the circumstance.
  • Professional staff must teach new employees.
  • Advancements made in geriatric nursing.
  • To research delirium evaluation techniques for the nursing field.
  • Researching the function of nurses in private hospitals.
  • To research the adult weight-loss plans offered.
  • The distinction between adult care in the US and the UK.
  • What difficulties do nurses encounter when caring for people with dementia?
  • How should new hires be trained to handle critically ill patients?
  • How should you handle people who have two demands?
    What difficulties do nurses encounter in UK adult heart wards?
  • Research on diabetic elderly adults in the UK.
  • To pursue professional-level cancer nursing education in the UK.
  • Research on problems related to c-sections in women.
  • Obstacles faced by cancer nurses.
  • To investigate the impact of hiring practices on adult nurses in the UK.
  • To research how social media is affecting nursing careers.
  • Results of a UK survey on scholarly nursing careers.
  • An evaluation of nursing care given at home.
    What difficulties do US professors of adult nursing face?
  • A critique of adult caregivers.
  • To research the UK-based investigation into nursing care for cancer patients.
  • To investigate the problems with viability in adult nursing.
  • To offer cancer patients in-home care.
  • To review the staffing strategy every day.
  • The impact of social media on pupils studying adult nursing.
  • To give adult nurses the appropriate education.
    Do you believe that the development of technology has benefited the field of nursing as well?
  • To give patients comprehensive knowledge.
    Do you believe that the nursing deficit can be addressed by online nursing studies?
  • Why does the departure age for adult nurses fluctuate differently in Eastern countries?
  • Are there any differences in a nursing job in the modern era?
  • To research the degree of stress experienced by nurses working in emergency rooms.
  • Evaluation of patient services provided by both state and private hospitals.
  • To investigate the psychological assistance provided by adult caregivers
  • Risk management and requirements analysis in the medical field.
  • In what ways do adult nurses handle patients with dementia?
    Adult patients receiving intensive medical treatment are instructed by adult nurses.
  • Adult nurses with knowledge and expertise are required.
  • To research the transition of patients to clinical environments.
  • Career options in senior nursing.
  • To research the nurse navigator’s idea of growth.
  • To offer adult people mental health treatment.
  • I hope you were able to find the Nursing adult homecare dissertation topics you were looking for. If not, please use our 500–600 word custom mini proposal themes service based on your unique needs. In this service at, there is a 100% possibility that your supervisor will approve your topic. Challenges with safety and quality

  • The Nursing and Midwifery Council defines adult care as requiring and providing for adults, from 18 years old to seniors, in a variety of settings for PATIENTS with various degrees of confidence. Adult nursing is also referred to as “general nursing.” For more information on nursing dissertation themes, critical care nursing, dementia, and midwifery nursing, see our other related posts.
    As populations around the world live longer and frequently have one or more chronic conditions that should be managed as conservatively as possible, nursing homes and home care are facing challenges.1 We know very little about other healthcare settings because the majority of study on quality and safety in healthcare is done in hospital settings.2 The nursing facility and home care environments present numerous quality and safety challenges. For instance, relationships and interactions between patients, informal caregivers, and official healthcare workers are essential to patient safety in home care.3–6 Additionally, over time, minor errors, interruptions, and numerous caregivers who have little understanding of the patient’s status and development may have a negative cumulative impact. When we think about quality and safety at home and in the community, this cumulative impact is particularly significant. There is a need for more information on how provider and organizational factors interact to impact quality and safety in this situation because the role of organizational structures and processes has received little attention.
  • It might be challenging to find engaging Nursing adult homecare dissertation topics. You’ve come to the right spot if you’re one of the many students who struggles to choose an interesting dissertation topic.
  • To help you ace your dissertation, we’re going to provide you with an excellent list of PhD nursing dissertation themes. When selecting your dissertation subject, you must be very careful and exact. That’s because your dissertation is what your PhD is built upon.

MAKE YOUR ORDER AND GET your Nursing adult homecare dissertation topics from the experts


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Clinical nurse specialist dissertation topic

Clinical management entails overseeing all facets of nursing and healthcare in the clinical environment, in addition to implementing nursing interventions. Your nursing dissertation for Clinical nurse specialist dissertation topic might cover one of the following subjects:

risks and issues with treating individuals with prostate cancer clinically.
There are new guidelines for managing patients in adult critical care units.
Management concerns in the treatment of elderly people, as perceived.
The best method of managing a patient with post-traumatic stress disorder.
Acute ischemic stroke management and therapy results.
Drug addiction is managed clinically and is given psychosocial treatment in prison environments.
Self-evaluation and decision-making by patients: Surgical case management strategies.
Techniques for treating and managing people with both acute and chronic pain.
Potential clinical administration and control measures for infectious diseases.
Clinical management of hospitalized individuals with high blood pressure and cardiovascular illness.

Your time is well spent reading this article because we have compiled 200+ trending subjects in numerous nursing-related fields to assist you in overcoming the challenges. Along with a ton of ideas for your paper, we also have nursing dissertation samples.
Magnificent nursing dissertation titles

Describe the four central ideas of nursing philosophy.
Explain the nursing philosophy that nurses should employ when caring for patients with a severe mental illness.
Describe the nursing adaptation model and how it applies to actual situations.
Describe the nursing models in the idea of diversity in healthcare.
Describe the critical care nursing management idea.
What characterizes the Roper Logan Tierney approach as a whole?
Look into any physical dangers nurses may encounter when caring for people with dementia and Clinical nurse specialist dissertation topic will fit here.
How well does first aid work when treating someone who has been seriously injured by a workplace hazard?
What are the major obstacles that adult caregivers in chemotherapy face?
Why should patients assess professional nurses?
Examine the principal issues that adult nurses in residential homes face when engaging with their loved ones.
What, from the perspective of a nurse, are the major difficulties in oncology?
An analysis of the US’s cancer nurses’ level of expertise
Examine the role that nurses’ recommendations play in first-time moms’ decisions about how to give birth.
Describe the function of nurses in adult obesity weight-loss programs.

Ideas for Nursing Dissertations

nursing pupils’ academic consequences of evaluation in the classroom
Find out how to best assist adults with congenital heart disease psychologically as a nurse.
Examine the adult nurses’ delirium evaluation abilities.
Analyze the administration of critical care in adult wards.
Analyze the educational standards at various US medical schools that give critical care courses.
Describe the manner in which crucial personnel interact with ICU patients.
Examine the effects of gender on the performance of critical hospital caregivers.
An understanding of how crucial nurses of care manage their responsibilities during the holidays
An example of how the nurse-to-patient number in the intensive care unit affects the standard of care
Discuss whether or not nurses who provide vital care are resilient.

Topics for Adult Nursing Dissertations

What elements affect older people’s quality of life in a hospital setting
What effects does getting older have on a person’s health?
What signs of hearing loss are there, and how can the disease be treated?
Give specific examples of how lighting affects older people’s ability to accomplish tasks that require close vision.
Which strategies for managing obesity and weight in adult patients are successful?
Look into effective treatments for joint problems in the aged.
Examine the effectiveness of various therapies used to cure bladder cancer in adults.
What is the most effective method of treating acute cardiac syndrome?
Talk about adult psychiatric treatment and mental wellness.
Describe the root reasons of adult anxiety disorders.

Nursing Dissertation Topics Ideas for 2022

What function does nursing personal growth serve?
How can the effectiveness of community nurses be increased?
What function does nonverbal cues play in nursing?
List the most important nursing education and professional growth initiatives.
Look into the effectiveness differences between new grads and registered nurses.
A case study of how nurse pay varies by country and how that affects output and performance
What changes in technology have had an effect on nursing?

Topics for dissertations in emergency nursing

Determine whether using the inserted venous access device in the emergency room is effective.
Learn how to assess a patient’s degree of emergency preparedness.
Talk about the effect of poor self-care on emergency responses.
Examine the criteria used for ocular evaluation.
What are the heroin-predisposing variables in emergency situations?
Describe the most recent advancements in urgent stroke treatment.
Examine the advantages and disadvantages of an elderly emergency room.
Examine the causes of harm related to spinal injuries.
Explain what compassion exhaustion is and what to watch out for when battling it.
Discuss the significance of thorough patient evaluation when determining life-threatening injuries.

Topics for Child Nursing Dissertations

What is the best method to encourage children’s mental health?
Talk about children’s hearing processing disorders and treatment options.
Describe the ideal methods for treating childhood melancholy.
Explain how to assist kids who are having rage issues.
Examine the PANDAS condition and how it affects behavioral issues in children.
Discuss whether mothers from various ethnic backgrounds are concerned about the children’s weight problems.
Describe the ways in which academic nursing education equips nurses to handle clients’ IPV during home visits.
Describe how the administration of parents by nurses is affected by the leadership style of the child health nursing teams.
Check to see if American nurses are completely prepared to recognize child sexual abuse
Examine the methods used by nurses in the UK to handle cases of child maltreatment.
Stress the significance of children under the age of five’s mental and emotional wellbeing.
Examine the variety of nursing services available in the US for maternal and child health.
Determine whether there are enough nursing resources in American hospitals to provide sufficient child care.
Examine the frequency of incorrect diagnoses and other nursing difficulties in juvenile wards.
Compare the ability of the pediatric nursing personnel at private and public hospitals to handle rare diseases.
Examine the frequency of respiratory issues among newborn patients.
Examine the presence of child health nursing services in US underprivileged neighborhoods.
Talk about the US’s neonatal nursing staffing methods.
What problems with dialogue do nurses have in pediatric wards?
Describe the basic issues that obese patients present to the child health nursing staff.
How effective are American schools’ in-house child health care facilities?
Compared between developed and developing nations, child nursing standards
Describe the development of neonatal nursing in America.
What is the value of training in infant health nursing?
What effects does burnout have on nursing employees and child health nurses?
Describe the impact of a parent’s divorce on their offspring.

Topics for Public Health Dissertations

Describe how mobile technology can improve the friendliness of public health education initiatives.
Draw attention to the advantages of healthcare applications for young people.
What risk factors are connected to schoolchildren eating lunch?
Can sublingual medications increase sex workers’ protection against HIV?
How does losing weight raise the chance of developing hypertension?
What effects do behavioral modifications have on people with type 1 diabetes?
Analyze the connection between natural toxins and a baby’s birth weight.
Compare the prevalence, origins, and methods of HIV treatment in Nigeria’s urban and rural regions.
Analyze the US’s declining disability tendency.
What part does the state government play in organizing crisis management training?
Talk about the discrepancy between parents’ understanding and use of child-care techniques in Kenyan slum areas.
Discuss the effects of updating the public health schools’ curricula to better prepare undergraduate students for services.
Describe the problems with American access to public health care.
Explain why allowing dedicated smoking areas would promote excessive and careless smoking.
Describe the reasons why maintaining good public health is everyone’s duty.
Showcase the standard of living of various immigrants and stateless people around the globe.
Describe how more access to clean water will lower infant mortality in Africa’s rural regions.
Discuss how forced sexual intercourse leads to increased suicide cases among adolescent girls
What distinguishes municipal sanitization from necessary cleaning services?
Examine the connection between diabetes and irregular menstruation cycles.
Detail different methods that we can use to curb drug addiction among youths and their impact on public health
Explain the effect that the construction of public toilets in crowded cities will have in managing communicable diseases

Nursing Dissertation Subjects

What is the role of a midwife about health risks that amount from postpartum depression?

Talk about variables that affect a midwife’s skill in a clinical setting.
Describe the degree to which midwives can help pregnant women make informed decisions.
What problems does the water-birth randomized controlled experiment have?
Elaborate factors that contribute to midwives decision to stay in midwifery
Examine the third stage of labor for nursing practice.
Assess experiences of midwives regarding the evaluation of maternal postnatal genital tract health
Discuss the effectiveness of supporting the nurse-midwife intervention team in handling c-sections
What is the role of the midwife in complicated pregnancies?
Analyze midwife’s attitude towards pregnant women with substance abuse problems
Examine how midwives can improve pregnancy consequences and care
Explain how midwives can help women deal with postpartum depression
What factors affect the ability of midwives the clinical set-up
Discuss the attitude of midwives towards the privacy of patient information

Hot Research Topics In Nursing

Examine trends within the world health organizations
Analyze the extent of NHS focus on providing service to the elderly
Elaborate factors that influence healthcare policies of new health organizations
Explain the role of a midwife in a high-risk pregnancy
Outline the key differences between adult nurses and paediatrics
What are the primary skills required by a senior paediatrics nurse
Define deontological nurse practitioners and outline their roles and responsibilities
What are the benefits of treating old paediatrics patients with timely nurse care
How do nurses care for people with a long term learning disability?

What role can a domestic nurse play in helping students with learning disabilities?
How can proper nursing care help to manage depression?
Explain how mental support and nursing aid can be instrumental in treating autism
Establish the role of nursing in the field of adolescent and child psychiatry
What is the efficacy of nursing aid in treating sleep disorders?
Elaborate the link between the mental health of an individual and psychiatric nursing
An insight on the best nursing practices in the field of orthopaedic treatment

Mental Health Nursing Dissertation Topics

Discuss critical care nursing among mental health patients
What can pain the nursing staff utilize relief treatments among mental health patients?

Explain the role of physical activity in bettering the mental health of patients with dementia in the US
Highlight the denominational support for clergy mental health
What is the link between the increased risk of complications in pediatric patients and extended stay of a peripheral intravenous catheter
A case study of adjustment in urban children of a mother with mental health problems, HIV and substance abuse
Analyze the state of mental health service provision among the youth in rural areas
Examine mental health counselling as done in different cultures
Investigate the skills, training and experience needed by nurses to treat dementia patients
Assess the effectiveness of the health care management of elderly dementia patients in the US
Distinguish between the national and private health care systems in the US?
Elaborate the impact of stress on nursing staff working with mental health patients
Explain the role of nurses in the pain management of dementia patients

High-Class Nursing Research Topics

Explain how the holistic approach is beneficial for physical and mental health
Define holistic nursing and talk about its future
What is the scope and standards of holistic nursing
Explore the effects of the holistic nursing course
Examine the development of the holistic nursing competence scale
What challenges do nurses face during holistic treatment?

Investigate sanitary hygiene in developing countries and explore its consequence on environmental health
What is the importance of understanding the leading environmental health risks?
Analyze food poisoning and food-related sicknesses in third world countries
Discuss the causes of change in heart rate of people exposed to passive smoking
What are the environmental health risks associated with nuclear waste
What is the link between the length of the period of blood storage and the outcome of a patient after transfusion?
Explain the role of care nurses in palliative care
Explore the risks for ICU patients related to the pressure injuries
How should nurses interact with ICU patients’ family
Examine effective methods that we can use to collect data from ICU patients
Explain how care nurses conduct pain assessment
Detail the challenging experiences of ICU nurses in rural areas
Highlight the critical challenges of communication in the ICU
What are the likely interventions in the clinical control and management of contagious diseases?
Investigate the perceived management problems in the care of elderly patients
Discuss the optimal management strategy for post-traumatic stress disorder
Explore new directions in the management of patients in adult ICUs
What are the management outcomes of acute ischemic stroke?
Explain the risks in clinical management if patients with throat cancer
Explore the psychosocial treatment of drug addiction in a prison setting

Neglected Mental Health Dissertation Topics

Examine the problem of drugs and drinking among young adults and its impact on mental health
Discuss unemployment as a factor that contributes to adverse mental health problems
Explore mental illness and stress among the members of the LGBTQ community
What is the link between the socioeconomic backgrounds of people and mental illness
Explore the mental health needs among women facing physical and sexual abuse
Highlight mental health problems faced by older adults due to loneliness and depression
Elaborate the link between suicide and mental illness among youths
Discuss the efficacy of psychiatric treatment and medicine for patients with dementia

Top List Of Dissertation Topics In Nursing

Explore the effects of child patient death in nursing staff
How can we care for children and young people with complex health needs?

What intellectual skills are necessary to succeed in caring for children
Explain challenges of child health nursing in emerging countries
Evaluate child health nursing through practice and education
Explain the role of leadership and ethics in nursing practice
Elaborate why nurses must base the foundation of their courses on reliable evidence
Highlight the basic principle of evidence-based practice in the US health care system
What is the effectiveness of evidence-based practice in the health care industry
Discuss occupational health concerns and work pressure in a clinical set-up
Examine the rehabilitation plan for patients paralyzed by a brain stroke
Analyze the conceptual model of critical care nursing
Evaluate the staffing procedures of allocating nurses to an urgent care ward
What methods can be used t manage nursing staff who provide healthcare in epidemic hit areas
Discuss are suitable plans for managing patients that require psychological counselling
What is the role of a nurse as an assistant to a medical practitioner?
Explain the most significant challenge nurses face after returning to work from a break
Examine how to achieve health promotion in developing countries via community nursing
Analyze the community nursing services available for expectant mothers
What is the role of community nursing in improving the lives of older people?
What should we consider when preparing a proposal for a community healthcare centre?
Evaluate the nutritional requirements of school-going children
Detail the emergence and history of holistic care in the field of nursing.


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History of Asian/Pacific American interaction with law enforcement and the government

For each of the Essay Questions below, you must answer it with a full paragraph.  A full paragraph is 6-8 sentences and lets me know that you completely understand the concept.  

One and two sentence answers will be given 0 points.  Additionally, this is not a Cut and Paste exercise. The only way I know that you understand the concept is if you explain it to me in your own words. 

  1. Explain the history of Asian/Pacific American interaction with law enforcement and the government. Give specific examples.
  2. What are some of the myths and stereotypes of Asian/Pacific Americans? Why are they off base?
  3. Describe some of the characteristics of Asian/Pacific Americans families.
  4. Explain the communication style of Asian/Pacific Americans. Give specific examples.
  5. What are the key issues between Asian/Pacific Americans and law enforcement? What crimes are prevalent in the Asian/Pacific American community?
  6. What are some of the stereotypes and cross-racial perception of the black community? How do you think this impact relations with law enforcement?
  7. What are the key issues between the black community and law enforcement?
  8. What communication barriers exist between the black community and law enforcement? How does perception play a role in these barriers?
  9. How does the difference in perception of threats and aggressive behavior play a role in the relationship between the black community and law enforcement?
  10. How are efforts being made toward a positive relationship between the police and the black community?

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nursing dissertation topics diabetes

The prevalence of diabetes among the world’s population has consistently risen over the past few decades due to the growing consumption of fast food and the rise in the number of people living comfortable lives. Due to the rapid evolution of the field of diabetes, it is crucial to base your nursing dissertation topics diabetes on a trending diabetes dissertation topic that fills a research void.

Finding the ideal research topic is one of the most difficult aspects of writing a dissertation in any field. Students have access to a variety of online resources for conducting research and developing their topic selection, but this can take a considerable amount of time. To help you get started, we have compiled a list of well-researched, original, and intriguing diabetes research topics and ideas.
Topics for Diabetes Dissertations

  1. Why do individuals recently diagnosed with diabetes find it so difficult to accept reality and exercise self-control?
  2. What are the reactions of adolescents who have recently received a diabetes diagnosis? How can their understanding of how to treat the disease be enhanced?
  3. In long-term studies, individuals receiving intensive therapy for the disorder had a lower quality of life. What role should physicians and nurses play in mitigating this effect?
  4. Why do so many people develop severe depression in the months following their diagnosis, despite showing no other symptoms of deteriorating health?
  5. Discuss some of the benefits of a high-fat, low-carbohydrate diet for diabetics.
  6. Discuss the concept of diabetes in pediatrics and the need for regular research in this area.
  7. Describe the current threat and difficulty posed by childhood obesity and diabetes, highlighting some areas where parents are failing in their role as guardians to prevent the problem.
  8. Describe some of the challenges diabetes patients face, particularly in obtaining the necessary information and medical care.
  9. Describe some of the most common issues that people with diabetes encounter, as well as their impact on the disease’s prevalence. Provide measures that can be taken to address the issue.
  10. Discuss the prevalence of diabetes among Asian American adolescents
  11. Even though it is a global disease, certain ethnic groups are more likely to be affected due to nutrition and culture. What measures can be taken to enhance their health literacy?
  12. Explain how diabetes self-management can be advantageous, particularly for those who are unable to receive prompt treatment.
  13. Discuss the possibility of improved management for hospitalized individuals with diabetes.
  14. What therapies have had the greatest impact on reducing the number of short-term concerns in patients?
  15. How have various steroid varieties altered the body’s response in individuals with more frequent hypoglycemia?
  16. What effects do diabetes types 1 and 2 have on the kidneys? How do the most prevalent surveillance methods affect this?
  17. Is it true that certain ethnic groups are more prone to develop heart disease or eye disease after being diagnosed with diabetes?
  18. How has the new a1c test reduced the negative effects of diabetes on the body by detecting the disease earlier?
  19. Describe the difficulty of uncontrolled diabetes and how it can eventually lead to kidney and cardiac damage.
  20. Discuss the transmission of the diabetic genetic strain from generation to generation.
  21. What challenges do diabetics face when endeavoring to monitor their glucose levels and maintain a balanced diet?
  22. How have some people with type 1 or type 2 diabetes been able to survive longer than others?
  23. Is it true that excessive sugar consumption leads to diabetes, tooth decay, acne, hyperactivity, and weight gain?
  24. What is the impact of insulin treatment on type 2 diabetes?
  25. How does diabetes contribute to depression?
  26. What effect does rapid participation have on the prevalence of diabetes?
  27. Why has the number of individuals who self-test their blood glucose decreased? Could social or environmental factors have also played a role in this decline?
  28. Why is it so difficult for patients in the United States to procure the necessary treatment to monitor and maintain healthy glucose levels? Is this a result of rising healthcare costs?
  29. Nutrition is essential for a healthy lifestyle, but many diabetic patients do not know what they should consume. Discuss
  30. Why are injuries and diabetes national health priorities?
  31. What factors contribute to the rising incidence of type II diabetes among adolescents?
  32. Does socioeconomic status influence diabetes prevalence?
  33. An analysis of the shared pathological characteristics of Alzheimer’s disease and type 2 diabetes
  34. What effects and effects does diabetes have on peripheral blood vessels?
  35. What is the relationship between genetic predisposition, obesity, and the development of type 2 diabetes?
  36. In the vascular system, diabetes modifies the activation and repression of pro- and anti-inflammatory signaling pathways.
  37. The tri-molecular complex as a paradigm for understanding autoimmune diabetes
  38. Does socioeconomic status influence the regional variation of diabetes resulting from malnutrition?
  39. What evidence supports the use of traditional Chinese medicine and natural remedies to treat depression in diabetic patients?
  40. Why did qualitative evaluations of diabetes interventions take place?
  41. Examine the most prevalent signs of undiagnosed diabetes
  42. How can artificial intelligence benefit patients with diabetes?
  43. Another nursing dissertation topics diabetes is How does the paleolithic diet influence type 2 diabetes?
  44. What are the most prevalent causes and treatments for diabetes?
  45. How does diabetes affect the United Kingdom, and what causes diabetes?

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