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Project, Program, and Portfolio Management Writers

The term “project management” can be fairly vague to the layperson, covering any type of management job, from the most straightforward initiatives to the most complex implementations. Projects, programs, and portfolios are the “Three P’s” of project management, each of which is distinct from (though connected to) the others.
Management of projects, programs, and portfolios. We at have done enough research on this and here is a real definition of the terms

The best way to explain the connection between project, program, and portfolio management is as follows:

A project is a brief undertaking made by a business or organization. (such as the creation of a new product, service, or result)
A program is a collection of projects that are linked or comparable to one another and are frequently handled and directed collectively rather than separately.
A portfolio is a collection of various initiatives and/or projects carried out by the same company, whether or not they are related to one another.

In other words, larger programs fit within portfolios, and those larger programs fit within projects.

Project, program, and portfolio management activities are all connected but fundamentally very different from one another.

How Does Project Management Define a “Project”?

What does “project” actually mean in the context of project management? A project is often a brief activity with a defined beginning and finish that aims to provide a special good, service, or outcome.

There are projects of every size possible in almost every business, and project managers handle them regardless of these characteristics. However, neither the size nor the precise substance of a project are described in this description.
Project managers: What Do They Do?

The main responsibilities of project managers are to balance the deliverables, sometimes referred to as the scope of work, with the resources that are available within the project’s schedule and allocated budget. It is a difficult challenge for them to balance all of this while making sure the project adheres to the quality standards demanded by its clients.

Find Out More: What a Project Manager Does.

Application of the proper tools, techniques, and processes in a value-added manner is what project management is all about. As is well known, there is a vast body of knowledge in project management, and project managers can use a variety of abilities, resources, and methods to carry out these efforts. Understanding the project, its objectives, problems, and goals can help you select the appropriate project management tools and implement them correctly.

Building Your Project Management Career Path: More Information
In project management, what Exactly Is a “Program”?

In some circumstances, it’s crucial to manage a collection of projects in concert to guarantee that value is realized. This group of projects is referred to as a program in project management lingo. A program is a transitory organization, much like a project, and as such, when the associated projects are finished, the program is also over.

In its PMBOK Guide, the Project Management Institute (PMI) defines program management as:

“The use of knowledge and skills to accomplish program goals and to obtain advantages and control not possible by managing related program components separately.”
What Performs a Program Manager?

Program management is a little more strategic than just overseeing numerous tasks. Additionally, the program manager does not micromanage those projects; instead, he or she works to make sure that the correct work is being transferred between the right projects at the right times.

Starting very early at the program’s inception by looking at what benefits can be realized and then putting those into action, the program manager focuses on the business benefits throughout the entire program.

A project manager is still assigned to each project to carry out the aforementioned tasks. By confirming that the appropriate initiatives are included in the program, the program manager’s job is to make sure that the advantages anticipated are realized. Any project not giving value to the benefits is then repositioned or deleted from the program.

The program manager is in charge of managing project dependencies and developing plans at the program level to achieve this.

A program communication plan lays out the information flow within the program, while a master schedule is developed to manage project dependencies. A program risk management strategy is also created to manage hazards at the program level. Therefore, the program manager is not managing the projects but rather providing the oversight required to make sure that each project’s component parts are finished successfully and quickly in order to satisfy the requirements of the other projects.

The program manager is concentrated on achieving benefits, or more specifically, on knowing the benefits that can be realized from this group of initiatives and concentrating on obtaining them. The program manager is also working to manage organizational change and make sure that systems are in place to sustain the advantages after they have been transferred to operations.

Since the goal of program management is to guarantee that projects are in line with corporate strategy, the program manager must keep project teams informed about changes to the plan as well as what needs to be done to address them.
What Exactly Is a Project Management “Portfolio”?

A portfolio is a series of initiatives that are managed together to meet predetermined goals. All initiatives, programs, and operational activities carried out by an organization may be included in one portfolio. Additionally, it might create a number of portfolios for continuous investment choices and project selection.

A portfolio is defined as “Projects, Programs, Other Portfolios, and Operations managed as a group to achieve strategic objectives” by PMI and its PMBOK Guide.

Organizations need to pick which projects are the correct ones to focus on. They frequently have a cap on the number of projects they can complete depending on organizational capability, which begs the question, “Are we doing the right projects?”

Corporate Governance as a Subset of Program and Portfolio Management
Structures for project grouping in organizations include program and portfolio management. As a result, they are a component of the overall governance structure of a company. Program and portfolio management is a part of corporate governance known as the governance of project management since it is only concerned with project-related activities. In accordance with the Association for Project Management (2004), the portfolio direction effectiveness and efficiency, project sponsorship effectiveness and efficiency, project management effectiveness and efficiency, and disclosure and reporting effectiveness and efficiency make up the core elements of this governance structure for project management.
Both program and portfolio management approach the topic of governance from different angles. In order to maximize the accomplishments of the combined project outcomes, the first perspective considers how the numerous project objectives are interconnected. This resulted in the creation of programs, which the Project Management Institute defined as a collection of connected projects managed cooperatively to gain advantages and control that managing them separately would not have provided. (Project Management Institute [PMI], 2004, p. 368).
The second viewpoint looks at how these projects’ management requirements interact with one another in order to meet the organization’s overall business goals. In order to accomplish specific strategic business objectives, this has led to the development of portfolio management techniques, which PMI (2004, p. 367) defined as the “centralized management of one or more portfolios, which includes identifying, prioritizing, authorizing, managing, and controlling projects, programs, and other related work.” A portfolio is defined as “a collection of projects, programs, and other types of work that are grouped together to enable effective administration of that work in order to accomplish strategic business objectives. The portfolio’s initiatives or programs may not always be connected directly or interdependently. (2004, p. 367).
Portfolio management techniques are now being used in new areas, such as customer-delivery projects, as a result of the industry’s expanded usage of project-based organizational structures as a means of achieving corporate objectives. Additionally, it has been employed by organizations for smaller, less expensive initiatives. These projects are managed differently in portfolios.
Despite the fact that program and portfolio management are widely discussed in the literature, it is unclear how these governance frameworks are applied in various businesses or what the managers’ associated duties and responsibilities are.
Transaction Cost Economics and Governance
The governance structures of program and portfolio management were used to reduce the overall costs of transforming “input” to “output” through projects. These expenses, which represent the whole cost of managing projects, are referred to as transaction costs when looking at projects as transactions. According to Williamson (1985, p. 18), transaction costs can be reduced by discriminately allocating transactions to governance structures. From a related angle, transaction cost economics explains the equilibrium needed in organizational governance mechanisms to (1) provide a product’s “fit for purpose” by reducing maladaptation costs, as done through program management, and (2) lower the costs for the organization by making the most of existing scales and resources, as done in portfolio management. Williamson (1985) asserted, however, that several governance systems are necessary for various kinds of transactions. It follows that the degree to which organizations use program and portfolio management as governance procedures varies by project type.
Moreover, Williamson (1975) stated that the complexity of an organization’s environment will determine the governance structure to be used. According to the premise of humans’ limited but designed capacity for rationality, when making decisions, (Simon, 1957; Williamson, 1975, p. 22–23).
That brings up the initial research query:
Q1: How do the nature of the project and the complexity of the organization affect how project portfolio and program management are used in organizations?
Along with variations in projects and how program and portfolio management are used in organizations, there are variations in the roles and duties of the various managers. That brings us to our next research question:
How do middle managers in successful firms go about managing their programs and portfolios? What are their roles and responsibilities?
Through this study, the breadth and variations of these roles and responsibilities in connection to corporate governance systems are examined.
Practitioners will be able to strengthen program and portfolio governance as a result of the findings, which will benefit their companies, the economy, and ultimately society as a whole.
The research model and hypotheses are presented in the following section. A section on research techniques and the evaluation of the empirical data follows this. The conclusion of the study discusses the causes of various governance methods in program and portfolio management, the duties and responsibilities that go along with them, as well as the variations between low and high performing businesses.

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Do my nursing writing research proposal

The topic for their nursing research proposal must be chosen by the students. One of the trickiest tasks for students is this one. Investigational topics should continue to be intriguing and add fresh scientific value. Here is where you should take your own choices into account. It’s important to write papers that are interesting and appealing to you. If you area asking “Do my nursing writing research proposal” then at, we are here for you. Here area some a few tips:

You won’t get bored with the right nursing research proposal themes. Students frequently overestimate their own abilities to write sophisticated studies. Try to recall engaging lectures from important subjects. Review your lesson notes to see which subjects you genuinely find interesting.
Consider these top priorities while considering contemporary nursing research proposal topics: • Medically unexplained symptoms in an emergency room.
• The technological history of vaccine production.
• Health insurance that forgoes writing prescriptions.
• The transmission of health information for sickness prevention.
• The influence of parents on their children’s healthy lifestyles.
• Pregnant obese women: dangers and safety precautions.
Asking seasoned academics is another way to obtain excellent nursing research proposal ideas. Professors from the major fields are accessible. They may provide ideas for writing prompts or pointers to help you concentrate on a few certain topics. As an alternative, hiring degree holders ensures not only the drafting of nursing research proposals but also the discovery of excellent subjects.
There are so many options available when looking for someone to create my nursing research proposal that the results can be overwhelming. We have a staff of skilled writers who have written many different types of nursing research proposals. We always make sure that the writer of your nursing research proposal adheres strictly to all of your requirements. Place your order at any time by visiting our website.

There are a few important points to keep in mind when creating a nursing research proposal. First and foremost, your proposal must be succinct and unambiguous. You must decide on the issue or query you wish to research as well as the objective of your study. Create a proposal for my nursing research.
It is imperative to detail how your study will aid in the problem-solving or question-answering process. You must also be specific about the techniques you’ll employ for data collection and analysis. If you are given the assignment of creating a research proposal, you could feel overburdened. However, don’t worry—help is at hand!
This piece will go into detail about our nursing research proposal writing service and the reasons why you should use us to do your nursing research proposal project. Among other things, we promise original, high-quality work, prompt delivery, and no plagiarism in assignment papers.
What is a proposal for nursing research?
Written papers that thoroughly outline a nursing research study are known as nursing research proposals. The problem being addressed by the research, its goal, the research’s methodology, and its anticipated outcomes must all be stated clearly and succinctly in a nursing research proposal.
A nursing research proposal needs to be clearly stated and structured. A review of the relevant literature that highlights earlier research on the subject and how it pertains to the current proposal should also be included. A thorough research plan and a schedule for finishing the project should also be included in the proposal.
What function does a nursing research proposal serve?
To secure financing for their work, nurses must submit nursing research proposals. It’s not always simple to write a strong proposal, but a few pointers can help. Make sure you are clear on the topic you want to explore and why it is important before you begin.
Second, assemble a capable group of nurses to collaborate with you on the project. Lastly, be sure that your proposal is well-written and understandable. You should be able to produce a solid nursing research proposal if you keep these suggestions in mind.
A nursing research proposal includes the following elements: title, abstract, research questions, methodology, significance of the research, and bibliography.
difficulties students have when composing nursing research proposals
Creating a suitable study question is one of the difficulties students experience when creating a nursing research proposal. The inquiry ought to add to the corpus of knowledge in the nursing area and be one that past research has not fully addressed.
Creating a sound approach that will scientifically and ethically respond to the study issue is another challenge. For the methodological component of the proposal to be approved by the committee, it must be carefully considered and defended.
Finally, most students find it difficult to create a literature review that examines the pertinent research critically and explains why the proposed research is necessary.
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You’ve come to the perfect place if you need assistance with writing a nursing research proposal. We provide skilled and inexpensive nursing research proposal writing services at A nursing research proposal is a written outline of the study project that will be carried out.
A summary of the topic or problem that needs to be addressed as well as the suggested research approach should be included in the proposal. A literature review should be included in the nursing research proposal to give a summary of the field’s body of knowledge.
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You might be unsure of where to look for assistance if you are a nursing student and have been required to prepare a research proposal. Fortunately, there are now a lot of internet resources available to you for creating nursing research proposals.
It’s crucial to find a nursing research proposal writing service with expertise in your particular field of interest. This will guarantee that they are knowledgeable with the most recent research and can assist you in creating a compelling proposal.
Cost is still another vital factor. While searching for a service, keep in mind that the caliber of their work should also be taken into account. Since this is a crucial component of your education, you want to make sure your research proposal is top-notch.
On the internet, there are a ton of examples of research projects. You might adopt one as a model and create your own in a comparable manner only to discover that your viewers have already read it. The research proposal writers at Nursing Writing Services create something that precisely outlines the topics you need to investigate and the elements that can have an impact on how specific study scenarios turn out. Our writers apply their expertise to your research proposal to create a paper that articulates a strategic perspective that positions your proposed research as an objective and rigorous scientific inquiry of a problem. In order to convince the review board that you have actually found an issue, we’ll add accurate facts, pertinent information, supporting evidence, and paperwork to your application. A strong research proposal will also demonstrate your ability to use the suggested study to identify a solution.
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………Get more on nursing writing research proposal

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The chief marketing officer (CMO) of global operations has called upon you to help coordinate the marketing tasks related to rolling out an emergency response due to a recent safety and injury incident at one of the parks resulting in serious injuries to employees and customers

Memo: Business Intelligence Alert


In today’s information age, customers have access to various digital platforms to access and share information. Customers also use these platforms to communicate with service providers, share opinions, and provide feedback. Therefore, it is important for product owners and service providers to be ready with a response plan for all communications over digital platforms.

The chief marketing officer (CMO) of global operations has called upon you to help coordinate the marketing tasks related to rolling out an emergency response due to a recent safety and injury incident at one of the parks resulting in serious injuries to employees and customers. The parks were closed immediately following the incident to ensure safety measures for customers and employees and to deploy the needed safety measures

As the regional director of marketing for a theme park, it is your job to create the marketing plan for the park’s reopening. With the pertinent and necessary information, each department is assisting you. The business intelligence unit of the company in the scenario has observed a rise in unfavorable consumer sentiment as the reopening date of the parks approaches. This is clear across a variety of additional digital media platforms, including the company’s websites and other online information sources, in addition to social media platforms. The fact that the organization’s ethics are being questioned in the majority of these unfavorable opinions is a big source of worry.
To express its worries, the business intelligence section has written a memo. You have been instructed by the CMO to reply to this memo by drafting a report with recommendations.
Write a memo-style report with recommendations for the CMO of the company in the course scenario, outlining the steps to take to reduce consumer dissatisfaction. To ensure modifications and improvements to the strategy for preventing bad publicity, please refer to the Business Intelligence Memo (attached). The necessity of cross-functional effort alignment, crisis management, social media response strategies, and CSR messaging should be highlighted in your memo.
You must pay attention to the following requirements in particular:

  1. Describe how you must now diverge from your original plan to implement strategic modifications to stop unfavorable publicity (see the marketing presentation attached).
    Which two actions will you take to handle the unfavorable press surrounding the park’s reopening in an effective manner?
  2. Describe the alignment of the cross-functional effort.
    o How can the company’s sales and operations divisions assist in addressing the bad press?
    o How can you inform customers about safety precautions using marketing channels?
  3. Describe how, when in line with ethical standards, a crisis communication plan can enhance the organization’s reputation.
    o How would you approach crisis communication using public relations?
    o How would you handle crisis communication on your company website?
  4. Describe the strategies for using social media in this case.
    o How would you respond to criticism?
    o How would you respond to the questions about safety?
  5. Describe the communication plan for corporate social responsibility (CSR) in this case.
    o What are the organization’s main CSR initiatives and policies?
    o Which media are most effective for spreading the word about CSR initiatives?
    Instructions for Submission
    One to two pages of double-spaced, Times New Roman 12-point text with 1-inch margins should be sent in a Word document.APA format.

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Action plan based on the work of Wadsworth (2011) on disseminating results

Dissemination Action Plan- The research process is cyclical. The assessment tasks in this subject reflect this cycle. In Assessment 1
you compiled an Annotated Bibliography to build your understanding of existing studies in the area in which you were planning to focus your
research. In Assessment 2 you used that understanding, with other learnings from the subject and other sources, to prepare a Research
Proposal outlining the details of a particular study.

Executing the research study outlined in the proposal, analyzing the data, and presenting a report on the findings constitute the next stage of the research cycle in the real world.
However, conducting research is a difficult and time-consuming procedure that is outside the purview of this introductory subject, as has been observed throughout the semester.
The distribution of results is a crucial component of the post-research portion of the cycle, therefore Assessment 3 instead of addressing the conduct of the research study, does so.
You will create an action plan for this assessment exercise based on Wadsworth’s (2011) work on optimizing the effect of research and distributing findings (see pages 455–461 in your textbook for more information).
Obviously, you have not carried out any research, so you have no results to report. The action plan is a general outline of how you would
disseminate the results of the study you outlined in your Research Proposal (Assessment 2), if you had carried it out. You will draw on the
content of the Moodle pages, textbook, articles and other appropriate sources to complete this task.
Your research dissemination action plan must be presented in full sentences-not dot points – and paragraphs in essay form. You may have
subheadings within your essay.
Your plan must include;
a brief description of the study outlined in the Research Proposal
a description of what you want to achieve (your objective/s) by dissemination of your results, e.g. influencing policy and/or practice,
and/or an explanation of why this is necessary/desirable
an explanation of who (individuals and/organisations) you will inform about your research and why you will do this (Think in terms of
ethical reasons and how these people/organisations can help in the process of getting action taken as the result of you research)
a detailed description of when and how (contents and the way they will be presented) you will disseminate your findings in each of the
following formats;
I. a formal report (similar to the
NSW Carers Survey and the
NDIS Study)
II. a meeting with colleagues
III. a conference
An appendix to your plan, with one data gathering instrument you would have used in your proposed study if you had carried it out. e.g.
survey questions, interview protocol9/12/22, 9:43 amSubject Guide
Page 2 of 3
Length 1, 500 words
Weighting: 30%

Criteria High Distinction Distinction Credit Pass Fail
task is
presented in
essay form
employing full
sentences and
Assessment task is
presented in
sophisticated essay
form and employs
sophisticated full
sentences and
throughout the essay
Assessment task is
presented in very
good essay form and
employs very well-
structured full
sentences and
paragraphs throughout
the essay
Assessment task is
presented in good essay
form and employs well-
structured full sentences
and paragraphs
throughout most or all of
the essay
Assessment task is
presented in
satisfactory essay
form and completely or
mostly employs full
sentences and
Assessment task is not
presented in
appropriate essay form
and/or does not
employ full sentences
and paragraphs
The outlined
action plan
overall strong
coherence and
contains all
executed to an
The outlined action
plan demonstrates
excellent and
sophisticated overall
coherence, and all
required elements are
present, and all are
of excellent standard
The outlined action
plan demonstrates
very good overall
coherence, and all
required elements are
present, and all are of
very good standard
The outlined action plan
demonstrates good
overall coherence, and all
required elements are
present and all or most
are of good standard
The outlined action
plan demonstrates
satisfactory overall
coherence and all or
most required elements
are present and are of
satisfactory standard
The outlined action
plan lacks overall
coherence, and some
required elements are
absent and/or of
The outlined
plan is
consistent with
the research
study described
in Assessment
2 (Research
The outlined plan
demonstrates a
sophisticated level of
consistency with the
research study
described in
Assessment 2
(Research Proposal)
The outlined plan
demonstrates a very
good level of
consistency with the
research study
described in
Assessment 2
(Research Proposal)
The outlined plan
demonstrates a good level
of consistency with the
research study
described in Assessment
2 (Research Proposal)
The outlined plan
demonstrates a
satisfactory level of
consistency with the
research study
described in
Assessment 2
(Research Proposal)
The outlined plan is
not consistent with the
research study
described in
Assessment 2
(Research Proposal)
The statement
of desired
outcome/s is
cogent and
consistent with
the research
study described
The statement of the
desired outcome/s
excellent levels of
cogency and
consistency with the
research study
The statement of the
desired outcome/s
demonstrates very
good levels of cogency
and consistency with
the research study
described in
Assessment 2
(Research Proposal)
The statement of the
desired outcome/s
demonstrates good levels
of cogency and
consistency with the
research study described
in Assessment 2
(Research Proposal)
The statement of the
desired outcome/s
satisfactory levels of
cogency and
consistency with the
research study
The statement of the
desired outcome/s is
not cogent, and/or is
not consistent with the
research study
described in
Assessment 2
(Research Proposal)9/12/22, 9:43 amSubject Guide
Page 3 of 3
in Assessment
2 (Research
described in
Assessment 2
(Research Proposal)
described in
Assessment 2
(Research Proposal)
Identification of
individuals and
organisation to
be informed and
their inclusion is
All individuals and
organisations to be
informed are highly
relevant and their
inclusion is justified
in a sophisticated
All or most individuals
and organisations to
be informed are very
relevant and their
inclusion is very well
Most individuals and
organisations to be
informed are relevant and
their inclusion is well
Most individuals and
organisations to be
informed are relevant
and their inclusion is
satisfactorily justified
Relevant individuals
and organisation to be
informed are not
identified and/or their
inclusion is not
satisfactorily justified
Description of all
formats is
and consistent
with a) the
nature of the
research, and b)
the outlined
objectives of
Description of all
demonstrates an
excellent level of
and consistency with
a) the nature of the
research, and b) the
outlined objectives of
Description of all
dissemination formats
demonstrates a very
good level of accuracy,
and consistency with
a) the nature of the
research, and b) the
outlined objectives of
Description of most or all
required dissemination
formats demonstrates a
good level of accuracy,
comprehensiveness and
consistency with a) the
nature of the research,
and b) the outlined
objectives of
Description of most or
all required
dissemination formats
is satisfactorily
comprehensive and
consistent with a) the
nature of the research,
and b) the outlined
objectives of
Description of some or
all required
dissemination formats
is not accurate, and/ or
not comprehensive
and/or not consistent
with a) the nature of
the research and/or b)
the outlined objectives
of dissemination
The data
instrument is
of sound quality
and consistent
with the
research study
described in the
The data gathering
instrument is of
excellent quality and
demonstrates an
excellent level of
consistency with the
research study
described in the
Research Proposal
(Assessment 2)
The data gathering
instrument is of very
good quality and
demonstrates are very
good level of
consistency with the
research study
described in the
Research Proposal
(Assessment 2)
The data gathering
instrument is of good
quality and demonstrates
a good level of
consistency with the
research study described
in the Research Proposal
(Assessment 2)
The data gathering
instrument is of sound
quality and
consistency with the
research study
described in the
Research Proposal
(Assessment 2)
The data gathering
instrument is not of
sound quality and/or is
not consistent with the
research study
described in the
Research Proposal




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A statement of the research problem

The Research Proposal
We have worked toward the Research Proposal by first identifying a research problem and building our knowledge of previous studies
relevant to that research problem in Assessment Event 1, the Annotated Bibliography. In this task you develop a proposal to carry out
research related to the topic you covered in your Annotated Bibliography

Your Research Proposal must contain the following;
a title
an introduction including the context and importance of the proposed study (including consideration of relevant ethical issues)
a statement of the research problem
a statement of the research objectives
a well-articulated research question or questions derived from the research problem identified in Assessment Event 1
a brief literature review describing previous studies in the area (refer to your Annotated Bibliography from Assessment Event 1 and other
a clear identification of the methodology (e.g. qualitative, quantitative, mixed-methods, action), data-gathering strategies (e.g. surveys,
interviews, focus groups observations etc.) and data analysis techniques to be employed

an explanation of the identification and recruitment of research participants (including sample and sampling procedures)
an explanation of how your proposed design includes appropriate measures in relation to reliability and validity (quantitative) or rigour, or
trustworthiness (qualitative)
a proposed timeline for the key elements of the research process
Length: 2,000 words
Weighting: 40%
Due: Week 5, Sunday 15 January 2023,11:59pm
Marking Guide – Rubric: THE RESEARCH PROPOSAL
Criteria High Distinction Distinction Credit Pass Fail
The Research
overall strong
coherence and
contains all required
elements executed
to a satisfactory or
better standard
The research
excellent and
overall coherence
and all required
elements are
present and all are
of excellent quality
The research proposal
demonstrates very good
overall coherence and
all required elements are
present and all or most
are of very good quality
The research proposal
demonstrates good
overall coherence and
all required elements are
present and all or most
are of good quality
The research proposal
satisfactory overall
coherence and all
required elements are
present and all or most
are of satisfactory quality
The research
proposal lacks
overall coherence
and some required
elements are absent
and/or of
quality9/12/22, 9:41 amSubject Guide
Page 2 of 3
The Literature
Review critically
discusses the main
arising from the
literature identified
in the Annotated
Bibliography and
clearly indicates the
relevance of the
proposed study
The Literature
Review provides a
critical discussion of
the main
arising from the
literature identified in
the Annotated
Bibliography and
indicates the
relevance of the
proposed study in a
The Literature Review
provides a very good
critical discussion of the
main issues/debates
arising from the
literature identified in the
Annotated Bibliography
and indicates the
relevance of the
proposed study very
The Literature Review
provides a good critical
discussion of the main
issues/debates arising
from the literature
identified in the
Annotated Bibliography
and indicates the
relevance of the
proposed study well
The Literature Review
provides a satisfactory
critical discussion of the
main issues/debates
arising from the literature
identified in the
Annotated Bibliography
and satisfactorily
indicates the relevance of
the proposed study
The Literature
Review fails to
critically discuss the
arising from the
literature identified
in the Annotated
Bibliography; and/or
does not clearly
indicate the
relevance of the
proposed study
The research
question is well-
articulated and
consistent with the
research problem
The research
question is of
superior quality,
articulated and
demonstrates an
excellent level of
consistency with
the research
The research question is
very well articulated
and demonstrates a
very good level of
consistency with the
research problem
The research question is
well articulated and
demonstrates a good
level of consistency with
the research problem
The research question is
satisfactorily articulated
and demonstrates
satisfactory consistency
with the research
The research
question is not
provided or is poorly
articulated and/ or
inconsistent with
the research
The research
articulates an
approach and data
consistent with
objectives of the
The research
proposal provides
an excellent
articulation of an
approach and data
gathering strategies
which are
consistent with the
objectives of the
The research proposal
includes a very good
articulation of an
approach and data
gathering strategies
which are very
consistent with the
objectives of the study
The research proposal
includes a good
articulation of an
approach and good data
gathering strategies
which are consistent with
the objectives of the
The research proposal
satisfactorily articulates
an appropriate
methodological approach
and data gathering
strategies consistent with
the objectives of the
The research
proposal does not
articulate an
approach and/or
suggests data
gathering strategies
inconsistent with
the objectives of the
The method of data
analysis described
consistency with
the research
question and overall
research design
The method of data
analysis described
consistency with
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question and
overall research
The method of data
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research question and
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The method of data
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demonstrates good
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The method of data
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satisfactorily consistent
with the research
question and overall
research design
The method of data
analysis described
is inconsistent with
the research
question and/or
overall research
measures to
establish validity
and reliability, or
Excellent measures
to establish validity
and reliability, or
Very good measures to
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Good measures to
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Satisfactory measures to
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Adequate measures
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trustworthiness of
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trustworthiness of results
are evident
trustworthiness of results
are evident
trustworthiness of
results are not




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Writers Solution

Disease’s widespread eradication or intense suppression in a chosen country


•3000–3500 double-spaced words,

• 12 point kind;

•10–20 or more citations of primary sources from peer-reviewed publications.

Disease Control Plan For SARS CoV-1 or SARS CoV-2, provide a feasible strategy for the disease’s widespread eradication or intense suppression in a chosen country (e.g. yaws in Rwanda).

A. Background: The burden of disease caused by the infectious disease, including social, developmental, and economic effects; epidemiology of the disease, including life cycle, mode of transmission, the force of infection, R0 if known, any reservoirs (and specifically how these will be overcome); infectivity, and virulence.
SES, population, and cultural aspects that may have an impact on how well your eradication or elimination plan is carried out in the chosen nation.

B. Control Instruments: Suitable, efficient treatments

Prophylaxis, tools for control, vector control abilities, and, if accessible or appropriate, a thorough cost analysis

Can describe possible future technologies that have not yet been created, such as mHealth, electronic surveillance, or other cutting-edge or modern technology.

C. Offer an elimination or eradication plan for a certain nation or area.
Offer a general summary of the plan’s details and its constituent parts (e.g. vector control, vaccination, mass treatment).
Describe the communication tactics and incentive schemes you would use to encourage substantial stakeholder participation.
Discuss the formation of potential alliances, such as public-private partnerships (such as Rotary), where necessary or suitable.

Describe the projected program plan’s frequency (i.e., how frequently for IRS, immunization, and mass treatment) and duration.
Talk about any foreseeable obstacles, issues, and failure causes.

grading scale




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colleagues’ postings by explaining how cultural diversity

Respond to two of your colleagues’ postings by explaining how cultural diversity, moral judgement, or ethical perceptions may impact decision making within the context of the social problem that they described. Be specific and use examples to illustrate your points.


A brief description of the social problem that you chose for your Final Project.

The social problem I choose for my final project is the transformation of Technical and Vocational Educational and Training (TVET) in low-income communities. The scarcity of TVET in low-income communities, particularly in Guyana, South America, has been brought to my attention during a conversation with a loved one. Author Dos Santos (2019) discovered that TVET’s effectiveness (in Guyana) is limited by a lack of labor market information, funding, energy costs, and insufficient information communication technology skills and infrastructure.

One ethical and moral dilemma that could arise when solving the problem as well as the power differentials that may be present.

One ethical dilemma that could arise when solving the problem of choice would be standard 11 from the Ethical Standards of Human Services Professionals. I must be aware of multiculturalism in that specific society and its impact on the community and individuals (National Organization for Human Services, 2015). As for the power differentials that may be present would-be Cultural Power. This type of power reference, as the 3rd phase of power, operates in the areas of worldview and culture (Grassroots Policy Project, n.d.). The cultural norms and conditioning regarding race, age, and gender for those with less power would likely be present while addressing the social problem (National Community Development Institute, n.d.).

One moral dilemma that could arise when solving the problem would be diminished empathy derived from personal moral judgments (Greene, 2002). I have encountered such moral dilemmas and tried to find ways to respond objectively without offense. As Dr. Hamilton mentioned, what may be right for me in the USA, may not be the same in another country such as Guyana.

How you would prevent the ethical and moral dilemmas and address the power differentials in your role as an advanced human services professional practitioner.

To prevent the ethical and moral dilemmas mentioned, I must first identify my biases and address them by being willing to examine my own beliefs and assumptions. Second, begin to think critically about the ethical and moral dilemmas by, not limited to (1) being interested in seeking the truth; (2) relying on reason and not my emotions; (3) being objective and not subjective; (4) put aside incorrect information and (5) work with integrity. As a human service professional practitioner, the power differentials in my role plays an essential part in solving social problem. Cultivating a shared culture of responsibility and commitment is vital, along with increasing my reading as a scholar and growing knowledge of my role. The Ethical Standards for Human Services Professionals (2015) preamble sums it up, stating that human service “… professionals promote and encourage the unique values and characteristics of human services”. And does this by “… upholding the integrity and ethics of the profession, promoting client and community well-being, and enhancing their professional growth.”


Dos Santos, C. (2019). Building capabilities in natural resource-dependent economies: An innovation systems analysis of the TVET program in Guyana. International Journal of Innovation Studies, 3(1), 1-11. Links to an external site.

 Grassroots Policy Project. (n.d.).  Power and social change

 Greene, J., & Haidt, J. (2002). How (and where) does moral judgment work? Trends in Cognitive

Sciences, 6(12), 517-523. Links to an external site.

 National Community Development Institute. (n.d.). Sources of Power.  Links to an external site.  

 National Organization for Human Services. (2015). Ethical standards for human services



Social Problem  

The social problem I chose for the final project is teen opioid abuse. Opioid abuse in teens is dangerous and growing. The side effects that come with drug abuse can be severe and may lead to death. After marijuana and alcohol, the abuse of prescription drugs is next on the list of the most abused substances by Americans aged 14 and older. (Trends & Statistics, 2022)

Ethical Dilemma 

Many ethical dilemmas may arise when trying to solve the problems of teen opioid abuse. The first ethical dilemma is standard 2, which deals with informed consent (Ethical Standards for Human Professionals, 2015). Because the teen is a minor or under 18, a parent or guardian must consent to the child’s treatment. The dilemma in this situation could be that the parent/parents or guardian does not want the child to receive treatment, and they won’t consent. In this case, legal actions may have to be taken on the minor’s behalf if the minor’s condition is life-threatening. Another ethical dilemma that may arise when trying to solve the problem of teen opioid abuse is standards 3 and 4. The teen’s right to privacy and confidentiality and breaking the confidentiality of the relationship between the teen and human service professional are at stake if the teen is in danger or may harm themselves (Ethical Standards for Human Professionals, 2015).

Moral Dilemma 

One moral dilemma that may arise when trying to solve this problem is a teen abusing opioids confides in a professional that they are thinking about ending their life because their issue has caused too many problems. The teen wants the professional to keep this information to themselves. The dilemma here would be the professional keeping confidentiality and having a potential suicide on their hands or breaking the teen’s confidentiality and preventing suicide.

Prevent Ethical and Moral Dilemmas

I would prevent the ethical and moral dilemma by practicing standard 10, providing services or help without discrimination or preference, which is a professional’s responsibility to the public and society (Ethical Standards for Human Professionals, 2015). Practicing standards 17 and 27 will also prevent moral dilemmas by accurately representing myself, my qualifications, skills, and experience (Ethical Standards for Human Professionals, 2015); this way, I don’t get into situations I cannot handle. I would address the power differentials in my role as an advanced human services professional practitioner by being transparent and trying to connect with whomever I’m trying to help; this will allow them to learn a few things about me as an individual, hopefully building their trust.


Ethical Standards for Human Professionals. (2015). Retrieved from

Teen Substance Use & Risks. (2020, Februrary 10). Retrieved from,blood%20pressure%2C%20and%20sleep%20disorders.

Trends & Statistics. (2022). Retrieved from

What You Need to Know About Teenage Painkiller Addiction. (2022). Retrieved from




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John Oliver YouTube video segments


John Oliver YouTube video segments on topics related to CRIMINAL JUSTICE ONLY. These include: municipal violations; mandatory minimum sentencing; bail; overburdened defense attorneys/Miranda impact; mental health; ‘scientific findings’; border patrol; 911 operations; utility of forensic science; prosecutors (i.e. District Attorneys); lethal injection; death investigations; state Attorney Generals; prisoners as labor; prisoner re-entry; school police; opioids; marijuana; harm reduction; environmental racism; jury duty bias; police unions; housing discrimination; police raids; police accountability; wrongful convictions; and police reform.

Students are to write at least two pages that provides an overview/summary of the segment (approximately 1 page) and then their opinion and solution (if any) to it (approximately 1 page). Students are allowed one.

I found a video

which has to do with police accountability.


In order to locate these videos, please visit Links to an external site.. Type in ‘John Oliver’ into the search engine at the top of the screen to be directed to the above-mentioned CRIMINAL JUSTICE-RELATED segments. Students should email me for approval to write about additional criminal justice segments other than those listed above (if they emerge). PLEASE NOTE: THESE VIDEO SEGMENTS USE SATIRE AND PROFANITY TO HIGHLIGHT REAL-LIFE SITUATIONS.




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Child Psychologist

In completing this assignment, learners will research psychological specialties available in the workforce to gain an understanding of the careers in psychology. Research the psychology specialties listed below using the Occupational Outlook Handbook at the American Psychological Association website.

  • Child Psychologist
  • Counseling Psychologist
  • Clinical Psychologist
  • Developmental Psychologist
  • Experimental Psychologist
  • Forensic Psychologist
  • Industrial-Organizational Psychologist
  • Health Psychologist
  • Neuropsychologist
  • School Psychologist
  • Social Psychologist
  • Sports Psychologist
  • After researching each of the career specialties, write a pair (2) of succinct and thorough paragraphs summarizing the job responsibilities, work locations, salaries, education, licensing requirements and career outlooks for each career represented as percentage of growth expected.
  • Following each of the 12 paragraph pairs, note whether the specialty in psychology would be of interest to you as a career option in the future, explaining your reasons.
  • Once the 12 sets of paragraphs and interest or non-interest explanations are complete, compile them into a single APA formatted paper using the career titles as separate, APA formatted headings within the paper body.
  • Wrap up the paper with two paragraphs comparing the way in which information about the 12 careers is communicated in the Occupational Outlook Handbook versus how it is communicated on the APA website (i.e. which format was the easiest to navigate and understand, had the most useful information, etc.).
    • Provide specific one or two examples to exemplify the general comparisons provided.

Include a minimum 8 to 10 pages, not including the required APA formatted title and reference pages; submit APA style in-text citations throughout the work as well. 

The basic parts of a paper should also be included; these are the opening, introduction section, with a precise thesis statement, the body of the paper with clear, discernable headings formatted to APA style levels of heading where appropriate, and a conclusion that restates the thesis and summarizes the major points of the entire paper. 

The APUS Library provides APA formatting resources at Writing@APUS. You may also see Purdue’s OWL for general APA formatting information and for formatting help on many topics.





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Powered hierarchies based on social difference have existed long before industrial capitalism

Write a 5-7 page paper (double spaced, 12 point font, standard margins) on one of the following topics. Your title page and bibliography (and any other pages that are not writing) do not count towards the page count. Please cite all your sources, with an accepted citational standard of your choice. For sources, you may only use:

  • Readings assigned in class.
  • Other writing by authors assigned in class.
  • Sources which address the exact same topic as readings assigned in class (e.g. West African deindustrialization; gender roles in Iriquois Confederacy, etc.).

Powered hierarchies based on social difference have existed long before industrial capitalism. However, these systems have interacted with industrial capitalism in particular ways – at times entrenching their power and at other times shifting that power. Using examples, as well as theory, from class and from the readings, trace how industrial capitalism has interacted with racism and white supremacy; with patriarchy; and with the division between the Global North and Global South. How has capitalism exacerbated some of the power differentials between groups, and how has it shifted that power over time?




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