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Why do you think marijuana is such a popular drug?

Forum 3:

 (Also visit: Why do you think marijuana is such a popular drug? What are some of the alleged benefits of using marijuana? What are some of the risks and negative effects associated with marijuana? What are the main reasons why some individuals and organizations propose marijuana decriminalization? Explain whether or not you think that marijuana should be decriminalized or legalized, and why. 

Forum 4: 

 Why is corruption so important for gangs and cartels? What unique problems do corrupt law enforcement officials pose? Why is corruption more severe in Mexico than in the U.S.? How would/could you control corruption within a law enforcement agency or government when billions of dollars are available? Discuss the impact of corruption on the U.S. side of border.





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Considering the importance of data in organization, it is absolutely essential to secure the data present in the database

Considering the importance of data in organization, it is absolutely essential to secure the data present in the database. What are the strategic and technical security measures for good database security? Be sure to discuss at least one security model to properly develop databases for organizational security. Create a diagram of a security model for your research paper.

Your paper should meet the following requirements:

  • Be approximately four to six pages in length, not including the required cover page and reference page.
  • Follow APA7 guidelines. Your paper should include an introduction, a body with fully developed content, and a conclusion.
  • Support your answers with the readings from the course and at least two scholarly journal articles to support your positions, claims, and observations, in addition to your textbook. The UC Library is a great place to find resources.





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How would Thucydides and Aristotle argue for or against the Iraq Invasion in 2003?

5-6 double spaced 


Answer one of the questions below:

1. How would Thucydides and Aristotle argue for or against the Iraq Invasion in 2003?  Use the views of both thinkers to support your position.  

2. There is a tendency for IR structural realism theorists (especially Mearsheimer) to argue that confrontation between U.S. and China is inevitable. What might the contributors to Universal Moral Order (such as Grotius, Aquinas, the Stoics, etc.) suggest to prevent this confrontation? 

BOOKS: Political Theories of International Relations: From Thucydides to the Present by David Boucher and International Relations in Political Thought: Texts from the Ancient Greeks to the First World War by Chris Brown





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Theories” identify the 1-4 moral theories you will use to build your compass


Using the material on moral compasses from weeks 1 and 2, write a paper of no less than 500 words that accomplishes the following:

  • In a section titled “Theories” identify the 1-4 moral theories you will use to build your compass (deontological, utilitarian, common good, virtue, etc.) along with a short documented definition for each theory. [“documented” in the sense of citing and referencing your source.]
  • In a section titled “Explanation” explain for each theory how it would help you make what you feel would be the right decision and in what situations (ex. Using deontology at work to ensure the company’s policies are kept and its reputation is upheld; Using care ethics at home as a way to be equitable with the kids, etc.).
  • Chose one topic from the Markkula Center for Applied Ethics (under “Ethics Spotlight” ) or another pressing ethical situation you or others you know are facing at the moment and using ether Framework for Ethical Decision Making (Markkula or Brown), walk through the steps to make an ethical decision and justify what you decide is the moral action to take in this situation. Be sure to be clear on which of the two frameworks you are using





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Risk-Need-Responsivity Model for Offender Assessment and Rehabilitation 2007-06

Reassessment of Client Risks and Needs Read the “Risk-Need-Responsivity Model for Offender Assessment and Rehabilitation 2007-06” article. Review the following scenario: • 

The client is a 32-year-old male who was released from incarceration 6 months ago. The client had previously been incarcerated for 2 years for two felony drug offenses due to possession and distribution of methamphetamine. He received treatment while incarcerated, but he relapsed and used methamphetamine 2 months after he was released. The client is positive for Hepatitis C, which he contracted while he was in prison. He was receiving medication for his condition until last month when he did not supply a required document to the Medicaid office on time. As a result, he lost his medical coverage. 

The client has been married for 5 years, and he has a 3-year-old child. The client was diagnosed with bipolar disorder at age 28. The client has exhibited emotional outbursts and episodes of perpetrating domestic violence with his wife since his release from incarceration. 

The client obtained his GED at age 25, but he never attended college. The client also had a learning disorder of dyslexia during his adolescent years. He has minimal job skills, as he only worked at one job as a dishwasher for 2 months during his adult life. He primarily obtained income from selling drugs prior to incarceration. 

The client is currently seeking employment, but he is experiencing difficulty obtaining employment due to his prior criminal conviction. Create a mind map of the needs of the client that fit in each category.

 Specify 3 needs in each of the following categories: • Health needs • Social or relationship needs • Problem-solving needs • Emotional needs • Belief or value needs • Education or career needs Create a second mind map of the risks of the client that fit in each category. 

Specify 3 risks in each of the following categories: • Health risks • Social or relationship risks • Problem-solving risks • Emotional risks • Belief or value risks • Education or career risks 

Answer the following questions in a 700-word essay: • Why is it important to reassess the needs of a client after he or she is released from incarceration? • What are some ways by which a person’s needs and risks can be mitigated to reduce the rate of recidivism once an offender is released from incarceration?

 Format any citations according to APA guidelines.





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What do you mean when you say that something is morally right or morally wrong

1.  Exercise p. 4 / #1 – What do you mean when you say that something is morally right or morally wrong? Use specific examples from your life experience to illustrate your answer.

2.  Exercise p. 4 / #2 – Make a list of guidelines and values you use in making moral decisions. Examine your list for consistency. Where did you get these guidelines and values? Do they give you sufficient guidance in resolving difficult moral issues? Explain.

3.  Exercise p. 14 / #1 – Which perspective-Kohlberg’s justice or Gilligan’s care perspective-best describes the way you approach discussions of moral issues? To what extent do you draw from both perspectives? Illustrate your answer with specific examples.

4.  Exercises p. 30 / #2 – Select a moral issue that involves a moral dilemma. List the duties that support the “pro” side of the issue, then list the moral duties that support the “con” side of the issue. What duties are the most compelling? Discuss possible solutions that take the most duties into account.

5.  Exercises p. 31 / #3 – Is it morally acceptable to euthanize people who have terminal illnesses and who request physician-assisted suicide? Discuss the contributions both utilitarians and deontologists would make to a debate on this issue.

6.  Exercises p. 40 / #5 – Some political conservatives want to phase out government programs that assist seniors and the economically disadvantaged, including low-income college students, arguing that these “entitlements” are best left to individuals and private charitable organizations. To what extent do governments have a moral obligation to model virtuous behavior in the form of helping those who are most in need? Discuss how both a rights ethicist and a virtue ethicist might respond to this question.





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description explaining what information this graph represents and how it communicates its information

1. What’s Going on in this Graph?

One of the main ways information is presented is through graphs, in fact, Data Visualization is an emerging career for people who like to creatively take information and turn it into pictures.  The goal of this question is to read, interpret, describe, and analyze information presented in graphical form.

Under the link below, there are links to lots of various graphs from a New York Times column called “What’s Going on in this Graph?”

Your job is to choose one graph that you think looks interesting (if you scroll down further on the page, there are lots to choose from).  Read the article attached to the graph and answer the following questions about your graph.

When you’re answering these questions, keep in mind that you should be writing to explain and teach your reader about your ideas.

Describe the Graph

1. First, write a description explaining what information this graph represents and how it communicates its information.  (Think of this task as explaining what the graph looks like and what information the graph shows to someone who has not seen the graph.)

2.  What quantitative (numerical) information does this graph describe?

 3. Describe two quantitative variables not shown in the graph that you think would be interesting to measure.

4. What qualitative (categorical) information does this graph describe?

 5. Describe two qualitative variables not shown in the graph that you think would be interesting to measure.

Interpret the Graph

1. What do you think the graph’s author’s main point is? What is the main idea you think they are trying to convey to the reader?

2. Describe two possible choices that the author made that could bias the reader’s interpretation of the information presented.  What might the reader be led to believe by these choices?

3. What is the title of the article containing the graph? Do you think this has any effect on the reader’s perception of the information presented? 

4. Describe a possible way (other than the title) that the graph’s presentation may bias the reader’s perception.

Comment on the Graph

1.What do you find effective about the data display? That is, what features of the graph do you think help get the information across the best?

2.What is confusing about the data display?

3. Describe one thing you might do differently if you were making this graph.

2).  2. Experimental Design

The goal of this part of this assignment is to think about the pieces of an experiment.  Below, I’ve described three scenarios in which we could design an experiment.  I have purposefully left many of the choices of the experiment up to you, the experiment designer!  Throughout your descriptions, be sure to explain your thoughts and choices about your experiment to your reader.

Choose one of these scenarios, then follow the Tasks below to brainstorm, design, and reflect on your choices.


i. You are curious about how eating breakfast affects a person’s mind and body.  

For concreteness, let’s assume that Breakfast is a meal that participants would eat (or not eat) at 9 a.m., and you would make your proposed measurements about their mind and/or body at 11 a.m.

ii.  You are a consultant for various restaurants nationwide as they design and format their menus.  You are curious to find out how the menu design and formatting choices affect how much money the restaurant makes.

iii.  You are curious to find out how testing-room conditions affect one’s ability to take a test.    You will get participants to take a test of critical-thinking puzzles that have no preparatory studying or previous experience required.


1. Brainstorm 4 possible factors that would be easy to manipulate in this experiment.  Choose 2 that you think are the most interesting to think about.  For each factor, choose 3 levels you want to include for each factor.

2. Brainstorm 2 possible factors that would be difficult to manipulate. Then choose one of those as a blocking variable.

3. Brainstorm 3 possible response variables you could measure.

4. Draw a blocking diagram for this experiment showing the blocks and the treatment groups.

5. For the blocking variable and each of the factors that you chose, hypothesize about how you think they will affect your response variables.  That is, describe what effects (if any) you predict your explanatory variables will have on your response variables.

6. Identify 3 possible extraneous variables (that are not related to your explanatory variables) and discuss how each one might affect your results.  Do you think that the extraneous variable will exaggerate or obscure the connection between your explanatory variables and your response variables? Explain your thoughts





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dataset that lists estimates of the percentage of body fat determined by underwater weighing and various body circumference measurements for 252 men from K.W. Penrose

For your Final Paper,  you will have the opportunity to apply your knowledge for a real data set in order to understand the applicability of all the Statistical tools learned in this course.

Attached is a dataset that lists estimates of the percentage of body fat determined by underwater weighing and various body circumference measurements for 252 men from K.W. Penrose, A.G. Nelson, A.G. Fisher, FACSM, Human Performance Research Center, Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah 84602 as listed in Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, vol. 17, no. 2, April 1985, p. 189.

Some experts claim BMI (Body Mass Index) as the most accurate and simple way to determine the effect of weight on your health. Meanwhile, in September 2000, the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition published a study showing that body-fat percentage may be a better measure of your risk of weight-related diseases than BMI.

An important question that arises is whether there is a relationship between ‘Body Fat Percentage’ and ‘Body Mass Index’ as a predictor.

Body Mass Index is defined as 

With the use of the statistical techniques used in this programme (especially simple linear regression), explain whether BMI can be used to explain the Body Fat percentage for an individual based on the dataset provided. Clearly explain and interpret your results.

  • Use introduction, body paragraph, and conclusion headings
  • Your paper should have 1,500 words maximum
  • At least 5 references of an academic or scholarly source are required for this paper.  You are expected to use academic sources in peer-reviewed databases or Internet sources, such as: “.org”, “.edu”, “.mil”, “.gov”, “.zm”  Sources not allowed are Dictionaries, wikis, or blogs.
  • Use APA, writing style for in-text citations, and each reference source that you use.  Remember, all wording that is not your own must be cited.
  • Limit the use of direct quotes. Direct quotes should not exceed 1/4 page in total.  Deductions will result if this rule is violated.
  • The cover sheet should include name and course information
  • Include a reference page in APA style

You can access the file by clicking the link below:





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  • Enjoy Please Note-You have come to the most reliable academic writing site that will sort all assignments that that you could be having. We write essays, research papers, term papers, research proposals. percentage of body fat determined by underwater weighing and various body circumference measurements for 252 men from K.W. Penrose

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write a description explaining what information this graph represents and how it communicates its information

1. What’s Going on in this Graph?

One of the main ways information is presented is through graphs, in fact, Data Visualization is an emerging career for people who like to creatively take information and turn it into pictures.  The goal of this question is to read, interpret, describe, and analyze information presented in graphical form.

Under the link below, there are links to lots of various graphs from a New York Times column called “What’s Going on in this Graph?”

Your job is to choose one graph that you think looks interesting (if you scroll down further on the page, there are lots to choose from).  Read the article attached to the graph and answer the following questions about your graph.

When you’re answering these questions, keep in mind that you should be writing to explain and teach your reader about your ideas.

Describe the Graph

1. First, write a description explaining what information this graph represents and how it communicates its information.  (Think of this task as explaining what the graph looks like and what information the graph shows to someone who has not seen the graph.)

2.  What quantitative (numerical) information does this graph describe?

 3. Describe two quantitative variables not shown in the graph that you think would be interesting to measure.

4. What qualitative (categorical) information does this graph describe?

 5. Describe two qualitative variables not shown in the graph that you think would be interesting to measure.

Interpret the Graph

1. What do you think the graph’s author’s main point is? What is the main idea you think they are trying to convey to the reader?

2. Describe two possible choices that the author made that could bias the reader’s interpretation of the information presented.  What might the reader be led to believe by these choices?

3. What is the title of the article containing the graph? Do you think this has any effect on the reader’s perception of the information presented? 

4. Describe a possible way (other than the title) that the graph’s presentation may bias the reader’s perception.

Comment on the Graph

1.What do you find effective about the data display? That is, what features of the graph do you think help get the information across the best?

2.What is confusing about the data display?

3. Describe one thing you might do differently if you were making this graph.

2).  2. Experimental Design

The goal of this part of this assignment is to think about the pieces of an experiment.  Below, I’ve described three scenarios in which we could design an experiment.  I have purposefully left many of the choices of the experiment up to you, the experiment designer!  Throughout your descriptions, be sure to explain your thoughts and choices about your experiment to your reader.

Choose one of these scenarios, then follow the Tasks below to brainstorm, design, and reflect on your choices.


i. You are curious about how eating breakfast affects a person’s mind and body.  

For concreteness, let’s assume that Breakfast is a meal that participants would eat (or not eat) at 9 a.m., and you would make your proposed measurements about their mind and/or body at 11 a.m.

ii.  You are a consultant for various restaurants nationwide as they design and format their menus.  You are curious to find out how the menu design and formatting choices affect how much money the restaurant makes.

iii.  You are curious to find out how testing-room conditions affect one’s ability to take a test.    You will get participants to take a test of critical-thinking puzzles that have no preparatory studying or previous experience required.


1. Brainstorm 4 possible factors that would be easy to manipulate in this experiment.  Choose 2 that you think are the most interesting to think about.  For each factor, choose 3 levels you want to include for each factor.

2. Brainstorm 2 possible factors that would be difficult to manipulate. Then choose one of those as a blocking variable.

3. Brainstorm 3 possible response variables you could measure.

4. Draw a blocking diagram for this experiment showing the blocks and the treatment groups.

5. For the blocking variable and each of the factors that you chose, hypothesize about how you think they will affect your response variables.  That is, describe what effects (if any) you predict your explanatory variables will have on your response variables.

6. Identify 3 possible extraneous variables (that are not related to your explanatory variables) and discuss how each one might affect your results.  Do you think that the extraneous variable will exaggerate or obscure the connection between your explanatory variables and your response variables? Explain your thoughts





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Russell Debwood is the founder and owner of Rusty Wood, an established small company that specializes in the coordination and distribution of lumber between lumber mills and retail lumberyard

Rusty Wood

Russell Debwood is the founder and owner of Rusty Wood, an established small company that specializes in the coordination and distribution of lumber between lumber mills and retail lumberyards.

Russell started his career as a sales rep for Ravelston Building Supplies 25 years ago, where he learned everything about the industry, including the logistics of lumber transportation. He quickly worked his way up to divisional manager and started developing closer relationships with customers in his area. After eight years of service with Ravelston, corporate restructuring gave Russell the chance to resign from his position and start his own company, Rusty Wood, and continue to work closely with the four largest mills in his west coast district. He bought carloads of lumber from them and then sold these orders to customers and arranged shipping. His profit margin is typically at a 6% markup (which was the rate for similar companies in other areas). The mills were pleased to benefit from the ease of the hassle-free large volume sales, and Russell was growing a successful business as the ‘middle man’.

As years passed, the process became flawless. The mills would call Russell when they had a carload of product and they would provide him with the condition, grade, and quantity of each board in the load. Being the only company of his kind in his specific geographic area, the opportunities were endless. He wasn’t required to buy every carload that was available, however he rarely passed them up, as he found more and more customers who were willing to make purchases through Rusty Wood.

Russell always maintained good working relationships with both his customers and suppliers. Most of his work could be handled over the phone or by email, however, Russell still visited all of his customers on a monthly basis to ensure they were still happy and also to clear up any potential concerns or problems. His business was very successful until about five years ago when the first large home improvement chain moved into the area to compete directly against the local lumberyards.

Within 18 months, three large home improvement retail chains had moved into Russell’s market area. A year later, 12% of Russell’s customers had gone out of business and more than half were losing sales. Clearly, the large chains had the capital to buy lumber in huge quantities at a discounted rate from the mills; this allowed them to offer customers a well-stocked one-stop shop, with lower prices.

Russell’s close relationship to his customers helped him maintain enough business to keep his company running for the last few years, but it had been a struggle. Recently, a new salesman entered the market in Russell’s district. He offers the exact same service as Rusty Wood, but is undercutting the industry’s established pricing structures as an attempt to capture a majority of the business opportunities. Russell’s close customer relationships are starting to matter less as his longtime customers begin making their purchase decisions based on minimal prices and tight profits, rather than customer service or loyalty. Currently, Russell has about half of the business that he had a year ago. He is concerned for his livelihood as he doubts that there is (in the long term) enough business opportunities left to support two companies. Even with the business that he has right now, he is barely making a profit.

Last week, Russell received a phone call from Nathan Worship; an old work acquaintance. Nathan is the district manager of Wood Works Inc. Wood Works is a well-established local company that manufactures and sells windows, doors, and a couple other smaller lines. They do not sell to the large chains as they believe that local businesses need to be protected and given the opportunity to grow. Worship focuses his sales on local lumberyards and he is aware that Russell has a long-standing, positive relationship with most of them. Worship would like to hire Russell as Wood Work’s exclusive sales rep for their line of residential windows and accessories in Rusty Wood’s existing service area. Wood Works has recently implemented a new program to help lumberyards successfully market and sell these product lines that has proven to be more profitable due to a higher mark up. Worship is convinced that Wood Works has something new to offer that will be equally enticing and that Russell’s existing relationship with the lumberyards is the key to profitability.

Worship invited Russell to a meeting to make his proposal. The program will focus on the market for residential windows. Currently, the bulk of residential windows that are sold are of the mid-range line. These standard-sized windows sell easily if they are in stock and a decent price. The large chains generally stock and sell the majority of these mid-range windows; they sell very few high-end or low-end product lines. Customers can find most standard-sized windows at these stores. However, for anything outside of these parameters, a custom order is required.

Lumberyards, on the other hand, don’t bother stocking any windows; they rely on business from custom orders which they order from different factories and can generally deliver to the customer within a month. The window business among lumberyards in the area is split fairly evenly; sales are based on a combination of competitive prices and the personal relationships that the sales reps have developed with customers. Wood Works not only relies on good customer service, but they also recently set up an online program where you can directly access their prices and availability. Customers are happier now that they can immediately get a quote and estimated delivery time. Worship hopes this program will be successful not only for residential sales, but eventually lead to stronger commercial sales.

There seems to be a high demand in the commercial sector for commercial grade windows that meet commercial safety codes, yet also provide other features. Some commercial builders want the look of a residential window with an attractive wooden framework, but still require the security and quality of the heavy duty steel-framed commercial window. Wood Works plans to offer a program where the basic windows and frames are interchangeable. As a result, lumberyards could gain more business by breaking into the commercial market with an offer of these new combination windows. Customers could build any look with any quality, plus the program would offer a level of technical support that would be superior to all large home improvement retail chains. The possibilities are endless, as could be the profits. Though a few other companies have similar lines, they’ve never been marketed properly and they are not well known. Worship is certain that with Russell’s commitment and longtime relationships in the area, plus Wood Works’ training system and support system, this new program will be a huge success for both Wood Works and Russell alike.

Russell has three choices at this point. He could: (i) accept Worship’s offer and still continue his own lumber business on the side, (ii) abandon his lumber business and put all of his efforts into this new position with Wood Works, or (iii) decline the offer and put all of his efforts into Rusty Wood.

Worship will need to know in two weeks if Russell would like the job. Otherwise, he will need to rework his plan and try to find a new candidate. Please discuss Russell’s current situation in conjunction with the new offer.





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