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Conduct a “Windshield Survey” in a section of your community.

Assignment: Windshield Survey/Community Assessment

Conduct a “Windshield Survey” in a section of your community. Instructions for the survey can be found in Stanhope and Lancaster (2020) on page 383, Table 17.5.  As you notice, conducting a Windshield Survey requires that you either walk around or drive around a particular section of the community and take notes about what you observe. A Windshield Survey cannot be conducted by reviewing websites or Google Earth only. It requires actually taking a look at the selected area of the community. This survey should be focused on the problem and population you have selected for your practicum project. If you choose, for example, obesity among Hispanic schoolchildren, you might want to locate a section of the community where many Hispanic children live, or you might want to conduct the Windshield Survey around where Hispanic children attend school. If Hispanic children are not found in a specific section of your community (e.g., Chinatown in San Francisco or Harlem in New York), then you may select the section of the community where you live or work but pay particular attention to your practicum population and practicum problem as you conduct a survey of the community as viewed through the eyes of the public health nurse.

Submit a 3- to 4-page paper including:

  • Introduction to the community, including the name of the community and any interesting or historical facts you would like to add about where you live
  • Photographs of the selected area of the community that serve as evidence of your observations and hypotheses
  • Windshield Survey findings, including a description of the section of your community that you chose to survey
  • Description of the Vulnerable Population and Available Resources
    • Demographics of the vulnerable population
    • What social determinants create their vulnerable status?
    • What community strengths exist to assist this population?
  • Conclusions based on Nursing Assessment of the Community
  • Select at least 5 scholarly resources to support your assessment. Websites may be included but the paper must include scholarly resources in its development.

For this Assignment, review the following:

  • AWE Checklist (Level 4000)
  • BSN Program Top Ten Citations and References
  • Walden paper template (no abstract or running head required)
  • The Assignment 3 Rubric

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Culturally aware nurses recognize that states of health are revealed differently across cultures and ethnicities

Practicum Discussion: Culturally aware nurses recognize that states of health are revealed differently across cultures and ethnicities. Culture and ethnic background will affect the way each individual responds to health, illness, and death (Stanhope & Lancaster, 2016). These nurses are also aware of their own biases, which may affect the care they provide to others (Stanhope & Lancaster, 2016). Because most nurses work in institutions with individual patients, they are accustomed to delivering culturally competent care on a one-on-one basis. When a public health nurse deals with a population, he or she must consider how the population culture affects the ways in which the community nurse may interact. This can be with regard to the provision of education or mass health care needs such as those required in a foodborne illness, if mass vaccinations are needed for a communicable disease outbreak, or if education is required to prevent heart disease. In addition to understanding the nuances of the culture of a population, community health nurses must understand the role genetics play in health. Some disorders, such as glaucoma and diabetes, have a genetic link, as do some cancers, such as breast and ovarian.

Please discuss the following questions in your Practicum Discussion:

  • Provide a few examples of community resources that should be put in place to assist your population in resolving their health care needs. What gaps in service do you see that affect your population?
  • Are there any cultural considerations that might inform your approach to caring for this population?
  • Does your population have a genetic predisposition to the health care problem you have identified?
  • Identify at least one evidence-based, culturally competent behavior change that would promote health for your selected population and for the specific health care problem you are addressing?

Read two or more of your colleagues’ postings from the Discussion question. As a community of practice, help each other refine and clarify the health problem remembering that this project focuses on primary prevention strategies at the community and system level of care

Respond to at least two colleagues. Your responses should be substantial and should contribute ideas, tools, alternate points of view, resources, and information related to identified health problems.

***attached is a peer response to the above discussion that I need to give feedback on their response

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Capital budgeting can be a major investment for businesses with a highly profitable return

Reply to the comment below with at least 250 words citation and reference.

Capital budgeting can be a major investment for businesses with a highly profitable return. Managers use capital budgeting decisions to prepare and control long-term projects that need a large amount of company resources. In the article, “Overconfidence and Resistance to Abandoning Unprofitable Capital Budgeting Projects: The Effects of Autonomy, Internal Audit, and Accountability,” internal audit reports are the most effective way to reduce the number of abandoned profitable company projects (Jermias 2020). Managers also feel more confident in their projects if they are allowed to choose their own. They are more likely to see it through if they have selected the project themselves. However, managers still need to compete for the resources used to fund the projects because there are limited resources available. It is essential for companies to choose each project it will fund wisely, especially if they will be abandoned before completion.

There are many factors to consider when developing a capital budgeting project to fund. Once managers receive approval for funding, they assume responsibility for the entire project and how it will impact the company in the long term. They need to compare the expected versus the actual outcome of the project once finished. Capital budgets can be intimidating, especially if the company has a reputation for abandoning projects. Since capital budgeting activities take so much time to complete, managers review current projects to evaluate their effectiveness. They also consider if any modifications are needed or if the project should be terminated. Capital budget projects can be difficult to see through to the end, but a manager’s reputation is linked to how often they complete these largely funded projects.

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locate a journal article about capital budgeting

Using the GCU Library, locate a journal article about capital budgeting. In the subject line of your post, include the name of  the article that you read. Then, in your initial post, provide a link to the article and a summary followed by your reaction to the article. The summary should be approximately 250 words and the reaction should be approximately 150 words. The summary should describe the major points of the article, and the reaction should demonstrate your interpretation of the article and how you can apply that knowledge. Do not choose an article that one of your classmates has already posted. To participate in follow-up discussion, choose one of the articles that a classmate has posted and provide your own reaction to it. Note: It will be challenging to find a relevant article if you do not use the library.

Please include proper citations in your discussion post. Points will be deducted if proper citations are not used.

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Culturally aware nurses recognize that states of health are revealed differently across cultures and ethnicities

Practicum Discussion: Culturally aware nurses recognize that states of health are revealed differently across cultures and ethnicities. Culture and ethnic background will affect the way each individual responds to health, illness, and death (Stanhope & Lancaster, 2016). These nurses are also aware of their own biases, which may affect the care they provide to others (Stanhope & Lancaster, 2016). Because most nurses work in institutions with individual patients, they are accustomed to delivering culturally competent care on a one-on-one basis. When a public health nurse deals with a population, he or she must consider how the population culture affects the ways in which the community nurse may interact. This can be with regard to the provision of education or mass health care needs such as those required in a foodborne illness, if mass vaccinations are needed for a communicable disease outbreak, or if education is required to prevent heart disease. In addition to understanding the nuances of the culture of a population, community health nurses must understand the role genetics play in health. Some disorders, such as glaucoma and diabetes, have a genetic link, as do some cancers, such as breast and ovarian.

Please discuss the following questions in your Practicum Discussion:

  • Provide a few examples of community resources that should be put in place to assist your population in resolving their health care needs. What gaps in service do you see that affect your population?
  • Are there any cultural considerations that might inform your approach to caring for this population?
  • Does your population have a genetic predisposition to the health care problem you have identified?
  • Identify at least one evidence-based, culturally competent behavior change that would promote health for your selected population and for the specific health care problem you are addressing?

Read two or more of your colleagues’ postings from the Discussion question. As a community of practice, help each other refine and clarify the health problem remembering that this project focuses on primary prevention strategies at the community and system level of care

Respond to at least two colleagues. Your responses should be substantial and should contribute ideas, tools, alternate points of view, resources, and information related to identified health problems.

***attached is a peer response to the above discussion that I need to give feedback on their response

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Vulnerable groups diabetes profile

Intent: Vulnerable groups diabetes profile
In this assessment, we ask you to examine the demographic and current health status profiles of the 2770 postcode geography and identify which groups you think might be more or less vulnerable to diabetes and its clinical and social consequences. We have defined the characteristics of ‘vulnerability’ in module 3 of this subject. Feel free to use that model of vulnerability but if you modify it, remember to explain how and why you have done so.
This assessment task addresses the subject learning objectives:
A: Consider the key imperatives for meeting health service objectives related to safety, quality, cost-effectiveness and jurisdictional legislative requirements within a governance context;
B: Critically appraise contemporary strategies and frameworks designed to manage quality, risk and cost within the healthcare environment;
C: Propose improvements in safety, quality and cost-effectiveness at a local healthcare organisation level by identifying issues, considering ethical implications, offering policy direction and formulation and recommending priorities for action;
D: Create a variety of ways in which complex issues can be effectively communicated for a variety of target audiences.
Course intended learning outcome(s):
1.1 Critique, interpret and synthesise data and research findings to develop safe, effective and creative evidence-based solutions to healthcare challenges.
1.2 Propose relevant problem solving and human factors theories to the analysis and research of common and complex issues inherent in the management and evaluation of healthcare services.
2.2 Develop and contribute to research and quality improvement activities in order to maintain currency, influence healthcare practice and policy and expand the discipline’s body of knowledge and skills.
3.1 Create and lead social and ethical accountability to ensure efficient use of resources and equity of access to optimal and safe health care.
3.2 Validate the importance of integrating stakeholder partnerships in all healthcare decision-making activities.
5.1 Demonstrate respect and value for world view differences and in particular Australian Indigenous ways of knowing, being and doing.
5.2 Critically reflect upon the impact of ongoing colonisation and its pervasive discourse on Indigenous Australians and their health and wellbeing.
5.3 Recognise the diversity of Indigenous Australians and integrate this knowledge into practice.
Weighting: 30%
Due Date: Monday of Week 5 by 23:55 pm AEST (Sydney time)
Length: 1500 words (Reference list is not included in the word count)
References: APA 7th* (No minimum number or range of references.)
*Please note that if you provide no referencing or incorrect/incomplete referencing you will lose marks on your assessment.
Formatting requirements: 12pt, double-spaced – no other requirements.
Scenario: Diabetes in Postcode 2770
Chronic disease is a major concern in Australia and across the world.
Population ageing, rising disability and complex and co-morbid conditions have profound impacts on people’s lives including individuals, families and communities. They are also expensive to treat and can follow a progressive, episodic pathway to increased frequency and severity, up to and including acute interventions.
Diabetes in 2770:
One of these conditions is diabetes, especially Type 2 diabetes which is growing in prevalence in many communities across Australia. General Practice data indicates rates have been rising, not falling, in recent years.
2770 has a very diverse community with a substantial Indigenous population and an immigrant demography with many cultures, languages and cultural backgrounds. It is also, generally speaking, a lower socio-economic environment although urban development is pushing west into the 2770 area, and more medium to high rise apartments are being built.
As health managers involved in clinical services, programs and event-specific projects, this is the kind of scenario you will encounter as you progress in your career. If you work in aged care, disability and related fields, these health problems will often be major factors in your client’s lives.
Briefly define your definition of vulnerability and its connection to chronic disease and diabetes in particular in approximately 250 words.
Identify which demographic groups in the postcode 2770 you think are likely to meet these criteria for intersecting vulnerability status and diabetes risk in approximately 250 words (you can use data here, as long as it is kept brief).
Suggest some options (these could be one or a mix of clinical, non-clinical, policy-based, service-based or community-focused) for improving effective management of (rising) levels of diabetes in 2770 community in approximately 500 words.
Identify how these steps might improve quality outcomes, risk management and community benefit in 2770 in approximately 500 words.
Submitting your assessment:
Write your response in a Microsoft Word document and submit the assessment via Canvas. For more information on submission of assessments go to ‘Submitting your assessments’ page.
Assessment 2: Vulnerable groups diabetes profile
Assessment 2: Vulnerable groups diabetes profile
Criteria Ratings Pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeIdentify, describe vulnerable groups from a health service perspective.
Identifies and describes vulnerable groups or groups at risk of diabetes in postcode 2770 from a health services perspective.
40 to 34.0 pts
HD (High distinction)
A succinct, clear and comprehensive description of and rationale for original ideas for the management of chronic diseases in the case study community from a health services perspective. Justifies choice of an approach based on scholarly, government and institutional literature and resources.
34 to 30.0 pts
D (Distinction)
Clear description and rationale for selection for original ideas for the management of chronic diseases in the case study community from a health services perspective. Correct use of evidence-based literature for justification.
30 to 26.0 pts
C (Credit)
Description and some rationale for the selection of original ideas for the management of chronic diseases in the case study community from a health services perspective. The use of evidence-based literature is adequate to justify selection of approaches however, further reading would enhance this section
26 to 20.0 pts
P (Pass)
Basic explanation of Ideas for the management of chronic diseases in the case study community description. Rationale is and or health services perspective is limited. There is a superficial attempt to justify the use of approaches based on evidence from the literature.
20 to 0 pts
X (Fail)
No/unclear explanation of ideas for the management of chronic diseases in the case study community from a health services perspective. And/or no or irrelevant use of evidence-based literature to justify the selection of approaches.
40 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeIdentify, use data to support argument
Identifies and utilises data in a way which is brief, relevant and informs the argument
30 to 25.5 pts
HD (High distinction)
Correct identification and use of data, which is described succinctly and clearly and which clearly supports their argument for their selection of groups more or less vulnerable to diabetes. Draws on scholarly, government and institutional literature and resources.
25.5 to 22.5 pts
D (Distinction)
A clear description of the data used to support their argument for their selection of groups more or less vulnerable to diabetes. Correct use of evidence-based literature.
22.5 to 19.5 pts
C (Credit)
Description of the identification and justification for their selection of groups more or less vulnerable to diabetes. Use of evidence-based literature is adequate to support this section however, further reading will enhance this section.
19.5 to 15.0 pts
P (Pass)
A basic explanation of identification and justification of the selection of groups more or less vulnerable to diabetes. There is a superficial attempt to use evidence-based literature in this section.
15 to 0 pts
X (Fail)
No/unclear explanation of identification and/or justification of the selection of groups more or less vulnerable to diabetes, or no groups selected. And/or no or irrelevant use of evidence-based.
30 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeManagerial perspective
Maintains a managerial (rather than clinical) perspective
20 to 17.0 pts
HD (High distinction)
Maintains a managerial perspective throughout the assignment.
17 to 15.0 pts
D (Distinction)
Maintains a managerial perspective through the majority of the assignment.
15 to 13.0 pts
C (Credit)
Maintains a managerial perspective through most of the assignment.
13 to 10.0 pts
P (Pass)
Demonstrates a managerial perspective in the assignment.
10 to 0 pts
X (Fail)
Limited or no managerial perspective in the assignment.
20 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeGrammar, style, referencing
Produces a document utilising correct grammar, spelling, formatting, style and reference list
10 to 8.5 pts
HD (High distinction)
Fluent writing style with consistent formatting, use of headings and sub-headings, and accurate referencing.
8.5 to 7.5 pts
D (Distinction)
Clear language with consistent formatting, use of headings and sub-headings, and accurate referencing.
7.5 to 6.5 pts
C (Credit)
Generally clear language with mainly consistent formatting and few errors in referencing.
6.5 to 5.0 pts
P (Pass)
Writing is less clear, with deficits in spelling, grammar, punctuation or referencing. Inconsistent formatting.
5 to 0 pts
X (Fail)
Writing is unclear, with numerous deficits in spelling, grammar, punctuation, formatting, or referencing.
10 pt

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Data mining functionalities

Given the 5 Data mining functionalities:

  1. Association: it’s the connection between two objects.
  2. Classification: if you’re a bank manager, you have to classify customers then only you can able to take decision whether I give the loan or not, if your customer is an expert rate you have to think twice before giving the loan if he’s Bahraini and from government job then it’s a guarantee that definitely he will get the money and we’ll able to get back the money.
  3. Clustering: grouping similar objects. For example, in this class I can able to group the people based on their gender (male/female), so then I can say boys go to as one group and girls you can go as another group so it means grouping the people. when we talk about clustering there’s one more technical term also included in clustering is outlier that means: the objects with which are not belongs to any groups. For example, if I can able to cluster the people based on gender (male/female) but very fractional people and those are not belonging to any other group both male or female, those people we can call them outliers we mean the trans genders.
  4. prediction: it’s about predicting the future based on our past experience.
    Given also data mining definition: the process of extracting or mining knowledge from the larger amount of data base.
    Q: what are the areas the data mining can be useful in it? I need 5 application areas and, in each area, you have to explain: 1) how data mining will be useful in it and 2) relate with the application areas the data mining functionalities and 3) to say in what way the functionality will be helpful for us in each application area.
    HINT?(for example let us say in the education sector, how the data mining is useful in the education sector? In education will be useful for me to predict (prediction) the students performance?so here as we can see we relate one functionality of data mining, also I have to mention in what basis I can predict the student performance? Based on test1,test2 results and from their assignments, attendance, behaviours…etc. so the data mining will be helpful for us to predict the students performance, why we have to predict it because I need to solve this problem that’s why I need this kind of predictions so by this way data mining will be helpful for me in the education sector)

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Information rights and obligations

Five moral dimensions of the
information age:
1.Information rights and obligations
2.Property rights and obligations
3.Accountability and control
4.System quality
5.Quality of life
Q: which do you think is the most difficulty for society to deal with it? ( means from those five moral dimensions of the information age above, which one is very difficult to deal with it?) so you have to say which one and you have to explain as well as giving an example why it’s difficult to deal with it compared with the other dimensions.

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Software development companies have engineering employees with different levels of expertise

Subject Code and Name CMP1041 – Foundation Programming
Assessment Number 2
Assessment Title Pseudo Coding and Flowcharting
Assessment Type Report
Length or Duration Four (4) Tasks / 1 File
Subject Learning Outcomes SLO 2, SLO 3, SLO 4
Submission Date / Time Week 8
Weighting 30%
Assessment Purpose
Software development companies have engineering employees with different levels of expertise, i.e. from junior engineers to senior engineers. Junior engineers may be given projects that are outside their ability to achieve, and thus receive help from more experienced engineers.
In this assessment you work as a senior engineer for a security software company that has a new client. A junior engineer was assigned to this client however has been struggling with the more complex parts of the software. Part of your role as a senior engineer at the security software company is to help the junior engineer in providing non-buggy software for the client.
Assessment Task / Item
For this assessment, you must submit a pdf file that contains your final solutions to the following four tasks.
Assessment Instructions
Read each of the following four (4) tasks and write your responses in the form of a report. The report will be submitted as one (1) pdf file.
Hi senior engineer! As a junior engineer I am struggling to finish the following four tasks. I’ve attempted each of them at least a little bit before getting stuck! I would greatly appreciate your help with these tasks!
Task 1
The client wants to add security tag readers to doors that allow employees to scan their security tag and if they have the security level appropriate to access the door, they can progress through the door. If they do not have the appropriate security level, security will be alerted with the employee’s name and the door will be locked down – not allowing anyone to enter until the door has been reset by security.
Doors are given a security level from 1 to 3, where 3 is the highest security level, and 1 is the lowest. Employees are also given a security level from 1 to 3. An employee with a security level of 1 can access all doors that also have a security level of 1. An employee with a security level of 2 can access all doors that have a security level of 1 or 2. An employee with a security level of 3 can access all doors that have a security level of 1 or 2 or 3.
I’ve finished a flowchart, but as a junior I am unsure if it has bugs! Can you please identify any syntax, logic, and runtime errors in the flowchart and do the following:
i) Identify the flowchart node that has the error. ii) Provide a flowchart node that fixes the error. iii) Provide information about what the error was.
Task 2
The client wants to be able to upgrade an employee’s security level, so as the employee receives a promotion they can access new areas.
An employee may upgrade another employee’s security level only if the upgrader (the employee upgrading another employee) has a security level at least one security level above the upgradee (the employee being upgraded). That way an employee with a security level of 2 can upgrade an employee with a security level of 1 to a security level of 2, but is not able to upgrade an employee of security level 2 to a security level of 3. In the case where the employee does not have the correct security level to upgrade another employee, security should be alerted with the names of both of the employees.
As a junior engineer I was unsure how to achieve this, but I have started a flowchart. Could you please finish the flowchart, using appropriate tools that will create presentable flowcharts, so that I can implement this within a programming language.
Task 3
The client wants to be able to downgrade all employee’s security levels, if the employee has a specific role. Only an employee with a role of Security should be able to downgrade all employee’s security levels based on their role.
For example the client decides that all employees with a role of Scientist should no longer have access to security level 2 rooms and wants to be able to downgrade their security level from 2 to 1. An employee with the role of Security will then execute this program to downgrade all employees security level’s with the role of Scientist. An employee’s security level should never be below 1. If an employee tries to execute this program with a role that is not Security then security should be alerted with the employee’s name.
Again, I was unsure how to achieve this, but I have started a flowchart. Could you please finish the flowchart so that I can implement this within a programming language.
Task 4
As a junior engineer, I intend on implementing the above programs in an Object Oriented Language, such as C++. Can you please help me get started by providing the properties and methods for the Employee class, to be used in my class diagram, that has all the properties and methods required for the programs above, specifically methods that allow upgrading or downgrading an employee’s security level easily would be great!
Export a document with the 4 tasks in a pdf format with the following naming convention:
[Student_ID][Surname][First Name][SubjectCode][Assessment_#].pdf E.g.: 1234_Singh_Visha_PRG1002_Assessment_02.pdf
You should take a screenshot or otherwise convert your flowchart to an image that should be contained within the pdf document.
Google Docs, Microsoft Word, and various other word processing applications can export/publish to the pdf format.
All work must be submitted via the LMS, in the assignments section appropriate to this brief. Please ensure the above mentioned submission date and/or time are adhered to, or penalties may apply.
For more information on late submission, please see the Assessment Policy.
Academic Integrity
The integrity of the assessment process is fundamental for ensuring appropriate evaluation at AIT. All work submitted should be your own, and where additional resources are used, they must be referenced according to the Harvard style. Additionally, TurnItIn is available in the LMS to test plagiarism in your writing.
For more information on academic integrity, please see the Academic Integrity and Academic Integrity Penalties Policies.
Fair application of the assessment rubric, rules and guidelines should be administered for each assessment. If you feel an evaluation requires further consideration, you may be entitled to an appeal.
For more information on your right to an appeal, please see the Assessment Appeals Procedure and Policy.
For access to the policies mentioned above and related to education at AIT, please see the footer of the AIT website, and follow the link named Education Policies and Procedures.
Assessment Rubric
Task Descriptor (F)
Fail (P) Pass (C) Credit (D)
Distinction (HD)
Apply debugging processes to
meet project expectations
20% Fewer than two (2) of the following criteria are met. Other criteria are not included or poorly applied.

  1. In the provided flowchart, half the errors are identified.
  2. All identified errors are described with respect to the error type.
  3. All errors have provided fixes. Two (2) of the following criteria are met. Other criteria are not included or poorly applied.
  4. In the provided flowchart, half the errors are identified.
  5. All identified errors are described with respect to the error type.
  6. All errors have attempted fixes. All three (3) of the following criteria are met. Other criteria are not included or poorly applied.
  7. In the provided flowchart, most errors are identified.
  8. All identified errors are described with respect to the error type.
  9. Most errors are fixed in an appropriate way. All three (3) of the following criteria are met.
  10. In the provided flowchart, all errors are identified.
  11. All identified errors are described with respect to the error type and how it impacts the program.
  12. All errors are fixed in an appropriate way. All three (3) of the following criteria are met.
  13. In the provided flowchart, all errors are identified.
  14. All identified errors are accurately described with respect to the error type and how it impacts the program.
  15. All errors are fixed in an optimal way.
    Apply the process for the
    implementation of algorithms
    40% Fewer than three
    (3) of the following criteria are met. Other criteria are not included or poorly applied.
    All flowcharts:
  16. Have correct inputs, and outputs, except in two (2) cases.
  17. Uses variables with types.
  18. Has less than three (3) significant logic errors.
  19. Has less than eight (8) syntax errors. Three (3) of the following criteria are met. Other criteria are not included or poorly applied.
    All flowcharts:
  20. Have correct inputs, and outputs, except in two (2) cases.
  21. Uses variables with types.
  22. Has less than three (3) significant logic errors.
  23. Has less than eight (8) syntax errors. All four (4) of the following criteria are met.
    All flowcharts:
  24. Have correct inputs, and outputs, except in one (1) case.
  25. Have less than three (3) cases of redundant or inefficiently typed variables.
  26. Have less than two (2) significant logic errors that cause runtime bugs.
  27. Have less than five (5) significant syntax errors by using incorrect or inconsistent variable naming. All four (4) of the following criteria
    are met
    All flowcharts:
  28. Have the correct inputs, and outputs.
  29. Have less than three (3) cases of redundant or inefficiently typed variables.
  30. Have no (0) significant logic errors that cause runtime bugs.
  31. Have no (0) significant syntax errors by using incorrect or inconsistent variable naming.
    All four (4) of the following criteria
    are met
    All flowcharts:
  32. Have the correct inputs, and outputs.
  33. Have no (0) redundant or inefficiently typed variables.
  34. Have no (0) logic errors that cause runtime bugs.
  35. Have no (0) syntax errors by using incorrect or inconsistent variable naming.
    Complete a project according to design specifications
    30% Fewer than three
    (3) of the following criteria are met. Other criteria are not included or poorly applied.
    All flowcharts:
  36. Alert security is present in more than two (2) cases.
  37. Some variables are present used in alerting security in more than two (2) cases.
  38. Security level requirements are enforced in more than two (2) cases.
  39. Range of security level is maintained in more than one (1) case.
    Three (3) of the following criteria are met. Other criteria are not included or poorly applied.
    All flowcharts:
  40. Alert security is present in more than two (2) cases.
  41. Some variables are present used in alerting security in more than two (2) cases.
  42. Security level requirements are enforced in more than two (2) cases.
  43. Range of security level is maintained in more than one (1) case.
    Three (3) of the following criteria are met. Other criteria are not included or poorly applied.
    All flowcharts:
  44. Alert security at the appropriate places based on all possible security violations in all but two (2) cases.
  45. Appropriate variables are present that are used in alerting security, such as employee names.
  46. Security level requirements are enforced correctly in all but two (2) cases.
  47. Range of security level is maintained, i.e. never below 1 and above 3 in all but one (1) case. All four (4) of the following criteria are met.
    All flowcharts:
  48. Alert security at the appropriate places based on all possible security violations in all but one case.
  49. Appropriate variables are present that are used in alerting security, such as employee names.
  50. Security level requirements are enforced correctly in all but two (2) cases.
  51. Range of security level is maintained, i.e. never below 1 and above 3 in all but one (1) case.
    All four (4) of the following criteria are met.
    All flowcharts:
  52. Alert security at the appropriate places based on all possible security violations.
  53. Appropriate variables are present that are used in alerting security, such as employee names.
  54. Security level requirements are enforced correctly.
  55. Range of security level is maintained, i.e. never below 1 and above 3.
    Apply appropriate tools and processes for generating
    flowcharts and class diagrams
    10% Fewer than two (2) of the following criteria are met. Other criteria are not included or poorly applied.
    All flowcharts:
  56. Use the correct flowchart nodes for the appropriate usage, except in six (6) cases.
  57. Have less than five (5) missing arrows.
    All Diagrams:
  58. Use correctly spelled and Two (2) of the following criteria are met. Other criteria are not included or poorly applied.
    All flowcharts:
  59. Use the correct flowchart nodes for the appropriate usage, except in six (6) cases.
  60. Have less than five (5) missing arrows.
    All Diagrams:
  61. Use correctly spelled and Three (3) of the following criteria are met.
    All flowcharts:
  62. Use the correct flowchart nodes for the appropriate usage, except in four (4) cases.
  63. Have less than four (4) missing arrows.
    All Diagrams:
  64. Use correctly spelled and consistent variable, property, and method All four (4) of the following criteria are met.
    All flowcharts:
  65. Use the correct flowchart nodes for the appropriate usage, except in two (2) cases.
  66. Have less than three (3) missing arrows.
    All Diagrams:
  67. Use correctly spelled and consistent variable, property, and method All four (4) of the following criteria are met.
    All flowcharts:
  68. Use the correct flowchart nodes for the appropriate usage.
  69. Have no (0) missing arrows.
    All Diagrams:
  70. Use correctly spelled and consistent variable, property, and method names.
    consistent variable, property, and method names, except in five (5) cases.
  71. Flows from top to bottom, and all text is readable. consistent variable, property, and method names, except in five (5) cases.
  72. Flows from top to bottom, and all text is readable. names, except in three (3) cases.
  73. Are mostly well formatted and easily readable. names, except in three (3) cases.
  74. Are mostly well formatted and easily readable. 2. Are well formatted and easily readable

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An algorithm is a set of well-defined instructions in sequence to solve the problem.

Assessment Type Individual – Application Code
Length or Duration Four (4) Programs / Tasks
Subject Learning Outcomes SLO 2, SLO 3, SLO 4
Weighting 25%
Assessment Purpose
Many common problems solved by programmers include manipulation of numeric values and lists of numbers. In this assessment, you will use your understanding of the fundamental programming principles to solve four problems that involve numbers.
Assessment Item
For this assessment, you must submit four (4) algorithm descriptions and C++ programs, one for each task described in the brief below
Assessment Instructions
This assessment consists of four (4) tasks. You will need to prepare the following two components for each task.
Component 1: Algorithms
An algorithm is a set of well-defined instructions in sequence to solve the problem. An algorithm should not be computer code. Instead, the algorithm should be written in such a way that it can be used in similar programming languages to implement a solution in code.
Example: Find the largest of two numbers entered by the user.
Step 1: Start
Step 2: Declare variables a and b
Step 3: Get input from the user for a and b
Step 4: if a is greater than b Step 4.1: print a
Step 5: if b is greater than a Step 5.1: print b
Step 6: Stop
Component 2: C++ Coding
You will provide a C++ program for each of the four (4) questions given below that implements the algorithm you describe in Part 1.
Assessment Tasks
Task 1 – Grading System
Write a program that allows the user to enter the mark scored within a range of 0 – 50. Given a positive value, do the following:
? If the given score is between 0 and 50 (0 = score = 50), then calculate the percentage (e.g., 100% for 50, 75% for 37.5, etc…). A percentage is a number or ratio that represents a fraction of 100.
? Calculate the grade from the percentage received. The grade will be: F, if the percentage is 0 – 59.99.
D, if the percentage is 60 – 69.99.
C, if the percentage is 70 – 79.99.
B, if the percentage is 80 – 89.99.
A, if the percentage is 90 – 100.
? If the given score is greater than 50, print “Score is greater than 50.”.
Example 1
Please enter your score: 32.6
You have passed with 65.2%, and received a grade D.
Example 2
Please enter your score: 10.5
You have failed with 21%, and received a grade F.
Example 3
Please enter your score: 50
You have passed with 100%, and received a grade A.
Example 4
Please enter your score: 74 Score is greater than 50.
Note: Inputs from the user are shown in bold blue.
Task 2 – Calculate Miles per Gallon
Write a program that allows a user to enter the litres of petrol consumed and the number of miles travelled by the car. Given a positive value for both litres of petrol and miles travelled, calculate the number of miles per gallon the car delivered. One litre of petrol is 0.264179 gallons.
You must show the output in three decimal places as shown in the example.
Please enter the number of litres of petrol consumed: 15.5
Please enter the number of miles travelled: 75
Petrol Consumed: 15.500
Miles Travelled: 75.000
Miles per gallon: 18.316
Note: Inputs entered by the user are shown in bold blue.
Task 3 – Looping Through all Numbers from Start to Finish
Write a program that prompts the user to input two (2) integer values; a starting value and an end value. Loop through all the values from start to end, which should include the start and end values. For each value:
? If the number is divisible by both 3 and 5, print the word “ticktock”. For example for 15, 30, and 45 you would print “ticktock”.
? Else if it is a multiple of 3 (value % 3 == 0), print the word “tick”. For example, for 3, 6, and 9 you would print “tick”.
? Else if it is a multiple of 5 (value % 5 == 0) , then print “tock ”. For example, for 5, 10, and 20 you would print “tock”.
? Else if it is not divisible by 3 or 5, print the number. For example, for 1 you would just print ‘1’.
Please enter a start value: 4
Please enter an end value: 15
tock tick
8 tick tock 11 tick 13 14 ticktock
Note: Inputs entered by the user are shown in bold blue.
Task 4 – Order Numbers
Write a program that prompts the user to input 3 integer values and print these values in ascending and descending order.
Please enter the first number: 45
Please enter the second number: 12
Please enter the third number: 78
Ascending order:
Descending order:
Note: Inputs entered by the user are shown in bold blue.
All work must be submitted via the LMS, in the assignments section appropriate to this brief. Please ensure the above mentioned submission date and/or time are adhered to, or penalties may apply. You should submit a compressed (zip) file containing your C++ solutions folder. Within this file, each task must have its own file. Please ensure you use the following naming conventions for this submission.
Your zip file should be named using the following convention:
[Student_ID][Surname][First Name][SubjectCode][Assessment_#]
E.g.: 1234_Singh_Visha_PRG1002_Assessment_02
Each task within the zip file should follow this convention:
[Task_#][Student_ID] [SubjectCode][Assessment#]
E.g.: Task_1_1234_PRG1002_Assessment_02
Therefore, your zip file should consist of four (4) individual files, that each use the above mentioned naming format.
For more information on late submission, please see the Assessment Policy.
Academic Integrity
The integrity of the assessment process is fundamental for ensuring appropriate evaluation at AIT. All work submitted should be your own, and where additional resources are used, they must be referenced according to the Harvard style. Additionally, Turnitin is available in the LMS to test plagiarism in your writing.
For more information on academic integrity, please see the Academic Integrity and Academic Integrity Penalties Policies.
Fair application of the assessment rubric, rules and guidelines should be administered for each assessment. If you feel an evaluation requires further consideration, you may be entitled to an appeal.
For more information on your right to an appeal, please see the Assessment Appeals Procedure and Policy.
For access to the policies mentioned above and related to education at AIT, please see the footer of the AIT website, and follow the link named Education Policies and Procedures.
Assessment Rubric
Task Descriptor (F)
Fail (P) Pass (C) Credit (D)
Distinction (HD)
High Distinction
Ability to produce appropriate readable comments in code
15% No comments Major lack of comments make it difficult to
understand the code A few lines of code are commented on, but do not adequately explain what the code intends to accomplish Important lines of code are commented on and
are useful in understanding what the code accomplishes, or the code is overly commented on Comments are succinct, well-written and clearly explain what the code intends to
Produces organised code with adequate indentation and correct naming conventions
10% No clear organisation in code Some organisation, indentation and use of correct naming conventions with some exceptions Organisation, indention, and use of naming conventions produces readable code with few exceptions Organisation, indention, and use of naming conventions produces readable code without exception Organisation, indention, and use of naming conventions produces readable code without exception and follows documented best practices supported by correctly cited resources
Ability to apply appropriate variables or
data structures (i.e., array)
15% Not able to identify required data type or data structure Able to identify required data type or data structure but they are not applied correctly and correct results are not produced Able to identify and apply required data type or data structure, and they are applied adequately, although correct
results are not produced Able to identify and apply required data type or data structure and produce partially correct results Able to identify and apply required data type or data structure and produce correct results
Ability to analyse problems and identify appropriate requirements
20% Unable to identify any input and output based on stated problems Able to identify only one input and output based on stated problems Able to identify correct inputs and outputs based on stated problems with some errors or missed cases for one problem Able to identify solutions, inputs and outputs for all stated problems Able to identify correct solutions, inputs and outputs for all stated problems including corner cases
Ability to identify and apply correct control structures (sequential,
selective, and loops)
30% Not able to identify required control structures Able to identity required control structures but does not apply them correctly Able to identify and apply required control structures but with limited evidence of correct results Able to identify and apply required control structures and produce correct results with few exceptions Able to identify and apply required control structures and produce correct results without exception
Ability to keep the program free from syntax,
logical and run-time errors
10% Unable to run the program due to syntax or runtime errors Able to create a program but with logic errors Able to create a program that runs without any logic errors Able to create a program that runs without any logical errors but that does not produce correct output Able to create a program that runs without any logical error and displays appropriate outputs

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  • Enjoy Please Note-You have come to the most reliable academic writing site that will sort all assignments that that you could be having. We write essays, research papers, term papers, research proposals. An algorithm is a set of well-defined instructions in sequence to solve the problem. 

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