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Imagine you are the IT manager for Gail Industries and you are meeting with a new business analyst team at the Smallville customer site.

Read the Gail Industries Case Study. You will use details from it throughout all 6 weeks of this course. 

Imagine you are the IT manager for Gail Industries and you are meeting with a new business analyst team at the Smallville customer site. The project sponsor has asked you to spend time with the business analyst team to gather details to meet IT audit requirements to determine whether IT services meet the organization’s objectives. 

Prepare a 12- to 16-slide media-rich presentation with speaker notes for a business briefing for your Smallville client about IT audit objectives, risk assessment, and what help you may need from them to complete this task. In your presentation: 

  • Describe at least 2 reasons that it is important to conduct periodic reviews of information systems (IS) to determine whether they continue to meet the organization’s objectives.
  • Discuss the importance of the organization’s policies and practices as they relate to IS and IT infrastructure.
  • List at least 2 organization policies and associate them with an example of an IT or cybersecurity operation or procedure.
  • Identify strategic and operational objectives audit planning.

Ensure you are preparing for a systems audit, not a financial audit. Frame your analysis around the systems, not the accounting or finance aspects directly.

Cite references to support your assignment. 

Format citations according to APA guidelines.





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What is knowledge discovery in databases (KDD)?

Course – Intro to Data mining (ITS 632)

1) What is knowledge discovery in databases (KDD)?

2) Review section 1.2 and review the various motivating challenges. Select one and note what it is and why it is a challenge.

3) Note how data mining integrates with the components of statistics and AL, ML, and Pattern Recognition.

4) Note the difference between predictive and descriptive tasks and the importance of each.

Note: please add Scholarly references for the answers.





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The African Unconscious by Edward Bruce Bynum.

write an evaluative paper on how the three books that you are reading for this class can be used to ensure the political, economic, cultural, and spiritual longevity of African people. In this paper, I want you to discuss what things we should consider as a global people in the areas of economics, education, entertainment, labor, law, politics, religion, sex, and war to make sure that we have power for at least 100,000 years. This  paper must be APA format and consist of a minimum of 5 pages of written research that does not include the cover page, abstract, and reference page. Refer to the APA Publication Manual and Purdue OWL for proper APA formatting.

You can use these three books or any scholarly article. Please provide a reference page. The African Unconscious by Edward Bruce Bynum.

The Island of Meme: Haiti’s Unfinished Revolution by Wade W. Nobles

We Will Shoot Back: Armed Resistance in The Mississippi Freedom Movement by Akinyele Omowale Umoja 





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specific Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) stating that no one is allowed in a moving emergency vehicle unless they are a member of the department

Each topic a minimum of 200 words.

Topic 1: Discipline

Your department has a specific Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) stating that no one is allowed in a moving emergency vehicle unless they are a member of the department. As a chief officer, you have found out that one of your crews picked up an elderly woman whose car broke down in one of your trucks so she could get help and out of the summer heat. What type of discipline will you do to the station officer and/or the other crew members, if any? Justify your reasoning.

Topic 2: Customer Service

“The customer may not have a good understanding of fire prevention and may not be as inclined to support funding of prevention programs” (Smeby, 2014, p.107).

Discuss methods of comprehensive fire protection and its impact on your customers. Can you share examples where public safety has been enhanced with a specific fire prevention program? What makes these programs successful while others fail?





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senior leadership of the Fire Department.

Assignment 2: Safety and Health Committee Presentation

You are the senior leadership of the Fire Department.

You have decided it is important to form a Department Firefighter Safety and Health Committee due to recent on and off the job injuries. Unfortunately there has been a lack of participation in past Safety Committees. You need participants to volunteer for the Safety and Health Committee.

Create a PowerPoint presentation to encourage members of the department at all levels to participate in the new committee.

Develop a 17–20 slide PowerPoint presentation to encourage participation in the new Safety and Health Committee.

Include the following in your presentation:

  • Explain the importance of this new committee and the importance of team building within the department (1–2 slides including speaker notes).
  • Identify at least four methods and techniques for maintaining a team environment through each the following (3–4 slides including speaker notes):
    • Status updates
    • Performance
    • Lower injuries
    • Team continuity
    • Analyze the importance of department participation (6–8 slides including speaker notes).
    • Include the desired expectations of the committee (1–2 slides including speaker notes).
    • Assess how the methods you have described will be successful (1–2 slides including speaker notes).

Include graphics as appropriate.

Include a title slide and reference slide.





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Misuse of Department Property

Each topic a minimum of 150 words.

Topic 1: Misuse of Department Property

You are an elected official in a small community that has a combination fire department. You recently became aware of an issue where the fire chief approved a piece of fire apparatus being used for wedding pictures at the wedding venue 30 miles from your community. On the way back to the station, the apparatus broke down and had to be towed. The fire chief’s son was the person getting married and he is a department member as well. What are the ethical issues involved in this scenario? What would be your course of action? What political issues might this issue cause?

Topic 2: Legal Impact

Cite and discuss a recent court case involving ethics that is affecting or has affected the public safety field. Briefly describe the major issues and the finding of the court. Evaluate the long-term impact this case may have on the fire and emergency services field as a whole.





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Management and Leadership in a Crisis

Assignment: Management and Leadership in a Crisis Essay

As the fire chief of the department, you received a phone call in the middle of the night stating that one of your members has died in a very serious motor vehicle accident while in a fire apparatus. The accident claimed the life of a civilian, seriously injured three other members of your department, and totaled the fire apparatus. You arrive on the scene and need to take control of the situation, your department members, and the community.

Write a 1,400–1,750 word essay explaining how you will deal with this scenario.

Include the following in your essay:

  • Describe the following management and leadership skills needed.
    • Adequate Staffing
    • Equipment
    • SOP’s
    • Training
    • Member Assistance
  • Apply a minimum of five management level actions needed to ensure your department is fully back in service.
    • include the actions you must take within 24 hours of the incident
    • include the actions you must take 1 week from the incident
    • include the actions you must take 1 month from the incident





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United States–Mexico–Canada Agreement (USMCA) vs European Union (world’s two largest economic entities)

12- to 16-slide presentation for the two economies assigned to your team.

  • Team A: United States–Mexico–Canada Agreement (USMCA) vs European Union (world’s two largest economic entities)

Research each economy assigned to your Team. Compare similarities and differences between your assigned countries/economies and how their economic, political, and cultural development since 1992 has influenced their economic growth and trade competitiveness.

Use tables and/or graphs to support your analysis of the following economic statistics/indicators of your two assigned economies through the most recent year available since 2009 (the trough of the last economic cycle). Whenever possible, plot the metric for both economies on the same chart.

  • GDP per capita growth over time
  • Inflation rate over time
  • Unemployment rate over time
  • Exports as a % of GDP over time
  • National government debt as a % of GDP
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The Rybczynski theorem says that in a two-good world, assuming that product prices are constant, growth in one factor of production has two effects

According to the product cycle hypothesis, when a product is first invented

Most research and development is done in

The Rybczynski theorem says that in a two-good world, assuming that product prices are constant, growth in one factor of production has two effects

While differences in the availability of factors of production are a basis for comparative advantage, another basis for comparative advantage is

The reduction in a country’s demand for an imported good

Growth in a country’s production capabilities, whether as the result of increased factors of production or improved technology, causes

One of the odd effects of growth on trade is that an increase in only one of a country’s factors of production

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Monopsony in the labor market and a monopoly in the product market

Suppose you manage a firm, which is a monopsony in the labor market and a monopoly in the product market. Suppose another firm moves into your market, hiring from the same pool of workers and selling an identical product to the same set of customers. Use the model of monopsony to analyze the impact of the new firm on the quantity of output you produce (Q), the price your firm should charge (P), the quantity of workers you employ (L), and the wage you pay (W).

Show graphically and explain your reasoning in detail. For example, if wages change, how and why do they change the way you say? Complete the following:

  • Create a graphic to illustrate producer equilibrium for monopsony in the labor market. Draw labor supply, labor demand and equilibrium for quantity of workers and wage.
  • Create a graphic to illustrate producer equilibrium for monopoly in the product market. Draw monopsony producer equilibrium with downward sloping marginal revenue product curve, and upward sloping labor supply and marginal cost of labor.
  • Conduct appropriate qualitative analysis to explain how Q, P, L and W will change when the new firm enters the industry. Explain your economic reasoning and show graphically.

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