1. Using BRFSS data set, state the three business or research questions that you have attempted to answer through your analysis, and justify why they are interesting (300 words maximum)
Section 3 — Processing the data
1. Describe how you explored the data, why you did it that way, and what conclusions you drew about it (300 words maximum)
2. Describe the cleaning/fixing you did on the data, and why (300 words)
Section 4 — Data analysis
3. Explain what analysis techniques you used to answer your business/research questions, and why (300 words maximum)
4. Summarise the results of your analysis (300 words maximum)
5. What do the results say in answer to your business/research questions? (300 words maximum)
6. Describe the most salient threats to validity that remain in your analysis (300 words maximum)
Section 5 — Dealing with large data sets
7. Describe how you could represent the data in a relational database — give a suitable schema, and describe a mechanism for converting it to a suitable input form for WEKA (300 words maximum)
8. Describe a way that you could use appropriate technologies to spread the load over multiple computers, and justify why this would be a good approach (300 words maximum)
Section 6 — Privacy
9. List the three most salient privacy issues related to this analysis, and give strategies you could use to address each of them (300 words maximum)
Section 7 — Report references
10. Provide a correctly structured list of references to all the resources used for this development and report (no word limit)
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In this assignment, you will create a package of social media content for a client.
Redbrick is a technology company that specializes in software and technology development, marketing, content marketing and digital publishing. And Clicky is a web that create to help customer run a/b testing so that find the best way to advertise the product.
Section 1: Content Package Theme
Write 50 words to summarize the theme of the package and the client you’re doing it for.
Section 2: Blog Post
Insert the 300-350 web article here.
1. They are not advertising per se: These are things that the organization is trying to raise awareness of, not “promotional offers” – although they may involve offers
2. They are not general promotion of a business. They are focused on the needs of the audience.
Like: What is a/b testing? How does it work?
Section 3: Social Media
Insert your Facebook Post here – just the text and image. Remember to make the image aspect ratios correct for the platform.
Text:Write your 40-80 character Facebook post text here
Facebook Justification: Write a 50-75 word justification as to why you did your Facebook post the way you did.
Insert your three Tweets here, text and image. Remember to make the image aspect ratios correct for the platform.
Tweet #1 Text: Insert the text of your first tweet here. Maximum 280 characters, 70-100 is ideal.
Tweet #1 Image:
Tweet #2 Text: Insert the text of your second tweet here. Maximum 280 characters, 70-100 is ideal.
Tweet #2 Image:
Tweet #3 Text: Insert the text of your third tweet here. Maximum 280 characters, 70-100 is ideal.
Tweet #3 Image
Twitter Justification: Write a 50-75 word justification as to why you did your Tweets the way you did.
Instagram Post #1 Caption: Insert the caption of your first Instagram post here. While 2200 characters are allowed, 150 are recommended.
Instagram Post #1 Image:
Instagram Post #2 Caption: Insert the caption of your second Instagram post here. While 2200 characters are allowed, 150 are recommended.
Instagram Post #2 Image:
Instagram Post #3 Caption: Insert the caption of your third Instagram post here here. While 2200 characters are allowed, 150 are recommended.
Instagram Post #3 Image:
Instagram Justification: Write a 50-75 word justification as to why you did your Instagram posts the way you did.
Section 4: Content Calendar & Justification
Include a 150 word justification for your content calendar: why did you schedule things the way you did?
Your content calendar can be inserted right in this document or included as a separate file. If you did include it as a separate file, let me know.
Section 5: References
Include the sources of your images here. For Morguefile, Unsplash, Canva or other places where an attribution is not required, you only need to list the website.
For example:
· Facebook post, Tweet 1, Tweet 2, Instagram Post 1, Instagram Post 2: Unsplash
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In this Discussion, you will share your proposed Final Project by creating a video. The video is an informal way for you to share your project ideas with your colleagues so you can exchange ideas and provide feedback.
Receiving and providing constructive feedback is an important part of the learning process. Feedback provides new information that we can use to correct and/or modify our work. It also lets us know what we are doing well. https://blog.yes.com/2021/06/17/how-human-trafficking-can-be-stopped/ Providing feedback is equally important because it is an opportunity to share our knowledge, ideas, and experiences.
Your project proposal is one of the first steps in developing your Final Project, which is due in Week 5. After you share your ideas with your colleagues through the video you post for this Discussion, take some time to consider their feedback and how you can use it to inform and improve your Final Project idea.
Note:Please note the change in due dates. Your post this week is dueby Day 3, and your response is dueby Day 5. For Assignment 2 this week, you will submit your Final Project Proposal, which, if appropriate, should include the feedback you receive from your colleagues through this Discussion.
To prepare:
Review the Final Project Instructions PDF in your Learning Resources.
Review the Kaltura Resources provided. Review any Instructor feedback you received from the “Final Project Milestone 1: Health Issue and Population of Interest Assignment” from Week 1 and incorporate it as necessary.*
Consider the following:
How significant of a problem is the health issue in the population of interest? What data can you use as evidence (e.g., incidence rates, prevalence rates, percentages, and averages)?
How does the health problem in the population compare to the problem at a national level?
What theories and models might relate to the population and health issue you have selected?
With these thoughts in mind:
By Day 3
Post a 2- to 3-minute video describing your proposed Final Project. In this video:
Describe your chosen health issue and population.
Explain the relationship between at least one health behavior and the health issue, and explain why this population might be prone to this behavior and health issue.
Select one of the theories or models https://excellentwriter.xyz/education-homework-help/advanced-air-quality-control/ outlined in the Final Project Instructions, and explain why you chose this theory or model to help you develop your strategies to address the selected behavior.
Based on the theory or model you chose (or its specific constructs), describe your initial ideas for at least two strategies to change the behavior.
Review a selection of your colleagues’ postings.
By Day 5
Post a 2- to 3-minute video describing your proposed Final Project. In this video:
Describe smoking your chosen health issue and population.
Explain the relationship between at least one health behavior and the health issue, and explain why this population might be prone to this behavior and health issue.
Select one of the theories or models outlined in the Final Project Instructions, and explain why you chose this theory or model to help you develop your strategies to address the selected behavior.
Based on the theory or model you chose (or its specific constructs), describe your initial ideas for at least two strategies to change the behavior
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• The purpose of this course is not to transform an unethical person into an ethical person.
• This is a task that no human can do. Rather, it is to help ethically well-intended government managers and employees avoid and, when the occasion calls for it, extricate( remove) themselves from a morally challenging situation.
• Another purpose of this course is to provide organizational leaders with a perspective on managing, not controlling, individuals who work in the service of community and governance.
Service, ethics, and trust are interrelated values that inform public administration practices
Key values in public administration:
These values constitute prime components of the social construct underpinning all government activity, including prescriptions for high standards of behavior.
Service, ethics, and trust:
Inspiring public trust.
• The behavior of those who deliver public services is an important factor for citizens’ trust, support, and participation in government.
• Ethical, effective, and equitable public services have been shown to inspire public trust.
• This trust facilitates the collaborative partnership that must exist between public servants and citizens to achieve good governance
Public Expectations:
• Citizens expect public servants to pursue the public interest.
• They also expect them to manage public resources for the common good.
• Failure to live up to these expectations affects public trust and support for public service.
– The relationships between ethics, service, and trust are mutually reinforcing ethical behavior establishes trust in government, which in turn establishes and strengthens support for public service.
Living up to the public trust:
• Living up to the public trust is much more than just an act of compliance.
• It also involves perceiving, preventing, avoiding, and resolving accusations of illegal or unethical behavior, including appearances of inappropriate behavior.
• A system of public service ethics must prevail that empowers public servants with the prudence to not only do more than what is publicly required but also do less than what might be privately permissible.
Tools that Support Public Service Ethics:
• Professional codes of ethics, ethics laws, ethics surveys, ethics seminars, and numerous other programs have been put forth to help achieve this type of behavior.
• Some programs focus on helping organizations develop ethical initiatives that are meaningful, obtainable, measurable, and sustainable.
• Other programs promote the alignment of actual behaviors, beliefs, and attitudes with stated organizational values to help achieve a culture of integrity and trust.
• Also prevalent are enforcement practices that rely on internal control systems and other instruments that create a preventive environment to obstruct or resist misconduct.
Understanding ethics and governance
• Ethics are involved in all manner of public activities, such as protecting us from criminals, ensuring that confidential information does not get in the wrong hands, keeping us safe from man-made and environmental hazards, and much more.
• Ethical behavior , is of paramount importance.
• Ethical behavior includes:
1-respect for citizens
2- the promotion of democratic values such as citizen participation in governance
3-commitment to the rule of law.
• We expect those who occupy elected and appointed offices in our government to be ethical in carrying out their duties. In fact, the government have gone to considerable length to ensure that the public’s business is conducted properly. How?
• They have created ethics oversight agencies and adopted laws, ordinances, rules, and ethics codes to encourage ethical behavior.
• Although these measures are useful and have a proper place, they are frequently insufficient. Following rules, regulations, and the law to stay out of trouble is important, but it is the moral minimum.
Obstacles to rising above the Moral Minimum
leadership myopia
lack of top management awareness of misconduct
the combined punch of history
and culture ethical illiteracy
Rising above the Moral Minimum( overcoming 4 main obstacles): • There are four obstacles that must be overcome by governments at
all levels to ensure that the workforce can rise above the moral minimum.
• The first significant obstacle is leadership myopia (meaning shortsightedness)—that is, failing to recognize the importance of ethics in getting the work of government done.
• Government does not exist to produce a product called “ethics.” Rather, government is expected to provide and produce valued public goods and services, such as justice, safety, security, transportation, clean air and water, parks and recreation, safe food and drugs, emergency services, and many, many more .
First obstacle: leadership myopia
• Thus, it is not surprising that many government leaders do not place a high priority on ethics and typically recognize its importance only after there has been a serious ethical lapse.
• When put on place of high priority, ethics is the cornerstone of effective, efficient, democratic governance.
• “Ethics may be only instrumental, it may be only a means to an end, but it is a necessary means to an end,”
• The challenge is to ensure that one understands the importance of ethics in carrying out the work of government and then act on that understanding.
A second obstacle is lack of top management awareness of misconduct • As unimaginable as this may be, many high level officials do not know
what is happening in their organizations.
• No government, of course, wants to encourage its workers to become vigilantes who take it upon themselves to police misconduct.
• Nonetheless, organizational leaders must find the ways and means to be informed of misconduct before a culture of ethical failure takes hold.
A third obstacle is the combined punch of history and culture. • Organizational scholars are quick to point out the enormous influence
of the past on the present.
• Governments with a checkered history in ethical governance are unlikely to be transformed overnight.
• Indeed, historical norms can be deeply rooted in a culture that resists change and fosters benign neglect or, worse, permits outright unethical behavior.
• The phrase “this is how we do things around here” means just that— keep doing things the same way. The challenge is to find leaders who are able and willing to break with the culture of the past.
A fourth obstacle is ethical illiteracy:
• Leaders and followers who are unable “to grasp fully the intricacies of complex ethical issues and to see all of the consequences of one’s actions” suffer from ethical illiteracy.
• It commonly surfaces when issues are seen from a fatally narrow and limited legal perspective.
• A large illiteracy blind spot can produce tunnel vision that severely damages county’s reputation as a fair and equitable provider of public goods and services.
• The challenge in overcoming this obstacle is to think and act outside the box of what the law requires. Sound ethical judgment calls for more than meeting the moral minimum of the law.
• Many government managers understand that ethics and integrity are essential qualities that managers must embrace in order to be successful.
• No other public service knowledge or skill (budgeting, program evaluation, public-private partnerships, and so forth) was ranked even closely to ethics and integrity in terms of its importance for public service.
• Successful managers understand that one’s integrity is at the core of managing “without fear or favor.”
What can be done to encourage ethical behavior and prevent misconduct?
• Agencies typically adopt one of two approaches:
1-a compliance approach
2- an integrity approach
• With the former the far more dominant
• 1- A compliance approach depends heavily on rules and practices that, if followed, are designed to keep members of the organization out of trouble.
• Behavior deemed acceptable or unacceptable is defined for the employee usually in the form of rules or admonishments( warning or advices).
• Rules are typically placed in personnel manuals, codes of conduct, and new employee orientation sessions
Approaches to encourage ethical behavior and prevent misconduct?
A compliance approach
An integrity approach
Fusion model
A compliance approach(…..continued)
• Many governments require their employees to sign a statement that they have read and will abide by the acceptable behavior rules of the organization.
• Those who break the rules are presumed to do so out of ignorance or willful intention.
• The latter is viewed as more serious and can result in penalties ranging from a letter of reprimand to suspension with or without pay to getting fired.
• Those who commit misconduct out of ignorance are treated less harshly but are expected to reform themselves.
• Ignorance is not an excuse for misconduct as it is correctable.
• Detection is the key to a successful compliance approach and can, if not implemented in a sensitive manner, foster an unhealthy “gotcha” culture ( a culture of uncovering faults).
• Figure 1.1 illustrates the key components of a compliance approach. As detection and punishment increase misconduct is expected to decrease
A compliance approach is popular and widely adopted for several reasons:
1. It is straightforward. Rules and penalties can be drafted and put into place with ease in most instances.
However, implementing an effective detection system can be challenging as it can turn into a negative influence if it encourages a “tattle- tale” culture( a culture of reporting on each other for personal gain). 2. Training and education can be developed that focuses on rules, detection, and penalties. 3. This approach often appears low cost once rules and guidelines are drafted. Monitoring compliance, however, is not necessarily cheap. 4. It presumes that with enough “dos” and “don’ts” most errant(devious) behavior can be deterred. In other words, the focus is on preventing unacceptable behavior.
2- An integrity approach:
• An integrity approach, in contrast to a compliance approach, empowers the individual to make value judgments about right and wrong.
• It is value driven rather than rule driven.
• It presumes that there are not always, maybe even seldom, bright lines to help one choose the right thing to do. One must learn how to deal with ethical challenges.
The integrity approach continues……
• What are the values that drive an integrity approach?
• One way to answer this question is to look empirically at what several communities actually do. Figure 1.2 lists the values.
• These values do not exhaust the universe of values but they are reasonably inclusive.
Explanations of figure 1.3
• Figure 1.3 provides a more detailed specification of the integrity model.
• As is evident from the four cornerstones—leadership, awareness, culture, and aspirations—the integrity model responds to the organization’s mission and is supported by appropriate education and training to ensure that decisions are reached in an ethical manner and achieve ethical results.
• This model is comprehensive and reflects interdependency among the key elements. In this sense, it offers a systemic approach to building and sustaining a strong ethics culture.
Integrity vs. Compliance
The principal weakness of the integrity approach, critics might contend, is a reliance on the reasoning ability and “goodness” of members of the organization.
By contrast, the compliance approach emphasizes the dark side of human nature— that is, given the opportunity, people will opt for behavior that is questionable and perhaps crosses over to the unethical.
The fusion model
• These approaches are not necessarily polar opposites.
• Rather, it is possible to blend the best of both in a “fusion” (combined model).
• Carol W. Lewis and Stuart C. Gilman describe the fusion model as “a two-pronged (two- part), systematic approach that ‘incorporates both compliance with formal standards and the promotion of individual ethical responsibility’.”
Ethics Defined
• There are endless ethics moments throughout life, those occasions when we just don’t know what to do in a “right” and “wrong” situation and sometimes, in a “right” and “right” situation.
• They occur in our private lives and our professional work. And, it is much easier to stumble(accidentally fall )into an ethics moment than it is to find a way out.
Common ethical questions?
Why should I care?
I’m an ethical person. Are you?
Have you never told a lie? Bent the truth a tad(little)?
Doctored(manipulate) an expense voucher? Turned your head when you witnessed an unethical act by a friend or coworker?
Enhanced a resume?
Inflated a performance evaluation?
Fudged( cheating) on an exam?
Made unpleasant remarks about someone because of their sexual orientation, race, religion, or ethnic belief?
Treated another person disrespectfully?
Following your ethical compass
Following your ethical compass
Chances are you have done some of these things. • Does that make you a “bad” person? Not necessarily. But it may mean that
your ethical compass is a bit not firm and unreliable. • As a human being, it is an unending challenge to keep your ethical compass
pointed true north. • Humans err—sometimes with maliciousness ( with evil intension) in mind
but most of the time we make misjudgments out of ignorance, intolerance, plain stupidity, or the inability to reason through a complicated ethical situation.
• The vast majority of government employees try to do the right thing most of the time.
• Still, a small number of unethical employees can wreak havoc (cause damage/ disrupt) government agency.
Why is ethical behavior difficult?
• If most of us are ethically well intended, what is the problem?
• It’s not always easy to figure out what the right thing is, especially in complex organizations that have come to dominate modern governance.
• Rules and regulations, even laws, are helpful, but doing the right thing often means doing more than just following the rules.
• “If men were angels, no government would be necessary,”
Defining Ethics
• If men and women were angels, there would be no reason to concern ourselves with ethics. But … humans roam(travel) the earth, not the heavens, so ethics are indispensable.
• Ethics is a term invoked( call upon it) with considerable frequency in the professions, government, and the corporate world.
• But how might we define ethics? There are many definitions. Some define ethics as “morality in action”; others assert ethics involves “a consensus of moral principles.”
• James Norden offers this definition: “Ethics are the internal rules that drive one to follow or not to follow external rules. Of course, this definition works best when morals are the external rules”.
Elements of Ethics
• The definition used in this course is: “Ethics are values and principles that guide right and wrong behavior.”
• The key elements of this definition are :
(1) values and principles
(2) behavior
(3) right and wrong 37
1-Values and Principles
• A value can be an idea, object, practice, or almost anything else that we attach worth to.
• Ethics do not encompass all values. Consider money or status as a value. Most of us attach worth to money and status but we don’t call them values that are essential to a definition of ethics.
• A value that is translated into an ethic can be thrift (spending carefully), cleanliness, piety (taqwa), work, justice, prudence (being cautious), compassion, charity, courage, benevolence, and so on.
• A principle is a prescription for action. Consider the Golden Rule or treat people with dignity or tell the truth or treat others with fairness.
• Values and principles are also defined by the professions—medicine, law, clergy, accounting, engineering, and others.
• These values and principles can be classified broadly as public service values and principles.
• All call for their members to respect the law, promote the public interest, and serve with integrity. At the same time, more specific behaviors can be proscribed (prohibited).
• Example: Government employees should not endorse commercial products or services by agreeing to use their photograph, endorsement, or quotation in paid or other commercial advertisements, whether or not for compensation.
• Ethics is not a spectator sport; it is a contact sport. Ethics is about behavior and consequences.
• Thinking unethical thoughts is possible, but until those thoughts become translated into behavior, there are no consequences to define “right” or “wrong.”
• Ethics shares with law the notion that it is behavior that matters foremost.
• Ethics is sometimes equated with morality, as the above definitions suggest. However, the act of thinking immoral thoughts can be defined as immoral itself
3-Right and wrong • The vast majority of government employees and public officials are
conscientious, dedicated, ethical persons who carry out their day-to- day work competently and with pride.
• Yet, as the cases and controversies in this course illustrate, there are many paths and pitfalls that can ensnare (trap) even the most ethically well-intentioned person.
• A collection of rules, regulations, and laws certainly help individuals stay on an ethical path, but no matter how complex an organizational situation might be, it is up to the individual to exercise his moral agency (moral personal initiative).
• That is why ethical reasoning is so important.
Individual vs. organizational moral agency
• Without the ability to reason through a situation, one is largely left to the moral agency of the organization to determine “right” from “wrong.”
• If the individual is taken to the dark side of organizational life, his moral agency might be stripped away entirely.
• “What’s good for the organization is good for me” might be the common opinion—a dangerous supposition (assumption) for sure.
Ethics in action: Practices that ensure an individual’s moral agency • Progressive leaders and managers understand the dangers that hide in the
“shadow of organization” and have instituted practices that ensure an individual’s moral agency is not sacrificed for the sake of organizational self-interest.
• What are those practices? • First and foremost is exemplary leadership: • Those who pronounce that their supervisors and street-level workers must
adhere to the highest ethical standards in the conduct of their work must themselves adhere to those same standards.
• Leaders must be exemplars in their personal and professional lives. Easier said than done? Certainly, but it is essential.
• Much the same can be said about peer leadership. Middle managers or even the cop on the beat must demonstrate day-in and day-out his commitment to ethical behavior. Failure to do so can result in organizations without integrity.
Mini case of ethics in action:
• Elected officeholders can also serve as exemplars( mini case on exemplary leadership):
• Bader ran successfully for office on a platform of bringing ethical government to his community, yet was soon embarrassingly sitting before the city “Ethics Board” accused of violating the city’s ethics code. What happened?
• He found himself in a situation in which he needed to get his daughter to summer camp and, at the same time, negotiate an agreement for a local option sales tax.
• His assistant volunteered to help and drove his daughter to camp—on city time! The city manager advised the mayor that he may have committed an ethics violation.
• Forty-five minutes later, Bader realized that the city manager could be correct, so, embarrassed by this ethical lapse, he took out his pen and filed an ethics complaint against himself.
• After subsequent deliberation by the Ethics Board, it was determined that no formal reprimand was necessary, but that Bader should reimburse the city for the assistant’s time away from the office.
• Mayor Bader readily complied and reimbursed the city $8.94.
Second, ethics training is becoming more common than uncommon. • Management consultants and university faculty are often recruited to provide
training workshops. This training is not limited to laws, rules, and regulations.
• Training programs usually emphasize what the law says about:
(1) a conflict of interest
(2) what “having financial interests” means in a day-to-day, practical sense
(3) the meaning of personal honesty
(4) how to address ethics complaints
(5) the balance of law and individual rights process.
Knowledge of ethics laws is necessary but, as noted before, is not sufficient
• Ethics training sessions include:
1.normative ethics theories such as utilitarianism, principle or duty- based ethics, and virtue theory
2.The concept of ethical reasoning knowledge and skills
3.The topic of transparency in government affairs
*Ethics training sessions conducted through cases and group discussion
Third: code of ethics.
• Many governments have chosen to adopt a high standard that is expressed in their own code of ethics .
• Elected and appointed public managers hold very positive attitudes toward codes of ethics.
• The conventional wisdom is that codes have a positive influence in governance, especially in deterring unethical acts by ethically motivated public servants.
• That is, unethical officials are likely to be unethical regardless of whether a code exists, but those who want to be ethical find a code helpful in guiding their behavior
Fourth: Ethics Audits
• The motivation for adopting a code is often a series of unethical behaviors or a scandal.
• Fourth, governments are increasingly conducting ethics audits, which can be described as an “appraisal activity, the purpose being to determine if changes need to be made in the climate, environment, codes, and the enforcement of ethics policies.”
• An ethics audit is not an accounting or financial management audit. Rather, it is a tool for benchmarking the strength of the organization’s ethical culture and putting in place organizational initiatives to build an organization of integrity. Case 1.1 (to be discussed), “Escape from an Ethics Swamp,” provides a detailed example of how a public manager rebuilt an organization that had fallen into an unethical situation.
• An ethics audit might also include an assessment of occupational risk or vulnerability. That is, some organizational work is inherently vulnerable to unethical abuse if not criminal wrongdoing.
• For example, occupational work that involves the handling and processing of financial matters, purchasing and contracting, conducting inspections, and enforcing rules and regulations are high risk, especially for workers whose ethical compass is not right in the first place.
• A systematic assessment of the ethical risk factor of work is a necessary first step in putting into place appropriate accountability and transparency mechanisms. It is also a valuable step in identifying training priorities.
Fifth, recruiting and promoting employees
• Recruiting and promoting employees based in part on their adherence to ethical standards is growing. Personnel decisions—hiring, evaluating, promoting, firing—are essential features of all organizations.
• There are strong advocates of raising the ethical awareness of employees through hiring, evaluation, and promotion.
• For example, one manager advocates installing an ethical consciousness in the organization through the use of codes, audits, committees, and weekly staff meetings.
• “It is advantageous,” the advocate claims, “to use weekly staff meetings to review all discussions and decisions for ethical implications. When a potential problem is identified, a staff member can be assigned to clarify the issue and develop a strategy for resolving it at the next meeting.”
A comprehensive approach toward strengthening the ethics
culture in public governance is represented by the following:
1-exemplary leadership
2- ethics training
3- codes
5- personnel selection processes that incorporate a standard of conduct
• This is not wishful thinking; this is happening around the world
“What happens when ethics is relegated to the sidelines?”
• The consequences for individuals and the organization can range from a loss of self-respect, to heightened organizational tensions, to embarrassment, and, in a worse case scenario , a scandal that grinds the organization to the ground.
• Cases 1.2 and 1.3 .
• No one is found guilty of breaking the law In either of these cases but did they cross over an ethical line? Read the cases and decide for yourself.
• Ethical awareness is the essential starting point for keeping yourself and your organization out of harm’s way.
• The next step, which is often quite difficult, is to take action when a colleague or superior’s behavior becomes ethically problematic.
• Moral muteness or turning one’s head when an ethical violation happens is a common type of inaction and could be a sign of ethical insensitivity and poor ethical awareness.
• But this lack of action has a price for the individual and the organization. Sometimes the failure to act corrupts the individual’s integrity and the integrity of coworkers.
• And the resultant drift toward an amoral (being neither moral nor immoral) organizational culture endangers the organization’s mission.
Excercise An ethics test for government employees • 1. An inspector is asked to approve construction work that does not comply with the
city’s building codes. In exchange, the contractor offers tickets to an upcoming concert. Should you accept the tickets? Yes/No
• 2. Your relative wants to set up a snow removal business and in addition to other contracts, they want to have a contract with the city. You work for the department that issues this type of contract, but not in the contract section. Should you declare a conflict of interest? Yes/No
• 3. You have a business in addition to your job with the city. You spend time on the telephone arranging business deals, contacting suppliers and potential clients. Your work for the city suffers because of the amount of time spent on your private business. Is this ethical? Yes/No
• 4. You have learned several specialized skills working for the city. Another local government learns of your talent and wants you to work for them, “moonlighting” on the weekends, if you are not called in by your employer to work on an emergency problem. Should you “moonlight”—that is, work part-time for the other city? Yes/No
• 5. A department head or city council member contacts you for information about how a city service is handled. You provide the information to the department head or the city council member who made the request. You then send additional information directly to the citizen who had contacted the director or city council member. Should you have sent the additional information? Yes/No
• 6. You spend several hours during the week using the city supplied computer to download information on a relative’s medical condition. Is this ethical? Yes/No
• 7. A health inspector arrives at a restaurant during the start of the lunch hour. Several violations are noted during the inspection. The manager offers the employee lunch in exchange for waiting to write up the inspection, asking for time to make the needed corrections after the lunch hour. Should the employee accept the free lunch? Yes/No
• 8. You have inspected a building and find items that do not meet the city’s building codes. You write up your inspection and then leave. The contractor contacts you, does not like your answer, and asks to speak to your supervisor. They discuss the situation and find another option that will meet the building codes and not cost the contractor a whole lot of money. Is the supervisor’s action ethical? Yes/No
• 9. You inspect a restaurant just after they have had a spill of grease in the kitchen. It has contaminated surfaces and food. The kitchen staff is busy throwing out food and sanitizing surfaces. You tell the manager you will wait until the kitchen order is restored before conducting your inspection. Is this ethical? Yes/No
• 10. You are asked to provide a special service to someone, for example, to just let him or her ride with you, in your city vehicle, for a private (not city related) purpose. Is this ethical? Yes/No
• 11. A manager in another department comes to you and asks that you handle a matter outside of the normal process and it is a service that not everyone in the city would get. The manager states that the person needing help is a very important person and the normal rules and procedures don’t apply to their request. Should you handle the matter as requested? Yes/No
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Essay must be between 6-8 pages in length, be double-spaced with standard (1-inch) margins and 12-point Times New Roman font.
In 1986, J. Glass argued that a parent’s political orientation is the strongest determining factor in predicting a child’s future political preferences (i.e., most (or many) Republicans grew up in Republican-leaning households and most (or many) Democrats grew up in Democrat-leaning households). See “Attitude similarity in three-generational families: Socialization, status inheritance, or reciprocal influence?,” American Sociological Review , Vol 51, 685-698 (1986). You can access the article using the hyperlink below. You are welcome to read the article as part of your preparation for writing the essay, but you do not need to reference any details from the article, other than the author’s thesis (the article is very technical and quantitative in nature – my brief description of the author’s thesis, above, is all you need to start writing your essay).
1. In your opinion (and experience) did Glass correctly identify the primary source of our collective “political socialization?”
2. What other sources or factors influence our political preferences?
3. Glass’s article was published in 1986. In your opinion, is political socialization today largely similar to political socialization in 1986? If so, how is it similar? If not, how is it different? What implications do your observations have for political candidates, organizations, and/or institutions?
4. Finally, please identify (and briefly describe) at least two aspects or our course material (the citizen and government, the founding and the constitution, federalism, civil liberties, civil rights, public opinion, the media, political parties and interest groups, participation-campaigns-elections) that help you to understand political socialization differently than you did prior to beginning our class
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You will write a paper of 3-5 pages that makes a historical argument based on the primary sources provided (1-14). Consider what you have learned from the primary sources about the American past, and answer:
In what ways did Americans’ opinions about mothers, work, and child care change and stay the same over the period 1950-2000, and what factors influenced those changes?
Sources on word Document Attached — USE ONLY THESE SOURCES
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Enjoy our bonus services. You can make a free inquiry before placing and your order and paying this way, you know just how much you will pay. What ways did Americans’ opinions about mothers, work, and child care change and stay the same over the period 1950-2000,
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To improve health care outcomes within a community, leaders must understand the needs of specific populations. In addition, it is important that leaders are able to gather and present persuasive evidence to decision makers to obtain the necessary funding and establish these needs as priorities for budget and resource planning. Thus, proposed changes should support improved outcomes and align with the current or needed health care policy.
This assessment provides an opportunity to propose a community health care change that is based on the community health assessment you completed in Assessment 2.
Your community health assessment was well received by the executives at Vila Health. Consequently, they have asked you to recommend a change in the community that will improve health outcomes. They have also asked you to submit your recommendation in a formal change proposal. You are confident that you can present a strong case for change, including a financial plan, that will ensure the success of this initiative.
In thiu can submit all or a portion of your draft change proposal to Smarthinking Tutoring for feedback before you submit the final version for this assessment. If you plan on using this free ses assessment, you will draft a change proposal to executive leaders to solicit support for a change to the current community health care system. To prepare for the assessment, you are encouraged to begin thinking about your justification for establishing the recommended change as a priority, a strategy for leading change, and how the change will be funded.
The following resource is required to complete the assessment.
Vila Health is a virtual environment that simulates a real-world health care system. In the various Vila Health scenarios, you will apply professional strategies, practice skills, and build competencies that you can apply to your coursework and in your career. The information you gather in this scenario will help you to complete the assessment.
If you have not already done so, complete the Vila Health: Planning for Change simulation.
Draft a change proposal to justify your recommendation for improving the health of the community and establish the change as a priority for the next budget cycle. Consider the feasibility of your proposed change, in terms of overall scope, funding, and timeframe.
The change proposal requirements outlined below, correspond to the grading criteria in the scoring guide, so be sure to address each point. Read the performance-level descriptions for each criterion to see how your work will be assessed. The Guiding Questions: Planning for Community and Organizational Change document provides additional considerations that may be helpful in completing your assessment. In addition, be sure to note the requirements below for document format and length and for citing supporting evidence.
Identify the benefits of proposed health care system changes and its implications for a community.
Describe potential barriers to change in an organization or community.
Develop strategies for changing barriers into opportunities and resolving conflict.
Develop a strategy for helping organizational stakeholders understand and evaluate the proposed changes to an existing health care system.
Develop a grant proposal and associated budget for a proposed change to an existing health care system.
Write clearly and concisely in a logically coherent and appropriate form and style.
Support assertions, arguments, propositions, and conclusions with relevant and credible evidence.
Document Format and Length
Use the Change Proposal Template. If you would like to use a different template or document format for your change proposal, obtain prior approval from faculty.
Your change proposal should be 3–5 pages in length, not including the title page and references page.
Be sure to apply correct APA formatting to all source citations and references.
Supporting Evidence
Cite 3–5 credible sources from peer-reviewed journals or professional industry publications to support your change proposal.
Additional Requirements
Proofread your change proposal before you submit it, to minimize errors that could distract readers and make it more difficult for them to focus on the substance of your analysis.
Portfolio Prompt: You may choose to save your change proposal to your ePortfolio.
Competencies Measured
By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and assessment criteria:
Competency 1: Identify the challenges and opportunities facing health care.
Identify the benefits of proposed health care system changes and its implications for a community.
Competency 2: Compare the effects of different health care finance models and policy frameworks on resources and patient outcomes.
Describe potential barriers to change in an organization or community.
Develop a grant proposal and associated budget for a proposed change to an existing health care system.
Competency 4: Develop proactive strategies to change the culture of the organization by incorporating evidence-based practices.
Develop a strategy for helping organizational stakeholders understand and evaluate the proposed changes to an existing health care system.
Develop strategies for changing barriers into opportunities and resolving conflict.
Competency 5: Communicate effectively with diverse audiences, in an appropriate form and style consistent with applicable organizational, professional, and scholarly standards.
Write clearly and concisely in a logically coherent and appropriate form and style.
Support assertions, arguments, propositions, and conclusions with relevant and credible evidence.
Residential Area
Jordan Parent:
There aren’t words strong enough to express how frightened I am about this whole opioid thing. My kids are still young — 11 and 9 — but when do you start to worry? My sister-in-law has been put through the wringer dealing with her oldest. Rehab — court — jail. The kid’s only 25 and he’s got a record a mile long. He was a nice kid, too. That’s the thing. So, how do we keep our kids safe from this poison?”
Shopping Plaza
Property Manager:
We have a lot of vacant retail and commercial property in this town. It’s a shame, because I think there’s a lot of potential for many of these sites, but it’s hard for small business owners. You used to see, like a women’s clothing store or a little coffee shop, but those businesses have a hard time competing against the bigger chains. So, they go under and there’s a vacant property on either side of one that’s still hanging in there. That hurts the one’s that are still there. It would be great to get something into these properties, even if it isn’t necessarily a store or a restaurant.”
St. Francis Health Services
Urgent Care Nurse:
This isn’t political, but the situation with health insurance is getting worse, not better. I see so many people in the Urgent Care clinic with complaints that should have been addressed by a primary care giver — but the person doesn’t have a primary care giver. We’re seeing complications from undiagnosed or untreated diabetes. Hypertension. I’ve had two people in the last year who came in for general aches and pains and were in stage IV cancer. There’s no need for a lot of these problems to get so bad, but people can’t afford insurance and so they don’t see a doctor unless they’re sick.”
Veteran’s Park
Parks Department Representative:
Funding cuts have taken a toll on a lot of our after-school programs. That’s bad enough, but because there aren’t organized events, the parks are turning into the place where kids hang out after dark. Most mornings, particularly after a weekend, the parks are littered with beer cans and worse. We’ve gotten complaints from parents of young children that they go to the playground and there’s beer cans and booze bottles everywhere.”
Jordan City Hall
County Social Worker:
Something people don’t really ever address is how to deal with the day to day costs of chronic health conditions. I have people who are really living paycheck to paycheck and they don’t know how to pay for their prescriptions. Or there are people who have hypertension and take their meds, but they don’t have a primary care physician. There are so many things I could mention, but the short version is that there are a lot of people who need help in managing chronic conditions.”
Food Shelf
Food Shelf Manager:
The need for our services has been growing steadily ever since we moved into our current space. When we moved in here, we were serving less than 100 families a month. That was three years ago. Now, we’re seeing almost 200 families a month. Donations help, but we have a limited budget and we have to do our best to make sure our shelves stay stocked. So, yes. There is an over emphasis on carbs and processed foods. I wish there was a way to offer better quality protein and fresh fruits and vegetables. We got a donation of apples in one time from one of the orchards — they were seconds that didn’t look so nice, but were still good. You’d have thought they were gold. It broke my heart to see how excited people were over reject apples, but I figure there were a bunch of pies being baked that week.”
City Council Member:
We’re seeing more poverty in Jordan and need to address that. I think as a community, we sometimes live in the past and for good reasons. Traditionally, we’ve been kind of a “Lake Wobegon” kind of place — everything and everyone was above average. When I first was elected to the city council, the population here was 94% white. Our last census put that at 89%. Now, don’t misunderstand me — I think diversity is good for this community. All I’m saying is that we need to be aware of the ways this community is changing and make sure we support the growth and change.”
Jordan City Sign
Bike Club President:
We have a very active membership, but recruitment has been difficult. The problem is that the bike trails we do have aren’t very long and they don’t connect to anything. A lot of our members who are avid bikers will use the roads to get places, but novice bikers want trails and ours are pretty random and short.”
Jordan Middle School
Middle School Teacher:
I worry about a lot of these kids. There’s a serious drive to get more mental health education and awareness into the schools, but it isn’t happening very quickly here. We’ve looked at ways we can bridge the gaps, but I don’t see much more than figurative band-aids. We had a situation in the high-school last year with a very popular student who committed suicide just before his graduation. Because this is a small community, a lot of the middle school kids knew him, so we brought in grief counsellors. I just think kids need to have a place where mental health issues are discussed. They think they’re the only one in the world struggling with certain issues, and it would help to know that’s not true. There’s also so much attention to bullying, but are we doing enough?”
Senior Living Center
Jordan Family Member of Senior Center Client:
I work at a restaurant and really depend on the adult day care here. The trouble is that Mom isn’t always in the frame of mind where she can do the adult day care. Right now, I can get my brother’s wife, Tessa, to stay with her when she’s having a bad day, but Tessa’s pregnant and won’t be able to do that once the baby comes. I don’t want to put Mom in a nursing home, but she can’t be alone, she can’t always come here, and the cost of a home health aide is more than I make some days.”
Jordan Community Education and Recreation Center
Recreation Center Manager:
I’ll be honest — the kids I am seeing are out of shape and often not well prepared for school. I don’t like to sound like an old fogey, but they spend so much time on their phones and other electronics. They aren’t riding their bikes, they aren’t playing baseball, they aren’t reading… It’s all Mariobox and Fortcrafter and it’s taking a toll on the overall health of these kids.”
Penn Avenue Family Dental
This is a very diverse community and there’s a wide range of issues when it comes to people’s dental health. This practice tries to do as much education as possible, but there are still a lot of people who don’t understand how dental health affects other aspects of health. I don’t know what we could do differently, but it would be nice to see more outreach into the community, particularly into some of the immigrant communities, such as the East African immigrants. They’ve come from a country going through decades of civil war and strife — dental care is often the last thing on their minds. It would be nice to help them understand how taking care of their teeth will have wide-ranging benefits.”
Residential Housing
Neighborhood Council Member:
This is a pretty working-class neighborhood. I mean, people are doing well, but there’s a mix of everyone here and that’s the way we like it. If you look at the business directory, you can see that we’ve got a good range of services and businesses in what is essentially a residential neighborhood. Admittedly, it would be nice to have some kind of clinic for everyday health concerns, but really, how many neighborhoods have something like that. We do have a local dentist, a chiropractor, and a massage studio. Oh, and a mental health clinic.”
Bus Stop
Urgent Care Nurse:
I live in this neighborhood and one of the things I wish we had was a clinic or urgent care facility. So often I hear about people having to take city busses to get to a health care provider. There’s nothing available for people who have a sick kid or have something going on themselves. We’re an urban neighborhood, so not everyone drives. That’s fine most of the time, but there are two situations where that can be a problem — when someone’s sick and when someone is trying to do grocery shopping for a family. That’s not easy to do when you depend on the busses.”
Pennhurst Cleaners
Right now, the whole city is in transition. This neighborhood is a good example of the kinds of issues I’m seeing all over the city. The neighborhood is primarily residential and it’s an old, established neighborhood. You have some people who are trying to address housing affordability and others who are concerned that rental units will bring instability to the neighborhood. What people don’t realize is that change is already happening. They can’t stop change, but they can help direct it.”
ndy’s Barber Shop
Police Representative:
There’s no doubt that violence in this neighborhood has increased in the last several years. I wouldn’t say we have gangs per se, but we’re seeing an uptick in aggravated assaults and other violent crimes. Of course, a lot of that is domestic violence, which is a real shame. Some of these women have gone through so much in their lives — fleeing war and violence in their home country — and they’re still putting up with violence when they get here. Doesn’t seem right, does it?”
Red Wagon Pizza
Restaurant Owner:
You know, people say they want healthy choices, but I’ll tell you what — money talks. I tried to put some healthy options on the menu. What a disaster! The stuff didn’t move, when people ordered it, they complained that the portions were too small — the portions were based on meeting with a nutritionist, for gosh sake! Bottom line… it was a total failure. My customers want burgers, bacon, cheese, and fries. And I’ll tell you — you go to the hipster places in this neighborhood — they might be offering microgreens and Portobello mushroom burgers, but those aren’t the things that are keeping the place in the black — not by a long shot.”
Residential Housing
Something that I don’t think anyone knows is that several of the homes in this neighborhood have lead paint and lead in the plumbing. I only learned about this when I was doing some research into the situation in Flint. Apparently, in the Minneapolis, service lines to residential properties installed prior to 1930 were usually made out of lead piping. And, if that isn’t unnerving enough, service lines are the responsibility of the property owners. Service lines that are made of lead can’t be repaired; they can only be replaced — which costs a fortune. But the main issue, in my opinion, is that most people have no idea if their home has these service lines and they have no idea whether or not their home drinking water has any lead in it at all. You’d think after the issues in Flint that we’d be talking about this, but apparently not.”
Armatage Elementary School
School Principal:
I know this is something a lot of communities are dealing with, but the vaccination situation is suddenly an issue. We’ve never had a problem before, but I’ve had several parents inquiring about vaccination exemptions. I share the information I have about vaccination requirements, but I think there’s something going on where anti-vaccination information is circulating in the community.”
Armatage Community Center
Community Garden Organizer:
This garden is doing so well. We had three applicants for every open space. It would be great, though, if we could expand what we’re doing. It isn’t just about the food, though that’s so important. We’re building community here, too. One of the things I love most about the garden is watching kids come to understand food in a more fundamental way. They start with the garden thinking it’s kind of fun, but the first time they have a meal that is made with food they saw growing is like a revelation for them. They suddenly get it. I don’t think we’re going to get more space, so it would be good to come up with some other ideas for how we can expand.”
You have completed the stakeholder interviews. You should now have a better sense of the health and social issues being faced by members of these communities.
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