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Why are some countries’ citizens happier than others?

Assignment Details: Why are some countries’ citizens happier than others? 1/3

View from the Nyhavn canal in Old Town Copenhagen, Denmark.

A new study shows that social justice plays a pivotal role in the happiness of a nation’s residents. In Denmark, citizens enjoy tuition-free access to high-quality education and no-fee public health care. The country

comes up as having the happiest people in the world in almost every international survey conducted.


Arts and Humanities People and Community

Why are some countries’ citizens happier than others?

By Barbara Gutierrez


11/3/2020 Why are some countries’ citizens happier than others? 2/3

Countries that promote social justice have a higher number of people who are happy and satisfied, reveals a

study—by Isaac Prilleltensky, vice provost for institutional culture at the University of Miami, and Salvatore Di

Martino, community psychologist and researcher— published in the Journal of Community Psychology.

The research showed that social justice was the second predictor of people’s happiness, second only to social

capital, which is the strength of social relationships, trust in institutions, and civic engagement.

“Data shows that the more you invest in people, not only the happier they will be but the healthier they are,” said


Using the Social Justice Index, which surveyed 170,000 people in 28 countries six times from 2008 to 2017,

Prilleltensky and his colleague were able to gather information on a host of areas. These included, access to

health care, equitable education, poverty prevention, labor market access, economic inequality, adequate pension

policies, and discrimination against people with disabilities.

Countries like Denmark, Finland, and Sweden ranked high with social justice. They provide many social welfare

programs to support their people from infancy to old age. Countries like Italy, Hungary, and Greece did not fare as

well since they lacked many of these programs, according to Prilleltensky.

Countries that spend money on social programs to support their citizens may have to invest more at the onset, but

eventually they will see the benefit of their investment, said Prilleltensky.

“For example, if we invest in early childhood education and provide children with the appropriate education,

psychological support, parenting classes, and adequate nutrition, some longitudinal studies suggest that for every

dollar invested you will save up to $17,” he said.

The savings takes place as the child grows and is then “less likely to go to special education classes or engage in

criminal behavior” and they are more likely to finish college, get good jobs, and pay more taxes, Prilleltensky

pointed out.

“When you take into consideration all those factors, the government is saving a lot of money,” he said. Similarly,

programs that help the elderly by providing social and physical engagement, as well as economic support, help to

avoid crises that could burden local governments, he explained. There is evidence that loneliness is associated

with physical ailments, and the elderly are often isolated. The more we invest in the social sector and support all

age groups, the more we save in health care.

Prilleltensky said that a new upcoming study that has not been published yet will show that social justice in a

society not only predicts national happiness, but also indirectly affects social capital and GDP (gross domestic


11/3/2020 Why are some countries’ citizens happier than others? 3/3

“This means that if we increase conditions of social justice in a society, it is also possible to increase economic

and social conditions, which in turn are important to people’s happiness,” he said.

topics: Arts and Humanities People and Community Research History and Culture In the Community Social Impact





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Physical health Socio environmental health & quality of life measures


The purpose of this assignment is to review the components of the comprehensive geriatric assessment

Activity Learning Outcomes

Through this discussion, the student will demonstrate the ability to:

1. Discuss components of a comprehensive geriatric assessment (WO 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4) (CO1, 5, 7)

2. Evaluate screening tools used as part of the comprehensive geriatric assessment (WO 1.4) (CO 1, 7)


Step 1:

Review the assigned topics which are listed below:

Your assessment domain Your peer response domain Physical health Socio environmental health & quality of life measures  

Step 2:

For your assigned assessment domain:

1. Provide a brief 3-5 sentence summary of the components of the domain assessment

2. Choose a screening tool “Mini Nutritional Assessment (MNA)” which is appropriate for your domain. Explain the screening tool purpose, components and scoring technique

3. Provide 2 references in APA format beneath the table which support your work. The second reference must be a scholarly source.

Your table should look like the following:

Comprehensive Geriatric  Assessment  Domain Dimensions of assessment Screening tool related to the domain(s)        References:       

Step 4:

Respond to a peer’s post. Your assigned response to a peer requirement is listed within the assignment table. (about one page)

Peer response will include:

· Compares peer domain to student’s assigned assessment domain, noting similarities and differences

· Peer review: discuss how your assigned peer’s screening tool (Lubben Social Network Scale) can be applicable in your own future practice

DISCUSSION CONTENT Category Points % Description Assessment of Knowledge: Assessment Domain   18 30 1.  Provides a brief 3-5 sentence summary of the assigned domain components. 2. Domain summary includes description of each component. 3. Selects a domain appropriate screening tool. 4. Explains the purpose, components and scoring technique of the screening tool. Support from Evidence Based practice  18 30 1. Discussion post is supported with a minimum of one appropriate, scholarly source in addition to the textbook AND 2. Sources are published within the last 5 years AND 3. A reference list is provided with in-text citations that match the discussion content AND 4. Peer response is supported with a minimum of one appropriate, scholarly source in addition to the textbook   Peer response  12 20 1.  Compares peer domain to student’s assigned assessment domain 2. Comparison includes similarities and differences to student’s assigned domain 3. Comparison includes differences to student’s assigned domain 4. Discusses how the peer’s screening tool can be applicable in the student’s own future practice (4 critical elements)       48 80% Total CONTENT Points= 48 pts DISCUSSION FORMAT Category Points % Description Organization 6 10 Assignment table pasted within the discussion board post. Student presents the assigned domain. Peer response clearly states the name of the screening tool being reviewed and is presented in a logical format.   Grammar, Syntax, Spelling & Punctuation 6 10 Student presents information in an organized manner, using clear and concise language. There are no APA, grammar, spelling, syntax or punctuation errors   12 20% Total FORMAT Points= 12 pts       DISCUSSION TOTAL= 60 points
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open fields” includes any place that is public or private outside the curtilage, including forests, lakes, woods, city streets, and stadiums.

1.  Discuss whether the term “open fields” includes any place that is public or private outside the curtilage, including forests, lakes, woods, city streets, and stadiums.

The open field doctrine is a legal term that refers to the idea that everything that is easily visible to the naked eye, even if it is on private property, is subject to search because it is not hidden. Consent is not required to inspect the area under this approach for a law enforcement official to observe and report things that are clearly visible and include observations made. In other words, the open fields doctrine is a doctrine that holds that a warrant is not needed when searching for open places such as areas such as pastures, wooded areas, open water, and vacant lots that do not need to comply with the requirements and probable cause. Furthermore, open fields must be neither open nor fields, but just portions of land beyond the curtilage, according to the doctrine. As a result, densely fenced dense woodlands could be considered open fields.

2. The open-fields doctrine is the legal doctrine that a “warrantless search of the area outside a property owner’s curtilage” does not violate the Fourth Amendment to the United States Constitution. Curtilage is the area immediately surrounding a dewlling and it also counts as part of the home for legal purposes, which can include searches and self-defense laws. Curtilage includes the area immediately surrounding a dwelling, and it counts as part of the home for many legal purposes, including searches and many self-defense laws. The term includes the ouside of stadiums and home on city streets. I believe public places are different when it comes to this docterine, as there is no true “owner”, where as private places have more of a basis for privavy, as there needs to be caution when approaching someone’s Fourth Amendment rights for their property and privacy.

3. The open field doctrine is a warrantless search of the area outside a property owner’s curtilage which does not violate the fourth amendment to the United States Constitution. Expectation of privacy in an open field is not considered as reasonable or legitimate, even if there are fences or no trespassing signs around the field. Open fields may include any unoccupied or undeveloped area outside the curtilage. While open fields are not protected by the fourth amendment, the curtliage; or outdoor area immediately surrounding the home, may be protected. Courts have treated this area as an extension of the house and as such subject to all privacy protections afforded a person’s home unlike a person’s open fields under the fourth amendment. In Addition, In Hester v United States, the court held that the fourth amendment did not protect open field and that therefore, police searches in such areas as pastures, wooded areas, open water and vacant lots need not comply with the requirements of warrants and probable cause.

4. open fields is considered all the space that is not contained within the curtilage and need be neither open nor fields. The open fields doctorine allows law enforcement officers to search for and seize evidence in open fields without a warrant, probable cause, or any other legal justification.Even if officers trespass while searching the open fields, the trespass does not render the evidence inadmissable.  Oliver v. United States,466 U.S. 170 (1984). Curtilage is defined as the grounds and buildings immediatley surrounding a dwelling that are used for domestic purposes in connection with the dwelling. Areas within the curtilage of a home are protected against unreasomable searches and seizures by the 4th amendment.

5. The “open field’ doctrine clearly states any area that warrantless search of the area outside a property owner’s curtilage does not violate the Fourth Amendment. A curtilage is an area or land that is a part of a house and is claimed as so for legal purposes. When it comes to open fields such as forests, lakes, woods, city streets and stadiums, they are all fair to search without a warrant as long as they are not owned property. For example, an area behind a fence of a house can not be searched without a warrant or probable cause that a crime is being committed. However, a lake or a forest behind a house is fair game to search because it is not part of the property owned by the homeowner





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Look at the distribution of the continuous variables in the data set using PROC UNIVARIATE, including producing histograms and insets with means, standard deviations and sample size

1. Performing a One-Sample t-Test

The data in STAT1.NormTemp come from an article in the Journal of Statistics Education by Dr. Allen L. Shoemaker from the Psychology Department at Calvin College. The data are based on an article in a 1992 edition of JAMA (Journal of the American Medical Association), which questions the notion that the true mean body temperature is 98.6. There are 65 males and 65 females. There is also some question about whether mean body temperatures for women are the same as for men. The variables in the data set are as follows:

ID Identification number

BodyTemp Body temperature (degrees Fahrenheit)

Gender Coded (MaleFemale)

HeartRate Heart rate (beats per minute)

a. Look at the distribution of the continuous variables in the data set using PROC UNIVARIATE, including producing histograms and insets with means, standard deviations and sample size.

b. Perform a one-sample t-test to determine whether the mean of body temperatures (the variable BodyTemp in STAT1.NormTemp) is 98.6. Produce a confidence interval plot of BodyTemp with the value 98.6 used as a reference.

1) What is the value of the t statistic and the corresponding p-value?

2) Do you reject or fail to reject the null hypothesis at the 0.05 level that the average temperature

2. Using PROC TTEST for Comparing Groups

Elli Sagerman, a Masters of Education candidate in German Education at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in 2000, collected data for a study. She looked at the effectiveness of a new type of foreign language teaching technique on grammar skills. She selected 30 students to receive tutoring; 15 received the new type of training during the tutorials and 15 received standard tutoring. Two students moved away from the district before completing the study. Scores on a standardized German grammar test were recorded immediately before the 12-week tutorials and then again 12 weeks later at the end of the trial. Sagerman wanted to see the effect of the new technique on grammar skills. The data are in the STAT1.GERMAN data set.

Change Change in grammar test scores

Group The assigned treatment, coded Treatment and Control

Analyze the data using PROC TTEST. Assess whether the treatment group improved more than the control group.

a. Do the two groups appear to be approximately normally distributed?

b. Do the two groups have approximately equal variances?

c. Does the new teaching technique seem to result in significantly different change scores compared with the standard technique?





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What is the difference between the subtractive and additive sculptural processes?

Answer the following questions using vocabulary and ideas from Lectures 6 & 7 and Chapter 3 in your textbook. Please make sure each answer is thoughtful, edited for grammar and spelling errors, and at least 8-10 COMPLETE sentences. Also, be as specific as possible and use examples to support EVERY statement. Write your answers in your own words (not taken directly from your readings or outside resources). A grading rubric is attached to this assignment.


  1. What is the difference between the subtractive and additive sculptural processes?  Choose two specific artworks from Chapter 3 to support your explanation.
  2. What is the difference between buon fresco & fresco secco?  Choose two specific artworks from Chapter 3 to support your explanation.
  3. Review Maria Martinez’ Bowl and watch the short video about her process & chosen materials.
  1. Are Martinez’ pots examples of Representation Art, Abstracted Art, or Non-Representational Art?
  2. Is Maria Martinez’ process subtractive or additive?
  3. How does the use of a specific material in a work of art affect its meaning?
  4. Does the medium of Martinez’ works affect the way you value the artwork? How so?
  5. Do you think that the materials used are important in determining the monetary value of a work of art?
  6. Do you think that the materials used are important in determining the cultural value of a work of art?
  7. Review Damien Hirst’s For the Love of God and watch the short video about his process & chosen materials.
  1. Is Hirst’s For the Love of God an example of Representation Art, Abstracted Art, or Non-Representational Art?
  2. Is Damien Hirst’s process subtractive or additive?
  3. How does the use of a specific material in a work of art affect its meaning?
  4. Does the medium of Hirst’s artwork affect the way you value the artwork? How so?
  5. Do you think that the materials used are important in determining the monetary value of a work of art?
  6. Do you think that the materials used are important in determining the cultural value of a work of art?
  7. Review Bisa Butler’s chosen materials and process.
  1. Are Butler’s quilts examples of Representation Art, Abstracted Art, or Non-Representational Art?
  2. Is Butler’s process additive or subtractive?
  3. How does the use of a specific material in a work of art affect its meaning?
  4. Does the medium of Butler’s artwork affect the way you value the artwork? How so?
  5. What is the significance of combining archival photographs and quilt-making?
  6. Do you think that the materials used are important in determining the monetary value of a work of art?
  7. Do you think that the materials used are important in determining the cultural value of a work of art?
  8. Review Diego Romero’s process, chosen medium, and influences.
  1. Are Romero’s pots examples of Representation Art, Abstracted Art, or Non-Representational Art?
  2. Is Romero’s process additive or subtractive?
  3. How does the use of a specific material in a work of art affect its meaning?
  4. Does the medium of Romero’s artwork affect the way you value the artwork? How so?
  5. Do you think that the materials used are important in determining the monetary value of a work of art?
  6. Do you think that the materials used are important in determining the cultural value of a work of art?
  7. How does Romero’s choice of medium and subject matter explore his cultural identity?




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It may be that attorneys hire you to consult with them regarding digital evidence and its relationship with what their client has been charged with or is under investigation for

 550 words

It may be that attorneys hire you to consult with them regarding digital evidence and its relationship with what their client has been charged with or is under investigation for.

Discuss the steps you would take, as an examiner, to perform an attorney-client privilege (ACP) investigation.

If you know an attorney, ask them what the most difficult thing is when it comes to digital evidence.





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4 steps a pathogen must complete to cause an infectious disease

  • Define Pathogen
  • Define Infectious disease
  • Define Infection
  • Define Primary Infection
  • Define Secondary Infection
  • Define Opportunistic Infection
  • Define Accidental Infection
  • Define Pathogenicity
  • Define Virulence
  • Define Virulence Factors
  • Define Lethal dose
  • Outline the 4 steps a pathogen must complete to cause an infectious disease
  • What is the difference between direct and indirect transmission? Provide examples
  • What is a common vehicle transmission? Provide examples
  • What is the criteria for Airborne transmission? Provide examples
  • What are 3 criteria about skin that makes it an effective barrier against microbes?
  • What are 3 criteria about mucous membranes that makes it an effective barrier against microbes?
  • List one example of how a pathogen might penetrate a skin or mucous membrane barrier
  • Define Exotoxin and list at least 4 features they have
  • Define Endotoxin and list at least 4 features they have
  • List an example of a waterborne transmission disease
  • List an example of a airborne transmission disease
  • List an example of a contact transmission disease
  • List an example of a vector transmission disease
  • Influenza virus has an envelope that contains 2 types of protein spikes. Name and describe them
  • Why are spike antigens good at evolving?
  • Name 3 characteristics about latent and slow (persistent) Viral Infections
  • How are viruses able to bring about cancer cell division?
  • Describe the difference between Viruses and Retroviruses in regards to cancer development
  • What is a vaccination?
  • Define Attenuated Vaccines
  • Define Inactivated Vaccines
  • Define Subunit Vaccines
  • Define DNA Vaccines
  • Define Cutaneous Mycoses and its effect in humans


  • Define Sterilization
  • Define Bactericidal
  • Define Bacteriostatic
  • Describe sterilization by heat
  • Describe sterilization by irradiation
  • Describe sterilization by filtration
  • What is disinfection?
  • List and describe 3 types of disinfectants
  • Describe the Kinetics of Cell death
  • Draw and describe the kinetics of cell death for any microorganisms.


  • Define Antibiotic
  • What is a key component of antibiotics?
  • Define Infection
  • Name 5 antibiotics and the diseases they are typically used for
  • Name and describe 6 properties that antibiotics should have
  • What are 4 ways that antibiotics work?
  • Describe and give an example of disruption of cell membranes as it relates to antibiotics
  • Describe and give an example of inhibition of protein synthesis as it relates to antibiotics
  • Describe and give an example of inhibition of nucleic acid synthesis  as it relates to antibiotics
  • Summarize in 5 sentences resistance to antibiotics
  • Provide 5 examples and describe 5 different ways bacteria can be resistant to antibiotics
  • Summarize in 5 sentences how bacteria resistance arises
  • Describe the pros and cons between broad-spectrum and narrow-spectrum antibiotics in 3 sentences
  • Define an Antiviral
  • Why are antiviral drugs not as common as antibacterial drugs?
  • List and provide a example of the 4 ways antivirals work
  • Describe how Antifungals work
  • List and describe 5 examples of Antifungal agents
  • Why is it hard to target Antiprotozoal Agents?
  • List and describe examples of Antiprotozoal Agents (At least 3)
  • Give a 3 sentence summary on the future of Antimicrobials (in your own words)




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Headquartered in Savannah, Georgia, ________________ operates two coffee shops in Georgia and one in Alabama

Legal and Ethical Scenarios

Read the scenarios and the questions that follow. Answer Scenarios 1 and 2, then select any two (2) of the remaining scenarios for a total of four (4) scenarios.

You must also provide an answer for the recommendations section. Identify and analyze the legal issue(s). Apply legal concepts and make potential arguments as directed using laws, cases, examples, and/or other relevant materials. Consider using short headings (consult APA materials) to separate the topics. Summarize the facts; do not copy the scenarios into the paper. Support your answers with information from the textbook and at least four scholarly sources in addition to the textbook or course lectures. By Day 7, prepare a 5 to 7 page paper that identifies the legal issues and potential solutions and answers all questions presented, supported by relevant legal authority. Do not exceed the page length by more than two pages.


Headquartered in Savannah, Georgia,  ________________ operates two coffee shops in Georgia and one in Alabama.  Approximately 30% of the employees work full time; however, ____________ primarily hires part-time employees as baristas, delivery drivers, cooks and dishwashers.  The company experienced explosive growth over the last four years, but with the growth came increased legal issues.  The owners seek your advice on the following legal and ethical issues.

Scenario 1 – Business Organizations

Bailey Andrews and Danita Brown met while working at Starbucks and attending college in Georgia.  Bailey studied business at South University, while Dania attended the Art Institute for culinary management. The two friends were tired of working for someone else and opened [SELECT A NAME FOR THE COFFEE SHOP]  as a partnership after college.   Now that the business has grown, the two partners are considering a new legal form for their business.

  •  Analyze three types of business organizations Andrews and Brown might consider for their existing restaurant. Be sure to consider at least one limited liability option. Explain the advantages and disadvantages of each type. 
  • Select one type of business for Andrews and Brown and provide support for your choice.
  • Select a name for the coffee shop and use it when answering the remaining scenarios. 

Scenario 2 – Employment Discrimination

Born in 1975, Juanita Mendoza immigrated from Mexico in 2005 and became a U.S. citizen in 2010. Mendoza speaks fluent English with a strong Hispanic accent. Her accent does not interfere with her ability to communicate with others. Mendoza worked as a cook and waitress for 20 years. Although she did not have any formal management experience, Mendoza applied for a shift manager’s job with [Restaurant Name]; however, she was not hired for the position. The restaurant currently employs 5 full time employees and 14 part time employees.

  • Analyze the possible grounds Mendoza might have for a discrimination lawsuit against [Restaurant Name]. 
  • Provide support for each ground selected and then provide arguments that [Restaurant Name] could make to counter each claim.
  • Explain how your answer might change if the restaurant only employs a total of 12 people.

Scenario 3 – Secured Transactions and Bankruptcy

Bayside Restaurant Supplies agreed to sell 10 new commercial coffee makers and 5 freezers to [Restaurant Name] for $27,500. Bayside retained a security interest in the equipment.  [Restaurant Name] agreed to pay for the equipment in equal installments over 48 months.

  • Evaluate Bayside’s rights as a creditor if [Restaurant Name] files bankruptcy 18 months after purchasing the equipment.   
  • Discuss Bayside’s rights as a creditor if [Restaurant Name] sold the 2 refrigerators and 5 coffee makers for $750 approximately 30 days prior to filing bankruptcy.
  • Explain how a failure by Bayside to file a financing statement might impact the outcome of both scenarios.

Scenario 4 – Insurance and Agency

Dylan is a delivery driver for [Restaurant Name]. While delivering orders within the scope of employment, Dylan rear-ended a car driven by Vickie Talley. Dylan was insured by State Farm and his policy contained the following information.

Exclusions—What is not Covered

State Farm will not pay for any damages an insured person is legally obligated to pay because of:

Bodily injury or property damage arising out of the use of your insured auto while used to carry persons or property for a charge, or any auto you are driving while available for hire by the public.

  • Analyze the liability on the part of Dylan, Vickie, State Farm and [Restaurant Name]. Be sure to cover issues related to both insurance and agency.

Scenario 5 – Consumer Protection

[Restaurant Name] does not publish the prices of drinks on the menus. Nik Carlson, a customer of the restaurant filed a lawsuit claiming that failure to provide drink prices on the menu constitutes an unfair business practice because customers must make quick decisions about ordering drinks after asking about the price. Another plaintiff, Joe Swanson, claimed that he was not provided with a cost for his drink until after he ordered it, which constitutes consumer fraud.

  • Analyze the applicability of state and/or federal consumer protection laws that Carlson and Swanson can assert against [Restaurant Name]. Select which party should win and support your answer.

Scenario 6 – Liability on Negotiable Instruments

Andrews and Brown hired a bookkeeper, Jenice, and gave her general authority to issue company checks drawn on SunTrust Bank so that Jenice can pay employees’ wages and other company bills. Jenice decides to cheat her employers out of $10,000 by issuing a check payable to the Bayside Distributors, one of the suppliers of seafood and fresh local produce. Jenice does not intend for Bayside to receive any of the money, nor is Bayside entitled to the payment. Jenice endorses the check in Bayside’s name and deposits the check in an account that she opened at Wells Fargo Bank in the name “Bayfood Dist. Co.” Wells Fargo accepts the check and collects payment from the drawee bank, SunTrust.  SunTrust charges [Name of Restaurant] account $10,000.  Denice transfers $10,000 out of the Bayside account and closes it. [Name of Restaurant] discovers the fraud and demands that the bank return the money.

  • Evaluate which party or parties bear the loss.

Scenario 7 – Breach of Contract and Remedies

Andrews ordered 20 round tables to seat parties of two, 25 square tables to seat parties of four, 5 tables to seat larger parties and 175 chairs. The tables were specially ordered to contain the logo of the restaurant on the top of each table.  Andrews paid for the entire shipment when placing the order; however, the supplier was responsible for making the shipping arrangements. The tables and chairs arrived three weeks later; however, five were scratched and damaged. Seven of the chairs were missing.   

  • Analyze the restaurant’s options related to the damaged tables and missing chairs. Be sure to address the applicability of the UCC to the transaction.


Conclude your paper by justifying suggestions for [Restaurant Name] to help prevent future occurrences of these types of legal problems.  Identify any ethical issues you find and present recommendations as  applicable. Be specific in your recommendations





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Using federal law and YOUR STATE law, discuss the probable outcome of a discrimination lawsuit based on transgender.

Review the link “Doing Discussion Questions Right,” the expanded grading rubric for the forum and any specific instructions for this week’s topic.
The discussion assignment consists of two parts. Select one of the questions for Part 1 and answer Part 2.
By the due date assigned, submit your answers toPart 1andPart 2to this Discussion Area. Post the answers to both parts in one thread. Label your answersPart 1andPart 2, but do not repeat the scenario text in your responses. Start reviewing and responding to your classmates as early in the week as possible. You should review and critique the work of other students as outlined in the expanded rubric by the end of the week.
Discussion Question Part 1
Select one of the scenarios listed below and explain the best solution for each. Include comments related to any ethical issues that arise. You should locate at least one scholarly source from the SUO Library or one case that has been decided or is currently pending to support your answer.
Scenario 1 – Discrimination
The Mad Beach Pub is a small casual restaurant located in YOUR STATE. The business is privately owned and currently has 4 full time employees and 15 part time employees. Mandie, a 46 year old transgender applicant for a position as a bartender was denied the position. Mandie was highly qualified, with many years of experience in waitressing and bartending; however,  Joy, a 25 year old college student was hired. Joy’s experience included working as a waitress at Hooters for 1 year.
Research the state laws on non-discrimination in YOUR STATE.   

  • Using federal law and YOUR STATE law, discuss the probable outcome of a discrimination lawsuit based on transgender.
  • Using federal law and YOUR STATE law, discuss the probable outcome of a lawsuit based on age discrimination
  • Scenario 2 – Agents
    Dennis and Donna Smith owned a 10-acre tract of land that they decided to sell.  The couple entered into a listing agreement with Kelly McLaughlin, a licensed real estate broker.  The agreement gave Kelly the exclusive right to sell the property for a period of 6 months.  The Smiths agreed to pay Kelly a 6% commission of the selling price if a buyer was found during the listing period.   Four months later, the Smiths sent Kelly a letter terminating the listing agreement.  Kelly did not approve of the conditions.  One month later, Kelly presented a full price offer to the Smiths; however, they ignored the offer and sold the property to another buyer.  Kelly sued the Smiths for breach of the agency agreement. 
  • Which party wins the lawsuit?
  • Did the Smiths act ethically in this case?
  • Scenario 3 – Agency and Liability for Agents
    Greg hired Drake’s Renovations to remodel his kitchen and one bathroom for $15,000.  Drake was required to follow the plans and instructions provided by Greg and complete the work by rooms by June 30. Drake had the exclusive right to control the manner and method for performing the work, including the right to select other workers and tools used. One day, two of Drake’s employees were unloading a spa tub for Greg’s bathroom. Startled by a noise, the employee turned quickly and the tub struck Sandy, who was walking her dog. Sandy tripped and hit her head on the pavement. The dog broke loose, bit Drake’s employee, and then ran off.
  • Explain the relationship between Greg and Drake’s Renovations. What are the rights and responsibilities of each party?
  • Which party is liable for Sandy’s injuries?
  • Which party is liable for the injuries to the employee?
    Discussion Question Part II
    Select two of the topics from the list. Provide information about how your new company will handle the topics selected.
  • Employment discrimination
  • Independent contractors
  • Negligent hiring
  • Union organization
  • Drug testing
  • Electronic monitoring of company-owned computers, cell phones and/or vehicles
  • Employee use of social  media




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reas of nursing practice, nursing education, advocacy, policymaking, and expanding the influence of professional nursing organizations and associations

Despite making considerable progress in the areas of nursing practice, nursing education, advocacy, policymaking, and expanding the influence of professional nursing organizations and associations, the nursing profession still has areas where the progress and development are not as significant as many professional nurses would like it to be. In particular, there are barriers limiting the progress of Advanced Practice Nursing and the contribution that Advanced Practice Nurses (APNs) can make to improving the health care system and access to care. Back in 2011, The Institute of Medicine (IOM) (2011) published a landmark report called “The Future of Nursing: Leading Change, Advancing Health”. In this report, IOM (2011) identified several barriers to undermining the ability of APNs to contribute to the health care delivery to the full extent of their training and education. The three of those barriers include (1) federal and state-level regulations limiting nurses’ scope of practice (SOP), including state laws, (2) institutional culture and practice, and (3) outdated reimbursement models (IOM, 2011).

SOP regulations present a considerable barrier to the progress of advanced practice nursing. For example, nearly half of the U.S. states have reduced or restricted SOP. In the states with reduced SOP, APNs do not have the author to engage in at least one element of advanced practice (Martin & Alexander, 2019). In those states, APNs are required to have a collaborative agreement with physicians to provide primary care, diagnose patients, and prescribe treatments including controlled substances. In the states with restricted SOP, APNs practice under supervision, perform delegated tasks or work as a part of the teams managed by the physicians (Martin & Alexander, 2019). In other words, SOP regulations limiting APNs’ professional autonomy and the ability to practice independently to the full extent of their education and training present a significant barrier to the progress of advanced nursing practice.

As was mentioned earlier, one more barrier is institutional culture and practice. For example, many health care organizations hire APNs that completed programs that equipped them with exceptional skills and educational background necessary to manage complex patients, work in fast-paced settings, perform complex monitoring, develop evidence-based treatment plans, and order and interpret diagnostic studies (Vanderbilt School of Nursing, n.d.). Moreover, many graduates of the MSN programs possess advanced expertise in clinical care, interprofessional collaboration, quality improvement, and organizational leadership (American Association of Colleges of Nursing, 2011). However, APNs may find it challenging to realize their full potential and make a greater contribution to their organizations when the latter have an organizational culture where the role of APNs is viewed as a managing or supervising type of position. Apparently, such organizational culture makes it more challenging for APNs to make a more valuable contribution to improving organizational outcomes.

Finally, an outdated reimbursement model for the services provided by nurses is another barrier slowing down the progress of advanced practice nursing. As Sarzynski & Barry (2019) explain, a revenue stream may need to be developed in order for the APN role to survive in different settings. However, APNs do not receive reimbursement equal to physicians for providing the same services (Sarzynski & Barry, 2019). Further disparities in reimbursement are exacerbated by the fact that ANpss are more likely to practice in rural settings and treat vulnerable populations and Medicaid beneficiaries compared with physicians (Sarzynski & Barry, 2019). Thus, reimbursement issues should be regulated to ensure that APNs can generate adequate revue for their organizations and in independent practice as well. Therefore, regulations limiting nurses’ SOP, organizational culture and practice, and outdated reimbursement models are the three barriers blocking the way to the progress of advanced nursing practice. Addressing these barriers through policy and practice change should be one of the priorities of nurses’ policymaking and policy advocacy efforts.

Instructions: Please extending, refuting/correcting, or adding additional nuance to their posts. Post must be 300 words. Reply must be constructive and use literature where possible. Please use APA format.

Identify and demonstrate a sophisticated understanding of the issues, problems, and concepts. effectively uses the literature and other resources to inform their work. Exceptional use of citations and extended referencing. High level of APA precision and free of grammar and spelling errors





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