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Are adolescents from single-parent homes at higher risk of suicide than those from two-parent homes?

The Research Paper Topic Proposal
This week, you will submit your research topic proposal to your instructor for approval.
Begin by exploring topics in developmental psychology. Reference your textbook, the weekly introductions in your course, and reputable journal articles to explore topic ideas. Be sure to choose a topic that you are highly interested in. From that topic, you will pose a question for your research.
For example, you may find interest in the life span of adolescence. From there, you may want to explore issues related to adolescent suicide. From this topic, you could pose a number of questions to research, such as:
Are adolescents from single-parent homes at higher risk of suicide than those from two-parent homes?
Does lack of play in childhood lead to anxiety and depression in adolescence?
Does -helicopter parenting- lead to anxiety and depression in adolescence?
How to Develop a Research Question
Your research question should enable you draw some unique conclusions so that you are not simply reporting on research that has already been concluded. You may have to do some preliminary research within your topic to determine a suitable question. Here are some examples.
This example is too broad and will likely lead to a confusing and disorganized paper. It lacks parameters.
Why do adolescents commit suicide?
This example is too narrow. It can be answered rather simply with some basic data.
How many adolescent suicides occurred last year?
A good research question specifies the parameters of the research, yet leaves room for analysis and the writer’s unique input.
What are some of the unique social factors that led to an increase in suicide rates among 13- to 18-year-old females in 2015?
(In your paper, you would define two to three social factors you deem significant and connect them with the appropriate physical, cognitive, and socioemotional occurrences happening during this part of life span development. Then, draw your own conclusions from the research you find.)
Once you have your research question, phrase it as a statement so that it can become your thesis statement. The thesis statement is what drives the direction of your paper.
The Research Paper Topic Proposal Assignment
Include the following in your topic proposal:
Your research question
Your thesis statement
A narrative describing your topic and why you chose it (its significance)
Refer to the Writing Resources link under the Student Resources tab for help with writing thesis statements and research questions, and consult your West Coast University librarians for database search support as needed.
Your topic proposal should be 1–2 pages in length. Use current APA Style and cite and reference all sources





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Service Quality Standards and Service Management strategies

Subject Code and Name SDM404: Service and Design Management
Assessment Case Scenario Review
Individual/Group Individual
Length 1000 words
Learning Outcomes The Subject Learning Outcomes demonstrated by successful completion of the task below include:
a) Understand the concept of Service concept, Service Quality Standards and Service Management strategies.
b) Critically analyse how the service concept affects the service quality standards and the service management strategies.
c) Assess a range of strategies for a Hotel to successfully execute a service concept and the underling Service Quality Standards.
Submission As advised by Academic Services
Weighting 100%
Total Marks Pass / Fail
The assessment task requires you to demonstrate a clear understanding of Service Concept and how the definition of it affects the Service Quality Standards. It aims to enable you to recognise how a service concept will determine which Service Quality dimensions are more relevant and which strategies should be put in place to be able to successfully bring to life the Service concept.
The task requires you to critically evaluate the service concept of K Barefoot Luxury resort, then recommend which Service Quality Dimensions are relevant to the concepts and which strategies of Service Management should be put in place to successfully bring to life the Hotel Service Concept.
To complete the task, you are required to apply theoretical knowledge to the hypothetical case study.
This assessment requires you to write a 1000-word case review proposal. The report should at minimum have the following:

  • Reviews the hotel’s current service concept, and theoretically explain the importance of Service concept.
  • List which Service Quality Standards are relevant to the service concept of K Barefoot Luxury Hotel. Theoretical support to your recommendations is required.
  • Recommend Management Strategies that will allow K Barefoot Luxury achieved the desire Service Quality Standard and bring to life the initial Service Concept.
    The attached feedback will help you understand the service concepts of K Barefoot Luxury and which Service Quality Dimensions are relevant.(File Attachments 1 and 2).
    The structure of the report should be as follows:
    • Executive Summary
    • Table of Contents
    • Introduction
    • Hotel concept analysis
    • Relevant Service Quality Dimensions
    • Proposed Service Management Strategies
    • Conclusion
    • Reference List
    Students will be assessed according to:
    • Criteria set in the marking rubric
    • Demonstration of critical thinking and application of theories, conceptual models and academic literature with relevance and accuracy
    • Referencing skills and meeting the minimum requirement for academic references
    Case Scenario for Assessment 1 (including data files):
    K Barefoot Luxury is Located in Kangaroo Island, the 25- Luxury boutique hotel is located beside a natural park and overlooking the ocean. The hotel offers 25 individual eco luxury tents, a spa, restaurant and a common area with pool and bar. The hotel offers helicopter transportation from Adelaide, private jet transportation from Sydney and Melbourne, or luxury van from KI airport. The hotel is a favourite of luxury leisure travellers that are looking a place to escape from the busy life. Its Executive Team comprises of the General Manager, Director of Marketing, Revenue Manager, Director of Retail/Other Operations, Director of Food & Beverage and Director of Rooms.

File Attachment One and Two– Service Levels (Guest/Customer/staff feedback)
“The shop lacks of product variety and doesn’t have any local products to support local businesses.”
“As the hotel is isolated in a remote location in Kangaroo Island, there are no enough entertainment options. A diverse range of tours to enjoy the local attractions will be appreciated. “
“The hotel check in and arrival experience is great. We were welcomed at the airport, helped with our bags, explained
all about Kangaroo Island in the way to the hotel and arrived directly to our room”
“ The hotel’s food and beverage offer is great, but lacks of local produce and wines. As an International leisure visitor I wanted to experience everything from the local produce and there was a limit amount of local wines and spirits.
The food menu was mainly done around international dishes.”
“Loved the daily Yoga activities and the Spa treatments. The price is a little high for massages and Yoga should be complementary”
“ The hotel was extremely generous in providing us with an upgraded room to a suite , which was perfect for our anniversary. They added memorable touches to the room and the best part was that everyone remembered our names”
“The restaurant is highly recommended by me! It has good ambience, capable and attentive staff in the service area. There were no many options for specific dietaries requirements and for a fourth night stay, the food was repetitive.
“Housekeeping is not at all efficient nor spontaneous. There were delays in the picking-up of our laundry and in returning it on a same day service. They did not return to tidy up our room even when we hang the ‘Please Tidy Room’ sign outside our door. We had to call them from our room to get it done. And I thought they trained in their
jobs as expected of a hotel of this type.” – Maddy Jones
“The view of the hotel is impressive, one of the most beautiful I have seen. There is a lack of food and
beverage offerings outside the main meals hours. “
“The hotel was courteous by introducing us to a guest relations manager who could communicate with us in our
dialect as English was not our mother tongue. Very pleasant stay and would recommend this hotel to our friends, the welcome amenity was unsatisfactory as we expected a local touch and not an European wine.
The SPA treatments are limited and didn’t include local specialities such as Liguria Honey massage, beach massage, etc. It felt like a standard city SPA. The room was lovely and the view impressive. A fire pit in the room will be great for the cold nights.
“We should have involved the local community in. Numerous activities in the hotel, such as supplying local produce, welcome amenities and local tours.”
“There is lack of staff during off peak hours to be able to offer the premium services that our guests required”
“We work well with our departmental manager as he demonstrates leadership qualities and consistently provides valuable, constructive feedback on our performance. We can be inspired to do the same if opportunity to participate in specific training programs like “Training the Trainer”
“As a small boutique Hotel, it is important that all staff is aware of what is happening, customers profiles and specific requirements. There should also be cross training to improve empowerment and service quality”.
“Has anyone heard from management on the results of the recent Guest Stay Survey? We know that this is undertaken on a regular basis but there is no communicating back to us so that on how satisfying our service delivery were to our guests. Hope someone looks into this quickly! ”
“The true dynamics of teamwork is sadly missing. At the grassroot level, I see little in-team communication and collaboration and this is evident at the restaurant where I work.”
“Having an empowerment policy that doesn’t give us much guidance nor discretion nor guidance on how to implement is much of a dud to us. Our managers are quite protective of their turf and hence not comfortable with disempowering themselves. We find it frustrating when we are questioned of our decisions and embarrassing to go back on our word with the customer! This is
“The recruitment system is a joke – they are simply not the right people to fit into the role they are employed for. Lacking in ‘hard’ and ‘sop’ talents, my colleagues are showing ‘cracks’ in their competence to perform. The SoPs do not offer much guidance because they are lacking in content and most do not specify clear steps in executing service processes. We were not given
“The hotel uniforms aren’t design accordingly to the level of the hotel, they aren’t comfortable and
they don’t differentiate between different staff levels or departments.
All referencing must be in accordance with the Academic Writing Guide: APA 7th Edition on SharePoint.
It is essential that you use appropriate APA style for citing and referencing research. Please see more information on referencing here in the Academic Writing Guide found via the Academic Skills website.
Student must refer in text and in an associated reference list, to a minimum of 7 academic sources, plus others as required in order to show competency in the assessment. Up to three of these can be academic textbooks, with a minimum of four academic journal articles. Blogs and other unverifiable sources will not count as references.
Submission Instruc.ons:

  1. Submit your individual report in Word document to Turnitin by a deadline as advised by Academic Services.
  2. Students must refer, in text and in an associated reference list, to a minimum of 7 academic sources, plus others as required in order to show competency in the assessment. Up to three of these can be academic textbooks, with a minimum of four academic journal articles. Blogs and other unverifiable sources will not be counted as references.
  3. Use font Time Roman, Arial or Calibri, size of 11-12, at one and half line spacing.
  4. All referencing must be in accordance with APA 7th Edition Referencing and Academic Writing Guide.
  5. A Torrens University cover sheet is to be a^ached with the submission to Turnitin.
  6. Essential that you view the marking rubric for this assessment and remember you do not need to a^ach this rubric to your submission.
    Academic Integrity
    All students are responsible for ensuring that all work submitted is their own and is appropriately referenced and academically written according to the Academic Writing Guide. Students also need to have read and be aware of Torrens University Australia Academic Integrity Policy and Procedure and subsequent penalties for academic misconduct. These are viewable online.
    Students also must keep a copy of all submitted material and any assessment drafts.
    Assessment Rubric
    Criteria Fail
    0-49% Pass
    50-64% Credit
    (Proficient) 65-74% Distinction
    75 -84% High
    (Exceptional) 85-100%
    Research and Either no Literature is Clear evidence Able to critically Has developed
    use of evidence of presented and appraise the and justified
    literature/ literature being uncritically, in a application of literature and using own ideas
    evidence of consulted or purely readings theory gained based on a
    reading irrelevant to descriptive way relevant to the from a variety of wide range of
    20% the assignment and indicates subject; sources, sources which
    set. limitations of uses indicative developing own have been
    (0-14%) understanding. texts ideas in the thoroughly
    (15-18%) identified. process. analysed, applied
    and discussed. (26-30%)
    Knowledge of Inaccurate or Selection of Most key Insightful and Assignment
    theory inappropriate theory is theories are appropriate demonstrates
    20% choice of appropriate included in the selection of integration and
    theory. but some work in an theory in key innovation in
    (0-9%) aspects have appropriate areas. the selection and
    been missed or straight- (15-16%) handling of
    misconstrued. forward theory.
    manner. (13-14%)
    Analysis and Fails to analyse Attempts to Can Can effectively Can critically
    critical case analyse case satisfactorily analyse case analyse novel
    interpretation information. information analyse case information; can and/or abstract
    30% (0-9%) using given study using a apply major data and case
    theoretical range of theories and situations using a
    classification / theoretical compare wide range of
    principles. classification / alternative techniques
    (10-12%) principles. methods/ appropriate to
    (13-14%) techniques for the topic and
    analysis. theoretical
    principles. (17-20%)
    SDM 404_Assessment Brief 1 _Individual Report Due Week 6
    Reviewed: March 2021
    Page 7 of 8
    Conclusion Unsubstantiate Limited Evidence of Good Analytical and
    and d/invalid evidence of conclusion and development of clear
    ion conclusion and conclusion and recommendatio conclusion and conclusion and
    recommendati recommendati ns grounded in recommendation recommendation
    20% ons based on ons supported theory/ s shown with s well-grounded
    anecdote and by theory/ literature. summary of in theory and
    generalisation literature. (13-14%) arguments literature showing
    only, or no (10-12%) based in theory/ development of
    conclusion at literature. new concepts.
    logical flow and
    10% Poor report formatting, lack of flow and presentation quality.
    Incorrect citing. None and/or very poor reference list in report and/or academic reference material. (0-4.4%) Report formatting, logical flow and presentation quality to a minimal level. Incorrect citing. Poor reference list in report and/or academic reference material. (4.5-6.4%) Report formatting, logical flow and presentation quality to a competent level.
    Appropriate citing and reference list in report and/or academic reference material moderately good but with some errors. (6.5-7.4%) Very effective report formatting and presentation quality. Good citing in-text and logical flow.
    Minimal mistakes for reference list in report and/or academic reference material meeting requirement (7.5-8.4%) Extremely well formatted report with high presentation quality. Excellent citing in-text Excellent formatting of reference list in report and/or academic reference material. (8.5-10%)
    SDM 404_Assessment Brief 1 _Individual Report Due Week 6
    Reviewed: March 2021
    Page 8 of 8




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Explain the nature of creativity and innovation.

Assessment Title Scenario Analysis
Graduate Capabilities
a. Professional Expertise
b. Innovative Problem Solving
c. Technology and Information Literacy
Learning Outcome/s (found in the Subject Outline) a. Explain the nature of creativity and innovation.
b. Examine ways to turn creativity into insight, ideas, opportunities and action.
Assessment type (group or individual) Individual
Weighting % 30%
Word count 1100 (+/-10%)
Submission type Turnitin ?
Format / Layout of Assessment
ICMS Cover Page
Table of Contents
Executive Summary
• Reflection of the chosen Industry
• Analysis of the key situational factors (Analysis Tools)
Develop plausible scenarios
• Scenario 1
• Scenario 2 Reference List
Assessment instructions
The beginning of creative thinking in business starts with careful analysis of the scenario. Scenario analysis is a process of examining and evaluating possible events or scenarios that could take place in the future and predicting the various feasible results or possible outcomes for your venture.
The world around us is dynamic and ever changing. In order to confront the rapidly-evolving world around us, you need to have a system in place to adapt with the changes. It is absolutely essential to develop a solid understanding of the industry where you will operate.
In this assessment you will undertake a scenario analysis of an industry in which your product or service will compete. The goal is to understand the ins and outs of this industry so that you can build a comprehensive understanding of it. Scenario analysis is a great tool that helps to scan the environmental factors surrounding a business.
Your scenario analysis report should contain the following parts:
Executive summary
Provide a brief overview of your major findings presented in this report. This is where you need to summarise the main points as a result of your extensive research and formulation of your scenarios.
You need to provide the reader with context about your idea. You may consider the following points when writing your introduction: • Provide a “name” to your idea/product/service • Inspiration – where did your idea come from?
• Market addressed – what is its purpose? What needs/wants does it address?
• Opportunity – why did you choose that particular product or service?
• Industry – what is the industry? (describe the level of competition and any barriers to entry in your scenario analysis)
Reflection on the chosen industry
(You will need to include at least 5 reliable sources – No blogs)
Once you have collected your ideas on your selected industry and product/service, you will conduct research. The purpose of the research is to gain an understanding of its trajectory – past, present and future by looking at trends and developments:
• What historical information exists (how/what was made in the past?)
• Existing product/service
o If you are working on something that exists, how is it currently performing?
o What is YOUR idea to improve it? o How can you take advantage of future opportunities through creative and innovative ideas?
• New product/service/idea o If a new product/service, how is the current market being addressed?
o What substitutes/alternatives (choices) exist? In other words, how are consumers currently satisfying their needs? Why do you believe they will find your offering appealing?
• What are the important trends and developments in your chosen industry that you seek to take advantage of?
Note: You need to link your idea with an industry of your choice and conduct your research accordingly.
Analysis of the key situational factors
As a result of your research, you will define the key factors that can influence your decision making. Remember to use tools such as SCAMPER, PESTEL, SWOT etc.
Develop scenarios
• Construct two (2) scenarios (one positive, one negative) and develop a narrative description for each. Refer to Scenario Analysis URL link in Assessment readings to assist you here.
• The scenarios need to be related to the purpose and based on your findings; so, you need to explain why you have created each scenario.
o How feasible is each of your alternatives?
The report must cite a minimum of five (5) appropriate business and/or scholarly sources such as academic journals, peer-reviewed articles, periodicals and research articles (use library search). Do not use Blogs.
Ensure you use APA referencing style for all references including intext references. Refer to the ICMS Style Guide for guidance.
Information that is not essential to explain your findings, but supports your analysis (especially repetitive or lengthy information), validates your conclusions or pursues a related point should be placed in an Appendix.
Readings for the assessment Ashkenas, R., & Manville, B. (2018). The Harvard business review leader’s handbook: Make an impact, inspire your organization, and get to the next level. Boston: Harvard Business Publishing.
Bilton, C., & Puttnam, L. D. (2007). Management and creativity: From creative industries to creative management. Milton: Wiley.
Scenario Analysis; Exploring Different Futures
Business News Daily
Department of Industry, Innovation and Science
Harvard Business Review – Creativity
Innovation Management
Intelligent HQ
Grading Criteria / Rubric
ENT201A Assessment 1 Scenario Analysis – Marking Rubric
Criteria HD (85-100) D (75-84) CR (65-74) PASS
(50-64) FAIL (0-49)
Depth of reflection on the chosen industry (40%)
Excellent and in-depth reflection on the chosen industry with adequate data and contemporary insights. Good reflection on the chosen industry with adequate data and contemporary insights. General reflection on the chosen industry with adequate data and contemporary insights. Very simple reflection on the chosen industry with adequate data and contemporary insights. Poor in-depth reflection on the chosen industry.
Analysis of the key situational factors (20%) Strong evidence of synthesis of ideas presented and insights gained from the selected topics. Good evidence of synthesis of ideas presented and insights gained from the selected topics. Some evidence of synthesis of ideas presented and insights gained from the selected topics. Very little evidence of synthesis of ideas presented and insights gained from the selected topics. No evidence of synthesis of ideas presented and insights gained from the selected topics.
Develop plausible scenarios (20%) A number of plausible scenarios are discussed in a coherent and logical manner. Some plausible scenarios are discussed in a coherent and logical manner. Some scenarios are discussed. Needs further development of the concept. Some scenarios have been discussed, although there is significant gap in understanding. No plausible scenario has been clearly articulated. Thoughts are unclear.
Use of literature (10%) Significant recognised literature is used by following the correct referencing style. No Blog sources have been cited. Appropriate literatures are used by following the correct referencing style. Some appropriate literature are used by following the correct
referencing style
Marginal referencing and minimal usage of appropriate scholarly and academic literature. Poor referencing and no coherent literature are used.
Formatting, referencing (10%)
Excellent referencing Significant references are used by following the correct referencing style Appropriate references are used by following the correct referencing style Credible references are used by following the correct referencing style Marginal referencing. Overall referencing style is problematic and needs improvement. Poor referencing. Arguments are poorly supported with inadequate references
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Understand epistemologies as they relate to qualitative research and when to use qualitative methodology

Subject Code and Title PUBH6013 Qualitative Research Methods
Assessment Assessment 2: Individual Research Proposal
Individual/Group Individual
Length 1, 500 words (+/-10%)
Learning Outcomes This assessment addresses the following learning outcomes:
a) Understand epistemologies as they relate to qualitative research and when to use qualitative methodology
b) Critically evaluate different theoretical and methodological approaches to qualitative research
d) Appreciate cultural and ethical considerations for qualitative research in Public Health
e) Understand sampling techniques, bias and rigour as they apply to qualitative research
Submission By 11:55pm AEST/AEDT Sunday of Week 7
Weighting 40%
Total Marks 100 marks
This assessment is prescribed to advance literature searching, critical analysis, research question development, research planning skills, and reflexivity as a researcher.
This assessment involves developing a research question, preparing interview and probe questions, identifying four people that you can interview on this topic (for example, your family or friends, colleagues), and reflecting on your motivation and justification of your research proposal.
It assesses the key understanding necessary for conceptualising and developing a qualitative research proposal, which will prepare you for the use of qualitative methods in research and evaluation as a public health practitioner.
There are three steps to completing this assignment.
Step 1:
Develop a research question (similar to the ones you have explored throughout this subject) that supports qualitative exploration of a topic of your choice. Review the materials from Module 1 to familiarise yourself with the scope and purpose of qualitative research.
Warning: Topics must be low risk. This means that the topic should not be likely to cause distress or humiliation, and should not focus on vulnerable groups (such as children or people with a disability). You should discuss with your learning facilitator if you are unsure whether your topic is suitable.
Step 2:
Write 6-8 interview questions that:
• Focus on obtaining information that will help you to answer your research question
• Are qualitative (focusing on experience, opinion, values, perceptions etc) in nature
• Comply with best practice principles for interview question design (Module 4)
Obtain feedback from 2 (two) people to refine and improve your questions, and keep records of this feedback for submission with the project proposal.
Step 3:
Write a research proposal for your qualitative project. You must include:
• A brief literature review to summarise the existing knowledge in this space, and justify your proposed project.
• Your research question and the knowledge gap that it will address.
• A summary of the key elements of the methodology that you think would be the most appropriate methodology to use to explore your research question (ie grounded theory, phenomenology etc), and why it is appropriate for exploring your research question.
• Your methods, including how you will select your participants (in this case, four people whom you already know) and your interview process.
• Your interview questions.
• A personal reflection on your motivation for exploring this research question, any ethical or cultural considerations for your project, and anything that could create a risk of bias in your data (ie interviewing friends).
• An appendix containing records of the feedback received on your interview questions (such as a copy of the interview questions with tracked changes).
• Your assessment submission must address all of these points
Assessment Criteria:
• Justification of your research project (30%)
• Summary of methodology and methods (40%)
• Reflective writing on motivation and potential for bias (10%)
• Use of academic conventions (20%)





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Designing a solution for Small Office Home Office (SOHO) network Mark

Networking Assignment
Designing a solution for Small Office Home Office (SOHO) network Mark & Horton tax accountants have opened a new office in Melbourne, Australia. They are committed to providing taxation and financial planning services to both individuals and small business owners. Currently, they have four (4) full-time tax accountants, two (2) junior accountants and two (2) receptionists appointed to facilitate the clients. Additionally, two (2) financial advisors work two days a week. You have been hired as a network technician to help in the design and deployment of this network.
Tax Accountants: 04
Junior Accountants: 02
Receptionist: 02
Financial Advisors: 02
Total Host= 10 host
• Set up a small office network, identify devices, network components and media type used
• Assigning IP addresses to devices connected in a LAN environment
• Identify issues and suggest solutions related to network or internet
Scenario – Designing a solution for Shine Dental Clinic (Network Solution):
Tom and Steph has recently opened a new clinic, “Shine Dental”, in Sydney, Australia. They are committed to providing quality dental services to people of all age group.
They have four full-time surgeons using surgery rooms, four assistants working with the surgeons while performing surgery, three receptionists/admin staff, completing daily paperwork, admin, client consulting and handling the front desk.
The area for the new office is 250 sqm approximately. For detailed dimensions and floorplan, refer to Figure 1.
The clinic required eight workstations, one server and a printer and needed to be installed at the following locations:
• One reception desk with space to place two computers (Workstation 5 and 6),
• One small consulting room (Workstation 7)
• One server room with extra space to place an additional computer (Server, Workstation 8)
• Four surgery rooms (Workstation 1 – 4)
The entire floor divided with each other by drywall sheets. The office is fully furnished (except computers, networking devices and cabling)
The owner of “Shine Dental” has purchased eight (8) desktop computers of the same type. Table 1 shows the sample specification.
Desktops x 8 Specifications
Acer Aspire TC-series Desktop Processor Brand/Type AMD A10-7800
Wired Networking Gigabit Ethernet
Connectivity 1xHDMI,
4xUSB 2.0,
Operating System Windows 10 Pro
Table 1
The owner of “Shine Dental” has also purchased one (1) server, eight (8) monitors to be connected with desktops and four (4) overhead screens, with the specifications provided in Table 2, Table 3 and Table 4 simultaneously for your reference.
Server x 1 Specifications
Acer TS-series Server
Processor Brand/Type Intel Processor
Wired Networking Gigabit Ethernet
Connectivity 1xHDMI, 1xVGA, 3xUSB3.0, 4xUSB 2.0, RJ45
Operating System Windows 2012 R2
Table 2

Monitors x 8 Specifications
BenQ BL2400 series
Brand BenQ
Display LED-TN
Dimension 579 x 213 x 502 mm
Display resolution 1920 x 1080
Connectivity HDMI, D-sub
Display size 24”
Table 3
Overhead screens x 4 Specifications
Sony 3200 series
Brand Sony
Display LED
Dimension 731.8 x 87.3 x 435 mm
Display resolution 1280 x 720, 1366 x 768
Connectivity DVI, USB, Ethernet, Antenna in
Display size 32”
Table 4

Figure 1
In addition to the computers, he has also wanted to purchase one LaserJet multifunction printer for print/copy/scan/fax. The printer should have USB 2.0, Gigabit LAN, Wi-Fi(n) and other prominent printing and scanning features.
All computers/server has got a dedicated screen. In addition to that, there are four additional overhead screens attached in the four surgery rooms for patients to view local TV channels.
Those four screens are also attached to the main computers in the surgery room.
Doctors should display x-rays on the overhead screen for patients, but simply changing the input on the TV, your job is to connect the overhead screen/TV to the computer as an extended display or mirror and the Antenna.
You are also required to set up a backup for all the computers/server. All the backups should run each night and should get stored at one physical location within the premises, and a copy of the local backup has to be held on to the cloud utilizing one of the cloud services.
As a consultant, you can choose any cloud service of your choice but must justify your recommendation.
Assume that you have been hired as a network technician to help design and deploy this network.
Perform the following tasks to support this.
Task 1
To inter-connect the desktop computers and connect the overhead screens/TV with the computers and TV antenna, you have decided to use a wired network. What is the primary transmission media, connectors, adaptors you would use for this? For your recommendation of media, consider and explain the following criteria:
• Speed
• Length
• Ease of installation
• Compatibility with intermediary devices
Your answer must also include transmission media, connectors, adaptors, and other necessary devices to help you implement this successfully.
Task 2
Waiting customers should be able to access the “Shine Dental” Wi-Fi network for internet usage. What devices will you need to extend your wired network to support wireless devices with maximum speed and make sure that customers using “Shine Dental” internet do not cause interruption to the clinic’s network? Justify your answer.
Task 3
In addition to the workstations and server, the multifunctional printer needs to be connected to the network. Would you connect it via a wired media or wireless media? Justify your answer. Recommend a make and model of the multifunctional printer as per the customer requirement.
Task 4
Complete Table 5 to assign suitable static IP version 4 addresses to the devices (with subnet mask) on the network. You have decided to go with the class C private IP address range (except where it is indicated otherwise).
You need to complete 3rd column of Table 5.
Device IP address IP address with subnet mask
Workstation_1 (Surgery1) 1st usable IP address 192.168.30._ ? _ /24
255.255.255._ ? _
Workstation_2 (Surgery2) 2nd usable IP address 192.168.30._ ? _ /24
255.255.255._ ? _
Workstation 3 (Surgery3) 4th usable IP address 192.168.30. ? _ /24
255.255.255._ ? _
Workstation 4 (Surgery4) 5th usable IP address 192.168.30. ? _ /24
255.255.255._ ? _
Workstation 5 (Fdesk1) 7th usable IP address 192.168.30. ? _ /24
255.255.255._ ? _
Workstation 6 (Fdesk2) 8th usable IP address 192.168.30. ? _ /24
255.255.255._ ? _
Workstation 7 (Consulting) 10th usable IP address 192.168.30. ? _ /24
255.255.255._ ? _
Workstation 8 (BDesk) 11th usable IP address 192.168.30. ? _ /24
255.255.255._ ? _
Server_9 (Server) 14th usable IP address 192.168.30._ ? _ /24
255.255.255._ ? _
Printer /24
255.255.255._ ? _
Table 5

Task 5
Implement the network topology (Figure 2 is a partial design to assist you) using a packet tracer. For example, it would help if you considered the following:
• All devices (Server, workstations and printer etc.) mentioned in table 5 are labelled and have their IP addresses and subnet mask configured (as per your answer in Task 4)
• Select the appropriate media in packet tracer, label the media type and use the switch 2960 with 24 ports and two-gigabit uplink ports to interconnect the Desktops
• Connect workstation_5 and workstation_6 to one of the “5 port switch” of your choice and connect the switch to the 24-port switch
• A standard wireless access point is added and configured with security. This wireless access point should be then connected to the 24-port switch via suitable wired media.
• Printer is configured and connected to the previously added “5 port switch.”
Figure 2
Task 6
Test the network using a suitable network utility and verify that workstation_7 can communicate with other workstations and servers. Provide screenshots to confirm that you have used the appropriate tools for this purpose. Use command-line utility only to test the connectivity
Task 7
Configure the most secure protocol (available in packet tracer) to authenticate three newly hired part-time employees’ “Jason”, “John”, and “Steph”, assign 21st, 36th and 43rd usable IP addresses, respectively.
Users should be able to differentiate the network before connecting to the office network easily. For example, provide screenshots and justify.
Label Jason’s laptop as “jason_laptop”, John’s laptop as “john_laptop”, and Steph’s laptop as “steph_laptop” and configure in packet tracer.
Task 8
Assume that Workstation_5 (consulting room) is a Linux box. You have run standard command-line tools and receive the following output:

Figure 3
Use Figure 3 above to answer the following questions:

  1. What is the IP version 4 address of this machine?
  2. What is the IP version 6 address of this machine?
  3. What is the MAC address of this machine?
  4. What is the default gateway?
  5. Ping command gives the following error below, and the site cannot be opened. Give possible explanations, and provide a solution.
    Task 9
    Assume that the network has been physically set up, as you have demonstrated in your packet tracer file (created in task 8).
    Users have complained that none of them can print. Using the packet tracer file, troubleshoot this issue and identify what might be causing this.
    Assume that the printer is mechanically functional and has no physical defect.
    Identify and discuss. The answer should be based on Task 4.
    Task 10
    “Shine Dental” needs to store an image of all workstations and server in one location.
    Backups need to run each night, two copies of the backups need to be maintained at Shine Dental premises, and another copy will be stored on the cloud.
    You have decided to install NAS (Network Attached Storage) as a solution. How many hard drives would you install in NAS, and what raid Level would you use and why?
    Provide a cost-effective solution for the business. Performance is not essential.
    What media would you use to connect NAS to the network, and how would you connect it.
    For demonstration purposes, you can include a server in packet tracer, label it as NAS, and assign it 56th usable IP address to NAS. You must provide a relevant screenshot as an example




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Analyse and articulate business processes and recognise the role of accounting information systems in enhancing business process design

Subject Code and Name ACCT6001 Accounting Information Systems
Assessment Assessment 2 – Business Process Analysis
Individual/Group Group of 3-4 students
Learning Outcomes (a) Analyse and articulate business processes and recognise the role of accounting information systems in enhancing business process design.
(e) Communicate with IT professionals, stakeholders and user groups of information systems
Submission By 11:55pm AEST/AEDT Sunday end of week 5/Module 3.1
For Intensive class: By 11:55pm AEST/AEDT Sunday end of Week 3/Module 3.2
Weighting 25%
Total Marks 100 marks
This assessment is designed to develop student’s understanding of business processes; analyse existing organisation’s processes; and suggest ways to improve the organisation’s current business process inefficiencies.
Submission Instructions:
• Students will organise themselves into groups of 3 to 4. Students will work in their groups to prepare a response to ALL of the case questions listed at the end of the case study.
• Students that have not formed groups by Week 02, will be placed into groups by the learning facilitator
• Students need to submit a report, presented in proper report format (including a reference list). The report needs to be submitted though the submission link available on the Blackboard. One copy of this report needs to be submitted in Word format by a representative of each group on the Blackboard
Case Study
Eljay is a large online education provider (school) consisting of administration, teaching and corporate services teams. Students of often email the school with questions about learning and teaching materials, assessments, and IT-related problems that require the school to process and solve the problem. These student queries are managed based on their type (teaching, assessment, IT), priority and status. The three levels of priority identified by the school include: “important”, “normal” and “less important”. The status of a student query (e.g. job) includes: “Open”, “In Process”, “Re Process”, “Solved”, “Closed”. Queries are logged in a job management system (excel spreadsheet saved on a SharePoint site), which enables the school to manage the details of the life cycle of the query from start to finish. In addition to recording student details, this system records the job code, description, type, priority, and status of the job as it progresses through each team.
The current business process begins when a student emails the school with a query. Employees within the administration team, who have less content-related knowledge, manually load each student query into the job management system. When this job is created, it is assigned an “Open” status by the administration team. Every query that employees from this team enter into the job management system is given a job code which is used to uniquely identify the student query. Once this code has been created in the system, an email is sent to the student with the job code (e.g. the reference number for the query). The student must mention this job code every time an inquiry about the status of the query is made. Any queries that are easily resolved (e.g. those that involve common problems) are assigned to employees within the administration team who work directly with the student to resolve the query. If an employee from this team is unable to resolve a student’s query, the job status is changed to “In Process” and the query is forwarded to the teaching team who have extensive content-related knowledge.
When a manager from the teaching team has the time to review the queries assigned to the team, they update the priority level of the job. The manager will then assign each job to an employee depending on the priority and existing workload of employees in the team. Once a teacher has been assigned to a job, the query is investigated, and a solution is developed and emailed to the administration team. An employee from the administration team changes the status of the job to “Solved” and emails the solution to the student. A request to verify that the query has been correctly resolved is included in the email. If the student’s reply to this request informs the administration team that the query has been successfully resolved, the job status is changed to “Closed” and the job is complete. If the student emails to notify the administration team that the query has not been resolved, the status of the job is changed to “Re Process” and the query is emailed back to the teaching team. The teaching team then goes through the process all over again.
If employees from either the administration or teaching team are unable to provide the student with a solution (e.g. for an IT-related query), the corporate services team is called upon to finish the job. The corporate services team work directly with the student to resolve the query. When the student’s query is resolved, the corporate services team notify the teaching team, who update the status of the job to “Solved”. An employee from the administration team, emails the student to inform them that a solution has been reached and the job is set to “Closed”.
The school would like to reduce costs by removing inefficient and ineffective processes while at the same time improving student response times.
a. Draw a business process map outlining existing processes for managing student queries Identify (include swimlanes in your diagram).
b. Identify strengths and weaknesses in the existing system for managing student queries.
c. Research and report on ways to improve the business processes. As you address the weakness, consider how IT can transform the processes of the organization (include references to support your suggestions).
d. Draw a new business process model that outlines your suggested improvements.
e. Include in the Appendix of your report, minutes of meetings held between group members (Include a list of actionable tasks, team members responsible for those tasks, deadlines, and progress towards completing tasks)
Learning Rubric: Assessment 1
Assessment Criteria Fail
(Unacceptable) 0-49% Pass
50-64% Credit
(Proficient) 65-74% Distinction
75 -84% High Distinction
Understanding of the business processes in the organisation
The description of the steps to achieve the goal of the organisation has not been identified correctly.
Business process diagram incorrect.
Activities, stakeholders and notations are incorrect.
Swimlanes not shown.
Business processes (step by step description) has been identified but some (around 30%) steps are missing.
Business process diagram is consistent with the current business processes.
Activities and stakeholders are identified but incomplete.
Some notations are incorrect.
Swimlanes are shown but some stakeholders are missing. Business processes (step by step description) has been identified but some (around 20%) steps are missing.
Business process model is consistent with the current business processes.
Activities and stakeholders are mostly identified (around 2-3 items missing).
Most notations are correct (2-3 incorrect notations).
Swimlanes are used for multiple stakeholders, 2- 3 stakeholders are missing. Business processes (step by step description) are detailed and complete.
Business process model is consistent with the current business processes.
Activities and stakeholders are identified.
Notations are correct. Minor errors (1-2 errors).
Swimlanes are used for multiple stakeholders, complete and correct. Business processes (step by step description) are detailed and complete. Exceptions and variations in the process are also shown.
Business process model is consistent with the current business processes.
Activities and stakeholders are identified.
Notations are correct.
Exceptions and variations are shown in the model.
Swimlanes are used for multiple stakeholders, complete and correct
Problem Analysis Critical business issues (processes to be improved) were not identified (or incorrectly identified). Processes to be improved were correctly identified but incomplete. Processes were correctly identified but missing 1 or 2 issues.
Processes which have greatest impact were All processes were correctly identified.
Processes which have greatest impact were all All processes were correctly
Processes which have greatest impact were all identified and have justified and explained
ACCT6001_Assessment Brief 2_Business Process Analysis_Due at week 3
30% Objective (s) of the requirements of the process was (were) not identified (or identified incorrectly)
Inefficiency and ineffectiveness of the processes were not identified (or incorrectly identified) Processes which have greatest impact were not identified.
Some objectives of the requirements of the process were identified but incomplete.
Some inefficiencies and ineffectiveness of the current processes were identified.
One of the following were incomplete: organisational level, process level and the job/performer level inefficiencies and ineffectiveness identified but incomplete.
All objectives of the requirements were identified but lack details.
Some inefficiencies and ineffectiveness of the current processes were identified.
The following were discussed: organisational level, process level and the job/performer level inefficiencies and ineffectiveness but some discussions are incomplete. identified and have detailed explanation and justification.
All objectives of the requirements were identified and discussed in detail.
All inefficiencies and ineffectiveness of the current processes were identified with detailed explanation and justification.
The following were discussed: organisational level, process level and the job/performer level inefficiencies and ineffectiveness were all identified and explained in detail. the reasons in detail and convincingly.
Excellent and convincing explanation and justification of the following:
• Objectives of the requirements • Inefficiencies and ineffectiveness of the current processes • Organisation level, process level and job/performer level inefficiencies and ineffectiveness
Process Improvement and use of IT
30% Recommended changes
are very general, lacks detail, does not answer the problem.
Business process diagram is incorrect or does not Recommended changes answers the problems and provides alternative solutions but lack detailed
explanation and justification.
Business process diagram reflects the recommended changes with some Recommended changes answers the problems and provides alternative solutions and detailed explanation and justification. Some explanations are not convincing.
Business process diagram reflects the Recommended changes answers the problems and provides alternative solutions and detailed explanation and justification. Explanations are convincing. Main problems were prioritised. Excellent explanation and justifications of the
recommended changes. Main problems were categorised and prioritised. Alternative solutions were evaluated.
Business process diagram reflects all the recommended changes with no errors.
ACCT6001_Assessment Brief 2_Business Process Analysis
incorrect notations and missing elements.
10-12 recommended changes with few incorrect notations and elements. Business process diagram reflects the recommended changes with no errors.
Team Work
10% Does not participate effectively in a team environment.
Places individual goals ahead of the group responsibility.
Hinders the group process and upsets the schedule. Participates effectively in teams.
Identifies team and individual goals, tasks, responsibilities and schedules.
Contributes to group processes.
Supports the team. Contributes to small group discussions to reach agreement on issues.
Works together with others towards shared goals.
Renegotiates responsibilities to meet needed change. Understands group dynamics and team roles.
Facilitates team development.
Renegotiates responsibilities, tasks and schedules to meet needed change. Builds team’s identity and commitment.
Leads teams.
Evaluates teams’ outcomes.
Implements strategies for enhancing team effectiveness.
ACCT6001_Assessment Brief 2_Business Process Analysis





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On-line game addiction, narcissistic personality traits

A researcher is interested in the relationships between the following four variables: On-line game
addiction, narcissistic personality traits, self-control, and aggression. Data are collected from a
sample of 226 individuals. The data can be found in the assessment SPSS spreadsheet
‘assessment.sav’. For each variable, higher values indicate greater levels of the variable. Analyse
the data using SPSS and report the results using standard APA conventions. (20 marks)
? The focus is clearly on the relationships between

  • On-line game addiction
  • Narcissistic personality traits
  • Self-control
  • Aggression
    ? State what you are going to do to investigate this
  • Descriptives
  • Scatterplots
    ? Pearson Correlations Produce a table of descriptive statistics
  • Mean
  • Standard Deviation
  • Skew
  • Kurtosis
  • N
    ? Comment on any observed deviations in skew or kurtosis (Z-scores that are greater
    than +/- 1.96) but indicate that no transformations will be performed. Indeed, there are
    few options for kurtosis and it is not generally seen as a big problem anyway.
    ? Present scatter plots between all pairs of variables with lines of best fit added.
  • Could be individually or in a matrix.
  • Comment on what the relationships look like.
  • Do there seem to be any outliers, and if so, do they look like they are going to make an unacceptable impact on the relationship observed?
    ? Present correlations matrix.
  • Comment on the strength, significance and direction of the correlations.
    Following the initial analysis conducted in Q1 the researcher goes on to look at which of the
    variables (On-line game addiction, narcissistic personality traits, and self-control) are the best
    predictors of aggression. Analyse the data using SPSS and report the results using standard APA
    conventions. (30 marks)
    ? All needs to be referenced according to APA style.
    ? It requires multiple regression
    ? Briefly indicate whether the variables would be expected to be good predictors based on correlations reported in question 1
    ? R Squared
    ? Anova – significance and what it means
    ? Individual Predictors
    o Beta coefficients and confidence intervals
    o T-tests for the beta coefficients § Part correlations (compare to zero order)
    o Collinearity
    ? Indicate which appears to be best predictor, second, third.
    ? State the regression equation
    The researcher also thinks that it is possible that there are sex differences for these variables. You
    will also find codes for males and females in the data set. Analyse the data using SPSS to investigate
    this, and report the results using standard APA conventions. (20 marks)
    ? All needs to be referenced according to APA style.
    ? State that you performed Independent Sample t-tests to identify if sex differences exist.
    ? Table of descriptive statistics
  • Mean, SD, N
    ? Report each t-test separately:
    The 31 participants in the rosemary condition (M = 15.90, SD = 2.45) performed significantly better on time based prospective memory than the 34 participants in the no aroma condition (M = 14.41, SD = 2.451), t(63) = – 2.59, p = .012. Calculation of Cohen’s d indicated the presence of a medium effect size, d = .64, 95% CI [.14, 1.14].
    ? Draw an overall conclusion. Are there sex differences? Which variables? How big? Consistently in the same direction?
    As I further investigation, the researcher wants to see if playing a violent video game increases
    levels of aggression. She runs a study in which aggression levels are measured in 40 participants
    before and after playing a violent video game. Use SPSS to compare the variables Aggro_pre and
    Aggro_post in order to answer this question. (10 marks)
    ? All needs to be referenced according to APA style.
    ? State that you performed a Paired samples t-test to see if aggression after playing the game is greater than before.
    ? Table of descriptive statistics
    o Means, SD, N
    o Report t-test.
    The results from the time based prospective memory test (M = 15.12, SD = 2.42) and the event based prospective memory test (M = 15.75, SD = 1.64) revealed significantly better performance for event based prospective memory, t(64) = -2.11, p = .039. Calculation of Cohen’s d indicated the presence of a small effect size, d =.26, 95%CI [.01, .50].
    ? Draw a conclusion. Is the effect potentially important?
    QUESTION 5 (Needs bibliography review)
    Explain the advantage of reporting effect sizes in addition to significance levels. (20 marks)
    ? What is statistical significance?
    ? What is effect size?
    ? The distinction between statistical significance and scientific (or practical)
    ? Give an example.
    ? Factors that affect significance
    ? Problem with effect sizes eg many different types
    ? Value of effect size in addition to statistical significance
    ? Overall summary/conclusion
    ? All needs to be referenced according to APA style




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what do you think it could be better to improve the antivirus software?

Length: Minimum of 400 words Students will be required to create 1 new thread and provide substantive comments on at least 3 threads created by other students. Make sure to explain and backup your responses with facts and examples. This assignment should be in APA format and have to include at least two references.Question:If the maker of antivirus software wants to be successful, the software has to be as close to bulletproof as the maker can possibly make it. Nothing is perfect; we certainly should understand at this point that no software can be proven bug free and that no security posture is 100% risk-free. Based on this statement, what do you think it could be better to improve the antivirus software? How safe do you feel to use antivirus software in your organization, and what other precautions do you use to prevent virus, malware, etc.?





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challenges that valuation professionals face when attempting to properly assess the current value of a private business


Using the first four chapters in the Hitcher textbook as your primary reference, and supplemented by appropriate secondary sources, identify and discuss two (2) specific issues or challenges that valuation professionals face when attempting to properly assess the current value of a private business. Your paper should have an Introduction, two “body” parts (specific issue or challenge one and specific issue or challenge two) appropriately titled, and a Conclusion. The body parts need to clearly define the issue/challenge, fully discuss why this issue/challenge is important, and suggest what valuation professionals can do to limit the impact of the issue/challenge.

  1.   Assignment length: At least 750 words (excluding title page and references) in current APA format.
  2. Number of citations: At least 3 (in addition to your textbook, which must be your primary references). Remember: any article/source listed in your references must be cited at least once in your paper.
  3. Accepted sources: Books or other scholarly/professional sources. Remember, Investopedia, Wikipedia, websites, periodicals (e.g., newspaper, magazine, newsletters), and blogs are not scholarly/professional sources. You can use these in your paper (if properly cited), but they do not count towards the required number of citations. Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool




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Assess the pros and cons of using an e-mail or newsletter strategy to help build and maintain a core customer base

Create a 7 slide minimum Microsoft PowerPoint presentation with speaker’s notes about your selected website (eBay) in which you complete the following: 

  • Assess the pros and cons of using an e-mail or newsletter strategy to help build and maintain a core customer base.
  • Describe any content and/or strategies you believe will help improve customer e-mail open rates and interaction.
  • Explain how this e-mail/newsletter strategy can be integrated with other social media marketing efforts and online communities to improve brand recognition and website performance.
  • Evaluate the metrics that should be used to measure the success of the new strategy and processes (i.e., how will you know if your proposed marketing efforts are making an impact?).
  • Recommend a plan for moving from the current marketing strategy to your proposed strategy.
  • Assess whether new target customers, products, or services should be included in this updated marketing plan.

Format your presentation consistent with APA guidelines, and cite any resources used.

Submit your assignment





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