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Create a lightweight white paper for a fictitious Initial Coin Offering (ICO)

For this assignment, you’ll create a lightweight white paper for a fictitious Initial Coin Offering (ICO). You will use your imagination to create a brand new, hopefully unique, ICO, and develop a lightweight white paper that presents your ICO to prospective investors. A full white paper takes considerable time and effort to create. For this assignment, you’ll only be asked to provide the most essential elements. 

The goal is for you to be creative in your application of blockchain technology, and the explain your ideas. 

To start, read the following article: How to Write a Good White Paper for Your ICO –

Then, explore new and existing blockchain projects in any domain that interests you. You can start with an Internet search for “blockchain use cases” and “current blockchain projects.” Identify a few that you find interesting and learn about each one. Then, think of a new idea how you could apply blockchain in a new and useful way. 

Once you have your idea, create your white paper. Your paper should be in APA format, and have the following sections:

1) Title – a headline that will catch your reader’s imagination

2) Abstract – Summary of what your whitepaper contains

3) Introduction – Introduce readers to the problem you will solve, the motivation to solve it, and how you’ll present your solution.

4) Problem/Market consideration – Explain the current situation (expand the problem from the introduction).

5) Solution – Describe your solution.

6) Summary – Close the sale.

As always, submit only ORIGINAL WORK. Do NOT plagiarize





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Which two Caribbean music styles do you feel best exemplify the idea that music can express discontent and challenge authority?

After reading your textbook and any provided lecture notes for this unit, post your reaction to one of the provided discussion topics below. Be sure to use your own words and reactions, not simply something you copied from some other online source.  Be sure to copy the prompt that you are using for your response into your post.

Your initial posting should be at least 200 words (not including the discussion prompt). You must start a thread in response to the prompt before you can read and reply to other students’ threads. In addition, respond to at least two threads from your classmates, including the thread above and below yours. Each of your responses to two of your classmates’ threads must be at least 75 words. If you are the first poster, respond to the thread below yours and one other thread.

1. Which two Caribbean music styles do you feel best exemplify the idea that music can express discontent and challenge authority? How do the examples you give differ in content and attitude?

2. What are the differences between traditional and new music among the Native American peoples? What is the difference in how it is used? Since Native American music and culture is steeped in gender-specific roles. give your opinion of whether you believe these traditional views are valid and should remain in effect in the light of today’s emphasis on the equality of the sexes.

the book is music of the people of the world





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Explain what you think instructors will expect of students to learn or do after they are done reading

Learning Objectives

  • Identify common types of reading tasks assigned in a college class

The purpose of this assignment is to describe what an instructor might expect of you after reading assignments. You can refer to other courses that you are taking or to courses that you have taken in the past.


  1. Review the main types and the purpose of academic reading in the module on Reading Strategies.
  2. Identify three academic readings that you have been assigned as a student.
  3. Explain what you think instructors will expect of students to learn or do after they are done reading. Write at least 200 words reflecting on the common types of reading tasks assigned in your college classes.




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Review the types of learning preferences. Consider if you prefer more than one learning style

Learning Objectives

  • Define learning styles and multimodal learning


Now it’s time to consider your preferred learning style(s). Take the VARK Questionnaire here. Your goal will be to write one-two paragraphs answering following questions. There are no right or wrong answers with this reflections because this is about your personal preference as a learner.

In the process of completing of this reflection about your learning, you’ll be able to identify the stages of the learning process.

  1. Review the types of learning preferences. Consider if you prefer more than one learning style.
  2. Identify three different classes and describe what types of activities you typically do in these classes. Which learning style(s) do these activities relate to?
  3. Describe what you think your preferred learning style(s) is/are. How do you know? Have you studied these learning styles in other courses in the past?
  4. Explain how you could apply your preferred learning style(s) to studying. Have you experienced multimodal learning in your courses?
  5. What might your preferred learning style(s) tell you about your interests? Consider which subjects and eventual careers you might like.




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Describe several situations in which you struggled to learn and retain new material in a class.

Learning Objectives

  • Describe strategies for deciding which course content to learn and retain


For this assignment, write a reflection of at least 200 words about the following questions.

  1. Describe several situations in which you struggled to learn and retain new material in a class. Was there a particular type of content that was more challenging compared with others?
  2. Explain at least two strategies for identifying the main course content that you could use moving forward for studying. Cite two resources where you can help at your school.




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Alcohol and caffeine have nearly opposite effects on behavior and the nervous system

Alcohol and caffeine have nearly opposite effects on behavior and the nervous system, yet these substances are not used to treat overdose or addiction to the other. Why not use caffeine to treat alcohol addiction? Analyze the issues of pharmacological and physiological antagonism. Explain the receptor systems involved and the central nervous system structures effects with regard to this question. Frame your analysis in terms of drug action first and other consequences second.





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Disability insurance was set up for a specific purpose, to provide compensation for workers who are injured on the job, maybe even permanently

Disability insurance was set up for a specific purpose, to provide compensation for workers who are injured on the job, maybe even permanently. But as with any program where there is money involved, it has been twisted (or perverted if you would) into something that represents a money making machine but who does it benefit?

Most attorneys who represent a client of this type take 1/3 of the settlement. When you consider the statistics, in 2014 loss wages compensation accounted for $30.9 billion, making the lawyer side of this business a $10 Billion industry. Discuss if you feel this is fair. Consider it from all sides as the tax payers (you), the injured worker, and the employer. Should the fees be capped? Should cases be categorized insofar as settlement amount? What should be different, if anything? Back up your opinions with references and in-text citations to course readings, lectures or external articles.





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personal experience of how group dynamics intersect with and affect learning outcomes.

Tell of two separate experiences, expressing both a positive time and a negative time, that is in your memory associated with group learning. Tell of your personal experience of how group dynamics intersect with and affect learning outcomes. 


                                                   CLASSMATE’S POST

I will start with a negative time to end on a positive. A friend of mine decided to get a second job and the money looked good from a distance so I asked her to get me a job there as well. In the beginning working with her was fun and the extra money was greatly needed. I started working more and more hours after I got off my full-time job until I was always working. My friend’s husband got a job, so they did not need her working 2 jobs: so, she quit and left me there continuing to work. I work and enjoy it until my coworker sat around while I work harder and harder until I ended up having a stroke. The group of workers continued, and I was home for weeks trying to recover. I learned to surround myself with like-minded people.

A positive experience was a couple of ladies that I knew from work, school and church were always nice to me and we all begin to talk and became friends. These ladies poured into me the support and assurance of the importance of continuing my education. After suffering a stroke and a brain tumor I have completed my undergraduate and graduate degrees and now working on my second masters. Be good, do good and Good will come to you. I surrounded myself with like-minded people





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Unrelieved postoperative pain remains a common problem despite advances in pain management.

Case Study: Critical Appraisal of Quantitative and Qualitative Research for Nursing Practice

Introduction. Unrelieved postoperative pain remains a common problem despite advances in pain management. Complementary music has been suggested as an adjuvant to the standard of care treatment for postoperative pain.

Purpose. The purpose of this study was to determine if music therapy was an effective adjunct to decrease state anxiety, and increase pain management and environmental noise satisfaction in the postoperative patient.

Method.A quasi-experimental nonequivalent control group design was used in this study with participants assigned based on room assignment rather than randomly. The control group, which consisted of participants admitted to the A hallway, received the standard of care. The intervention group, which consisted of participants admitted to the B hallway, received complementary music therapy in the form of preprogrammed MP3 players, in addition to the standard of care. Neither analgesia type nor route was controlled. Each participant was enrolled for a total of 3 days or until discharge, whichever came first. Outcome measures were collected upon enrollment (Time One) and for the next 2 consecutive days (Time Two and Time Three). Participants in the intervention group were encouraged to listen to a selection of nonlyrical low decibel (less than 60 db) preprogrammed music, for at least 30 minutes via an MP3 player after their prescribed analgesia was administered. State trait anxiety, as well as pain and environmental noise satisfaction, were assessed using the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory and two standardized questions from the Press Ganey survey.

Findings.Before the intervention was implemented, both groups were the same related to their average level of state and trait anxiety, pain, and noise perception. The patient’s state anxiety, pain perception, and noise perception were measured 1 day after the intervention was in place. A significant difference was found from Time One to Time Two in pain management (t = 3.938, p < .001 ) and environmental noise satisfaction (t = 3.457, p = .001), while there was no change in state anxiety (t = 0.373, p = .711 ). The intervention group experienced improved pain management (t = 7.385, p < .01) and environmental noise satisfaction over time (t = 4.371; p < .001); however, there was no improvement in state anxiety (t = l .47; p = .159). The findings suggest music therapy decreases pain and environmental noise perception, although there was no effect on state anxiety.

Conclusions.Use of music therapy improves patients’ postoperative experience by increasing their pain management and white noise satisfaction. This intervention was inexpensive and easy to implement in the clinical setting, and therefore recommended to improve postoperative outcomes in other facilities.

Comeaux, T., & Comeaux, T. (2013). The effect of complementary music therapy on the patient’s postoperative state anxiety, pain control, and environmental noise satisfaction. Medsurg Nursing: Official Journal Of The Academy Of Medical-Surgical Nurses, 22(5), 313-318.

Background.There is insufficient evidence on the effects of music therapy on state anxiety of breast cancer patients following radical mastectomy.

Methods. A Hall’s Core, Care, and Cure Model-based clinical trial was conducted in 120 female breast cancer patients from March to November 2009. A randomized controlled design was used. The patients who were randomly allocated to the experimental group (n = 60) received music therapy in addition to routine nursing care, and the control group (n = 60) only received routine nursing care. A standardized questionnaire and the State Anxiety Inventory were applied. The primary endpoint was the state anxiety score measured at pretest (on the day before radical mastectomy) and at three posttests (on the day before patients were discharged from hospital, and the second and third time of admission to hospital for chemotherapy, respectively).

Results.The pretest score revealed that the majority of the patients had a moderate level (77%) and 15% had severe level of state anxiety. The repeated-measure ANCOVA model analysis indicated that the mean state anxiety score was significantly lower in the experimental group than those in the control group at each of the three posttest measurements. The mean difference between the experimental and control group were -4.57, -8.91, and-9.69 at the first posttest, 2nd posttest, and 3rd posttest, respectively.

Conclusion.Music therapy is found to have positive effects on decreasing the state anxiety score.

Li, X., Zhou, K., Yan, H., Wang, D., & Zhang, Y. (2012). Effects of music therapy on anxiety of patients with breast cancer after radical mastectomy: a randomized clinical trial. Journal Of Advanced Nursing, 68(5), 1145-1155. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2648.2011.05824.

Question 1

Compare and contrast the clinical problem identified by each researcher.

Question 2

Identify the research design used in each study. Who used the more powerful strategy? How could the researchers have improved their designs?

Question 3

Why might Comeaux and Comeaux have selected their design?

Question 4

Who comprised the control groups?

Question 5

Compare the dependent variables.

Question 6

Compare the independent variables, describing variations in the study protocols.

Question 7

If you worked on a surgical unit, would you be willing to change your unit’s pain management protocols based on the results of these studies?





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think of at least three research questions relating to the music culture that you want to explore

Fieldwork Project Research Questions

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think of at least three research questions relating to the music culture that you want to explore. Reflect on these questions.

To guide your reflections on these questions, compile source information on your subject through library and Internet research, documenting three of the best library sources (these may be in the form of eBooks and articles from the UMGC Library) and three of the best web-based sources. Visit the “Is My Source Credible?” page provided by the UMGC Library and the Research Guide for Music (including links to Open Access Music Journals) for assistance in locating reliable, credible sources.

After compiling your list of six sources (3 library articles/Ebooks and 3 educational websites) and reflecting on each of the three research questions, write 2-3 paragraphs in response to each question. Locate and include images, listening examples, or videos to illustrate your reflections.

Submit reflections on your three research questions, list of six sources, and images and/or links to listening examples at the Fieldwork Project Research Questions link, worth 5 out of the total 25 points for the entire project. You will receive feedback so you will know that you are on the right track before completing the Interview Questions portion of the project during

Please view the second row of the grading rubric to see how to earn the full 5 points for your reflections on your research questions, list of 6 sources, and images and/or listening examples for Week 6.





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