Writers Solution

What your normal media routine is 

Please read the instructions and follow them carefully.

Eliminate all media technology from your life for one week. No radio, TV, recorded music, movies, or internet of any kind. No streaming, no social media, be it Tik Tok, Instagram, Snapchat or any other platform. No Youtube. No listening to anything while in your car. No checking news headlines or following sports. No blogs. No podcasts. No electronic games of any kind, video or otherwise.  No “shows”, no weather reports. Phone calls are ok, but no FaceTime or any other video chatting. Your smartphone is to become a dumb phone. Keep texting to an absolute minimum. Reading is fine, in fact encouraged. It just can’t be done via any electronic format. I realize that school and work requirements will not allow many of you to be completely offline, but keep it to the absolute minimum. You can probably cut out much more than you think. Prepare family, friends, bosses, etc, for your digital absence to minimize worry and stress.

Try not to ask others what is going on in the world, or to tune in to the digital noise around you. You could consider asking some of your closest friends, or those you live with, to participate with you in the experiment when you are around. This will make it easier, and your experience more profound.

Write a short paper–about 3 pages double spaced, not including title page or abstract page, in which you describe how you experienced that week.  Please include a title and abstract page. (No need for a reference page as you are not expected to have any references for this paper.  You are just reflecting on your own experiences.)  After you have learned what you need to do for this unit, go without the media listed from Monday, Nov 7, through Sunday, Nov 13. I will give you one week after you complete the experiment to finish your paper. 

I am not requiring that you follow any particular format. I just want clear, concise writing, free of mechanical errors.  Find your own voice. This should be an enjoyable write, reflecting on the unusual state you were in. Your paper should be no longer than 5 double spaced pages.

Some possible issues for discussion are:

  • What your normal media routine is 
  • What you did and did not miss 
  • What you did with the extra time 
  • What the experience taught you 
  • How your interactions with others were affected 
  • How your moods were affected
  • What if anything you plan to change about your media habits going forward

Remember, the state you will be putting yourself in was the state everyone was in all the time not that long ago




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Writers Solution

What are at least two key moral problems this technology creates?

  • Library Guides
  • Media Gallery
  • My Media
  • New Webex
  • Assignment: Greater Good AnalysisStart Assignment

Points 100

Submitting a file upload

Required Resources

Read/review the following resources for this activity:

  • Textbook: Chapters 7, 8
  • Lesson
  • Minimum of 2 scholarly source (in addition to the textbook)
  • Narrated PowerPoint Tutorial Links to an external site.(Make sure to review this tutorial before you begin recording.)


For this week’s assignment respond to one of the following options, and include Option 1, 2, or 3 as part of your heading.

Option 1: The first option is to name and describe in detail a key specific and recent healthcare technology. What are at least two key moral problems this technology creates? What are the proper moral guidelines for dealing with it in your view? Compare your approach to what a utilitarian and ethical egoist would say (each independently). Consider whether differing ethical beliefs globally might or not agree with what you say.

Option 2: In the second option, name and describe in detail a key specific and recent social technology. What are at least two key moral problems this technology creates? What are the proper moral guidelines for dealing with it in your view? Compare your moral approach to what a utilitarian and social contract ethicist would say (each independently). Consider whether differing ethical beliefs globally might or not agree with what you say.

Option 3: John Doe, Patient One, is in late stage of kidney disease. If he does not receive a new kidney, then he is predicted to die within a week. Doe is 45, single, and has no children. Doctors theorize that Doe damaged his kidney by not following a low-salt diet. Doe inherited one million dollars and is known for giving money to charity. Without a transplant, he will probably be forced to spend all his money searching for a kidney outside of the usual legal channels. Patient Two is Jane Doe (no relation to John). Patient Two is a mother of two children (ages 21 and 24). She is divorced and 55 years old. She developed kidney problems due to eating a high-fat and high-sugar diet. If she does not receive a kidney within one month, doctors believe she will die. Patient Three is an orphan. This orphan lives in a state facility. She was born with a genetic condition that constantly damages her kidney. The only known approach to her condition is to provide her with a kidney transplant every so often. She is 11 and has already undergone two kidney transplants. She will perish in two months if she does not receive another transplant.

All three patients are at the same hospital. The hospital only has one kidney to give out. The orphan’s birth parents were known to be of a religion that is opposed to organ donation. The other patients come from religions that do not oppose organ donation. Who should get the kidney? Why should that candidate receive it over the others? Devise a course of social action and a solution for this case by using the ethics of egoism and then utilitarianism to a key moral conflict involving health care in this case. Appraise the interests of diverse populations (in terms of ethnicity, race, religion, sexual orientation, etc.) and how they relate to the case. Consider whether differing ethical beliefs globally might or not agree with what you say.

For all the options:

Cite the textbook and incorporate outside sources, including citations.

You should not be using any text you used in a discussion board or assignment for this class or any previous class.

Consider whether differing ethical beliefs globally might or not agree with what you say.

You will submit the following:

  • An audiovisual presentation that presents one of the options above. Be sure to give equal time to each element. Doing a PowerPoint presentation with audio recorded on the slides is preferred. Please refer to the Narrated PowerPoint Tutorial located in the Required Resources in this assignment.
  • Please provide a transcript of anything said in the recording aloud that does not appear as text on a slide. This transcript can be provided as a Word document or placed in the Notes section on the PowerPoint slides.
  • The link or a scan of the article mentioning any health technology, social technology, or case you are reporting on. If you made up the case, please indicate that in your report. If you choose to do option #3 (the case about a shortage of transplant kidneys), your article would likely be an article about the shortage of transplant organs, or a shortage of people signing up to be transplant donors, or the status of educating people about being donors, etc.

Presentation Requirements

  • Length: 4-6 minutes narrated presentation
  • Slide length: 4-6 slides (not including title slide, conclusion slide, or references slide)
  • Title slide
  • Conclusion slide
  • References slide (minimum of 2 scholarly sources cited in APA format; not narrated)


This activity will be graded based on the Assignment Grading Rubric.




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An executive leader in my first six months on the job in addressing the quality issue

The 3 criteria that would be a top priority for me as an executive leader in my first six months on the job in addressing the quality issue. 

1: I will engage in a honest and open communication. One of the most important elements of effective leadership is creating an open line of communication with your team members.

2: I will connect with my team members. Leading a group of people requires a mutual sense of trust and understanding between the leader and their team members. To achieve this, I will lean how to connect with my team members and make everyone voice be heard.

3: I will encourage personal and professional growth. Acting as a team’s cheerleader is an important part of me being an effective leader. I will invest my time in making sure the success and growth of my team members should be my number priority.

My 3 criteria’s that would be top priority are:

Societal Responsibility: Because getting your product out there and making it well known is very important for yourself and your business. Knowing what your customers wants and needs is vital for any business. Your business obligations should always be to pursue achievable and long-term goals for its people and the world at large’ Also being successful in your business your social responsibility is a wise way to give back to society and thank customers for there loyalty.

Managing For Innovation: Is the process of managing new ideas from having that idea to making it a reality. Generating-brainstorming and employee input to uncover hidden concepts. Capturing-resending ideas in a way that is easily shareable with key stakeholders. Evaluating and discussing innovative ideas to see if they fit your needs and last but not least prioritizing, deciding which innovative ideas will be executed to maximize time.

The System Perspective: Is one that focuses on the formal structures of an organization as a group of people who work together to pursue specific goals. Its all about team work and keeping it functioning as a whole




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Writers Solution

Aristotle’s doctrine of the Mean

1) Answer ANY THREE of the questions listed below. The three question response posts must have a minimum of 200 words each and must directly quote and properly cite (using MLA format) from the assigned textbook readings. I expect substantive and scholarly posts which evince an understanding of the complex chapter readings. Failure to meet the above criteria will result in a point deduction. For the in-text citation, just put the name of the philosopher whose text you are citing in parentheses followed by the publication year of the e-book (2020). Here’s an example: (Plato, 2020).


Chapter 4: Aristotle

1. According to Aristotle, how do we acquire virtue?

2. Explain Aristotle’s doctrine of the Mean. How does it relate to his teaching on moral virtue? Give two examples from your own experience. 

Chapter 5: Epicurus

1. Although Epicurus is a hedonist, he is clearly opposed to vulgar hedonism. Can you find additional arguments for or against the theory of vulgar hedonism? Is it not terribly “ judgmental” for us to claim that some pleasures are “higher” or “ lower” than others? Shouldn’t we just tolerate and accept differences of opinion in this area? Or does it make more sense to argue that there is a natural hierarchy of pleasures and pains?

2. Epicurus believes that fear of divine retribution is the greatest source of fear and anxiety. Do you agree with this assessment? Why or why not?

3. Epicurus argues that the best and happiest way of life is one in which one seeks to satisfy on the most basic, natural and necessary desires. Do you agree that embracing such a life of simplicity (no honor, fame, luxury or wealth) is really more conducive to happiness and tranquility than trying to “keep up with the Joneses”? If you said “yes,” then are you already taking measures to live in the Epicurean manner?

Chapter 6: St. Thomas Aquinas

4. How would St. Thomas defend himself (if, indeed, such a defense is possible) against the charge of being “homophobic” (a word that did not exist in his time, but which is fairly common today)? Would you find his defense plausible? Why or why not?

5. If one is not at all religious, is it still possible to take St. Thomas’ natural law principle seriously? Could it still be relied upon as a guide to living well? Explain.

Chapter 7: Thomas Hobbes

6. Do you think that being self-interested is a bad thing? If so, why? If not, why not?

7. Compare Christ’s Golden Rule with Hobbes’ Golden Rule. Which do you think is more effective in getting people to obey the laws, and why?

8. Do you agree with Hobbes that our natural condition is one of lawlessness and violence? How do you think you would behave if you knew you could get away with whatever you wanted to? Do we only obey the laws out of fear of punishment?




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Writers Solution

I would never have drawn my sword in the cause of America if I could have conceived that thereby I was founding a land of slavery

1. The Marquis de Lafayette, who fought for American independence and revisited the United States fifty years later, wrote, “I would never have drawn my sword in the cause of America if I could have conceived that thereby I was founding a land of slavery.” What might Lafayette have seen in 1824 America that would impel him to make such a statement? How had slavery evolved? Was it expanding? How entrenched in American life was it at this time?

2. Explain how improvements in transportation and communication made possible the rise of the West as a powerful, self-conscious region of the new nation. Discuss the internal borderlands within the West.

3. Discuss the impact of the market revolution on women and African-Americans (both free and slave).

4. Andrew Jackson, one historian has written, was the “symbol for an age.” How might Jackson be considered symbolic of certain ideas and trends in the early nineteenth century? Can you think of other appropriate symbolic figures for that period?

5. Explain how Democrats and Whigs viewed liberty and the role of government in securing liberty.

6. Analyze the arguments that were presented during the nullification crisis. Be sure to comment on how Daniel Webster and John C. Calhoun interpreted the Constitution differently and how each defined the rights of states. Finally, speak to how the crisis illustrated the growing sectional differences in America.

7. For the most part, white southerners defended the “peculiar institution” whether or not they had slaves, whether they were rich or poor, and whether they lived on large plantations or small farms. Why was this the case?

8. Discuss the relationship between masters and slaves in the American South. Did masters have all the power in this relationship, or did the enslaved exert some power? Points to consider include paternalism, the size of slaveholdings, slavery and the law, forms of slave resistance, and labor organization (task and gang systems).

9. Slave rebellions were rare but important. Compare the slave rebellions (merely planned or actually carried out) of Denmark Vesey and Nat Turner. What did Vesey attempt to do? What did Turner attempt to do? How were these men similar? How did they view slavery and freedom? How did white society react to them, and why?

10. The various reform and utopian communities that sprang up throughout America during the first part of the nineteenth century typically understood the meaning of freedom differently from mainstream Americans. Analyze the various meanings these groups gave to the word “freedom” and compare those meanings with the ones given by mainstream America. Your essay ought to give the reader a sense of what these communities were rejecting about mainstream society.

11. The abolitionists’ greatest achievement lay in shattering the conspiracy of silence that had sought to preserve national unity by suppressing public debate over slavery. Explain how the abolitionists achieved this and comment on how successful the movement was or was not.

12. Explain how the religious revivals of the Second Great Awakening popularized the outlook known as perfectionism, which held that both individuals and society at large were capable of indefinite improvement. How did this idea of perfectionism relate to the various reform movements that arose in the antebellum period?




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Writers Solution

What does it mean to be “different”? How do you determine who or what is different?

For years, the term diversity has been associated with specific parameters such as race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, etc. It is important that we continue to understand those dimensions of diversity to evolve our conversation to more global aspects of our cultural selves. The graphic (click link to) illustrates many dimensions of diversity that you may or may not have thought about. diversity.png
1) Think of diversity in all of its dimensions and discuss the concept of “difference.” What does it mean to be “different”? How do you determine who or what is different? Be sure to address the following:
2) In your family (extended, or otherwise), community, and workplace, what dimensions do you think of when you think someone is “different” than you? Do you focus on different dimensions depending on those three contexts?
3) Of those dimensions you think of, which can be changed and which cannot be changed?
4) Of those dimensions you think of, which are visible and which are non-visible? What are the advantages and disadvantages to having non-visible dimensions of diversity rather than visible ones?
Your initial discussion post should be at least 400 words.




CLICK HERE TO ORDER THIS PAPER AT on What does it mean to be “different”? How do you determine who or what is different?

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Writers Solution

what makes a group a team is a shared common goal

It is time for us to turn our attention to outlines, organization, and topic choice. This week has two separate assignments that will be submitted. Assignment 1 is the Team Outline Exercise, which involves group work and which will prepare you for Assignment 2, an individual assignment that will start you on the road to completing your Week 7 PowerPoint presentation.


Part 1: Outline
This week, you will have an opportunity to work in a team and to put into practice many of the communication strategies about which we are learning. Your instructor has already assigned you to a group of team members. You need to solve a communication business problem outline together by the end of the week. Note: You must engage early in the week so that you have time to work together as a group. Remember, what makes a group a team is a shared common goal, and this team will be no exception. In this case, your shared goal is to create and deliver an A+ solution to a communication business outline.

The following is a list of ideas that were brainstormed in a meeting with your company employees. The company needs to include all these ideas in an all-company presentation, but the list is very disorganized right now. What would be the best way to sort these ideas into some sequence of main points with sub points?


  • There are 3 main points, and the rest are sub points.
  • There is no introduction or conclusion.


  • Your group can be found in the menu under “People.”
  • You must use the discussion that is setup in the Group Home Page to work on this project.

With your assigned team, unscramble the following statements to create a logical outline for an upcoming business presentation. Use standard outline format as described in your textbook.

  1. Ensure that the language is used correctly.
  2. Speaker credibility influences how listeners feel about the speaker.
  3. Character is the quality of being honest, trustworthy, and showing goodwill.
  4. Deliver the speech with confidence.
  5. Credibility is an extremely important factor in determining speaker effectiveness.
  6. Connect the audience to the topic.
  7. Practice your delivery.
  8. Verbally cite personal subject knowledge.
  9. Present error-free written materials.
  10. Credibility has three primary characteristics: the three Cs.
  11. Ensure that typographical errors are eliminated.
  12. Charisma is the quality of being assertive, confident, and enthusiastic.
  13. Speaker credibility influences the listener’s ability to learn or to believe.
  14. Demonstrate expertise.
  15. Verbally cite expert sources.
  16. Connect yourself to the topic.
  17. Plan your delivery.
  18. Ensure that facts are correct.
  19. Competence is the quality of being an expert and being intelligent.
  20. Connect with the audience on a personal level.
  21. Establish common ground.
  22. Credibility is established in four ways.

All team members must collaborate in the group discussion and submit the same version of the outline. Please put the names of your group members who participated in this exercise on the title page under your name. Each member must submit the final group project for their grade.

Part 2: Reflection
As part of your individual submission, reflect on the group process. Was there miscommunication? Were there any listening barriers? How did the group handle it?

Writing Requirements (APA format)

Writers Solution

Perform multistep calculations of FTEs and projection of future FTE needs for a selected nursing unit


This assignment provides learners with the opportunity to apply budgeting knowledge and skills by calculating full-time equivalents for a nursing unit, projecting FTE needs related to census changes, and analyzing a variance scenario.

Total Points Possible: 150


Description of the Assignment

This assignment is in two scenario-based sections each related to staffing budgets. In the first, the student will perform multistep calculations of FTEs and projection of future FTE needs for a selected nursing unit. The second section involves calculation of budget variance and its analysis. Each section requires supported written interpretation of findings.

Criteria for Content

Answer the questions and complete the calculations required for the two sections of the assignment.

Key points related to Calculations:

1. When performing calculations, standard rounding rules apply. If the number to the right of the decimal is less than 5, round down to the nearest whole number, e.g., 33.4 = 33 If the number to the right of the decimal is 5 or greater, round up to the nearest whole number, e.g. 33.5 =34.

2. Read the question carefully. Pay close attention to the units be asked and keep them consistent. For example, hours vs FTEs; days vs months vs years.

3. Provide ALL formulas with references. Designate which formula associates with which source. It is not sufficient to simply list the source at the beginning of the section. Write out the formula used BEFORE filling in the numbers.

Example: Efficiency Variance + Volume Variance + Cost Variance = Total Variance

Rundio, A. (2022). The nurse manager’s guide to budgeting and finance(3rd ed.).Sigma Theta Tau International.

  • Section One: Staffing Budget and FTEs
    • Calculations of full-time equivalents (FTEs)
    • Project FTE needs related to census changes
  • Section Two: Variance Analysis
    • Calculating variance
    • Variance analysis with explanation

Download the Assignment Word Document and submit your answers directly onto the form. When completed, upload into the assignment portal in your course. For the questions requiring a written response, please adhere to proper grammar and syntax, and provide references. For the questions requiring calculations, show all your work including the formula used. Include the references for formula chosen.

Preparing the Assignment

Section One—Staffing Budget and FTEs

Personnel Budget Case Study

Sandra Chambers has recently accepted the position of assistant administrator for the department of nursing at Potter Regional Medical Center where she will oversee the operations of five medical units. As she evaluates the budgets for the different cost centers, she finds that all are being used at near or full capacity. The activity in four of the five has remained steady over the past 2 years. A fifth unit has realized a steady increase in patient volume during that time and is currently at 88% capacity. It has been projected that within the next 12 months the volume of patients moving through that unit will increase by 20%. Sandra needs to determine if the current FTEs for the unit will be sufficient to ensure quality and safe care continues to be provided, and if not, what is the number of FTEs that will be needed to cover a 20% increase in volume.

  1. Suggest all the information Sandra needs to collect in order to project the FTEs needed for the next fiscal year accounting for the projected increased capacity. Remember, she is new to her position so be sure to include background data on the unit itself as it relates to previous budgets, nursing staff, and the organization. In other words, summarize your approach to this Case Study.
  • Sandra has collected the following census information on all five units for the last month, in

addition to what was asked in question number one. Calculate the ADC and Occupancy Rate for each unit using the Daily Census/Occupancy Rate table to determine which unit is currently at 88% occupancy rate and projected to increase over the next year.


   Beds12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031Total Patient Days

(adapted from…..Healthcare Financial Management Association (2012).  Managing fiscal resources: A budget and productivity case study.  Retrieved from

Average Daily Census/Occupancy Rate
UnitADCOccupancy (%)

The Unit with an 88% occupancy rate is _____.

3. Using data contained in the first questions, complete the table below and determine the Average Length of Stay (ALOS) for the following three units.  Show your work.

Unit# BedsPatient Days# DischargesAverage Length of Stay (ALOS)
A     110 
C        96 
D        85 

What is the ALOS for the unit you identified earlier at an 88% occupancy rate?  _____

You have determined the Unit for which Sandra must make FTE projections. For the remaining questions in this section, refer to the figures used and or obtained related to the Unit identified in Question 1.

Additional information includes

  • the budgeted hours of care per patient day (HPPD-budgeted) is 8.8; and
  • each employee receives 300 paid non-productive hours/year.
  • Calculate the number of FTEs needed for the Unit. Show the formulas used and all calculations. Include the reference used for your calculations at the beginning of your work.
  • Calculate the TOTAL FTEs needed accounting for nonproductive time. Include the reference used for your calculations at the beginning of your work.
  • Sharon now knows how many total FTEs are currently needed on the unit to provide safe, quality care to the patients on the unit. However, with a 20% projected increase in occupancy rate and average length of stay remaining steady on the unit, how will the required FTEs be affected?
  • Calculate the TOTAL FTEs required to reflect an increased patient volume of 20% (don’t forget to account for nonproductive time).Include the reference used for your calculations at the beginning of your work.
  • When Sharon calculated the number of FTEs budgeted currently in this unit and compared it to the number of actual FTEs being paid for, she found she was under budget by three FTEs. Explain how that could have happened and how this information affects her FTE budget request for the next year.


Section Two—Variance Analysis

Variance Analysis Case Study

During the month of February, an outpatient surgery clinic has incurred a significant unfavorable variance. The director of the clinic is quite concerned, as this has never occurred before. The director gathers information on total nursing care hours, average hourly rate of the employees, and total patient visits to determine what caused the variance.In addition, the director receives the patient acuity levels for the month of February.                  

 BudgetActualBudget Variance
Patient Days420510 
Nursing Care Hours   
Average Hourly Pay$35.00$45.00$10.00
Total Payroll Costs   

(Table adapted fromRundio, A. (2022). The nurse manager’s guide to budgeting and finance (3rd ed.). Sigma Theta Tau International)

  1. Complete the monthly personnel report for the surgical unit.
  2. Calculate each of the following. Include the formulas used with reference. Remember, as this monthly report deals with payroll, the variances should be in dollars.
    1. Volume (efficiency) variance:
  • Quantity (volume) variance:
  • Cost (price) variance:
  • What is the total variance in personnel budget for this month?
  • Analyze all the factors that made the differences and why the variances occurred. How can this variance be justified?


Section One: Staffing Budget and FTEs
Background Information1010%Approach to Personnel Case Study is clearly articulated and contains the elements needed to address the situation presented in the scenario.
ADC and Occupancy Rate1010%ADC/Occupancy Rate table completed with reference for formulas included, formulas and work shown, correct unit calculations, correct unit identified.
Average LOS1010%ALOS table completed with reference for formulas, formula and work shown, correct calculations, ALOS of identified unit correct.
Current FTE1515%Current FTEs of identified unit calculated correctly and includes reference for formulas used, formula and work shown, calculations correct.
Total FTE (Current)1515%Total FTEs (accounts for nonproductive time) of identified unit calculated correctly and includes reference for formulas used, formula and work shown, calculations correct.
Effect of Volume Increase on FTE1010%Describes effect of increase of patient volume on FTEs over the next year. Describes what effect an increased length of stay would have on FTEs.
Total FTE (Projected)1515%Total FTEs (accounts for nonproductive time) for projected volume increase of identified unit calculated correctly and includes reference for formulas used, formula and work shown, calculations correct.
FTE Difference Explanation1010%Explains potential causes for being under budget and explicitly describes its effect on the budget request for next year. Uses data from given and calculated elements to support explanations.
Section Two: Variance Analysis
Calculation of Total Variance3535%Calculations that lead to the total variance of the unit are present and include volume efficiency, volume (quantity), and cost variances. References for formulas used, formulas and all work are shown, calculations are correct.
Analysis of Variances1515%All elements of variances explained, variance justification present and supported with evidence, effect on current and future budges explicit and clearly articulated.
Writing conventions, format, and reference citations55%Writing is clear and concise without grammatical and spelling errors. All references are correctly cited (if applicable) and written.
  150150%A quality assignment will meet or exceed all of the above requirements.

Grading Rubric

Assignment CriteriaExceptional (100%) Outstanding or highest level of performanceExceeds (88%) Very good or high level of performanceMeets (80%) Competent or satisfactory level of performanceNeeds Improvement (38%) Poor or failing level of performanceDeveloping (0) Unsatisfactory level of performance
Content Possible Points = 150 Points           
Section One: Staffing Budget and FTEs
Background Information10 Points8 Points6 Points 0 Points
Approach to Personnel Case Study is clearly articulated and contains all the elements needed to address the situation presented in the scenario.Approach to Personnel Case Study is generally described and contains nearly all elements needed to address the situation presented in the scenario.Approach to Personnel Case Study is minimally described, generally stated and missing key elements needed to address the situation presented in the scenario.Approach to Personnel Case Study is absent or does not contain adequate elements to all the elements needed to address the situation presented in the scenario.
ADC and Occupancy Rate  10 Points8 Points3 Points 0 Points
Table completed with formulas referenced and shown, work shown with correct calculations, and correct unit identified.All but one element are present and correct.All but two elements are present and correct.No elements are present or they are present and incorrect.
Average Length of Stay (ALOS)10Points8 Points3 Points 0Points
ALOS table completed with formulas referenced and shown, work shown with correct calculations, ALOS of identified unit correct.All but one element are present and correct.All but two elements are present and correct.No elements are present or they are present and incorrect.
Current FTE  15 Points10Points5Points 0 Points
Current FTEs of identified unit calculated correctly and includes reference for formulas used, formula and work shown, calculations correct.All but one element are present and correct.All but two elements are present and correct.No elements are present or they are present and incorrect.
Total FTE (Accounts for nonproductive time-current)15 Points10 Points5 Points 0 Points
Total FTEs (accounts for nonproductive time) of identified unit calculated correctly and includes reference for formulas used, formula and work shown, calculations correct.All but one element are present and correct.All but two elements are present and correct.No elements are present or they are present and incorrect.
Effect of Volume Increase on FTE  10 Points5 Points 0 Points
Describes effect of increase of patient volume on FTEs over the next year. Describes what effect an increased length of stay would have on FTEs.Only one element present or is answered correctly.Both elements are missing or no elements are answered correctly.
Total FTE (Projected)15 Points10 Points5 Points 0 Points
Total FTEs (accounts for nonproductive time) for projected volume increase of identified unit calculated correctly and includes reference for formulas used, formula and work shown, calculations correct.All but one element are present and correct.All but two elements are present and correct.No elements are present or they are present and incorrect.
FTE Difference Explanation10 Points8 Points3 Points 0 Points
Explains potential causes for being under budget and explicitly describes its effect on the budget request for next year. Uses data from given and calculated elements to support explanations.All but one element are present and correct.All but two elements are present and correct. No elements are present or they are present and incorrect.
Section 2: Variance Analysis
Personnel Budget table5 Points 0 Points
Table completed with correct calculations.Table incomplete or complete with incorrect calculations.
Volume (Efficiency) Variance Calculated10 Points8 Points3 Points 0 Points
Calculated correctly and includes reference for formulas used, formula and work shown, calculations correct.All but one element are present and correct.All but two elements are present and correct.No elements are present or they are present and incorrect.
Volume Quantity Variance Calculated15 Points10 Points5 Points 0 Points
Calculated correctly and includes reference for formulas used, formula and work shown, calculations correct.  All but one element are present and correct.All but two elements are present and correct.No elements are present or they are present and incorrect.
Cost (price) Variance calculated15Points10 Points5 Points 0 Points
Calculated correctly and includes reference for formulas used, formula and work shown, calculations correct.All but one element are present and correct.All but two elements are present and correct.No elements are present or they are present and incorrect.
Calculation of Total Variance5 Points 0 Points
Calculation of Total Variance is correct.Calculation of Total Variance is incorrect.
Analysis of Variances15 Points10 Points5 Points 0 Points
Analysis of Variances thoroughly explained; variance justification with evidence included;  effects on current and future budges explicit and clearly articulated.Analysis of Variances generally explained; or variance justification is missing or lacks support from evidence; or effects on current and future budges is missing or generally addressed.Analysis of Variances contains only one of the required elements: thorough explanation;  variance justification with evidence included;  effects on current and future budges explicit and clearly articulated.Analysis of variances is missing or is inaccurate.  
Writing Conventions, format, and reference citations5 Points3 Points1 Point 0 Points
No errors in any of the three elements of writing conventions, format, and reference citations.One error in any of the three elements of writing conventions, format, and reference citations.Two errors in any of the three elements of writing conventions, format, and reference citations.More than three errors in any of the three elements of writing conventions, format, and reference citations.
Total Points  _____of  points
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Recent healthcare technology.

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Week 4 Assignment: Greater Good AnalysisStart Assignment

Points 100

Submitting a file upload

Required Resources

Read/review the following resources for this activity:

  • Textbook: Chapters 7, 8
  • Lesson
  • Minimum of 2 scholarly source (in addition to the textbook)
  • Narrated PowerPoint Tutorial Links to an external site.(Make sure to review this tutorial before you begin recording.)


For this week’s assignment respond to one of the following options, and include Option 1, 2, or 3 as part of your heading.

Option 1: The first option is to name and describe in detail a key specific and recent healthcare technology. What are at least two key moral problems this technology creates? What are the proper moral guidelines for dealing with it in your view? Compare your approach to what a utilitarian and ethical egoist would say (each independently). Consider whether differing ethical beliefs globally might or not agree with what you say.

Option 2: In the second option, name and describe in detail a key specific and recent social technology. What are at least two key moral problems this technology creates? What are the proper moral guidelines for dealing with it in your view? Compare your moral approach to what a utilitarian and social contract ethicist would say (each independently). Consider whether differing ethical beliefs globally might or not agree with what you say.

Option 3: John Doe, Patient One, is in late stage of kidney disease. If he does not receive a new kidney, then he is predicted to die within a week. Doe is 45, single, and has no children. Doctors theorize that Doe damaged his kidney by not following a low-salt diet. Doe inherited one million dollars and is known for giving money to charity. Without a transplant, he will probably be forced to spend all his money searching for a kidney outside of the usual legal channels. Patient Two is Jane Doe (no relation to John). Patient Two is a mother of two children (ages 21 and 24). She is divorced and 55 years old. She developed kidney problems due to eating a high-fat and high-sugar diet. If she does not receive a kidney within one month, doctors believe she will die. Patient Three is an orphan. This orphan lives in a state facility. She was born with a genetic condition that constantly damages her kidney. The only known approach to her condition is to provide her with a kidney transplant every so often. She is 11 and has already undergone two kidney transplants. She will perish in two months if she does not receive another transplant.

All three patients are at the same hospital. The hospital only has one kidney to give out. The orphan’s birth parents were known to be of a religion that is opposed to organ donation. The other patients come from religions that do not oppose organ donation. Who should get the kidney? Why should that candidate receive it over the others? Devise a course of social action and a solution for this case by using the ethics of egoism and then utilitarianism to a key moral conflict involving health care in this case. Appraise the interests of diverse populations (in terms of ethnicity, race, religion, sexual orientation, etc.) and how they relate to the case. Consider whether differing ethical beliefs globally might or not agree with what you say.

For all the options:

Cite the textbook and incorporate outside sources, including citations.

You should not be using any text you used in a discussion board or assignment for this class or any previous class.

Consider whether differing ethical beliefs globally might or not agree with what you say.

You will submit the following:

  • An audiovisual presentation that presents one of the options above. Be sure to give equal time to each element. Doing a PowerPoint presentation with audio recorded on the slides is preferred. Please refer to the Narrated PowerPoint Tutorial located in the Required Resources in this assignment.
  • Please provide a transcript of anything said in the recording aloud that does not appear as text on a slide. This transcript can be provided as a Word document or placed in the Notes section on the PowerPoint slides.
  • The link or a scan of the article mentioning any health technology, social technology, or case you are reporting on. If you made up the case, please indicate that in your report. If you choose to do option #3 (the case about a shortage of transplant kidneys), your article would likely be an article about the shortage of transplant organs, or a shortage of people signing up to be transplant donors, or the status of educating people about being donors, etc.

Presentation Requirements

  • Length: 4-6 minutes narrated presentation
  • Slide length: 4-6 slides (not including title slide, conclusion slide, or references slide)
  • Title slide
  • Conclusion slide
  • References slide (minimum of 2 scholarly sources cited in APA format; not narrated)


This activity will be graded based on the Assignment Grading Rubric.

Course Outcomes (CO): 8, 10Due Date: By 11:59 p.m. MT on Sunday




CLICK HERE TO ORDER THIS PAPER AT on Recent healthcare technology.

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A non-programming example of large-scale collaboration is the distribution of covid-19 vaccinations across the country to millions of patients

Prepare an essay that describes techniques for how a large group (i.e. group size 10, 100, or more) can work together effectively along with examples of software teams that utilize that technique.

A non-programming example of large-scale collaboration is the distribution of covid-19 vaccinations across the country to millions of patients. Healthcare workers had to distribute vaccination shots will keeping in mind the social distancing protocol and vaccination expiration dates alongside booster shot timeframes. To reach certain high-risk populations the government set up programs and vaccination sites based on zip-codes – staffed by military and healthcare workers (folks with training instead of volunteers off the street) with an appointment scheduling center and barcodes. They had paper and digital vaccination cards to ensure accurate record-keeping. For your report, please focus on software

production-related concerns.

For example, certain project management techniques may be helpful, or certain leadership structure structures. It might even be the formation of a common agreement, such as a specification file or standards. Please include varying examples in multiple dimensions; such as techniques that could work amongst a team, techniques that work across different teams, techniques that work across different time-zones, or across different organizations. You may reference your experience of group work in this class or any group work in other Brooklyn College classes, however, please try to keep it to examples of producing technical work.

In the spirit of proper essay writing at an academic institution, please ensure that your main argument is clearly identifiable in the first paragraph of the document. Your successive paragraphs should be evidence provided to support your main argument.

Please prepare at least 2 page single-spaced (I” margins, 12pt Times New Roman font) of your points. Be sure to include references with your report since you should demonstrate having done some research for evidence to back up your arguments)

GET THE COMPLETED ASSIGNMENTASSIGNMENT COMPLETED AT CapitalEssayWriting.comMAKE YOUR ORDER AND GET THE COMPLETED ORDERCLICK HERE TO ORDER THIS PAPER AT on A non-programming example of large-scale collaboration is the distribution of covid-19 vaccinations across the country to millions of patients

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