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Create a Data Validation list in cell J7 based on the employee IDs located in the range A6:A25

After graduating from college, you and three of your peers founded the software company TechStore Unlimited (TSU). TSU provides an online market place that fosters business to business (B2B), business to consumer (B2C), and consumer to consumer sales (C2C). As one of the company’s principal owners, you have decided to compile a report that details all aspects of the business, including: employee payroll, facility management, sales data, and product inventory. To complete the task you will duplicate existing formatting, import data from an Access database, utilize various conditional logic functions, complete an amortization table, visualize data with PivotTables and Power Maps, connect and transform several external data sources, and lastly you will inspect the workbook for issues.

Start   Excel. Open 3rd Excel Exam SU1 2021.xlsx. Grader has automatically added   your last name to the beginning of the filename.

Create a Data Validation list in   cell J7 based on the employee IDs located in the range A6:A25. Add the Input   Message Select Employee ID and use the Stop Style Error Alert.
  Hint: Data Validation is located on the Data tab in the Data Tools group.

In cell K7, enter an INDEX   functions with two nested MATCH functions. The first MATCH function will look up the row number of the employee   number in cell J7 in the range A6:A25. The second MATCH function will look up the column number of the value   in cell K6 in the range B5:H5. Note   K6 contains a validation list that can be used to select various lookup   categories.

  Hint: The arguments of the INDEX are array (B6:H25), Row Number,Column   Number. The purpose of the two MATCH   functions is to look up the ROW number and COLUMN number. I suggest you do the first MATCH function   to ensure it works and then nest it inside of the INDEX function. Then nest the second MATCH function in the   INDEX function. To test the INDEX   function, use the Data Validation list in cell J7 to select Employee_ID 31461 and select Salary in cell K6. Did it   look up the correct salary for the specified employee number?

Click cell K11 and type FT. Click cell A28 and type Full Time   Employees.

Use the Format Painter to apply   the formatting from the cell A3 to the range A28:B28.

  Hint: The Format Painter is located on the
  Home tab in the Clipboard group.


Use Advanced Filtering to   restrict the data to only display FT employees based on the criteria in the   range K10:K11. Place the results in cell A29.

  Hint: Advanced Filtering is located on the Data tab in the Sort & Filter   group.

Enter a database function (DCOUNTA)   in cell K18 to determine the total number of FT employees. To complete the   function, use the range A5:H25 as the database argument, cell E5 for the   field, and the range K10:K11 for the criteria.

  Hint: To access DATABASE functions, click insert function, and select   Database from the function category menu.

Enter a database function in   cell K19 (DSUM) to determine the total value of FT employee salaries. To   complete the function, use the range A5:H25 as the database argument, cell H5   for the field, and the range K10:K11 for the criteria.

  Hint: To access DATABASE functions, click insert function, and select   Database from the function category menu.

Enter a database function   (DAVERAGE) in cell K20 to determine the average FT employee salary. To   complete the function, use the range A5:H25 as the database argument, cell H5   for the field, and the range K10:K11 for the criteria.

  Hint: To access DATABASE functions, click insert function, and select   Database from the function category menu.

Enter a database function in   cell K21(DMAX) to determine the highest FT salary. To complete the function,   use the range A5:H25 as the database argument, cell H5 for the field, and the   range K10:K11 for the criteria.

  Hint: To access DATABASE functions, click insert function, and select   Database from the function category menu.

Format the range K19:K21 with   Currency Number Format.

  Hint: Currency Number Format is located on the
  Home tab in the Number Group.


Use PowerQuery to connect and   open the Orders table in the eApp_Cap_Orders.accdb   database. Use the Query editor to format column A with Date number format and   load the table. Rename the worksheet Orders.
  Hint: Data can be imported using Get & Transform data tools located on   the Data tab in the Get & Transform data group.

Adapt the previous step to   connect and load the Warehouse table.

  Hint: Data can be imported using Get & Transform data tools located on   the Data tab in the Get & Transform data group.

Connect to, but don’t load the   Inventory table from the eApp_Cap_Orders.accdb   database. 

Create the following   relationships.

  Relationship 1
  Table Name

  Column (Foreign)


  Column (Primary)

  Relationship 2


  Column (Foreign)


  Column (Primary)


  Hint: Relationships are located on the Data tab in the Data Tools group.

Use PowerPivot to create a blank   PivotTable on a new worksheet. Add the following fields to the PivotTable.
  Warehouse: Location
  Warehouse: Warehouse

Insert a Slicer based on   Warehouse. Place the upper left corner of the Slicer inside the borders of   cell F3.

  Hint: Slicers are located on the Insert tab in the Filters group.

Create a 3D PowerMap that   displays the location of all warehouses based on the City geographic type.   Rename the worksheet Inventory.
  Hint: 3D Maps is located on the Insert tab in the Tours group.

Save and close the 3rd Excel   Exam SU1 2021. Go to the Test   Presentation Window. Upload the exam   and submit it for grading 





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Why give flu shots rather than “booster” injections? Why is last year’s flu shot ineffective against this year’s flu?


Each year, many people get a flu shot to protect themselves from the flu.

Why give flu shots rather than “booster” injections? Why is last year’s flu shot ineffective against this year’s flu?

As a class, discuss which of the following methods would be the best type of vaccination for fending off the flu, and explain your reasoning:

A. IM (intramuscular) Injection

B. Nasal Spray

C. ID (intradermal) injection


For this Week Critical Thinking Exercise, you will answer the following questions using your critical thinking and reasoning skills:

1. In treating a woman for malignancy in the left breast, the surgeon removes some of her axillary lymph nodes. Following surgery, the patient experiences edema of her left arm. Explain why.

2. Anti-B antibodies of a type A mother rarely affect the RBCs of a type B fetus. Yet anti-D antibodies of an Rh– woman sometimes cross the placenta and hemolyze the RBCs of an Rh+ fetus. Explain this difference based on your knowledge of the five immunoglobulin classes.

3. How does the structure of a B cell differ from that of a plasma cell? Explain how their structural difference relates to their functional difference.





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Healthcare Proposal:Providing free mammography for any woman who has previously had breast cancer in Florida.





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uncontrollable factors like COVID-19 have merged with technological evolutions to create a number of new supply chain dynamics

Written assignment (case, essay) Activity brief BBA311 – Supply Chain Management Online campus Professor: Dr. Petros Bouchoris |
DescriptionVisibility,Traceability,Data management and Supplier relations used to be the biggest challenges facing supply chain professionals. However, over the last 15 months, uncontrollable factors like COVID-19 have merged with technological evolutions to create a number of new supply chain dynamics. In this context please answer the following questions: 1. Discuss the relationship between service level, uncertainty, safety stock,and order quantity. How can trade-offs between these elements be made 2. Discuss and the role warehouses play in your logistics in the context of the growth of e-commerce and digital transformation. 3. Discuss and compare Lean vs Agile Supply Chain and suggest the best option, justifying your suggestion 4. Which type of operations and supply chain environment do you think would have a more difficult time managing change from external factors—an environment supporting standardized products/services or one supporting customized products/services? Why? 5. According to recent study 72% of consumer product organizations and 58% of retailers are actively investing in regionalizing or localizing their manufacturing base or nearshoring production to prevent future disruption. What is your suggestion as Supply Chain Manager. What are the implications in Transportation, Warehousing and Inventory?FormatThis activity must meet the following formatting requirements: · Font size 12 · Double-spaced · 2100 words · Harvard Referencing System · pdf only
Goal(s)– –Understand the different supply chain management strategies and their impact in business Understand the impact of current trends and digital transformation in supply chain management decisionsDue dateDate: Monday, 19 July 2021 Time: 14:00
Weight towards final gradeThis activity has a weight of 60% towards the final grade.
Learning outcomes• •Assess the impact of supply chain management decisions on a company and its internal processes Appraise the important role of logistics and supply chain in 21st century organizationsAssessment cri





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Bryan Stevenson, the founder of the Equal Justice Initiative and the author of “Just Mercy

Bryan Stevenson, the founder of the Equal Justice Initiative and the author of “Just Mercy

he documentary highlights the work of Bryan Stevenson, the founder of the Equal Justice Initiative and the author of “Just Mercy”.  After watching the documentary, discuss your impressions making sure to incorporate the factual information from the documentary.  Ultimately, answer the question, “what is justice” and then discuss whether you think we see justice in our court systems today.  If so, support that position with evidence.  If not, explain why. 

Your post should be at least 250 words.





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    Bryan Stevenson, the founder of the Equal Justice Initiative and the author of Just Mercy
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Build-A-Bear Workshop (BBW): how to manage the global comeback?

CHAPTER 1 GLOBAL MARKETING IN THE FIRM. CASE STUDY 1.1 Build-A-Bear Workshop (BBW): how to manage the global comeback?
In spring 2010 the founder of BBW, Maxine Clark, is enjoying one of the beautiful May days before she will have to pack her luggage for her next trip to Europe, where she will have some further negotiations with some potential master franchisees. The last two years have been difficult for BBW after a financial crisis that hit the whole world in 2008. Maxine still believes 100 per cent in the BBW concept, which takes advantage of the new trend in our experience economy – to let consumers participate in the creation of customer value. However, it seems that the global wave of enthusiasm has been sated, and how can BBW get it back on track again with new international growth as the result?
Build-A-Bear Workshop, Inc. (BBW) – www. – is the leading and only global company that offers a create-your-own animal service in the retailing experience sector.
Founded in 1997, the company currently operates more than 400 Build-A-Bear Workshop stores worldwide, including company-owned stores in the United States, Puerto Rico, Canada, the United Kingdom, Ireland and France, and franchise stores in Europe, Asia, Australia and Africa.
Build-A-Bear Workshop posted total revenue of $468 million in the fiscal year 2008.
Since opening the first store in St. Louis, Missouri in October 1997, BBW have sold over 70 million stuffed animals. BBW have grown their store base from 200 stores at the end of the fiscal year 2005 to 346 as of 3 January 2009 and increased revenue from $362 million in 2005 to $468 million in the fiscal year 2008.
As of January, 2009, BBW employed approximately 1,200 full-time and 4,800 part-time employees.
BBW does not own or operate any manufacturing facilities. Their animal skins, stuffing, clothing and accessories are produced by factories located primarily in China.
The company’s motto is Where Best Friends Are Made. It is headquartered in Overland, Missouri.
How it started
Maxine Clark left Payless ShoeSource in 1996. At that time she was 47 years old and her financial rewards in retailing had been very high. When she left Payless, she could have left retailing or even retired. She had earned enough money to do anything she wanted, even if pay or responsibilities were not comparable. She had the luxury to learn and start up something totally new.
Generally, she was bored by shopping, and she was looking to recreate the excitement and magic that she felt as a child when she visited certain stores. Going shopping was an event. Customers became part of the store, and it was special.
Maxine Clark remembers:
/ like to say the lightbulb went off for Build-A-Bear Workshop one day in the summer of 1996. I was out shopping with my friend Katie, who was 10 years old at the time. We were on a mission to find Beanie Babies, but the store that had promised a new shipment had none left. Katie looked at me and said, ‘These are so easy – we could make them.’ She meant go to my basement and do a craft project, but what I heard was so much bigger and the idea for Build-A-Bear Workshop was born. Source’, 2007/sb20070912_785676.htm?Chan=search.
In the process of developing a retail entertainment concept for children, Clark visited toy factories and children’s retail stores, put together a list of ideas, then consulted the experts: children. Clark consulted first with the children of a friend, then formed an advisory board of 20 children, ages 6 to 14, and showed them three of her ideas. The decision to pursue the Build-A-Bear concept emerged from the board’s enthusiasm, combined with Clark’s personal preference for teddy bears and the high profit margin for stuffed animals.
Clark then hired design consultant Adrienne Weiss Co. of Los Angeles, using 80 per cent of her $750,000 personal savings investment, to develop the Build-A-Bear concept. Clark collaborated with consultants in developing every detail, including
artwork, employee costumes, store design and company logo. The logo features a teddy bear being measured, stitched, stuffed and groomed. All lettering is similar to children’s printing.
Maxine Clark opened her first Build-A-Bear Workshop concept store in a St. Louis shopping mall (in the USA) in 1997. Sales were near $400,000 in the store in less than four months.
In 1999 the success of the retail concept attracts venture capital for expansion; Build-A-Bear opens ten new stores in United States. The sales in these stores averaged $700 per square foot of retail space, an enormous success in contrast to national mall averages of $350 per square foot. The cost of opening a new store ranged from $500,000 to $700,000, but with annual sales estimated at $2 million per store, Clark easily found capital investment for expansion.
In 2003 BBW’s international expansion begins with new locations in Canada and England. Although Clark intended to take the company global from its inception, concrete plans did not begin to take shape until late 2002. In November 2002 Build-A-Bear signed a franchise agreement with Japan, held by Tech R&DS Co. Ltd. The company also began a search for locations in the United Kingdom. These new countries for BBW were chosen in response to requests from customers who had visited stores while in the United States or had visited the company’s website. A high number of addresses in the Find-A-Bear ID database for these countries indicated strong interest in the Build-A-Bear concept.
Customers’ retailing experience
A Build-A-Bear Workshop store is an average of 3,000 square feet. Every element of the store design was intended to delight children under the age of 12.
Guests who visit Build-A-Bear Workshop stores enter a teddy bear-themed environment. They will be met by store associates, known as master Bear Builder associates, who share the experience with guests at each of the phases of the bear-making process, which consists of eight stuffed animalmaking stations: Choose Me, Hear Me, Stuff Me, Stitch Me, Fluff Me, Dress Me, Name Me and Take Me Home. To attract their target guests, BBW has designed their stores to provide a ‘theme park’
destination in the mall that is open and inviting with an entryway that spans the majority of their storefront and highly visual and colourful teddy bear themes and displays.
At Choose Me, guests are introduced to all the furry characters in the store and then select one, which soon becomes their new friend. There are more than 30 varieties of stuffed animals including teddy bears, bunnies, dogs, kitties and more. Build-A-Bear Workshop stuffed animals are very affordable, ranging in price from $10-25.
At Hear Me, guests may select from several sound choices to place inside their stuffed animal to further personalize their new friend. The sound chip is inserted safely inside the new friend during the stuffing process. Guests can record their own 10-second Build-A-Sound message. Pre-recorded sounds include giggles, growls, barks, meows and other animal sounds, as well as messages such as ‘I Love You’ or songs like ‘Take Me Out To The Ballgame. At Stuff Me, with the help of master Bear Builder associates, guests fill their new friend with stuffing for just the right amount of huggability. A very special step that is unique to Build-A-Bear Workshop also happens at this station. Each guest selects a small satin heart – a Build-A-Bear Workshop trademark, adds to it his or her own love and wishes, and carefully places it inside their new furry friend. This process brings the furry friendship to life (see picture below). At Stitch Me, the last seam is neatly pulled shut, nearly completing each new best friend. Before CHAPTER 1 GLOBAL MARKETING IN THE FIRM 41 Build-A-Bear stitching the furry friend, the master Bear Builder associate inserts a barcode, allowing it to hopefully be reunited with its owner if ever lost and returned to Build-A-Bear Workshop. Thousands of furry friends have been reunited through our exclusive Find-A-Bear® ID programme. The barcode also generates a unique code on the birth certificate so guests can bring their new friend to life online for free at to continue their friendship adventure when they get home. At Fluff Me, the guest brushes the animal to make sure their new friend is well groomed and huggablel At Dress Me, guests may dress their new friend in the beary latest furry fashions. The bear apparel boutique features clothes and accessories for all occasions. Build-A-Bear Workshop® even has its own fashion expert mascot, ‘Pawlette Coufur’, Fashion Advisor to the Furry Famous. Build-A-Bear Workshop works with a variety of partners, including Hello Kitty, Disney and Harley-Davidson. At the Name Me the guests answer several questions about their new bear friend, including the birth date and of course, its name. The furry friend is then entered into the Find-A-Bear ID programme and this information is used to create a personalized birth certificate for the furry friend. Finally, at the Take Me Home station, the guests receive their customized birth certificate and a special Stuff Fur Stuff® club membership, a rewards programme for our guests. Instead of a traditional shopping bag, each new furry friend is then placed in their very own ‘Cub Condo carrying case, which is designed as a handy travel carrier and new home.
The duration of a guest’s experience can vary greatly depending on their preferences. Most guests choose to participate in the full animal-making process and all eight stations, a process which BBW believe averages 45 minutes to complete. Because customers are involved with creating their purchase, they remember it vividly and tell lots of other people about it. Almost half of our new customers heard about the store from a friend or family member.
Guests can continue the fun with their bear friends when they get home and sit at their computer. At, guests can bring their new furry friend to life online for free by using the code found on their birth certificate. They create a unique online character and play games to earn Bear Bills, which can be used to purchase more clothes, furniture for their Cub Condo houses and other items. Guests can also trade items with other citizens in the world. Membership to the site is free and does not expire.
Beyond bringing their new friend to life online for free, guests are rewarded for in-store purchases. When they make a clothing or accessory purchase in store or at, they receive a receipt code. The code gives them virtual store credit to use at the Bear Boutique in Build-A-Bearville, which is the only place to find exclusive virtual fashions and furniture items for their virtual furry friends.
To provide the fun of making a furry friend to groups – birthday parties, scout troops, company outings and family reunions – Build-A-Bear Workshop offers a Build-A-Party® programme. This exclusive service allows guests to plan and customize their own party with preselected animals, clothes and accessories.
Overall, BBW believe they are strongly positioned to lead in this retail space with over 70 million stuffed animals sold and over 24 million households in their online database.
On average each customer spends approximately $50 in the BBW store (including web-sales afterwards).
Customer feedback drives the business
BBW’s primary audience is e-mail-savvy; the company relies heavily on electronic communications. So, Maxine Clark’s e-mail inbox fills up with 4,000 notes per month, most of them from customers.
Those voices have created most of the company’s new products. Some customer suggestions: add a black Labrador as a product. The company did. In its first six months, it sold 100,000 units. The company had already been offering shoes to go with each animal. Why not add socks, a customer suggested. Shortly thereafter, the company did. Another customer suggested party rooms for birthdays and get-togethers, which the company began to offer in selected stores in 2002.
Every e-mail writer receives a personal response from Maxine Clark or one of the company’s executive team. Maxine Clark stays close to customers with a ‘Cub Advisory Board’, a group of 20 boys and girls 8-17 years old who review new products and suggest additional ones. It meets with Clark and her team three or four times per year.
BBW involvement in cause marketing
BBW believes in the teddy bear philosophy of being good people and good bears. Throughout its 11 -year history the company has given guests a voice to support causes that are important to them, helping children, families, animals and the environment. Since the company’s inception, BBW has donated over $20 million to these causes.
One of these partnership is with the World Wildlife Fund (WWF), offering a series of WWF co-branded plush animals in stores. In 2000 Build-A-Bear Workshop introduced the giant panda, the first in a series of co-branded stuffed animals. Since then, a new furry friend has been launched each year, many representing animals in danger around the world. In addition to the giant panda, Build-A-Bear Workshop has sold the Bengal tiger, leopard, lion, polar bear and the giraffe. Each WWF bear animal comes with a collector’s medallion featuring the WWF official panda logo and a numbered Certificate of Authenticity, further enhancing its value to the collector.
In 2006 BBW announced that it had given $1 million to the WWF through the sales of its WWF Collectibear stuffed animal series. For each plush animal sold one dollar goes to WWF to protect and conserve wildlife around the world.
In 2009 Build-A-Bear Workshop® continued its partnership with the WWF by introducing the newest member of the WWF Collectibear® series.
Starting 28 August, make your own WWF Gray Wolf ($25) at Build-A-Bear Workshop stores or®. In the United States and Canada $1 from the sale will be donated to WWF to help protect endangered animals and their habitats.
BBW retail store base, international expansion and franchise strategy
The BBW retail segment includes the operating activities of company-owned stores in the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, Ireland and France.
The table lists of BBW’s 346 company-owned stores in the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, Ireland and France as of 3 January 2009.
Company-owned stores Number of stores (January 2009)
United States 271
Canada 21
United Kingdom:
England 42
Scotland 6
Wales 1
Northern Ireland 1
Ireland 1
France 3

In 2003, BBW began to expand the Build-A-Bear Workshop brand outside of the United States, opening company-owned stores in Canada and our first franchised location in the United Kingdom. As of 3 January 2009, there were 62 Build-A-Bear Workshop franchised stores located in the following countries:
No. stores
Japan 10
South Africa 9
Denmark 8
Australia 6
Thailand 6
Singapore 5
Germany 4
Russia 4
Norway + Sweden 3
Benelux* 3
Other 4
Total 62





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Role of data in an organisation, and develop solutions related to the creation, storage and management of organisational data.

Subject Code and Title MIS602 Data Modelling and Database Design
Assessment Modelling Report
Individual/Group Individual
Length N/A
Learning Outcomes The Subject Learning Outcomes demonstrated by successful completion of the task below include:
a) Examine the role of data in an organisation, and develop solutions related to the creation, storage and management of organisational data.
c) Apply contemporary database modelling to identify and address anomalies in data and recommend solutions.
Weighting 30%
Total Marks 100 Marks
Task Summary
This assessment requires you to prepare a modelling report that demonstrates your ability to assess business requirements along with a logical design that could be implemented in a relational database management system.
When preparing to implement a new information system, it is essential that the initial design is well thought out from the outset. Modifying the database after implementation can often be an expensive process in terms of time, effort and cost. Often the first engagement step is to conduct interviews and workshops with end users and business subject matter experts to get a better understand of how the business runs. The output of these workshops becomes the foundation for the database design.
Task Instructions

  1. Please read the attached MIS602_Assessment 1_Case Study.
  2. Based on the information provided in the case study, prepare a modelling report to answer the following questions:
    • An entity relationship diagram including significant attributes against each entity.
    • A relational model showing all fields, primary keys, foreign keys and concatenated keys. Your relational model should be in third normal form. List any assumptions/business rules you have made.
    • A sample screen of what you think your online order form might look like. You may use any tool you like to create this sample screen. Write a brief paragraph discussing the following:
    o Does your database design allow the storage of all the required information?
    o What changes, if any, did you make to your initial ER diagram and relational model after you created the sample input screen?
    MIS602_Assessment 1_Brief_Modelling Report_Module 2.2 Page 1 of 3
    It is essential that you use appropriate APA style for citing and referencing research. Please see more information on referencing here
    Submission Instructions
    Submit Assessment 1 via the Assessment link in the main navigation menu in MIS602 Database Modelling and Database Design. The Learning Facilitator will provide feedback via the Grade Centre in the LMS portal. Feedback can be viewed in My Grades.
    Academic Integrity Declaration
    I declare that except where I have referenced, the work I am submitting for this assessment task is my own work. I have read and am aware of Torrens University Australia Academic Integrity Policy and Procedure viewable online at
    I am aware that I need to keep a copy of all submitted material and their drafts, and I will do so accordingly.
    MIS602_Assessment 1_Brief_Modelling Report_Module 2.2 Page 2 of 3
    Assessment Rubric
    Assessment Attributes Fail
    (Unacceptable) 0-49% Pass
    50-64% Credit
    (Proficient) 65-74% Distinction
    75 -84% High Distinction
    Entity relationship diagram
    The ER diagram does not have to be in 3NF. i.e. it can contain many
    to many relationships
    Only a few entities identified and labelled. No relationships identified. Most entities identified and labelled. Most relationships identified. All entities identified and labelled.
    All relationships identified.
    Most cardinality is correct. Most Participation is correct. All Relationships meaningfully labelled. Primary key labelled for entities.
    All cardinality is correct.
    All participation is correct. Primary keys labelled for
    many-to-many relationships. Some non-key fields labelled.
    Overall, a well-presented entity relationship diagram.
    Relational model
    The relational model needs to be in
    3NF and free from anomalies
    Only a few entities converted to tables. Design is not in third normal form.
    No list of assumptions/ business rules. Most entities converted to tables. Most fields listed. Design is in third normal form. List of assumptions/business rules provided.
    All entities converted to tables. All fields listed.
    Most many-to-many relationships deconstructed into new tables. Primary keys correctly underlined. All many-to-many relationships deconstructed into new tables. Foreign key correctly underlined. Any multi-valued attributes deconstructed into new tables. Any selfjoins identified. A wellpresented relational model.
    Sample screen
    Sample screen of the online order form.
    Discuss how the database design allow the storage of all the required information and the changes made to the initial ER
    diagram and relational model
    20% Sample screen does not capture the requirements of the order.
    No discussion paragraph provided. Screen captures most of the requirements for the order.
    Discussion paragraph does not address the key points. Screen captures all of the requirements for the order. Discussion paragraph is provided. All screen fields correctly mapped to a field in the relational model. Discussion paragraph is well written and addresses the key points.
    All screen fields correctly and accurately map to a field in the relational model.
    Well-presented sample screen along with a discussion paragraph that addresses the key points with clarity and detail.
    MIS602_Assessment 1_ Brief_Modelling Report_Module 2.2 Page 3 of 3





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CSS and Responsive Design

TOTAL HOURS: A minimum of 30 HOURS is suggested to complete this assessment
By submitting this assignment, you acknowledge that you have read and understood all the rules as per the terms in the registration contract, in particular the assignment and assessment rules in The IIE Assessment Strategy and Policy (IIE009), the intellectual integrity and plagiarism rules in the Intellectual Integrity Policy (IIE023), as well as any rules and regulations published in the student portal.
• No material may be copied from original sources, even if referenced correctly, unless it is a direct quote indicated with quotation marks. No more than 10% of the assignment may consist of direct quotes.
• Any assignment with a similarity index of more than 25% will be scrutinised for plagiarism. Please make sure you attach a similarity report to your POE if required.
• Make a copy of your assignment before handing it in.
• Assignments must be typed unless otherwise specified.
• All work must be adequately and correctly referenced.
• Begin each section on a new page.
• Follow all instructions on the assignment cover sheet.
• This is an individual assignment.
Additional Instructions:

  1. All tasks in this POE must be completed individually.
    Referencing Rubric _ Providing evidence based on valid and referenced academic sources is a fundamental educational principle and the cornerstone of high quality academic work. Hence, The IIE considers it essential to develop the referencing skills of our students in our commitment to achieve high academic standards. Poor quality formatting in your referencing will result in a penalty of a maximum of five (5) marks against the percentage mark awarded, according to the following guidelines. Please note, however, that evidence of plagiarism in the form of copied or uncited work (not referenced), absent reference lists, or exceptionally poor referencing, may result in action being taken in accordance with The IIE’s Intellectual Integrity Policy (0023). Required Subtract 1 Subtract 2 Subtract 3 Subtract 4 Subtract 5 • Consistent in-text referencing style • Quotation marks, page numbers, years, etc. applied correctly • Only one or two minor mistakes in style made • All sources are accurately reflected and included in a reference list • Consistent in-text referencing style • Quotation marks, page numbers, years, etc. applied correctly • Fewer than five minor mistakes made • More than 90% of the sources are correctly reflected and included in a reference list • Consistent in-text referencing style • Quotation marks, page numbers, years, etc. not always applied correctly • Not all paraphrased content referenced • At least 80% of the sources are correctly reflected and included in a reference list • Consistent in-text referencing style • Quotation marks used for direct quotes but page numbers missing • At least 70% of the sources are correctly reflected and included in a reference list • In-text referencing used but inconsistent • Paraphrased material cited but not referenced accurately or consistently in text • Quotation marks and/or page numbers for direct quotes missing • At least 60% of the sources are correctly reflected and included in reference list • Poor and inconsistent referencing style used • At least 50% of the sources are correctly reflected and included in reference list • Quotation marks and/or page numbers for direct quotes missing • May be referred for action in accordance with IIE 0023 Intellectual Integrity Policy Portfolio of Evidence (PoE) — Background _ The need for organisations and businesses to have a responsive, well-designed website is critical to allow them to showcase their achievements, remain relevant and ensure competitiveness. Alongside this, organisations may also use their website to generate revenue. As you complete this POE, you will develop a website for an NGO, NPO or small/medium business of your choice. As your progress through each task, you will use knowledge gained in the different learning units and add in several features to your website. The outcome is to construct a welldesigned website which will provide the NGO, NPO or organisation with a web presence. The simplified process is as follows: • In Task 1, you will develop the basic structure of your website (using HTML5). • In Task 2, you will improve upon your work in the previous task and add in styling to your website (using CSS3). You will also finalise the content across all your pages and make your site responsive. • In Task 3, you will add a level of interaction by way of a web-form. This could could be implemented using Google Forms or any other suitable method. Whilst this POE does not prescribe a specific NGO, NPO or organisation for which you must develop the website, you are encouraged to go out and search for a real-world NGO, NPO or organisation that could benefit from your service. Alternatively, you may use a hypothetical, but realistic example. Your lecturer must sign-off an approval for your chosen organisation and a broad statement of the envisaged website. Remember to always be respectful of any copyrights and trademarks. Since each task builds on the previous tasks, it is essential that you work consistently and invest the necessary effort throughout the process. You are required to consult the rubrics at the end of this document to ensure that you submit all work that is required. It is recommended that you double-check that you have included everything. Lastly, the end-product of this POE may also add value to your CV as work experience. Instructions _
    In order to successfully complete this POE, you will be required to conduct additional research and consult online resources. Links to some of these online resources have been included in your Module Guide but you will still need to consult other sources on your own. Please ensure that you attribute all code that you re-use from other sources in accordance with the IIE’s Referencing Guide.
    Task 1 — HTML5_________________ _ (Marks: 100) In this task, you are required to develop the structure of your site in HTML5. Your site must incorporate the following features: • Your webpage title(s) must be appropriate. • Your website must include appropriate logos and branding. • Your website must have a working navigation menu. • Your website must include appropriate content including headings, text, images, tables and any other multimedia. • Your website must include an appropriate footer. • Whilst you do not need to incorporate CSS in this task, your website should have some basic styling in terms of fonts and colours. The website should incorporate a minimum of 6 webpages that contain several types of content. These are the minimum requirements: • A Homepage which welcomes users to the site and displays relevant information about the NGO, NPO or organisation. • An About Us page which discusses the organisation, its history, mission, and vision. • An Our Work page which outlines the work carried out by the organisation. • A Photo Gallery which showcases the organisation, its staff, its work and projects. For now, this may be a basic gallery which you will improve on in subsequent tasks. • A Get Involved page which contains a form that allows users to submit their details as a sponsor, volunteer or client. This form should collect information such as full name, email address, contact number and the enquiry that a user has. The form should also include submit and reset button. For this task, you need to build the form, but it does not need to be functional. • A Contact Us page which includes contacts details of the organisation (including physical address, telephone numbers, social media links, an embedded Google Map, and any other relevant details). Submission Create a NetBeans project which will contain the all files and folders which you will need for your website. Some of these folders may not include content now, but content will be added in upcoming tasks. You are required to submit the completed task electronically (including folders, subfolders and files). Place all your work in a zip file named WEDE5010_Task 1[Your Student Number][Your Name].zip. Task 2 — CSS and Responsive Design (Marks: 100)
    In this task, you are required to develop the styling of your website and incorporate responsive design.
    These are the required features:
    • Improve upon the previous task, based on feedback from your lecturer.
    • Your website must be developed using HTML5 and styled using CSS3.
    • Your website must be styled consistently using a suitable combination of inline, internal
    and external style sheets.
    • Your styling must make your website responsive (i.e. automatically adjust to different
    screen and device sizes).
    You may also add in these optional features:
    • Embedding of social media feeds and YouTube videos, as necessary.
    You are required to submit the completed task electronically (including folders, subfolders and files). Place all your work in a zip file named WEDE5010_Task 2 [Your Student Number] [Your
    POE — Final Submission__ __(Marks: 100)
    In this task, you are required to transform your website into a fully-functional interactive website which is ready to be hosted.
    These are the activities to be completed:
    • Improve upon the previous tasks, based on feedback from your lecturer.
    • Ensure that photo-gallery is now fully functional.
    • Extend your website to process form submissions.
    • Package the completed website ready to be hosted.
    • Complete a reflection on your learning experience – please see details below.
    Processing Form Submissions
    In the previous tasks, you developed an HTML5 form to allow visitors to submit their details to get involved. You need to add validation to this form.
    You are also required to create a second form which allows a user of the website to provide their email address to subscribe to a newsletter. To achieve this, you are required use Google Forms.
    Complete the following steps:
    • Visit Google Forms ( and build a simple Google Form which prompts the user to enter their email address to subscribe to a newsletter.
    • Embed this form into the Homepage of your website.
    • In Google Forms, include an add-on which sends an email to a webmaster’s email address when a user submits their email address. (Hint: there are several add-ons which can help you fulfil this).
    • Test your form.
    • Include screenshots of the submissions saved in Google Sheets and the email notification in your mailbox.
    Visit this link for guidance on creating and embedding Google Forms:
    In your reflection of this module, you are required to reflect on what you have learnt in this course. Aspects which you could reflect on include:
    • What were the most and least beneficial aspects of this course?
    • How did each of the learning units contribute to your knowledge of web development?
    • How did the knowledge gained from each of the learning units assist you in completing the tasks in this POE?
    • Do you think you will use the skills in this course in your career? If yes, explain how.
    • If you were to rewind life one semester, what would you do differently in this course and what would you do the same?
    The length of this reflection should not exceed one page.
    As part of your submission, you must include all folders, subfolders and files used throughout this
    POE. You are required to create a folder named WEDE5010_POE [Your Student Number] [Your Name].
    The following must be included in this folder:
    • A folder named Task 1 – this must contain your original Task 1 submission. • A folder named Task 2 – this must contain your original Task 2 submission.
    • A folder named POE – this must contain:
    o A document outlining specific corrections that you made based on feedback from
    Task 1 and Task 2. o Your completed website incorporating all corrections and required features. o A reflection on your learning through this course.
    o You are required to zip this folder and submit it electronically.
    Appendix A
    Assessment Sheet (Marking Rubric)
    TASK 1 RUBRIC Levels of Achievement Feedback
    In order to be awarded full marks for these elements of
    Task 1, you need to have: Excellent Good Developing Poor
    Score Ranges Per Level (½ marks possible)
    Development: NetBeans project created correctly with all required folders and subfolders. 5 3-4 1-2 0
    File names: HTML files are appropriately named. 6 4-5 2-3 0-1
    Navigation menu: appropriate links included. 6 4-5 2-3 0-1
    Navigation menu: works correctly with no broken links. 6 4-5 2-3 0-1
    Webpage: Footer included with appropriate content. 5 3-4 1-2 0
    Webpage: Homepage included with appropriate content. 10 8-7 4-6 0-3
    Webpage: About Us page included with appropriate content. 10 8-7 4-6 0-3
    TASK 1 RUBRIC (CONTINUED) Levels of Achievement Feedback
    In order to be awarded full marks for these elements of
    Task 1, you need to have: Excellent Good Developing Poor
    Score Ranges Per Level (½ marks possible)
    Webpage: Our Work page included with appropriate content. 10 8-7 4-6 0-3
    Webpage: Photo Gallery page included with appropriate content. 10 8-7 4-6 0-3
    Webpage: Get Involved page included with appropriate content. 10 8-7 4-6 0-3
    Webpage: Contact Us page included with appropriate content. 10 8-7 4-6 0-3
    Design: Organisational branding is evident. 3 2 1 0
    Design: Basic styling applied appropriately. 4 2 1-2 0
    Acknowledgement of sources. 5 3-4 1-2 0
    TASK 1 SUBTOTAL /100
    Appendix B
    Assessment Sheet (Marking Rubric)
    TASK 2 RUBRIC Levels of Achievement Feedback
    In order to be awarded full marks for these elements of
    Task 2, you need to have: Excellent Good Developing Poor
    Score Ranges Per Level (½ marks possible)
    CSS: Appropriate use of inline, internal and external style sheets. 5 3-4 1-2 0
    CSS: Choice of elements, colours and fonts is user-friendly and appropriate for the chosen NGO, NPO or cause. 10 8-7 4-6 0-3
    CSS: Style sheets are consistently applied across all pages. 5 3-4 1-2 0
    Styling: Homepage content is styled appropriately. 10 8-7 4-6 0-3
    Styling: About Us page content is styled appropriately. 10 8-7 4-6 0-3
    Styling: Our work page content is styled appropriately. 10 8-7 4-6 0-3
    TASK 2 RUBRIC (CONTINUED) Levels of Achievement Feedback
    In order to be awarded full marks for these elements of
    Task 2, you need to have: Excellent Good Developing Poor
    Score Ranges Per Level (½ marks possible)
    Styling: Photo Gallery page content is styled appropriately. 10 8-7 4-6 0-3
    Styling: Get Involved page content is styled appropriately. 10 8-7 4-6 0-3
    Styling: Contact Us page content is styled appropriately. 10 8-7 4-6 0-3
    Responsive Design: Responsive design is implemented correctly. 15 11-14 6-10 0-5
    Acknowledgement of sources. 5 3-4 1-2 0
    TASK 2 SUBTOTAL /100
    Appendix C
    Assessment Sheet (Marking Rubric)
    POE RUBRIC Levels of Achievement Feedback
    In order to be awarded full marks for these elements of the POE, you need to have: Excellent Good Developing Poor
    Score Ranges Per Level (½ marks possible)
    Photo gallery: fully-functional with navigation and captions. 10 8-7 4-6 0-3
    Form processing: First form validation incorporated. 10 8-7 4-6 0-3
    Google Form: Second Form created on Google Forms. 15 11-14 6-10 0-5
    Google Form: Google Form embedded correctly. 15 11-14 6-10 0-5
    Google Form: Screenshot of email notification sent on
    Google Form submission. 15 11-14 6-10 0-5
    POE RUBRIC (CONTINUED) Levels of Achievement Feedback
    In order to be awarded full marks for these elements of the POE, you need to have: Excellent Good Developing Poor
    Score Ranges Per Level (½ marks possible)
    Google Form: Screenshot of captured responses provided. 10 8-7 4-6 0-3
    Improvements: Student has provided evidence of improvements to previous tasks. 10 8-7 4-6 0-3
    Reflection: Student has reflected deeply on their learning experience. 10 8-7 4-6 0-3
    Acknowledgement of sources. 5 3-4 1-2 0





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Walgreens Boots Alliance dropped 9.6%. Shares of Rite Aid slid 16.2%. GoodRx

The announcement by Amazon On November 17, 2020 that it was starting an online Pharmacy sent pharmacy stocks tumbling. CVS shares fell 8.6% on Tuesday. Walgreens Boots Alliance dropped 9.6%. Shares of Rite Aid slid 16.2%. GoodRx, which helps consumers find discounts on prescription drugs, fell 22.5%.  You can read the full announcement here.

Is this an overreaction? Amazon has failed often before (remember the Fire Phone), and the market seems to agree that its acquisition of Whole Foods in 2017 was a flop.

Discuss Amazon’s pharmacy plans…

Please write a 250 word Discusion





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Hersey-Blanchard Situational Leadership Model (SLM) and the Vroom-Yetton Normative Decision Model

Instructions For Hersey-Blanchard Situational Leadership Model (SLM) and the Vroom-Yetton Normative Decision Model

Personal Leadership Training Plan: Skills

In Unit II, you started your Personal Leadership Training Plan and focused on attributes; in Unit IV, you focused on knowledge. In this unit, you will add skills to your plan.

Within your presentation, respond to the following points:

  • What skills do you have that you can apply to the Hersey-Blanchard Situational Leadership Model (SLM) and the Vroom-Yetton Normative Decision Model?
  • What skills would be needed to implement the SLM and the normative decision model?
  • How could you explain the differences between the SLM and the normative decision model?

Your completed PowerPoint presentation must be a minimum of 10 slides in length, not counting the title and reference slides. Additionally, a minimum of three peer-reviewed or academic resources must be used. Keep the text on the slides concise, and use the notes section to fully explain your ideas. All sources used must be cited and referenced according to APA style





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  • Enjoy our bonus services. You can make a free inquiry before placing and your order and paying this way, you know just how much you will pay. For the topic Hersey-Blanchard Situational Leadership Model (SLM) and the Vroom-Yetton Normative Decision Model
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