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Reducing Sexual Harassment in the Workplace.

Write 2 pages with APA style on Reducing Sexual Harassment in the Workplace.

There are two sets of strategies that a sexual harassment victim in the workplace can use to reduce or prevent further sexual harassment. If the victim chooses to use informal strategies, he/she considers telling the perceived harassing person politely but assertively that their behavior is offensive because sometimes a person may be unaware of their offensive behavior unless someone points it out, following an internal process within the firm to report the behavior and considering mediation. Formal strategies include making a formal complaint to legal bodies or making a human right complaint or civil action (, 2014). Informal strategies that involve direct response are the simplest and the most effective.

The decision to employ informal strategies in solving sexual harassment conflict involves seven steps: 1). The victim identifies the purpose of the decision -to stop sexual harassment, 2). Gathering information on sexual harassment incidences, 3). Identification of alternatives to solve the problem­-informal and informal strategies, 4). Evaluation of the two strategies based on their potential to solve the problem, 5). Choosing the best alternative, 6). Taking action, for example, confronting the harasser or seeking mediation, 7). Reviewing the results whether the decision chosen (informal strategies) solves the sexual harassment problem.\

Inductive and deductive reasoning influence the decision-making process. Inductive reasoning involves making observations and then drawing conclusions from the observations. For instance, a person who feels he/she is sexually harassed makes a keen observation on the behavior of the perceived harasser and then draws a conclusion on whether the behavior is tantamount to sexual harassment. Deductive reasoning entails figuring out the conclusion followed by a determination of the validity of the conclusion. For example, a person can make a conclusion that he/she is sexually harassed, seek evidence and determine whether the evidence is logical to support the conclusion (Loeweinsten & Lerner, 2003).

Emotion and culture affect the decision-making process. People from different cultural backgrounds have different norms, values and expectations regarding sexual behavior and what amounts to sexual harassment. These differences influence their decision on the strategy to use in solving the sexual harassment problem. For example, a male who is sexually harassed by a woman colleague may not find it easy to report the harassment to a legal body or the employer because in his cultural background, reporting such a form of harassment would be met with disbelief. A male victim from such a culture may find informal strategies, particularly talking to the female harasser as the easiest option. Expected emotions refer to predictions about the emotional consequences of decision results



TO BE RE-WRITTEN FROM THE SCRATCH , Topic on Reducing Sexual Harassment in the Workplace.


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importance of maintaining academic and professional integrities, submitting your own work

write a detailed report on the importance of maintaining academic and professional integrities, submitting your own work, the necessity of understanding the rules of a course via the syllabus, and the importance of ethics for your future career. For preparing the report, you should refer to at least two documented cases of integrity violations in business practice. The report should be around ten (10) double-spaced pages long and should be entirely your own words.

Google businesses with ethical issues.





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What details did the patient provide regarding their chief complaint and symptomology to derive your differential diagnosis?

Develop a Focused SOAP Note, including differential diagnosis and critical-thinking process to formulate a primary diagnosis. Incorporate the following into the responses in the template:

· Subjective: What details did the patient provide regarding their chief complaint and symptomology to derive your differential diagnosis? What is the duration and severity of their symptoms? How are their symptoms impacting their functioning in life?

· Objective: What observations did you make during the psychiatric assessment?  

· Assessment: Discuss the patient’s mental status examination results. What were your differential diagnoses? Provide at least three possible diagnoses with supporting evidence, listed in order from highest priority to lowest priority. Compare the DSM-5 diagnostic criteria for each differential diagnosis and explain what DSM-5 criteria rules out the differential diagnosis to find an accurate diagnosis. Explain the critical-thinking process that led you to the primary diagnosis you selected. Include pertinent positives and pertinent negatives for the specific patient case.

· Plan: What is your plan for psychotherapy? What is your plan for treatment and management, including alternative therapies? Include pharmacologic and nonpharmacologic treatments, alternative therapies, and follow-up parameters, as well as a rationale for this treatment and management plan. Also incorporate one health promotion activity and one patient education strategy.

· Reflection notes: What would you do differently with this patient if you could conduct the session again? Discuss what your next intervention would be if you could follow up with this patient. Also include in your reflection a discussion related to legal/ethical considerations (think beyond confidentiality and consent for treatment!), health promotion, and disease prevention, taking into consideration patient factors (such as age, ethnic group, etc.), PMH, and other risk factors (e.g., socioeconomic, cultural background, etc.).

· Provide at least three evidence-based, peer-reviewed journal articles or evidenced-based guidelines that relate to this case to support your diagnostics and differential diagnoses. Be sure they are current (no more than 5 years old)





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List all occurrences of Adv. Pastels. Include all associated fields for each occurrence of the class

The following questions refer to the Art Course database. You can obtain a copy of this data in the Access database, located on Canvas the course Web site listed below under this assignment or you could simply download it by clicking the file name here Art_Course_Database.accdb  download).

The database contains data shown in Figure 1-10.

CUSTOMER (CustomerNumber, CustomerName, Phone)

COURSE (CourseNumber, Course, CourseDate, Fee)

ENROLLMENT (CustomerNumber, CourseNumber, AmountPaid)


CustomerNumber in ENROLLMENT must exist in CustomerNumber in CUSTOMER

CourseNumber in ENROLLMENT must exist in CourseNumber in COURSE

Write SQL queries to produce the following results. For submission, include your SQL queries (code) in a Word document. The returned results (screenshots) are optional. 

1) List all occurrences of Adv. Pastels. Include all associated fields for each occurrence of the class.

2) List the minimum, maximum, and average full fee amount paid in the ENROLLMENT table.

3) List the total amount paid by each enrolled customer.

4) List the customer full name in one column whose last name ends with letters ‘son’. Sort the results by customer last name in descending order.

5) List the CustomerNumber and the amount due for those customers who haven’t paid in full for their courses yet.

Concept Check Quiz #3″ style=”float: left;”>Previous Art_Course_Database” style=”float: right;”>Next





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GAF, Consumer Satisfaction, and Type of Clinical Agency (Public or Private)

GAF, Consumer Satisfaction, and Type of Clinical Agency (Public or Private) See attachments, 350- 500 words 

1.Identify the independent variable. Identify the dependent variable(s). AGENCY TYPE (PRIVATE OR PUBLIC). GAF and CONSUMER SATISFACTION

2.Are there any missing values for any of the variables? If there are, what do you recommenddoing to address this issue? OF COURSE! REPLACE MISSING VALUE WITH THE MEAN OF THE ENTIRE SERIES.

3.Were there any outliers in this data set? If outliers are present, what is your recommendation?YES! DELETE THE ENTRY BECAUSE THE VALUE WAS NOT VALID (EXCEEDED THE POSSIBLE VALUE). 

4.Check the independent and dependent variables for statistical assumptions violations. If there are violations, what do you recommend? THE GAF VIOLATED THE NORMALITY ASSUMPTION. ONCE THE OFFENDING VALUE IS DELETED, THE NORMALITY ASSUMPTION IS INTACT.

5.Write a sample Results section, discussing your data screening activity. 

  1. Conduct necessary analyses using SPSS so you can answer the questions listed in the exercise.
  2. Submit your responses to the exercise questions as a Word document.
  3. Submit the SPSS Output files showing the analyses you performed in SPSS to compute the answers for related questions





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Apply “feminist ethics” to the issue of HPV vaccines or Harvey Weinstein. What the resulting moral decision would be for someone using a feminist ethic in this case?

  • Summarize what you understand to be “feminist ethics” and contrast that with deontology, utilitarianism, or ethical subjectivism.  What are the similarities and differences? Do you feel this form of ethical decision-making is useful? Why or why not?
  • Apply “feminist ethics” to the issue of HPV vaccines or Harvey Weinstein. What the resulting moral decision would be for someone using a feminist ethic in this case?
  • Find a professional code of ethics in your current or preferred future profession. Summarize what is stated about “privacy” or “autonomy.” Apply your summary to the dilemma chosen in the second bullet point (HPV vaccines or Weinstein). Discuss the resulting outcome.

References to be used : 

  • Mackay, K. (2019). “Feminism and Feminist Ethics.” In G. Matthews (Ed.), Introduction to Philosophy: Ethics (pp. 65-75) (Website) (PDF )
  • Consider if HPV vaccinations should be be mandated for girls? See Charo, A.R. (2007). “Politics, Parents, and Prophylaxis — Mandating HPV Vaccination in the United States.” New England Journal of Medicine, 356 (1905-1908) (Website) (PDF )
  • Javitt, G., Berkowitz, D., & Gostin, L. (2008). “Assessing mandatory HPV vaccination: who should call the shots? (human papillomavirus) .” Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics, 36(2), 384–395. (PDF)
  • Clinton, B., Silverman, B., & Brendel, D. (2010). “Patient-targeted googling: the ethics of searching online for patient information .” Harvard Review of Psychiatry, 18(2), 103–112. (PDF)
  • Sheth, S. (2020). “Disgraced Hollywood mogul Harvey Weinstein has tested positive for the coronavirus, report says.” Business Insider (Website)








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  • Enjoy Please Note-You have come to the most reliable academic writing site that will sort all assignments that that you could be having. We write essays, research papers, term papers, research proposals. Apply “feminist ethics” to the issue of HPV vaccines or Harvey Weinstein. What the resulting moral decision would be for someone using a feminist ethic in this case?

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Select a theory from your worksheet.

Complete the attached Motivation Concepts Table worksheet. This table will serve as a convenient quick reference for the course.

Write a 700- to 1,050-word analysis paper addressing the following:

  • Select a theory from your worksheet.
  • Define motivation, and provide a brief analysis of ways in which employees express motivation.
  • Describe how this theory could be applied to two workplace situations you have experienced or witnessed.
  • Describe how theoretical models of motivation can affect personal satisfaction and productivity.

Format your paper according to APA guidelines.

Note: -Please double space the body of the text on all assignments. (Double spacing is not necessary in the table, however the paper should be double spaced).

Goals & Standards 

  • Define motivation
  • Analyze how motivation is expressed by employees.
  • Describe how motivation affects productivity in the workplace.
  • Apply the effects of motivational theory across workplace situations





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Relax Lines, Inc. is a luxury cruise line that has hired you as a job crafting consultant for two groups of their employees

JOB REDESIGN Case Assignment

In the background materials you had a chance to read about the traditional “top down” approach of job redesign as well as the newer “bottom up” approach of job crafting. Before starting on this assignment, make sure you have thoroughly reviewed the readings and understand the key job redesign and job-crafting strategies. Once you have finished reviewing the background materials, apply what you’ve learned to the specific scenarios and questions below. Make sure to cite at least one of the required readings for each answer and try to cite at least four of the readings in your answer. Your paper should be 4–5 pages in length:

  1. Relax Lines, Inc. is a luxury cruise line that has hired you as a job crafting consultant for two groups of their employees. The first group is the ship crew. The crew have responsibility for safety, navigation, and maintenance of the ship. The second group is the hospitality staff. The hospitality staff is tasked with making sure the passengers are enjoying themselves and are properly entertained with various events that this staff plans and prepares. Before arriving at the cruise line to do interviews and make recommendations, you first need to do some reading on what general approach you will use. As a first step, review Dik and Duffy (2012), where they discuss task crafting, relational crafting, and cognitive crafting. Which of these three types of job crafting do you think would be most appropriate for the ship crew, and which one do you think would be most appropriate for the hospitality staff? Also, read up on “job-crafting swap meets” in Wrzesniewski (2014). Do you think a swap meet would be appropriate for either ship crew members or hospitality staff? Any other strategy from Wrzesniewski (2014) that you think would be useful for either pilots or online marketers?
  2. The ABC Corporation has a team of telemarketers. The job description for the telemarketers is pretty basic: They call up potential customers who have visited his company’s web page and requested information about the product. Telemarketers’ performance evaluations depend mostly on their monthly sales as well as customer satisfaction surveys, and they receive monthly feedback reports. Their supervisor gives them some initial training, but these telemarketers have a lot of freedom to choose how and when to call customers. For example, they are free to customize their own sales pitch as long as they don’t mislead potential customers. Also, they are not required to fill out a time card or work at the office (they can work from home, if they want). As long as they are making enough monthly sales they are free to set their own schedules. While the telemarketing team is performing well, the company is concerned about high turnover among telemarketers and wants to do some job enrichment. Which of the five core job dimensions discussed in Bauer and Erdogan (2012) or page 9 of Griffin (2007) do you think should be revised the most during a job redesign intervention? Which ones do you think do not need to be revised? Explain your reasoning and cite some of the required readings in your answer.
  3. Suppose a sports injury clinic has three main practitioners. First, there is a general practitioner doctor who does the basic diagnosis of the injury and works with the patient to come up with an overall treatment program. This doctor also prescribes medicine as needed. Then there is a surgeon who specializes in sports injuries. This doctor only does surgery. Finally, there is a physical therapist who helps patients with exercise programs to help them recover. The owner of the clinic though becomes worried that these three practitioners are becoming bored and dissatisfied with their jobs and there is concern they might all leave unless their jobs change. However, given the high degree of training required for each of their specializations management is not sure how to go about making their jobs less monotonous and more rewarding. In general, would you recommend management undergoes a traditional job redesign approach or a job crafting approach? Which specific job redesign strategy or job crafting strategy would you recommend? For example, if you choose job redesign discuss whether you would recommend job rotation, enlargement, enrichment, etc. If you choose job crafting, refer to one of the specific strategies or interventions discussed in Wrzesniewski (2014) or Dik and Duffy (2012).
  4. Create a table with the definitions of the three main types of job redesign (job enlargement, job rotation, job enrichment) and the three main types of job crafting (task crafting, relational crafting, and cognitive crafting). Then write two paragraphs explaining which of the three types of job crafting are most similar to any of the three types of job redesign, and on what you think are the key differences between job crafting and job redesign based on the definitions in your table.

Assignment Expectations

  • Answer the assignment questions directly in 4 to 5 written pages.
  • Stay focused on the precise assignment questions; don’t go off on tangents or devote a lot of space to summarizing general background materials.
  • Make sure to use reliable and credible sources as your references





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Of the three main types of job redesign (job enlargement, job rotation, job enrichment), which one do you think would be the most effective in your current workplace?


As with the Case Assignment, make sure you have thoroughly reviewed the background readings and understand the key concepts of job redesign and job crafting. Then think about your own job and workplace and how these concepts apply to your own work life. Once you have finished reviewing the background readings and have carefully thought about how these concepts relate to your own job, write a 2- to 3-page paper answering the following questions:

  1. Of the three main types of job redesign (job enlargement, job rotation, job enrichment), which one do you think would be the most effective in your current workplace? Explain your reasoning, and cite Bauer and Erdogan (2012) or Griffin (2007) as part of your answer.
  2. Suppose your supervisor decides to use job enrichment to redesign your job. Of the five core job characteristics discussed in Bauer and Erdogan (2012) or page 9 of Griffin (2007), which one do you think should be changed as part of your job redesign?
  3. Which specific job crafting strategy or intervention do you think would be most effective at your organization or for your specific job? Refer to one of the specific strategies or interventions discussed in Wrzesniewski (2014) or Dik and Duffy (2012).

SLP Assignment Expectations

  • Answer the assignment questions directly in 2 to 3 written pages.
  • Stay focused on the precise assignment questions; don’t go off on tangents or devote a lot of space to summarizing general background materials.
  • Make sure to use reliable and credible sources as your references





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What are the main challenges Germany has faced during the reunification process?


Address the following questions in a three to five page paper:

  1. What are the main challenges Germany has faced during the reunification process? In particular, think in terms of problems that can be found in any attempt to unify a country or region. Be sure to discuss why these problems can be generalized.
  2. After reading a little bit on the history of Korea, do you think reunification is possible? Be sure to support your answer with the appropriate resources.
  3. Given the lessons you learned about German reunification in the last module, what are the most important issues facing efforts towards Korean peninsula reunification?

Refer closely to the material in the background information. Cite your sources carefully.

Assignment Expectations

The cases in POL 201 generally call for a detailed analysis of a particular situation. In addressing case questions, such an analysis requires some historical perspective and a balanced and thorough consideration of challenges facing efforts at unification or, at least, the peaceful resolution of disputes between peoples in the nation being studied. Be sure to do some research on your own and cite all references





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