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calculate the fractional amounts of the equilibrated phases formed within a plate

2) For a 0.46 wt%C Ni-Cr steel plate, show any calculations to support your responses to the following queries: 

  1. After pouring the melt into a refractory container and allowed to furnace cool to 728°C,
    calculate the fractional amounts of the equilibrated phases formed within a plate.
  2. For a steel with the attached time-temperature-transformation (TTT) diagram, give the processing of three steel items – one plate with a microstructure of 25% upper bainite, another plate of 100% martensite minimized for cracking, and the third plate with 75%
    lower bainite.
  3. For 2B and 2C, sketch carefully each microstructure expected for the four plates with
    all the phases identified with their corresponding temperatures.

3)  For high technological industries, you evaluate metals and ceramics beyond the Fe-C alloys to more costly applications.
A. For one process, elect three alloying components for Ti alloys to give alpha-gamma 

phase from an eutectoid reaction and another process, give three alloying components added to Ti to give alpha-gamma phases near a peritectoid reaction. Be sure to describe each process in not more than three sentences. 

B. What alloying elements should you seek for stainless steel to have a bar or plate with martensitic phase, as well as explain why? 

C. For a material of the hypersonic plane, liquid Hf-Nb-Ta alloy infuses into a B4C packed bed and reacts to form a HfB2-HfC-Nb3B4-Nb4C3-TaC-Ta3B2 composite or the same boride-carbide precipitates embedded in a Hf-Nb-Ta alloy matrix. Determine the mass of Hf, Nb, and Ta needed to give you 1 kg of Nb3B4 in metal matrix having 50at%Hf- 45at%Nb-5at%T a. 

D. What two refractories or ceramics (no metals) must you consider to hold a Hf-Nb melt at 2500°C in preparation for a proper Hf/Nb ratio and a refractory to eventually add Ta to the Hf-Nb alloy in a subsequent melting of the Hf-Nb-Ta alloy at 3500°C? 

E. A hafnium-niobium melt contained in a graphite or carbon crucible (1 cm thick and 5 cm inner diameter) reacts to form an internal layer composed of HfC and NbC between the Hf-Nb liquid and the internal, graphite crucible. The figure below gives the diffusion coefficients of carbon in cm2/s for HfC, TaC, NbC and ZrC. 

  1. Determine the carbon diffusion in HfC at 3600°C.
  2. Estimate the carbide having the larger thickness in twelve hours between the
    Hf-Nb liquid and the internal crucible wall?

F. From the Ta-C phase diagram, below, give the three-phase reactions for a eutectic, 

peritectic, peritectoid, congruent, and euctectoid reactions along with their respective temperatures at which they occur. 

4) . A Ta2O5 semiconductor at temperatures greater than 1000°C exists with doubly- charged, oxygen vacancies. Your engineering colleague argues strongly that these oxygen ionic defects convert the tantalate lattice into a p-type semiconductor – is he correct and give reasoning? 

B. Is the semiconductor n-type or p-type, if Al2O3 is added, instead of Ta2O5, to the NbO lattice and give your reasoning? 

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Little White Lie

Pick any of 4 of the documentaries listed below to write on. write a full one-page summary (12-point Times New Roman font, double spaced of the documentary and discuss how it connects to issues we have discussed in class such as human and physical geography, and culture. watch 4 documentaries. There should be no header on your document, just put your name and write! 

  • The 13th
  • Honor Diaries
  • Little White Lie
  • Rich Hill
  • Living on One Dollar
  • Food Inc.
  • The True Cost
  • India’s Daughter
  • The Search for General Tso
  • Fannie’s Last Supper

City 40

Forgiving Mengele

They Call it Myanmar

Dancing in Jaffa

Dark Girls

Saudi Arabia Uncovered

Happy People: A Year in the Tundra

The World Before Her

The Square

Poverty, Inc.

Return to the Philippines

Tibetan Warrior

Awake: The Life of Yogananda

Sewing Hope

The Act of Killing

God Loves Uganda

Art of Conflict

The Island President

Finding Fela

Winter on Fire

Uyghurs, Prisoners of the Absurd He Named Me Malala

Assignment Status: Solved By Our Experts.



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most striking characteristic of each planet mercury

Complete the Planetary Comparison Table worksheet.

While APA format is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and documentation of sources should be presented using APA formatting guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

You are not required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite.

Planet Comparison Table

Utilize current, academic sources for this table (i.e., do not use Wikipedia) and include a reference page, at the end of this document, that lists your sources.

Part 1: Within the table, highlight the most striking characteristic of each planet.

Distance from the Sun
Major Atmospheric Constituents
Minimum/Maximum Surface Temperature
Inclination of Equator to Orbit
Rotation Period (Earth days)
Orbit Period (Earth years)
Mean Orbit Velocity (km/h)
Mass (kg)
Density (g/cm3)

Part 2: Provide a 2-3 sentence explanation as to why each planet has the selected characteristic. Cite your sources according to the APA Style Guide.

1. Mercury:

2. Venus:

3. Earth:

4. Mars:

5. Jupiter

6. Saturn:

7. Uranus:

8. Neptune:


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Examine the influence that nursing models and theories have upon research and practice

Discussion Topic: Using the theory of unpleasant symptoms as a guide, what would you look for in an assessment tool for patient symptoms?

Select one Student Learning Outcomes from the following list:

Student Learning Outcomes 

1- Critique nursing’s conceptual models, grand theories, and mid-range theories.

2- Examine the influence that nursing models and theories have upon research and practice.

3- Apply nursing theory or theories to nursing research.

Provides an explanation of how the selected Student Learning Outcomes is explored or related to the Discussion Topic.


  Formatted and cited in current APA 7 

  Use 3 academic sources. Not older than 5 years

  Not Websites are allowed.

  Plagiarism is NOT allowed

Assignment Status: Solved By Our Experts.


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Cortnee post

Quantitative is a numerical value that is measured and ordered. Qualitative is a category that has variables



Qualitative is the measure of the data’s quality. It can not be measured using statistical analysis and often refers to personal preferences, labels, or anything that can be represented by words. Quantitative is the measure of the data’s numerical values. There’s typically a type of order that can be used to group the values. Although both have variables, the meaning and use of those variables are not the same and can’t be measured equally. The advantages found when using quantitative data are that the information may be represented clearly as a number (quantity), organizable, discreteness, and there’s meaning behind the differences in the numbers. The advantages for qualitative data are being able to categorize and utilize the word value of the data and doesn’t require specific order to properly represent meaning. When it comes to my work, there are many examples of quantitative data that I utilize to properly determine a line of credit amount and when to know to pull back on shipments. The type of numerical data that I use are credit ratings, current balances, dates, calculating how much of their line is remaining, how much is to be received and applied against the account, percentages, averages, so on and so forth. An example of qualitative would be the differences between my girls. My oldest has curly, blonde hair, blue eyes, likes the color blue, and likes to draw. My youngest has straight, blonde hair, blue eyes, likes the color purple, and like to ride her scooter. 

Cortnee post

Quantitative is a numerical value that is measured and ordered. Qualitative is a category that has variables.

I’ve been a nurse for over 25 years in cardiology and now work in medical eduation. We study risk factors for men and women, age of the patient, in relation to cardiac issues. Those could include hypertension (high blood pressure), myocardial infarction (heart attack), myocarditis (inflammed heart muscle) and a few other more cardiac conditions.

The patient’s age has a numerical value and is quanitative. The others are qualitative data and would be the other catagories such as men and women, family history, smoking history etc. We have just added a COVID vaccine category and a history of COVID sickness. We are seeing an increase in both of those with myocarditis and cardiac arrest.

I would love to hear if you know anyone with any heart issues after getting the vaccine or getting the virus. They clearly have a link in the data we are studying. We are seeing myocarditis in children for the first time so that is new data.

 In response to John and Kelly, explain whether you agree or disagree with their conclusions. Provide specifics reasons as to why or why not. 

John post

One specific consequence of the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King is the militarization of some civil rights groups over time. Dr. King himself was a vocal proponent of peaceful protest; spearheading many campaigns for justice using this method. Often at odds with more militant civil rights groups, these organizations became empowered after his death; becoming some of the loudest voices in the civil rights movement in Dr. King’s absence. The message of these political groups was further supported by the assassination itself; being used to argue that civil rights activism is dangerous and requires more radical action and that strictly peaceful protest is ineffectual.

Kelly post

The assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. assisted in the passing of the 1968 Fair Housing Act, as well as the Voting Rights Act.  His assassination created such outrage that riots and violence were occurring, and I think that the Fair Housing Act was passed to pacify the angry masses. 

“The loss of King as an eloquent advocate of nonviolent protest definitely hurt the movement. And perhaps more important, the wave of racial violence that convulsed many cities in the wake of King’s death shattered whatever fragile political consensus might have been forming behind the idea of comprehensive reforms to address the root causes of racial discrimination and African-American poverty (Garrow, 2004)” (Mindedge, 2022) . I think that these events would have taken place anyway, but I do believe that the assassination created anger, brought attention to the movement, and necessitated quicker movement than would have occurred if he was not killed

Assignment Status: Solved By Our Experts.



Cortnee post

Quantitative is a numerical value that is measured and ordered. Qualitative is a category that has variables

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Do developed countries contribute to corruption in developing countries?

This is a paper of Global Corruption course.

  • Choose one question/topic from the list of topics/questions provided below for your term paper.

1.Do developed countries contribute to corruption in developing countries?

2.Is the new media (e.g., Facebook, and Twitter) a promising anti-corruption tool? Explain your answer. You might want to take a position and defend it using evidence (e.g., fromjournal articles, media reports, websites, and blogs).

3.Is the traditional mainstream media an influential anti-corruption force? Explain your answer. You may want to take a position and support/defend it with evidence (e.g., from journal articles, media reports, websites, and blogs).

4.Do multinational corporations play any role in global corruption?

5.What are the major challenges in the fight against global corruption? How can those challenges identified be overcome?

6.Are any three recent empirical cases/examples of (global) corruption not discussed in this course? If yes, discuss these cases. For example, provide the necessary context/background to help the reader understand the case and the perpetrator(s) involved. Then, briefly explain any measures such as prosecutions and reforms taken or can be taken to prevent future occurrences.

7.Is corruption good for society? Discuss

  • 7-8 pages long (excluding references)
  • Minimum of 12 references – with at least seven from academic sources (e.g., journal, articles and book chapters)
  • Your answer should be in essay format with title, introduction, body, and conclusion. The title should reflect the paper’s focus. The introduction should provide an overview of the entire paper. This introduction should indicate the research topic/issue and why it matters, the paper’s research question or purpose, theory/concept, and data employed. The body can take different forms. The body can take different forms. For example, if applicable, you can discuss your theoretical/conceptual framework, which provides (1) an abstract answer for your research question/purpose and (2) structure for the paper’s analysis. Next, have another section or different logical sections addressing/answering your research question with evidence (e.g., scholarly work, media reports and so forth). Finally, in the conclusion section, you can remind the reader of the paper’s purpose and then state the key takeaways or main lessons (e.g., theory, policy, and future research implications) based on the paper’s analysis.
  • Clarity of expression is essential, so pay attention to grammar and choice of words, and use formal/academic tone and short sentences – up to 35 words per sentence.
  • The term paper should be typed and double-spaced (but use single space for references at the end), and it should be in either MS Word or PDF format
  • Use Times New Roman and Font Size 12 and leave a margin of 1 inch on either side.
  • paper should include appropriate title 
  • You can use any recognized referencing style (e.g., APA) for your in-text citations and references.
  • some videos that you can watch related to the course-
Writers Solution

The Worldwide Web: The Positive Impacts of the Internet on Society

The Worldwide Web: The Positive Impacts of the Internet on Society

The development and the progression of internet usage are one of the most vital advancements made in the history of human civilization. Every facet of modern contemporary society is connected to and integrated with internet usage, including education, medicine, and news, among other essential aspects of society. The internet has reduced the world into a global village, connecting even the remotest part of the world. The proliferation of social media usage, especially among the young generation, is a notable feature of the internet that has changed crucial aspects of life. Similarly, the internet has equally changed how business and entrepreneurship work in the modern day. Online transactions, business advertisements, and deals have been integrated into technology to increase efficiency and productivity. Likewise, politics revolutionized through the internet with increased participation among the public. However, the internet is also associated with numerous negative impacts, mainly linked to addiction and overreliance on the internet. Opposers of the internet argue that it affects the social and mental well-being of addicted users (Quaglio 8).

Similarly, opponents argue that the internet increases access to harmful and dangerous information detrimental to young users’ growth and development. Nonetheless, internet usage is valuable if the use is controlled and monitored. The internet has positively impacted society as it has enhanced communication and social connectivity improved commerce, and provide tools for learning and development.

The growth of internet usage has hugely impacted how people communicate and interact by enhancing social connectivity. The internet ensures effective and faster communication among users from around the globe. Instant messaging through social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and other messaging applications like e-mail has enhanced communication. Faster and more efficient communication improves productivity by reducing the time spent on other traditional forms of communication and interaction (Huizer et al. 5). Similarly, the internet enables users to meet and interact with new people, thus enhancing the social network (Castells 136). Social media platforms give users opportunities to create new relationships and connections. In this digital age, networking is crucial for improving knowledge and experience in various fields. Likewise, interacting with people with varied outlooks on life improves users’ understanding of the people around them and the world in general. The internet offers a seamless communication medium that is crucial for understanding the vital aspects of one’s environment, including what is happening in other parts of the world that have global impacts (Diomidous 1). Social relations formulated online translate to the physical world because people become more aware of their surroundings and other people’s experiences. With the internet, users are more likely to meet people with the same insights and outlooks on life. Similarly, the internet has also enhanced the likelihood of formulating romantic relationships through dating applications and digital platforms. The internet has enhanced work-life balance as users preoccupied with other commitments, such as work and family, can still interact and connect with new people faster and efficiently.

Correspondingly, the internet has revolutionized how businesses operate and reach out to target customers. The development of electronic commerce, commonly known as e-commerce, has enhanced the interaction between customers and entrepreneurs. Customer satisfaction is a vital aspect of business success enhanced by the internet through feedback and direct communication with business providers (Dentzel 16). Through data collection, organizations determine the preferences of their customers and feedback on the services provided by certain enterprises. Through such communication, a business can easily customize its services and products to meet specific and unique customer requirements. Likewise, business models, including small enterprises, can monitor how customers interact with their products by monitoring traffic data and customer reviews. Huizer and his colleagues point out that through the internet, enterprises can reach out to customers in other parts of the world faster and more efficiently (4). Online shopping has modernized customer experience, as seen with the success of large corporations such as Amazon and Alibaba. Local businesses and small corporations’ benefit from the internet by advertising their products and services, leading to the growth of their customer niche (Dentzel 17). Online transactions, including online banking and payment methods, have equally increased the growth of businesses, ranging from small to medium enterprises, improving a country’s economy. Similarly, the growth of internet commerce has created new employment opportunities, especially for the youth, who comprise the most significant percentage of internet users. Internet content creators and influences play a crucial role in the growth and success of e-commerce.

The internet provides tools for learning and development by providing access to an array of information. The internet gives users access to various information sources, including resources and study materials that widen their knowledge and experiences. Through the internet, users can access online libraries and sources that would be costly and time-consuming. Users conduct comprehensive research on the internet on various subjects within a short duration and more efficiently by comparing data and information across verifiable internet sources (Alam et al. 622). Traditional learning institutions have incorporated online resources and classes that increase access to education and information for people worldwide. Students nowadays do not have to physically attend an institution to access courses in a given institute, as they are available online. Therefore, the internet increases access to information and education that enhances users’ growth and development in various fields of learning (Dentzel 10). According to Poushter and his colleagues, the internet broadens students’ learning experience as they access various fields, which helps them choose a specific field of interest. For young learners, the internet improves their creativity and innovative skills by offering an array of data and resources (Fatema et al. 73). Such learning experiences are vital for improving an individual’s autonomy and self-expression as they become more confident and expressive. With the internet, users can express their opinions and participate in discussions of critical issues, including political, social, and economic debates (Castells 143). Individuals feel value in sharing insights and information about specific vital societal issues through social networks. Social media campaigns increase awareness and information about social and political issues, influencing individuals to call for change and improvements.

Conversely, opponents of the internet argue that it harms users’ social and mental well-being, especially the youth and young children. Opponents argue that the internet affects the development of individuals’ intellectual and social skills as they become addicted to the internet (Alam et al. 626). Such a viewpoint bases its argument on the issues connected with addiction to the internet, primarily social media usage. Critics of increased internet usage believe it interferes with a person’s psychological and interpersonal connection skills as they get accustomed to online interaction, reducing physical activity and interaction (Quaglio). Fatema and her colleagues reiterate that social media addiction affects users’ physical and mental health, who gradually become lazy and withdrawn from society (76). Opponents argue that the internet increases access to harmful and dangerous content such as pornographic material and discriminatory information (Quaglio 6). Also, antagonists argue that the internet spreads false information that ostracizes specific populations. Diomidous points out that the internet has also inadvertently promoted antisocial traits such as cyber terrorism, cyberbullying, cyber suicide, and cyber racism (2). However, such negative impacts of the internet are mitigated through controlled and monitored internet usage, especially for young users. Parents can limit the time and the content their children access the internet. Older adults can equally control their access to specific sites and improve their safety through security features that prevent information theft. Through self-evaluation and self-care, social media addiction can incorporate habits and practices that complement online interactions with physical activity.

Overall, the internet benefits contemporary society by increasing communication and social connectivity, enhancing commerce, and improving access to information and learning resources. The internet gives users access to various tools and features that improve their connection and interaction with others, enhancing their independence and expression. Similarly, the internet enables increased public participation in discussing critical social, political, and economic issues affecting people from various parts of the globe, fostering change and improvements. With technology, people can connect with their loved ones, including friends and families, faster and more efficiently, irrespective of location. Although the internet may also be associated with negative influence that affects a person’s social and meant well-being, controlled usage mitigates the graveness of harmful impacts. Numerous lifestyle changes have proven beneficial in countering the adverse effects of internet usage, including isolation, anxiety, interpersonal relationships, and mental health problems. The discovery of the internet has undoubtedly revolutionized all aspects of modern society, and thus its usage cannot be avoided but controlled.

Work Cited

Alam, Syed Shah, et al. “Negative and positive impact of internet addiction on young adults: Empirical study in Malaysia.” Intangible Capital 10.3 (2014): 619–638.

Castells, Manuel. “The impact of the internet on society: a global perspective.” Change 19 (2014): 127-148.

Dentzel, Zaryn. “How the internet has changed everyday life.” Change 19 (2013).

Diomidous, Marianna, et al. “Social and psychological effects of the internet use.” Acta informatica medica 24.1 (2016): 66.

Fatema, Kaniz, et al. “Impact of using the Internet on students: A sociological analysis at Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman science and technology university, Gopalganj, Bangladesh.” Open Journal of Social Sciences 8.12 (2020): 71–83.

Huizer, Erik, et al. “A brave new world: How the internet affects societies.” Internet Society (2017).

Poushter, Jacob, James Bell, and Russ Oates. “Internet Seen as Positive Influence on Education but Negative on Morality in Emerging and Developing Nations.” Pew Research Center (2015).

Quaglio, Gianluca. “Potentially negative effects of internet use.” European Parliamentary Research Service (2020)




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You have been hired as the CSO (Chief Security Officer) for an organization.

Research Paper:

You have been hired as the CSO (Chief Security Officer) for an organization. Your job is to develop a computer and internet security policy for the organization that covers the following areas:

  • Computer and email acceptable use policy
  • Internet acceptable use policy
  • Password protection policy

Make sure you are sufficiently specific in addressing each area. There are plenty of security policy and guideline templates available online for you to use as a reference or for guidance. Your plan should reflect the business model and corporate culture of a specific organization that you select.  Include at least 3 scholarly references in addition to the course textbook. At least two of the references cited need to be peer-reviewed scholarly journal articles from the library.Your paper should meet the following requirements:

Writers Solution

When performing calculations, standard rounding rules apply. If the number to the right of the decimal is less than 5, round down to the nearest whole number

Submit your answers on a Word document, with the heading of Week 5 Assignment. For the questions requiring a written response, answer directly on the assignment and adhere to proper grammar and syntax, and provide references. For the questions requiring calculations, show all of your work and follow the format that has been provided for the calculations in the lesson for Week 5. In addition, further explanations and formulas on the break-even analysis are contained in the required reading resources. Key points for calculations When performing calculations, standard rounding rules apply. If the number to the right of the decimal is less than 0.5, round down to the nearest whole number, e.g., 33.4 = 33 If the number to the right of the decimal is 0.5 or greater, round up to the nearest whole number, e.g. 33.5 =34. Read the question carefully. Pay close attention to the units be asked and keep them consistent. For example, days vs months vs years; charges vs contribution margin; dollars vs percentage Provide ALL formulas with references. Designate which formula associates with which source. It is not sufficient to simply list the source at the beginning of the section. Write out the formula used BEFORE filling in the numbers. Formulas used should be taken from one of the required resources for this course.

Week 5: Break-even Analysis

Assignment Guidelineswith Scoring Rubric


The purpose of this assignment is to:

To provide learners with the opportunity todevelop break-even-analysisskills.

Total Points Possible:  100


Answer the questions and complete the calculations required for the assignment.

Submit your answers on a Word document,with the heading of Week 5Assignment.  For the questions requiring a written response, please adhere to proper grammar and syntax, and provide references.  For the questions requiring calculations, show all your work and follow the format that has been provided for the calculations in the lesson for Week 5.

1. When performing calculations, standard rounding rules apply. If the number to the right of the decimal is less than 5, round down to the nearest whole number, e.g., 33.4 = 33 If the number to the right of the decimal is 5 or greater, round up to the nearest whole number, e.g. 33.5 =34.

2. Read the question carefully. Pay close attention to the units be asked and keep them consistent. For example, hours vs FTEs; days vs months vs years.

3. Provide ALL formulas with references. Designate which formula associates with which source. It is not sufficient to simply list the source at the beginning of the section. Write out the formula used BEFORE filling in the numbers.Formulas used should be taken from one of the required resources for this course.

Example: Total Contribution Margin (CM) = (CM) category 1 + CM cat 2 + CM 3

Leger, J.M. & Dunham-Taylor, J. (2018). Financial management for nurse managers: Merging the heart with the dollar, 4th Ed. Burlington, MA: Jones-Bartlett.


Preparing the paper

Break-Even Analysis Case Study

You and several of your colleague business partners have decided to establish an outpatient fertility clinic in your service area. All of you are very familiar with this patient population base, have completed an extensive market analysis thatdemonstrated a great need for the service, and are comfortable with setting up a business and the costs associated with this special group of patients.

As part of the business plan, you and your partners will need to convince stakeholders that this new service endeavor will be viable. They will want to know how many patients visits annually will need to occur and how long it will take for the service to be at least cost neutral or profitable. To provide them with this information you will perform a break-even analysis. Use the following data, conduct the analysis accounting for the contribution margin of each patient acuity category.

  • Fixed Costs: $9,788,000 (start-costs, specialty physicians, anesthesiologists, APNs, staff

 nurses and other staff salaries, specialty equipment, other miscellaneous)

  • Variable costs: $500/patient visit (specialty equipment, oxygen supplies, other


  • Clinic days: Monday-Saturday- 312 days/year
  • Projected patient visits per year: 7488
  • Patient charges by patient acuity category:
    • Simple (15%)————$2000/visit
    • Moderate (60%)——–$6500/visit
    • Complex (25%)———$10,000/visit
Break-even Analysis Data Table
Acuity CategoryPercentage %Charge per VisitVisits per YearCharges per YearVisits per DayCharges per DayContribution Margin
Expected Total Daily Charges  
ExpectedTotal Daily Revenue 
Break Even point in days 
Break Even point in visits 
  1. Describe your approach to this case study. In addition to the numbers given, what do you need to know before you can calculate the break-even analysis?
  • Perform the calculations needed for the break-even analysis. Show your work, formulas used, and reference the formula. When calculating the patient visits per day, round to the nearest whole. After you’ve completed the calculations, record your results in the appropriate place in the table.
  • How many patient visits are expected per day?
  • What is the contribution margin of each category of patient?
Approach to Break-Even Analysis55%Approach to Break-even analysis is clearly articulated and contains elements needed to address the scenario
Calculate the number of patients/category served per year and day.1515%Number of patients served by the fertility clinic is correctly calculated per year and day for each type/category. Formulas are correctly shown, used, and referenced. Calculations are shown
Calculate the contribution margin for each patient category3030%For each of the three patient/categories the contribution margin is correctly calculated. Formulas are correctly shown, used, and referenced. Calculations are shown.
Calculate the number of days to break-even.1010%Time to break-even in days is correctly calculated. Formulas are correctly shown, used, and referenced. Calculations are shown
Calculate the break-even quantity (number of visits).1515%The break-even quantity (number of visits) is correctly calculated. Formulas are correctly shown, used, and referenced. Calculations are shown.
Analysis of break-even analysis2020%Break-even analysis is clearly articulated. Includes elements potential for viability and profitability of service, recommendation for continuing the business. Specific data from the analysis is used to support your interpretation.
Writing conventions, format, and reference citations55%Writing is clear concise without grammatical and spelling errors. All references are correctly cited (if applicable) and written.
  100100A quality assignment will meet or exceed all of the above requirements.

Grading Rubric

Assignment Criteria  Outstanding or highest level of performance  Very good or high level of performance  Competent or satisfactory level of performancePoor or failing level of performance  Unsatisfactory level of performance
Content Possible Points = 100 Points           
Approach to Break-Even Analysis5 Points 0 Points
Calculate the number of patients per category served at the fertility clinic per year and per day.15 Points105 0 Points
Number of patients served per year and per day is correctly calculated for each patient category served at the fertility clinic.2/3 categories correctly calculated1/3 of categories correctly calculatedAll categories incorrectly calculated
Calculate the contribution margin for each type of patient served at the fertility clinic.30 Points2010 0 Points
Contribution margin for all category types are correctly calculatedContribution margin for 2/3 category types are correctly calculatedContribution margin for 1/3 category types are correctly calculatedContribution margins for all category types are incorrectly  calculated
Calculate the number of days to break-even point.15 Points 0 Points
Number of days to break-even is correct.Number of days to break even is incorrect
Calculate the break-even quantity (number of visits)10 Points 0 Points
Number of visits to break even is correctNumber of visits to break even is incorrect.
Analysis of break-even analysis20 Points15 Points10 Points5 Points0 Points
Break-even analysis is clearly articulated. Includes elements potential for viability and profitability of service, recommendation for continuing the business. Specific data from the analysis is used to support your interpretation.3/4 of all elements of break-even analysis are present and correct.1/2 of all elements of break-even analysis are present and correct.1/4 of all elements of break-even analysis is present and correct.All elements of break-even analysis are missing or incorrect.
Writing conventions, format, references5 Points3 points1 point 0 points
Writing is clear and concise, contains no grammatical and spelling errors. All references are correctly cited (if applicable) and written.2/3 of elements are present and correct1/3 of elements is present and correctAll elements of writing conventions  are missing or incorrect.
Content Subtotal  of 100 points
Total Points  _____of  points
Writers Solution

Trends That Will Shape Hospice in 2022

Question 1. Based on, “Trends That Will Shape Hospice in 2022″Actions, material attached

  • Discuss the factors impacting hospice providers as well as the patients and families in need of their services.
  • Are there any additional trends that you think may impact end-of-life care in the future?

You must cite class material and reference each source separately using the APA method 2 to 3 paragraphs

Question 2.

There has been much debate regarding “common core” and improving educational outcomes. What would be the most important change(s) that could be implemented to achieve improved educational outcomes for all students?  cite material apa method 2 to paragraphs please check attached files

Question 3.

The text notes that women’s midlife review is influenced by its societal context. Please discuss issues and life changes, if any that will be relevant to today’s generation of young adults when they reach middle age. This must have at least 2 sources or more thank you




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