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The primary objective of this project is to investigate the biogeography of an individual species including: natural history; evolution; distribution; conservation status; habitat preference; dispersal and/or movement pattern. Each student will be assigned one organism from the list of species in the Table below.

#Common name
Northern Flying Squirrel
White-tailed deer
American Marten
Olive-sided Flycatcher
Eastern Wood pewee
Ruffed Grouse
10Golden-crowned Kinglet
11Evening Grosbeak
12Canada Warbler
13Black-backed Woodpecker
14Hermit Thrush
15Brown Creeper
16Least Flycatcher
17Bicknell’s Thrush
18Varied Thrush
19White-winged Crossbill
20Black Ash
21Blue Felt Lichen
22Wrinkled shingle lichen
23Wood Turtle
24Red-backed Salamander
25Red-back Vole

The paper should be approximately 2500 words and contain the following information.

  1. Complete scientific name: Kingdom, Phylum, Division or Class, Order, Family, Genus and Species
  1. Evolution and Distribution:
  • Where did it originate?
  • How did it disperse? Dispersal route?
  • What factors affected its dispersal and subsequent distribution?
  • Who are its ancestors? (provide evolutionary tree if possible)
  • What was its past and what is its present distribution? (provide map of current distribution)
  • Is it an endemic species? Cosmopolitan?
  1. Natural History: including resource requirements, reproduction (e.g. number of offspring, rate), and habitat preference and requirements.
  1. Current status: threatened? Endangered? Etc…what are the current stresses on the population? What type of conservation methods (if any) are in place?

Students will be expected to integrate biogeographical theory and terminology learnt in class within their essay (e.g. island biogeography, type of distributions, type of dispersal routes, etc…). The paper should include a minimum of 10 references however only half of these may be from the web (excluding electronic journals), the majority should be from refereed sources. Use APA reference formatting. All maps should include proper cartographic elements including north arrow and scale bar





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What do sociologists mean when they say that race and gender are ‘socially constructed’?

You have several video clips and articles uploaded to this module. All documents should be uploaded in Microsoft Word or a compatible format. Respond thoughtfully to the following questions for this Module Response Paper on Race and Gender (Paper should be 950-1000 words, minimum):

1. (350-word minimum) What do sociologists mean when they say that race and gender are ‘socially constructed’? Why were these identity groups constructed? Make sure to include quotes or details that illustrate your understanding of Chapters 11 and 12, AND the following clips in your response: Race: The Power of an Illusion, (parts 1 AND 2) Race: Supreme Court Cases, The Story of Race, Anne Fausto-Sterling on Gender (parts 1 AND 2) and TED Talk: Beyond the Gender Binary. You may also use your own credible sources.

2. (350-word minimum) What does it mean to have privilege in a racial context (i.e. “white privilege”)? Describe CNN’s unveiling of ‘ white bias’ and ‘internalized racism’ (this term is not mentioned explicitly in the video) among children, as depicted in “ The Doll Test”. What are the implications of this? 3) What is institutional racism and what are its effects on nonwhite populations in this country in the areas of criminal justice and (choose ONE other institutional area) education, health care, housing, or employment? Important: Include details and quotes that show your understanding of Chapter 11 in Newman AND the following: “Tim Wise: Institutional Racism,” and the TED Talk by Baratunde Thurston. You may also use other examples from your own life, the news, or other trusted media sources.

3. (350-word minimum) What does it mean that ‘gender violence is a men’s issue’? What role do men play in the formation (and potential dismantling) of harmful gender stereotypes that lead to sexism and the subordination, objectification, and devaluation of women? What is sexism? Include details and examples that demonstrate your understanding of sexism and violence against women from Chapter 12 in Newman as well as a detailed response to the following video clips: “A Call to Men,” and “Gender Violence is a Men’s Issue.”

P.S: Look the screenshot on the bottom




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What do sociologists mean when they say that race and gender are ‘socially constructed’?

You have several video clips and articles uploaded to this module. All documents should be uploaded in Microsoft Word or a compatible format. Respond thoughtfully to the following questions for this Module Response Paper on Race and Gender (Paper should be 950-1000 words, minimum):

1. (350-word minimum) What do sociologists mean when they say that race and gender are ‘socially constructed’? Why were these identity groups constructed? Make sure to include quotes or details that illustrate your understanding of Chapters 11 and 12, AND the following clips in your response: Race: The Power of an Illusion, (parts 1 AND 2) Race: Supreme Court Cases, The Story of Race, Anne Fausto-Sterling on Gender (parts 1 AND 2) and TED Talk: Beyond the Gender Binary. You may also use your own credible sources.

2. (350-word minimum) What does it mean to have privilege in a racial context (i.e. “white privilege”)? Describe CNN’s unveiling of ‘ white bias’ and ‘internalized racism’ (this term is not mentioned explicitly in the video) among children, as depicted in “ The Doll Test”. What are the implications of this? 3) What is institutional racism and what are its effects on nonwhite populations in this country in the areas of criminal justice and (choose ONE other institutional area) education, health care, housing, or employment? Important: Include details and quotes that show your understanding of Chapter 11 in Newman AND the following: “Tim Wise: Institutional Racism,” and the TED Talk by Baratunde Thurston. You may also use other examples from your own life, the news, or other trusted media sources.

3. (350-word minimum) What does it mean that ‘gender violence is a men’s issue’? What role do men play in the formation (and potential dismantling) of harmful gender stereotypes that lead to sexism and the subordination, objectification, and devaluation of women? What is sexism? Include details and examples that demonstrate your understanding of sexism and violence against women from Chapter 12 in Newman as well as a detailed response to the following video clips: “A Call to Men,” and “Gender Violence is a Men’s Issue.”

P.S: Look the screenshot on the bottom




CLICK HERE TO ORDER THIS PAPER AT on What do sociologists mean when they say that race and gender are ‘socially constructed’?

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develop a business plan for a quality improvement project

Business Plan Assignment

Guidelineswith Scoring Rubric


The purpose of this assignment is to develop a business plan for a quality improvement project, program, or service related to an area of student interest within the selected healthcare organization.

Due Date: Sunday 11:59 p.m. MT at the end of Week 7

Total Points Possible:  200

I.                  Requirements:

  1. Address all components of the business plan as outlined in Preparing the Paper.
  2. You will be required to submit this completed document with your assignment.
  • This paper will be graded on quality and completeness of information, accuracy of any required calculations, use of citations, use of standard English grammar, sentence structure, and organization based on the required components.
  • Create this assignment using Microsoft Word, which is the required format for all Chamberlain documents. You can tell that the document is saved as an MS Word document because it will end in .docx.

II.               Preparing the paper

A business plan is a detailed plan for a proposed program, project, or service.

The following outline should be used with level I and II headings as required.A template for the cover letter is provided below. Remember, there is no heading used for the introduction section.

Cover Letter

Your name

Your address


Name of receiver

Address of receiver

Dear Mr/Ms/Dr. name

In the business letter one paragraph would be an overview the issue, its impact, and solution. Give enough information so they know what you are doing. Do not need references in letter.

Another paragraph would engage the reader to take action such as leaving your phone number and letting the person know that if they have questions to please each out to you.

Or thanking them for reading and tell them you look forward to hearing from them.


Your name

  • Present a captivating executive summary that is interesting and captures the interest of leadership and draws them in to read further. Content includes (1) a description of the proposed project, program, or service, (2) why it is being proposed, and (3) what outcomes are most likely to occur as a result.
  • Detailed Abstract expands the executive summary. Use detailed outline above to ensure adequate inclusion of all elements.
  • Appendices should include any financial tables, charts, or graphs, or other supporting documents referred to in the detailed abstract. The business plan worksheet should be included in the appendices.
  • Conclusionfor the paper includes an overview of what was covered in the paper, strengths and weaknesses of the plan, and plan for seeking proposal approval.
  • After submitting your assignment, please upload your completed executive summary into the Week 8 designatedDiscussion to share with your peers.
  • Assignment Status: Solved By Our Experts.
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Introduction20Purpose of assignment; purpose of business plan; PICOT clearly stated; what will be included in the paper
Proposal40Cover letter in business letter format engages reader with brief overview of issue and solution and engages reader to take action. Executive summary describes project, its purpose, outcomes, marketing, and financial summary.
Detailed Abstract75Expand description of project purpose, issue/problem defined; supportive evidence for project;expected outcomes and timeline; marketing/needs analyses and plans; fit with mission of organization; fit with current services; financial plan including budgetary needs;  financial impact on stakeholders; break-even analysis and cost/benefit analysis results
Appendices15Business plan worksheet; budget; break-even analysis; other charts, tables, referred to in plan
Conclusion25Concluding statements that include what was covered in the assignment; strengths and weaknesses of the plan; and strategies for seeking approval
Paper formatting requirements15Text, title page, headings, and references are consistent with APA format;heading labels consistent with paper requirements;Ideas and information from other sources are cited correctly; page length within seven-page limit
Writing conventions10Rules of grammar, word usage, spelling, and punctuation are followed
Total 200A quality assignment will meet or exceed all of the above requirements.

Grading Rubric

Assignment CriteriaExceptional Outstanding or highest level of performance (100%)Above Average Very good or high level of performance (88%)Average Minimum level of performance (80%)Below Average Needs improvement   (50%)    Failing Poor performance     (0%)  
Content Possible Points = 200 Points     
Introduction  20 Points18 Points16 Points10 Points0
All components of introduction are clearly and specifically articulated.   Purpose of assignmentPurpose of business planPICOT clearly statedWhat will be included in the paperThree of four components of   introduction are clearly and specifically articulated.   Purpose of assignmentPurpose of business planPICOT clearly statedWhat will be included in the paperTwo of four components of introduction are clearly and specifically articulated.   Purpose of assignmentPurpose of business planPICOT clearly statedWhat will be included in the paper  Only one component of introduction is clearly and specifically articulated.     Purpose of assignmentPurpose of business planPICOT clearly statedWhat will be included in the paperNo component specifically addressed, or section is missing   Purpose of assignmentPurpose of business planPICOTclearly statedWhatwill be included in the paper
Proposal Cover Letter and Executive Summary          15 Points13 Points12 Points8 Points0 Points
Cover Letter:   All components of cover letter are clearly and accurately presented.   Cover letter in business letter formatBrief overview of issue and solutionEngages reader to actCover Letter:   Two of three components of cover letter are clearly and accurately presented.   Cover letter in business letter formatBrief overview of issue and solutionEngages reader to act  Cover Letter:   One of three components of cover letter are clearly and accurately presented.   Cover letter in business letter formatBrief overview of issue and solutionEngages reader to act  Cover Letter: All components of cover letter are generally presented Cover letter in business letter formatBrief overview of issue and solutionEngages reader to act  Cover Letter: No components of cover letter are present Cover letter in business letter formatBrief overview of issue and solutionEngages reader to act  
25 Points22Points20 Points12 Points0 Points
Executive Summary:   All components of executive summary are clearly and accurately presented. Executive summary engages reader’s interest in project.Provides summary of projectpurposeoutcomesmarketing and financial summaries.Executive Summary:   Three of four components of executive summary are clearly and accurately presented. Executive summary engages reader’s interest in project.Provides summary of projectpurposeoutcomesmarketing and financial summaries.Executive Summary:   Two of four components of executive summary are clearly and accurately presented. Executive summary engages reader’s interest in project.Provides summary of projectpurposeoutcomesmarketing and financial summaries.Executive Summary:   Only one component of executive summary is clearly and accurately presented Executive summary engages reader’s interest in project.Provides summary of projectpurposeoutcomesmarketing and financial summaries.Executive Summary:   All components are generally addressed, or section is missing Executive summary engages reader’s interest in project.Provides summary of projectpurposeoutcomesmarketing andfinancial summaries.
Detailed Abstract Full description of project proposal75 Points66 Points60 Points38 Points0 Points
All components are clearly and completely articulated. Expand description of project purposeIssue/problem definedSupportive evidence for projectExpected outcomes from project and timelineMarketing/needs analyses and plans includedFit with mission of organizationFit with current servicesFinancial plan including budgetary needsFinancial impact on stakeholdersBreak-even and Cost/benefit analysis results8 to 9 components are clearly and completely articulated. Expand description of project purposeIssue/problem definedSupportive evidence for projectExpected outcomes from project and timelineMarketing/needs analyses and plans includedFit with mission of organizationFit with current servicesFinancial plan including budgetary needsFinancial impact on stakeholdersBreak-even and Cost/benefit analysis results6 to 7 components are clearly and completely articulated. Expand description of project purposeIssue/problem definedSupportive evidence for projectExpected outcomes from project and timelineMarketing/needs analyses and plans includedFit with mission of organizationFit with current servicesFinancial plan including budgetary needsFinancial impact on stakeholdersBreak-even and Cost/benefit analysis results5 or less components are clearly and completely articulated. Expand description of project purposeIssue/problem definedSupportive evidence for projectExpected outcomes from project and timelineMarketing/needs analyses and plans includedFit with mission of organizationFit with current servicesFinancial plan including budgetary needsFinancial impact on stakeholdersBreak-even and Cost/benefit analysis results  All components are generally addressed, or section is missing Expand description of project purposeIssue/problem definedSupportive evidence for projectExpected outcomes from project and timelineMarketing/needs analyses and plans includedFit with mission of organizationFit with current servicesFinancial plan including budgetary needsFinancial impact on stakeholdersBreak-even and Cost/benefit analysis results  
Appendices15 Points13 Points12 Points8 Points0 Points
All required supporting documents are included and accurately presented. Required: Business plan worksheetBudgetBreak-even analysisOther charts, tables, referred to in planThree of four required supporting documents are included and accurately presented. Business plan worksheetBudgetBreak-even analysisOther charts, tables, referred to in planTwo of fourrequired supporting documents are present and accurately presented. Business plan worksheetBudgetBreak-even analysisOther charts, tables, referred to in planOnly oneof four required supporting documents is present and accurately presented. Business plan worksheetBudgetBreak-even analysisOther charts, tables, referred to in planNo supporting documents are presented, or section is missing Business plan worksheetBudgetBreak-even analysis Other charts, tables, referred to in plan
Conclusion25 Points22 Points20 Points12 Points0 Points
All required components for conclusion are clearly and accurately presented. Concluding statements that include what was covered in the assignmentTwo strengths and two weaknesses of the plan are describedStrategy for obtaining project approvalTwo of three required components for conclusion are clearly and accurately presented. Concluding statements that include what was covered in the assignmentTwo strengths and two weaknesses of the plan are describedStrategy for obtaining project approvalOne of three required components for conclusion are clearly and accurately presented. Concluding statements that include what was covered in the assignmentTwo strengths and two weaknesses of the plan are describedStrategy for obtaining project approvalAll required components for conclusion are generally addressed. Concluding statements that include what was covered in the assignmentTwo strengths and two weaknesses of the plan are describedStrategy for obtaining project approvalNo required components are addressed, or section is missing Concluding statements that include what was covered in the assignmentTwo strengths and two weaknesses of the plan are described Strategy for obtaining project approval
Paper Format15 Points13 Points12 Points8Points0 Points
All formatting elements are present with two or less errors.   1. Text, title page, headings, and references 2. Headings label follow required outline 3. All ideas and information from other sources are cited correctly 4. Page length within seven-page limitFormatting elements are mostly correct with three errors.   1. Text, title page, headings, and references 2. Headings label follow required outline 3.All ideas and information from other sources are cited correctly 4. Page length within seven-page limitFormatting elements are mostly correct with four errors.   1. Text, title page, headings, and references 2. Headings label follow required outline 3.All ideas and information from other sources are cited correctly 4. Page length within seven-page limitAll formatting elements are present with five errors   1. Text, title page, headings, and references 2. Headings label follow required outline 3.All ideas and information from other sources are cited correctly 4. Page length within seven-page limitAll formatting elements are present with six or more errors   1. Text, title page, headings, and references 2. Headings label follow required outline 3.All ideas and information from other sources are cited correctly 4. Page length within seven-page limit
Writing Conventions10 Points9 Points8 Points5 Points0 points
Rules of grammar, word usage, spelling, and punctuation are followed and contain two or fewer errors.Rules of grammar, word usage, spelling, and punctuation are followed and contains three errors.Rules of grammar, word usage, spelling, and punctuation are followed and contain four errors.Rules of grammar, word usage, spelling, and punctuation are followed and contain five errors.Rules of grammar, word usage, spelling, and punctuation are followed and contain six or more errors.
Total Points  _____/200 points
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The Case of the Irresistible Resistor

Assignment 1: The Irresistible Resistor

Refer to the Unit 4 Case Study, “The Case of the Irresistible Resistor.”

( )

One of the key decisions an instructional leader has to make, when considering a change presented, is how to move forward when considering implementation. Resistance to change can be found in every setting, from a variety of team members and planning for it is key to moving forward if the change is good for students.

Looking back at research you have read, information and the key principles of resistance presented in the class readings, how leadership theorists would deal with resistance to change and your own experiences as you review the Case Study.

Address these questions as you complete your assignment:

How will you proceed in taking charge and implementing your plan?
On whom will you rely on?
How will you work with both the positive and negative resistance that you might receive?
What methods can you use to convert resistance into agents of change?
If you are experiencing resistance to the proposed change, how will you help to turn the conversation to a better way to approach the issue?
If you are proposing change, and you encounter resistance, how can you react to make sure that the best course is taking, and not just your plan?
As you plan activities to have the team together, what process and/or procedures will you use to build a team that moves towards a collaborative decision-making process?

Assignment Status: Solved By Our Experts.


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Checklist for Facilitating Meetings and Professional Development as a guide when planning your Opening

Instructional Leadership 

This template will be used to complete Unit 4 Assignment. It is important for you to read the directions for the Assignment carefully.


Unit 4 Meetings that Work

Directions for Unit 4 Assignment: 

Your school principal has come to you and shared that parental involvement is at an all-time low and is asking you to lead a committee in working to address the problem as well as propose two specific ideas to increase involvement. He is asking that you increase parental involvement from the current 10% of parents involved to 25% of the school’s parents becoming involved.

Use Exhibit 11.1: Checklist for Facilitating Meetings and Professional Development as a guide when planning your Opening, Pacing and Tone, Collaboration, Leaning, Shifting Energies and Closing. (From the Art of Coaching Teams Textbook).

Using the template, create two agendas that include:

  • Time
  • Activity/topics
  • Purpose of the activity/topics
  • Decision making process used during the portion of the meeting if necessary.

Unit 4 Assignment Requirements:

  • Complete two agendas for sequential meetings over a 4 week period of time using the template provided below
  • APA citations and references

Unit 4 Assignment Template

Intended Outcomes for Meetings 1 and 2:

  1. List your outcome #1 here
  2. List your outcome #2 here

Team Norms for Meetings 1 and 2:

  1. Norm 1 – List up to five norms you believe are necessary during your planning meetings
  2. Norm 2
  3. Norm 3
  4. Norm 4
  5. Norm 5

Agenda #1:

TimeActivity or TopicPurposeDecision Making Process
List the amount of time to be allocated to this section of the meeting Time: DD:MM:SSSection 1: Opening   What Team building activity(s) will you begin with? How will you share the outcomes?  Information SharingCommunity BuildingLearningPlanningProblem Solving   Identify the purpose of the section. What would you be hoping to accomplish?In this section of the template and meeting, are there necessary decision-making strategies that need to be used?
Time: DD:MM:SSSection 2: Data Analysis   What data would need to be brought to the meeting? Who would gather the data and where would they gather it? Who would present the data? What process would you use to analyze the data?Information SharingCommunity BuildingLearningPlanningProblem Solving     Identify the purpose of the section. What would you be hoping to accomplish?Decision making strategy?
Time: DD:MM:SSSection 3: Professional Development Planning   What NORMS for decision-making would be necessary? Who will design and facilitate sections of the planning? What configuration of large and small group conversations would be utilized?Information SharingCommunity BuildingLearningPlanningProblem Solving   Identify the purpose of the section. What would you be hoping to accomplish?Decision making strategy?
Time: DD:MM:SSSection 4: Closing What reflection will occur? What are the next steps after the meeting? Who and how will you provide feedback? Who and how will you report back to the school community?  Information SharingCommunity BuildingLearningPlanningProblem SolvingDecision making strategy?

 Agenda #2:

TimeActivity or TopicPurposeDecision Making Process
List the amount of time to be allocated to this section of the meeting Time: DD:MM:SSSection 1: Opening   What Team building activity(s) will you begin with? How will you share the outcomes?  Information SharingCommunity BuildingLearningPlanningProblem Solving   Identify the purpose of the section. What would you be hoping to accomplish?In this section of the template and meeting, are there necessary decision-making strategies that need to be used?
Time: DD:MM:SSSection 2: Data Analysis   What data would need to be brought to the meeting? Who would gather the data and where would they gather it? Who would present the data? What process would you use to analyze the data?Information SharingCommunity BuildingLearningPlanningProblem Solving     Identify the purpose of the section. What would you be hoping to accomplish?Decision making strategy?
Time: DD:MM:SSSection 3: Professional Development Planning   What NORMS for decision-making would be necessary? Who will design and facilitate sections of the planning? What configuration of large and small group conversations would be utilized?Information SharingCommunity BuildingLearningPlanningProblem Solving   Identify the purpose of the section. What would you be hoping to accomplish?Decision making strategy?
Time: DD:MM:SSSection 4: Closing What reflection will occur? What are the next steps after the meeting? Who and how will you provide feedback? Who and how will you report back to the school community?  Information SharingCommunity BuildingLearning PlanningProblem SolvingDecision making strategy?


Checklist for Facilitating Meetings and Professional Development as a guide when planning your Opening

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Motivation and Need for Becoming an Instructional Leader

Assignment: Motivation and Need for Becoming an Instructional Leader

Review the article on 7 Qualities That Promote Teacher Leadership in Schools by Katrina Schwartz.


After reading the article and reviewing the seven qualities, complete the following in a document for this assignment:

1.Examine each of the seven areas. Which area do you have the least amount of skills, qualities, or motivation.

2.What are three to five steps you could take in order to increase your skills, qualities, or motivation and professional capacity to lead?

3.Describe how your plan for growth supports increased skill in the creation of a climate and culture within a school setting.

Answer the questions in fully developed 4–5 paragraphs for each question

Assignment Status: Solved By Our Experts.


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sensitivity in conducting health assessments

You will consider the impact of functional assessments, diversity, and sensitivity in conducting health assessments. You also explore various assessment tools and diagnostic tests that are used to gather information about patients’ conditions and examine the validity and reliability of these tests and tools. Finally, you examine assessment techniques, health risks and concerns, and recommendations for care related to patient growth, weight, and nutrition.


Post an explanation of the specific socioeconomic, spiritual, lifestyle, and other cultural factors associated with the patient you were assigned. Explain the issues that you would need to be sensitive to when interacting with the patient, and why.

Provide at least five targeted questions you would ask the patient to build his or her health history and to assess his or her health risks. Questions are based on socioeconomic, spiritual, lifestyle, and other cultural factors.


Mono Nu, a 44 year-old Filipino patient comes to the clinic today to have his “blood thinner” labs drawn since he started them two weeks ago. Upon assessing the labs the nurse practitioner notes that he is still out of range. When assessing the patients’ compliance both stated that he had been taking them just as prescribed. He has been doing well and eating a diet rich in fish and tofu. He doesn’t understand why his medications are not working.

Writers Solution

According to the video clip from the Economist, why is the deep sea “the final frontier on planet Earth”?

using the attachments and the video link about to answer the questions below. 400 Words 

  1. According to the video clip from the Economist, why is the deep sea “the final frontier on planet Earth”? What are the needs and/or the advantages of seabed mining?
  2. Childs shows us how Nautilus Minerals have legitimized seabed mining in Papua New Guinea despite rising social and ecological concerns. Dover also argues that we need to tighten regulations on deep-sea mining. Synthesizing these readings, what do you think are the disadvantages/negative effects of seabed mining?
  3. Comparing the pros and cons of seabed mining, what is your own view on seabed mining? Do we need it? If so, when and how? If not, why?
  4. © IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources) – 28 rue Mauverney, CH-1196 Gland, Switzerland – Tel.: +41 22 999 0000 – Fax: +41 22 999 0002
  5. JULY 2018 DEEP-SEA MINING • Deep-sea mining is the process of retrieving mineral deposits from the deep sea – the area of the ocean
  6. below 200 m. Depleting terrestrial deposits and rising demand for metals are stimulating interest in the deep sea, with commercial mining imminent. The scraping of the sea floor and pollution from mining processes can wipe out entire species – many yet to be discovered. Environmental impact assessments, effective regulation and mitigation strategies are needed to limit the impacts of deep-sea mining. Comprehensive baseline studies are needed to improve our understanding of the deep sea.
  7. What is the issue? Deep-sea mining is the process of retrieving mineral deposits from the deep sea – the area of the ocean below 200 m which covers about 65% of the Earth’s surface.
  8. There is growing interest in the mineral deposits of the deep sea. This is largely due to depleting terrestrial deposits for metals such as copper, nickel, aluminium, manganese, zinc, lithium and cobalt, coupled with rising demand for these metals to produce high-tech applications such as smartphones and green technologies such as wind turbines, solar panels and electric storage batteries.
  9. Deep-sea mining activities within the Exclusive Economic Zones of countries and in areas beyond national jurisdiction © IUCN
  10. So far, the focus has been on exploring the deep sea – assessing the size and extent of mineral deposits. By May 2018, the International Seabed Authority (ISA) – which regulates activities in areas beyond national jurisdiction – had issued 29 contracts for the exploration of deep-sea mineral deposits. More than 1.5 million km2 of international seabed – roughly the size of Mongolia – have been set aside for mineral exploration in the Pacific and Indian oceans, and along the Mid-Atlantic Ridge.
  11. But exploration may soon give way to exploitation. Commercial mining in national waters of Papua New Guinea is predicted to begin by 2020. Mining in international waters is expected to commence in 2025.
  12. Why is this important? The seafloor contains an extensive array of geological features. These include abyssal plains 3,500–6,500 m below the sea surface, volcanic underwater mountains known as seamounts, hydrothermal vents with bursting water heated by volcanic activity, and deep trenches such as the Mariana Trench, which at almost 11,000 m is the greatest depth registered in the ocean. These remote areas support species that are uniquely adapted to harsh conditions such as lack of sunlight and high pressure. Many of these species are unknown to science.
  13. As the deep sea remains understudied and poorly understood, there are many gaps in our understanding of its biodiversity and ecosystems. This makes it difficult to thoroughly assess the potential impacts of deep-sea mining and to put in place adequate safeguards to protect the marine environment.
  14. Based on current knowledge of the deep sea, the following impacts of mining activities could affect its biodiversity and ecosystems:
  15. Disturbance of the seafloor The scraping of the ocean floor by machines can alter or destroy deep-sea habitats, leading to the loss of species and fragmentation or loss of ecosystem structure and function. Many species living in the deep sea are endemic – meaning they do not occur anywhere else on the planet – and physical disturbances in just one mining site can possibly wipe out an entire species. This is one of the biggest potential impacts from deep-sea mining.
  16. Sediment plumes Some forms of deep-sea mining will stir up fine sediments on the seafloor consisting of
  17. IUCN website IUCN issues briefs: Twitter: @IUCN
  19. JULY 2018
  20. © IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources) – 28 rue Mauverney, CH-1196 Gland, Switzerland – Tel.: +41 22 999 0000 – Fax: +41 22 999 0002
  22. silt, clay and the remains of microorganisms, creating plumes of suspended particles. It is unclear how far these particles may disperse beyond the mining area, how long it would take for the to resettle on the seafloor, and to what extent they may affect ecosystems and species, for instance by smothering animals or harming filter-feeding species that depend on clear, clean water to feed, such as krill and whale sharks.
  23. m
  24. Pollution Species such as whales, tuna and sharks could be affected by noise, vibrations and light pollution caused by mining equipment and surface vessels, as well as potential leaks and spills of fuel and toxic products.
  25. Potential impacts from deep-sea mining © IUCN, adapted from Secretariat of the Pacific Community (2013).
  26. What can be done? A better understanding of the deep sea is necessary to guide mitigation strategies and proper enforcement of regulations in order to limit the environmental impacts of mining activities.
  27. Baseline studies Comprehensive baseline studies are needed to understand what species live in the deep sea, how they live, and how they could be affected by mining activities. More funds are needed for training and educational programmes focused on improving our understanding of the deep sea.
  28. Environmental impact assessments High-quality environmental assessments are needed to assess the full range, extent and duration of environmental damage from deep-sea mining operations. These assessments are also needed to ensure that the loss of biodiversity as a result of mining operations is properly accounted for in mining regulations set by
  29. authorities, well before any decision to mine is approved. The costs to the marine environment should be included in the financial and economic assessments conducted by mining companies.
  30. Mitigation Current technologies may not be sufficient to avoid serious and lasting harm to the environment, including the loss of biodiversity. Mining operations strategies will need to prioritise the avoidance of environmental impacts. This needs to include establishing protected area networks to keep large parts of the seabed undisturbed as well as stringent and precautionary controls on the permissible extent and duration of mining operations. Minimising impacts should involve, among other things, improving mining equipment to reduce seafloor disturbance. Remedying environmental impacts has not yet been shown to be effective in practice.
  31. Enhanced regulation The ISA is operating with the dual mandate of promoting the development of deep-sea minerals whilst ensuring that this development is not harmful to the environment. This challenging and conflicting mandate will require improved oversight by the international community – including government representatives and the general public – to ensure that marine life is adequately protected.
  32. To avoid possible conflicts of interest due to the dual mandate of ISA, the organisation should consider divesting itself of some of its responsibilities, and placing them on independent entities.
  33. Circular economy The repair, recycling and reuse of products should be encouraged to help reduce the demand for raw materials from the deep sea. Enhancing product design to make use of less or alternative materials can also reduce the demand.
  34. Cuyvers, L. et al. (2018). Deep seabed mining: a rising environmental challenge. Gland, Switzerland: IUCN and Gallifrey Foundation.
  35. Where can I get more information?
  36. MIDAS – Managing Impacts of Deep-seA reSource exploitation
  37. IUCN website IUCN issues briefs: Twitter: @IUCN
  41. What is the issue?
  42. Why is this important?
  43. What can be done?
Writers Solution

Theoretical Topic: Value of the Study

Assignment Details:

Theoretical Topic: Value of the Study

Complete the following steps:

  1. Using the Doctoral Library, locate 4 peer-reviewed (journal-length) sources that report empirical studies associated with your selected theoretical topic.
  2. Download the articles.
  3. Prepare descriptions for each that indicate the value of the study in understanding your own dissertation research ideas.

In 4–6 pages, address the following:

  • Title indicating the selected theoretical topic
  • Complete reference of each source in APA format
  • Study author’s abstract (copy and paste directly from the source into your paper)
  • Your description regarding the value of this empirical study for your own dissertation research process

Please submit your assignment.

For assistance with your assignment, please use your text, Web resources, and all course materials.

Individual Project Rubric

The Individual Project (IP) Grading Rubric is a scoring tool that represents the performance expectations for the IP. This Individual Project Grading Rubric is divided into components that provide a clear description of what should be included within each component of the IP. It’s the roadmap that can help you in the development of your IP.

ExpectationPoints PossiblePoints EarnedComments
Assignment-specific: Identifies an appropriate theoretical domain23
Assignment-specific: Includes journal-length reports of empirical studies and located at least 4 new sources (not those within the course) that were related to the topic23
Assignment-specific: Studies and includes the author’s abstract23
Assignment-specific: Includes a description regarding the value of this empirical study for their own dissertation research process23
Assignment-specific: Demonstrates the utilization of the course readings and other scholarly or professional materials to complete the assignment23
Professional language: Contains accurate grammar, spelling, and punctuation with few or no errors (APA formatting or the style specified in the assignment is required.)10
Total Points125
Total Points Earned

Assignment Status: Solved By Our Experts.


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