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critically evaluate and recommend information systems solutions for inefficiencies in business processes

Subject Code and Title MIS605 Systems Analysis and Design
Assessment Written assessment
Individual/Group Individual
Length words +/ 10%
Learning Outcomes The Subject Learning Outcomes demonstrated by successful completion of the task below include:
a) Identify, critically evaluate and recommend information systems solutions for inefficiencies in business processes, procedures and work practices using data and process modelling techniques.
b) Formulate, validate and document business requirements for a medium-scale information system development project and effectively communicate these requirements to the stakeholders.
c) Demonstrate the ability to effectively analyse, design and develop information systems using Unified Modelling Language (UML) models.
Weighting 30%
Total Marks marks
Task Summary
In response to the case study provided, identify the functional and the non-functional requirement for the required information system and then build a Use Case Diagram and document set of use cases.
System analysis methods and skills are of fundamental importance for a Business Analyst. This assessment allows you to enhance your system analysis skills by capturing the business and then functional and non-functional requirement of a system. It helps you in identifying “what” the proposed system will do and “how”?.

  1. Please read the attached MIS605_ Assessment 1_Case Study. Note that every piece of information provided in the following case serves a purpose.
  2. Once you have completed reading the case study. Please answer the following questions:
    Question 1 (10 mark).
    Identify all the human and non-human actors within the system. Provide brief description against every actor.
    Question 2 (30 marks).
    Using the information provided in the case study, build a Use Case Diagram using any diagramming software.
    Note: Please make assumptions where needed.
    Question 3 (60 marks).
    Document all use cases (use case methods). All use cases identified in the Use Case Diagram in Question 2 must be elaborated in detail. Please document each use case using the following template:
    Use Case Number
    Use Case Type Base/Abstract (Extends or Includes)
    Use Case Name
    Actor Involved
    Associated Data Sources
    Associated User Interfaces
    Post Condition(s)
    Normal Course of Events Using a
    Flow Chart
    Word Count and Layout
    • The total word count for the written assessment should be no more than 2000 words.
    • Please provide all your answers in a MS word document.
    • Please note that you are NOT required to copy the questions over to the MS Word document.
    Use the question number to indicate which question your answer relates to. • The recommended font size is 12 with 1.5 spacing.
    It is essential that you use appropriate APA style for citing and referencing if needed. Please see more information on referencing here
    Submission Instructions
    Please submit the written assessment via the Assessment link within Assessment 1. The Learning Facilitator will provide feedback via the Grade Centre in the LMS portal. Feedback can be viewed in My Grades.
    Marking Criteria F P C D HD
    Question 1: Identify all the human and non-human actors within the system. Provide brief description against every actor.
    10% Actors identified are largely incorrect. Actors identified are partially incorrect. Actors identified are correct but sufficient detail is not provided. Actors identified are correct and sufficient detail is provided. Actors identified are correct and sufficient detail is provided. The student has clear understanding of human and nonhuman actors.
    Question 2: Using the information provided in the case study, build a Use Case Diagram using any diagramming software.
    30% UCD does not include major use cases, many actors in the UCD are missing, association of base and abstract actors is not given with the use cases, extends and includes are not identified where required and not linked to base use case. The use case diagram does not sync in well with the requirements laid down in the case study. UCD misses some important use cases, some actors in the UCD are missing, some associations of base and abstract actors are not given with the use cases, extends and includes are partially identified (where required). Extends and includes and not appropriately linked to the base use cases. The use case diagram does not fully sync with the requirements laid down in the case study. UCD has all the use cases and actors, some associations of base and abstract actors are not given with the use cases, extends and includes are partially identified (where required). Extends and includes are not appropriately linked to the base use cases. The use case diagram largely syncs with the requirements laid down in the case study. UCD has all the use cases and actors, associations of base and abstract actors are given with the use cases, extends and includes are identified (where required). Extends and includes and not appropriately linked to the base use cases. The use case diagram syncs in completely with the requirements laid down in the case study. UCD has all the use cases and actors, associations of base and abstract actors are given with the use cases, extends and includes are identified (where required). Extends and includes and appropriately linked to the base use cases. The use case diagram syncs in completely with the requirements laid down in the case study.
    MIS605_Assessment 1_Brief_written Assessment Page 4 of 5
    Marking Criteria F P C D HD
    Question 3: Document all use cases (use case methods).
    60% Use case descriptions are incomplete and do not sync in with the given case study. Use case descriptions are partially incomplete and do not fully sync in with the given case study. Use case descriptions are complete but do not fully sync in with the given case study. Use case descriptions are complete and are in sync in with the given case study. Use case descriptions are complete, detailed and are in sync in with the given case study.
    MIS605_Assessment 1_Brief_written Assessment Page 5 of 5





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Which psychological and/or psychiatric problems is this patient presenting with?

You are expected to submit your assignment individually.

    Your whole assignment consists of a case study, around 2800 (+ 5%) words. The case study is expected to follow these guidelines (as applicable & relevant) and referenced as per university regulations:
    ? A table of contents
    ? List of Acronyms/List of Tables/Figures (if any)
    ? Questions as laid out for each case study
    ? Appendix (if any)
    ? List of references
    All work should be properly referenced using the Harvard referencing style and uniform throughout. Plagiarism should not exceed 20%.
    1.2 FORMAT
    Font: Arial Size 12, Bold for subtitles. Titles in bold and 1 to 2 fonts larger, text justified.
    Line Spacing: 1.5
    For each case study, a total of 5 marks will be allocated to the format, structure, clarity of ideas, critique, and referencing.

Case Study 1
The patient, Christopher, is a 45-year-old Mauritian male of African origin who entered treatment voluntarily at Centre Idrice Goomany which is an urban residential substance use treatment centre in Plaine-Verte.
Presenting complaints
Christopher reports that he relapsed to substance use 8 months ago, and his primary drug of choice is crack/cocaine accompanied by frequent alcohol use. He reports that he had success in treatment for the first time after he was released from prison 4 years ago, and he would like to try and get back on track, as he has hit a low point in the past few months. At the time of treatment entry, Christopher reports no stable living arrangement and had recently been splitting time at the homes of his friends, ex-girlfriend, and uncle. He has four children between the ages of 10 and 27, with three separate women, and has intermittent contact with each of them. He reports that his eldest son, was murdered 5 months ago in a drug-related incident. In his current environment, he reports spending most of his time with old friends, with whom he re-established a relationship with after he was laid off from his job 9 months ago.
Christopher was raised by his mother and never met his father. He reports an extensive family
history of substance use, including heroin and crack/cocaine use by his mother, who passed away 10 years ago. Christopher dropped out of high school after Grade 9 (Form III). Between the ages of 18 and 40, he was arrested and spent time in prison multiple times for charges related to theft and possession of marijuana and cocaine. He was released from his last prison term at the age of 41. He has worked primarily as an assistant electrician over the course of his life, but he refused to provide additional details regarding his employment history. His most stable employment history has been during the past 4 years after completing a court-mandated treatment at Centre de Solidarité in Solitude, a residential substance use treatment facility. He reports that he was committed to “turning my life around” at this time, and he successfully remained abstinent until approximately 8 months ago.
Clinical interview
During the interview, Christopher displayed psychomotor retardation, clear thought processes, and no obvious perceptual abnormalities. His speech volume and tone were within normal limits, yet his speech rate was somewhat slower than normal. He reported past crack/cocaine and alcohol dependence beginning at age 16. He reported feelings of depressed mood most of the day, nearly every day, markedly diminished interest in almost all activities, feelings of worthlessness and excessive guilt, and a diminished ability to think or concentrate.
Following the loss of his job, he reported that he had a lot of free time and got bored easily. He felt worthless that he couldn’t find a job and often ruminated over the guilt he felt about his choices in life and his inability to provide for his family. He contacted his old friends, which was soon followed by cocaine and alcohol use. He also reported feeling lonely, guilty, and worthless following the loss of his son, and drug use helped him “get rid of” these feelings, although they would always resurface when he was sober, leading to a cycle of negative reinforcement. Finally, he reported intensifying feelings of sadness and shame that he had used crack/cocaine and alcohol again given how much progress he had made following his release from prison. He felt that he had let his family down, as he was just starting to re-establish relationships with his children before his relapse.
Answer the following questions pertaining to the case study 1 above. Kindly note that a total of 5 marks will be allocated to the format, structure, clarity of ideas, critique, and appropriate referencing.

  1. Which psychological and/or psychiatric problems is this patient presenting with? Indicate the relevant DSM 5 diagnoses and codes and justify your answer.
  2. From which other problems would you need to differentiate, and what are the criteria for doing this?
  3. Are there any assessment procedures or instruments you would use to establish the nature or severity of the problem(s) for treatment plan? Justify your answer.
  4. Which research-based models are available to explain the nature, aetiology or maintenance of the problem(s)? How do they apply in this case?
  5. Is there any other information a mental health practitioner dealing with this/these problem(s) should know about? Justify your answer?
  6. Is there any other information this patient should know about regarding his struggles? Justify your answer?
    Total Marks = 30





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  • Enjoy Please Note-You have come to the most reliable academic writing site that will sort all assignments that that you could be having. We write essays, research papers, term papers, research proposals. Which psychological and/or psychiatric problems is this patient presenting with?

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The impacts of COVID 19 on our local industry has drastically reduced occupancy and revenue.

CHM601 Contemporary Hotel Marketing
Supplementary Assessment Brief Prepare A Report
Report 1500-2000 words Pass/Fail
You have five (5) days to complete this assessment.
Your Report Topic
Throughout the semester this unit has identified key theories and concepts for effectively marketing hotels. We have explored how hospitality marketing has been transformed over recent years, driven by advances in technology which in turn have changed consumer’s buying habits.
The impacts of COVID 19 on our local industry has drastically reduced occupancy and revenue. The application of technology to stay in touch with and remain relevant to your past and potential customers, has become an imperative for survival. Clearly identify and explain three marketing strategies hotels have or could adopt to achieve this goal.
Tense: Third person
Style: Report form – grammatically correct
Size: 11 point
Spacing: 1.5 lines
Justification: Fully justified
Indentation: First line
Referencing: APA 7th Edition accepted. No footnotes.
Submission instructions are as per accompanying communication. Take note of the deadline.

  1. BMIHMS Cover Page 2. Introduction
    You need to define what you are going to talk about in your report. All reports are written for a purpose – what is the purpose of your report? Then what will you be covering.
  2. Body of Report (use headings and where needed subheadings)
    Each paragraph within the body of the report elaborates on one major point (in this case a specific strategy) in the development of the overall discussion (although some points may consist of a number of sub-points, each of which will need a paragraph). The main point in each paragraph needs to be clearly stated in the form of a topic sentence,(the paragraphs first sentence) which is then supported with evidence.
    Marketing Strategy One
    Marketing Strategy Two
    Marketing Strategy Three
  3. Conclusion
    In the conclusion: You need to highlight the key strategies proposed and why they are relevant to hotel marketing in the age of COVID. Avoid introducing new material.
  4. Reference List
    Your reference list must contain references from the essential text (Reid & Bojanic) and a minimum of 8 credible academic sources. Please note the link provided.
    Reid, R.D., & Bojanic, D.C., Hospitality Marketing Management, 6th Edition, Wiley Publishers Available online in the school library.





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  • Enjoy Please Note-You have come to the most reliable academic writing site that will sort all assignments that that you could be having. We write essays, research papers, term papers, research proposals. The impacts of COVID 19 on our local industry has drastically reduced occupancy and revenue.

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Write level descriptions for the construct. These can be based on one or more of the following: research literature, a Guttman analysis, a pairwise comparison, an adapted taxonomy, work samples.

AT3 Template (2000 words)
You should insert tables, charts, and graphs into this document via cut and paste, snipping tool etc. All appendices should be included after the text.
Everything is based on Narrative Writing. (Narrative Unit attached.
Construct: The construct that I will be teaching is Narrative writing.
Curriculum link:
Age group/class of target students: Year 5
Short description (100 words) of context:
Part One – Identifies evidence-based strategies for use in your teaching (1250 words)
Criteria 1. Describes the evidence base for strategy/ies
Criteria 2. Discusses the credibility of the evidence base
Criteria 3. Explains the suitability of the strategy/ies to cater for the range of Zone of Proximal Development groups
Criteria 4. Discusses the influence of context on the selection of evidence-based strategies
Part Two – Evaluates the impact of your teaching (1250 words)
Criteria 5. Interprets student growth data to inform evaluation
Criteria 6. Interprets other sources of evidence (e.g., student attitude, teacher workload, school resourcing)
Criteria 7. Makes inferences by combining evidence of student growth with other sources of evidence
Criteria 8. Discusses the impact of your teaching
Appendix A: Construct including curriculum link and source (i.e., set of rubrics, progression)

  1. Write level descriptions for the construct. These can be based on one or more of the following: research literature, a Guttman analysis, a pairwise comparison, an adapted taxonomy, work samples. If you have taught the construct many times, you may also use experience to describe the construct levels.
  2. Map the ZPD of your students to the levels in the construct (this could be on a Guttman chart).
    Appendix B: Explanatory documents related to the teaching plan (summary of teaching plan
  3. Document your teaching plan (this can be summarized in one page).
  4. Implement your teaching plan (ideally eight weeks of teaching but can be less). At the completion of your teaching,
  5. use formal and/or informal assessment methods to collect evidence of student proficiency on the construct.
    Appendix C: Evidence of student growth (template from Week 6, Activity 6.2)
    Appendix D: Summary of other evidence (in a table)

Appendix E: Reference list detailing literature/videos etc. cited

This is how Guttman chart is made… I need 2 Guttman man chart that shows post teaching and pre teaching… showing the students growth… the 3-color box is that student’s area of need. That where they are at.
Make a Guttman Chart for narrative writing for Criteria Appendix A (Example attached)
1.1.1 Easy criteria and at the end are the hardest criteria.





  • Original and non-plagiarized custom papers- Our writers develop their writing from scratch unless you request them to rewrite, edit or proofread your paper.
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  • Enjoy Please Note-You have come to the most reliable academic writing site that will sort all assignments that that you could be having. We write essays, research papers, term papers, research proposals. Write level descriptions for the construct. These can be based on one or more of the following: research literature, a Guttman analysis, a pairwise comparison, an adapted taxonomy, work samples.

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Identify and use appropriate communication techniques to communicate with clients and colleagues

H&H accredited training australasia inc
98 south street granville | 02 9682 0100 | I rto 90784
Book CHCCOM002 Use communication to build relationships
Student Name:
Student Email Address:
Unit Start Date:
** Please note that for the purpose of you gaining a full understanding of the current subject matter and how it is part of the workplace, we refer to ‘your work’ even though you may not be currently employed in the sector
Accredited Training 05.0519 (VI)

Student Assessment Cover Sheet
Unit Code: CHCCOM002
Unit Name: Use communication to build relationships
Student Name:
Trainers/Assessors to complete this section
Assessor Overall Comments:
Trainers / Assessors are required to complete this section with feedback for overall result. For re-submission informaton, trainers/assessors are required to complete thefollowing pages.
Student Assessment Booklet: Satisfactory Unsatisfactory O Date:
Trainers/Assessors please note — all the above requirements need to be met for overall competency
FINAL RESULT: Competent O Not Yet Component Withdrawn
Assessor Name: Assessor Signature:
Assessment Item 1: Short Questions and Answers
First attempt: Satisfactory O Unsatisfactory
(for further attempts — maximum 2 — please copy this assessment item check list and attach here)
Resubmission Details (including date and outcome):
Resubmission Outcome: Satisfactory Unsatisfactory
H&H Accredited Training (VI)
Student Name:
Assessment Item 2: Activity
First attempt: Satisfactory Unsatisfactory
(for further attempts — maximum 2 — please copy this assessment item check list and attach here)
Resubmission Details (including date and outcome):
Resubmission Outcome: Satisfactory Unsatisfactory
6 1 P a g e 05
Assessment Item 3: Meeting minutes
First attempt: Satisfactory C] Unsatisfactory
(for further attempts — maximum 2 — please copy this assessment item check list and attach here)
Resubmission Details (including date and outcome):
Resubmission Outcome: Satisfactory Unsatisfactory
Assessment Item 4: Effective communication
First attempt: Satisfactory Unsatisfactory
(for further attempts — maximum 2 — please copy this assessment Item check list and attach here)
Resubmission Details (including date and outcome):
Resubmission Outcome: Satisfactory Unsatisfactory
How to Lodge Assessments (Student Instructions)
Recognition of Prior Learning /Credit Transfer Instructions
All students are entitled to apply for Recognition of Prior Learning (RPI) and/or Credit Transfer (CT), Please ask for a copy from front reception of the H&H RPL/CT Application Forms should this apply to you,
RPL is a process that assesses an individual’s non-formal and informal learning to determine the extent to which that individual has achieved the required learning outcomes, competency outcomes, or standards for entry to, and/or partial or total completion of, a qualification.
CT assesses the initial qualification or unit that an individual is using to claim access to, or the award of credit in,
a destination course. The assessment determines the extent to which the client’s initial qualification or unit is equivalent to the required learning outcomes, competency outcomes, or standards in a qualification.
Please note that H&H recognises AQF qualifications and Statements of Attainments issued by other Registered Training Organisation (RTO).
Completing Your Assessment Items – Please send all assessments to PO Box 1 Granville NSW 2142 or email
When presenting your written assessment/s it is important that you follow the guide below, as assessments determine your competency. Your assessment should:
• be typed or hand written (neatly and clearly), including use of the provided assessment cover sheet
• using black or blue pen only, pencil is not allowed
• if additional paper is required, please see front reception for A4 paper to insert into your assessment.
Please do not staple or glue paperwork into your assessment
• give clear references (if external information sources are used)
Please use the following points as a guide when submitting your assessment items:
• have your name on front cover sheet and Pre-assessment checklist attempt to answer all assessment items show that you have researched the topic thoroughly
• write/type in simple, clear language
• use correct grammar, punctuation (check your spelling) ensure you put your name on any additional assessment items (portfolio, posters etc.) these are required to be collected from trainer/assessor after assessment is complete.
Submitting Your Own Work
Your assessment must be in your own words. When you commenced your course, you signed an H&H Student Declaration Form, which states that you are completing and handing in your own work. Copying someone else’s work is plagiarism and a form of cheating. Plagiarism is a serious act and may result in a student’s exclusion from a unit or course.
If a trainer/assessor is concerned about a student’s authenticity within their submission, the trainer/assessor may request a verbal appointment with the student to assess their gained knowledge through a series of questions from the student assessment booklet. This is overseen by the Training Manager. A suitable time will be organised with both student and trainer/assessor.
If a group activity has been assessed in the classroom or on site, the trainer/assessor will mark the student’s assessment booklet with detailed information regarding this assessment i.e. a detailed outline of a role play that was delivered and assessed.
9 1
Assessments should be presented in a plastic sleeve without staples, assessment Items are not returned as they are kept for compliance purposes, as a part of our quality assurance commitment It is important to keep a copy of your assessments in case they are lost in transit. Classroom students will receive feedback on their assessment items within 14 days of submission (via trainer/assessor conversation or email). Distance students Will receive their feedback/results via telephone or email within a 14-day timeframe.
Assessment Results
Students are aiming to receive an overall competent result for the unit they are studying. To achieve competency, the students must obtain satisfactory results for all assessment items within the unit. Example assessment items are questions and answers, projects and work experience
How a trainer/assessor determines the assessment item results:
Overall Unit of Competency results.
If all unit requirements have been met (theory, work experience, checklists etc) then the result will be Competent (C)
If the unit requirements have not been met the result will be Not Yet Competent (NYC)
Assessment items results (for example theory only):
Satisfactory (S) — this result indicates that you have met the relevant criteria in this assessment item, to gain a satisfactory result.
Unsatisfactory (US) — this result indicates some of the below reasons:
o the evidence was not of a satisfactory standard (in this case, you will be required to re-submit the relevant evidence) o the evidence you submitted was not complete o the evidence you submitted was not your own work the evidence submitted was outside the course timeframe
If you obtain an unsatisfactory result, the trainer/assessor will organise a time to go through the assessment item and work with you to devise a suitable action plan to re-submit. Students are able to resubmit their assessment items twice after the initial submission. Additional support is provided to the student during this time in the form of meetings, extra classes, email and phone support and one on one trainer/assessor discussions. Upon the third unsatisfactory result, the student will be required to re-enrol into the unit of competency.
A fundamental element of the H&H training system is the provision of additional support and/or reasonable modifications/adjustment for students requiring further assistance. For example, cultural barriers may limit a student’s understanding in units delivered. Trainers, in these instances, may investigate a different approach to their training style that adapts to the particular cultural background.
Appeals against Assessment Results
Please note students have 30 days from the date that the assessment was deemed Unsatisfactory or NYC to appeal the assessment result. Please see front reception for an appeal against assessment form. This appeal can be submitted on the grounds that the student:
I. was not informed about the assessment process for the course

  1. assessment process differed significantly from what the student was told
  2. assessment environment adversely affected the student’s performance
  3. believed that they had demonstrated competency in the assessment/s
    Good Luck with your studies, from the H&H team
    Student Checklist (to be completed by the student)
    CHCCOM002 – Use communication to bulld relationships
    Student Name:
    Assessment Location- (please tick below location/s you have been advised as where you may be assessed)
    Classroom Traineeship Distance Other
    l, confirm that this assessment is in my own words, I have read the ‘how to lodge assessments’ section in this booklet regarding plagiarism
    I (as the student) confirm my readiness to be assessed
    Date, time and location of the assessment has been provided
    How my performance will be assessed, has been explained
    Assessment methods, processes and documentation requirements have been explained
    Any factors that may interfere with the completion of the assessment, have been discussed with the assessor
    Confidentiality of the assessment outcome has been explained
    I understand that feedback will be provided to me within 14 days of submission from my trainer / assessor
    I understand my right to appeal the assessment decision (within 30 days of assessment results)
    Any possible hygiene/Work Health and Safety hazards for this assessment have been identified and discussed
    Student Comments:
    By signing this checklist, the student acknowledges the assessment requirements.
    Student Signature: Date: 2-
    11 | 05.05.19 (VI)
    Foundation Skills
    The Foundation Skills describe those required skills (language, literacy, numeracy and employment skills) that are essential to performance.
    Foundation skills essential to performance are explicit in the performance criteria of this unit of competency.
    Assessment requirements
    Performance Evidence
    The candidate must show evidence of the ability to complete tasks outlined in elements and performance criteria of this unit, manage tasks and manage contingencies in the context of the job role. There must be demonstrated evidence that the candidate has:
    Skill Evidence
    obtained feedback from 3 clients or colleagues on effectiveness of communication and responded appropriately prepared 3 types of written correspondence in accordance with organisation communication protocols facilitated resolution of 1 difficult situation with a client, colleague or service provider facilitated 1 meeting around a workplace issue
    Knowledge Evidence
    The candidate must be able to demonstrate essential knowledge required to effectively do the task outlined in elements and performance criteria of this unit, manage the task and manage contingencies in the context of the work role. These include knowledge of:
    Knowledge Evidence
    • organisation communication policies and protocols different communication styles and techniques, and how they impact on interpersonal communication, including:
    strategies for effective interpersonal communication person centred and rights-based approaches
    • cross-cultural communication protocols non-verbal communication cues group processes and dynamics motivational interviewing versus coercive approach • collaboration versus confrontation communication strategies to:
    build and maintain relationships and trust facilitate workplace meetings
    • negotiate for optimal outcomes deliver business presentations
    • address barriers solve problems and resolve conflict types of interpretation and translation services specific to the client group, and how to access them factors that commonly contribute to the development of communication barriers including high emotions, mistrust or misunderstandings
    14 1 05.05.19 (VI)
    Unit Compliance
    This unit describes the skills and knowledge to apply specific communication techniques to establish, build and maintain relationships with clients, colleagues and other stakeholders based on respect and trust.
    This untt applies to work across a range of workplace contexts where workers at all levels may communicate with individuals and/or groups both In person and in writing
    The skills in this unit must be applied In accordance with Commonwealth and State/Terr1tory legislation, Australian/New Zealand standards and industry codes of practice.
    Elements and Performance Criteria
    Elements describe the essential outcomes Performance criterio describe the performance needed to demonstrate achievement of the element
    1, Communicate with clients and co-workers 1.1 Identify and use appropriate communication techniques to communicate with clients and colleagues
    1.2 Communicate in a manner that demonstrates respect, accepts individual differences and upholds rights
    1.3 Represent the organisation appropriately and in accordance with communication policies and protocols 1.4 Provide information to clients and service providers in accordance with communication policies and protocols
  4. Address communication needs 2.1 Recognise and support communication needs of clients, colleagues and external networks
    2.2 Facilitate access to interpreter and translation services as required
    2.3 Identify and address problems and communication barriers
    2.4 Defuse conflict or potentially difficult situations with clients and colleagues and refer in accordance with organisauonal requirements
    2.5 Seek and respond to feedback on the effectiveness of communication with clients, colleagues and external networks
    3, Facilitate meetings 3.1 Develop an agenda and list of invited participants in consultation with appropriate people
    3.2 Communicate details of the meeting to the participants and other stakeholders in accordance with organisation communication protocols
    3.3 Contribute to and follow objectives and agendas for meeting
    3.4 Provide opportunities to fully explore all relevant issues and provide relevant information
    3.5 Use strategies that encourage all members to participate equally, including seeking and acknowledging contributions from all members
    3,6 Implement strategies to ensure the specific communication needs of individuals within the meeting are identified and addressed
    3.7 Facilitate the resolution of conflict between participants
    3.8 Minute or record meeting in accordance with organisation requirements
    3.9 Evaluate meeting processes and identify lessons learned or opportunities for improvement
    13 1 P a g e
    Knowledge Evidence cont.
    professional relationship boundaries digital media and use in community services and health sector, including:
    web email social media podcast and videos tablets and applications newsletters and broadcasts intranet written correspondence protocols and style guides, including letters, emails, minutes, case notes, reports
    Assessment Conditions
    Skills must have been demonstrated in the workplace or in a simulated environment that reflects workplace conditions. The following conditions must be met for this unit:
    • use of suitable facilities, equipment and resources, including use of real workplace policies and procedures
    • modelling typical workplace conditions, including:
    • interactions with clients and co-workers from a range of diverse backgrounds facilitation of groups of at least 3 people typical workplace reporting processes interpreter and translation services where required
    • use of digital media
    Assessors must satisfy the Standards for Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) 2015/AQTF mandatory competency requirements for assessors.
    Assessment item 1: Short Questions and Answers
    The following section contains questions you are required to complete in the spaces provided. If you require more space for your response, please use the student notes sections on the back of each page, Include your name on the bottom of this additional page For multiple choice or true/false questions, please circle your response,
    This assessment includes all elements below.
  5. Communicate with clients and co-workers
  6. Address communication needs
  7. Facilitate meetings
  8. Describe your communication style:
    (a) In a personal setting
    (b) in a professional setting
    05.05.19 (VI)
    Student Notes:
    (b) Describe what body language is used to greet a person (including posture, eye contact and gestures)
    I. Confidently
  9. Nervously
    Training 05.05.19 (VI)
    Student Notes:
    (b) How can you demonstrate respect when communicating with somebody who has a disability?
    22 | P D g e
    (b) How can you build this relationship and maintain a level of trust?
    24 1
    (c) What procedures would be in place within an organisation relating to communication?
  10. (a) What types of information can you provide to a client of an or anisation?
    25 |
    26 1

H&H Accredited Training 0505.19 (VI)
(b) Your manager has requested that you commence some training with new staff members on some strategies to assist specific needs with clients. What are some strategies you could assist the new staff members with to assist the communication barriers?
(c) What do you suggest if your clients and co-workers are struggling with communication barriers?
H&H Accredited 30 | P a g e 05.05.19 (VI)
H&H Accredited Training 05.05.19 (VI)
(b) Research two translation services that are in your local area. Provide contact details for the service or the name(s) of the relevant personnel.
Training 34 | 0505 19
8 (a) Describe a cultural or language communication barrier that you have encountered in the past and describe how you overcame it,
Trajning 05.05.19
(b) Describe a confidence communication barrier that you have encountered in the past and describe how ytou overcame It
(c) Describe a miscommunication communication barrier that you have encountered in the past and describe how you overcame it.
CHCCOMOO? cotnrnuni( ation
Student Notes:
05 05
(b) Imagine you are communicating at work with an irritated colleague who feels you didn’t do your fair share of work on a recent team project, How do ou diffuse the situation?
39 | P a g e 05 05.19 (VI)
10 (a) You are required to write an email to your supervisor requesting feedback from the supervisor on how you handled the situation in the previous question (b)
(b) Imagine you have received feedback from your supervisor, how will you respond? Draft an acknowled ment email response:
42 1 P a g e 05.05
(b) Who do you need to consult With before sendin out the agenda to staff?
(c) Write a sample email that you would sepuout to staff to invite them to the fundrat%ing meeting
12 (a) Describe what ‘organisation protocols’ are:
H&H Accredited 45 1 P a g e
13, (a) Imagine you have arranged a meeting in your workplace, the agenda has been set and you have some concerns about getting your ‘message across’ within the allocated timeframe.
What are some potential concerns relating to the individual and group dynamics you may have whilst conducting the meeting?
Accredited 47 1 P a e c 05
48 1 P a g e
(b) How can you avoid the above concerns from happerung within your meeting)

  1. (a) You are holding a group meeting and you really would like input from the attendees. What can you
    HAH Accred’ted Tralning 05.05 19 (VI)
    H&H Accredited Training 54 05.05.19 (VI)
    16 (a) Research Relationship Conflict.
    (b) Research Value Conflict.
    H&H Training 55 1 P a g e 05.05.19 (VI)
    H&H 56 1 P a g e 0505.19 (VI)
    (b) Conflict resolution refers to collaboration and confrontation. Research and describe these terms:
    commumcauon budd
    18 (a) Research – What are_person centred and rights – based approaches?
    (b) How can these approaches be considered in our communication?
    59 | P o p e 05 05.19 (VI)
    H&H 60 1 p o p e OS,OS.19 (VI)
    61 1 ? a g e 05.05 19 (VI)
    H&H 62 | P a c e 05 05.19 (VI)
    (c) What would be some Signs that professional boundaries are being over stepped*
    Student Name:
    63 1 P a p e 05.05.19
    CHC( comrnunjcation
    20 Desenbe how the following forms of digital media is used in cornmunjcauon in the workplace
    Websites Description
    Social media
    Tablets and
    Accredited o a g z
    Accredited P a g e
    Assessment item 2. Activity
    (a) Read the foilowtng transcript of a meeting and then answer the questions that follow
    John. Why don’t we owanise a charity raffle?
    Natalie That’s silly, they never work
    David’ How about we —
    Natalie. We could do a fancy dress day instead, that would get people interested
    John That might work
    Natalie. Or what about charity run? We could get loads of people involved jn that.
    David. I liked the fancy dress day idea
    John So, moving on, what charity shall we raise money for?
    1 Is every member of the meeting participating equally? Explain the group dynamics you have interpreted in this transcript (100 words).
    Student Name:
    Accredited P a g e
    H&H Accredited Training 05 OS 19 (VI)
    2 It you were this meeting, what strategies could you hove employed to ensure that contributions were sought from each partlopant, and that each contnbution was acknowledged? List at teast three strat081es
    Student Name:
    Accredited Traimng 69 05.05.19 (VI)
    Student Notes:
    70 | 05 05.19
    (b) You are planning a WOlk meeting to refresh the team’s knowledge of two or three Of your organisatton•s procedures
    One member of your team has English as a second language, One member of your team is hearing impaired.
    In no more than 500 words, plan a strategy to ensure the communication needs of these two Individuals are the additional services and resources that may be required
    Student Name:
    H&H Accredited Training 71 1 05.05 19 (VI)
    (c) You ave playjng the role of a person employed within the Community Services sector You are chatnng a meeting With your team to discuss the divjston of work for an upcoming project
    You have two team members that do not agree on how the workload should be divided They are becomtng quite heated within the meeting and it becomtng very uncomfortable the room.
    H&H Accredited Training 05.05.19 (VI)
    You are required to facilitate the resolution of this conflict.
    (ii) What non-verbal actions might be demonstrated by the team members in this meeting?
    (ommuntta%on buNd
    (a) There has been a meeting at your orgamsation, and you are required to write up the minutes of this meeting using the following information (in a professional format),
    Meeting Information:
    The meeting was held on 22nd January at 5pm It was decided that the organisatton would like to participate in a charity run competition. The participants of the meeting (Tm, Sarah, John, Natalie and David) voted a-I in favour of it.
    Discussion points were raised by Sarah concerning how many participants would participate In the run, and David raised his concern about weather restrictions for the day. Tim forgot to bring the information about the charity to the meeting.
    Finalising a date has been held over until the next meettng, which will be held at the same time on 30th January, and no new business was raised.
    76 | p a g e
    Answer the following questions
    Were the meeting oblectvves achieved P Did everybody partictpate?
    Were the resources suitable?
    Were there any conflicts? What went well?
    (c) Draft an email requesting feedback on the meeting:
    P a g e 05.05.19
    78 1 P a g e
    Assessment Item 4, Effective Communication
    this assessment tequires some students to complete the discussions (based on your mode of study) please tind details below
    Classroom Students — are required to complete the discussions and worksheets, With 3 others in a classroom setting and assessed by trainer/assessor Trainer/assessor completes checklist.
    Distance Students — are required to complete the dlscussjons with 3 others and have them sign and verify below
    Traineeship Students — supervisor / manager completes checklist section only. The trainer/assessor will complete the comments section on site visit.
    This assessment contains the following:
    3 x role plays (discussions With 3 x nominated people)
    3 x worksheets
    Step by Step Instructions
  2. You are required to have discussions With 3 nominated people regarding their idea of effective workplace communication and document their responses, followed by feedback you provide to them on the information they provided you in the discussion.
  3. The nominated person is required to sign the section below (at the bottom of this table)
    Student Name: Signature:
    Nominated Person (a): Signature:
    Nominated Person (b): Signature:
    Nominated Person (c): Signature:
    CHCCOM002 communication
    Trainer / Assessor practical skills instructions
    What is the assessor looking for? What are the requirements?
    Communicate effectively
    Use respectful approaches
    Understand conflict resolution
    Address communication needs
    Attend, participate and document meetings
    Verbal and nonverbal communication
    Understands sustainable approaches
    Understands the guidelines for assessment task
    Assessor Comments:
    What in your opinion is effective communication?
    What do you believe are barriers to effective communication?
    Have you been involved in conflict resolution? Can you provide some detaiP
    Worksheet for res onses:
    Feedback you provided to nominated person (a):
    P a g e 05
    Student Notes:
    H&H Accredited Training 82 05.0519 (VI)
    What in your opimon is effective communication?
    What do you believe are barriers to effective communication?
    Have you ever facilitated a meeting at work? Can you provide some detail?
    Feedback you provided to nominated person (b):
    What In your opinion is effective communication?
    What do you believe are barriers to effective communication?
    How would you Identify and address problems with communication?
    Worksheet for responses,
    Feedback you provided to nominated person (c):
    85 1
    Student Notes:
    Student Practical Skills Demonstration — Assessor Checklist
    Student name. Date’ 242
    Task descriptions Yes No
    Does the identify and use appropriate communication techniques to communicate With clients and colleagues?
    Can the student communicate in a manner that demonstrates respect, accepts individual differences and upholds ri hts?
    Can the student represent the organisation appropriately and in accordance with communication policies and protocols?
    Can the student provide information to clients and service providers in accordance with communication policies and protocols?
    Does the student recognise and support communication needs of clients, colleagues and external networks?
    Does the student facilitate access to interpreter and translation services as required?
    Can the student identify and address problems and communication barriers?
    Can the student defuse conflict or potentially difficult situations with clients and colleagues and refer in accordance with organisational requirements?
    Can the student seek and respond to feedback on the effectiveness of communication with clients, colleagues and external networks?
    Can the student develop an agenda and list of invited participants in consultation with appropriate people?
    Does the student communicate details of the meeting to the participants and other stakeholders in accordance with organisation communication protocols?
    Can the student contribute to and follow objectives and agendas for meeting?
    Can the student provide opportunities to fully explore all relevant issues and provide relevant information?
    Does the student use strategies that encourage all members to participate equally, including seeking and acknowledging contributions from all members? Can the student implement strategies to ensure the specific communication needs of individuals within the meeting are identified and addressed?
    Can the student facilitate the resolution of conflict between participants
    Can the student minute or record meeting in accordance with organisation requirements Does the student evaluate meeting processes and identify lessons learned or opportunities for improvement Assessor Comments:
    Satisfactory Unsatisfactory
    Trainer / Assessor Name: Signature:
    Third Party Name: Signature:





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  • Enjoy Please Note-You have come to the most reliable academic writing site that will sort all assignments that that you could be having. We write essays, research papers, term papers, research proposals. Identify and use appropriate communication techniques to communicate with clients and colleagues

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Identify, critically evaluate and recommend information systems solutions for inefficiencies in business processes, procedures and work practices using data and process modelling techniques.

Subject Code and Title MIS605 Systems Analysis and Design
Assessment Written assessment
Individual/Group Individual
Length words +/ 10%
Learning Outcomes The Subject Learning Outcomes demonstrated by successful completion of the task below include:
a) Identify, critically evaluate and recommend information systems solutions for inefficiencies in business processes, procedures and work practices using data and process modelling techniques.
b) Formulate, validate and document business requirements for a medium-scale information system development project and effectively communicate these requirements to the stakeholders.
c) Demonstrate the ability to effectively analyse, design and develop information systems using Unified Modelling Language (UML) models.
Submission Due by 11:55pm AEST Sunday end of Module 3.1
Weighting 30%
Total Marks marks
Task Summary
In response to the case study provided, identify the functional and the non-functional requirement for the required information system and then build a Use Case Diagram and document set of use cases.
System analysis methods and skills are of fundamental importance for a Business Analyst. This assessment allows you to enhance your system analysis skills by capturing the business and then functional and non-functional requirement of a system. It helps you in identifying “what” the proposed system will do and “how”?.

  1. Please read the attached MIS605_ Assessment 1_Case Study. Note that every piece of information provided in the following case serves a purpose.
  2. Once you have completed reading the case study. Please answer the following questions:
    Question 1 (10 mark).
    Identify all the human and non-human actors within the system. Provide brief description against every actor.
    Question 2 (30 marks).
    Using the information provided in the case study, build a Use Case Diagram using any diagramming software.
    Note: Please make assumptions where needed.
    Question 3 (60 marks).
    Document all use cases (use case methods). All use cases identified in the Use Case Diagram in Question 2 must be elaborated in detail. Please document each use case using the following template:
    Use Case Number
    Use Case Type Base/Abstract (Extends or Includes)
    Use Case Name
    Actor Involved
    Associated Data Sources
    Associated User Interfaces
    Post Condition(s)
    Normal Course of Events Using a
    Flow Chart
    Word Count and Layout
    • The total word count for the written assessment should be no more than 2000 words.
    • Please provide all your answers in a MS word document.
    • Please note that you are NOT required to copy the questions over to the MS Word document.
    Use the question number to indicate which question your answer relates to. • The recommended font size is 12 with 1.5 spacing.
    It is essential that you use appropriate APA style for citing and referencing if needed. Please see more information on referencing here
    Submission Instructions
    Please submit the written assessment via the Assessment link within Assessment 1. The Learning Facilitator will provide feedback via the Grade Centre in the LMS portal. Feedback can be viewed in My Grades.
    Marking Criteria F P C D HD
    Question 1: Identify all the human and non-human actors within the system. Provide brief description against every actor.
    10% Actors identified are largely incorrect. Actors identified are partially incorrect. Actors identified are correct but sufficient detail is not provided. Actors identified are correct and sufficient detail is provided. Actors identified are correct and sufficient detail is provided. The student has clear understanding of human and nonhuman actors.
    Question 2: Using the information provided in the case study, build a Use Case Diagram using any diagramming software.
    30% UCD does not include major use cases, many actors in the UCD are missing, association of base and abstract actors is not given with the use cases, extends and includes are not identified where required and not linked to base use case. The use case diagram does not sync in well with the requirements laid down in the case study. UCD misses some important use cases, some actors in the UCD are missing, some associations of base and abstract actors are not given with the use cases, extends and includes are partially identified (where required). Extends and includes and not appropriately linked to the base use cases. The use case diagram does not fully sync with the requirements laid down in the case study. UCD has all the use cases and actors, some associations of base and abstract actors are not given with the use cases, extends and includes are partially identified (where required). Extends and includes are not appropriately linked to the base use cases. The use case diagram largely syncs with the requirements laid down in the case study. UCD has all the use cases and actors, associations of base and abstract actors are given with the use cases, extends and includes are identified (where required). Extends and includes and not appropriately linked to the base use cases. The use case diagram syncs in completely with the requirements laid down in the case study. UCD has all the use cases and actors, associations of base and abstract actors are given with the use cases, extends and includes are identified (where required). Extends and includes and appropriately linked to the base use cases. The use case diagram syncs in completely with the requirements laid down in the case study.
    MIS605_Assessment 1_Brief_written Assessment Page 4 of 5
    Marking Criteria F P C D HD
    Question 3: Document all use cases (use case methods).
    60% Use case descriptions are incomplete and do not sync in with the given case study. Use case descriptions are partially incomplete and do not fully sync in with the given case study. Use case descriptions are complete but do not fully sync in with the given case study. Use case descriptions are complete and are in sync in with the given case study. Use case descriptions are complete, detailed and are in sync in with the given case study.





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Nabil is a tenant of a house owned by Shafiq


  1. Answer BOTH questions.
  2. Your answer must be submitted in pdf/word/online text form by 11.59 PM on 2/7/2021
  3. Late submission will not be entertained (unless you have a valid reason)
    Nabil is a tenant of a house owned by Shafiq. On 1st June 2021, Nabil received a letter from Shafiq wherein Shafiq stated that he was “interested in selling the house” and asking Nabil to let him know before 9th June 2021 whether Nabil is interested to buy the house at the price of RM550,000.00. On 8th June 2021, Nabil posted a letter to Shafiq informing that he agreed to buy the house at the price of RM550,000.00. However, the next day Shafiq called Nabil and told him that he had withdrawn his offer as he planned to sell the house to his sister instead. At that time, Nabil’s letter had not reached Shafiq yet and it was only received on 10th June 2021. Nabil believes that they already have a valid contract when he posted the letter on 8th June 2021 but Shafiq denies that they have a binding agreement. Advise Nabil. (10 marks)
    Samad is an 80-year old man who is paralysed due to stroke and is fully dependent on his nurse, Nora. One day, Samad’s daughter found out that her father’s house is already transferred to Nora’s name. She was very angry and accused Nora of influencing Samad to give her the house. Nora seeks your advice on whether the transfer of the house is valid under the law. (5 marks)





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Throughout the semester this unit has identified key theories and concepts for effectively marketing hotels

Contemporary Hotel Marketing
Supplementary Assessment Brief Prepare A Report
Report 1500-2000 words Pass/Fail
You have five (5) days to complete this assessment.
Your Report Topic
Throughout the semester this unit has identified key theories and concepts for effectively marketing hotels. We have explored how hospitality marketing has been transformed over recent years, driven by advances in technology which in turn have changed consumer’s buying habits.
The impacts of COVID 19 on our local industry has drastically reduced occupancy and revenue. The application of technology to stay in touch with and remain relevant to your past and potential customers, has become an imperative for survival. Clearly identify and explain three marketing strategies hotels have or could adopt to achieve this goal.
Tense: Third person
Style: Report form – grammatically correct
Size: 11 point
Spacing: 1.5 lines
Justification: Fully justified
Indentation: First line
Referencing: APA 7th Edition accepted. No footnotes.
Submission instructions are as per accompanying communication. Take note of the deadline.

  1. BMIHMS Cover Page 2. Introduction
    You need to define what you are going to talk about in your report. All reports are written for a purpose – what is the purpose of your report? Then what will you be covering.
  2. Body of Report (use headings and where needed subheadings)
    Each paragraph within the body of the report elaborates on one major point (in this case a specific strategy) in the development of the overall discussion (although some points may consist of a number of sub-points, each of which will need a paragraph). The main point in each paragraph needs to be clearly stated in the form of a topic sentence,(the paragraphs first sentence) which is then supported with evidence.
    Marketing Strategy One
    Marketing Strategy Two
    Marketing Strategy Three
  3. Conclusion
    In the conclusion: You need to highlight the key strategies proposed and why they are relevant to hotel marketing in the age of COVID. Avoid introducing new material.
  4. Reference List
    Your reference list must contain references from the essential text (Reid & Bojanic) and a minimum of 8 credible academic sources. Please note the link provided.
    Reid, R.D., & Bojanic, D.C., Hospitality Marketing Management, 6th Edition, Wiley Publishers Available online in the school library.





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  • Timely believes in beating the deadlines that our customers have imposed because we understand how important it is.
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  • Enjoy Please Note-You have come to the most reliable academic writing site that will sort all assignments that that you could be having. We write essays, research papers, term papers, research proposals. Throughout the semester this unit has identified key theories and concepts for effectively marketing hotels

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You are employed by a national recruitment and human resources organisation

You are employed by a national recruitment and human resources organisation. The organisation began in 2002, providing staffing solutions for businesses in South Australia. Since inauguration the organisation has continued to grow, opening offices in each state of Australia. Recently, the board of management approved a proposal for the inclusion of a new training arm of the organisation. The training arm will specialise in sales training for people wishing to work in the automotive industry.
As a result of inclusion of the new training division, management have given you a brief asking you to:
prepare a document introducing the training division and explaining its purpose to the staff in the organisation
develop some marketing material that will be used to attract and inform clients—to outline to clients in the automotive industry how the pre-employment training of applicants will be of benefit to them when they are looking to recruit and select new employees.
In this section, record yourself for 3-5min explaining how you will prepare for this briefing. Remember to write a script to assist you with your recording. Your script can be completed in bullet points and uploaded into the section provided.

Following from Task 3, you are now required to develop and produce the two documents.
Design the products, select the format and style as well as any graphics you will use.
Develop appropriate text for each document:
Prepare a draft of each document and have it proofed. Keep printed copies of the originals and the proofed documents (with track changes turned on).
Draw up a final copy of each document. The first should be ready to send out to personnel in the organisation and the second should be ready to send out to clients.
Submit a print version of the final copies, plus the draft and proofed copies, to your assessor.
Provide a report describing and explaining the steps taken to plan the documents and ensure that each one meets the brief you have been given.
Explain the action you would take to ensure appropriate conservation of resources (the resources used to prepare print and distribute the documents).
Explain how and why you chose the design elements you used and why you believe the finished documents are appropriate for purpose and for the audience





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National Academy of Engineering, “Earth systems engineering is an emerging area of multidisciplinary study

According to the National Academy of Engineering, “Earth systems engineering is an emerging area of multidisciplinary study that takes a holistic view of natural and human system interactions to better understand complex systems. It seeks to develop methods and tools that enable technically sound and ethically wise decisions.” Key to Earth Systems Engineering and Management is the role of technology- how we shape our world through technology and how our world shapes us through technology. This theme of human-technology coupling is prevalent in many movies, TV shows, and books.

In this assignment, you will select a movie or TV show episode from the approved list (or get our approval if there is something else you want to watch), watch it thinking about our course concepts, and write an essay.   

One of Dr. Allenby’s favorite movies for capturing the role of technologies in a society is the 1999 film  The Matrix (1999) (Links to an external site.) . Additionally, past students have contributed to a list of movies and shows that align with some of our course concepts.  Choose 1 film from Column A to complete the assignment, or choose 2 films from Column B to complete the assignment.

Also, I am providing a blanket content warning. Science fiction themes, plot points, and visuals often contain gore, cussing, violence of many types, racism, sexism, and other depressing issues which plague our society. If you would prefer not to view a more graphic option (totally okay!) please choose WALL-E. In-between options would be Black Panther or The Matrix. 

Black Mirror Season 3 Episode 6 Hated in the Nation (Netflix)Philip K Dick’s Electric Dreams Season 1 Episode 2 Autofac (Amazon Prime Video)
WALL-E (Disney+)  Philip K Dick’s Electric Dreams Season 1 Episode 6 Safe and Sound (Amazon Prime Video)
Black Panther (Disney+)Black Mirror Season 3 Episode 1 Nosedive (Netflix)
Advantageous (Netflix)Black Mirror Season Episode 4 San Junipero (Netflix)
The Matrix (Amazon Prime Video)The Twilight Zone Season 2 Episode 6 “8” (CBS All Access)

In your essay, please address one of the following two prompts:


1. What assumptions around the way technology and humans relate to each other are embedded in the movie/show?Do you agree with them or not? Justify your answer. 

2. Detail how media is used to present integrated visions of future technologies within a social, cultural, and economic context, using your selected movie/showas an example.

Please copy and paste the prompt at the top of your submission. This will not count toward the word count.

Grading Rubric:

Assessment CriteriaRequirementsPercentage of Grade
Good Content and Analysis: Well researched and fully addresses selected writing promptTitle2.5
Identifies selected writing prompt5
Topic Sentence2.5
Provides summary of movie/shows15
Addresses writing prompt15
Discussion of ESEM Principles15
Good Technical Compliance with RequirementsBetween 475 and 525 words with 1.5 line spacing10
Proper Grammar and Spelling20
1.5 Spacing5
Proper References: *Credit only awarded if two references are used2 ReferencesN/A*
In-text APA Citations5
APA Bibliography5
Original and non-plagiarized custom papers- Our writers develop their writing from scratch unless you request them to rewrite, edit or proofread your paper.
Timely Delivery- believes in beating the deadlines that our customers have imposed because we understand how important it is.
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