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When a figure skater goes into spin she will begin with her arms extended, and then draws her arms inward.

Newtons Pendulum:

When a figure skater goes into spin she will begin with her arms extended, and then draws her arms inward. As a result the ice skater spins faster.  Describe why this works in terms of angular momentum.

Provide your own example of the conservation of linear momentum in a collision.  Use the words elastic, inelastic, and totally inelastic in your explanation.

Be sure to provide substantive responses to at least two of your classmates. For instance a response referencing some specific point in the post to which you are responding is a substantive response. Another example of a substantive post is one which prompts your classmate to address some missed point of the discussion. As always responses such as, “Good Job,” and “I agree,” are considered non substantive and earn no points





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COVID-19 pandemic your labs transferred to an online lab simulation

 You are the lab instructor for Phys 1401 on ground class. As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic your labs transferred to an online lab simulation. You must prepare a lab handout for an experiment that your students will perform following the instruction you are presenting in the handout. Your handout must contain:  PART ONE: 1. The theory of the experiment (about 20 lines).  2. All steps (Instructions) that the student must follow to perform all the sections of the experiment. Performing the simulation will enable the student to understand the physical concepts of projectile motion.  3. Conceptual questions that verify to you as an instructor that the student understands the theory and the experiment ( at least 7 questions).  PART TWO:  After preparing the handout, write your answers/ observations (assuming you are the student) following the Instructions prepared by you (the instructor) 





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Calculate the momentum of a 265 kg motorcycle traveling at 25 m/s

Mathematical Assignment

1. Calculate the momentum of a 265 kg motorcycle traveling at 25 m/s. 

Key Idea   Stock of Data and 


Sanity Check

2. A rubber ball (1 kg) falls from a height of 10 m and collides elastically with the floor.  What is the velocity of the ball as it rebounds from the floor?  

Key Idea   Stock of Data and 


Sanity Check

3. Two clay balls collide and stick. Ball 1 has a mass of 10 kg and an initial velocity of 10 m/s in the positive x direction. Ball 2 has a mass of 20 kg and an initial velocity of 5 m/s in the negative x direction.   What is the final velocity of the combined mass? 

Key Idea   Stock of Data and 


Sanity Check

4. Two clay balls collide and stick. Ball 1 has a mass of 10 kg and an initial velocity of 5 m/s in the positive x direction. Ball 2 has a mass of 20 kg and an initial velocity of 5 m/s in the negative x direction.   What is the final velocity of the combined mass? 

Key Idea   Stock of Data and 


Sanity Check

5. Two rubber balls undergo an elastic collision. Ball 1 has a mass of 10 kg and an initial velocity of 5 m/s in the positive x direction. Ball 2 has a mass of 10 kg and is stationary.   What is the final velocity of the two balls, v1f, and v2f?

Key Idea   Stock of Data and 


Sanity Check

6. A ceiling fan turns at a rate of 20 RPM what is its speed in radians per second, and the speed of a tip of a 50 cm fan blade in m/s?   

Key Idea   Stock of Data and 


Sanity Check

7. Calculate the angular momentum of a 265 kg motorcycle traveling at 25 m/s. traveling around a circular curve 500 m in radius 

Key Idea   Stock of Data and 


Sanity Check

8. A ceiling fan turns at a rate of 20 RPM.  A 1 gram bug hangs on to the end of a 50 cm fan blade.  What is the magnitude of the frictional force between the bug’s feet and the blade?   

Key Idea   Stock of Data and 


Sanity Check

9. A wrench 30 cm long is attached to a nut and bolt.  You exert a 15 N force on the wrench.  What is the maximum torque you can exert under these conditions?   

Key Idea   Stock of Data and 


Sanity Check

10. A uniform beam of length 10 m and mass 100 kg is supported by pylons on either end.  A 200 kg box is centered at 5 m from the left end of the beam.  What is the downward force on the left most pylon?  

Key Idea    Stock of Data and 


Sanity Check

Mathematical Assignment

1. Calculate the momentum of a 265 kg motorcycle traveling at 25 m/s. 

Key Idea   Stock of Data and 


Sanity Check

2. A rubber ball (1 kg) falls from a height of 10 m and collides elastically with the floor.  What is the velocity of the ball as it rebounds from the floor?  

Key Idea   Stock of Data and 


Sanity Check

3. Two clay balls collide and stick. Ball 1 has a mass of 10 kg and an initial velocity of 10 m/s in the positive x direction. Ball 2 has a mass of 20 kg and an initial velocity of 5 m/s in the negative x direction.   What is the final velocity of the combined mass? 

Key Idea   Stock of Data and 


Sanity Check

4. Two clay balls collide and stick. Ball 1 has a mass of 10 kg and an initial velocity of 5 m/s in the positive x direction. Ball 2 has a mass of 20 kg and an initial velocity of 5 m/s in the negative x direction.   What is the final velocity of the combined mass? 

Key Idea   Stock of Data and 


Sanity Check

5. Two rubber balls undergo an elastic collision. Ball 1 has a mass of 10 kg and an initial velocity of 5 m/s in the positive x direction. Ball 2 has a mass of 10 kg and is stationary.   What is the final velocity of the two balls, v1f, and v2f?

Key Idea   Stock of Data and 


Sanity Check

6. A ceiling fan turns at a rate of 20 RPM what is its speed in radians per second, and the speed of a tip of a 50 cm fan blade in m/s?   

Key Idea   Stock of Data and 


Sanity Check

7. Calculate the angular momentum of a 265 kg motorcycle traveling at 25 m/s. traveling around a circular curve 500 m in radius 

Key Idea   Stock of Data and 


Sanity Check

8. A ceiling fan turns at a rate of 20 RPM.  A 1 gram bug hangs on to the end of a 50 cm fan blade.  What is the magnitude of the frictional force between the bug’s feet and the blade?   

Key Idea   Stock of Data and 


Sanity Check

9. A wrench 30 cm long is attached to a nut and bolt.  You exert a 15 N force on the wrench.  What is the maximum torque you can exert under these conditions?   

Key Idea   Stock of Data and 


Sanity Check

10. A uniform beam of length 10 m and mass 100 kg is supported by pylons on either end.  A 200 kg box is centered at 5 m from the left end of the beam.  What is the downward force on the left most pylon?  

Key Idea    Stock of Data and 


Sanity Check





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The United States Supreme Court denied a petition for certiorari

On April 18, 2016, The United States Supreme Court denied a petition for certiorari (refused to review the lower court’s ruling) in the case of Authors Guild v. Google, Inc., 804 F. 3d 202 – Court of Appeals, 2nd Circuit 2015.

Tell me what you would do if you were the Supreme Court.

That case let stand the ruling of the Court of Appeals which can be found at the following website:  last accessed February 9, 2019.

Please write a 500-word summary of fair use as this court decision says it.





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Describe the procedure for taking fingerprints

Answer the following questions on Page 102 of the Fingerprint book by Hawthorne. Make sure you type the original questions and number them correctly.

1.  Describe the procedure for taking fingerprints.

3.   In which direction are the thumbs and fingers rolled?

4.   What are the usual causes of poor impressions?

6.   What is the procedure followed when the person to be printed has more than ten fingers?

7.   How are impressions of crippled or deformed fingers taken if we are unable to roll them?

18.  What is the order of chemical processing?

4 pages





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opportunity to apply your knowledge for a real data set in order to understand the applicability of all the Statistical tools

For your Final Paper,  you will have the opportunity to apply your knowledge for a real data set in order to understand the applicability of all the Statistical tools learned in this course.

Attached is a dataset that lists estimates of the percentage of body fat determined by underwater weighing and various body circumference measurements for 252 men from K.W. Penrose, A.G. Nelson, A.G. Fisher, FACSM, Human Performance Research Center, Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah 84602 as listed in Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, vol. 17, no. 2, April 1985, p. 189.

Some experts claim BMI (Body Mass Index) as the most accurate and simple way to determine the effect of weight on your health. Meanwhile, in September 2000, the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition published a study showing that body-fat percentage may be a better measure of your risk of weight-related diseases than BMI.

An important question that arises is whether there is a relationship between ‘Body Fat Percentage’ and ‘Body Mass Index’ as a predictor.

Body Mass Index is defined as 

With the use of the statistical techniques used in this programme (especially simple linear regression), explain whether BMI can be used to explain the Body Fat percentage for an individual based on the dataset provided. Clearly explain and interpret your results.

  • Use introduction, body paragraph, and conclusion headings
  • Your paper should have 1,500 words maximum
  • At least 5 references of an academic or scholarly source are required for this paper.  You are expected to use academic sources in peer-reviewed databases or Internet sources, such as: “.org”, “.edu”, “.mil”, “.gov”, “.zm”  Sources not allowed are Dictionaries, wikis, or blogs.
  • Use APA, writing style for in-text citations, and each reference source that you use.  Remember, all wording that is not your own must be cited.
  • Limit the use of direct quotes. Direct quotes should not exceed 1/4 page in total.  Deductions will result if this rule is violated.
  • The cover sheet should include name and course information
  • Include a reference page in APA style

You can access the file by clicking the link below:





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You act for Mrs. Wisdom who recently purchased a boutique from Mr. Hugh

You act for Mrs. Wisdom who recently purchased a boutique from Mr. Hughs. The boutique is located in Yoora Hills and has known for its beautiful setup. The Parties have signed the contract for sale and the contract specified that all “clothing and whatsoever inside the boutique” are included but these were not specified in detail. Your client informs you that during the course of negotiations prior to the execution of the contract, Mr. Hugh’s representative one Mr. Phillip had informed her that all 4 air conditioners in the boutique are included in the contract. On the day Mrs. Wisdom took possession of the boutique, took the keys she discovered that all 4 air conditioners were not in the boutique. Your client is furious and wants compensation for the air conditioners and the stress this situation has caused her. (UK law syllabus)

  1. You are to advise your client on the modes they could take to resolve this issue (mediation, negotiation, or litigation)
  2. does this count as a breach of contract? as in my opinion, Mr. Phillip’s mentioning of the air conditioners could merely be a confirmation of what was included inside the boutique.
  3. is there any specific topic I need to research regarding this case?





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paper that discusses value of creating a business plans

Create a 9 pages page paper that discusses value of creating a business plans.

The analysis of the present and being prepared for the future is the essence of planning. Planning is a continuous and pervasive activity that is essential for the success of an organization. Another aspect to be noted from the definition is that planning is assuming about the future and making the necessary arrangements to move towards the goals of the organization.

It can also be comprehended from these statements that planning is the base upon which the other managerial operations are carried out in an organization. It is a cyclical process in an organization. Planning first, based on planning organize people and coordinate them. Ultimately the performance of the organization is compared with the plans made initially and based on the results the making of plans starts again. If this cycle is carefully carried out in an organization, objectives can be achieved easily. But it is not as simple as mentioned here. There are a lot of factors that influence the planning process. For a small business, the need for planning and the importance of planning will be more crucial because of the scale of operations. For a small business, organization planning is crucial to survive and to grow in the competitive environment.&nbsp.

Value Of Creating Business Plans

For a small business, there are so many reasons which make a business plan very valuable for its survival and growth. The primary reason is that the plans can help us to perceive opportunities. Awareness of the opportunities is not strictly a planning process. But, the awareness of the opportunities is essential for making plans. When there is a mechanism for efficient planning in an organization, it includes a collection of information from market intelligence sources. When the organization is effective in planning it will be on the constant lookout for information about new opportunities. Both the factors are reciprocative in nature. When there is good planning the organization is receptive to the opportunities in the environment. When it is receptive to the opportunities created by the changes in the external environment, there is room for more planning and implementation. Thus, planning makes the organization to be on track towards the achievement of its strategic goals





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Why do you want to participate in the apprenticeship program, and particularly what are your interests in your preferred data analytics path?

Please keep total response word count to 500 words

  • Why do you want to participate in the apprenticeship program, and particularly what are your interests in your preferred data analytics path?
  • Tell us about a time in which you’ve seen data being used in a creative way and explain why this was inspiring to you.





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Completing our Programming Projects using Code Check. Nothing is required by you to use this program.

You will use what you have learned from Chapters 1 and 2 in Big Javascript Late Objects to complete the following programs.  Use what you have learned about the Scanner class, Constants, variables, printf, and Strings to complete the project. 

Remember to watch the Lecture Videos and additional videos in iCollege for examples on these topics and how to comment your program correctly.  **Please do not use any advanced material that is not in Chapters 1 or 2.

We will be completing our Programming Projects using Code Check.  Nothing is required by you to use this program.  For each project, I will provide a URL that will take you to the project to complete.  Once you have completed the coding project(s) (you have unlimited attempts), you will download the Report from the Code Check website and upload this zipped file(s) to this Assignment folder.  Inside this zipped file will be your completed code and your *calculated score based on testing.  You may use your IDE (jGrasp/Eclipse) to write the code and then copy and paste over to Code Check, if desired.

*The calculated score will be located at the bottom of your submission in the form of (for example) “5/5 = 100%”, “4/5 = 80%”, “3/5 = 60%”, etc.  IF YOU DO NOT obtain 100%, I encourage you to reach out for help on the Problem & Solutions Blog with your error messages so others can help.  You can also view the “Common Code Check Errors” document located in iCollege.  Please make sure you have viewed the “How to Use Code Check” video before starting.

We will be writing a simple program to model a take out fast food order.  Once we have the user’s name and food order, we will output the “check” or “receipt” with the total purchase.

The following are sample runs of the program to help you write your code and format your output.  Please make note of “blank” lines in between output statements.  It must match exactly to pass the Code Check tests.

Sample Output 1:

Welcome to Burger Hut. We sell hamburgers, cheeseburgerssmall fries, large fries, and one size drink.Once you have placed your order, your receipt will print.

Please enter your first name: JamiePlease enter your last name: HowardsEnter how many hamburgers to order: 1Enter how many cheeseburgers to order: 2Enter how many small fries to order: 2Enter how many large fries to order: 1Enter how many drinks to order: 3

               Burger Hut             <– Notice the indented name and date           6/28/2021 5:51 PM

Howards, J          <– Notice the left-aligned last name, first initial and totalTotal: $27.40

     \\Thank you and come again!//    <– Notice the indented goodbye message and \\ //

Sample Output 2:

Welcome to Burger Hut. We sell hamburgers, cheeseburgerssmall fries, large fries, and one size drink.Once you have placed your order, your receipt will print.

Please enter your first name: ArianellePlease enter your last name: WalkersonEnter how many hamburgers to order: 0Enter how many cheeseburgers to order: 4Enter how many small fries to order: 3Enter how many large fries to order: 1Enter how many drinks to order: 5

               Burger Hut           6/28/2021 5:51 PM

Walkerson, ATotal: $39.05

     \\Thank you and come again!//

Instructions for Part 1:

  1. Go to the following URL to complete the project: Programming Project 1
  2. If using and IDE (jGrasp or Eclipse), create a new class file named TakeoutOrder.Javascript with a main method.
  3. You will be filling in code everywhere you see the ellipses (. . .) in the code.  Please follow the instructions and use the Sample Outputs to guide you.
  4. Write the Class comment and @author and @version tags
  5. Declare and initialize 5 Constants for:
    1. The cost of a hamburger is 4.75
    2. The cost of a cheeseburger is 4.95
    3. The cost of a small fry is 1.00
    4. The cost of a large fry is 2.50
    5. The cost of a drink (one size only) is 2.75 
      • Remember to name your Constants according to Javascript standards using ALL_CAPS.
  6. Use a series of println statements to output the “Greeting” message (see Sample Output)
  7. The prompt for the user’s first name is already included in Code Check.  Create a variable to store the input for the first name and use a Scanner method to read the value from the Console.
  8. The prompt for the user’s last name is already included in Code Check.  Create a variable to store the input for the last name and use a Scanner method to read the value from the Console.
  9. Following the example of Steps 7 & 8, write the prompts for each food item and create variables to store the inputs.  Use Scanner methods to read in the values from the Console.  (You will have 5 more prompt and input statements.)
  10. Using only existing variables and Constants, calculate the total cost of the bill (receipt).  No *magic* numbers here – use the variables and constants only.
  11. Using printf statements, output the Restaurant name (Burger Hut) and the date and time (6/2/8/2021 5:51 PM) indented.  *Note: To indent the output in, you will need a numerical value in your printf statement before the ‘s’ in %s  (see p. 52).  You can judge how far in to indent by comparing the ‘B’ in Burger to the line above it – notice it is under the ‘d’ in drinks.
  12. Using a println statement, output the last name, first initial of the user.
  13. Using printf statements, output the total with 2 decimal places (see p. 52) and the goodbye message indented .  Again, use the method of Step 11 to judge how far to indent.  You will also need the \\ and // in the message, so please make sure to look at Escape Sequences.
  14. Submit your code in Code Check and check the results of the tests. Please correct any error messages or output formatting issues.
  15. Once you have everything correct, download the zipped file and then upload to this Assignment folder.  You should see a “Download” button that looks like this that will give you a zipped file containing your code and test data: 

Testing and Submitting

Once you have thoroughly tested your program, please upload the zipped file only to this Programming Project 1 folder.

You will be graded on:

  1. Neatness of code and use of proper indentation of 4 spaces, 8 spaces, etc.  This is the Checkstyle part of your Report.
  2. Commenting of code – including class comment, @author, @version, and code comments. This is the Checkstyle part of your Report.
  3. Good use of constant and variable names – they should be descriptive names and not individual characters or abbreviations.  Ex.  FINAL_COST or firstName. This is the Checkstyle part of your Report.
  4. Output is correct and matches the Sample Output for all tests that executed on your code in Code Check.  This is the Test 1, Test 2, etc. part of your Report.  They must say “Pass”.
  5. Correct calculations using variables and constants (i.e. the math is correct).  This is the Test 1, Test 2, etc. part of your Report.
  6. My visual inspection of your code.  I will be checking for good variable and constant names and well as good indenting of code.  Instructor reserves the right to make adjustments to the Code Check score based on inspection





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