Pick one of the following topics only to do your THESIS on:
According to Socrates, must one NOT heed popular opinion about moral matters? Does Socrates accept the fairness of the laws under which he was tried and convicted? Would Socrates have been wrong to escape (CO3)?
Consider the following philosophical puzzle: “If a tree falls in the forest and there’s no one around to hear it, does it make a sound?” (1) How is this philosophical puzzle an epistemological problem? And (2) how would John Locke answer it (CO1)?
Evaluate the movie, The Matrix, in terms of the philosophical issues raised with (1) skepticism and (2) the mind-body problem. Explain how the movie raises questions similar to those found in Plato’s and Descartes’ philosophy (CO5 & CO6). Do not give a plot summary of the movie – focus on the philosophical issues raised in the movie as they relate to Plato and Descartes.
Socrates asks Euthyphro, “Are morally good acts willed by God because they are morally good, or are they morally good because they are willed by God?” (1) How does this question relate to the Divine Command Theory of morality? (2) What are the philosophical implications associated with each option here (CO4)?
Explain (1) the process by which Descartes uses skepticism to refute skepticism, and (2) what first principle does this lead him to? (3) Explain why this project was important for Descartes to accomplish (CO2).
What you are submitting now is your outline (not the full assignment) for your week 7 Philosophical Essay (not the actual paper – that is due in week 7). There is a Word file marked Outline Template for your use that is provided in transitional form to walk you through mainly doing the paragraphs. Please download it and use it for this assignment, if you like, or use your own Word format.
In two to three full pages you need to include the following:
Your rough draft introduction with a clear thesis (see this article about how to write a Thesis Statement)
Paragraphs with transitioning
A rough draft conclusion
Three reliable resources
At least two in-text citations with direct quotes or paraphrasing
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Enjoy our bonus services. You can make a free inquiry before placing and your order and paying this way, you know just how much you will pay. If a tree falls in the forest and there’s no one around to hear it, does it make a sound?” (1) How is this philosophical puzzle an epistemological problem?
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Right now, you are starting out and learning about HIM. With luck and perseverance, one day you will be running the show. Put yourself in a leadership HIM position for this assignment.
Review and read this article: Healthcare Security – What Your Practice Needs to Know
Focus on section 3:
Establish security rules. Humans are the weakest link in the security chain. A single user can compromise an entire organization by simply opening a spam email.
· Inform your staff about ransomware attack possibilities and the importance of healthcare security.
· Create rules to remind employees that they should never open attachments they are not expecting
· Implore them to double-check email addresses before opening.
· Discourage users from downloading software from unknown sites
· Educate them about ransomware scare tactics, such as fake pages that claim the FBI has locked a device due to suspicion of downloading illicit files.
Customize staff reminders on EHR security best practices.
Include the following aspects in the assignment:
Ø Compose a 3-5-minute speech in which you cover the 5 points above
Ø Your speech should include the consequences to the organization of not following these practices
Ø Your speech should include the consequences to the employee of not following these practices
Ø Tape your speech to send to all staff using Vocaroo (or another audio file tool)
Ø Submit the link to your speech to the drop box
Ø Cite any references used. As always, proper grammar, sentence structure, and spelling is required
Original and non-plagiarized custom papers. Our writers develop their writing from scratch unless you request them to rewrite, edit or proofread your paper.
Timely Delivery. capitalessaywriting.com believes in beating the deadlines that our customers have imposed because we understand how important it is.
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Explain in your own words what it means to put women in the center, as subjects of social study. How does the notion that women have already achieved equality intersect with concerns of feminism, consumption and personal style?
Such an interesting article featured in The National Council of Social Studies, where Mrs. Alice Kessler-Harris wrote and vocalized that although women represent over half the world’s population, the social studies curriculum largely overlooks and underrepresents their stories and perspectives and marginalizes their voices, positions of power, and influence throughout the larger society”. Because leadership roles in these organizations were typically denied to women, their contributions have often been viewed by history books as marginal, serving only as “helpmates” or “tenders of the heart,” who work within the private sphere of the home rather than in the public sphere of the marketplace or politics.
When a few women rose to prominence by assuming men’s roles in history (e.g., Queen Elizabeth, Joan of Arc) or challenging social norms (e.g., Abigail Adams, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Sojourner Truth, Susan B. Anthony, Ida B. Wells, Rosa Parks), public recognition of their accomplishments gained traction. In other words, history recognizes women who exercised aggressive leadership traits or roles traditionally exhibited by males, rather than valuing them for accomplishments of passivity, care, and compassion ( McIntosh 2005).
I find very interesting that women have been singled out and labeled to being the weaker vessel. As far back as history portrays it or how it has been taught to us in school that women were to be helpers, followers, submissive and homemakers. As the times evolved and technology grew it seemed and I can only go off what my ancestors and family have shared is that at least in our Mexican culture the roles were defined from the movement the family knew the sex of the baby. I understand that many at that time worked in the fields and the more children especially boys were brought into the world or their family the richer their crops would grow. Awhile the females would automatically inside be tending to the home, the children and for the men.
Generation after generations are conditioned to see women as nurturing submissive “helpers”. Seemed that as technology advanced some of those little girls were exposed and continue to be to “other ways” of accomplishing the same goals as men and some were fortunate enough to have been born with women having equal rights as those of the men, yet as these women seek to better themselves they now have to take on the task of being seen as rebellious by going against their own families, whose mindsets have been conditioned to follow traditional roles. I think women are just naturally instinctive and have an inner strength like no others especially after enduring many childbearing pains or just mentality in general. They thirst to learn and excel at anything that is out of the norm. The irony is it seems that the very society that said they could not accomplish these goals or dreams is the very society that wants to suppress them after they were proven wrong want to set them back to the very mold, they just broke. Again, it is like a revolving door of someone holding this carrot in front of you to do better but deep down they do not want you to.
I have a bumper sticker that says,” Well-behaved women seldom make history”, and if you go back to the history of famous historical women its usually those who took on the “definition of a joining a man’s world” and flipped inside out. Yet, instead of women being applauded for becoming a stronger, highly intelligent, assertive, bold nurturing submissive helpers they are labeled as aggressive, power hungry, men hating hormonal activists. Sadly, sometimes even other women who chose not to pursue higher education or Corporate America because they had their “own right” as well to be a homemaker or stay at home which to each its own seem to also join men and turn on bold history making impactful women. It is as if you can’t win for losing being a woman. Some of us are going against the current to implement social changes and changing some societal norms, while fighting for the very women who complain about women being treated unfairly and being seen as a weaker vessel are first to throw you under the bus per say. In my opinion it sometime seems as we Strong BOLD women are somehow always fighting domestic terrorism from within …taking on other dominant females as if it were a competition in female dominance plus still fighting the traditional men’s old fashioned stereotypical mentality of what a women’s role is and how she belongs in the home raising the children or cleaning the home.
To put women in the center of social studies means shifting the focus of attention from men who are consistently talked about in our history and social studies to the marginalized women and gender minorities. In many education plans, women are not represented nearly as much as men, suggesting to children that women simply play the role of caretaker and do little to contribute to the history and achievements of society (Lockyer and Tazzymant 2016). To put women in the center of study aims to achieve a balance of education and representation. However, one must do this genuinely, as some curriculums include studies of women’s struggles and achievements in a tokenistic manner, which does very little to balance the education of women’s history and can be seen as performative activism (Lockyer and Tazzymant 2016). This same type of tokenism can be seen in workplaces in order to form an outside perspective of being inclusive. While balance may appear to be equal between men and women, the true distribution of power may leave women under-represented and underappreciated when it comes to their status in the workplace (Wallace and Kay 2012). This unequal treatment in the workplace is a consequence of hundreds of years of women doing work for society in the background and being underrepresented. When we begin to change the system of education to form a more representative sample of all genders throughout history, perhaps the gender norms will change to be more inclusive of women in positions of power.
The notion that women have already achieved equality is very harmful to progress for women and minorities within society. However, this notion coincides with popular feminism, which confuses hashtag activism and capitalist feminist merchandise with the true reconstruction of the laws and policies that keep women from dominating within society (Hadjicostandi-Anag 2021). While it is beneficial to keep the media and society talking about the inequalities of women within our culture, with the rise of celebrity and famous feminism, people are supporting more capitalism rather than feminism. Popular feminism continues to thrive because it makes a profit. It makes individuals feel as if they are supporting a cause, without doing more than contributing their money by buying fashion that labels them as a feminist through the form of a graphic t-shirt. This is a step in the right direction from refusing to address issues of women’s equality, however, a great deal of reform will be necessary in order to make a substantial change in the way that society views women. Another con to popular feminism is the reactive behavior of popular misogyny. Popular feminism can be troublesome moving forward as a majority of those who are accessing this popular feminism on social media are young and easily influenced. They could be tricked into thinking that this type of feminism is a real act of social change, giving the illusion of freedom that a majority of women, especially minority women, still do not have the privilege of receiving. Most of the time, popular feminism is thought of in a more “positive” light and does little to address the racial, political, and violent sides of feminist discussions (Banet-Weiser et al. 2020). Third-wave feminism has been said to include women of color more often as a form of tokenism rather than being truly transformative from second-wave feminism (Clark Mane 2012). For example, in my community, I have seen far more white women wearing t-shirts with the words “feminist”, “women are powerful” or just “women” than I have seen political marches for women’s rights. A big change in Texas this year was the heartbeat bill that Abbott signed in on May 19, 2021, which prevented women from having legal abortions in Texas after 6 weeks. I expected to see a great deal of uproar about this from people on social media but I was surprised to see that a number of women stayed quiet. This is likely due to the fact that it wasn’t popularized in the national media, therefore there was no popular feminist “trend” to jump onto. However, popular feminism does see the vulnerability of women when it comes to problems of sexual assault (Hadjicostandi-Anag 2021). This can be helpful in all communities, especially online, as it can help survivors of such crimes come forward to show that there is still a problem with these gender inequalities such as in the #MeToo movement. Such a community coming together and recognizing these gender inequalities can be progressive for a more equal future.
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topic of paper : This is a proposal to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by recycling. All average citizens in California must recycle weekly on every trash day. There should not be any products that can be recycled in your garbage can at home.
BE PRECISE with your Proposal. Tell me EXACTLY/SPECIFICALLY what action you are proposing to do. This is NOT a paper to “talk about” an issue, or explore possible paths, or only discuss pros and cons. For example: Bad – “Lets talk about speed limits and traffic fatalities” Good: “This is a proposal to decrease speed limits on all interstate highways to 35mph.” Proposal statement itself must be in BOLD type. Ex: “Traffic fatalities are increasing to an unacceptable rate, therefore, This is a proposal to decrease speed limits on all interstate highways to 35mph.” DO NOT bold everything, just the statement. The actual proposal is NOT limited to 1 sentence. However, it MUST be precise and complete. If it is part of your plan, it should be IN the proposal statement. Think of it as an extended thesis statement.
ANYONE can come up with a nice sounding idea, but that is less than half of what you need for a good proposal. YOUR task is to connect an idea or goal to a specific plan to achieve that goal and propose that plan be enacted. Example: “Schools should OPEN!” Duh. How specifically will that be accomplished?
Standard for all work is typed, double spaced, 12 point, Arial or Times New Roman Font (this is to give a standard idea for how much a “page” is, mostly just needs to be readable size and font). Abstract is single spaced.
Please “Justify” your text ( Select all, then Ctrl-J -this makes is look more professional).
Total text (What YOU write) should be 2000 words or more.
Internal Citations/footnotes and Bibliography required – details below.
You MUST provide internal citation or footnote for ANYTHING/EVERYTHING that you use from any other source
DO NOT EXPECT to pass if you do not properly cite
optional layout :
Analysis of problem – studies, strategies, techniques.
A “literature review” similar to our other assignment.
Details of proposal – How does it work? What would it do?
Analysis of political climate regarding issue -what are chances it could be done? Barriers?
Who needs to be involved and at what point
Options for solutions, particularly your recommended proposal
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Project 2 Instructions: Personal Diet and Fitness Plan
This project includes planning a specific diet and exercise regime for three days, followed by implementation, documentation and analysis of results. The learning objectives for this assignment are:
Prepare a personal dietary/diet and fitness plan for best health (Course Learning Objectives 5 and 7)
Evaluate popular health reports and scientific literature as they relate to dietary and fitness goals (Course Learning Objectives 7)
This completed report for this project, including your initial plan, a record of how it was implemented in the form of reports from Nutrition calculation Plus, an evaluation of your plan and its implementation are to be submitted to the Project 2 assignment submission folder on Sunday of Week 7.
Assignment Instructions
You need to start Project 2 during Week 6 so that you have time to complete it by Sunday of Week 7. At that time, you will turn in your written assignment and Nutrition calculation Plus reports (both of them) to the Assignment Submission folder found in Week 7.
Follow the following steps to complete your assignment:
Create a diet and exercise plan for three days.
You can test these diet and exercise plans by entering them into the “Intakes” and “Activities” of NutritionCalc Plus to determine if the number of calories consumed and utilized actually meet your expectations.
Incorporate all parts of physical fitness (endurance, strength and flexibility). Remember, you do not need to meet all fitness goals each day.
Use the Diet and Exercise Plan Template (table) to plan your diet and exercise for the three days. You could use a second copy of this template as a place to record what you actually ate or the exercise that you actually did.
If at all possible, follow your plan for three consecutive days. During the three days note down everything that you consume as you did for project 1.
Measure the time spent on household chores, and any physical exercise.
Note type of activity and intensity of effort.
Also include in your note how you felt, hunger level, muscle soreness, level of fatigue and any changes in your sleep.
Record the information in your NutritionCalc Plus account.
After the three days are completed and you have entered all the data, generate the same three reports as you did for project 1 (Macronutrient Report, Spread Sheet Report and Activity Summary).
Write a report on this project in a MS word document. Please write in full sentences, research and reference properly:
Format your work following APA guidelines, including a title page stating your name, course number, session, instructor name and title.
The body of your report should have a minimum of 1,500 words for full credit.
References are on a separate page; please include a minimum of three references in this assignment (textbook, NutritionCalc Plus, and an outside academic reference).
You may use the first person in this report, as you discuss your nutrition and fitness profile.
Submit this report as well as the three reports you generated in NutritionCalc plus.
Answer the following questions in your written report:
Did I like my food choices for the three days of record? Was I hungry or did I eat enough to keep me satisfied?
How did my dietary intake for the three days compare to the recommended levels. How did the dietary plan differ from your food record from Project 1?
Did I meet dietary requirements for macronutrients and micronutrients?
Did I meet recommendations for physical exercise? What would I need to improve and change in order to increase physical fitness over the next three months? What is a good goal for physical fitness for me?
What was the most important topic covered in this course? How will you incorporate information learned in this class into your life?
Remember – You need to start Project 2 during Week 6 so that you have time to complete it by Sunday of Week 7.
You can review the assignment rubric and the template in preparation for the assignment.
Project 2 Rubric
Template for Project 2 Diet and Exercise Plan
Work out report
Personal: Male 27 yrs 6 ft 215 lb
Day(s): 2021 Jun 26, Jun 27, Jun 28
Activity Level: Very Active
BMI: 29.2
Weight Change: Gain 2 lb per week
(Strive for an Active activity level.)
Normal is 18.5 to 25.
Best not to exceed 2 lbs per week.
List of the Activities performed, their METs, duration and Calories burned.
Daily Activity Details
Profile Calorie Goal: 5147
Duration Mets Intensity Exercise Calories
Sat 06-26-2021
44 minutes 7.0 Higher running, jogging, general 526
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ASSESSMENT BRIEF Subject Code and Title PUBH6008: Capstone A: Applied Research Project in Public Health Assessment Assessment 2: Literature review Individual/Group Individual Length 4,000 words Learning Outcomes This assessment addresses the following learning outcomes: 2. Integrate and apply their knowledge and skills in public health 3. Develop research skills and apply these to a public health issue 4. Conduct a small literature review which critically analyses key issues on a public health research topic 5. Define and justify a research question, based on the literature/public health issue, and outline its significance Weighting 40% Total Marks 100 marks PUBH6008_Assessment Brief 2 Page 1 of 6 Instructions: By the end of module 3, student must provide to their learning facilitator a brief review of the literature on their chosen topic. The literature review must contain key references/theorists/researchers for the public health topic chosen. The literature review assignment must be designed to address the following questions: • Who are the key theorists/researchers in your public health topic? • What are the key issues? • What are the gaps in the existing body of knowledge? The literature review should provide a basis for justifying a clear research question or hypothesis to be explored further. You must also indicate the search strategy used for your literature review. For example, what were the key words you searched for, and which key databases or other sources did you use to conduct your literature review? (e.g. CINAHL, Proquest Public Health, Informit, Medline, Google Scholar). Assessment Criteria: • Critical and comprehensive review of the literature (70%) ? Clarity of research question/hypothesis (10%) 0 General assessment criteria (20%): o Provides a lucid introduction o Shows a sophisticated understanding of the key issues o Shows ability to interpret relevant information and literature in relation to chosen topic o Demonstrates a capacity to explain and apply relevant concepts o Shows evidence of reading beyond the required readings o Justifies any conclusions reached with well-formed arguments and not merely assertions o Provides a conclusion or summary o Correctly uses academic writing, presentation and grammar: ¦ Complies with academic standards of legibility, referencing and bibliographical details (including reference list) ¦ Writes clearly, with accurate spelling and grammar as well as proper sentence and paragraph construction ¦ Uses appropriate APA style for citing and referencing research Marking Rubric: Assessment Attributes 0-34 (Fail 2- 35-49 F2) (Fail 1 – Fl) 50-64 (Pass-P) 65-74 (Credit – CR) 75-84 (Distinction – DN) 85-100 (High Distinction-HD) Unaccept Poor able Functional Proficient Advanced Exceptional Grade Description (Grading Scheme) Evidence of unsatisfactory achievement of one or more of the learning objectives of the subject, insufficient understanding of the subject content and/or unsatisfactory level of skill development. Evidence of satisfactory achievement of subject learning objectives, the development of relevant skills to a competent level, and adequate interpretation and critical analysis skills. Evidence of a good level of understanding, knowledge and skill development in relation to the content of the subject or work of a superior quality on the majority of the learning objectives of the subject. Demonstration of a high level of interpretation and critical analysis skills. Evidence of a high level of achievement of the learning objectives of the subject demonstrated in such areas as interpretation and critical analysis, logical argument, use of methodology and communication skills. Evidence of an exceptional level of achievement of learning objectives across the entire content of the course demonstrated in such areas as interpretation and critical analysis, logical argument, creativity, originality, use of methodology and communication skills. Knowledge and understanding Critical and comprehensive review of the literature (70%) Limited understanding of required concepts and knowledge Key components of the assignment are not addressed. Knowledge/understa nding of the field or discipline. Resembles a recall or summary of key ideas. Often Thorough knowledge/understandi ng of the field or discipline/s. Supports personal opinion and information substantiated by evidence from the research/course materials. Highly developed understanding of the field or discipline/s. Discriminates between assertion of personal opinion and information substantiated by robust evidence A sophisticated understanding of the field or discipline/s. Systematically and critically discriminates between assertion of personal opinion and information substantiated by PUBH6008 Assessment Brief 2 of Page 4 8 conflates/confuses assertion of personal opinion with information substantiated by evidence from the research/course materials. Demonstrates a capacity to explain and apply relevant concepts. from the research/course materials and extended reading. Well demonstrated capacity to explain and apply relevant concepts. robust evidence from the research/course materials and extended reading. Mastery of concepts and application to new situations/further learning. Critical reasoning, presentation and defence of an argument and/or position Critical and comprehensive review of the literature (70%) Clarity of research question/hypothesis (10%) Specific position (perspective or argument) fails to take into account the complexities of the issue(s) or scope of the assignment. Makes assertions that are not justified. Specific position (perspective or argument) begins to take into account the issue(s) or scope of the assignment. Justifies any conclusions reached with arguments not merely assertion. Specific position (perspective or argument) takes into account the complexities of the issue(s) or scope of the assignment. Others’ points of view are acknowledged. Justifies any conclusions reached with wellformed arguments not merely assertion. Specific position (perspective or argument) is expertly presented and accurately takes into account the complexities of the issue(s) and scope of the assignment. Justifies any conclusions reached with welldeveloped arguments. Specific position (perspective or argument) is presented expertly, authoritatively and imaginatively, accurately taking into account the complexities of the issue(s) and scope of the assignment. Limits of position are acknowledged. Justifies any conclusions reached with sophisticated arguments. PUBH6008 Assessment Brief 2 Page 5 of 8 Analysis and application with synthesis of new knowledge Limited synthesis and analysis. Demonstrated analysis and synthesis of new Well-developed analysis and synthesis with application of Thoroughly developed and creative analysis Highly sophisticated and creative analysis, synthesis of new with Critical and comprehensive review of the literature (70%) Clarity of research question/hypothesis (10%) Limited application/recommendatio ns based upon analysis. knowledge with application. Shows the ability to interpret relevant information and literature. recommendations linked to analysis/synthesis. and synthesis with application of pretested models and / or independently developed models and justified recommendations linked to analysis/synthesis. existing knowledge. Strong application by way of pretested models and/or independently developed models. Recommendations are clearly justified based on the analysis/synthesis. Applying knowledge to new situations/other cases. PUBH6008 Assessment Brief 2 Page 6 of 8 Use of academic and discipline conventions and sources of evidence Use of academic conventions including appropriate resources and referencing (20%) ^General assessment criteria shown below Poorly written with errors in spelling, grammar. Demonstrates inconsistent use of good quality, credible and relevant research sources to support and develop ideas. There are mistakes in using the APA style. Is written according to academic genre (e.g. with introduction, conclusion or summary) and has accurate spelling, grammar, sentence and paragraph construction. Demonstrates consistent use of credible and relevant research sources to support and develop ideas, but these are not always explicit or Is well-written and adheres to the academic genre (e.g. with introduction, conclusion or summary). Demonstrates consistent use of high quality, credible and relevant research sources to support and develop ideas. There are no mistakes in using the APA style. Is very well-written and adheres to the academic genre. Consistently demonstrates expert use of good quality, credible and relevant research sources to support and develop appropriate arguments and statements. Shows evidence of reading Expertly written and adheres to the academic genre. Demonstrates expert use of high-quality, credible and relevant research sources to support and develop arguments and position statements. Shows extensive evidence of reading beyond the key reading well developed. There are no mistakes in using the APA style. beyond the key reading There are no mistakes in using the APA style. There are no mistakes in using the APA Style. *GenerglA^essmenLCntengi • Provides a lucid introduction • Shows a sophisticated understanding of the key issues • Shows the ability to interpret relevant information and literature in relation to your chosen topic
Demonstrates a capacity to explain and apply relevant concepts_______________________ PUBH6008 Assessment Brief 2 Page 7 of 8 Shows evidence of reading beyond the key reading Justifies any conclusions reached with well-formed arguments not merely assertion Provides a conclusion or summary Use of academic writing and presentation and grammar: Complies with normal academic standards of legibility, referencing and bibliographical details (including reference list). Is written clearly with accurate spelling, grammar and sentence and paragraph construction ? Appropriate citation and referencing used (using APA style)
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Enjoy our bonus services. You can make a free inquiry before placing and your order and paying this way, you know just how much you will pay. Who are the key theorists/researchers in your public health topic?
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QUESTION 1 A researcher is interested in the relationships between the following four variables: On-line game addiction, narcissistic personality traits, self-control, and aggression. Data are collected from a sample of 226 individuals. The data can be found in the assessment SPSS spreadsheet ‘assessment.sav’. For each variable, higher values indicate greater levels of the variable. Analyse the data using SPSS and report the results using standard APA conventions. (20 marks) ? The focus is clearly on the relationships between
On-line game addiction
Narcissistic personality traits
Aggression ? State what you are going to do to investigate this
Scatterplots ? Pearson Correlations Produce a table of descriptive statistics
Standard Deviation
N ? Comment on any observed deviations in skew or kurtosis (Z-scores that are greater than +/- 1.96) but indicate that no transformations will be performed. Indeed, there are few options for kurtosis and it is not generally seen as a big problem anyway. ? Present scatter plots between all pairs of variables with lines of best fit added.
Could be individually or in a matrix.
Comment on what the relationships look like.
Do there seem to be any outliers, and if so, do they look like they are going to make an unacceptable impact on the relationship observed? ? Present correlations matrix.
Comment on the strength, significance and direction of the correlations. QUESTION 2 Following the initial analysis conducted in Q1 the researcher goes on to look at which of the variables (On-line game addiction, narcissistic personality traits, and self-control) are the best predictors of aggression. Analyse the data using SPSS and report the results using standard APA conventions. (30 marks) ? All needs to be referenced according to APA style. ? It requires multiple regression ? Briefly indicate whether the variables would be expected to be good predictors based on correlations reported in question 1 ? R Squared ? Anova – significance and what it means ? Individual Predictors o Beta coefficients and confidence intervals o T-tests for the beta coefficients § Part correlations (compare to zero order) o Collinearity ? Indicate which appears to be best predictor, second, third. ? State the regression equation QUESTION 3 The researcher also thinks that it is possible that there are sex differences for these variables. You will also find codes for males and females in the data set. Analyse the data using SPSS to investigate this, and report the results using standard APA conventions. (20 marks) ? All needs to be referenced according to APA style. ? State that you performed Independent Sample t-tests to identify if sex differences exist. ? Table of descriptive statistics
Mean, SD, N ? Report each t-test separately: EXAMPLE: The 31 participants in the rosemary condition (M = 15.90, SD = 2.45) performed significantly better on time based prospective memory than the 34 participants in the no aroma condition (M = 14.41, SD = 2.451), t(63) = – 2.59, p = .012. Calculation of Cohen’s d indicated the presence of a medium effect size, d = .64, 95% CI [.14, 1.14]. ? Draw an overall conclusion. Are there sex differences? Which variables? How big? Consistently in the same direction? QUESTION 4 As I further investigation, the researcher wants to see if playing a violent video game increases levels of aggression. She runs a study in which aggression levels are measured in 40 participants before and after playing a violent video game. Use SPSS to compare the variables Aggro_pre and Aggro_post in order to answer this question. (10 marks) ? All needs to be referenced according to APA style. ? State that you performed a Paired samples t-test to see if aggression after playing the game is greater than before. ? Table of descriptive statistics o Means, SD, N o Report t-test. EXAMPLE: The results from the time based prospective memory test (M = 15.12, SD = 2.42) and the event based prospective memory test (M = 15.75, SD = 1.64) revealed significantly better performance for event based prospective memory, t(64) = -2.11, p = .039. Calculation of Cohen’s d indicated the presence of a small effect size, d =.26, 95%CI [.01, .50]. ? Draw a conclusion. Is the effect potentially important? QUESTION 5 (Needs bibliography review) Explain the advantage of reporting effect sizes in addition to significance levels. (20 marks) ? What is statistical significance? ? What is effect size? ? The distinction between statistical significance and scientific (or practical) importance. ? Give an example. ? Factors that affect significance ? Problem with effect sizes eg many different types ? Value of effect size in addition to statistical significance ? Overall summary/conclusion ? All needs to be referenced according to APA style
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Enjoy our bonus services. You can make a free inquiry before placing and your order and paying this way, you know just how much you will pay. On-line game addiction, narcissistic personality traits, self-control, and aggression.
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This is a Diploma in Financial Planning course and need some help with my final course. i have attached the assignment template below. All questions will need to be answered. Would like a quote for this. Thank you. The Assignment (student to complete) Section 1: Establish the relationship with the client and identify their objectives, needs and financial situation Section 1 Part A — Establish relationship Apart from the initial contact with the Rosenbergs at your retirement seminar, you have met with them twice in order to gather the information you need to assess their situation and provide them with advice. Briefly explain at least five (5) strategies you are likely to use with a client in order to ensure that they are comfortable with you and the interview process. (200 words) Answer here Assessor feedback: Resubmission required? No Section 1 Part B — Adviser obligations Referring directly to yourself and your licensee, explain what an FSG is and why it is necessary. Provide details of the law you must comply with and the information the FSG must contain, including your complaints procedure. (250 words) Answer here Assessor feedback: Resubmission required? No Section 1 Part C — Tax and cash flow Using the information you have gathered from your clients (i.e. the information provided in the case study and fact finder), complete the table below and determine their cash flow position and annual savings capacity. You can assume that the clients have no tax deductions or liabilities other than those stated in the case study or fact finder. Section 1 Table 2 Tax calculation Freddie Sara Combined Comments Income from employment Salary or income from employment Salary sacrifice Salary after salary sacrifice Rental income Unfranked dividends Franked dividends Franking (imputation) credits Interest Other income (e.g. taxable benefits, trust income, investment income) Capital gains 1 yr Capital gains 1 yr Tax-free component of capital gains Assessable income Deductible expenses Donations Income protection insurance Business overheads insurance Other Taxable income Tax on taxable income Non-refundable tax offsets (e.g. LITO/SAPTO/LMITO) Medicare levy Medicare levy surcharge Franking rebate Refundable rebates and offsets Total tax Cash flow Freddie Sara Combined Comment Salary less any salary sacrificed amount Total expenses Total income received before tax less total expenses Total tax payable from tax table above Total net cash flow Assessor feedback: [insert feedback] Date assessed: Click here to enter a date Does the student need to resubmit? No Questions that need to be resubmitted First submission Not yet demonstrated Resubmission Not applicable To pass this subject, you will need to be assessed as DEMONSTRATED for either your first submission or your resubmission. Section 2: Analyse client objectives, needs, financial situation and risk profile to develop appropriate strategies and solutions Section 2 Part A — Gaps in information Identify any gaps in your data collection based on the fact finder in Appendix 1 and the summary of information provided. From the interviews, are there any other issues that would need to be followed up with Freddie and Sara? (100 words) Answer here Assessor feedback: Resubmission required? No Section 2 Part B — Risk profile Identify the Rosenbergs’ likely risk profile based on the information they have provided. Identify any concerns that you may have with their responses compared with the information in the case study. • Suggest questions you could use to clarify the responses. • Justify why you do or do not think that the score and the resulting risk profile category is an accurate reflection of their tolerance to risk, and decide on a profile for each. (250 words) Answer here Assessor feedback: Resubmission required? No Section 2 Part C — Strategies Summarise appropriate retirement strategies for Freddie and Sara. • Consider superannuation and non-superannuation assets and strategies. • Provide a detailed explanation of why you consider these assets and strategies to be appropriate. • Include the lump sum amount that Freddie and Sara will need at retirement to achieve their income goal, and strategies to help them reach that goal. • Provide a summary of other recommendations that you will include in your SOA for Freddie and Sara. (500 words) Answer here Assessor feedback: Resubmission required? No Assessor feedback: [insert feedback] Date assessed: Click here to enter a date Does the student need to resubmit? No Questions that need to be resubmitted First submission Not yet demonstrated Resubmission Not applicable To pass this subject, you will need to be assessed as DEMONSTRATED for either your first submission or your resubmission. Section 3: Address clients’ questions and concerns about superannuation matters Section 3 Part A — Product research Freddie and Sara have stated they are happy with their current superannuation funds. Provide a summary of the type of research you would conduct to ensure the suitability of these funds for the clients’ future retirement needs. (250 words) Answer here Assessor feedback: Resubmission required? No Section 3 Part B — Client queries on superannuation contributions Freddie and Sara have a number of questions about superannuation contributions after the seminar they attended and as a result of their research. Respond to their questions, basing your answer on their personal situation. You may be required to re-educate the clients where they are confused or misunderstand the superannuation rules. Question 1 Freddie is confused about taxation of superannuation contributions. He has friends who write a cheque, send it to their superannuation fund and claim a tax deduction. He asks: Am I correct in assuming that we can both claim personal tax deductions for any superannuation contributions we make? Could you explain the tax deduction rules that apply to our situations, how much can we contribute and when we can start? Answer Freddie’s questions. (250 words) Answer here Assessor feedback: Resubmission required? No Question 2 Sara asks: We read an article recently that said Freddie can split the superannuation contributions he makes to my superannuation account. Is that correct, and if so, how does it work? Answer Sara’s question. (150 words) Answer here Assessor feedback: Resubmission required? No Question 3 Freddie is concerned about tax payable if they invest any of their cash savings into superannuation. He says: I’ve heard that some people have had to pay tax on superannuation contributions at the highest tax rates. How can we be sure we won’t fall into that trap? Answer Freddie’s question. (150 words) Answer here Assessor feedback: Resubmission required? No Section 3 Part C — Client queries on superannuation benefit payments Question 1 Sara asks: When and how can we access our superannuation? Can we get it if we are still working? Explain the rule that applies in their circumstances. Explain when and under what circumstances they will be able to access their superannuation. Assume Sara (53) was born in April 1967 and Freddie (55) was born in May1965. (200 words) Answer here Assessor feedback: Resubmission required? No Question 2 Freddie asks: I understand this may not apply to us, but my older brother is 58 and he told me he pays a bit of tax now when he takes money out of super, but when he turns 60, it will be almost nothing. Why is that? Discuss the situation if the lump sum was taken at retirement after age 60 and just before age 60. Include a brief explanation of components of a lump sum, how they are taxed and any other matters relating to them? (200 words) Answer here Assessor feedback: Resubmission required? No Question 3 Sara asks: Tell us more about these income stream options we would have in retirement. How do they work? When can we start one? What are the rules that apply and how much tax do we pay? Discuss this in broad terms and explain the situation immediately before and after reaching age 60. Assume Sara and Freddie will continue to work until age 65 and then retire. (300 words) Answer here Assessor feedback: Resubmission required? No Assessor feedback: [insert feedback] Date assessed: Click here to enter a date Does the student need to resubmit? No Questions that need to be resubmitted First submission Not yet demonstrated Resubmission Not applicable To pass this subject, you will need to be assessed as DEMONSTRATED for either your first submission or your resubmission. Section 4: Present appropriate strategies and solutions to the client and negotiate a financial plan, policy or transaction. Provide ongoing service where requested by the client You must now prepare an SOA based on the recommendations made, which will be used to record this advice (including amendments, if any) for Freddie and Sara. Remember that the SOA must be of a standard that is compliant and would be suitable to present to a client. Important instructions • What to submit: You have been provided with cash flow templates to use for the assignment SOA. Please include them with your submission. • Template SOAs and SOA preparation software: Do not use the sample SOA published by ASIC as a basis for your submission. The use of financial planning software and dealer templates to prepare your SOA is also not permitted. Submissions that exhibit excessive reliance on SOA templates may be considered to be plagiarism or collaboration, and may not be considered to be a reasonable attempt at the assignment. • Assumptions: You must list the assumptions used in your SOA in your assignment submission. These will generally include: – any assumptions you have made regarding missing background information on the clients – any assumptions you have used to calculate future income from your recommended investments – any assumptions used for fees and premiums relating to the products you have recommended. • Strategy advice: You must provide specific strategy recommendations in the following areas based on the information given: – wealth creation strategies to meet retirement needs – personal investments – strategies using superannuation – asset allocation. Use the information on each of these areas given in the subject notes to provide reasons for each of the strategies recommended. • Product advice: Specific product recommendations are not required; however, you do need to make and justify any recommendations of the type of product(s) selected for the client’s consideration. You have been told the clients are happy with their current superannuation funds and do not require any specific advice on their current personal insurance arrangements. However, it is expected that you will provide in the ‘Things to consider section’ of the SOA, appropriate comments about any issues you have identified with these areas and their future estate planning needs. • Cash flow projections: You must include detailed cash flow tables using Appendices 1 and 2 as a template, showing Sara and Freddie’s situation before and after your recommendations. These should be included as Appendices 1 and 2 to your SOA. • Recommendations: You should include superannuation projections up to the retirement age of your clients before and after your recommendations as Appendix C to your SOA. In addition, please show that your strategy will enable your clients to meet their retirement income goal for 21 years (based on Freddie living to age 86 and Sara to age 84). The SOA template An SOA has been commenced for Freddie and Sara Rosenberg, using the data collected in the interviews, their fact finder and their risk profile. You must complete the remaining sections in the SOA as directed. The SOA starts on the following page. Please review the sample case study and the text as a guide to completing your SOA. Statement of advice Prepared for Freddie and Sara Rosenberg Prepared by Your name Authorised Representative Number: 66666 AR address AR contact details Authorised Representative of EANWB Financial Planning ABN: 1010101010 Australian Financial Services Licensee Licence No. 101010 Head office: 88 Money Lane, Accumulation. You are entitled to receive a statement of advice (SOA) whenever we provide you with any personal financial advice. Personal financial advice is advice that takes into account any one or more of your objectives, financial situation and needs. This SOA is a record of the personal financial advice provided to you and includes information on the basis on which this advice is given, information about fees and commissions and any interests or associations which might influence the advice. If this advice includes a recommendation to you to acquire a particular financial product, other than securities, or an offer to issue or arrange the issue of a financial product to you, we will also provide you with a product disclosure statement containing information about the particular product to help you make an informed decision about that product. Be aware that the advice contained in the following SOA is valid for a period of 30 days only. If the plan is not implemented within this time, it will need to be reviewed for accuracy. Executive summary In this section, you need to provide your client with a concise summary of: • their situation • their objectives • your recommended strategy to achieve the objectives • the outcomes your client can expect from adopting the strategy. The client should be able to read this executive summary and understand the advice you are giving and the reason/s underpinning the advice, and be able to determine whether or not their goals have been achieved. There should be sufficient detail to allow the client to make a decision, taking into account any risk/s involved and your fees. It should be written without using jargon and in clear, unambiguous language, and be appropriate to their level of financial understanding. Your situation Summarise your clients’ current situation. Provide a brief statement about their family, employment, health, asset and debt position. (150 words) Answer here Assessor feedback: Resubmission required? No Your objectives List your clients’ objectives (i.e. their financial and non-financial goals, objectives and needs). Freddie and Sara expressed a desire to address their immediate needs and medium and long-term objectives. Summarise these in point form for Freddie and Sara to confirm. (100 words) Answer here Assessor feedback: Resubmission required? No Summary of our strategy and recommendations For the short term — up to one year Summarise your recommendations for your clients’ short-term goals. Present the strategies in point form to provide a quick picture of your intentions. Answer here Assessor feedback: Resubmission required? No For the medium term — two to five years Summarise your recommendations for your clients’ medium-term goals. Include strategies that cannot be considered immediately or require monitoring. Answer here Assessor feedback: Resubmission required? No For the long term — more than five years This is where you need to summarise your recommendations for your clients’ long-term goals. Answer here Assessor feedback: Resubmission required? No Summary of expected outcomes if you implement our advice For example: Should you proceed with the recommendations contained within this report, we estimate that: • You will reduce your debt by $XYZ and/or save $ABC. • You will build wealth in non-superannuation assets to $Y through regular contribution of $X. • Your objective of yyy will be achieved by… • Align the outcomes with the objectives. Answer here Assessor feedback: Resubmission required? No Risks in our advice Identify both financial and non-financial risks that can impact the desired outcome. Refer to the sample SOA for examples of relevant descriptions that should be included here and under each subheading below. Include risks that are specific to your strategies. Answer here Assessor feedback: Resubmission required? No Summary of our fees and commissions Answer here Assessor feedback: Resubmission required? No Your next steps Refer to the sample SOA for examples of relevant descriptions that should be included here. Answer here Assessor feedback: Resubmission required? No Body While this section contains similar headings as the executive summary, the information provided is more detailed and supports the recommendations made. As with the executive summary, it should be written without using jargon and in clear, unambiguous language, and be appropriate to your client’s level of financial understanding. Important information about you This section contains information about you that we used in preparing our advice, such as: • your reasons for seeking advice • what you would like to achieve • your personal and financial information. Present position Your reasons for seeking advice Outline why the clients sought advice. Answer here Assessor feedback: Resubmission required? No What you would like to achieve Summarise here what you understand to be your clients’ main objectives. Following our discussions, here is what I understand to be your main objectives and needs: Answer here Assessor feedback: Resubmission required? No Your personal and financial information Listed below is a summary of your relevant personal and financial details that you have provided. Personal information Personal details Fill the gaps Client 1 Client 2 First name(s) Freddie Sara Surname Rosenberg Rosenberg Age Marital status Married Married Health status Smoker status Non-smoker Non-smoker Employment status Permanent Part-time Employer name Occupation Sales representative Marketing consultant Annual salary $120,000 $90,000 Summarise the discussion points that could/need to be raised here. Answer here Assessor feedback: Resubmission required? No Children and dependant details Answer here Your existing insurance Fill any gaps. Personal insurance Answer here Car insurance Answer here Home contents Insurance Answer here Health insurance Answer here Your existing estate planning Summarise the clients’ existing estate planning provisions here. Answer here Assessor feedback: Resubmission required? No Financial information Current income and expenses details Income and expenses Complete the table: Freddie Sara Total Assessable income Answer here Answer here Answer here Net tax payable Answer here Answer here Answer here Yearly expenses Answer here Answer here Answer here Estimated surplus Answer here Answer here Answer here Discussion points: From the table you have prepared and your cash flow analysis, identify questions you will need to ask about their income, lifestyle, expenses and intentions, before you start preparing your strategies. What are the gaps? (100 words) Answer here Assessor feedback: Resubmission required? No Assets and liabilities Complete the table: Value Liability Net value Home Answer here Answer here Answer here Home contents Answer here Answer here Answer here Motor vehicles Answer here Answer here Answer here Personal assets Employer superannuation — Freddie Answer here Answer here Answer here Employer superannuation — Sara Answer here Answer here Answer here Savings account Answer here Answer here Answer here Investment assets Answer here Answer here Answer here Net worth Answer here Answer here Answer here Discussion points: Prepare discussion points you will use to obtain a better understanding about how your clients see their situation and future. What are their attitudes to debt, personal assets, investments and superannuation assets that can assist you with your advice? What are the gaps? (100 words) Answer here Assessor feedback: Resubmission required? No Incomplete and/or inaccurate information warning Note that if, for any reason, the information on which our advice is based is incomplete or inaccurate, then it may not be appropriate. Before acting on the advice, you should consider its appropriateness in light of your particular circumstances, needs and objectives. Your risk profile In this section, you need to provide: • an overview of the different risk profiles • the risk/return characteristics of various asset classes • the client’s risk profile including the appropriate mix of assets (the asset allocation) for the client’s risk profile, the appropriate investment return time horizon for that profile and any specific concerns. Discuss their attitudes to investing and any other experience or interests that can support your assessment. Answer here Assessor feedback: Resubmission required? No Strategy recommendations This section tells you: • what our advice is and why it is appropriate for you • reasons for our recommendations • what you need to consider and any risks associated with our advice. Read this section carefully and ask me if you have any questions. Recommended action — first year You will use your findings from the analysis you did in the assignment above as the basis for the information you will need to provide in this section. For each recommendation below discuss the reasons, risks, advantages and disadvantages. All recommendations should be listed here. They are to include investment and debt management recommendations. You are not required to provide specific advice to your client about their estate planning needs. However, if after analysis of their situation you believe that advice is required, you need to explain what advice they should seek and why. Concept. If you use technical terms or concepts in your discussion explain what the terms mean. For example, do not assume they know what ‘gearing’ or ‘franking’ means Note: You do not have to complete all of the recommendation boxes below. You can add more boxes if required. Recommendation 1 Answer here Assessor feedback: Resubmission required? No Recommendation 2 Answer here Assessor feedback: Resubmission required? No Recommendation 3 Answer here Assessor feedback: Resubmission required? No Recommendation 4 Answer here Assessor feedback: Resubmission required? No Things you should consider In this section briefly discuss strategies that you did not recommend that could be considered at another time and how they could benefit the clients. Refer to the sample SOA for examples of relevant descriptions that should be included here and under each subheading below. Answer here Assessor feedback: Resubmission required? No Retirement planning Briefly state what has been achieved with your strategies and highlight what still needs to be addressed or reviewed. Answer here Assessor feedback: Resubmission required? No Estate planning You have recorded the clients’ estate planning details for completeness of information gathered in the fact finder. You have explained that you cannot provide legal advice. However, if you see deficiencies in their current structure, discuss them briefly and suggest a course of action. (100 words) Answer here Assessor feedback: Resubmission required? No Taxation issues My strategies and recommendations have had the following impact on your tax position: Answer here Assessor feedback: Resubmission required? No Recommended asset allocation Proposed asset allocation Your investment assets are invested across various asset classes. The table below summarises: • weight: the proposed asset allocation resulting from our recommendations • risk profile weight: the recommended asset allocation for your investment risk profile • variance (weight): the variance between the recommended and proposed asset allocation. Asset allocation after implementation of recommendations Asset allocation Weight Risk profile weight Variance (weight) Defensive assets Australian cash Answer here Answer here Answer here Australian fixed interest Answer here Answer here Answer here International fixed interest Answer here Answer here Answer here Total for defensive assets Answer here Answer here Answer here Growth assets Australian equities Answer here Answer here Answer here Australian property Answer here Answer here Answer here International equities Answer here Answer here Answer here International property Answer here Answer here Answer here Total for growth assets Answer here Answer here Answer here Grand total Answer here Answer here Answer here Comments on proposed asset allocation versus your risk profile You need to explain the reason for any large (greater than 10%) variances here. Refer to the sample SOA for a discussion on variances. Discuss how the situation will change over time. Answer here Assessor feedback: Resubmission required? No Investment product recommendations Product recommendations Note that I can only recommend products on our recommended list, which has been approved by EANWB Financial Planning. Use the space below to list the products that you are recommending Freddie and Sara invest in and those that they already have that you recommend they keep. Freddie and Sara Rosenberg, following our investment strategy, we recommend that you invest in the following products: Answer here Assessor feedback: Resubmission required? No Relevant research material and product disclosure statements (PDSs) are attached for your attention. It is important that you read these documents carefully and contact us if you have any questions or if there are areas of the document that you do not fully understand. All of these products are on our approved recommended list. Note: You do not need to include these PDSs as part of your assignment. The above statement is a standard inclusion in an SOA. Cooling-off period Details on the cooling-off period for each product are provided in the PDS. Disclosure of remuneration, commissions and other benefits How are we paid? Commissions and fees — upfront, ongoing and financial planning advice fees If you are charging SOA preparation fees, implementation fees, ongoing advice fees, or any other non product related fees, you must provide the details here. You may need to source information outside of the subject notes to complete this requirement. However, you can use the examples of how fees are shared between advisers and licensees from the sample SOA if needed. If you are not charging these fees you may either delete the table below or fill it in with $0 as the fee charged to make it clear. Fee type Initial fee Initial fee paid to licensee Initial fee paid to adviser SOA fee Answer here Answer here Answer here Implementation fee Answer here Answer here Answer here Ongoing advice fee* Answer here Answer here Answer here Total Answer here Answer here Answer here *If the ongoing service fee is charged as a percentage of the product(s), you may use the table below instead. If you are charging a flat fee or an hourly fee you should use this table. Investment recommendations Summarise all of the products that you have recommended to the client here. Refer to the sample SOA for examples of what to include. You will need to source information outside of the subject notes to complete this table, based on the products you have used (or created). Assessor feedback: Resubmission required? No If you wish to implement the products I have recommended, there may be initial and ongoing fees applicable as detailed below. Product Initial fee Initial fee paid to licensee Initial fee paid to adviser Ongoing fees paid to licensee Ongoing fees paid to adviser Answer here Answer here Answer here Answer here Answer here Answer here Answer here Answer here Answer here Answer here Answer here Answer here Total Answer here Answer here Answer here Answer here Answer here Note: Please see the sample SOA for directions on completing the answers in the paragraphs below. Product providers will also charge a fee for the management of the funds invested in their products. The annual management fee charged by Answer here is Answer here%. The amount you will be charged will depend on the funds you have invested. For example, $ Answer here invested with them will incur a $Answer here annual management cost. Commissions Our policy on taking commissions from product and service providers is summarised below: Answer here Assessor feedback: Resubmission required? No Other fees and benefits EANWB Financial Planning and I may also receive additional benefits. Where the benefits received are greater than $300 in value, they will be recorded in a register that meets the requirements of the Financial Planning Association (FPA) Code of Professional Practice on alternative forms of remuneration. A copy of the register for EANWB Financial Planning is publicly available and can be provided on your request. Ongoing services You need to make sure that your client fully understands what you are offering in terms of ongoing service. Draft an outline of the level of ongoing service you intend to recommend to Freddie and Sara. In your outline, discuss the type of information that you would regularly provide to Freddie and Sara in relation to their financial planning needs. (250 words) Refer to the sample SOA for the sorts of services you could include here. Answer here Assessor feedback: Resubmission required? No Ongoing service fee What would you do to ensure that Freddie and Sara know the specific costs relating to an ongoing service? (100 words) Answer here Assessor feedback: Resubmission required? No Implementation schedule In order to ensure that your recommendations will be implemented efficiently, you need to ensure that all tasks that need to be completed by both you and the clients are itemised in the schedule. The schedule should highlight the priority of each task, as well as the order of completion. The time frame should be as specific as possible. Freddie and Sara Rosenberg, in order to proceed with our recommendations, you will need to complete the steps below: Action By whom By when Answer here Answer here Answer here Answer here Answer here Answer here Answer here Answer here Answer here Answer here Answer here Answer here Answer here Answer here Answer here Answer here Answer here Answer here Answer here Answer here Answer here Answer here Answer here Answer here Answer here Answer here Answer here Note: The recommendations contained in this SOA are current for 30 days only. Please contact me for further discussion if you are unable to act on our recommendation within this time frame. Assessor feedback: Resubmission required? No Authority to proceed By signing this authority to proceed, I/we Freddie and Sara Rosenberg acknowledge the following: • I/We acknowledge that the information I/we provided in the financial needs analysis has been used to arrive at the recommendations contained in this SOA. • I/We have read, understood and retained a copy of the SOA prepared by Your name dated Date . This document contains information which accurately summarises my/our current situation, investments and financial objectives. • I/We have been provided with an EANWB Financial Planning FSG. • I/We have read and understood the PDSs for the recommended products. • I/We acknowledge that the product(s) listed in the table below are to be implemented in my/our name/s: Product(s) Amount Answer here Answer here Answer here Answer here Answer here Answer here • I/We wish to make the following change/s to the recommendations within the SOA: Product(s) Amount Answer here Answer here Answer here Answer here Answer here Answer here Signed Date / / Client Name Signed Date / / Client Name Signed Date / / Financial Adviser Please note that a cooling-off period may apply to your initial investment or insurance policy. Refer to the PDS.
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Enjoy our bonus services. You can make a free inquiry before placing and your order and paying this way, you know just how much you will pay. Identify the Rosenbergs’ likely risk profile based on the information they have provided
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Your assignment submission should be 150-200 words in length. It should contain proper grammar, be free of spelling errors, and reflect critical thinking.
Question 1. 150-200 words in length
What does International Business mean to you and what is the impact International Business has on you. Think about any recent events and how our Global Economy has affected you.
Question 2150-200 words in length
Where do you see culture and ethics playing a part in your interaction with other people each day? Culture and ethics have a large impact on who we are and how we interface with other people in our business lives each day. If you can give examples of you experiences.
Question 3150-200 words in length
Discuss the roll money plays in your daily business transaction. In today’s market, how do you see money playing a positive and negative role on business?
Question 4150-200 words in length
How do you see the current trade policies enacted and followed by the United States affecting this countries’ ability to be competitive in the world marketplace?
Question 5150-200 words in length
How well does Fontbonne University use Strategic Management to further its business and how could it improve their use of Strategic Management processes?
Question 6150-200 words in length
How much effect does the design of the organization have on the employee’s behavior in the workplace? Which is more important, a manager or a leader, in the way the employees react?
Question 7150-200 words in length
Discuss the different methods for gathering information pertaining to the implementation of a new product or service and how do you think it would be different if you were in Italy or another European country? Secondly, discuss your thoughts pertaining to transportation and other logistic components that take place to get a product from the manufacture to the consumer. What component do you believe would be the most difficult to manage and why?
Question 8150-200 words in length
you see yourself accepting an overseas assignment for a company and explain why or why not you would accept?
Part 2
Your assignment submission should be at least two to three paragraphs. It should contain proper grammar, be free of spelling errors, and reflect critical thinking.
Question 1. least two to three paragraphs
Binding Arbitration-Does it have value?
It is common in the business environment today, for contracts to contain binding arbitration clauses. You will read about this area of the law in the Alternative Dispute Resolution section of Chapter 3. In short, however, courts will often honor a binding arbitration provision and compel arbitration.
Arbitration is different from a court hearing in many ways. Among other differences, you do not have a jury in arbitration. You do not usually have the rules of evidence, discovery and procedure. You do not usually have a right to an appeal. Worst of all, the arbitration forum is usually selected by the other side and may lack basic fairness.
Assume for this Discussion Board, that Susan Wainwright has worked for Big Company for three years as an administrative assistant to a vice president. As a result of her rejecting her boss’ attentions, she was first demoted, then left without assignments, and finally fired. She makes an EEOC complaint and files suit in Federal Court. The employer moves to compel binding arbitration. If the employer is successful, Susan will lose the right to a jury trial, discovery, rules of evidence, rules of civil procedure, right to an appeal and will be in a forum provided for in the employment contract. That forum is rumored to be unfair to employees.
In this Discussion Board, draw on your own experiences, the readings in the book and your personal opinions. Discuss whether the court should grant the employer’s motion to compel binding arbitration
Question 2150-200 words in length
Employment contracts can often contain a number of restrictive agreements, such as confidentiality agreements, work-for-hire agreements relating to copyrights, and especially, covenants-not-to-compete. In states like Missouri, covenants-not-to compete are valid and will be enforced by the courts through temporary restraining orders, preliminary injunctions and permanent injunctions. Violations of these injunctions can result in substantial money sanctions and even imprisonment. Also, in a state like Missouri, employment is usually at-will. This permits the employer to terminate any worker at any time and for no reason.
Ms. Liam Sandof came to work for BuyherePayhere Carpets in St. Louis as their sales manager two months ago. Prior to coming to BuyherePayhere, Liam had worked for twenty-three years in St. Louis in the carpet sales industry and was making $200,000 a year.She signed a covenant-not-to-compete with BuyherePayhere, in which she acknowledged that she was an employee-at-will and in which she promised not to compete in the carpet sales and service industry within 100 mile of the St. Louis Arch for four years after either she quit or was fired. After two months BuyherePayhere decides they don’t like Liam and they fire her. They advise her that she is bound by the covenant-not-to-compete and will be immediately sued if she tries to go back to her old job or tries to sell carpet in the St. Louis area before four years is up. Carpet sales is the only trade Liam knows. She is the sole support of her six children and disabled mother.
Task: Discuss the fairness of covenants-not-to-compete agreements from both the employer and employee viewpoints.
Question 3150-200 words in length
A guarantee must be in writing to be enforceable. Just signing a contract does not bind you to anything unless you are named in the contract and agree to do something.
Oak Allen is a college student who wants to rent a house for his junior year. He negotiates with the landlord, Gaby Santos, and they reach an oral agreement whereby Oak will rent the house for one year, starting next month. This is the kind of a contract that must be in writing to be enforceable since it cannot be performed within one year. Oak and the landlord sign the contract. Oak is named as the tenant and Gaby is named as the Landlord. The day Oak is to move in, his father, Terry Allen, drops him off with Oak’s stuff. The landlord sees Terry and gets him to sign on the last page of the lease. Terry is not named in the lease and doesn’t do anything except sign his name on the last page of the lease. During the course of the lease, Oak trashes the place and causes the property to be seized by the police when pot is discovered. The landlord, Gaby, is at her wits end when she discovers, that Oak has no insurance and no money. Gaby, after talking with her attorney, discovers that Gaby can only sue Terry Allen for what he promised to do in the lease. As it turns out, although Terry Allen signed the lease, he is not mentioned in the lease, promised nothing and has broken no promises.
Task: Discuss from both the landlord’s view and Terry Allen’s view whether it is fair for Terry Allen to avoid liability on this technicality.
Question 4150-200 words in length
Pay special attention to Contracts involving Carriers on pages 465 and 467.Under the transfer of title and risk of loss rules, the parties may decide when title transfers and risk of loss transfers. Terms, such as FOB Seller’s place of business and FAS Buyer’s dock, are common provisions.If the parties don’t state in the contract when transfers occur, then the gap-filler rules under the UCC apply.
The assumption under the UCC is that the parties intend a shipment contract. Under this approach, title and risk of loss transfers to the buyer when the common carrier takes possession of the goods. Goods damaged in transit, unless other terms are agreed to, are the Buyer’s problem. Also, common carriers are strictly liable for damage to goods in their possession. Unless additional insurance was taken out, common carriers are only liable to the extent of their published tariffs.Patricia Richards lives in Marshall, VA. and orders an expensive computer from BuyherePayhere Computers. There are no fancy delivery terms, except that the website mentions that BuyherePayhere will send the computer to the customer.
The computer is given by William W. Williams, the BuyherePayhere shipping clerk in Royal, MO. to ExFed Delivery, which is a common carrier. ExFed loses the computer somewhere on its way to Virginia. When the computer eventually shows up, it is found to be smashed to smithereens. ExFed apologies and pays the full amount disclosed on its tariff ($5). No additional insurance was taken out. Patricia is a renter and has no insurance on the computer.Patricia owes, with interest, $3,756.17 to BuyherePayhere for the computer.
Task: Discuss the fairness of the UCC transfer of title and risk of loss rules from both the buyer and the seller viewpoints.
Question 5150-200 words in length
Rosemary Kelzer is a 84 year old woman who has owned a novelty store near Branson, MO. for thirty years. She sells seashells with Little Hoppy the Mule’s profile on it, hillbilly gag-gifts, postcards, saltwater taffy, and 5,000 other items. Her business is in the crowed old part of town near the White River steamboat landing. Ever since the big boom in town from the Vegas-style shows, her business has gone well, but she gets a lot of tourists who lets their kids run wild. While their mom’s and dad’s are deciding which velvet picture of mules playing poker they want to buy, their kids run through the place grabbing stuff and taking off without paying.
Task: Discuss Rosemary’s rights and liabilities in stopping the little scamps who try to grab stuff and run out of her store.
1. Assume in this case that the Common Law (as given in your text book ) applies.
2.Then assume that the following law applies. Section 537.125 Shoplifting: Any merchant, his agent or employee, who has reasonable grounds or probable cause to believe that a person has committed or is committing a wrongful taking of merchandise or money from a mercantile establishment, may detain such person in a reasonable manner and for a reasonable length of time for the purpose of investigating whether there has been a wrongful taking of such merchandise or money. Any such reasonable detention shall not constitute an unlawful arrest or detention, nor shall it render the merchant, his agent or employee, criminally or civilly liable to the person so detained.
Question 6 150-200 words in length
A key purpose of incorporation is to create limited liability. For example, if a person wants to sell candles and, after creating a corporation for this purpose, signs a lease, that person is not personally liable for the payment obligation.
Joe Moon is a fabulously wealthy homebuilder and developer. Nearly every day there are articles in the paper about his exciting adventure trips, his charitable donations and his stable of tree climbing hunting dogs. He has two jets, houses all over the county and owns many businesses.You decide to use him to model your house. You sign a contract with Joe Moon Architects, Inc. for the design; Joe Moon Builders, Inc. for the construction; and Joe Moon Title Company, Inc. for the escrow agent and you borrow the money from Joe Moon Finance, Inc.
Joe Moon owns 100% of these companies, he signs the contracts as president of each of these companies. The design turns out to be awful. It violates all the known building codes and construction standards.The construction is worse. There are holes in the ceilings and walls. The wrong materials were used. On the day after the closing, the house collapses. It turns out that the escrow agent stole all the money and did not pay Joe Moon Construction, Inc. Now, even though the house has collapsed and the money is gone, Joe Moon Finance, Inc. says you still owe the full amount.In checking, you discover that each of these companies are separate legal entities, that you can’t sue Joe Moon for any of this. It turns out that you still owe Joe Moon Finance, Inc. the full amount of the loan.
Task: Discuss the fairness of the use of limited liability by corporations from both the business owner and the consumer points of view.
Question 7150-200 words in length
When we studied the U.S. Constitution, we learned that the Federal Government has only limited enumerated powers. For example, the Federal Government can regulate interstate commerce. The Federal Government is further limited through the Bill of Rights. These rights include freedom of speech, right of free assembly, freedom from unreasonable search and seizure, right to a jury trial, right to an attorney and other express protections.
The NDAA (National Defense Authorization Act) signed into law early in 2012 appears to authorize the military to detain U.S. citizens indefinitely without trial, without charges, without an attorney and without access to court review. It permits summary searches and seizures. It might even permit citizens to be assassinated. Supposedly, it recognizes that the United States is now a battlefield. Research “NDAA and indefinite detention” on the Internet. Read and consider the protections of the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th Amendments to the U.S. Constitution. (These are in the appendix to our text book).
Pretend someone near and dear to you has attended a political rally and has been indefinitely detained by the Federal government. Consider whether the NDAA and the U.S. Constitution/Bill of Rights are in conflict, and which should control. You must consider both sides of the issue fairly.
Question 8150-200 words in length
Drawing on your life experiences, discuss with each other how you can use what you have learned in this course in your private and business lives
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The purpose of this assignment is to examine the components of a research article and help you identify guidelines for conducting critical analyses of published works. The knowledge gained should be applied when completing your weeks 4 and 11 research assignments. As you complete assignments it is a good idea to proof read your work or use the University writing center to help with APA formatting. Both are great avenues for assistance in minimizing grammatical errors and conducting research. Please use the attached “Guidelines for Evaluating a Research Article” to answer the below questions:
What is an Information Technology Project?
Identify & explain the major parts of a research paper.
Explain the difference(s) between qualitative vs quantitative research methods.
Why use Peer Reviewed journals?
Why are keywords used during the Literature Review process?
Why are project deliverables, limitations & deadlines an important aspect of project development?
Why use/apply APA Basic Citation Stiles in your writing assignments/research?
Why is Academic Integrity important (see syllabus)?
Explain the difference between plagiarism vs self-plagiarism?
Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:
Assignment should be 3 – 5 pages (not including cover & reference page)
Use at least three – five (3 – 5 ) quality resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and similar Websites do not qualify as quality resources.
Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format.
Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page do not count toward the page count.
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