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Physical Security Infrastructure for securing a Data Center building, Office Building, or Neighborhood.

Assignment; Physical Security Infrastructure for securing a Data Center building, Office Building, or Neighborhood.

Using proper APA formatting, write a 400-word discussion paper describing:

Any hypothetical organization henceforth needs a disaster plan ready for any eventuality. In as much as most disaster plans focus on internet security, there is also need to give weight to physical security in case of a disaster; though in actual sense, one might find it tasking in trying to manage physical security.

· Search the Internet for an article on a physical security disaster plan .

· Please cite two sources

Length: 2-3 paragraphs 

Second Assignment (Need this by this Sat)

Using proper APA formatting, write a 400-word discussion paper describing:

· Physical Security Physical Security Infrastructure.

· Search the Internet for an article for examples of Physical Security Infrastructure for securing a Data Center building, Office Building, or Neighborhood.

· Why is Chain-Link Fence Standards, Doors, Doors Frames, and Signage and Glass and Windows? So crucial in a data center building, office building, or neighborhood?

· Please cite two sources

Length: 2-3 paragraphs 

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An explanation of the generation of ATP in metabolism

You are required to write an essay, with labelled diagrams, which demonstrates your understanding of cell metabolism.
Before you begin, you are advised to review the study materials for this unit. You should then research the subject area more widely.
This unit is graded; you will therefore be awarded with a Pass, Merit or Distinction once you have successfully achieved all of the learning outcomes and assessment criteria. Refer to the grid for the grade descriptors and indicators for Merit and Distinction.
Remember: this assignment has to be all your own work. Whilst properly referenced content is fine and encouraged, any work that is not wholly your own effort has to be acknowledged as such and correctly referenced using the Harvard format.
Section 1: Assignment
You are required to write an essay, with labelled diagrams, which demonstrates your understanding of cell metabolism.
You must include the following within your essay:
• An explanation of the generation of ATP in metabolism.
• An explanation of the term metabolic pathway.
• An explanation of how metabolic pathways are regulated.
• An explanation of the significance of the tricarboxylic acid cycle (Krebs cycle) in generating ATP.
• An explanation of the role of the Calvin Cycle.
• An analysis of oxidative phosphorylation in the mitochondrion.
• An analysis of photosynthesis in the chloroplast.
You are required to include at least one labelled diagram to support each of these topics.
The essay should be written in paragraphs which flow; it is therefore recommended that you plan your essay before you start to write it.
You must attempt to include some conclusions and recommendations towards the end of your essay.
Relevant theory must be referenced where appropriate and a references list and bibliography provided.
Remember to include labelled diagrams to support your explanations. If these are taken from published sources you must reference them accordingly.
The essay should be a maximum of 2,000 words in length.
View Assessment Criteria
Start typing your answer to this question here
Word Count: 0
Optional supporting evidence:
Grade Descriptors
The following Grade Descriptors will be used throughout this unit.
Grade Descriptor Indicative Content for Merit Indicative Content for Distinction
Understanding of the subject The student, student’s work or performance demonstrates a very good grasp of the relevant knowledge base. The student, student’s work or performance demonstrates an excellent grasp of the relevant knowledge base.
Application of knowledge The student, student’s work or performance makes use of relevant facts and models, has breadth or depth that goes beyond the minimum to Pass, and has very good levels of insight. The student, student’s work or performance makes use of relevant facts and models, has breadth and depth, and has excellent levels of insight.
Communication and presentation The student, student’s work or performance shows very good command of use of images, language (including technical or specialist language), spelling, punctuation and referencing. The student, student’s work or performance shows excellent command of use of images, language (including technical or specialist language), spelling, punctuation and referencing.
Quality The student, student’s work or performance taken as a whole, demonstrates a very good response to the demands of the brief/assignment. The student, student’s work or performance taken as a whole, demonstrates an excellent response to the demands of the brief/assignment.
Rate your submission…
On a scale of 1 – 5 please rate how confident you are with the assignment you are about to submit to your tutor for marking

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comprehensive thesis statement that states your claim

Research Paper Draft Instructions You are required to submit this assignment once and it must meet the assignment prompt to be graded. You may make two attempts if you choose. This will allow you to receive qualitative feedback that can help you improve your submission. .

For this assignment, you will need to submit:

· The first draft of your research paper, complete with properly-formatted parenthetical citations from at least four credible sources within the text. 

· The Works Cited page, which should be located at the end of your essay. The Works Cited page should be clearly labeled and follow MLA formatting requirements. 

You will need a good, comprehensive thesis statement that states your claim (what will you prove? Keep in mind that the purpose of this assignment is to support a claim, which means you must do more than merely inform the reader. You must take a stance on your topic and make/support claims that go beyond mere facts) and at least three supporting details (how will you prove your point?).

Format Requirements:

Remember to apply the concepts you’re learning in the course, including elements of grammar, punctuation, thesis development, and other skills. 

Header: Include a header in the upper left-hand corner of your writing assignment with the following information:

· Your first and last name 

· Course Title (Composition I) 

· Assignment name (Research Paper) 

· Current Date

Page Layout:

· At least four credible  sources used and documented in MLA style

· Last name and page number in upper-right corner of each page as a header

· Double-spacing throughout

· Title, centered after heading (Title should be more creative than “n.”) 

· Standard font (Times New Roman or Calibri)

· 1” margins on all sides

· Save the file as .docx or .doc format

Length: This assignment should be a minimum of 1250 words.

Underline your thesis statement in the introductory paragraph.

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Write down the order and the degree of the following differential equations.

Department of Mathematics and Philosophy of Engineering
MHZ3531 Engineering Mathematics IA
Assignment No: 2
Academic Year: 2020/2021 Due Date: Will be notify later
• Answer all the questions.
• Attach the cover page with your answer scripts.
• Use both sides of papers when you are answering the assignment.
• Please send the answer scripts of your assignment on or before the due date to the following address.
Course Coordinator – MHZ3531,
Dept. of Mathematics & Philosophy of Engineering,
Faculty of Engineering Technology,
The Open University of Sri Lanka,
P.O. Box 21,
MHZ3531-Engineering Mathematics IA
Assignment 2
Q1 (a) Write down the order and the degree of the following differential equations.
i) ???? ???? + (???? + sin ??) = 0 ii) ??2?? 3 ???? 4 3
iii) ??3?? 5 ??2?? iv) ??2?? 3

(b) Using the method of variable separation, solve the following differential equations
i) (???? + ??)???? = (??2??2 + ??2+??2 + 1)????
iv) ??????2?? ???? = ??????2?? ????
Q2 (a) Solve the following homogeneous differential equations.
i) ???? ???? ii)
iii) ???? iv)
b) Show that the following differential equations are exact and solve them.
ii) (?? + sin ??)???? + (?? cos ?? – 2??)???? = 0 iii) 2?? + ?? cos ????)???? + ?? cos ???? ???? = 0
(c) Using an integrating factor, solve the following differential equations.
i) (??2 + ??2 + ??)???? + ???? ???? = 0
?? = ??????, then show that ?? has two distinct real values. Further, if the values of ?? are ??1 and ??2, then show that ?? = ??1????1?? + ??2????2?? is the complete primitive of the given differential equation, where ??1 and ??2 are arbitrary constants.
?? = ??????, then show that ?? has two distinct imaginary values. Further, show that the complete primitive of the above differential can be expressed of the form
?? = ??????(??1 cos ???? + ??2 sin ????), where ??1 and ??2 are arbitrary constants.
Q4 (a) Let ??(??) = ??2 – 3. Show that the equation ??(??) = 0 has a root between 1 and 2.
i) By using the bisection method, find a solution for the above equation correct to nine decimal places.
ii) By applying Newton Raphson’s method, find a solution for above equation correct to nine decimal places taking ??0 = 1.5.
(b) Using Newton’s interpolation divided difference formula and the following table calculate an approximation value for ??(1.5).
???? -2 0 1 4 5
??(????) -8 0 1 64 125
(c) Using Lagrange’s interpolation formula and the following table, calculate an approximation value for ??(10).
???? 5 6 9 11
??(????) 12 13 14 16
where ?? interpolates ?? at these points.
Q5 (a) Write down Trapezoidal Rule and Simpson’s rule to approximate the finite
i) Using the Trapezoidal Rule with ?? = 6 subintervals, approximate the integral
ii) Using Simpson’s Rule with ?? = 4 subintervals, approximate the
integral ? ?? ?? ???? to 3 decimal places. Estimate the relative percent
error of the approximation.
(b) Using the Jacobi’s iteration method, find the sixth iteration of the solution of the following system of equations.
3?? + 10?? – ?? = -8
2?? – 3?? + 10?? = 15
10?? + ?? – 2?? = 7

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  • Enjoy Please Note-You have come to the most reliable academic writing site that will sort all assignments that that you could be having. We write essays, research papers, term papers, research proposals. Write down the order and the degree of the following differential equations.

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Explain the rationale and process of developing a marketing strategy

Contemporary Hotel Marketing
Assessment Market Research
Individual/Group Individual
Length 2,500 words (+/- 10%)
Learning Outcomes The Subject Learning Outcomes demonstrated by successful completion of the task below include:
a. Explain the rationale and process of developing a marketing strategy.
b. Analyse and evaluate market opportunities and trends.
c. Locate, appraise and interpret market and consumer intelligence.
e. Develop a set of criteria to continuously monitor marketingopportunities, to measure marketing success and to determine strategic adjustments in accordance with organisational objective.
f. Formulate a set of key performance indicators to measure thesuccess of a marketing plan and prioritise the marketing activities.
Submission Week 5 – Sunday at 11:55pm (AEST/AEDT/ACST/ACDT)
Weighting 30%
Total Marks 100 marks
Task Summary
You are working in a CBD 4- or 5-star hotel in the City of your campus.
Town Hall Sydney
Flinders Street Melbourne
Wakefield Adelaide
The long-term General Manager (GM) has retired and been replaced last minute, by a senior executive from your Tokyo sister property.
The assessment has been prescribed to develop the students’ ability to identify and evaluate factors that can affect marketing planning and business operations.
Please also note additional articles relevant to this Assessment will be posted under Assessments on Blackboard and in class discussions will assist students to develop the key information required for this submission.
The following should assist your understanding of Assessment requirements.
You have been assigned the task of preparing a Briefing Report for your new General Manager (GM) addressing the business’s macro environmental elements. These comprise 8 elements:
o Political & Legal o Economic
o Social & Cultural o Technology o Environmental o Competitive Analysis o Commercial Partners o Market & Consumer Trends.
What is a Briefing Report
A briefing paper outlines a particular topic (in this case, the macro environmental factors for your hotel). The purpose of your report is to brief your new GM, to bring the key issues to your GM’s attention and alerting him/her as to what they need to know about the environment in which your business operates. In this case the unique characteristics of operating in your City.
A persuasive an effective briefing paper is concise, well-organized and covers the most important and relevant facts.
Remember all reports are written for a purpose. So clearly state the purpose of your Report in the introduction. You have 8 elements to research and consider in preparing this report and you need to show you know where to go to determine this market intelligence, while being clear and succinct in your writing.
Macro environmental Factors to be addressed in this Briefing Report:
o Political & Legal – visas, taxes, government support for tourism.
o Economic – interest rates, CPI, exchange rates. o Social & Cultural – lifestyles, cultural diversity o Technology – new technologies affecting business marketing and operations.
o Environmental – Importance of sustainability initiatives in your city and your customers.
o Competitive Analysis – number of rooms in the CBD. Range of accommodation and new builds. o Commercial Partners – organisations or brands that you can work with in your marketing
Source: P.Rix, McGraw Hill endeavours.
o Market & Consumer Research -who is visiting your city?
where are the travellers coming from? What do arrival statistics look like?
Task Instructions
Please review the Suggested Report Format presented after the marking rubrics in this Assessment Brief. It will assist you to get started with this Assessment.
1. Your submission needs to be ‘business ready’ i.e. professional enough to hand to your GM.
2. Watch word count, be clear and succinct.
3. Consider the task from the perspective of what your GM need to know. This is normally a process of identifying the opportunities or threats to operations within your location.
4. You have been provided with a list of suggested subscriptions, weekly academic text and a range of articles you need to read, research and interpret the key information for your GM’s better understanding of the local business environment.
5. Use headings, subheadings and diagrams, infographics and charts to support your evidence/discussion. Cite sources and remember to interpret information you present.
6. Do not use dated information it needs to be current. You are doing an environmental analysis for this month and this year.
Submission Instructions
To be submitted on Blackboard under Assessment on Due date via the link provided.
Before Submitting.
o Please see marking rubrics and make sure you have not omitted any elements that will gain you marks.
o Please re read and check that sentence structure makes sense, that grammar is correct, word choices are accurate, and opinions expressed are supported by valid sources.
o Resources available to you include articles and chapters posted to or linked on Blackboard. o Tutorials/Workshops will include discussion of this Assessment in particular Weeks 2, 3 & 4 will be important in assisting you to develop your submission.
o Ask questions in class as this assists all students participating in CHM601 and use class messaging to clarify any issues or question you may have.
o Word Count: please observe word count limits as potential penalties apply for significantly exceeding limit.
o The assessment requires the student to read broadly and to be abreast of current issues using various sources of marketing intelligence. Undertake independent research.
o Students should read chapters from assigned text and search out additional academic text to explain the role of situation analysis in marketing planning.
o Give evidence of understanding the various sources of marketing information available to determine trends. Use the subscriptions and recommended reading sites.
o Suggested structure/format for this report is provided within this Assessment Brief.
o Report to be typed 1.5 spacing and formatted following the Assessment Structure using headings and subheadings – referencing the Style Guide and uploaded to Blackboard on time of the due date, in electronic form as a word-processed file.
o Number your pages.
o Students must refer, in text, to a minimum of 12 academic and professional articles, plus others as required, in order to show competency in the assessment. All referencing must be in accordance with APA 7th Edition Referencing and Academic Writing Guide.
o A school assessment cover sheet to be attached with your paper.
1. It is essential that you use appropriate APA style for citing and referencing research. Please see more information on referencing here in the Academic Writing Guide found via the Academic Skills website.
2. In preparing this report your referencing should be broader than just academic texts and should include: government and official sources such as Australian Bureau of Statistics, local councils, Tourism Australia, Research organisation reports, Consumer and trade media – print and electronic.
3. APA 7th Ed. Referencing Guide
4. Referencing Tool
Academic Integrity
By attempting this assessment, you agree to adhere to the full policies and procedures on Academic Integrity prior to, during and following this assessment.
Work presented for this Assessment can be applied to later Assessments for this subject without penalty. However:
• Do not simply cut and paste. Paraphrasing is necessary.
• Diagrams, graphs and visuals can be directly converted from external sources and applied and cited in your submission.
All students are responsible for ensuring that all work submitted is their own and is appropriately referenced and academically written according to the Academic Writing Guide. Students also need to have read and be aware of Torrens University Australia Academic Integrity Policy and Procedure and subsequent penalties for academic misconduct. These are viewable online.
Students also must keep a copy of all submitted material and any assessment drafts.
Learning Rubric
Assessment Criteria Fail
(Unacceptable) 0-49% Pass
50-64% Credit
(Proficient) 65-74% Distinction
75 -84% High Distinction
Quality of introduction and conclusion
Insufficient introduction & conclusion Satisfactory introduction & conclusion. Good introduction & conclusion Superior introduction & conclusion Excellent introduction & conclusion
Situation Analysis and application addresses
all elements required
Poor understanding of the role of situational analysis. Limited synthesis and analysis
Demonstrates limited awareness of context and/or purpose of the assignment
Demonstrates consistent awareness of context and/or purpose of the assignment. Demonstrates a capacity to explain and apply relevant concepts. Demonstrates an advanced and integrated understanding of context and/or purpose of the assignment. Demonstrates a capacity to explain and apply relevant concepts. Consistently demonstrates a systematic and critical understanding of context and purpose of the assignment.
Identified critical information and presented effective overview
30% Limited or no discussion of appropriate environmental factors and their impacts on the marketing process. Adequate discussion of appropriate environmental factors and their impacts on the marketing process. Good discussion of appropriate environmental factors and their impacts on the marketing process.
Superior discussion of appropriate environmental factors and their impacts on the marketing process. Excellent discussion of
appropriate environmental factors and their impacts on the marketing process.
Researched appropriate
sources of information
Limited evidence of reading and referencing to support report. Information presented unsubstantiated. Inconsistent use of good quality, credible and relevant resources to support. Satisfactory evidence of reading and referencing. Literature is presented uncritically. Demonstrates use of credible and relevant resources to support and develop report.
Good evidence of reading and referencing.
Supports personal opinion and information substantiated by evidence from the research/course materials. Superior evidence of reading and referencing. Discriminates between assertion of personal opinion and information substantiated by robust evidence from the research/course materials and extended reading.
Systematically discriminates information which is
substantiated by robust evidence from the research/course materials and extended reading. Information is taken from sources with a high level of interpretation to develop a comprehensive critical analysis.
Effective clear
Business Ready
Headings and sub headings
Spelling & word choices
Difficult to understand for audience, no logical/clear structure, poor flow of ideas, argument lacks supporting evidence. Audience cannot follow the line of reasoning. Poor structure and clarity of expression. Requires assistance. Information, arguments and evidence are presented in a way that is not always clear and logical. Line of reasoning is often difficult to follow. Satisfactory standard of writing, presentation and structure. Information and evidence are well presented, mostly clear flow of ideas. Line of reasoning is easy to follow. Good standard of writing, presentation and structure.
Information and evidence are very well presented; the presentation is logical, clear and well supported by evidence. Superior standard of writing presentation and structure.
Expertly presented; the
presentation is logical, persuasive, and well supported by evidence, demonstrating a clear flow of ideas. Excellent standard of writing, presentation & structure.
Remember all reports are written for a purpose. So clearly state the purpose of your Report in the introduction. You have 8 elements to research and consider in preparing this report and you need to show you know where to go to determine accurate and specific marketing intelligence. Format and content of this report should be as follows: o BMIHS Cover page o Introduction
o The introduction should state the purpose of your report (to brief management on the business environment for your hotel). You should foreshadow the elements you are about to cover in your report and state why a situation analysis is important to business and marketing planning.
o External Environment
o Environmental Scanning (situation analysis) is about maintaining a watching brief on factors that may be issues that lay outside of the organisations direct control however, you need to be aware of them and the potential impacts. The opportunities or threats to your business.
o Political & Legal visas, taxes, government support for tourism o Economic – interest rates, CPI, exchange rates o Social & Cultural – lifestyles, cultural diversity
o Technology- new technologies affecting business and marketing.
o Environmental – more attention is being paid to environmental issues-efficient use of resources, energy management or pollution control; can have a direct impact on the organisations bottom-line and its reputation.
o Competitive Analysis – How many rooms are available in your city, how many of a similar grading? Is there any direct or indirect competition e.g. AirBnb, what is average occupancy across the city? What is the present state of the hospitality industry in your city? Are there any new properties under construction?
o Commercial Partners – brands or organisations you could work with in your marketing efforts. suppliers and distributors of the business – things like additional government funding for say Tourism Australia or Destination NSW or Tourism Victoria may result in more funds for cooperative campaigns.
o Market & Consumer Research – market segmentation- what visitor segments are visiting your city– where are the travellers coming from? What do arrival statistics look like? What new products or experiences are emerging in the destination and what are the key market segments you are focusing on and what do you know about them.
o Conclusion- summary of key information presented in your report. o References

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On Healthy People 2030 what is a topic or objective that you see that is a current issue? A topic, or objective that has changed over time?

Minimum of 100 words each, with one reference each…

1) On Healthy People 2030 what is a topic or objective that you see that is a current issue? A topic, or objective that has changed over time?

2) Do you think dental care falls into health promotion? How about your own area, are there dental clinics?


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  • Enjoy Please Note-You have come to the most reliable academic writing site that will sort all assignments that that you could be having. We write essays, research papers, term papers, research proposals. On Healthy People 2030 what is a topic or objective that you see that is a current issue? A topic, or objective that has changed over time?

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Provide a comprehensive explanation of the role of leadership in the context of the global hotel sector.

 ASSESSMENT 1 BRIEFSubject Code and Title LGH602 Leadership for Global Hospitality
Assessment Individual Case Study Report
Individual/Group Individual
Length 1,500 words (+/- 10%)
Learning Outcomes This assessment addresses the following Subject Learning Outcomes:
a) Provide a comprehensive explanation of the role of leadership in the context of the global hotel sector.
c) Investigate and critically reflect on the emerging contemporary drivers in effective leadership, including adaptive leadership, ethics, sustainability, diversity, cultural and emotional intelligence in relation to students’ leadership.
Weighting 25%
Total Marks 100 marks
Task Summary
Develop a case study on the leadership demonstrated by a hospitality organisation in relation to one (1) of the following 4 global hospitality leadership situations:
1. Ethics (for example, commissions to online travel agents, overbooking, etc.);
2. Sustainability;
3. Employee relations (for example, salary, benefits, working environment, expatriate workers, etc.);
4. Cultural diversity.
You should first identify one of the four areas for discussion that are listed and then choose a hotel leader/brand or hospitality organisation which is focussing on that issue.
You can use your personal experiences of working in hotels or other hospitality sectors, or you can research a hotel leader/brand or other hospitality organisation online.
LGH602_Assessment_1_Brief_Case Study_Week Due 5
Your case study report should consider the following points, using this suggested format:
Torrens Assessment Cover Sheet
Table of Contents
Introduction – outlining what the topic of the report is and then briefly discuss what the reader will learn from reading the report. It usually does not include any referencing.
1. Context for the Case Study
1.1. Explain the area of discussion you have chosen (ethics, sustainability, employee relations, cultural diversity) – why is this an important area for global hospitality?
1.2. Identify and briefly discuss the hotel leader/brand or other hospitality organisation that has been a leader in this area.
1.3. Why are they a leader in this area – what specific initiatives have been developed and implemented in relation to the situation?
1.4. How have they been publicly recognised in relation to this situation? (for example, have they won awards, peer praise, industry recognition etc?)
2. Leadership Case Study
2.1. What leadership behaviours, attitudes and styles have been used/applied throughout the implementation of these initiatives? Did they demonstrate any adaptive or situational leadership in relation to this situation?
2.2. How were these initiatives shared and communicated?
2.3. Are there any ethical issues associated with implementation?
3. Critical Evaluation
A Critical evaluation of the leadership behaviours, attitudes and styles used – was this leadership effective? How would you evaluate the leader’s overall response?
Conclusion – summarising the key points that you made in the body of your report, including the main theory applied. Do not include new information or any references in a Conclusion. It is simply a summary of previous information.
Reference list – minimum of 6 academic and/or industry-related sources with separate listing for visuals/images.
Please refer to the Task Instructions for details on how to complete this task.
• Ensure your research is referenced effectively and correctly (see below).
• Write in the context of the global hospitality industry.
• Make sure that you understand the topic and focus on the topic – do not drift into irrelevant or unnecessary content. If you do not understand the topic, ask your Learning Facilitator.
• Follow a standard report format (see below).
• The submission will be assessed according to the quality and depth of thought, relevance and how effectively you have applied the subject material and theories to the case study, rather than testing how much you can remember and how theoretically correct it is. Refer to the marking criteria (see rubrics and the end of this document) before submitting, and conduct a self-evaluation.
• Stay within the maximum word count of 1,500 words +/- 10% (excluding the Table of Contents, Reference List and Appendices).
Task Instructions
Layout and Presentation
Layout and Presentation of your document is as important as your content. Your assessment is designed to demonstrate your understanding of a certain topic, so it is important to ensure that the layout does not compromise this.
The format is report not essay – and this forms part of your grading. Therefore, students are discouraged from writing lengthy verbose sentences displayed in long chunky paragraphs. Rather students are encouraged to follow the suggested Table of Contents and apply additional formatting mechanisms, (in addition to those outlined in the Torrens/BMIHMS Page Formatting Guide) which reduce wordiness and increase the readability of the content and that are consistent with report writing.
Blogs, unauthorised biographies, promotional material, and sensational content must be excluded from the case study report. Students must fully reference all sources of information with in-text citations and a Reference List. A minimum of six (6) academic or recognised industry references are required.
Torrens University Australia uses the APA 7th edition referencing style, and all referencing (both in-text referencing and the Reference List) will be graded according to the APA Academic Writing Guide which can be found on Blackboard. Please note: formal academic referencing will be strictly enforced at Torrens University Australia and Blue Mountains International Hotel Management School and any suspected breaches will be formally reported.
Submission Instructions
• To be submitted via Blackboard in as a word document – submissions sent by email directly to the Learning Facilitator will not be accepted for grading and returned to Student.
• Standard Torrens University Australia penalties will apply for late submissions, equivalent to 10% of the total assessment marks for each day the submission is late.
Academic Integrity
All students are responsible for ensuring that all work submitted is their own and is appropriately referenced and academically written according the Academic Writing Guide. Students also need to have read and be aware of Torrens University Australia Academic Integrity Policy and Procedure and subsequent penalties for academic misconduct. These are viewable online.
Students also must keep a copy of all submitted material and any assessment drafts.
Assessment Rubric
Criteria (100% total) The outcome shows: Fail = Unsatisfactory performance Pass = Just Satisfactory performance Credit = Good quality showing more than satisfactory performance Distinction = Superior quality demonstrating independent thinking High Distinction =
Outstanding quality showing creativity and
Communication and presentation
(20%) Communication is unstructured and unfocused both in written word and document layout. Some communication is effective. Acceptable standard of academic writing, some errors in writing and layout of document. Can communicate
Effectively – good standard of academic writing and well-crafted document layout. Can communicate in a superior manner. High standard of academic writing, no errors evident. High standard in document layout. Can communication high quality, engaging and effective manner, extremely well-crafted document layout.
Attention to purpose (30%) Fails to address the assessment task set. Some of the work is focused on the aims and themes of the assignment. Has addressed the main purpose of the assignment however not in a concise or coherently manner. Has addressed the purpose of the assignment coherently concisely and accurately. Has addressed the purpose of the assignment comprehensively and in a coherent, concise, and accurate manner.
Originality (10%) No real attempt at originality. Originality is marginal to the basic idea. Used imagination to produce an idea with elements of originality. By taking a variety of perspectives, presents an original idea, which has been evaluated. Uses creative and lateral thinking to develop and present original ideas.
Critical thinking and critical evaluation
(20%) Does not exercise critical thinking skills and/or does not apply critical evaluation methods. Aware of some critical thinking/critical evaluation techniques and uses them with limited success. A limited range of critical thinking/critical evaluation techniques applied with some success. A clear range of critical thinking/critical evaluation techniques applied with a good degree of success. A clear range of critical thinking/critical evaluation techniques applied with a high degree success.
LGH602_Assessment_1_Brief_Case Study_Week Due 5 Page 5 of 6
Links to course readings and
additional research
(20%) Incomplete research and links to any course readings. Limited additional research and documented
links to the course material. Good additional independent research evident and some documented links to the course material. Excellent research into the issues with clear links to class and related readings. Research of outstanding quality, clear links to a wide range of theoretical ideas and strategic.
The following Subject Learning Outcomes are addressed in this assessment
SLO a) Provide a comprehensive explanation of the role of leadership in the context of the global hotel sector.
SLO c) Develop and articulate leadership goals and strategies that will consolidate personal leadership capacity through reflection and involvement in industry simulations.
LGH602_Assessment_1_Brief_Case Study_Week Due 5 Page 6 of 6
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An organizational culture must be created where employees feel a personal commitment to contributing to the ethical behavior of their organization

An organizational culture must be created where employees feel a personal commitment to contributing to the ethical behavior of their organization. A firm’s reputation depends on its ethical culture. Both clients and employees must want to be involved with this organization because they trust its reputation. They believe in this organization. Supporting an ethics program that trains all employees to handle ethics issues is critical to maintaining the firm’s reputation. A code of conduct that outlines the firm’s core values, ethical standards, and ethical expectations helps guide those processes.

What particular “ingredients” should be included in an ethics program in order to attract clients and the best employees?

Part I: Craft your response as a “recipe” for an effective code of ethics and business conduct (e.g., two portions professional conduct, half a portion of fairness, one portion respect for others).

Part II: Explain why you chose those particular ingredients, and justify the measurements for each.

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State Health Improvement Program- Obesity and Tobacco Prevention Program

Clinical: State Health Improvement Program- Obesity and Tobacco Prevention Program Purpose: Students will be able to describe population health issues such as obesity and tobacco use. Students will identify strategies at the individual/family, community and systems level for a comprehensive community health plan.Directions: As part of your clinical experience you will explore the Statewide Health Improvement Program that focuses on policy, systems, and environmental changes as an evidenced-based approach to the population-based issues of obesity and tobacco use.1.) Explore the MN Department of Health Website about the State Health Improvement Partnership. Read the SHIP fact sheets and explore 2-3 science-based strategies. Minnesota Department of Health State Health Improvement Program 2.) Review examples in the MN State Health Improvement Partnership 2018- 2019 Report to the Legislature, beginning on page 29. Select one local community site participating in this program and identify an evidence-informed policy, program, or system’s change that is being used.  3.) Then submit 300-600 words with the following: 

  • Describe in a paragraph one of the strategies that you identified at the community level of practice. 
  • Then, describe a different strategy at the system’s level of practice, and explain in one paragraph why this strategy is a more effective way to impact population health than requiring change from every single individual in the community

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  • Timely believes in beating the deadlines that our customers have imposed because we understand how important it is.
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Case Assignment

For this Case Assignment we will be focusing on

  • The Employment at Will Doctrine
  • Progressive Discipline

After reviewing the background reading, prepare a paper in which you

  • Summarize the Employment at Will Doctrine and its exceptions (approximately ½ page), and answer the follow questions:
  • Which of the exceptions to the Employment at Will Doctrine are most relevant to current HR practice and why?
  • What is Progressive Discipline? Summarize the steps in Progressive Discipline and Progressive Discipline’s approach to employee discharge.
  • How do the concepts and practices of employment at will and progressive discipline interact?
  • How important are the employment at will doctrine and progressive discipline to realizing employee potential and maximizing organizational outcomes? Explain your answer.

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