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Course Materials tab, or also clickable in the Syllabus, entitled “Problem Solutions Matrix.

The purpose of this assignment is to review the root causes of the problem and all of the previously tried, as well as new, solutions you researched to address the problem. From that information, potential solutions should be ranked based upon how well they meet the needs of the business and address the identified problem. After this process is completed, the best solution for solving the problem within your organization can be selected.

Complete the “Problem Solutions Matrix” spreadsheet using the data and information you collected through research and completion of the Stakeholder Analysis in Topics 2 and 3. In the Solution Design Matrix tab, you will address the solutions previously implemented and compare to the new proposed problem solution for addressing the problem within your organization. Be sure to consider the “Solutions Score” column number when documenting the solutions. Review how to score your solution in the directions on the spreadsheet.

When scoring your solutions, you must also consider the timeline for implementation, costs and benefits to key stakeholders and the greater good, potential roadblocks to implementation, and how you will measure and validate whether a solution is successful in addressing the problem. After all of these have been considered and the solutions have been scored, identify the top three most viable solutions and transfer them to the “Problems Solutions Matrix” Part 2 tab. You will then provide specific resources and data to support the problem-solving strategy and identify the best solution strategy as indicated in the spreadsheet.

  • Please locate the Excel document under the Course Materials tab, or also clickable in the Syllabus, entitled “Problem Solutions Matrix.”
  • Upon opening this document, you will notice two major sections: “Previous Problem Solution” and “Proposed Problem Solution.”
  • Simply go through your previously identified attempts to fix your problem, and those that you propose and list them accordingly.
  • Rank each of the categories with a 1, 3, or 5 (5 being the best), based on your estimation of how each solution would affect each group in each category.
  • The category of “Customer Importance” gets double the value (2, 6, or 10), due to the high importance of the customer in the grand scheme of things.
  • Total up the results to determine which solutions would have better value than others.
  • Please copy and paste your results into an MS Word document again. Please do what you have to, to make it readable and pleasing to look at.
  • Consider the choices by the value and the feasibility of implementing, and taking into account the intangibles that might not be weighted into your score.
  • Give me three small paragraphs, one outlining what you will choose to propose based on the scores and your careful consideration, one as an introduction to the assignment, and one that wraps it up at the end.
  • Don’t forget to cite your work. Scores should be based on more than gut feelings, therefore citation-worthy material





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Is padding the budget ethical under these circumstances?

Please refer to Chapter 9, “Focus on Ethics” on p. 401. Offer your suggestion/solutions including supporting material if necessary. Make sure your post addresses:

  • Is padding the budget ethical under these circumstances? Discuss.
  • How could you resolve the situation?





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  • Enjoy Please Note-You have come to the most reliable academic writing site that will sort all assignments that that you could be having. We write essays, research papers, term papers, research proposals. Is padding the budget ethical under these circumstances?

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new treatments, new technology, and/or diagnostic tools


  1. Using a news website, such as Google News (Links to an external site.), search for an article related to any of the topics in this module. It is recommended that you also utilize the LIRN Library when conducting research for this activity. You can access the LIRN Library in your Canvas navigation bar. The article you select should include information about topics such as research on the chosen topic, new treatments, new technology, and/or diagnostic tools. It should be a current article (i.e., published within the last two years).
  2. Complete a 300-word summary of the article.
  3. Use at least one source/article; however, you are welcome to add additional sources to include introductory information, if needed.
  4. Do not use quotes from the article unless completely necessary. Instead, paraphrase because quotes will not be included in your word count.

Submission and Assessment Guidelines

  • Submit (300 words) response via Turnitin.
  • The activity is graded based on the Written Assignment Rubric. It is expected that you use correct grammar and that your responses are in complete sentences.
  • This activity is worth 25 points





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specialties of nursing: Community Health Nursing

2-3 paragraphs long and follow the requirements outlined in the discussion rubric

Step 1: Chose one of the following specialties of nursing:

  • Community Health Nursing
  • Public Health Nursing

 Step 2: Select either A or B  discussion point below and respond to the prompt. SELECT ONE DISCUSSION POINT ONLY. 

A. Compare and contrast the chosen specialty (from step 1) to another specialty of nursing practice that you have studied. Chose at least 2 of the following points to discuss and support your views with scholarly evidence:

  • Focus of nursing interventions
  • Family and client relationships
  • Nursing autonomy
  • Scope of professional responsibility
  • Nursing roles

 B. Discuss how nurses working in your chosen specialty (from step 1) impact the health and wellness of vulnerable populations

  • Give a specific example from the news or the literature of nurses in the specialty impacting the lives of people in vulnerable populations. Select an example that occurred in the past 30 years.
    • Example: providing triage or other services after Hurricane Katrina





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Taking Care of Each Other: Madison Communities Respond to Food Insecurity in the Age of COVID | Pulitzer Center

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Taking Care of Each Other: Madison Communities Respond to Food Insecurity in the Age of COVID

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A ‘harvest handout’ on the University of Wisconsin-Madison campus facilitated by F.H. King Students for Sustainable Agriculture. Image courtesy of Cooper Hamilton.

United States, 2020.

This article originally appeared in The Daily Cardinal on February 4, 2021.

You’re at the local grocery store when you realize that the only fruits and vegetables available are on a small display shelf.

There’s just a few apples, oranges and tomatoes, all of which are overpriced and already overripe. The rest of the shelves are

filled with processed foods. You sigh, grab the packages that look the healthiest and make your way to the checkout line.

The city of Madison is home to one of the strongest farm-to-table movements in the country. However, even before COVID-

19, while some had access to locally grown foods, many residents struggled to put healthy food on their table. A lack of fresh

produce is a common reality in some Madison neighborhoods, particularly in neighborhoods with lower socioeconomic


According to the USDA, there are seven areas labeled “food deserts” in Madison, although that is a term that some people in

the food justice community find stigmatizing of the neighborhood, and prefer to use the term “food apartheid.” This means

that a third of the people living in these areas are more than a mile away from a grocery store or healthy food retail outlet.

Most of them are located on the South side of the city. The absence of fresh food retail space or affordable options in these

areas makes it that much more difficult for people to access nutritious foods.

Sarah Karlson is the Farm and Education manager at Badger Rock, one of Madison’s community organizations that works to

fill the gap in providing fresh produce to its surrounding residents and families. Located on the south side of Madison,

Badger Rock is home to a Neighborhood Center, an urban production and education farm, a community garden and Badger

Rock Middle School. Karlson is a huge advocate for food sovereignty, which is defined by the USDA as “the right of peoples

to healthy and culturally appropriate food produced through ecologically sound and sustainable methods, and their right to

define their own food and agriculture systems.”

Before Badger Rock, the neighborhood lacked a location for community gathering and green spaces. To help with increased

food insecurity from COVID-19, Badger Rock started a food pantry where they distribute what they grow as well as food

donated by the Community Action Coalition and Second Harvest pantries. 

Karlson describes Badger Rock as a “POC-forward space,” with 80% of its student population coming from the surrounding

neighborhood. Its program is a part of Rooted, a non-profit organization that works to create healthier neighborhoods in


“The root of everything we do is relationship-building,” Karlson said. “And the tools that we use to do that are food.”

Similarly, on the UW-Madison campus, F.H. King promotes sustainable agriculture and has gained a focus on food justice in

the past few years. The student-led organization runs a garden plot at the Eagle Heights Garden where they use

environmentally friendly methods to grow a variety of organic fruits, vegetables and other plants.

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The main goal of the club is to educate people on sustainability, F.H. King Outreach Director Cooper Hamilton said. “And [to

get] free, fresh produce directly to students.”

The organization receives its funding from the Associated Students of Madison (ASM), UW-Madison’s student government,

to distribute their produce in their weekly Harvest Handouts  throughout their growing season. Their largest handout gave

produce to roughly 200 people, and Hamilton believes that for some of them, this was their only access to fresh produce

that week. 

“We don’t discriminate on who comes to get it. If an adult passes by the stand, we’ll hand it out to them,” Hamilton said.

Hamilton stated that one reason organizations like F.H. King are so important is because there aren’t any truly affordable

and convenient grocery stores on or near campus. Additionally, he noted that the pandemic has “thrown a wrench into food

insecurity on campus.”

As dining halls are closed this semester for students who don’t live in residence halls, options for fresh food near campus for

students with a tight budget are even more limited. Another problem is that new students, particularly low-income

students, are not informed of food justice organizations on campus such as F.H. King as well as Slow Food UW, the Open

Seat and Food Recovery Network, and often don’t realize that they have access to these resources. 

Hamilton explained, “You kind of have to be in the inner circle to know about programs that provide free or inexpensive


Currently, F.H. King is working with UW housing to improve student access to produce by installing tower gardens outside

of dorms. Tower gardens are about 6 feet tall, use efficient aeroponic water filtration systems and mainly grow leafy greens.

According to Hamilton, a single tower garden can provide enough produce to feed a dozen people for a week.

In addition to Rooted programs like Badger Rock in the Madison community and student organizations including F.H. King

on campus, the Goodman Community Center on the near East side and the REAP food group all work to put fresh food in

the hands of community members that need it most. 

Still, while these Madison organizations work to combat food insecurity, the deeper causes of these issues have only been

exacerbated by the ongoing pandemic.

Stephen Ventura, Professor Emeritus of Soil Science and Environmental Studies at UW-Madison, has focused his studies on

fixing the systemic issues which lead to food insecurity. Ventura started the Community and Regional Food Systems Project,

which investigated food insecurity issues in eight different cities in the United States. From this, he’s concluded that food

justice and racial justice are deeply entwined, and stem from the same social issues.

“They are a challenge of poverty and wealth inequity,” Ventura summarized. 

In the 1980s, large grocery chains closed most of their stores within inner cities and expanded in suburban neighborhoods.

A study across multiple states found that there were four times as many grocery stores in predominantly white

neighborhoods than in predominantly black neighborhoods. In fact, the Black Panthers began in the early 1970s as a food

security organization that provided breakfast for schoolchildren in low-income areas in Oakland, CA. 

One of the first urban agriculture programs that combined food and racial justice in the United States was Growing Power

in Milwaukee, WI, which lasted from 1993 to 2017. Founder Will Allen bought the last farm left on Milwaukee’s north side,

far from any grocery stores and five blocks from a housing project. Growing Power created numerous self-sustaining,

community based projects. Ventura described the 2010s as the decade that saw a “huge awakening” in both urban

agriculture practice and broader awareness of food justice issues.

Many food justice programs today, including Badger Rock which began in 2012, are based on Growing Power’s original


Due to the pandemic, Ventura says more people are becoming aware of the fragility of our food system and the value of

local food chains. Increasingly, people are seeing how this fragility hurts already disadvantaged segments of society. 

According to Feeding America, the same people who are the most at risk for serious health complications with COVID-19 —

such as seniors, people with chronic illnesses and people of color — will also face the largest economic consequences of the

pandemic. Pantries received increased funding from USDA’s CARE Act passed in April, which put $850 million towards food

pantries. Yet, according to Ventura, this will not be enough to help these vulnerable populations.

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Experts and activists have different ideas on how to battle this increased food insecurity. Some food justice activists argue

for federal subsidies to promote retail in underserved areas and increase SNAP benefits targeted for retailers and

distributors to make it easier to sell healthy foods. Simply stated, more healthy foods should be subsidized instead of the

unhealthy ones that are currently subsidized.

Ventura, on the other hand, thinks that there should be more local control of food systems.

In October, he said that the federal government “isn’t very good at supporting poor people.”

The Trump administration had tried to reduce people’s SNAP and EBT program eligibility while supporting huge commodity

farmers, which made it even more difficult for local diversified farmers. To combat this, Ventura believes in creating more

regional food policy councils such as the Dane County Food Council to help “deal with federal deficiencies” and supports

food systems at every level, from local farmers to distribution. The agricultural systems in place should also be incentivized

to “produce more and healthier food instead of commodity crops such as corn, soy, and lots and lots of milk,” he said.

Two days after President Joe Biden’s inauguration, his administration expanded pandemic-EBT and SNAP benefits by 15%

by providing more money for low-income families to make up for children missing meals due to schools being closed during

the pandemic.

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, food justice programs provide more services and the federal government implemented

relief programs. Still, a study from Northwestern estimates that food insecurity has more than doubled in the United States

in 2020. Giving support to local food justice programs, like Badger Rock and F.H. King, may be one of the best ways to help

those who are in need of nutritious food.

“We need more people understanding and involved in food distribution,” Ventura said. “People have a tendency to take care

of each other.” 


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Substance abuse or process/behavioral addictions (Alcoholism) and develop a PowerPoint

Research Presentation:

Research presentation instructions are provided below.

Students will select a topic related to substance abuse or process/behavioral addictions (Alcoholism) and develop a PowerPoint (Prezi does not tend to work well in Canvas) presentation on this topic. 

The presentation must be 15-20 slides long (This does not include references) and be supported by at least 10 refereed journal articles, 2 of which must be written within the past 2 years. 

Ensure a reference list is included in the presentation. The purpose of this assignment is to give you an opportunity to independently explore in depth a topic that is of interest to you.

The presentation should not reflect personal opinions on a particular topic, but should be empirically grounded (or at least a summary of what others in the field have found). If you would like to use your opinion, please use “I” phrases and only in “implications for clinical practice section.”

Use quotes to a minimum. Points will be deducted for excessive use of quotes. There should be no more than 3 quotes in this entire presentation. (You have my permission to be creative for this assignment, as long as you are following the criteria in the rubric, attached below). Do not copy and paste from websites or literature as Turnitin similarity reports will be reviewed and addressed in accordance to Academic Integrity policies. For this assignment, Turnitin similarity scores above 30% will be addressed. The best way to avoid elevated scores is to paraphrase your research into your own words, then cite your sources. If you copy and paste directly from sources, even if you cite, this can be considered plagiarism.


The presentation should be sub-divided into the following headings.

Review of existing literature.  Summarize what is currently known and, if possible, critique methods used to collect data. Include in your lit review why it is an important issue today and generally what is known in the literature (suggested limit: 6-8 slides)

Gaps in the Knowledge Base.  Identify issues that we do not yet understand related to your topic and future research needs (suggested limit: 3-4 slides)

Implications for Clinical Practice. Based on the research literature, identify the treatment and intervention options that practitioners, agencies, and communities should consider and implement (suggested limit: 6-8 slides).





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article from the news about a current issue or event in society

Task:       Explain how the process of completing your research project (Attached) has affected your understanding of an issue or event in society.

Length:   At least 1200 words

Sources: No minimum number of sources. Cite any sources you use in APA format.

Outcomes you should achieve by completing this assignment

· Organize information clearly in an explanatory essay (Course outcomes 1 and 2)

· Use an introduction paragraph with a thesis statement and a concluding paragraph to frame an essay (Course outcomes 1 and 2)

· Demonstrate accurate grammar and mechanics in writing (Course outcome 3)


You began your research project by reading an article from the news about a current issue or event in society. Your goal in this essay is to explain to your professor how the research and writing you have done for your research project changed your understanding of that issue or event. You will explain what changes occurred in your understanding and how those changes occurred

Here are some questions you can consider in developing ideas for your essay:

· What changes occurred in your understanding?

· Do you know more about the issue/event now than you did before? 

· Do you look at the issue/event from a different perspective following your research?

· Have you reconsidered opinions or assumptions that you held at the beginning of the semester?

· How did those changes occur?

· Which sources from your research had the greatest effect on your understanding?

· Did the process of writing about your topic affect the way you thought about it?

· What role did interaction with your classmates and/or professor play in your understanding of your topic?

Organizing and supporting your essay

Your essay must include an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion.

The introduction should gain your reader’s attention, orient the reader to your topic, and state your thesis.

The body of the essay should include focused body paragraphs in support of your thesis statement. There are various ways you might choose to organize information in the body of your essay. Here are some suggestions you can consider:

· You might focus each body paragraph on a step of the research process and how that step affected your understanding of the issue/event.

· You might focus each body paragraph on your understanding at a particular time relative to the research process (before, during, after).

· You might focus each body paragraph on a particular aspect of the issue/event and explain how your understanding of that aspect developed during your research.

The essay’s conclusion should answer the question “So what?” by placing the essay’s explanations into a larger context. To accomplish this, you can consider addressing one or more of these questions:

· Will your current understanding of your event/issue affect your future actions or decisions? If so, how?

· What lessons—about interpreting current events, about your field of study, about the research process—can be drawn from the experience of completing the research project?

· Is research of the sort done in WRTG 112 a worthwhile activity? Why or why not?

Point of view

First person (I/me/my) is appropriate in this assignment, but second person (you/your) should be avoided.

Formatting your assignment

Incorporate these elements of APA style:

· Use one-inch margins.

· Double space.

· Use an easy-to-read font between 10-point and 12-point.

· Include a title page with the title of your paper, your name, and the name of your school





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The Industry area identifies 32 industries that have specific items unique to them.

The codification is organized within the following nine areas:

  • General Principles.
  • Presentation.
  • Assets.
  • Liabilities.
  • Equity.
  • Revenue.
  • Expenses.
  • Broad Transactions.
  • Industry. 

The Industry area identifies 32 industries that have specific items unique to them. These industries range from five different areas of Entertainment to Mining, Financial Services, Airlines, Agriculture, Franchisors, Software, Health Care Entities, and many more. 

  1. Select one of the industries that interests you, and briefly explain why.
  2. Identify how many subtopics are in the industry you selected.
  3. Pick two subtopics within your selected industry that are applicable to a balance sheet (something to do with assets, liabilities, or equity).
  4. Identify your chosen subsections by number and title. Explain what they mean in your own words.
  5. Identify what accountants in your selected industry might be focused on as an area or areas of concern





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System architecture is the descriptive representation of the system’s component functions and the communication flows between those components

Briefly respond to all the following questions. Make sure to explain and backup your responses with facts and examples. This assignment should be in APA format and have to include at least two references. Assignment must be at least 600 words. Include a coversheet with a title, your name, class ID and date at minimum. Report due by Saturday.

  1. System architecture is the descriptive representation of the system’s component functions and the communication flows between those components.                                                                                 My definition immediately raises some important questions.                                                                                     • What are “components”?                                                                                                                                 • Which functions are relevant?                                                                                                                   • What is a communication flow?





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management positions in health care

Assignment Details

  1. You need to be aware of the intertwining nature of management and leadership as you look for a management position. Traditionally, leadership is viewed as a subset of management. Management without leadership lacks inspiration to drive change. Employers generally include management skills and leadership expectations within job applications and descriptions.

Open your web browser and search for a management position within health care. You can also search in your local newspaper or job board. Use the following keywords when completing your search online:

  1. “management positions in health care”
  2. “health care administrator positions”
  3. “health care management”

Write a 700- to 1,050-word summary that addresses the following:

  1. Using the job description or requirements of the jobs you searched, explain the skills and characteristics required for each of the following:
    1. Identify keywords found within the job posting that represent a management skill or characteristic.
    1. Identify keywords found within the job posting that represent a leadership skill or characteristic.
  2. Explain what characteristics are found in a leader.
    1. What are the traits of an effective leader?
    1. How do these traits support you in becoming an effective leader in a management position?
  3. Examine the relationship between personal characteristics and effective leadership.
    1. How does an individual’s perspective influence their leadership style?

Format your paper according to APA guidelines.





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