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The Tea Collection began in 2002 as a children’s clothing wholesaling company.

The Tea Collection began in 2002 as a children’s clothing wholesaling company. The masterminds behind the business, Emily Meyer and Leigh Rawdon, each bring a different quality/strength to the business. Emily the designer and Leigh the entrepreneur both understand the importance of IT in their company and continue to utilize new software to help their business grow. Nearly ten years later, the business is going strong with their leadership, ranked on the Inc Magazine list of fastest growing private companies five years in a row (Laudon, 2014).
One of the technologies The Tea Collection’s sales team is using is Geo-Mapping Software. The program they use allows their team to identify and target new prospects. They are able to easily find regions that are not already over saturated with similar wholesalers. The software is equipped with color coding capabilities that allow the sales team to label different types of opportunities as well as where competitors and their current stores are located.
Even with all of these great technologies issues do sometimes arise. Leigh shared, -The biggest challenges with technologies is integration. So that you have multiple systems and when they don’t integrate automatically then your depending on people to make those connections and that can take a lot of time- (BNET Video, 2009). It is not only important to have systems integrated but also departments. Many times there is different terminology, acronyms and processing within one company. These inconsistencies cause major problems when firms ask questions that span multiple systems or multiple subunits, thwarting their ability to make coordinated, organization-wide responses to today’s business problems (Goodhue, 1992). By having systems that are fully integrated business owners are able to lower overhead and function in an efficient manner.

  1. Suggest 5 key software applications used by the Tea collection ?
    (under each key write how it will be helpful or useful in this particular application or software)
  2. Q3: Do you believe this company can continue to grow rapidly with the existing software and hardware they have demonstrated in this case? Why yes or why not?
    (whether yes or no you have to explain deeply your point with three valued reasons)





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Analyse and articulate business processes and recognise the role of accounting information systems in enhancing business process design

Accounting Information Systems
Assessment Assessment – Business Process Analysis
Learning Outcomes (a) Analyse and articulate business processes and recognise the role of accounting information systems in enhancing business process design.
(e) Communicate with IT professionals, stakeholders and user groups of information systems
Submission By 11:55pm AEST/AEDT Sunday end of week 5/Module 3.1
For Intensive class: By 11:55pm AEST/AEDT Sunday end of Week 3/Module 3.2
Weighting 25%
Total Marks 100 marks
This assessment is designed to develop student’s understanding of business processes; analyse existing organisation’s processes; and suggest ways to improve the organisation’s current business process inefficiencies.
Submission Instructions:
• Students will organise themselves into groups of 3 to 4. Students will work in their groups to prepare a response to ALL of the case questions listed at the end of the case study.
• Students that have not formed groups by Week 02, will be placed into groups by the learning facilitator
• Students need to submit a report, presented in proper report format (including a reference list). The report needs to be submitted though the submission link available on the Blackboard. One copy of this report needs to be submitted in Word format by a representative of each group on the Blackboard
Case Study
Eljay is a large online education provider (school) consisting of administration, teaching and corporate services teams. Students of often email the school with questions about learning and teaching materials, assessments, and IT-related problems that require the school to process and solve the problem. These student queries are managed based on their type (teaching, assessment, IT), priority and status. The three levels of priority identified by the school include: “important”, “normal” and “less important”. The status of a student query (e.g. job) includes: “Open”, “In Process”, “Re Process”, “Solved”, “Closed”. Queries are logged in a job management system (excel spreadsheet saved on a SharePoint site), which enables the school to manage the details of the life cycle of the query from start to finish. In addition to recording student details, this system records the job code, description, type, priority, and status of the job as it progresses through each team.
The current business process begins when a student emails the school with a query. Employees within the administration team, who have less content-related knowledge, manually load each student query into the job management system. When this job is created, it is assigned an “Open” status by the administration team. Every query that employees from this team enter into the job management system is given a job code which is used to uniquely identify the student query. Once this code has been created in the system, an email is sent to the student with the job code (e.g. the reference number for the query). The student must mention this job code every time an inquiry about the status of the query is made. Any queries that are easily resolved (e.g. those that involve common problems) are assigned to employees within the administration team who work directly with the student to resolve the query. If an employee from this team is unable to resolve a student’s query, the job status is changed to “In Process” and the query is forwarded to the teaching team who have extensive content-related knowledge.
When a manager from the teaching team has the time to review the queries assigned to the team, they update the priority level of the job. The manager will then assign each job to an employee depending on the priority and existing workload of employees in the team. Once a teacher has been assigned to a job, the query is investigated, and a solution is developed and emailed to the administration team. An employee from the administration team changes the status of the job to “Solved” and emails the solution to the student. A request to verify that the query has been correctly resolved is included in the email. If the student’s reply to this request informs the administration team that the query has been successfully resolved, the job status is changed to “Closed” and the job is complete. If the student emails to notify the administration team that the query has not been resolved, the status of the job is changed to “Re Process” and the query is emailed back to the teaching team. The teaching team then goes through the process all over again.
If employees from either the administration or teaching team are unable to provide the student with a solution (e.g. for an IT-related query), the corporate services team is called upon to finish the job. The corporate services team work directly with the student to resolve the query. When the student’s query is resolved, the corporate services team notify the teaching team, who update the status of the job to “Solved”. An employee from the administration team, emails the student to inform them that a solution has been reached and the job is set to “Closed”.
The school would like to reduce costs by removing inefficient and ineffective processes while at the same time improving student response times.
a. Draw a business process map outlining existing processes for managing student queries Identify (include swimlanes in your diagram).
b. Identify strengths and weaknesses in the existing system for managing student queries.
c. Research and report on ways to improve the business processes. As you address the weakness, consider how IT can transform the processes of the organization (include references to support your suggestions).
d. Draw a new business process model that outlines your suggested improvements.
e. Include in the Appendix of your report, minutes of meetings held between group members (Include a list of actionable tasks, team members responsible for those tasks, deadlines, and progress towards completing tasks)
Learning Rubric: Assessment 1
Assessment Criteria Fail
(Unacceptable) 0-49% Pass
50-64% Credit
(Proficient) 65-74% Distinction
75 -84% High Distinction
Understanding of the business processes in the organisation
The description of the steps to achieve the goal of the organisation has not been identified correctly.
Business process diagram incorrect.
Activities, stakeholders and notations are incorrect.
Swimlanes not shown.
Business processes (step by step description) has been identified but some (around 30%) steps are missing.
Business process diagram is consistent with the current business processes.
Activities and stakeholders are identified but incomplete.
Some notations are incorrect.
Swimlanes are shown but some stakeholders are missing. Business processes (step by step description) has been identified but some (around 20%) steps are missing.
Business process model is consistent with the current business processes.
Activities and stakeholders are mostly identified (around 2-3 items missing).
Most notations are correct (2-3 incorrect notations).
Swimlanes are used for multiple stakeholders, 2- 3 stakeholders are missing. Business processes (step by step description) are detailed and complete.
Business process model is consistent with the current business processes.
Activities and stakeholders are identified.
Notations are correct. Minor errors (1-2 errors).
Swimlanes are used for multiple stakeholders, complete and correct. Business processes (step by step description) are detailed and complete. Exceptions and variations in the process are also shown.
Business process model is consistent with the current business processes.
Activities and stakeholders are identified.
Notations are correct.
Exceptions and variations are shown in the model.
Swimlanes are used for multiple stakeholders, complete and correct
Problem Analysis Critical business issues (processes to be improved) were not identified (or incorrectly identified). Processes to be improved were correctly identified but incomplete. Processes were correctly identified but missing 1 or 2 issues.
Processes which have greatest impact were All processes were correctly identified.
Processes which have greatest impact were all All processes were correctly
Processes which have greatest impact were all identified and have justified and explained
ACCT6001_Assessment Brief 2_Business Process Analysis_Due at week 3
30% Objective (s) of the requirements of the process was (were) not identified (or identified incorrectly)
Inefficiency and ineffectiveness of the processes were not identified (or incorrectly identified) Processes which have greatest impact were not identified.
Some objectives of the requirements of the process were identified but incomplete.
Some inefficiencies and ineffectiveness of the current processes were identified.
One of the following were incomplete: organisational level, process level and the job/performer level inefficiencies and ineffectiveness identified but incomplete.
All objectives of the requirements were identified but lack details.
Some inefficiencies and ineffectiveness of the current processes were identified.
The following were discussed: organisational level, process level and the job/performer level inefficiencies and ineffectiveness but some discussions are incomplete. identified and have detailed explanation and justification.
All objectives of the requirements were identified and discussed in detail.
All inefficiencies and ineffectiveness of the current processes were identified with detailed explanation and justification.
The following were discussed: organisational level, process level and the job/performer level inefficiencies and ineffectiveness were all identified and explained in detail. the reasons in detail and convincingly.
Excellent and convincing explanation and justification of the following:
• Objectives of the requirements • Inefficiencies and ineffectiveness of the current processes • Organisation level, process level and job/performer level inefficiencies and ineffectiveness
Process Improvement and use of IT
30% Recommended changes
are very general, lacks detail, does not answer the problem.
Business process diagram is incorrect or does not Recommended changes answers the problems and provides alternative solutions but lack detailed
explanation and justification.
Business process diagram reflects the recommended changes with some Recommended changes answers the problems and provides alternative solutions and detailed explanation and justification. Some explanations are not convincing.
Business process diagram reflects the Recommended changes answers the problems and provides alternative solutions and detailed explanation and justification. Explanations are convincing. Main problems were prioritised. Excellent explanation and justifications of the
recommended changes. Main problems were categorised and prioritised. Alternative solutions were evaluated.
Business process diagram reflects all the recommended changes with no errors.
ACCT6001_Assessment Brief 2_Business Process Analysis
incorrect notations and missing elements.
10-12 recommended changes with few incorrect notations and elements. Business process diagram reflects the recommended changes with no errors.
Team Work
10% Does not participate effectively in a team environment.
Places individual goals ahead of the group responsibility.
Hinders the group process and upsets the schedule. Participates effectively in teams.
Identifies team and individual goals, tasks, responsibilities and schedules.
Contributes to group processes.
Supports the team. Contributes to small group discussions to reach agreement on issues.
Works together with others towards shared goals.
Renegotiates responsibilities to meet needed change. Understands group dynamics and team roles.
Facilitates team development.
Renegotiates responsibilities, tasks and schedules to meet needed change. Builds team’s identity and commitment.
Leads teams.
Evaluates teams’ outcomes.
Implements strategies for enhancing team effectiveness.
ACCT6001_Assessment Brief 2_Business Process Analysis





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Are adolescents from single-parent homes at higher risk of suicide than those from two-parent homes?

The Research Paper Topic Proposal
You will submit your research topic proposal to your instructor for approval.
Begin by exploring topics in developmental psychology. Reference your textbook, the weekly introductions in your course, and reputable journal articles to explore topic ideas. Be sure to choose a topic that you are highly interested in. From that topic, you will pose a question for your research.
For example, you may find interest in the life span of adolescence. From there, you may want to explore issues related to adolescent suicide. From this topic, you could pose a number of questions to research, such as:
Are adolescents from single-parent homes at higher risk of suicide than those from two-parent homes?
Does lack of play in childhood lead to anxiety and depression in adolescence?
Does -helicopter parenting- lead to anxiety and depression in adolescence?
How to Develop a Research Question
Your research question should enable you draw some unique conclusions so that you are not simply reporting on research that has already been concluded. You may have to do some preliminary research within your topic to determine a suitable question. Here are some examples.
This example is too broad and will likely lead to a confusing and disorganized paper. It lacks parameters.
Why do adolescents commit suicide?
This example is too narrow. It can be answered rather simply with some basic data.
How many adolescent suicides occurred last year?
A good research question specifies the parameters of the research, yet leaves room for analysis and the writer’s unique input.
What are some of the unique social factors that led to an increase in suicide rates among 13- to 18-year-old females in 2015?
(In your paper, you would define two to three social factors you deem significant and connect them with the appropriate physical, cognitive, and socioemotional occurrences happening during this part of life span development. Then, draw your own conclusions from the research you find.)
Once you have your research question, phrase it as a statement so that it can become your thesis statement. The thesis statement is what drives the direction of your paper.
The Research Paper Topic Proposal Assignment
Include the following in your topic proposal:
Your research question
Your thesis statement
A narrative describing your topic and why you chose it (its significance)
Refer to the Writing Resources link under the Student Resources tab for help with writing thesis statements and research questions, and consult your West Coast University librarians for database search support as needed.
Your topic proposal should be 1–2 pages in length. Use current APA Style and cite and reference all sources





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Scenario analysis is a process of examining and evaluating possible events or scenarios that could take place in the future and predicting the various feasible results or possible outcomes for your venture.

Assessment instructions
The beginning of creative thinking in business starts with careful analysis of the scenario. Scenario analysis is a process of examining and evaluating possible events or scenarios that could take place in the future and predicting the various feasible results or possible outcomes for your venture.
The world around us is dynamic and ever changing. In order to confront the rapidly-evolving world around us, you need to have a system in place to adapt with the changes. It is absolutely essential to develop a solid understanding of the industry where you will operate.
In this assessment you will undertake a scenario analysis of an industry in which your product or service will compete. The goal is to understand the ins and outs of this industry so that you can build a comprehensive understanding of it. Scenario analysis is a great tool that helps to scan the environmental factors surrounding a business.
Your scenario analysis report should contain the following parts:
Executive summary
Provide a brief overview of your major findings presented in this report. This is where you need to summarise the main points as a result of your extensive research and formulation of your scenarios.
You need to provide the reader with context about your idea. You may consider the following points when writing your introduction: • Provide a “name” to your idea/product/service • Inspiration – where did your idea come from?
• Market addressed – what is its purpose? What needs/wants does it address?
• Opportunity – why did you choose that particular product or service?
• Industry – what is the industry? (describe the level of competition and any barriers to entry in your scenario analysis)
Reflection on the chosen industry
(You will need to include at least 5 reliable sources – No blogs)
Once you have collected your ideas on your selected industry and product/service, you will conduct research. The purpose of the research is to gain an understanding of its trajectory – past, present and future by looking at trends and developments:
• What historical information exists (how/what was made in the past?)
• Existing product/service
o If you are working on something that exists, how is it currently performing?
o What is YOUR idea to improve it? o How can you take advantage of future opportunities through creative and innovative ideas?
• New product/service/idea o If a new product/service, how is the current market being addressed?
o What substitutes/alternatives (choices) exist? In other words, how are consumers currently satisfying their needs? Why do you believe they will find your offering appealing?
• What are the important trends and developments in your chosen industry that you seek to take advantage of?
Note: You need to link your idea with an industry of your choice and conduct your research accordingly.
Analysis of the key situational factors
As a result of your research, you will define the key factors that can influence your decision making. Remember to use tools such as SCAMPER, PESTEL, SWOT etc.
Develop scenarios
• Construct two (2) scenarios (one positive, one negative) and develop a narrative description for each. Refer to Scenario Analysis URL link in Assessment readings to assist you here.
• The scenarios need to be related to the purpose and based on your findings; so, you need to explain why you have created each scenario.
o How feasible is each of your alternatives?
The report must cite a minimum of five (5) appropriate business and/or scholarly sources such as academic journals, peer-reviewed articles, periodicals and research articles (use library search). Do not use Blogs.
Ensure you use APA referencing style for all references including intext references. Refer to the ICMS Style Guide for guidance.
Information that is not essential to explain your findings, but supports your analysis (especially repetitive or lengthy information), validates your conclusions or pursues a related point should be placed in an Appendix.
Readings for the assessment Ashkenas, R., & Manville, B. (2018). The Harvard business review leader’s handbook: Make an impact, inspire your organization, and get to the next level. Boston: Harvard Business Publishing.
Bilton, C., & Puttnam, L. D. (2007). Management and creativity: From creative industries to creative management. Milton: Wiley.
Scenario Analysis; Exploring Different Futures
Business News Daily
Department of Industry, Innovation and Science
Harvard Business Review – Creativity
Innovation Management
Intelligent HQ
Grading Criteria / Rubric
ENT201A Assessment 1 Scenario Analysis – Marking Rubric
Criteria HD (85-100) D (75-84) CR (65-74) PASS
(50-64) FAIL (0-49)
Depth of reflection on the chosen industry (40%)
Excellent and in-depth reflection on the chosen industry with adequate data and contemporary insights. Good reflection on the chosen industry with adequate data and contemporary insights. General reflection on the chosen industry with adequate data and contemporary insights. Very simple reflection on the chosen industry with adequate data and contemporary insights. Poor in-depth reflection on the chosen industry.
Analysis of the key situational factors (20%) Strong evidence of synthesis of ideas presented and insights gained from the selected topics. Good evidence of synthesis of ideas presented and insights gained from the selected topics. Some evidence of synthesis of ideas presented and insights gained from the selected topics. Very little evidence of synthesis of ideas presented and insights gained from the selected topics. No evidence of synthesis of ideas presented and insights gained from the selected topics.
Develop plausible scenarios (20%) A number of plausible scenarios are discussed in a coherent and logical manner. Some plausible scenarios are discussed in a coherent and logical manner. Some scenarios are discussed. Needs further development of the concept. Some scenarios have been discussed, although there is significant gap in understanding. No plausible scenario has been clearly articulated. Thoughts are unclear.
Use of literature (10%) Significant recognised literature is used by following the correct referencing style. No Blog sources have been cited. Appropriate literatures are used by following the correct referencing style. Some appropriate literature are used by following the correct
referencing style
Marginal referencing and minimal usage of appropriate scholarly and academic literature. Poor referencing and no coherent literature are used.
Formatting, referencing (10%)
Excellent referencing Significant references are used by following the correct referencing style Appropriate references are used by following the correct referencing style Credible references are used by following the correct referencing style Marginal referencing. Overall referencing style is problematic and needs improvement. Poor referencing. Arguments are poorly supported with inadequate references
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  • Enjoy our bonus services. You can make a free inquiry before placing and your order and paying this way, you know just how much you will pay. Scenario analysis is a process of examining and evaluating possible events or scenarios that could take place in the future and predicting the various feasible results or possible outcomes for your venture.
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Engage in discussions and debates with the other persons during the course of the review to determine findings, explore options and make agreements

The summative assessments are the major activities designed to assess your skills, knowledge and performance, as required to show competency in this unit. These activities should be completed after finishing the Learner Guide. You should complete these as stated below and as instructed by your trainer/assessor.
Skills, knowledge and performance may be termed as:
? Skills – skill requirements, required skills, essential skills, foundation skills
? Knowledge – knowledge requirements, required knowledge, essential knowledge, knowledge evidence
? Performance – evidence requirements, critical aspects of assessment, performance evidence.
Section A: Skills Activity
The Skills Activity is designed to be a series of demonstrative tasks that should be assessed by observation (by the assessor or third party, depending on the circumstances).
It will demonstrate all of the skills required for this unit of competency – your assessor will provide further instructions to you, if necessary.
Section B: Knowledge Activity (Q & A)
The Knowledge Activity is designed to be a verbal questionnaire where the assessor asks you a series of questions to confirm your competency for all of the required knowledge in the unit of competency.
Section C: Performance Activity
The Performance Activity is designed to be a practical activity performed either in the workplace or a simulated environment. You should demonstrate the required practical tasks for the unit of competency and be observed by the assessor and/or third party, as applicable to the situation. If the third party is required to observe you, you will need to make the required arrangements with them.
If necessary for the activities, you should attach completed written answers, portfolios or any evidence of competency to this workbook.
Section A: Skills Activity
Objective: To provide you with an opportunity to show you have the required skills for this unit.
A signed observation by either an approved third party or the assessor will need to be included in this activity as proof of completion.
This activity will enable you to demonstrate the following skills:
? Learning
? Oral communication
? Interact with others
? Get the work done
Answer the activity in as much detail as possible, considering your organisational requirements.

  1. As a workplace activity or simulated workplace activity (as directed by the assessor), engage is a review with three other persons from your organisation, on the communication processes used in presentations, debates and discussions.
    You will need to:
    ? Engage in discussions and debates with the other persons during the course of the review to determine findings, explore options and make agreements
    ? Assess current practices and identify current communication styles, methods and techniques being used
    ? Identify how communication practices and processes can be improved, for example, use of different communication methods or technologies
    ? How interactions, communications and meetings are planned and implemented ??How the organisation can improve communications and learn from past experiences.
    The review should be planned and documented to show the assessment and outcomes from the review and any recommendations that can be made.
    Section B: Knowledge Activity (Q & A)
    Objective: To provide you with an opportunity to show you have the required knowledge for this unit.
    The answers to the following questions will enable you to demonstrate your knowledge of:
    ? Different ways in which individuals receive and respond to ideas and information, and what influences their response
    ? Enabling skills and attributes of people needed to effectively discuss ideas
    ? Nature and role of risk taking in the presentation and debate of ideas
    ? Role of storytelling in communicating ideas and key storytelling techniques
    ? Common techniques to tailor comments to particular audiences
    Answer each question in as much detail as possible, considering your organisational requirements for each one. }*
  2. Briefly explain how people receive and give information.
  3. From your own thinking, how are people’s responses influenced? (Provide three or more points.)
  4. List five enabling skills and attributes of people who effectively discuss ideas.
  5. From your own thinking, what is meant by risk taking when presenting and debating ideas and how does this impact on creative ideas and discussions?
  6. What are the key storytelling techniques and provide four ways in which this style of communication can be useful?
  7. From your own thinking, how can you tailor comments to particular audiences in your discussions? (Provide three or more points.)
    Section C: Performance Activity
    Objective: To provide you with an opportunity to demonstrate the required performance elements for this unit.
    A signed observation by either an approved third party or the assessor will need to be included in this activity as proof of completion.
    This activity will enable you to demonstrate the following performance evidence:
    ? Present ideas and information to a unfamiliar audience and environment that provoke interest and response
    ? Reflect on and appraise the views of others
    ? Participate actively and confidently in critical debate and discussion of ideas while responding to new and different communication situations
    ? Investigate and evaluate creative and different ways of expressing and communicating ideas while making an opportunity pitch
    Answer the activity in as much detail as possible, considering your organisational requirements.
    As a workplace activity or a simulated workplace activity (as directed by the assessor), you should perform the following workplace tasks.
  8. Prepare and present a short presentation for a product, sales or new business pitch (of your choosing) to a small group of clients (approximately three persons) that you are unfamiliar with. You may use a visual presentation, charts, supporting documentation, as well as presenting information face-to-face in an oral communication. You will need to deliver this in an unfamiliar environment, making sure you have access to technologies and equipment, as required
    You will need to:
    ? Explore and use different techniques to engage the audience
    ? Use innovative approaches to present ideas and information
    ? Use techniques to provoke interest and response from the audience at the required times.
  9. Following on from your presentation and discussions in question one, on your own, reflect on and appraise the views of those in the meeting. You should identify and document the discussions, responses and any developments with ideas and information that were presented and discussed.
    You should:
    ? Assess views and information to determine the validity and relevance of this
    ? Consider how views can be applied to the situation
    ? Determine if views match organisational objectives and/or criteria.
  10. In another workplace communication, you will need to participate in a critical debate and discussion of ideas. You should be briefed and allowed a short space of time to prepare for the discussions prior to meeting. For example, this may be a meeting with a group of colleagues or managers to discuss work objectives.
    You will need to:
    ? Present and argue substantiated positions on ideas
    ? Be open to and participate in critical analysis of own and others’ ideas and views ? Participate in discussions that explore and challenge concepts, ideas and approaches.
  11. Investigate and evaluate different ways you can creatively express and communicate ideas while performing an opportunity pitch to promote your organisation’s business to your manager. You should be given time to prepare your presentation with supporting documentation and visual aids (as necessary).
    You should:
    ? Determine creative methods and techniques that can be used while delivering an opportunity pitch
    ? Use innovative approaches to communicate and deliver the opportunity pitch ? Engage in creative thinking to help present and communicate ideas.
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Long-term Acute Care (LTAC)

Page one will include the title “Coding Project ”, your name, class name, and date of the project, centered on the page.

Each topic will have its own page with the topic name at top and center, followed by your 250 to 300 words summary of your research (word count does not include reference ), and the references used for each topic. 

As you have noticed, guidelines vary for different modalities of coding.  Outpatient has a set of guidelines, and Inpatient has their own guidelines.  For each of the following topics I want you to research each one to see if coding differs or if there are specific coding guidelines.   Compare and contrast coding from inpatient/outpatient coding guidelines.

 The topics are as follows 

  • Home Health
  • Long-term Acute Care (LTAC)
  • Outpatient Rehabilitation
  • Inpatient Rehabilitation
  • Skilled Nursing Facility (SNF)

The last page you will write a summary (100 to 150 words) of what you learned about your research for each topic and state if you would consider working in one of the fields of coding.  This section is worth 5 points for content, spelling and grammar





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  • Home Health
  • Long-term Acute Care (LTAC)
  • Outpatient Rehabilitation
  • Inpatient Rehabilitation
  • Skilled Nursing Facility (SNF)
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Network Reconfiguration: Update the network using the Network Layout Table in the Project Three Network Reconfiguration Specifications spreadsheet.

You will use the  Sandbox lab to complete this project. Note: You must complete this project in one sitting, as the lab environment is non-persistent. Be aware of your time as you complete the lab. You can extend your lab when the time warning appears. 

 You must address the critical elements listed below. The codes shown in brackets indicate the competency to which each critical element is aligned. 

 I. Network Reconfiguration: Update the network using the Network Layout Table in the Project Three Network Reconfiguration Specifications spreadsheet. Include screenshots of the following: 

A. Network diagram 

B. Port assignment and VLAN assignment for each switch.

 Traffic Flow Configuration: Shape the traffic flow using the Firewall Traffic Shaping Goals in the Project 

Three Network Reconfiguration Specifications spreadsheet. Include screenshot(s) of the following:

 A. Configure a firewall rule to allow port 80 HTTP from the WAN to the web server. 

B. Configure a firewall rule to allow port 443 HTTPS from the WAN to the web server.

C. Configure a firewall rule to block port 80 HTTP from the WAN to any other system.  

 D. Configure a firewall rule to block port 443 HTTPS from the WAN to any other system. 

 III. Organizational Security Strategy 

A. Explain how the security posture of the organization has been improved by the restructuring. 

B. Describe how the tenets of the CIA triad (confidentiality, integrity, and availability) are affected by the restructuring. 





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Dissecting a Theory and Its Application to a Case Study

Use role theory to apply to your chosen case study. In other words, your theoretical orientation—or lens—is role theory as you analyze the case study.

Use the same case study that you chose in Week 2. (Remember, you will be using this same case study throughout the entire course). Use the “Dissecting a Theory and Its Application to a Case Study” worksheet to help you dissect the theory. You do not need to submit this handout. It is a tool for you to use to dissect the theory, and then you can employ the information in the table to complete your assignment.

To prepare:

  • Review and focus on the same case study that you used in Week 2.
  • Review the websites and guides for developing PowerPoint skills found in the Learning Resources.
  • Record presentation using CaptureSpace.


Submit a narrated PowerPoint presentation using Kaltura Media that includes 11 to 12 slides.

  • Each slide should be written using bullet points, meaning no long paragraphs of written text should be in the slides.
  • Include a brief narration of less than 30 seconds for each slide (i.e., the narration takes the place of any written paragraphs, while the bullet points provide context and cues for the audience to follow along).

Your presentation should address the following:

  • Identify the presenting problem for the case study you selected. (Remember the presenting problem has to be framed from the perspective of role theory. For example, the presenting problem can be framed within the context of role functioning).
  • Identify all the relevant roles assumed by the client.
  • Analyze the social expectations and social and cultural norms revolving around the role, social position, and role scripts of one of the roles assumed by the client.
  • Explain the role and social position of the social worker in working with the client in the case study.
  • Describe how the role(s) and social position(s) assumed by the social worker will influence the relationship between the social worker and the client.
  • Identify three assessment questions that are guided by role theory that you will ask the client to better understand the problem.
  • Identify and describe two interventions that are aligned with the presenting problem and role theory.
  • Identify one outcome that you would measure if you were to evaluate one of the interventions you would implement to determine if the intervention is effective.
  • Evaluate one advantage and one limitation in using role theory in understanding the case.

Be sure to:

  • Identify and correctly reference the case study you have chosen.
  • Use literature to support your claims.
  • Use APA formatting and style.
  • Include the reference list on the last slide.





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What is cloud computing from a “* as a Service” perspective? How does virtualization work on say VirtualBox?

1. What is cloud computing from a “* as a Service” perspective? How does virtualization work on say, VirtualBox? What role does virtualization play on the cloud platform?

2. What are some differences between using a Cat6 cable and Wi-Fi for say, watching Netflix? What security implications can you think of between the two approaches? Use layers to explain.

3. What is cloud orchestration? What are some advantages of using a cloud orchestration platform (such as Juju)? What role does orchestration play in scalability of a business? 

4. What are hybrid mobile apps? What are some advantages of this approach? What role does the cloud play in hybrid mobile apps?

 5. What are the advantages of IPv6 over IPv4? Why is security often considered to be a major advantage in IPv6 





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The Company Policy regarding Alcohol/Drug Testing

You are a first-year Human Resource Specialist at “State of Estates” estate planning firm. The firm is devising a new employee handbook. You have been asked to create two sections:

  1. The Company Policy regarding Alcohol/Drug Testing
  2. The Company Policy regarding Employer Monitoring of Employees

Formulate these policies in a single document, reflecting an understanding of course materials and credible outside research.

Include and cite applicable laws for each topic as the basis for the policy. You may use federal, state, or case law as the foundation for your work. Following is a list of topics you may want to consider in your policies:

  • Pre-employment drug/alcohol testing
  • Random drug/alcohol testing
  • Procedure for employees who disagree with results of drug/alcohol Testing
  • Drug/alcohol procedure for contracted government employees who work in satellite offices
  • Drug testing in states with legal marijuana use
  • Monitoring of employee desktop computers
  • Monitoring of employee personal social media use
  • Monitoring of employee cell phone and company car

Note: Do not cut and paste an existing policy.

Create your own 1,050-word policy, using APA format for the cover page and references. Both policies should be included in a single document with subheadings to delineate “Alcohol/Drug Testing” and “Employee Monitoring.”





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