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evidence of the application of course content and terminology.

Each review will be 400-600 words in length, demonstrate critical thinking, and show evidence of the application of course content and terminology.  The review will focus on and describe the student’s informed opinion in four areas:

      1. Performers (This should be one of the shortest parts of the review)
      2. Context (This should also be a short part of the review)
      3. Music Description / Planes of Listening (This should be the largest part of the review)
      4. Writers Opinion, including the reviewer’s personal reaction to the concert experience (This should be a substantial part of the review)

Concert reviews will utilize complete sentences, proper organization, correct grammar, and accurate spelling. Each concert review is worth 100 points (10 percent of your final grade), so be sure to submit quality work. 

Please review the content in the Concert Reviews Module for more information about Concert Reviews.

Link to video:





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1.5 million Americans are diagnosed with diabetes (American Diabetes Association

Diabetes and Drug Treatments

Photo Credit: [Mark Hatfield]/[iStock / Getty Images Plus]/Getty Images

Each year, 1.5 million Americans are diagnosed with diabetes (American Diabetes Association, 2019). If left untreated, diabetic patients are at risk for several alterations, including heart disease, stroke, kidney failure, neuropathy, and blindness. There are various methods for treating diabetes, many of which include some form of drug therapy. The type of diabetes as well as the patient’s behavior factors will impact treatment recommendations.

For this Discussion, you compare types of diabetes, including drug treatments for type 1, type 2, gestational, and juvenile diabetes.

Reference: American Diabetes Association. (2019). Statistics about diabetes. Retrieved from

To Prepare
  • Review the Resources for this module and reflect on differences between types of diabetes, including type 1, type 2, gestational, and juvenile diabetes.
  • Select one type of diabetes to focus on for this Discussion.
  • Consider one type of drug used to treat the type of diabetes you selected, including proper preparation and administration of this drug. Then, reflect on dietary considerations related to treatment.
  • Think about the short-term and long-term impact of the diabetes you selected on patients, including effects of drug treatments.
By Day 3 of Week 5

Post a brief explanation of the differences between the types of diabetes, including type 1, type 2, gestational, and juvenile diabetes. Describe one type of drug used to treat the type of diabetes you selected, including proper preparation and administration of this drug. Be sure to include dietary considerations related to treatment. Then, explain the short-term and long-term impact of this type of diabetes on patients. including effects of drug treatments. Be specific and provide examples. Atleast 4 reffereneces needed





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One state opposed to Medicaid expansion and describe why

The ACA was meant to provide quality health care coverage for all yet a coverage gap for some populations especially in states that oppose Medicaid expansion. Based on what you have learned so far in this course, create a PowerPoint presentation that addresses the coverage gap problem, who is impacted by the coverage gap, the role the ACA plays in the coverage gap, why the coverage gap should be closed, and solutions/ recommendations for closing the gap. Address the following in your PowerPoint:

  • Select one state opposed to Medicaid expansion and describe why. Then, consider your own state. What are the benefits and drawbacks to Medicaid expansion in your state?
  • Define what the coverage gap is (problem/issue)
  • Discuss how the coverage gap impact low income healthcare consumers population.
  • What role does the ACA have in widening or closing the coverage gap?
  • Why is it important to close the gap (implications for positive social change)?
  • What are some solutions to closing the coverage gap and how can healthcare equity help close the gap? Include recommendations and/or solutions.

Your PowerPoint presentation should include/address:

  • Title Slide (1 slide)
  • Objectives Slide (1 slide)
  • Medicaid expansion (1-2 slides)
  • Coverage gap – define/problem/issue (1-2 slides)
  • Coverage gap impact on low income healthcare consumers (2-3 slides)
  • Role ACA has in widening or closing the coverage gap (1-2 slides)
  • Close the gap (1-2 slides)
  • Solutions to closing the coverage gap and how can healthcare equity help close the gap? (2-3 slides)
  • Reference slide (1-2 slides).

Assignment Expectations

Length: 9-14 slides (in addition to the title slide and reference slides)

Structure: Include a title slide and reference slide in APA format.   Be sure to fully explain all slides in the Speaker Notes.

References: Use the appropriate APA style in-text citations and references for all resources utilized to answer the questions. A minimum of three (3) scholarly sources are required for this assignment





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Freddie is confused about taxation of superannuation contributions. He has friends who write a cheque, send it to their superannuation fund and claim a tax deduction

The Assignment (student to complete)
Section 1: Establish the relationship with the client and identify their objectives, needs and financial situation
Section 1 Part A — Establish relationship
Apart from the initial contact with the Rosenbergs at your retirement seminar, you have met with them twice in order to gather the information you need to assess their situation and provide them with advice.
Briefly explain at least five (5) strategies you are likely to use with a client in order to ensure that they are comfortable with you and the interview process. (200 words)
Answer here
Assessor feedback: Resubmission required?
Section 1 Part B — Adviser obligations
Referring directly to yourself and your licensee, explain what an FSG is and why it is necessary. Provide details of the law you must comply with and the information the FSG must contain, including your complaints procedure. (250 words)
Answer here
Assessor feedback: Resubmission required?
Section 1 Part C — Tax and cash flow
Using the information you have gathered from your clients (i.e. the information provided in the case study and fact finder), complete the table below and determine their cash flow position and annual savings capacity.
You can assume that the clients have no tax deductions or liabilities other than those stated in the case study or fact finder.
Section 1 Table 2
Tax calculation Freddie Sara Combined Comments
Income from employment
Salary or income from employment
Salary sacrifice
Salary after salary sacrifice
Rental income
Unfranked dividends
Franked dividends
Franking (imputation) credits
Other income (e.g. taxable benefits, trust income, investment income)
Capital gains 1 yr
Capital gains 1 yr
Tax-free component of capital gains
Assessable income
Deductible expenses
Income protection insurance
Business overheads insurance
Taxable income
Tax on taxable income
Non-refundable tax offsets (e.g. LITO/SAPTO/LMITO)
Medicare levy
Medicare levy surcharge
Franking rebate
Refundable rebates and offsets
Total tax
Cash flow Freddie Sara Combined Comment
Salary less any salary sacrificed amount
Total expenses
Total income received before tax less total expenses
Total tax payable from tax table above
Total net cash flow
Assessor feedback:
[insert feedback]
Date assessed: Click here to enter a date
Does the student need to resubmit? No
Questions that need to be resubmitted
First submission Not yet demonstrated
Resubmission Not applicable
To pass this subject, you will need to be assessed as DEMONSTRATED for either your first submission or your resubmission.
Section 2: Analyse client objectives, needs, financial situation and risk profile to develop appropriate strategies and solutions
Section 2 Part A — Gaps in information
Identify any gaps in your data collection based on the fact finder in Appendix 1 and the summary of information provided. From the interviews, are there any other issues that would need to be followed up with Freddie and Sara? (100 words)
Answer here
Assessor feedback: Resubmission required?
Section 2 Part B — Risk profile
Identify the Rosenbergs’ likely risk profile based on the information they have provided. Identify any concerns that you may have with their responses compared with the information in the case study.
• Suggest questions you could use to clarify the responses.
• Justify why you do or do not think that the score and the resulting risk profile category is an accurate reflection of their tolerance to risk, and decide on a profile for each. (250 words)
Answer here
Assessor feedback: Resubmission required?
Section 2 Part C — Strategies
Summarise appropriate retirement strategies for Freddie and Sara.
• Consider superannuation and non-superannuation assets and strategies.
• Provide a detailed explanation of why you consider these assets and strategies to be appropriate.
• Include the lump sum amount that Freddie and Sara will need at retirement to achieve their income goal, and strategies to help them reach that goal.
• Provide a summary of other recommendations that you will include in your SOA for Freddie and Sara. (500 words)
Answer here
Assessor feedback: Resubmission required?
Assessor feedback:
[insert feedback]
Date assessed: Click here to enter a date
Does the student need to resubmit? No
Questions that need to be resubmitted
First submission Not yet demonstrated
Resubmission Not applicable
To pass this subject, you will need to be assessed as DEMONSTRATED for either your first submission or your resubmission.
Section 3: Address clients’ questions and concerns about superannuation matters
Section 3 Part A — Product research
Freddie and Sara have stated they are happy with their current superannuation funds. Provide a summary of the type of research you would conduct to ensure the suitability of these funds for the clients’ future retirement needs. (250 words)
Answer here
Assessor feedback: Resubmission required?
Section 3 Part B — Client queries on superannuation contributions
Freddie and Sara have a number of questions about superannuation contributions after the seminar they attended and as a result of their research. Respond to their questions, basing your answer on their personal situation. You may be required to re-educate the clients where they are confused or misunderstand the superannuation rules.
Question 1
Freddie is confused about taxation of superannuation contributions. He has friends who write a cheque, send it to their superannuation fund and claim a tax deduction. He asks:
Am I correct in assuming that we can both claim personal tax deductions for any superannuation contributions we make? Could you explain the tax deduction rules
that apply to our situations, how much can we contribute and when we can start?
Answer Freddie’s questions. (250 words)
Answer here
Assessor feedback: Resubmission required?
Question 2
Sara asks:
We read an article recently that said Freddie can split the superannuation contributions he makes to my superannuation account. Is that correct, and if so, how does it work?
Answer Sara’s question. (150 words)
Answer here
Assessor feedback: Resubmission required?
Question 3
Freddie is concerned about tax payable if they invest any of their cash savings into superannuation. He says:
I’ve heard that some people have had to pay tax on superannuation contributions at the highest tax rates. How can we be sure we won’t fall into that trap?
Answer Freddie’s question. (150 words)
Answer here
Assessor feedback: Resubmission required?
Section 3 Part C — Client queries on superannuation benefit payments
Question 1
Sara asks:
When and how can we access our superannuation? Can we get it if we are still working?
Explain the rule that applies in their circumstances. Explain when and under what circumstances they will be able to access their superannuation. Assume Sara (53) was born in April 1967 and Freddie (55) was born in May1965. (200 words)
Answer here
Assessor feedback: Resubmission required?
Question 2
Freddie asks:
I understand this may not apply to us, but my older brother is 58 and he told me he pays a bit of tax now when he takes money out of super, but when he turns 60, it will be almost nothing. Why is that?
Discuss the situation if the lump sum was taken at retirement after age 60 and just before age 60. Include a brief explanation of components of a lump sum, how they are taxed and any other matters relating to them? (200 words)
Answer here
Assessor feedback: Resubmission required?
Question 3
Sara asks:
Tell us more about these income stream options we would have in retirement. How do they work? When can we start one? What are the rules that apply and how much tax do we pay?
Discuss this in broad terms and explain the situation immediately before and after reaching age 60. Assume Sara and Freddie will continue to work until age 65 and then retire. (300 words)
Answer here
Assessor feedback: Resubmission required?
Assessor feedback:
[insert feedback]
Date assessed: Click here to enter a date
Does the student need to resubmit? No
Questions that need to be resubmitted
First submission Not yet demonstrated
Resubmission Not applicable
To pass this subject, you will need to be assessed as DEMONSTRATED for either your first submission or your resubmission.
Section 4: Present appropriate strategies and solutions to the client and negotiate a financial plan, policy or transaction. Provide ongoing service where requested by the client
You must now prepare an SOA based on the recommendations made, which will be used to record this advice (including amendments, if any) for Freddie and Sara. Remember that the SOA must be of a standard that is compliant and would be suitable to present to a client.
Important instructions
• What to submit: You have been provided with cash flow templates to use for the assignment SOA. Please include them with your submission.
• Template SOAs and SOA preparation software: Do not use the sample SOA published by ASIC as a basis for your submission. The use of financial planning software and dealer templates to prepare your SOA is also not permitted. Submissions that exhibit excessive reliance on SOA templates may be considered to be plagiarism or collaboration, and may not be considered to be a reasonable attempt at the assignment.
• Assumptions: You must list the assumptions used in your SOA in your assignment submission. These will generally include:
– any assumptions you have made regarding missing background information on the clients
– any assumptions you have used to calculate future income from your recommended investments
– any assumptions used for fees and premiums relating to the products you have recommended.
• Strategy advice: You must provide specific strategy recommendations in the following areas based on the information given:
– wealth creation strategies to meet retirement needs
– personal investments
– strategies using superannuation
– asset allocation.
Use the information on each of these areas given in the subject notes to provide reasons for each of the strategies recommended.
• Product advice: Specific product recommendations are not required; however, you do need to make and justify any recommendations of the type of product(s) selected for the client’s consideration.
You have been told the clients are happy with their current superannuation funds and do not require any specific advice on their current personal insurance arrangements. However, it is expected that you will provide in the ‘Things to consider section’ of the SOA, appropriate comments about any issues you have identified with these areas and their future estate planning needs.
• Cash flow projections: You must include detailed cash flow tables using Appendices 1 and 2 as a template, showing Sara and Freddie’s situation before and after your recommendations. These should be included as Appendices 1 and 2 to your SOA.
• Recommendations: You should include superannuation projections up to the retirement age of your clients before and after your recommendations as Appendix C to your SOA. In addition, please show that your strategy will enable your clients to meet their retirement income goal for 21 years (based on Freddie living to age 86 and Sara to age 84).
The SOA template
An SOA has been commenced for Freddie and Sara Rosenberg, using the data collected in the interviews, their fact finder and their risk profile. You must complete the remaining sections in the SOA as directed. The SOA starts on the following page. Please review the sample case study and the text as a guide to completing your SOA.
Statement of advice
Prepared for
Freddie and Sara Rosenberg
Prepared by
Your name
Authorised Representative Number: 66666
AR address
AR contact details
Authorised Representative of
EANWB Financial Planning
ABN: 1010101010
Australian Financial Services Licensee
Licence No. 101010
Head office: 88 Money Lane, Accumulation.
You are entitled to receive a statement of advice (SOA) whenever we provide you with any personal financial advice. Personal financial advice is advice that takes into account any one or more of your objectives, financial situation and needs.
This SOA is a record of the personal financial advice provided to you and includes information on the basis on which this advice is given, information about fees and commissions and any interests or associations which might influence the advice.
If this advice includes a recommendation to you to acquire a particular financial product, other than securities, or an offer to issue or arrange the issue of a financial product to you, we will also provide you with a product disclosure statement containing information about the particular product to help you make an informed decision about that product.
Be aware that the advice contained in the following SOA is valid for a period of 30 days only. If the plan is not implemented within this time, it will need to be reviewed for accuracy.
Executive summary
In this section, you need to provide your client with a concise summary of:
• their situation
• their objectives
• your recommended strategy to achieve the objectives
• the outcomes your client can expect from adopting the strategy.
The client should be able to read this executive summary and understand the advice you are giving and the reason/s underpinning the advice, and be able to determine whether or not their goals have been achieved. There should be sufficient detail to allow the client to make a decision, taking into account any risk/s involved and your fees. It should be written without using jargon and in clear, unambiguous language, and be appropriate to their level of financial understanding.
Your situation
Summarise your clients’ current situation. Provide a brief statement about their family, employment, health, asset and debt position. (150 words)
Answer here
Assessor feedback: Resubmission required?
Your objectives
List your clients’ objectives (i.e. their financial and non-financial goals, objectives and needs). Freddie and Sara expressed a desire to address their immediate needs and medium and long-term objectives. Summarise these in point form for Freddie and Sara to confirm. (100 words)
Answer here
Assessor feedback: Resubmission required?
Summary of our strategy and recommendations
For the short term — up to one year
Summarise your recommendations for your clients’ short-term goals. Present the strategies in point form to provide a quick picture of your intentions.
Answer here
Assessor feedback: Resubmission required?
For the medium term — two to five years
Summarise your recommendations for your clients’ medium-term goals. Include strategies that cannot be considered immediately or require monitoring.
Answer here
Assessor feedback: Resubmission required?
For the long term — more than five years
This is where you need to summarise your recommendations for your clients’ long-term goals.
Answer here
Assessor feedback: Resubmission required?
Summary of expected outcomes if you implement our advice
For example:
Should you proceed with the recommendations contained within this report, we estimate that:
• You will reduce your debt by $XYZ and/or save $ABC.
• You will build wealth in non-superannuation assets to $Y through regular contribution of $X.
• Your objective of yyy will be achieved by…
• Align the outcomes with the objectives.
Answer here
Assessor feedback: Resubmission required?
Risks in our advice
Identify both financial and non-financial risks that can impact the desired outcome.
Refer to the sample SOA for examples of relevant descriptions that should be included here and under each subheading below. Include risks that are specific to your strategies.
Answer here
Assessor feedback: Resubmission required?
Summary of our fees and commissions
Answer here
Assessor feedback: Resubmission required?
Your next steps
Refer to the sample SOA for examples of relevant descriptions that should be included here.
Answer here
Assessor feedback: Resubmission required?
While this section contains similar headings as the executive summary, the information provided is more detailed and supports the recommendations made. As with the executive summary, it should be written without using jargon and in clear, unambiguous language, and be appropriate to your client’s level of financial understanding.
Important information about you
This section contains information about you that we used in preparing our advice, such as:
• your reasons for seeking advice
• what you would like to achieve
• your personal and financial information.
Present position
Your reasons for seeking advice
Outline why the clients sought advice.
Answer here
Assessor feedback: Resubmission required?
What you would like to achieve
Summarise here what you understand to be your clients’ main objectives.
Following our discussions, here is what I understand to be your main objectives and needs:
Answer here
Assessor feedback: Resubmission required?
Your personal and financial information
Listed below is a summary of your relevant personal and financial details that you have provided.
Personal information
Personal details
Fill the gaps
Client 1 Client 2
First name(s) Freddie Sara
Surname Rosenberg Rosenberg
Marital status Married Married
Health status
Smoker status Non-smoker Non-smoker
Employment status Permanent Part-time
Employer name
Occupation Sales representative Marketing consultant
Annual salary $120,000 $90,000
Summarise the discussion points that could/need to be raised here.
Answer here
Assessor feedback: Resubmission required?
Children and dependant details
Answer here
Your existing insurance
Fill any gaps.
Personal insurance Answer here
Car insurance Answer here
Home contents Insurance Answer here
Health insurance Answer here
Your existing estate planning
Summarise the clients’ existing estate planning provisions here.
Answer here
Assessor feedback: Resubmission required?
Financial information
Current income and expenses details
Income and expenses
Complete the table:
Freddie Sara Total
Assessable income Answer here Answer here Answer here
Net tax payable Answer here Answer here Answer here
Yearly expenses Answer here Answer here Answer here
Estimated surplus Answer here Answer here Answer here
Discussion points:
From the table you have prepared and your cash flow analysis, identify questions you will need to ask about their income, lifestyle, expenses and intentions, before you start preparing your strategies. What are the gaps? (100 words)
Answer here
Assessor feedback: Resubmission required?
Assets and liabilities
Complete the table:
Value Liability Net value
Home Answer here Answer here Answer here
Home contents Answer here Answer here Answer here
Motor vehicles Answer here Answer here Answer here
Personal assets
Employer superannuation — Freddie Answer here Answer here Answer here
Employer superannuation — Sara Answer here Answer here Answer here
Savings account Answer here Answer here Answer here
Investment assets Answer here Answer here Answer here
Net worth Answer here Answer here Answer here
Discussion points:
Prepare discussion points you will use to obtain a better understanding about how your clients see their situation and future. What are their attitudes to debt, personal assets, investments and superannuation assets that can assist you with your advice? What are the gaps? (100 words)
Answer here
Assessor feedback: Resubmission required?
Incomplete and/or inaccurate information warning
Note that if, for any reason, the information on which our advice is based is incomplete or inaccurate, then it may not be appropriate. Before acting on the advice, you should consider its appropriateness in light of your particular circumstances, needs and objectives.
Your risk profile
In this section, you need to provide:
• an overview of the different risk profiles
• the risk/return characteristics of various asset classes
• the client’s risk profile including the appropriate mix of assets (the asset allocation) for the client’s risk profile, the appropriate investment return time horizon for that profile and any specific concerns. Discuss their attitudes to investing and any other experience or interests that can support your assessment.
Answer here
Assessor feedback: Resubmission required?
Strategy recommendations
This section tells you:
• what our advice is and why it is appropriate for you
• reasons for our recommendations
• what you need to consider and any risks associated with our advice.
Read this section carefully and ask me if you have any questions.
Recommended action — first year
You will use your findings from the analysis you did in the assignment above as the basis for the information you will need to provide in this section.
For each recommendation below discuss the reasons, risks, advantages and disadvantages.
All recommendations should be listed here. They are to include investment and debt management recommendations. You are not required to provide specific advice to your client about their estate planning needs. However, if after analysis of their situation you believe that advice is required, you need to explain what advice they should seek and why.
Concept. If you use technical terms or concepts in your discussion explain what the terms mean. For example, do not assume they know what ‘gearing’ or ‘franking’ means
Note: You do not have to complete all of the recommendation boxes below. You can add more boxes if required.
Recommendation 1
Answer here
Assessor feedback: Resubmission required?
Recommendation 2
Answer here
Assessor feedback: Resubmission required?
Recommendation 3
Answer here
Assessor feedback: Resubmission required?
Recommendation 4
Answer here
Assessor feedback: Resubmission required?
Things you should consider
In this section briefly discuss strategies that you did not recommend that could be considered at another time and how they could benefit the clients.
Refer to the sample SOA for examples of relevant descriptions that should be included here and under each subheading below.
Answer here
Assessor feedback: Resubmission required?
Retirement planning
Briefly state what has been achieved with your strategies and highlight what still needs to be addressed or reviewed.
Answer here
Assessor feedback: Resubmission required?
Estate planning
You have recorded the clients’ estate planning details for completeness of information gathered in the fact finder. You have explained that you cannot provide legal advice. However, if you see deficiencies in their current structure, discuss them briefly and suggest a course of action. (100 words)
Answer here
Assessor feedback: Resubmission required?
Taxation issues
My strategies and recommendations have had the following impact on your tax position:
Answer here
Assessor feedback: Resubmission required?
Recommended asset allocation
Proposed asset allocation
Your investment assets are invested across various asset classes. The table below summarises:
• weight: the proposed asset allocation resulting from our recommendations
• risk profile weight: the recommended asset allocation for your investment risk profile
• variance (weight): the variance between the recommended and proposed asset allocation.
Asset allocation after implementation of recommendations
Asset allocation Weight Risk profile weight Variance (weight)
Defensive assets
Australian cash Answer here Answer here Answer here
Australian fixed interest Answer here Answer here Answer here
International fixed interest Answer here Answer here Answer here
Total for defensive assets Answer here Answer here Answer here
Growth assets
Australian equities Answer here Answer here Answer here
Australian property Answer here Answer here Answer here
International equities Answer here Answer here Answer here
International property Answer here Answer here Answer here
Total for growth assets Answer here Answer here Answer here
Grand total Answer here Answer here Answer here
Comments on proposed asset allocation versus your risk profile
You need to explain the reason for any large (greater than 10%) variances here. Refer to the sample SOA for a discussion on variances. Discuss how the situation will change over time.
Answer here
Assessor feedback: Resubmission required?
Investment product recommendations
Product recommendations
Note that I can only recommend products on our recommended list, which has been approved by
EANWB Financial Planning.
Use the space below to list the products that you are recommending Freddie and Sara invest in and those that they already have that you recommend they keep.
Freddie and Sara Rosenberg, following our investment strategy, we recommend that you invest in the following products:
Answer here
Assessor feedback: Resubmission required?
Relevant research material and product disclosure statements (PDSs) are attached for your attention. It is important that you read these documents carefully and contact us if you have any questions or if there are areas of the document that you do not fully understand. All of these products are on our approved recommended list.
Note: You do not need to include these PDSs as part of your assignment. The above statement is a standard inclusion in an SOA.
Cooling-off period
Details on the cooling-off period for each product are provided in the PDS.
Disclosure of remuneration, commissions and other benefits
How are we paid?
Commissions and fees — upfront, ongoing and financial planning advice fees
If you are charging SOA preparation fees, implementation fees, ongoing advice fees, or any other non product related fees, you must provide the details here. You may need to source information outside of the subject notes to complete this requirement. However, you can use the examples of how fees are shared between advisers and licensees from the sample SOA if needed.
If you are not charging these fees you may either delete the table below or fill it in with $0 as the fee charged to make it clear.
Fee type Initial fee Initial fee paid to licensee Initial fee paid to adviser
SOA fee Answer here Answer here Answer here
Implementation fee Answer here Answer here Answer here
Ongoing advice fee* Answer here Answer here Answer here
Total Answer here Answer here Answer here
*If the ongoing service fee is charged as a percentage of the product(s), you may use the table below instead. If you are charging a flat fee
or an hourly fee you should use this table.
Investment recommendations
Summarise all of the products that you have recommended to the client here. Refer to the sample SOA for examples of what to include. You will need to source information outside of the subject notes to complete this table, based on the products you have used (or created).
Assessor feedback: Resubmission required?
If you wish to implement the products I have recommended, there may be initial and ongoing fees applicable as detailed below.
Product Initial fee Initial fee paid to licensee Initial fee paid to adviser Ongoing fees
paid to licensee Ongoing fees
paid to adviser
Answer here Answer here Answer here Answer here Answer here Answer here
Answer here Answer here Answer here Answer here Answer here Answer here
Total Answer here Answer here Answer here Answer here Answer here
Note: Please see the sample SOA for directions on completing the answers in the paragraphs below.
Product providers will also charge a fee for the management of the funds invested in their products. The annual management fee charged by Answer here is Answer here%. The amount you will be charged will depend on the funds you have invested.
For example, $ Answer here invested with them will incur a $Answer here annual management cost.
Our policy on taking commissions from product and service providers is summarised below:
Answer here
Assessor feedback: Resubmission required?
Other fees and benefits
EANWB Financial Planning and I may also receive additional benefits. Where the benefits received are greater than $300 in value, they will be recorded in a register that meets the requirements of the Financial Planning Association (FPA) Code of Professional Practice on alternative forms of remuneration. A copy of the register for EANWB Financial Planning is publicly available and can be provided on your request.
Ongoing services
You need to make sure that your client fully understands what you are offering in terms of ongoing service.
Draft an outline of the level of ongoing service you intend to recommend to Freddie and Sara. In your outline, discuss the type of information that you would regularly provide to Freddie and Sara in relation to their financial planning needs. (250 words)
Refer to the sample SOA for the sorts of services you could include here.
Answer here
Assessor feedback: Resubmission required?
Ongoing service fee
What would you do to ensure that Freddie and Sara know the specific costs relating to an ongoing service? (100 words)
Answer here
Assessor feedback: Resubmission required?
Implementation schedule
In order to ensure that your recommendations will be implemented efficiently, you need to ensure that all tasks that need to be completed by both you and the clients are itemised in the schedule. The schedule should highlight the priority of each task, as well as the order of completion. The time frame should be as specific as possible.
Freddie and Sara Rosenberg, in order to proceed with our recommendations, you will need to complete the steps below:
Action By whom By when
Answer here Answer here Answer here
Answer here Answer here Answer here
Answer here Answer here Answer here
Answer here Answer here Answer here
Answer here Answer here Answer here
Answer here Answer here Answer here
Answer here Answer here Answer here
Answer here Answer here Answer here
Answer here Answer here Answer here
Note: The recommendations contained in this SOA are current for 30 days only. Please contact me for further discussion if you are unable to act on our recommendation within this time frame.
Assessor feedback: Resubmission required?
Authority to proceed
By signing this authority to proceed, I/we Freddie and Sara Rosenberg acknowledge the following:
• I/We acknowledge that the information I/we provided in the financial needs analysis has been used to arrive at the recommendations contained in this SOA.
• I/We have read, understood and retained a copy of the SOA prepared by Your name dated Date . This document contains information which accurately summarises my/our current situation, investments and financial objectives.
• I/We have been provided with an EANWB Financial Planning FSG.
• I/We have read and understood the PDSs for the recommended products.
• I/We acknowledge that the product(s) listed in the table below are to be implemented in my/our name/s:
Product(s) Amount
Answer here Answer here
Answer here Answer here
Answer here Answer here
• I/We wish to make the following change/s to the recommendations within the SOA:
Product(s) Amount
Answer here Answer here
Answer here Answer here
Answer here Answer here
Signed Date / /
Client Name
Signed Date / /
Client Name
Signed Date / /
Financial Adviser
Please note that a cooling-off period may apply to your initial investment or insurance policy.
Refer to the PDS.
Consent to ongoing contact
I/We consent to being contacted by our adviser on an ongoing basis, in line with the agreed ongoing service review structure detailed within this recommendation. My/our preferred hours of contact are between __ an





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A researcher is interested in the relationships between the following four variables: On-line game addiction, narcissistic personality traits, self-control, and aggression. Data are collected from a sample of 226 individuals. The data can be found in the assessment SPSS spreadsheet assessment.sav’. For each variable, higher values indicate greater levels of the variable. Analyse the data using SPSS and report the results using standard APA conventions. (20 marks)? The focus is clearly on the relationships between

On-line game
addiction, narcissistic personality traits, self-control, and aggression.

On-line game
addiction, narcissistic personality traits, self-control, and aggression.

A researcher is interested in the relationships between the following four variables: On-line game
addiction, narcissistic personality traits, self-control, and aggression. Data are collected from a
sample of 226 individuals. The data can be found in the assessment SPSS spreadsheet
‘assessment.sav’. For each variable, higher values indicate greater levels of the variable. Analyse
the data using SPSS and report the results using standard APA conventions. (20 marks)
? The focus is clearly on the relationships between

  • On-line game addiction
  • Narcissistic personality traits
  • Self-control
  • Aggression
    ? State what you are going to do to investigate this
  • Descriptives
  • Scatterplots
    ? Pearson Correlations Produce a table of descriptive statistics
  • Mean
  • Standard Deviation
  • Skew
  • Kurtosis
  • N
    ? Comment on any observed deviations in skew or kurtosis (Z-scores that are greater
    than +/- 1.96) but indicate that no transformations will be performed. Indeed, there are
    few options for kurtosis and it is not generally seen as a big problem anyway.
    ? Present scatter plots between all pairs of variables with lines of best fit added.
  • Could be individually or in a matrix.
  • Comment on what the relationships look like.
  • Do there seem to be any outliers, and if so, do they look like they are going to make an unacceptable impact on the relationship observed?
    ? Present correlations matrix.
  • Comment on the strength, significance and direction of the correlations.
    Following the initial analysis conducted in Q1 the researcher goes on to look at which of the
    variables (On-line game addiction, narcissistic personality traits, and self-control) are the best
    predictors of aggression. Analyse the data using SPSS and report the results using standard APA
    conventions. (30 marks)
    ? All needs to be referenced according to APA style.
    ? It requires multiple regression
    ? Briefly indicate whether the variables would be expected to be good predictors based on correlations reported in question 1
    ? R Squared
    ? Anova – significance and what it means
    ? Individual Predictors
    o Beta coefficients and confidence intervals
    o T-tests for the beta coefficients § Part correlations (compare to zero order)
    o Collinearity
    ? Indicate which appears to be best predictor, second, third.
    ? State the regression equation
    The researcher also thinks that it is possible that there are sex differences for these variables. You
    will also find codes for males and females in the data set. Analyse the data using SPSS to investigate
    this, and report the results using standard APA conventions. (20 marks)
    ? All needs to be referenced according to APA style.
    ? State that you performed Independent Sample t-tests to identify if sex differences exist.
    ? Table of descriptive statistics
  • Mean, SD, N
    ? Report each t-test separately:
    The 31 participants in the rosemary condition (M = 15.90, SD = 2.45) performed significantly better on time based prospective memory than the 34 participants in the no aroma condition (M = 14.41, SD = 2.451), t(63) = – 2.59, p = .012. Calculation of Cohen’s d indicated the presence of a medium effect size, d = .64, 95% CI [.14, 1.14].
    ? Draw an overall conclusion. Are there sex differences? Which variables? How big? Consistently in the same direction?
    As I further investigation, the researcher wants to see if playing a violent video game increases
    levels of aggression. She runs a study in which aggression levels are measured in 40 participants
    before and after playing a violent video game. Use SPSS to compare the variables Aggro_pre and
    Aggro_post in order to answer this question. (10 marks)
    ? All needs to be referenced according to APA style.
    ? State that you performed a Paired samples t-test to see if aggression after playing the game is greater than before.
    ? Table of descriptive statistics
    o Means, SD, N
    o Report t-test.
    The results from the time based prospective memory test (M = 15.12, SD = 2.42) and the event based prospective memory test (M = 15.75, SD = 1.64) revealed significantly better performance for event based prospective memory, t(64) = -2.11, p = .039. Calculation of Cohen’s d indicated the presence of a small effect size, d =.26, 95%CI [.01, .50].
    ? Draw a conclusion. Is the effect potentially important?
    QUESTION 5 (Needs bibliography review)
    Explain the advantage of reporting effect sizes in addition to significance levels. (20 marks)
    ? What is statistical significance?
    ? What is effect size?
    ? The distinction between statistical significance and scientific (or practical)
    ? Give an example.
    ? Factors that affect significance
    ? Problem with effect sizes eg many different types
    ? Value of effect size in addition to statistical significance
    ? Overall summary/conclusion
    ? All needs to be referenced according to APA style




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Develop a research question (similar to the ones you have explored throughout this subject) that supports qualitative exploration of a topic of your choice.

Subject Code and Title PUBH6013 Qualitative Research Methods
Assessment Assessment 2: Individual Research Proposal
Individual/Group Individual
Length 1, 500 words (+/-10%)
Learning Outcomes This assessment addresses the following learning outcomes:
a) Understand epistemologies as they relate to qualitative research and when to use qualitative methodology
b) Critically evaluate different theoretical and methodological approaches to qualitative research
d) Appreciate cultural and ethical considerations for qualitative research in Public Health
e) Understand sampling techniques, bias and rigour as they apply to qualitative research
Submission By 11:55pm AEST/AEDT Sunday of Week 7
Weighting 40%
Total Marks 100 marks
This assessment is prescribed to advance literature searching, critical analysis, research question development, research planning skills, and reflexivity as a researcher.
This assessment involves developing a research question, preparing interview and probe questions, identifying four people that you can interview on this topic (for example, your family or friends, colleagues), and reflecting on your motivation and justification of your research proposal.
It assesses the key understanding necessary for conceptualising and developing a qualitative research proposal, which will prepare you for the use of qualitative methods in research and evaluation as a public health practitioner.
There are three steps to completing this assignment.
Step 1:
Develop a research question (similar to the ones you have explored throughout this subject) that supports qualitative exploration of a topic of your choice. Review the materials from Module 1 to familiarise yourself with the scope and purpose of qualitative research.
Warning: Topics must be low risk. This means that the topic should not be likely to cause distress or humiliation, and should not focus on vulnerable groups (such as children or people with a disability). You should discuss with your learning facilitator if you are unsure whether your topic is suitable.
Step 2:
Write 6-8 interview questions that:
• Focus on obtaining information that will help you to answer your research question
• Are qualitative (focusing on experience, opinion, values, perceptions etc) in nature
• Comply with best practice principles for interview question design (Module 4)
Obtain feedback from 2 (two) people to refine and improve your questions, and keep records of this feedback for submission with the project proposal.
Step 3:
Write a research proposal for your qualitative project. You must include:
• A brief literature review to summarise the existing knowledge in this space, and justify your proposed project.
• Your research question and the knowledge gap that it will address.
• A summary of the key elements of the methodology that you think would be the most appropriate methodology to use to explore your research question (ie grounded theory, phenomenology etc), and why it is appropriate for exploring your research question.
• Your methods, including how you will select your participants (in this case, four people whom you already know) and your interview process.
• Your interview questions.
• A personal reflection on your motivation for exploring this research question, any ethical or cultural considerations for your project, and anything that could create a risk of bias in your data (ie interviewing friends).
• An appendix containing records of the feedback received on your interview questions (such as a copy of the interview questions with tracked changes).
• Your assessment submission must address all of these points
Assessment Criteria:
• Justification of your research project (30%)
• Summary of methodology and methods (40%)
• Reflective writing on motivation and potential for bias (10%)
• Use of academic conventions (20%)





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demonstrate the ability to acquire knowledge and the capacity to critically reflect on key concepts and information presented in class.

Word length: 1000
The aim of this assessment is for students to be able to demonstrate the ability to acquire knowledge and the capacity to critically reflect on key concepts and information presented in class.
This assessment is to be submitted on Moodle.
This task will help you to prepare for Assessment 2.
You will complete four entries into your annotated bibliography portfolio which will demonstrate your learning of the academic skills and the key concepts required to complete your essay. This assessment will also guide you in preparing for future assessments.
You are required to locate four (5) journal articles or book chapters relating to your essay topic. You will then need to complete an entry in your annotated bibliography portfolio for each source stating the following:

  1. The full reference of the source in APA7 format;
  2. A brief statement of the main purpose of the article;
  3. A summary of the content;
  4. A brief evaluation of the credibility of the source; and
  5. How you will use the source in answering the essay question.
    You are required to paraphrase the article/book chapter in your annotated bibliography portfolio entries. This means you must use your own words. You cannot directly quote the source.
    Do NOT utilize sources such as and other such web materials as these in no way constitute academic references for the purpose of your assignments. If you rely on such sources for theoretical support, you will be deemed NOT to have met the requirements of the assessment.
    SAP101 Australian Society, Systems and Policies T2-2021




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Cognitive Neuropsychology – Higher cognitive functions

Cognitive Neuropsychology – Higher cognitive functions
How are higher cognitive functions like logical reasoning, problem solving and decision making of paramount importance of human beings?
(back up by research from the past 5 years as far as possible)
Introduction (700 words)
• Define cognitive functions
• Define higher cognitive functions -mention several higher cognitive functions
• State which part of the brain is concerned to each of the 3 higher cognitive functions
Body(2100 words)
covers only the 3 cognitive functions:
• Logical reasoning
• Problem solving
• Decision making.
For each cognitive functions
? Clearly explain and discuss how the higher cognitive functions like logical reasoning, problem solving and decision making are of paramount importance of human beings
? discuss the importance of these 3 cognitive functions in the life of a human being. How they affect the everyday activities of a human being.
? compare and contrast these 3 cognitive functions between a sound person and a person with mental disorders
? also add about medication for dementia – its effects on the cognitive functions
References from websites and text books : red font
Materials from various sources paraphrased by student/slight or major modifications : blue font
Personal opinion or personally drafted material : black font
Deadline 5 July 2021
Words limit: 2800 words
Reference Style: Harvard





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Choose a successful sporting team that you are familiar with (can be either international or domestic or a team that you are currently involved with)

Instructions: Task: i. Choose a successful sporting team that you are familiar with (can be either international or domestic or a team that you are currently involved with)
I’ve chosen Real Madrid sports Club – From Spain
What are the key elements that make this successful?
iii. What role do you believe has the coach and/or manager/ CEO played in the development and fostering of team culture and elite team performance?
iv. How has technology/innovation affected the way teams are managed?
v. Compare the way this team functions and the responsibilities of the key coaching staff within the organisation and to a poor performing team.
vi. Identify 2 positive ways your successful sports team functions and 2 negatives for a poor performing team.
vii. What style of leadership is evident in both of the examples listed above?
Your Report should incorporate the following key sections:
Introduction – set the context by presenting your overall topic, discussing any selected references you plan to use to demonstrate your overall argument. Main Body – discuss your argument and examine new insights/practices that have emerged and the underlying assumptions of these new innovations.
Compare and contrast how management of teams has evolved as a result of changes in technology. Approach the topic from various points of view e.g. what are the implications?
What are the new questions emerging from such new technologies?
Conclusion: summarise your argument to draw a concluding statement. References: present a reference list with at least three (3) references from quality sources, ensure the referencing is consistent throughout. Layout: double-space your text and use 2.5-centimetre margins. Pages should be numbered, with the numbers appearing in the bottom right-hand corner of the pages.
Please use APA reference
Be clear and Objective, make the text flows
do not forget the references please please, please





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Current priorities for improving the health and wellbeing of New Zealander


Current priorities for improving the health and wellbeing of New Zealanders
Examples of key priority areas for health and wellbeing in Aotearoa:
• healthy ageing and supporting elderly people to live well and at home longer
• suicide prevention
• reduction of harm caused by tobacco
• reducing disparity of health outcomes for Maori
Choose five key priority areas for health and wellbeing in Aotearoa that impact your role or the people you support.
Answer the questions for each key priority area:
• What is the key priority area?
• Why is this a key priority area?
• How will addressing it contribute to the health and wellbeing outcomes of the people of Aotearoa?
• Why is this priority relevant to your own role?
Examples of challenges for health and wellbeing in Aotearoa include:
• complexity and silos in the system
• increasing costs
• ageing population
• differences in outcomes between ethnic groups (including Maori and Pasifika)
Choose five challenges present in Aotearoas health and wellbeing sector that makes it difficult to improve the health and wellbeing of people you support.
Each of the challenges must relate to a key priority area you identified in questions 1-5.
Answer the questions for each challenge:
• What is the challenge?
• How does this challenge create a barrier to improving health and wellbeing outcomes for New Zealanders?
• How does this challenge impact on your role?
• How does this challenge impact the people you support?
Question 6
Not yet answered Marked out of 1.0 V Flag question
Challenge 1
Question 1
Not yet answered Marked out of 1.0 V Flag question
Key priority area 1
What is the key priority area?
Why is it a key priority area?
How will addressing it contribute to the health and wellbeing outcomes of the people of Aotearoa?
Why is this priority relevant to your own role?
Current initiatives for improving the health and wellbeing of New Zealanders
Smokefree New Zealand 2025 is an example of a government initiative designed to address the harmful effects of smoking on the health and wellbeing of New Zealanders.
Lets Get Real is an example of a sector initiative developed for everyone in health working with people and whanau with mental health and addiction needs.
Te Manaaki Tangata E Rua from Te Puea Marae is an example of a local community initiative developed to support whanau Maori in south Auckland who are homeless using tikanga Maori.
Choose three initiatives that are relevant to your role and one of the priorities you have identified.
Answer the questions for each initiative:
• What is the initiative?
• What is the goal of the initiative?
• How does this initiative aim to improve the health and wellbeing of New Zealanders?
• How is this initiative responding to a key priority you chose in task 1?
• What is new or different about this initiative compared to other recent or previous strategies?
• How does this initiative impact on you and your workplace?
• How does this initiative impact on the people you support and their whanau or community?
Question 1
What is the initiative?
What is the goal of the initiative?
How does this initiative aim to improve the health and wellbeing of New Zealanders?
How is this initiative responding to a key priority you chose in task 1?
What is new or different about this initiative compared to other recent or previous strategies?
How does this initiative impact on you and your workplace?
How does this initiative impact on the people you support and their whanau or community?





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